Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

SLC (SLU) Lab School

SLC (SLU) Lab School




Cheerleader chants

Copy of two course schedules, No year

Two copies of the Alma Mater sheet music with words

Copy of two scanned photos – top photo is of 1st grade class 1939/40, bottom photo
is labeled CA 1935

Original and copy of the May 3, 1946 issue of the Hammond Vindicator – Article and picture of the St. Thomas Aquinas Jr & Sr. Court

Program from the first band concert dated 1/13/49

Original and copy of a paper entitled First Day by Richard Morgan

Two scanned copies of photos of Joy Garrett and Erin Moody, no date

Copies of five newspaper articles and one original dated in 1951

Copy of schedule for basketball 1949

Copy of “Order of Events” for the Track and Field team dated 4/21/50 & 4/13/51

Copy of SLC Training School Track team of 1951 group photo

Copy of the Information Concerning Southwestern Relays

Two articles from unknown paper dated 6/8/51 entitled Training School Athletes Perform Well in Meet Here and Southeastern Prepsters Win Cinder Meet

Copy of the SLCTS Yells

Copy of the Class of 1947-48 8th grade class roster, Miss Sarah Smythe, teacher

Picture taken at the LMEA State Music Clinic, La Tech, November 18-22, no year

Copy of the program from the Southeastern High School Commencement Exercises dated

Copy of “On Our Way” poem by Catherine Hyde, May 1952

Copy of the obituary of Catherine Clare Shappert (Hyde) from the Hammond Daily Star dated May 30, 2003

Program from Southeastern Louisiana College High School graduating exercises dated
May 22, 1952

Copies of the Senior Day Programs from 1951 & 1952

Program from Southeastern High School’s Senior Class Play – Aunt Cathie’s Cat

Program from SLCTS Band and Glee Club’s Spring concert dated May 13, 1949

Form for the Southeastern High School’s 50th reunion, Class of 1954

2 copies of most of the following newsletters entitled The Student Scoop: Vol 1 no 1 dated October 26, 1948; Vol 1 no 2 dated December 17, 1948; Vol 1 no
3 dated February 14, 1949; Vol 2 no 1 dated December 16, 1949; Vol 2 no 2 dated January
20, 1950; Vol 2 no 3 dated April 26, 1950

Newsletter entitled The Cub Squeal dated 9/30/47, 10/23/47 and 12/19/47

Mailing list/addresses for graduates from 1947

Copy of Le Petit Souvenir 1946-47

Pictures from class reunion dated 10/17/02

Booklet entitled Co-Etiquette published by SLC Training School

Two copies of Aunt Cathie’s Cat: A Mystery-Comedy in Three Acts by Felicia Metcalfe

Book entitled Young America Sings by the National High School Poetry Association

One journal with addresses for SLC High School reunion 10/16/92 with a copy of the
attendance’s names for the weekend festivities

Various photographs of faculty and students from Southeastern High 1955-1958 (63)

Copy of program for Southeastern High’s The Fantasticks presented by Jessie Edwards

Two VHS tapes of the SLC Training High School reunions dated 1992 and 1997


Box contains yearbooks entitled Le Petit Souvenir for the following years:

1950 – two copies

1951 – one copy

1952 – two copies

1954 – one copy

1955 – one copy

1956 – one copy

1960 – one copy

1965 – one copy

1968 – one copy

BOX 3 (Located in Flat Box)

Binder contain 4 copies of Cat’s Meow dated October 22, 1952; November 21, 1952; December 18, 1952; and April 2, 1953

Le Petit Souvenir

yearbook for the following years: 1961; 1962; 1964; 1965; 1969 (2 copies); 1979 (Paper