SLU-Cefalu Coliseum

SLU-Cefalu Coliseum

Cefalu Coliseum Collection

(Located in Closed Stacks 2)

Box 1


1. Letters from 1947 (20 items)

a. Armour Fertilizer Works to Mrs. Sallie Randolph , February 26, 1947

b. Harry V. LaVan to Mrs. Sallie Randolph, March 11, 1947

c. Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to V. C. Retilizer Company, March 13,

d. Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to A. C. Harris Tractor Company, March
13, 1947

e. Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to Geo. H. Lehlitner and Co., Inc., March
13, 1947

f. Louisiana Strawberry Festival Association to LaVan’s Attractions, March 15, 1947

g. Sallie Randolph to Armour Fertilizer Works, March 18, 1947

h. Pat Trickey to Mr. Charles W. Lemak Jr., March 26, 1947 with advertisement for
Kenny Sargent

i. Pat Trickey to Mr. Charles W. Lemak Jr, March 31, 1947

j. Pat Trickey to Mr. Bob Farris, April 20, 1947

k. Armour Fertilizer Works to Sallie Randolph, April 26, 1947

l. Bob Farris to Tri-State Attractions, April 30, 1947

m. Robert Farris to Armour Fertilizer Works, May 8, 1947

n. Robert Farris to J.T. Gibbons, Inc., May 8, 1947

o. Robert Farris to D. H. Holmes Co., May 8, 1947

p. Robert Farris to Whitney national Bank, May 8, 1947

q. Robert Farris to Woodward, Wight and Company, Ltd., May 8, 1947

r. Robert Farris to Maison Blanche, May 8, 1947

s. Robert Farris to Vignes-Bombet Company, Inc., May 8, 1947

t. Robert Farris to Tujague Citrus, Inc., May 8, 1947

2. Contracts and Receipts (4 items)

a. Contract for Tri-State Attractions, Kenny Sargent and his Famous Orchestra to play
on Friday, May 16, 1947, employed by Bob Farris

b. List of advertisers

c. Gordon’s 200 Shell Service Station receipt

d. Maurin Lumber Company Receipt

3. Letters from 1948 (3 items)

a. Robert Farris to Lennen & Mitchell Advertising Agency, February 2, 1948

b. Lawrence Golden to Strawberry Festival, March 19, 1948

c. Lawrence Golden to Strawberry Festival, March 19, 1948

4. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival, Receipts and Bills

a. Receipt, Audrey Dinning Room, October 17, 1953

b. Memo to Chamber of Commerce from J. W. Reeves, pd.

c. Community Chevrolet Co. Inc, receipt for $1.53

d. Receipt from The Hammond Vindicator for envelopes and letter heads

e. Receipt from J.A. Brabham, Sign Painter

f. Note for expenses of Clerk of Court at Amite, Secretary of State

g. Receipt from Sledge Esso Service

h. Guest Check for breakfast

i. Receipt for $2.02

5. Dairy Festival, Continued

a. Dairy Festival Association looking for bids to print booklets, April 20, 1953

b. Letter, R. E. Brown to Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival, April 28, 1953

c. Letter, Austin Cooke to Mr. Joseph A. Blanchard, April 24, 1953

d. Letter, J. Burton Alford to Hammond Wholesale co., April 27, 1953

e. Letter, O.K. LeBlanc to Mr. G. D. Whitley, April 27, 1953

f. Dairy Queen, 1953 Contest Rules (4 copies)

g. Hammond Association of Commerce letters to Graduating Seniors, April 30, 1952 (4

h. Articles of Incorporation of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show,

i. Application for Dairy Festival Queen (2 copies)

j. Rules, Junior Poultry Division

k. Rules, Adult Poultry Division

l. Articles, “Sue Alford to Dairy Festival”

m. Stockholders of the Southeastern Louisiana Diary Festival, Officers 1953-1954 and
Planning Board

n. Memos: Clyde Flanky, Pumpkin Center Home Club, No recipient

o. Two judges book from 1953 Fair

p. List of 1953 Dairy Festival Awards

q. General Rules and Regulation

r. 4-H Achievement Banquet, December 1953

6. Invoices from 1953

a. Blevins Popcorn Company, May 2, 1953

b. Bob Farris’ Stores, May 11, 1953 for labor at Rodeo Arena

c. Bob Farris’ Stores, May 12, 1953 for postage on catalogs

d. Bob Farris Stores, May 16, 1953, labor and sandwiches

e. Bob Farris Stores, May 16, 1953, Trims (2 copies)

f. Bob Farris Stores, May 20, 1953, Signs (3 copies)

g. Bob Farris Stories, May 2, 1953, Workers

h. Bob Farris Stores, May 21, 1931, Plugs, Sockets

i. Bob Farris Stores, May 21, 1953, Telephone Bill (3 copies)

j. Bob Farris Stores, May 25, 1953, Harry Lann Jr.

k. Bob Farris Stores, May 25, 1953, Bobby Farris

l. Bob Farris Stores, June 30, 1953, cup engraving

m. Memo, Southeastern Louisiana College to Chamber of Commerce for Bus trip

n. Claude Hooks, May 23, 1953

o. Hammond Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.

p. D’s Flower Ship, March 31, 1953

q. Bob Farris, May 8, 1953

r. Forbes Furniture Inc, April 15, 1953

s. Frank’s Lumber Yard, may 21, 1953

t. Gulf South Advertising and marketing Service, March 17, 1953

u. Hammond Association of Chimeric City Hall sent to 38 businesses

v. Hammond Ice Delivery, May 28, 1953

w. Hammond Screen Works, May 18, 1953

x. Hammond Vindicator invoice for 4-H Club Achievement Day

y. Hammond Wholesale Company, May 15, 1953(5)

z. Individual Expenses (12 pages)

aa. Harry’s Hardware Store (2 pages)

bb. The H.D. Lee company, Inc., May 15, 1953

cc. J.A. Brabham, May 20, 1953

dd. James W. Goodman, Commercial Photography, May 25, 1953

ee. J.W. Lizana, May 23, 1953

ff. Kentwood news Publishing Co., May 21, 1953

gg. Labor Invoices- 3

hh. L.A. Frey & Sons, Inc, May 25, 1953

ii. Leonard Krower & Son, May 18, 1953

jj. Louisiana Stationary Store, March 16, 1953

kk. Mahaffey bros. Tent and Awning Co., May 19, 1953

ll. Maurin Lumber Company, May 30, 1953

mm. The Men’s Store, June 8, 1953

nn. Nehi Bottling Company, May 23, 1953

oo. Railway Express Agency

pp. Reimers-Schneider Company, Inc., April 21, 1953

qq. Robert E. Carr, June 1, 1953

rr. Sledge-Townsend Feed and Seed Store, March 5, 1953

ss. E.E. Puls requesting money for a Mr. George A. Mullendore

tt. State-Time and Morning Advocate, May 1953

uu. Tangi Hatchery & Egg Company, May 9, 1953

vv. Tangi Talk Press, May 25, 1953

ww. Tangipahoa Publishing Co., Inc., May 1953

xx. Western Auto Associate Store, May 18, 1953

7. Invoices, 1954

a. Bob Farris’ Stores (12)

b. Cooper’s Body Shop, Junee 28, 1954

c. Denham Springs News, August 3, 1954

d. Disbursement Slip, 11

e. The Era-Leader Printers, Publishers, August 5, 1954

f. Frank’s Lumber Yard (3)

g. Gulf South Advertising & Marketing Service (5)

h. Harry’s Hardware Store (2)

i. Hammond Wholesale Co. (9)

j. Ponchatoula Enterprise (5)

k. Kentwood News Publishing Co., July 1, 1954

l. Maurin Lumber Company, May 10, 1954

m. The News Digest, August 1, 1954

n. Railway Express

o. Seale’s Service, Inc (2)

p. St. Helena Echo, July 6, 1954

q. St. Tammany Farmer, Inc., July 2Tangi Talk Press, July 2, 1954

r. Trahan’s Cities Service (4)

s. Vaughn Displays, Inc. (3)

t. Wendelken Machine Shop (2)

u. Radio Station WIHL, July 6, 1954

8. Dairy Festival Inc. Letters and Minutes

a. Program, 4 th Annual Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show May 14-15, 1954 (5 copies)

b. Letter, Bob Farris to Gulf South Advertising Specialties Inc., April 23, 1954

c. Letter, Bob Farris, to Mr. Alon L. Wall, December 8, 1954

d. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Wade O. Martin Jr., August 3, 1954

e. Letter, Sec. Of State Wade O. Martin ,Jr. To Mr. Carroll Trahan, August 5, 1954

f. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Inc. Minutes

g. Special Meeting of Stockholders of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock
Show, Inc.

h. Certification of amendment to charter of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival
& Stock Show, Inc., August 5, 1954

i. Power of Attorney, May 21, 1954

j. American Automobile Insurance Company, May 6, 1954

9. Invoices, 1955

a. Letter, Bob Farris to Louisiana Power & Light Company, November 2, 1955

b. Premiums paid for 1955 show

c. Receipt from LA Association of Fairs and Festival, 1955

d. Aero Motor Sales, February 13, 1955

e. Hotel Bentley, February 14, 1955 (2)

f. Clark’s Service, February 14, 1955

g. Sledge-Townsend Feed and Seed Store, February 21, 1955

h. Receipt with no name

i. Tangi Hatchery and Egg Co., Inc, March 4, 1955

j. Gulf South Advertising Specialties, Inc. (4)

k. Times-Picayune classified ad receipt

l. NASCO, April 4, 1955

m. Guest check, March 22, 1955

o. Daily Journal Commerce Advertising and article “Plans Out Again For Elementary
School at Baton Rouge”

p. Receipt, March 29,1955

q. Railway Express Agency

r. Invoice, Regalia Manufacturing Co., March 31, 1955

s. Hammond Vindicator, Mary 31, 1955

t. Acme Fast Freight, Inc (2)

u. Bob Farris’ Stores, April 6, 1955

v. Receipt, April 7, 1955

w. Gulf South Advertising Specialties, Inc. April 11, 1955

x. Murvan M. Maxwell and Associates Architects, April 18, 1995

y. Frank’s Lumber Yard (3)

z. J.A. Brabham, April 20, 1955

aa. Bob Farris’ Stores, April 22

bb. Inner-Cities Ready Mix Concrete Co., April 23, 1955

cc. Balcom Supply Co., Inc April 25, 1955 (4)

dd. Railway Express Agency

ee. Bob Farris’ Stores (21)

ff. Harry’s Hardware Store (9)

gg. Hammond Vindicator

hh. S. Wadsworth Plumbing and Material, April 30, 1955

ii. Guess & Kent, May 11, 1955

jj. Claude Hooks Welding & Machine Shop, May 31, 1955

kk. Lindy Robinson Display Manufacturer, May 31, 1955

mm. Letter, Ben N. Tucker to Mr. Carroll Trahan, May 14, 1955

nn. Community Chevrolet Co., Inc, May 16, 1955

oo. Memo, Southeastern Louisiana College to Chamber of Commerce, May 16, 1955

pp. Letter, J.W. Davis to Mr. Bob Farris

qq. Statement from G.D. Whitley to Southeastern La. Dairy Festival, May 17, 1955

rr. Sign in sheets, May 18, 1955

ss. James W. Goodman Commercial Photography, May 18, 1955

tt. Letter, E.E. Puls to Mr. Carrol Trahan

uu. Thompson Electric Service (3)

vv. J.A. Brabham, May 23, 1955

ww. Claude Hooks, 1955

xx. Bob Farris’ Stores, May 25, 1955

yy. Vaughn Displays, May 27, 1955

zz. Casa de Fresa Hammond, Louisiana, May 19, 1955

10. Invoices, 1955 continued

a. Cave Tangi, 4 meals

b. Ozone Drug Store (2)

c. Guest Check (2)

d. Hammond Packing & Cold Storage Co., May 13, 1955

e. Southeastern Dairy Festival to N.P. Vernon, Clerk of Court

f. Halls Plumbing & Heating, May 11, 1955 (2)

g. Evans Electrical Supply Inc, May 11, 1955

h. Claude Hooks Welding & Machine Shop

i. Sign in sheet

j. Balcom Supply Company, Inc., May 8, 1955

k. Fred’s Florist, May 8, 1955

l. M & S Provision Co., May 6, 1955

m. Hammond Screen Works, Inc., May 4, 1955

n. Air Express, May 5, 1955

o. Silver King Products, May 4, 1955

p. Vaughn Displays, Inc., May 4, 1955

q. Evans Electrical Supply, Inc., May 4, 1955

r. Murvan M. Maxwell and Associates, Architects, May 3, 1955

s. Teche Greyhound Lines, May 3, 1955

t. Letter, Murvan M. Maxwell to Robert O. Farris

u. Chemay Cabinet Shop, May 2, 1055

v. E.B. Ludwig, Inc., May 2, 1955

w. Central Texas Iron Works, May 2, 1955

x. Bill for toilets, May 1, 1955

y. Grogg Bros. MFG. Co., May 1, 1955

z. Hammond Hardware Store, May 1, 1955

aa. Frank’s Lumber Yard, May 1, 1955

bb. James W. Goodman Commercial Photography, April 30, 1955

cc. Gate Valves, April 30, 1955

dd. Bob Farris Stores, Inc., June 1, 1955

ee. Harry’s Hardware Store, June 2, 1955

ff. S. Wadsworth Plumbing and Material, June 1, 1955

gg. Louisiana Power & Light Company, June 8, 1955

hh. Bell Radio Supply Company (2)

ii. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, June 19, 1955

jj. Times-Picayune Publishing Co., June 26, 1955

kk. Hammond Vindicator, June 30, 1955

ll. Frank’s Lumber Yard, July 1, 1955

mm. N. P. Vernon, Clerk of Court

oo. Louisiana Stationery Store, July 14, 1955

pp. Gulf South Advertising Specialties, Inc. (4)

qq. Nasco, Inc, April 4, 1955

rr. Vaughn Displays, Inc. (2)

ss. Order for ribbons, April 9, 1955

tt. Order for Programs

Folder 11. Invitations/Letters for Queen Participation and Hammond Assoc. Comm.

a. Letter and Brochure, James C. Lewis to Southeastern La. Dairy Festival & Stock
Show, March 22, 1955

b. Letter to Mr. Roy Theriot, September 19, 1953

c. Letter, Roy Theriot to Dairy Festival, June 26, 1954

d. Letter, W. R. Frye to Mr. Trahan, July 1, 1954

e. Letter, Bob Farris to Miss Sue Alford, July 10, 1954

f. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. W. R. Frye, July 28, 1954

g. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Roy R. Theriot, July 28,1954

h. Information for Louisiana Yambilee Pageant, 1954

i. Information for International Rice Festival, August 2, 1954

j. Invitation to attend Louisiana Shrimp Festival, August 16, 1954

k. Letter, from Mrs. Couley to Mr. Farris, August 18, 1954

l. Letter, W. R. Frye to Mr. Bob Farris, September 2, 1954

m. Invitation to Louisiana Shrip Festival, August 5, 1954

n. Letter, Carroll Trahan, Bob Farris to Mr. Roger Dodson, November 22, 1954

o. Regret note from Rogers Dodson

p. Letter, G. H. Mixon to Carroll Trahan, November 23, 1954

q. Reply letters from Dan C. Webb and Carl M. Burns to Hammond Association of Commerce,
November 23, 1954

r. J. Spencer Jones to Hammond Association of Commerce, November 24, 1954

s. W. W. Robert to Mr. Trahan, November 24, 1954

t. Audrey V. Currier to Hammond Association of Commerce, November 26, 1954

u. Judith Solberg to Bob Farris, December 2, 1954

v. Bob Farris to Fair Booster

w. Directory and Handbook, 1954 for Louisiana Polled Herford Association

Folder 12. Programs and Newspaper clippings about Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival
& Stock Show, Inc.

a. Program, Friday May 14 (2 pages)

b. Schedule of Evens, Friday Night at the College Gym (3 pages)

c. Article, “Dairy Queen is Crowned as Annual Festival Begins,” Sue Alford, Morning

d. Article, “Queen of Dairy Event is Named”

e. Article, “Kentwood Tops in Dairy Group”

f. Louisiana Weekly Market Bulletin, April 12, 1956

g. Louisiana Weekly Market Bulletin, April 26, 1956

h. Louisiana Weekly Market Bulletin, May 3, 1956

i. Hammond Vindicator, May 3, 1956

j. Hammond Vindicator, “Dairy Festival Parade May 4 th to Being at 7 P.M.(2)

k. “Up and Down the Street by Want-Ad Reporter, Times Picayune, May 2, 1956

l. “Hammond Merchants Urged to Register for Farm Tour May 1, Hammond Vindicator, April 26, 1956 (2)

m. Photo of Queen Patricia Ann Simmons, Hammond Vindicator April 26, 1956 (2)

n. “Hammond Girl is Crowned Queen of Dairy Festival; Parade Held,” State-Times, May 5, 1956

o. “Hammond Girl is Queen of Sixth Dairy Festival,” Morning Advocate, May 5, 1956

p. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Mr. Bob Farris

q. Sports, Morning Advocate, April 30, 1956

r. “Tangi parish is Growing into State’s Largest Poultry Parish”

s. Postcard for Want Ads, to Mr. Bob Farris

t. Sports, Bogalusa Daily News, April 30, 1956

Folder 13: Poultry and Dairy Entries, 1955

a. Hammond Association of Commerce poultry List

b. Junior Division Poultry List (4 pages) c. Senior Division Poultry List (11 pages)

d. Dairy Products List (4 pages)

e. Entry Forms (191)

f. Trophy List

g. Number of Entries in Junior Category

Box 2


1. Awards and Thank You Letters

a. Order for John Deere Tractors and Implements, July 11, 1955

b. Premium Awards List, 1955 (34 pages)

c. Letter from F. G. Clark to Mr Carroll Trahan, May 30, 1955

d. Letter of Thanks list

e. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Miss Carolyn D’Herete, May 20, 1955

f. Letter, Bob Farris to mr. Ed Bauerie, Sonthimers Dairy, Mr. Herbert Vineyard &
Son and Mr. Howard Shilling, May 17, 1955

g. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Hammond Wholesale and Henry Waters Tractor, May 20, 1955

h. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Gordon Whitley, May 19, 1955

i. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Lloyd J. Stovall, May 19, 1955

j. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Honorable De Lessops S. Morrison, May 19, 1955

k. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Hooks Pontiac, Varisco Motor, Geurin Motor, Hammond Motor,
Cappe & Stars, Community Chevrolet, Mr. M. M. Parish, Hood Motor Co., May 20, 1955

l. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Leonce Albin, May 16, 1955

m. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Chief Willie Thompson, May 18, 1955

n. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Wolf’s bakery Co., May 18, 1955

o. Letter, Bob Farris to Bert Hyde, Ray Kent, Mary Anna Thompson

p. Letter, Bob Farris to Hank Barwood, Guy Adams, Walter Antin

q. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Paul L. Gaston, Jr., May 18, 1955

r. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Bill Noonana, May 18, 1955

s. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Shelby Edwards, May 18, 1955

t. Letter, Carroll Trahan to mr. Ernest Bahm, May 18, 1955

u. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. L. A. Davis, May 18, 1955

v. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Irma Montgomery, May 18, 1955

w. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Ed Amar, May 18, 1955

x. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Edith Spring, May 18, 1955

y. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Peroy Kemp, May 18, 1955

z. Letter, Bob Farris to Covington High School Band, May 18, 1955

aa. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Harry Snyder, May 18, 1955

bb. Letter, Carroll Trahan to F. G. Clark, May 19, 1955

cc. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Edwiin W. Edey, May 19, 1955

dd. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Bajm

ee. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Captain E. A. Herring, Jr. May 20, 1955

ff. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Henry Faber, May 19, 1955

gg. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Lois Dowling, march 19, 1955

hh. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mrs. Edgar Starns, May 18, 1955

ii. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. George A. Mullendore, May 25, 1955

jj. Letter, Geo A.Mullendore to Dr. E.E. Puls, May 16, 1955

kk. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Mr. Roberts and other Junior & Senior Division

ll. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Clyde Ingram, May 25, 1955

mm. Letter, Bob Farris to Representatives, May 7, 1955

nn. Letter, Edwin W. Eley to Bob Farris, May 9, 1955

oo. Letter, Bob Farris to Edwin W. Eley, May 5, 1955

2. Letters for Advertisement

a. Letter from State Auditor to Southeastern Louisiana Dairy

b. Letter, Sidney Weber to Bob Farris, June 3, 1933 c. Letter, Bob Farris, to Sidney
Weber Jr., June 10, 1955

d. Letter, Bob Farris, to Sidney Weber Jr., June 11, 1955

e. Letter, Delos H. Jones to H. W. Anderson, October 28, 1955

f. Letter, Bob Farris to John L. East, November 23, 1955

g. Letter, W. A. Griffith to H. Herman Ferrell, February 2, 1955

h. Letter, J. L. Laube, to Herman Ferrell, February 1, 1955

i. Letter, Dave L. Pearcce to C. R. Trahan, January 20, 1955

j. Letter, Coleman J. Hudson to Carroll Trahan, February 1, 1955

k. Article, “Hobby Show at Yambilee Creating Much Interest Among Juniors, Adults,”

l. Letter, Herman Ferrell to McComb Milling Co., February 21, 1955

m. Letter with mailing List, January 10, 1955

n. Letter, Woodie Beall to Herman Ferrell, February 25, 1955

o. Letter, Geo. A. Kelt to Herman Ferrell, March 1, 1955

n. Letter, Herman Ferrell to Swift Fetilizer Works, February 21, 1955

o. Letter, State Auditor to Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival, February 3, 1955

p. Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Purchase Order for advertisement, 1955

q. Letter, Herman Ferrell to Armour Fertilizer Wks and McComb Milling Co., January
10, 1955

r. Invoice, Frank’s Lumber Yard for Advertising, March 3, 1955

s. List of ads bought with letter to Mayor Morrison

t. Invoice for Hammond Screen Works advertisement

u. List of Ads bought (4 pages)

v. Program, 5 th Annual Southeastern Dairy Festival and Stock Show, May 13-14, 1955, (6 copies)

3. Coliseum Construction/Queen Travels

a.. Article about 1955 Dairy Festival Queen Contest to be sent to attached newspaper

b. Queen’s Program, May 13, 1955

c. Letter for 1955 Dairy Festival Dates to send to newspapers

d. Information about Livestock Building

e. Letter to send to newspapers “Livestock Pavilion Contract Awarded

f. Letter, Ben N. Tucker to Robert O. Farris, January 10, 1955

g. Letter, D.R. Stump, to Robert Farris, March 4, 1955

h. Letter, Murvan M. Maxwell to Bob Farris, March 23, 1955

i. Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig, Inc. January 15, 1955

j. Letter, Bob Farris to Times-Picayune, January 6, 1955

k. Receipt for purchase of land, C. McKinney, Agent from Mr. And Rms. Samuel Zemurray

l. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. W. R. Frye, August 2, 1955

m. Letter, John Wiggin to Carroll Trahan, August 3, 1955

n. Letter, W. R. Frye to Carroll Trahan, August 4, 1955

o. Letter, Bob Farris to Hotel Bentley, August 2, 1955

p. Letter, Patricia Ann Simmons to Bob Farris, July 27, 1955

q. Letter, Bob Farris to Roy Theriot, August 1, 1955

r. Letter, H. A. Waters to Bob Farris, July 11, 1955 with Brochure

s. Contract form, Bid Tabulation from Murvan M. Maxwell

t. W. R. Frye to Carroll Trahan to July 12, 1955

u. Letter, Bob Farris to Murvan M. Maxwell, October 10, 1955

v. Contract Certificate # 3 for Coliseum

w. Invoice for Livestock Pavilion, September 23, 1955

x. Letter, Murvan Maxwell to Robert Farris, September 23, 1955

y. Letter, Murvan Maxwell to Robert Farris, September 23, 1955

Folder 4. Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show, 1954

a. Hammond Association of Commerce to Dave L. Peace, January 5, 1954

b. Hammond Association of Commerce to Bentley Hotel, January 7, 1954

c. Hammond Association of Commerce to James A. Winters Production, December 30, 1953

d. Hammond Association of Commerce to Sheriff Frank J. Clancy, February 12, 1954

e. Hammond Association of Commerce to General Raymond H. Flemming, March 17, 1954

f. Hammond Association of Commerce to Mr. Joe Shipp, March 17, 1954

g. Hammond Association of Commerce to Mr. James Cade, March 17, 1954

h. Hammond Association of Commerce to Wm Wolf Baking co., March 17, 1954

i. Hammond Association of Commerce to Holsum Baking Co., March 17, 1954

j. Hammond Association of Commerce to Gulf South Advertising Specialties, March 18,

k. Hammond Association of Commerce to Honorable James H. Morrison, March 18, 1954

l. Hammond Association of Commerce to Mr. J. W. Reeves, March 18, 1954

m. Hammond Association of Commerce to Director of Music Department, March 18, 1954

n. Hammond Association of Commerce to Capt. Bob Landry, March 18, 1954

o. Hammond Association of Commerce 1953-1954 Annual Report

p. Hammond Association of Commerce to Colonel C. P. Virger, March 17, 1954

q. Hammond Association of Commerce to Lieutenant L. T. Williams, March 17, 1954

r. Hammond Association of Commerce to LSU Animal Husbandry Dept., April 14, 1954

s. Hammond Association of Commerce to Audrey Currier, November 22, 1954 with attached
list on names and addresses

t. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Dairy Queen Contest Rules,
May 14, 1954

u. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Welcome letter and schedule
for Queens Contest

v. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, List of Names and addresses

w. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, letter to dairy festival Exhibitor

x, Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, letter to Mr. Swell Bahm, May
25, 1954 (with attached address list)

y. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Program for May 14 (7 copies)

z. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Don “Red” Barry Schedule (2

Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Charlie & Jean Dial Schedule

aa. Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Letter to Mr. G. K. Alford,
April 26, 1954

bb. Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Bob Farris, November 16, 1953

cc. Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Dave Pearce, November 9, 1953

dd. Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to C. R. Trahan, February 11, 1954

ee. Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to C. R. Trahan, March 31, 1954

ff. Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Carroll Trahan, January 19, 1954

gg. Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Accredited Veterinarians, County
agents, fair and livestock show officials and breeders association officials, March
18, 1954

hh. Letter, Louisiana Department of Agriculture to Officials of Fairs and/or Festival,
January 6, 1954

ii. Letter, Coleman J. Hudson to Bob Farris, January 9, 1954

jj. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

kk. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, April 20, 1954

ll. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

mm. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, April 10, 1954

nn. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, March 29, 1954

oo. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954

pp. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 10, 1954

qq. Letter from Happy Jack Darling the Clown to C. R. Trahan, March 20, 1954 and March
26, 1954

rr. Letter from bob Farris to happy Jack Darling, March 24, 1954

ss. Cooperative Extension Work, letter to Bob Farris, May 11, 1954

tt. Correspondence between Anheuser-Busch Inc. and Bob Farris, November 9, 1953-March
5, 1954

uu. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. James H. Martin, April 6, 1954

vv. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Max McDonald, April 6, 1954

ww. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Charles M. Brown, April 6, 1954

xx. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. A. P. Parham, April 6, 1954

yy. Letter, Bob Farris to A. P. Parham, April 15, 1954

zz. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Charles M. Brown, April 15, 1954

Folder 5. Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Continued

a. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Charles M. Brown, April 15, 1954

b. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Max McDonald, April 15, 1954

c. Letter, Bob Farris to James H. Martin, April 15, 1954

d. Letter, Maurin Lumber Company

e. Letter from Modern Dance Club to Robert Farris

f. Letter, L. H. Dyson to Bob Farris, November 5, 1953

g. Letter, L.H. Dyson to Bob Farris, February 17, 1954

h. Letter, J. Walton Reeves to Bob Farris, March 19, 1954

i. Letter, E. E. Puls to Carroll Trahan, May 19, 1954

j. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to C. R. Trahan, May 13, 1954

k. Letter, W. W. Roberts to Carroll Trahan, November 24, 1954

l. Letter, Edith Spring to Bob Farris, April 10, 1954

m. Letter, Huey Power of Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity to Bob Farris, March 25, 1954

n. Dairy Tour List

o. Letter, Bob Farris to J.D. Addison, July 19, 1954

p. Letter, Bob Farris to Leonard Krower & Son with Trophy List, April 23, 1954

q. Letter from new Orleans Sash & Door Co., Inc to Donald Barry

r. Letter from May Lou to Mr. Farris, April 1, 1954

s. Letter, Mary Lou to Bob Farris, March 2?, 1954

t. Letter, Bob Farris to Mary Lou Lea, April 13, 1954

u. Letter, Mrs. N. A. Miller to Bob Farris, April 13, 1954

v. Letter, Bob Farris to N. A. Miller, April 15, 1954

w. Reminder for Street Flags

x. Letter, Bob Farris to J. W. Reeves, May 5, 1954

y. Letter, Bob Farris to President’s Office, SLC, April 15, 1954

z. Letter, George W. Gill to Sidney S. Bowman, April 16, 1954

aa. Letter, Bob Farris to Elmer Conner, November 9, 1953

bb. Letter, Elmer D. Conner to Bob Farris, January 18, 1954

cc. Letter, Bob Farris to Elmer D. Conner, February 11, 1954

dd. Letter, L. H. Dyson to Bob Farris, November 5, 1953

ee. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Vaughn Displays, Inc., January 26, 1954

ff. Letter, Bob Farris to John Pettigrew, November 20, 1953

gg. Letter, Frank Cazanove to Association of Commerce, December 17, 1953

hh. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. F. W. Webber, February 18, 1954

ii. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Ad Given Davis, February 12, 1954

jj. Letter, Bob Farris to Personnel Director, March 11, 1954

kk. Letter, Bob Farris to Honorable DeLesseps S. Morrison, March 10, 1954

ll Letter, Bob Farris, to Honorable DeLesseps S. Morrison, March 10, 1954

mm. Letter, Bob Farris to R. F. Kennon, February 11, 1954

nn. Letter, Bob Farris to Clayton Rand, February 11, 1954

oo. Letter, Bob Farris to Hugh Goldsby, February 11, 1954

pp. Letter, Bob Farris to J. W. Reeves, March 18, 1954

qq. Letter, Bob Farris to I. Z. Williams, March 18, 1954

rr. Letter, Bob Farris to T. B. Marcotte, March 17, 1954

ss. Letter, Bob Farris to captain Bob Landry, March 16, 1954

tt. Letter, Bob Farris to Shriners Motorcycle Corps, March 19, 1954

uu. Program, Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals, January 31-February 1,

vv. Letter, Bob Farris to Happy Jack Darling, March 20, 1954

ww. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Dave L. Peace, March 20, 1954

xx. Letter, Bob Farris to Bob Landry, April 13, 1954

yy. Letter, Bob Farris to Lester Gallihan, April 13, 1954

zz. Letter, Bob Farris to Edward p. Miramon, April 14, 1954

Folder 6. Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show and Rules and Regulations

a. House Bill No. #438 by 1954 Legislature

b. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to C. R. Trahan, October 8, 1954

c. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, July 19, 1954

d. Act No. 195, House Bill NO. 295 (copy)

e. Letter, F. W. Reimers to Bob Farris, December 17, 1954

f. Letter, A. Jackson Davis to Bob Farris, December 1, 1954

g. Letter, A. Jackson Davis to Bob Farris, December 9, 1954

h. Letter, Bob Farris to County Agent’s Office, October 26, 1954

i. Plot Map of Southeastern Louisiana College

j. Letter, A. Jackson Davis to Bob Farris, October 26, 1954

k. Letter to Newspapers from Carroll Trahan and James A. Stire

l. Letter, Chelmo Engineering Co., Inc., to Bob Farris, December 1, 1954

m. Letter, Chelmo Engineering Co., Inc. to Bob Farris, November 12, 1954

n. Letter, J. J. Rester to Bob Farris, October 1, 1954

o. Letter, Assistant State Auditor to Bob Farris, August 31, 1954

p. Invoice from Secretary of State, Wade O. Martin, August 5, 1954

q. Letter, J. C. Buras to Bob Farris, October 7, 1954

r. Copy of Resolution for Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival Association, October
13, 1954

s. Copy of Articles of Incorporation of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival and
Stock Show, Inc.

t. Cash sale of Property by New Orleans Bank for Cooperatives to Southeastern Louisiana
Dairy Festival & Stock Show Inc.

u. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. J. H. Restor, September 28, 1954

v. Letter, from Maurin Lumber Co., to Bob Farris, April 4, 1954

w. Rules and Regulations (3 pages)

x. General Rules and Regulations of Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock
Show, Inc., Hammond, May 14 & 15 (8 pages)

y. Rules for Dairy Products

Folder 7. 1954 Dairy Festival Dinners and Winners

a. Invitations to Barbecued broiler lunch for Friday May 14, 1954 (11 copies)

b. Menu for Barbecued Broiler (39 copies)

c. Premium List, Senior Division (3 copies)

d. Premium List, Junior Division (Beef & Dairy)

e. Premium List, Dairy Products (2 copies)

f. Senior Dairy & Beef Winner (2 copies)

g. 1954 Judges Book (2)

Folder 8. 1954 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show a. Letter, Raymond H. Fleming to Bob Farris, May 5, 1954

b. Letter, Benjamin C. Brown to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

c. Letter, Frank Somers to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

d. Letter, T. J. Casey to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

e. Letter, Dorothy D. Bultman to Bob Farris, May 7, 1954

f. Letter, H. L. Hortman to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

g. Letter, Rep. Douglas Shows to Bob Farris, May 14, 1954

h. Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, March 30, 1954

i. Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, March 30, 1954

j. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, May 10, 1954

k. Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954

l. Letter, Charlie P. Verger to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954

m. Letter, Clayton Rand to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954

n. Letter, W. B. Cotten, Jr. to Bob Farris, March 16, 1954

o. Letter, deLesseps S. Morrison to Bob Farris, March 15, 1954

p. Letter, Mrs. Ernest E. Bahm to Bob Farris, March 4, 1954

q. Letter, Miss Mary Schmidt to Bob Farris, February 26, 1954

r. Letter, A. E. Wilder, Jr. to Bob Farris, February 27, 1954

s. Letter, Henry C. Meyer to Bob Farris, March 8, 1954

t. Letter, Lloyd Lawrence to Bob Farris, April 12, 1954

u. Letter, William D. Allen to Bob Farris, February 9, 1954

v. Letter, F. G. Clark to Bob Farris, April 19, 1954

w. Letter, Bob Farris to Dr. F. C. Clark, May 3, 1954

x. Letter from Miss Janell Babineaux, May 10, 1954

y. Letter, Sgt. E. Pecoul to Bob Farris, April 20, 1954

z. Letter, Clayton Rand to Bob Farris, February 16, 1954

aa. Letter, D. Stafford O’Shee to Bob Farris, May 8, 1954

bb. Letter, Elmer D. Conner to Bob Farris, February 18, 1954

cc. Letter, George Thatcher to Bob Farris, February 13, 1954

dd. Letter, Frank Somers to Bob Farris, April 24, 1954

ee. Letter, deLesseps S. Morrison to Bob Farris, March 16, 1954

ff. Letter, Robert F. Kennon to Bob Farris, February 22, 1954

gg. Letter, James. H. Morrison to Bob Farris, March 24, 1954

hh. Letter, Frank Fort to Bob Farris, March 19, 1954

ii. Letter, C. C. Burleigh to Bob Farris, May 20, 1954

jj. Letter, Leonard Krower & Son to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

kk. Letter, Leonard Krower & Son to Bob Farris, May 5, 1954

ll. Letter, Leslie C. Cave to Bob Farris, May 26, 1954

mm. Letter, B. B. Jones to Bob Farris, May 6, 1954

nn. Letter, S. E. McCraine to Bob Farris, April 29, 1952

oo. Letter, H. B. Fairchild to Bob Farris, April 28, 1954

pp. Invoice, Crescent City Engraving Co.

qq. Letter, Harvey E. Hutchinson, Jr. to Bob Farris, May 25, 1954

Folder 9. 1954 Dairy Festival Newspaper Clippings

a. ” Plan Entertaining Events at the S.E. Louisiana Dairy Festival,” Kentwood News, May 13, 1954

b. “$3500 in Awards to Go to Winners in Dairy Festival May 14-15”

c. “Clayton Rand,” May 13, 1954 Kentwood News

d. “To Be at Columbia,”

e. “Dairy Queen is Crowned As Annual Festival Begins,” Morning Advocate

f. Photograph of Sue Alford

g. “Queen of Dairy Event is Named”

h. Photographs of Clayton Rand and three candidates for Queen Contest, The Era-Leader, Thursday, May 13, 1954

i. “Kentwood Tops in Dairy Group”

j. “Girls Invited to Enter Dairy Queen Contest”

k. “Hollywood Cowboy to Be at Dairy Festival, Hammond”

l. “S.E. Dairy Festival in Hammond on May 14 and 15,” Ear-Leader Thursday April 29,

m. “Deadline for Dairy Queen is Approaching “

n. “Western Star to Appear at Festival,” April 7

o. “4 th Dairy Festival Opens in Hammond,” May 14, 1954

p. “Dairy Day Speaker,” News Agent, May 14, 1954

q. “Fifteen Lovelies Vie for Dairy Festival Queen Honors”

r. Photographs of some candidates for Queen’s Contest, The Hammond Vindicator, May 14, 1954 (3 copies)

s. Photo, Joan Crawford, Tangi Talk

t. Photo, Sue Alford, Tangi Talk

u. “Parade Features Dairy Festival”

v. “4 th Dairy Festival Planned in Hammond,” April 23

w. “Girls to Be Judged Friday Night in Dairy Day Queen’s Contest, May 14, 1954

x. “Big Parade Planed for Friday Noon as Dairy Day Feature,”

y. “Hammond Slates Big Parade for Dairy Festival”

z. “Dairy Festival Parade Slated for Hammond”

aa. Photo, Mary Louise Lea

bb. Article from Tangi Talk about Festival Queen Contest

cc. “Don ‘Red’ Barry to Be in Hammond,” St. Helena Echo, May 7

dd. “Miss Sue Alford Chosen Candidate by Greenlaw Club,” Kentwood News, May 6

ee. “May 7 is Deadline for Entering Dairy Queen Contest,”

ff. Photo of Joan Crawford, Kentwood News, May 6, 1954

gg. “Here for Festival, Jimmie H. Davis”

hh. Newspaper clippings on paper (10 pages)

ii. News releases (11 pages)

Folder 10.1954 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show

a. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Steinberg hide & Fur Co., April 14, 1954

b. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. George Gill, April 6, 1954

c. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Tourgee DeBose, April 13, 1954

d. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Roy Theriot, April 12, 1954

e. Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Somer, April 14, 1954

f. Letter, Bob Farris to Dr. Elmer E. Puls, April 17, 1954

g. Letter, Bob Farris to Jimmie Thompson, April 22, 1954

i. Letter, Willy Keo to C. R. Trahan, April 17, 1954

j. Letter, Bob Farris to William D. McRoy, April 22, 1954

k. Letter, Bob Farris to Hugh Carroll, May 4, 1954

l. Letter, Bob Farris to Captain R. M. Walker, May 4, 1954

m. Letter, Don Gragliardo Hammond Chamber of Commerce, May 24, 1954

n. Letter, Bob Farris to Clayton Rand, May 18, 1954

o. Letter, Bob Farris to Hammond Wholesale Co. Along with list to other, May 18, 1954

n. Letter, Bob Farris to Colonel C. P. Virger, May 21, 1954

o. Letter, Bob Farris to Marydale farm, May 21, 1954

p. Letter, Bob Farris to Marydale Farm, May 14, 1954

q. Letter, Bob Farris to Lieutenant L.T. Williams, May 21, 1954

r. Letter, Bob Farris to J. H. Rester, November 20, 1953

s. Letter, Bob Farris to John Desmond & Co., December 7, 1954

t. Letter, Eugene Branch, Jr., to Southeast La. Dairy Festival, July 22, 1954

u. Letter, Bob Farris to T. J. Casey, July 19, 1954

v. Letter, J.W. Simmons, Jr. To Dairy Festival, July 15, 1954

w. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Eugene Branch, Jr., July 19,1 954

x. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Edgar Boone, June 28, 1954

y. Letter, Loel White to Miss Mary Virginad Kent, May 7, 1954

z. Disbursement Slip to Chas. Morris and Jessie Brown

aa. Disbursement Slip to L. C. Robinson

bb. Invoice, Brook Tarpaulin Co., May 17, 1954

cc. Advertisement information for Armour Fertilizer Works

dd. Letter, Roy H. Odom to ob Farris, May 9, 1955

ee. Letter, Barbara Griffin to Dairy Festival, June 8, 1954

ff. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Liller, Neal & Battle

gg. Letter, Tourgee DeBose to Bob Ferris, March 25, 1954

hh. Letter, Stanley Cowen to Bob Farris, April 26, 1954

ii. Letter, Winkler Mfg. Co., to C. R. Trahan, November 10, 1953

jj. Letter, C. R. Trahan to M. H. Winkler Mfg. Co., November 4, 1953

kk. Letter, A.P. Parhan to Bob Farris, April 26, 1954

ll. Letter from bob Farris along with list of names and addresses, April 27, 1954

mm. Letter, A. L. Gaines to Mr. Trahan, March 23, 1954

nn. Letter, Mahaffey brothers Tent & Awning Co. To C. R. Trahan, March 232, 1954

oo. Letter, Maurice Capp to Mr. Trahan, march 22, 1954

pp. Letter, W. B. Eagan to C. R. Trahan, March 26, 1954

qq. Letter, Foster Company, Inc., March 24, 1954

rr. Letter, C.R. Trahan to Mahaffey Tent, march 19, 1954

ss. Letter, C. R. Trahan to American Canvas Products Co., march 19, 1954

tt. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Brooks Tarpaulin OC., March 19, 1954

uu. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Foster Co. Inc., March 19, 1954

vv. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Childress Canvas Products, March 18, 1954

ww. Letter, Sidney Dueche to SE Dairy Festival, April 17, 1954

xx. Correspondence with Portable Cattle Chute manufacturing Co.

yy. Correspondence with Mike Caplan

zz. Letter, Raymond H. Fleming to C. R. Trahan, March 22, 1954

Folder 11. 1954/1955 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show

a. Letter, Bill Fee to C. R. Trahan, March 22, 1954

b. Letter, Roy H. Odom to C. R. Trahan, March 19, 1954

c. Letter, T.J. Casey to Bob Farris, November 20, 1953

d. Letter, Mrs. Williams to Bob Farris, March 12, 1954

e. Letter, Henry C. Meyer to Mr. Goldsby, April 4, 1954

f. Letter, Bob Farris to Henry C. Meyer, February 18, 1954

g. Letter, Allison R. Kolb to C. R. Trahan, January 15, 1954

h. Letter, C. R. Trahan to State Board of Liquidation, January 13, 1954

i. Letter, Billy Grout to Carroll Trahan, November 3, 1953

j. Letter, Bob Farris to T. J. Casey, November 19, 1953

k. Letter, Butler V. Avery to C. R. Trahan, November 13, 1954

l. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Butler V. Avery, January 4, 1954

m. Letter, C.R. Trahan to Butler V. Avery, November 9, 1953

n. Postcard for newsreel subjects

o. Letter, C. R. Trahan to Mr. Hal Carrington, March 22, 1954

p. Letter, Harry B. Tipton to graduating seniors, April 30, 1952

q. Letter, Frances Andrews Vernon to Mildred Furbos, July 29, 1954

r. Letter, Carroll Trahan to Frances Vernon, August 3, 1954

s. Letter, Bob Farris to Inez Varisco, February 15, 1954

t. Letter, Bob Farris to Bob Buras, February 15, 1954

u. Handwritten note with names and places

v. Letter, Howard Barman to Bob Farris with newspaper article, April 21, 1955

w. Letter, Bob Farris to Bill Cason, December 19, 1955

x. Letter, Bob Farris to Ralph Brown

y. Letter, Bob Farris to J. W. Ellzey

z. Letter, bob Farris to James A Stire

aa. Bob Farris to Dr. L.E. Chandler

Folder 12. 1956

Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show

a. Letter, Bob Farris to Luther H. Dyson, September 21, 1956

b. Reminder for Dairy Festival Board Meeting, September 17, 1956

c. Letter, C. S. Livingston to Bob Farris, April 12, 1954

d. Letter, Harry A. Moore to Bob Farris, March 26, 1956

e. Letter, Bob Farris to Geo. B. Matthews & Sons, Inc. with address list, March 26,

f. Letter, Geo. B. Matthews & Sons, Inc to Bob Farris, March 28, 1956

g. Postcard, T. Parker to Bob Farris, April 19, 1956

h. Letter, F. B. Wheeler, September 13, 1956

i. Agenda, Stockholders Meeting, April 5, 1956

j. Letter, Bob Farris to advertisers, April 19, 1956

k. Letter from Bob Farris to Company’s who have not paid their advertisement bills

l. Letter, Bob Farris to Sid Wadsworth, May 7, 1956

m. Letter, Juanita B. Franklin to Bob Farris, April 12, 1956

n. Letter, Max H. Durham to Bob Farris, August 27, 1956 with reply

o. Letter, Bob Farris to Raymond Carrol, October 12, 1956

p. Letter, Bob Farris to Luther H. Dyson, October 12, 1956

q. Letter, Max H. Durham to Bob Farris, August 27, 1956 with reply

r. Letter, Bob Estes to Bob Farris, October 17, 1956

s. Letter, Danny Sheridan to Bob Farris, December 21, 1956 with reply

t. Article, “Notice to Bidders”

u. Telegram from bob Farris to national Assn of County Agents, October 25,1 956

v. Reminder for Stockholders Meeting, August 23

w. Letter, Bob Farris to Walter Antin, August 18, 1956

x. Letter, Bob Farris to C. B. Sledge, August 18, 1956

y. Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Cazanove, August 18, 1956

z. Letter, Bob Farris to Ed Courtney, August 18, 1956

aa. Letter, Bob Farris to Rev. John M. Oswalt, August 18, 1956

bb. Letter, Alon L. Wall to Joseph Lamandola, August 23, 1956

cc. Letter, J. W. Davis to Bob Farris, August 23, 1956

dd. Letter to H. C. Sanders, August 31, 1956

ee. Letter, Joseph Lamendola to Bob Farris, November 9, 1956

ff. Letter, H. C. Sanders to SE Louisiana Dairy Festival, September 19, 1956

gg. News article mailed to Ponchatoula Enterprise and Hammond Vindicator, November
10, 1956

hh. Letter from County Agents to Leaders of Tangipahoa Parish, October 31, 1956

ii. Letter, W. M. Babin to Bob Farris, November 8, 1956

jj. Letter, Bob Farris to Bert Lanier, December 4, 1956

kk. Letter, Joseph Lamendola to Bob Farris, November 12, 1956

ll. Letter, Bob Farris to Joseph Lamendola, November 29, 1956

mm. Letter, L. P. Batte to Bob Farris, December 20, 1956

nn. Letter with attached addresses for F.F.A. Boys and Girls Fitting and Showmanship

oo. Letter, Joseph Lamendola to bob Farris, December 6, 1956

pp. Letter, L. P. Batte to Mr. A. V. Patterson, December 12, 1956

qq. Reminder for General Membership meeting, May 29, 1956

rr. Contract from Maryland Casualty Company

ss. Information about H. C. Sanders, January 26, 1956

tt. Agenda for Meting of Board of Liquidation of State Debt, February 16, 1956

uu. Letter, Bob Farris to Universal Electric Company, February 18, 1956

vv. Letter, BoB Farris to Dr. L.E. Chandler, March 14, 1956

ww. Letter from Sidney Weber to Louisiana Polled Hereford Association with attached
sale cattle listing, March 21, 1956

xx Letter, Bob Farris to Joseph Lamandola, March 28, 1956

yy. Letter, Bob Farris to James Stire, march 28, 1956

zz. Letter, Bob Farris to Senator Frank Edwards, March 28, 1956

Folder 13. 1956Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show

a. Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Edwards, March 28, 1956

b. Letter, Bob Farris to Rep. Ted Nelson, March 28, 1956

c. Letter, Bob Farris to Rep. Nick Cefalu, March 28, 1956

d. Letter, Bob Farris to Sec. Tangi Parish Police Jury, March 28, 1956

e. Letter, Ted L. Nelson to Bob Farris, April 1, 1956

f. Letter, H. H. Annison to Edgar Boone, April 3, 1956

g. Letter, Joseph Lamendola to Bob Farris to April 5, 1956

h. Letter, Bob Farris to H. H. Annison, April 5, 1956

i. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Sewell Bahm, April 5, 1956

j. Stockholders Meeting Agenda, April 5, 1956

k. Letter, Bob Farris to Dave Pearce, April 5, 1956

l. Telegram, Bob Farris to L.C. Allen, Jr., April 6, 1956

m. Letter, Ralph R. Brown to Levi P. Batte, April 9, 1956

n. Letter, Bob Farris to Sidney McCrory, April 10, 1956

o. Letter, Bob Farris to Hon. Earl K. Long, April 10, 1956

p. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, April 11, 1956

q. Letter, Bob Farris to Dr. Wheeler, April 14, 1956

r. Letter, Bert Lanier to “Friend”, April 16, 1956

s. Letter, C. L. Flowers to Mr. Phares, April 17, 1956

t. Letter, Bob Farris to Leonard Krower & Son, Inc., April 17, 1956

u. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, April 17, 1956

v. Letter, Bob Farris to Mrs. Cyril Wilde, April 18, 1956

w. Letter, F. B. Wheeler to Bob Farris, April 18, 1956

x. Letter, Bob Farris to W.W. Walker, April 23, 1956

y. Letter, Bob Farris to Bogalusa Dairy News, April 26, 1956

z. Letter, Bob Farris to Baton Rouge State Times, April 26, 1956

aa. Letter, Bob Farris to Maude O’Brien, April 26, 1956

bb. Advertisement for U.S. navy Recruiting Station

cc. Letter, Earl K. Long to Bob Farris, April 30, 1956

dd. Letter, Louisiana Tung Festival to Bob Farris, May 1, 1956

ee. Letter, Dave L. Pearce to Bob Farris, May 1, 1956

ff. Letter, L. C. Allen to Miss Patricia Ann Simmons, May 4, 1956 and March 26

gg. Press Releases (7 pages)

hh. Help Wanted ad (7 copies)

ii. Invitation to Louisiana Jersey Cattle & Dairy Association, May 16, 1956 (5 copies)

jj. Agenda for Meeting of Jersey Cattle & Dairy Association

kk. Letter, H. W. Anderson to Bob Farris, May 30, 1956

ll. Letter, Bob Farris to Ben Harrell, May 30, 1957

mm. 4 Certificates of Appreciation

nn. Letter, Paul Gaston, Jr. to Bob Farris, July 3, 1956

oo. Letter, William E. Lockridge, Jr. to Bob Farris, July 5, 1956

pp. Letter, Bob Farris to William E. Lockridge, Jr., July 18, 1956

qq. Letter, Bob Farris to Walter Antin, August 14, 1956

rr. Letter, Bob Farris to Walter Antin, August 14, 1956

ss. Letter and Contract for Manley Inc., October 3, 1956

tt. Blueprint of Platform for Stock Show

uu. Bill from Louisiana Steel Fabrications, Inc. for steel platform

Box 3


1. Winners and Contestants in Southeastern Louisiana Dairy Festival & Stock Show

a. 1957 (2 pages)

b. Junior Dairy Division (12 pages)

c. Official Health Certificate and Test Chart, February 27, 1956

d. Senior Dairy Division (12 pages)

e. Junior Dairy, 1955 (20 pages)

f. Junior Beef (21 pages)

g. Junior Beef (8 pages)

h. Senior Beef (13 pages)

i. Senior Beef (12 pages)

2. Board Meeting Minutes, Rules, and Bids

a. Change in DHIA Rules

b. Dairy Program (3 pages)

c. Dates of Louisiana Fairs and Festivals, 1956-1957

d. Paper, 6 th Annual SE LA Dairy Festival, May 4, 5, 1956

e. Program, Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festival, February 8-9, 1956

f. Program, 6 th Annual SE LA Dairy Festival, May 4-5, 1956

g. Paper with Fund allocation, May 31, 1956

h. Price Quotes from Forbes Furniture, Inc., June 18, 1956

i. Minutes for Board Meeting, SE LA Dairy Festival & Stock Show, June 20, 1956 (3

j. Price Quotes from bob Farris Store, Inc.

k. Specifications No. 1 Furnishings for Southeastern Dairy Festival Ass’n. Office
and Kitchen in Coliseum, Bids to be received June 20, 1956

3. 1956 Queen’s Contest and Invitations

a. Handwritten letterhead for Alexandria Lions Club Rodeo

b. Queen’s invitation to Lions Club Rodeo, 1956

c. Queen’s invitation to Louisiana Dairy Festival & Fair, June 12, 1956

d. 6 Photographs of Queen Wilma Core

e. Dairy Queen Contest Rules, April 6, 1956

f. Correspondence with Coaching lessons from Star Studios

g. Press release about Star Model Coach (3 copies)

h. Letter, Patricia Ann Simmons to Bob Farris, May 6, 1956

i. Thank you notes to judges, May 15, 1956 (3)

j. Letter, Carrol Trahan to Miss Ester Mae Alford, May 14, 1956, with rough draft

k. List of 1956 Festival Queen Contestants (2 copies)

l. Southeastern Louisiana College Grant for Winner of Queen’s Contest

4. Sound Equipment for Coliseum

a. Evans Electrical Supply quotation, December 6, 1956

b. American Sales Company Bid for operating sound system, January 15, 1957

c. Bid and Brochure from American Sales Company in a book

5. Frank’s Lumber Yard

a. Proposal Form, January 5, 1956 (2 copies)

b. Estimate # 1, March 31, 1956 (2 copies)

c. Estimate # 2, April 30, 1956 (2 copies)

d. Estimate # 3, May 31, 1956

e. Estimate # 7, September 29, 1956

f. Information on changing estimates

6. Moore Electric Company

a. Price Quotes, May 31, 1956

b. Monthly Estimate, May 31, 1956

c. Certificate No. 1 Letter, June 13, 1956

d. Monthly Estimate # 2, June 30, 1956

e. Certificate No. 2, July 9, 1956

f. Monthly Estimate # 3, July 31, 1956

g. Certificate No. 3, August 9, 1956

h. Monthly Estimate # 4, August 31, 1956

i. Certificate No. 4, September 10, 1956

j. Certificate No. 5, October 12, 1956

7. Contract Certificates

a. Moore Electric Company (7)

b. Frank’s Lumber Yard (13)

8. 1956 Correspondence with E. B. Ludwig & Associates (42 pages)

9. 1956 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show

a. Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig Company, December 19, 1956

b. Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig Company, August 6, 1956

c. Letter, J. Walton Reeves to Bob Farris, January 12, 1956

d. Letter, Bob Farris to California Chairs, Inc., February 11, 1956

e. Letter, California Chairs, Inc. To Bob Farris, February 17, 1956

f. Letter, Bob Farris to Tropical Paint Company, February 10, 1957

g. Letter, W. Gilbert Faulk to Bob Farris, February 20, 1956

h. Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber Yard, March 14, 1956 (6)

i. Letter, Bob Farris to Moore Electric CO., March 28, 1956

j. Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig Co., March 28, 1956

k. Letter, Harry A. Moore to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, April 9, 1956

l. Letter, Bob Farris to Moore Electrical Company, April 12, 1956

m. Order Letter for work on Water Heaters

n. Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber Yard, April 16, 1956

o. Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, April 17, ?

p. Letter, Bob Farris to Moore Electrical Company, April 17, 1956

q. Letter, E. A. Edwards to Bob Farris, April 20, 1956

r. Letter, Bob Farris to Popsum, Incorporated, April 21, 1956

s. Letter, Bob Farris to Wright Machinery Company, April 21, 1956

t. Letter, Bob Farris to Hawkeye Novelty Company, April 21, 1956

u. Letter, Wright machinery Company to bob Farris, April 25, 1956

v. Letter, Bob Farris to Manley Popcorn Company, April 30, 1956

w. Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber yard, May 3, 1956

x. Letter, Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Co. To Bob Farris, May 17, 1956

y. Letter, Manley Popcorn to Bob Farris, May 24, 1956

z. Letter, Bob Farris to G. Y. Harrell, May 25, 1956

aa. Letter, Thurman Electric Company to Bob Farris, June 4, 1956

bb. Breakdown of prices for Louisiana Plumbing and Electric Company, June 12, 1956

cc. Letter, Bob Farris to Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Company, June 21, 1956

dd. Letter, Metrailer & Ingram to J. Walton Reeves, June 23, 1956

ee. Letter, A. W. Fuerst to L. H. Dyson, August 15, 1956

ff. Letter, L. H. Dyson to A. W. Fuerst, August 17, 1956

gg. Letter, L. H. Dyson to A. P. Tugwell, August 20, 1956

hh. Letter, Bob Farris to General Outdoor Advertising Company, September 14, 1956

ii. Letter, Bob Farris to Lamar Advertising Company, September 14, 1956

jj. Letter, J. Walton Reeves to W. F. Ownes, September 29, 1956

kk. Letter, B.D. Mitchell to Southeastern Louisiana College, October 3, 1956

ll. Letter, Frank’s Lumber Yard to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, October 6 ?

mm. Letter, B. D. Mitchell to Southeastern Louisiana College, October 8, 1956

nn. Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Bob Farris, October 10, 1956 (2)

oo. Letter, Bob Farris to E. B. Ludwig & Associates, October 11, 1956

pp. Letter, B. D. Mitchell to J. Walton Reeves, October 12, 1956

qq. Purchase Order for furnishing, October 18, 1956

rr. Letter, Tommy Steiner to October 18, 1956

ss. Letter, Bob Farris to Mr. Terrell, August 14, 1956

tt. Letter, Bob Farris to Hambrick, October 29, 1956

uu. Acknowledgment of full payment, October 31, 1956

vv. Letter, Geo. A. Wassenaar to Bob Farris, November 1, 1956

ww. Letter, H. A. Hambrick to Albert Trostel & Sons Co., November 2, 1956

xx. Letter, H. A. Hambrick to A. C. Lawrence CO., November 2, 1956

yy. Air Mail and Brochures from Meterflo Dispensers, November 6, 1956

zz. Letter, A. C. Lawrence Leather Co., to Bob Farris, November 7, 1956

10. 1956 Correspondence, Southeastern Dairy Festival & Stock Show, Continued

a. Letter, Berlin Tanning & MFG. Co, to Bob Farris, November 8, 1956

b. Letter, L. H. Dyson to Thomas B. Welch, November 9, 1956

c. Letter, A. W. Carrier to Bob Farris, November 10, 1956

d. Letter, Robert Scholze Tannery to Bob Farris, November 12, 1956

e. Letter, Bob Farris to Specialty Sales Company, November 13, 1956

f. Letter, Guilford Forge to Bob Farris, November 14, 1956

g. Letter, Danny Sheridan to Bob Farris, November 14, 1956

h. Letter, Bob Farris to Trask Company, November 14, 1956

i. Letter, Stephen M. Redmann to E. M Ballard, November 16, 1956

j. Letter, Geo. A. Wassenaar to Bob Farris, November 17, 1956

k. Letter, Bob Farris to Frank Cucchiara, November 19, 1956

l. Letter, Irma B. Lawless to Bob Farris, November 21, 1956

m. Letter, R. T. Brooks to Edward Evans, November 21, 1956

o. Letter, E. B. Ludwig & Associates to Frank’s Lumber Yard, November 23, 1956

p. Letter, John E. Cox to Bob Farris, November 30, 1956

q. Letter, Bob Farris to Louisiana State Building Authority, December 31, 1956

r. Letter, Bob Farris to Marny’s Paint Box, December 5, 1956

s. Letter, Bob Farris to Frank’s Lumber Yard, December 6, 1956

t. Letter, Irma B. Lawless to Bob Farris, December 5, 1956

u. Letter, Bob Farris to Old Guilford Forge, December 6, 1956 (2)

v. Letter, Marny’s Paint Box to Bob Farris, December 10, 1956

w. Letter, Bob Farris to Marny R. Hawkins, December 13, 1956

x. Letter, Bob Farris to Welch Planing Mill Company, December 19, 1956

y. Letter, Welch Planing Mill to Bob Farris, December 24, 1956

z. Contract with Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Co., June 3, 1956

aa. Price for natural gas line, June 16, 1956

bb. Statement of Service and Fees from Metrailer & Ingram, July 2, 1956

cc. Bond for Private Work for Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Company, July 3, 1956

dd. Expense Reports from Louisiana Plumbing & Electric Co. (7 pages)

ee. Expenses from Electrical Distribution System (4 pages)

ff. Mathes Cooler Air Conditioner Warranty, October 19, 1956

gg. Newspaper ad for Manley Popcorn, The Daily Oklahoman, 195

hh. Handwritten note

11. 1956 Expense Records (34)

12. 1956 Contractor Invoices (8)

13. Bids on Steel Chairs (20 items)

14. Electrical Bids on Coliseum (13 items)

15. Information and Bids regarding the Bronze Plaque

16. 1957 Dairy Festival Publicity, Stock Show Winners, and Press Releases (57 items)

17. 1957 Dairy Festival Queen

a. 11 cardboard index prints of 1957 Dairy Festival Queen, Jamene Reno

b. Newspaper article about Jamene Reno

c. Correspondence regarding Jamene Reno and Invitations to other festivals (4 items)

Box 4


1. Correspondence with Frank’s Lumber Yard, 1957

2. Correspondence with Moore Electric Company, 1957

3. Contracts for Coliseum Construction

4. Letter from Cribbs Roofing

5. Correspondence with E. B. Ludwig & Associates (13)

6. Correspondence regarding equipment for Coliseum (19)

7. Invoices from 1957 (45 items)

8. Rodeo Advertisement, 1957 (60 items)

9. Forest Fire Conference, May 1957 (24 items)

10. Grobel Show Correspondence

11. Stage Equipment Letters, Bids, Orders, and Invoices

12. Correspondence dealing with 1957 Dairy Festival

13. Budgets, Funds, and Scheduled Activities 1956-1957, Coliseum

14. 1957 Dairy Farm Tour Correspondence

15. Sponsorships and Basketball Games

Box 5


1. List of 1958 Fairs and Festivals and List of Participants in Talent Show

2. Invoices and Financial Statements from 1958

3. Entries of Livestock, 1958

4. Poultry Placing, 1959, and Stockholder Meetings/Correspondence

5. Invoices from 1959

6. Miscellaneous Year Information

a. First Guaranty Bank Ledgers

b. Program, Louisiana Tung Blossom Festival, 1954

c. Program, Tangipahoa Parish Fair, 1954

d. The Rodeo cowboys’ Association, Inc, Laws and rules, 1957 (2 copies)

e. South Louisiana Mid-Winter Fair, January 1957 Program (2 copies)

f. Article, “Tompley Horse Wins Judging Event at SLI,” The Advertiser, January 18,

g. Letters of Approval, Registration and Contracts, 1957

i. Helps in mastering Parliamentary Procedure

k. Bulletin, Hammond Association of Commerce, 1958

l. Postcard replies

m. Article, Galloping Horse, Steer Horns, Cowboy- Powerful Combination The Advertiser,

m. Lunch Menu

n. Stockholders’ Meeting Reminders

7. Miscellaneous Year Information, Continued

a. Photograph, Contestant Dinner, 1954

b. Brochure on Hand Thompson and his Brazos Valley Boys

c. Blue Prints for Meeting Room and Storage Building

d. Southeastern LA. Dairy Festival General Rules and Regulations (10 copies)

8. Invoices and Orders from the 1950s

9. Stockholder Information, Budgets and Appropriations

10. Miscellaneous Year Information, Continued

Box 6


1. Spring Flower Show and Response Postcards, 1960

2. Junior Livestock Show Program and Correspondence, 1961

3. Farm and Town Week, 1962 and Correspondence

4. Factory Price List and Certificate Honoring W. Malin Smith, 1969

5. Louisiana Power & Light Company 1970 Annual Report

6. Agri-Dustrial Futurama Banquet and Winter Commencement Order

7. Western Auto Spring/Summer Catalog, The Educator

8. Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1977

9. Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1978

10. High School Day Schedule, SLU, 1978

11. Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1979

12. Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1980

13. Invoices and Receipts, 1981

14. Livestock Breeds and Exhibitors, 1982

Box 7


1. Citizens National Bank Deposit Slips 1953

2. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1954

3. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements and Deposit Slips, 1955

4. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1956

5. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1957

6. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1968

7. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1959

8. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1968

9. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1981

10. Check Stubs, November 1956-February 1957 and June 1957- October 1958

Box 8


1. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1953

2. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1954

3. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1955

4. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1956

5. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1957

6. Citizens National Bank Checks, Bank Statements, and Deposit Slips, 1958

Box 9


1. Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1923-1927

2. Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1923-1927

3. Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1923-1927

4. Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Cash Book 1929

5. Tangipahoa Title and Abstract Company Index

6. 5 binders with Checks for Southeast Louisiana Dairy Festival and Stock Show, Inc.

Box 10


1. Dairy Festival & Stock Show Programs: 1953-1961

2. Dairy Festival & Stock Show Programs: 1976, 1979, 1981-1982, 1986, 1991, 1996

3. Other Louisiana Fairs and Festival Programs (14 items)

4. Other Louisiana Fairs and Festival Programs (15 items)

Box 11 (Flat Box)


1. Southeastern Dairy Festival Building Fund Checks

2. Bookkeeping, 1955-1956

3. Southeastern Dairy Festival Pavilion Checks

4. The Official Guide of the Railways, June 1953

Box 12


1. Checks and Deposit Slips

a. Check Stubs, premium Checks, 1957-1959

b. Meterman’s NoteBook

c. Hammond Building & Loan Association Book

d. 1973 Page-a-Day

e. Deposit Slips

f. Deposit Slips/Records

2. All Purpose Sales Form, 1977-1982

Box 13


1. 1958 Festival Queen Contestants and Information

2. Coliseum Building and Maintenance, 1954-1957

3. Livestock Entries, 1957-1958

4. 1954 Correspondence

5. 1958 Festival Correspondence and Winners

6. Photographs of Winning Livestock, Festival, and Parade

7. Photographs of Winning Livestock, Festival, and Parade

Box 14


1. Livestock Entries and Winners from Miscellaneous Years

2. Livestock Entries and Winners from Miscellaneous Years

3. Records of Winners and Monetary Awards

4. Checks, Financial Statements, Check Stubs, 1954-1955

Box 15


1. Unused Checks

2. Pieces of Clock (not including face) in Small Manila Envelop # 1

3. Miscellaneous Invoices, Checks, and Statements

4. Appropriation information, Rodeo Accreditation, Addresses, and Press Releases (1950s)

5. Handwritten Notes, Furniture and Floor Proposals, Lighting Information, Map of
Tenino Area

6. Invoices, Poultry Information, Monetary Values for Awards, Award Winners, Advertisement
Brochures (Furniture, Paint, Electronics)

7. Printing requests, Queen/Parade Information, Hand Written Notes

8. Vendor Brochures, Hand Written Notes, Poultry Division Winners, and Articles of

9. Small Brochures

10. Tickets and Bleacher Brochure

Box 16


1. Entertainment Information, including Brochures, Contracts, and Billings

2. Minutes for December 9, 1958 Stock Show Meeting

3. Program and Rules and Regulations for Show & Sale, 1956

4. 1953 Correspondence and Show Winners

5. 1957 Newspaper Articles

6. Press Releases

7. Correspondence 1949-1953

8. Insurance Policy and Building Specifications and Manuals

9. Registration and Breed Winners

10. 1955 Newspaper Clippings

11. 1955 Correspondence

12. 1955 Queen’s Contest

Box 17


1. 1954 Budgets and House Bills

2. Stock Entries and Blank Forms

3. Argi-Dustrial Futurama Banquet Program, April 12, 1973

4. Region 8 Science Fair Judges and 1990 Dairy Festival Winners List and Prizes

5. 1961 Festival Registration

6. Miscellaneous Brochures, Correspondence, and Receipts

7. Concession Stand Profits and Orders

8. Bank Information

9. Invoices and Receipts from 1960s-1983

Box 18


1. Correspondence

2. Journals, Brochures, Catalogs

3. Dairy Festival Contestants and Winners

4. Photographs from Dairy Festival Events

5. Photographs from Dairy Festival Events

6. Photographs from Dairy Festival Events

Box 19


1. 1949 Louisiana Strawberry Festival Queen’s Contest

2. Correspondence, 1940-1959

3. Correspondence, 1960-1981

4. Receipts and Invoices

5. Record Book 1954

6. Checks and Bank Statements

7. (2) First Premier Ribbons, 5, Refresh with Milk Games,

Bell (without ringer), S.E.LA Dairy Festival and Stock Show, 1953 Hammond Lions Club