Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Glen Moore Wales, 1926-2023

Glen Moore Wales, 1926-2023

Box 1:

1.      Course in Isaac Pitman Shorthand, 1923

2.      Pitman’s Shorthand Dictionary

3.      Outlaw, Mildred G. Outlaw’s Grammar and Punctuation for Stenographers. 1923.

4.      Supplementary Exercises in Isaac Pitman Shorthand Book 1.

5.      Eldrigde’s New Shorthand Dictation Exercises, 1922

Folder 1: Southeastern Louisiana University

1.      Bachelor of Arts, Southeastern Louisiana College, Glen M. Wales, 1950

2.      Golden Graduate Alumni Association Honorary Certificate, Glen Wales, 2011

3.      Glen Moore Wales Transcript, 1951 (2 pages)

4.      Southeastern Louisiana College Commencement Bulletin, 1950

5.      Teaching Certificate for Glen M. Wales, 1950

6.      Poem by Huck Hano

7.      Letter certifying Glen Wales’ teaching certificate, 19 September 1966

8.      Teaching Certificate for Glen M. Wales, 1967 (2 copies)

9.      Southeastern Louisiana University Commencement Bulletin, 2011

10.  Southeastern Louisiana University Alumni Association Golden Grads Luncheon, 2011

Folder 2: Louisiana State University

1.      Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Commencement
Bulletin, 1957 (2 copies); envelope

2.      Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Master
of Education for Glen Moore Wales, 1957

3.      Louisiana State University and A & M College Transcript for Glen Wales (2

Folder 3:

1.      Thank you note from Kathy Gill to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wales and envelope

2.      Letter from South-Western Publishing Co., 1973

3.      South-Western Publishing Co. pamphlet

4.      Greensburg High School Commencement Brochure

5.      “Hours and Days”

6.      “The Hill-Topper, 1941-1942” (34 pages)

7.      “Albany High School Reunion 2010” 

8.      “Albany High School Class of 1961, 50th Class Reunion, 2011”

Folder 4:

1.      “Albany Class of ’59 reunites,” The Advocate, 10 December 2009