Tangipahoa Tung Oil Company
Archival Collection
1. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1956.
2. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1958.
3. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1958 II.
4. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1959.
5. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1960.
6. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1960, II.
7. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1961.
8. Personal Receipts – Gaston Lanaux, 1962.
9. Payroll Records, 1959 & 1960.
10. NABORS: Corresponding Letters & Catalog, 1952 & 1954.
11. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1944.
12. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1948.
13. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1949.
14. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1950.
15. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1951.
16. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1952.
17. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1953.
18. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1954.
19. Corresponding Letters & Information. “McKinney,” 1955.
20. Company Receipts, 1951.
21. Miscellaneous.
22. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1947.
23. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1948.
24. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1949.
25. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1950.
26. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1951.
27. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1952.
28. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1953.
29. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1954.
30. Petty Cash Account Analysis, 1955.
31. Registration Paper, Tangipahoa, 1941-1942.
32. Company’s Corresponding Purchasing Letters, 1951.
33. Company’s Corresponding Purchasing Letters/Receipts, 1952.
34. Company’s Receipts, 1953.
35. Corresponding Letters for Purchase of Sheep Wool, 1953-1954.
36. Company’s Receipts, 1954.
37. Company’s Purchase Statements/Receipts, 1954.
38. Company’s Purchase Statements/Receipts, 1955.
39. Company’s Purchase Statements/Receipts, 1956.
40. Company’s Receipts, 1958.
41. Company Purchase Statement/Analysis, 1958.
42. Tax Notice, 1935-1953.
43. Tax Papers – Labor, Cattle, Trip Expenses, 1955.
44. Social Security.
45. Social Security Tax Returns – Applicant & Number Assigned.
46. Corresponding Business Letters, 1937-1957.
47. Corresponding Business Letters – Woolmarketing, 1949.
48. Corresponding Business Letters – Woolmarketing, 1950.
49. Corresponding Business Letters – Woolmarketing, 1951.
50. Corresponding Business Letters – Woolmarketing, 1953.
51. Corresponding Business Letters – Woolmarketing, 1954.
52. Corresponding Letters (Business), 1954-1955.
1. Pickers Pay Scale, 1945.
2. Paid Order Forms, 1951.
3. Paid Order Forms, 1952.
4. Paid Order Forms, 1952
5. Purchase Orders, 1952.
6. Paid Order Forms, 1953.
7. Paid Order Forms, 1953.
8. Paid Order Forms, 1954.
9. Paid Order Forms, 1954.
10. Bills Payable, 1955.
11. Paid Order Forms, 1955.
12. Paid Order Forms, 1955.
13. Bills Payable, 1956.
14. Bills Payable, 1956.
15. Bills Payable, 1956.
16. Corresponding Business Letter (Invoices), 1956.
17. Bills Payable, 1957.
18. Bills Payable, 1957.
19. Unpaid Order Forms, 1957.
20. Bills Payable, 1958.
21. Bills Payable, 1958.
22. Bills Payable, 1959.
23. Balance Statements – Brumfield Motor Co., 1966.
24. Brumfield Motor Co. Inc., Accounts Receivable Ledger, 1966.
25. Brumfield Motor Co. Inc., Receipts, 1966.
26. Payroll – January, 1966.
27. Payroll – February, 1966.
28. Payroll – March, 1966.
29. Payroll – April, 1966.
30. Payroll – June, 1966.
31. Weighted Tung Oil & Milling Fruit Analysis, 1967.
32. Accounts Payable – Brumfield Motor Company, 1967.
33. Cattle Diary, 1968.
1. Agricultural Situation, 1965-1968.
2. Animal Center, Inc., Zachary, LA Receipts/Letter, 1962.
3. Armstrong, John B., Selma, AL, 1960-1961.
4. Aureomycin Antibiotic – (Pamphlets, 1960), 1960.
5. Annual Report – The Boston Club, 1978-1989.
6. Members Guide – The Boston Club, 1985 & 1987.
7. Brucellosis Test, 1956.
8. Brucellosis Test, 1957.
9. Brucellosis Test, 1958.
10. Brucellosis Test/Health Certificate, 1959.
11. Brucellosis Test/Health Certificate, 1960.
12. Brucellosis Test, 1961.
13. Brucellosis Test/Health Certificate, 1961.
14. Brucellosis Test, 1962.
15. Brucellosis Test, 1963.
16. Brucellosis Test Records, 1965.
17. Brucellosis Test Record, 1965.
18. Brucellosis – Corresponding Letters, 1965-1977.
19. Cattle Sales, 1959.
20. Corresponding Letters – Business, 1960.
21. Corresponding Letters – Business, 1961.
22. Corresponding Letters – Business, 1966.
23. Corresponding Letters – Business, 1961-1974.
24. Corresponding Letters – Livestock Brand Commission.
25. Cowart Cattle Company – Price Listings/Letters, 1963-1965.
26. Gulfcoast Cattleman, September, 1963.
27. Harding & Harding, Inc., Insurance, 1961-1966.
28. G.H. Hilderbrand, 1963-1964.
29. Information on Cattle Feed Roughage, 21964.
30. Information on Paritrope, 1961-1964.
31. Inquiries to Purchase Cattle, 1962-1965.
32. Kelly, Frank S, Jr., 1958-1964.
33. King Ranch – Texas, 1960-1977.
34. Livestock Health Certificate, 1955.
35. Livestock Sanitary, 1951-1959.
36. Livestock Sanitary, 1960-1961.
37. Loans on Cattle, 1957-1961.
38. Louisiana Brand Book, 1965.
39. Louisiana Crop Reporting Service, 1960-1961.
40. Midwest Wool Marketing Corresponding Letters, 1961-1964.
41. Midwest Wool Groupers Newspaper, 1960-1963.
42. Miscellaneous, 1950-1969.
43. Moorman’s Cattle Suppliers, 1964.
44. OCCO Feed Company, Pamphlets/Business Letter, 1960.
45. Order Book for Horses, 1969.
46. Parks, W.S., 1956-1963.
47. Phenothiazine – Controlling Parasites, 1953.
48. Purchase Letters – Hay.
49. Purina – Invoice/Receipt, 1960-1961.
50. Purina – Business Letters, 1961-1962.
51. Purina – 1962-1964.
52. Tuberculosis Test Records, 1965.
53. Wortham, Gus S., 1960-1967.
1. Inventory Journals (Cattle, Sheep, Goats), 1953 & 1956.
2. Inventory (Miscellaneous), 1957 & 1964.
3. Inventory Journal (Sheep), 1956 & 1961.
4. Inventory Journal (Cattle), 1960-1962.
5. Cattle Inventory, 1951.
6. Cattle Inventory, 1952.
7. Cattle Inventory, 1953.
8. Cattle Inventory, 1954.
9. Cattle Inventory, 1955.
10. Invoice Order Forms – Paid, 1951.
11. Invoice Order Forms – Paid, 1952.
12. Invoice Order Forms – Paid, 1953.
13. Invoice Order Forms – Paid, 1954.
14. Invoice Order Forms – Paid, 1955.
15. Corresponding Business Letters, 1948.
16. Business Receipts, 1948.
17. Corresponding Business Letters, 1954.
18. Corresponding Business Letters, 1955.
19. Product Advertisements, 1948.
20. Brucellosis Vaccination Records, 1952.
21. Brucellosis Vaccination Records, 1953.
22. Brucellosis Vaccination Records, 1954.
23. Brucellosis Vaccination Records, 1955.
24. Livestock Sanitary Records, 1951.
25. Cattle Inventory, 1948.
26. Cattle Inventory, 1949.
27. Cattle Inventory, 1950.
28. Cattle Inventory, 1955.
29. Cattle Purchases – (Receipts/Invoices), 1951.
30. Cattle Purchases Inventory, 1955.
31. Cattle G.L.J. Personal, 1953.
32. Purchase Receipts, 1950.
33. Purchase Receipts, 1952.
34. Purchase Receipts, 1953.
35. Purchase Order Journal, 1949-1950.
36. Purchasing Records.
37. Purchasing Receipts, 1954.
38. Income Tax Returns, 1953.
39. Insurance Policies.
40. Mercantile – Safe Deposit & Trust Co., 1953-1954.
41. G.L. Cattle Expenses, 1954.
42. G.L. Cattle, Check Stubs/Receipts, 1955.
43. Insurance Certificate Invoice, 1955.
BOX 4 Continued
44. Commissary Purchase From Mr. Folwell Legendre.
45. Commissary Inventory.
46. Hillcrest Commissary.
47. Horse Inventory, 1950-1955.
48. Invoice Forms – Paid, 1951.
49. Invoice Forms – Paid, 1952.
50. Invoice Forms – Paid, 1953.
51. Old Invoice Covington Grocery & Grain, 1951.
52. Covington Grocery & Grain (Invoice Forms), 1952.
53. Covington Grocery & Grain (Invoice Forms), 1953.
54. Covington Grocery & Grain Invoices to be Paid.
55. Sale of Cattle, 1966 & Triple A Documents, 1944.
56. Ledger, 1959.
57. Sheep Inventory, 1952.
58. Sheep Inventory, 1953.
59. Sheep Inventory, 1955.
60. Nursery at Headquarters.
61. Smith Grocery Co., Invoices to be Paid, 1951-1954.
62. Petty Cash Reports, 1953.
63. Petty Cash Reports, 1954.
64. Petty Cash Reports, 1955.
65. Petty Cash Reports, 1956.
66. Petty Cash Reports, 1957.
67. Petty Cash Reports, 1958.
68. Petty Cash Reports, 1959.
69. Registration Certificates, 1936-1940.
70. Weighted Tung Oil Analysis, 1963.
1. Receipts, January 1985.
2. Receipts, February 1985.
3. Receipts, March 1985.
4. Receipts, April 1985.
5. Receipts, May 1985.
6. Receipts, June 1985.
7. Receipts, July 1985.
8. Receipts, August 1985.
9. Receipts, September 1985.
10. Receipts, October 1985.
11. Receipts, November 1985.
12. Receipts, December 1985.
13. Receipts, January 1986.
14. Receipts, February 1986.
15. Receipts, March 1986.
16. Receipts, April 1986.
17. Receipts, May 1986.
18. Receipts, June 1986.
19. Receipts, July 1986.
20. Receipts, August 1986.
21. Receipts, September 1986.
22. Receipts, October 1986.
23. Receipts, November 1986.
24. Receipts, December 1986.
1. Crosby – Loads Hauled to Mill, 1948-1949.
2. Green – Loads Hauled to Mill, 1948-1949.
3. Loads to Mill w/Weight Tickets.
4. Tons Shipped from 1950.
5. Tons Shipped from Uneedus.
6. Loader to Mill with Weight Pickets.
7. Chappapela Community Clubs.
8. Goat Inventory.
9. Inventories.
10. Fats and Oils.
Copy of New Orleans States – Item. 8 August 1963.
Copy of Sutherland Table of Wages, 1948.
Accordion Folder Containing Miscellaneous Correspondence.
Sealed Package containing Gas & Oil Inventories, 30 September 1954.
Work Log 1943-1948.
1. Gasoline Price Table (@ .28c per gal.).
2. Requests for Employment, 1948-1953.
3. Accident, Reports, Cars & Trucks, 1949-1954.
4. Equipment Inventory, 1950-1951 & 1954.
5. Information on “Anhydrous Ammonia”, 1950-1951.
6. Law Suit – Dixon vs Zemurray, 1951-1955.
7. Sheep Inventory, 1955.
8. Crop Loads Sent to Mill, 1958.
9. Daily Labor Reports, 1958.
10. Daily Labor Reports, December 1958.
11. Crop Loads Sent to Mill, 1959.
12. Daily Labor Reports, January 1959.
13. Daily Labor Reports, February 1959.
14. Daily Labor Reports, March 1959.
15. Daily Labor Reports, April 1959.
16. Crop Loads Sent to Mill, 1960.
17. Crop Loads Taken to Mill, 1961.
18. Crop Loads Taken to Mill, 1961.
19. Crop Loads Taken to Mill, 1962.
20. Spiral Notebook w/Livestock Information, 1963-1965.
21. Statements – June/July 1966 (Accounts Received & Payable).
22. Statements – September 1966 (Accounts & Payable).
23. Statements – September 1966 (Accounts Received & Payable)
24. Statements – October 1966 ( Accounts Received & Payable)
25. Statements – November 1966 ( Accounts Received & Payable)
26. Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable 1966.
1. Receipts, April 1961.
2. Receipts, May 1961.
3. Invoices, July 1961.
4. Invoices/ payroll, 1966
5. Invoices/ payroll, 1966
6. Receipts, January 1989.
7. Receipts, February 1989.
8. Receipts, March 1989.
9. Receipts, April 1989.
10. Receipts, May 1989.
11. Receipts, June 1989.
12. Receipts, July 1989.
13. Receipts, August 1989.
14. Receipts, September 1989.
15. Receipts, October 1989.
16. Receipts, November 1989.
17. Receipts, December 1989.
18. Cover Letters (D.S.G.A. & Tangi. Tung Oil Co.)
19. Old Cattle Records, 1963-1965.
20. Tangipahoa Parish Cattlemen’s Association.
21. P. Miscellaneous.
22: Whilden, Oscar R.
23. Wool Incentive Payments.
24. Vaccination Brucellosis Calves, 1977.
25. Thibenzole.
26. Winrock Farms, 1963-1967.
1. Receipts, January 1984.
2. Receipts, February 1984.
3. Receipts, March 1984.
4. Receipts, April 1984.
5. Receipts, May 1984.
6. Receipts, June 1984.
7. Receipts, July 1984.
8. Receipts, August 1984.
9. Receipts, September 1984.
10. Receipts, October 1984.
11. Receipts, November 1984.
12. Receipts, December 1984.
13. Receipts, January 1987.
14. Receipts, February 1987.
15. Receipts, March 1987.
16. Receipts, April 1987.
17. Receipts, May 1987.
18. Receipts, June 1987.
19. Receipts, July 1987.
20. Receipts, September 1987.
21. Receipts, October 1987.
22. Receipts, November 1987.
23. Receipts, December 1987.
BOX 10
1. American Quarter Horse Association Correspondence, 1960-1964, 1970.
2. Erwin, Andrew L., Broken R. Ranch, 1963-1965.
3. Application to Register Fools, 1961.
4. Miscellaneous – “B”
5. Blessed Martin.
6. Breeders Award Records.
7. Paid Personal Bills, 1962.
8. Brothers Bad Boy.
9. Brown Eyed Liz.
10. Miscellaneous, “C”
11. D & H Stable, Ocala Florida, 1958-1959.
12. Miscellaneous, “D”
13. Dunbar, Charles E., III.
14. Miscellaneous, “E”
15. Miscellaneous, “F”
16. Fair Grounds Corporation.
17. Fleming, Mannas.
18. Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association, 1960-1968.
19. Miscellaneous – “G”
20. Garrett & Carter Farms, 1973-1977.
21. Groce, J.C. – Horse Trainers.
22. Golden Eagle Stables, Inc.
23. Graffius, Mrs. Russell.
24. Miscellaneous – “H” 1965-1970.
25. Happy View.
26. Harbor View Farm.
27. Horses Thoroughbred, 1953-1960.
28. Hurd & Lanaux, 1962.
29. Miscellaneous – “I” 1963.
30. Miscellaneous – “P”, 1953-1957.
31. Ozone Tung Cooperative, 1944-1948.
32. American Quarter Horses — History of Tabasco.
BOX 11
1. Receipts, January 1979.
2. Receipts, February 1979.
3. Receipts, March 1979.
4. Receipts, April 1979.
5. Receipts, May 1979.
6. Receipts, June 1979.
7. Receipts, July 1979.
8. Receipts, August 1979.
9. Receipts, September 1979.
10. Receipts, October 1979.
11. Receipts, November 1979.
12. Miscellaneous Receipts, 1979.
13. Check Stubs, 1979.
14. Miscellaneous.
BOX 12
1. Receipts, March 1960.
2. Receipts, April 1960.
3. Receipts, May 1960.
4. Receipts, June 1960.
5. Receipts, July 1960.
6. Receipts, August 1960.
7: Receipts, September 1960.
8. Receipts, October 1960.
9. Receipts, November 1960.
10. Receipts, December 1960.
11. Inventory Records.
12. Zemurray Lodge Map.
BOX 13
1. Tablet of Blank Business Statements.
2. Two Small Special Note Books.
3. Various Operating & Instruction Booklets.
4. Township Acerage Lists.
5. Ohio BLue Tip Match Co., Promotional Notebook.
6. Ration Stamp & Coupon Sheets.
7. Gulf Coast Farm Chemurgic Conference.
8. Blank Contracts of “Nat Tycer”
9. “Castor Beans” Correspondence.
10. Correspondence with Samuel Zemurray, 1939-1940.
11. Forest Station & Department of Agriculture, 1939, 1941, 1942-1043.
12. “Deferred Classification” Farm, 1941.
13. Requests for Trees, seeds, etc., 1940-1941, 1944, 1946-1947.
14. Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1940-1955.
15. Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1941.
16. Miscellaneous Invoices, 1940-1941, 1952-1953.
17. LA Dept. of Conservation – “Forest Fire Reports”, 1942.
18. Forest Fire Reports w/ Reference to Zemurray, 1943.
19. Covington Grocery & Grain Co., Invoice, 1945.
20. Covington Grocery & Grain Co., Invoices, 1945.
21. Portland Cement Association Correspondence, 1946.
22. Covington Grocery & Grain Co., 1946.
23. Inventory Lists – 1946.
24. Purchase Orders & Receipts, 1946-1947.
25. Covington Grocery & Grain Invoices, 1947.
26. Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable, Ledger & Receipts, 1947.
27. Chappapela Community Club Bar-B.Q. Correspondence, 1947.
28. Bank Statement w/ Debit Slip & Cancelled Checks, 1948.
29. Senate Bill S.2275 Correspondence.
30. Copies of Two Bills Passed by Congress involving Tung Oil, 1948.
31. Daily Report Voucher – S. Zemurray, 1948.
32. Various “Vote For” Campaign Cards, 1948.
33. Equipment pamphlets, guarantee,& instructions, 1948.
34. Daily Report Vouchers – S Zemurray, 1949.
35. Two Copies of “Tung Oil News,” 1949.
36. American Tung Oil Association Correspondence, 1949.
37. Requests for Trees, Seeds, etc.., 1951-1953.
38. Sheep Inventory, 1951-1952.
39. Two “Plan of Groves” Maps, 1951-1954.
40. Farmers’ Bulletin on Tung Production, 1951.
41. Order Invoices, October 1952 – April 1953.
42. Order Forms – May 1953 – September 1953.
43. Budget/Memorandum Book, 1953.
44. “Star of Bethlehem,” 1954.
45. Farm & Home Pamphlets, 1954-1955.
46. US Dept. of Agriculture Spec. Sheet & Conservation Handbook, 1955.
47. Livestock Information (Sheep & Cattle), 1955.
48. “Lease” – Land From Sam Zemurray to Nettie Robinson.
BOX 14
1. Audiophone Co.
2. Bay Motors.
3. Business Receipts, 1950.
4. Business Receipts, 1951.
5. Business Receipts, 1952.
6. Business Receipts, 1953.
7. Business Receipts, 1954.
8. Business Receipts, 1955.
9. Business Receipts, 1956.
10. Business Receipts, 1910.
11. Business Receipts, 1977.
12. “C” Homegardening, 1952.
13. Cattle – John B. Armstrong.
14. Cattle Sold to A.B. Blossman.
15. Cattle – James L. Crump.
16. Cattle – Gaston Lanaux, Jr.
17. Cattle – Squeese & Scale – Magford Industries.
18. Cattle – Magnolia Plantation – Wade T. Childress.
19. Dogs – Leon Covington, Booneville, Arkansas.
20. Dogs – General.
21. Employees Time off.
22. Election Returns & Information.
23. Game Birds – Breeding.
24. Geese – Information on.
25. Guaranty Bank & Trust, Co.
26. Horses Grades, 1957-1958.
27. Gaston Lanaux, Jr., Income, 1952.
28. Income Tax Papers – Personal.
29. Income Tax 1954.
30. Income Tax 1955-1956.
31. Insurance – Home Insurance Agency, House Boat.
32. Betty Hynson Lanaux.
33. Medical Expenses, 1950-1957.
34: Miscellaneous, 1938-1949.
35. North Shore Boating Association, 1957.
36. Business Receipts, 1957
37. Loan – Commercial Bank & Trust Company.
38. Loan – Franklinton Stockyards.
39 Loan – Guaranty Bank & Trust, Co.
40. Loan – Washington Bank & Trust, Co.
41. Loan – Whitney National Bank, 5 April 1957.
42. Ocala Stud Farm, 1957-1958.
BOX 15
1. January 1961 – Payrolls & Oil Gas Reports.
2. Invoices – February 1961.
3. Invoices – March 1961.
4. Invoices – August 1961.
5. Invoices – September 1961.
6. Invoices – October 1961.
7. Invoices – November 1961.
8. Invoices – December 1961.
9. Invoices – January 1962.
10. Invoices – December 1966.
BOX 16
1. Horses Information.
2. Horses Stacked Hand.
3. Inventory of Horses & Burros.
4. “J” Miscellaneous.
5. Jefferson Downs, Inc.
6. Jockey Club – Blank Forms & Applications.
7. Jockey Club – 1961.
8. Johnston, Alex H.
9. “K” Miscellaneous.
10. Keefe, Bill – Sports Editor Times Picayune.
11. “L” Miscellaneous.
12. Law, Theodore W.
13. Louisiana State Racing Commission.
14. Louisiana Quarter Horse Sale, 1961.
15. Louisiana Thoroughbred Breeders.
16. Louisiana Thoroughbred Breeders Association.
17. Le Blanc, Harold.
18. Louisiana Quarter Horse Association.
19. Louisiana Breeders Sales, Co., Inc.
20. “M” Miscellaneous.
21. Mares – Having no Living Foals.
22. Market Mate.
23. “N” Miscellaneous.
24. Guy, N.F. Nord.
25. “O” Miscellaneous.
26. Ocala Stud Farm.
27. “P” Miscellaneous.
28. Patterson, J.E.
29. Phillips, Charles W.
30. Pictures of Horses.
31. “R” Miscellaneous.
32. Real Black.
33. Risky Bid.
34. Rockity, 1966 – Stallion Service Contract.
35. “S” Miscellaneous.
36. Spears, G.F. – Real Brother.
37. Stallions Standing in Louisiana.
38. Stallion Reports – Report of Mares Bred, The Jockey Club.
39: Sales of Horses.
40. Stallions Standing in Florida.
41. Stallions Service Contracts.
42. Surgi, Rodney.
43. “T” Miscellaneous.
44. Thoroughbred Records.
45. Ute Moore.
46. “V” Miscellaneous.
47. Vaccination Records for Horses.
48. “W” Miscellaneous.
Miscellaneous Photographs (In Brown Clasp Envelope)
Writing Tablet Containing Flat Silver Inventory.
Composition Book Containing 1936 Expenses.
Times Picayune Photos of Gaston Lanaux.
BOX 17
Miscellaneous Livestock Newspapers & Pamphlets, 1951-1965.
The Weekly Livestock Reporter & Texas Poultry News. Dec. ’54 – May ’57
The Weekly Livestock Reporter. June ’56-Mar. ’57.
” ” “ Apr. ’57-Jul. ’57.
” ” ” Aug.-Nov. ’57, Jun-Jul ’65.
Rural Louisiana. Feb ’56-June ’57.
” ” Aug ’57-Aug ’58.
” ” Dec ’58-Jul ’59
” ” Oct ’59-Sep ’60.
Midwest Wool Growers News
. Jun ’50-Nov ’56.
” ” ” ” Feb ’57-Jun ’60.
BOX 18
Horse Records, Cash Records – Jan-Feb 1960.
Miscellaneous Items, ie. speeches, cattle supplements, etc.
Payroll Records, Nov-Dec 1959.
Farming Records – Nov ’59-Mar ’60.
Invoices – January 1960.
Payroll Records & Cash Reports – January 1960.
Invoices – February 1960.
Payroll & Cash Reports – February 1960.
Insurance Policies, 1960.
Attorneys at Law.
Gaylord Container Corporation.
General Land Pictures – 27 April 1948.
Land Plots.
Land Owned by S. Zemurray.
Lands of S. Zemurray & Tangipahoa Tung Oil.
Leases – Lands of S. Zemurray.
Forestry Records, ie., fire reports, forestry commission records, etc.
Louisiana Forestry Association.
Miscellaneous Items.
Detail of Operating Expenses – October 1941.
Payroll – 1966-1967.
Pine Plantation, 1953.
Quarterly Review.
Sale of Uneedus Plantation.
BOX 19
Zemurray Lodge.
Tung Farm & Zemurray Lodge Vandalism.
Timber – Stolen.
Miscellaneous Map Related Items.
Mosaic Negative of Tang. Tung Lands.
Township 5 South – Range 8 East
-SEC 1 TWP 5 RN 8
-SEC 2 TWP 5 RN 8
-SEC 11 TWP 5 RN 8
-SEC 12 TWP 5 RN 8
-SEC 13 TWP 5 RN 8
-SEC 14 TWP 5 RN 8
-SEC 23 TWP 5 RN 8
-SEC 24 TWP 5 RN 8
Township 5 South – Range 9 East.
-SEC 2 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 3 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 4 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 5 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 6 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 7 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 8 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 9 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 10 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 11 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 14 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 15 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 16 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 17 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 18 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 19 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 20 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 21 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 22 TWP 5 RN 9
-SEC 23 TWP 5 RN 9
Township 3 South – Range 9 East
-SEC 26 TWP 3 RN 9
-SEC 27 TWP 3 RN 9
-SEC 28 TWP 3 RN 9
-SEC 29 TWP 3 RN 9
-SEC 32 TWP 3 RN 9
-SEC 33 TWP 3 RN 9
-SEC 34 TWP 3 RN 9
BOX 19 Continued
-SEC 35 TWP 3 RN 9
Township 4 South – Range 8 East
-SEC 25 TWP 4 RN 8
-SEC 35 TWP 4 RN 8
-SEC 36 TWP 4 RN 8
Township 4 South – Range 9 East
-SEC 2 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 3 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 4 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 5 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 8 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 9 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 10 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 11 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 14 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 15 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 16 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 17 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 19 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 20 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 21 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 22 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 23 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 26 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 27 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 28 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 29 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 30 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 31 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 32 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 33 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 34 TWP 4 RN 9
-SEC 35 TWP 4 RN 9
Accidents to Employees 1955-1959.
Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Committee.
Automobile Ranch Wagons 1956.
Brush Control.
Covington Country Club.
Tung Nuts 1950-1951 Crop.
Clay – John & Co., Livestock Commission.
Commodity Credit Corporation.
Equipment and Property Leases 1946-1948.
Tung Leaf Analysis.
BOX 19 Continued
Logs – Williams Lumber Company.
Louisiana Agricultural Cooperative, Inc.
“M” & “Mc” Miscellaneous.
Midwest Wool Marketing Cooperative, Inc.
“N” Miscellaneous.
Pasture Information – Production & Marketing Administration.
Peerless Pump.
“R” Miscellaneous.
“S” Miscellaneous.
Sheep Information.
Sunbeam Corporation – Shearing & Clipping Machines.
Statements 1955-1956.
Statements 1957.
Statements 1959.
Williams Lumber Company, 1957.
BOX 20
Baton Rouge Production Credit Association, 1984.
Federal Land Bank Association.
Hopkins, James W.
Kemp, Bolivar E., Jr.
Gaston Lanaux, Personal 1990.
Land – SEC 26 T4S R9E.
Lands Gaston Lanaux, Jr.
Louisiana Department of Highways & Public Works.
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.
Letters From McKinney.
MicKinney II.
National Farm Loan Association.
Oil Gas & Mineral Leases/Maps 1966-1969.
Paid Personal Bills, 1982.
Paid Personal Bills, 1987.
Subdivision – SEC 35 TWP 4S R9E.
SEC 23 TWP 4S R9E.
Tung Pickers Payroll 1963.
Tung Farm Payroll, 1981-1982.
Zemurray, Samuel, Lands & Leases 1961.
Receipts July 1963.
Receipts August, 1963
Receipts September, 1963
Invoices/ Receipts October, 1963
Receipts November, 1963
BOX 21
Spiral Tables- inventory of Cattle (Time, dates, & names)
Spiral Booklets, Cattle, & Horse records, 1959- 1960
Spiral Booklets, Gas, & Oil Changes records, Apr. 1959-Oct. 1960
Spiral Booklets, Gas, & Oil Changes records, Aug. 1958-Apr.1959
Spiral Booklets, Gas, & Oil Changes records, Nov. 1957-Aug.1958
Spiral Booklets, Gas, & Oil Changes, Inventory
Spiral Booklet, Inventory, Apr.1960-Sept.1961
Spiral Booklet, Inventory, Oct.1959-Apr. 1960
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Mar.- Apr. 1965
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec.1964 & Jan.-Feb. 1965
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec. 1963 & Jan.- May 1964
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec. 1961 & 1962
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec. 1959- 1960
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec. 1957-1958
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec. 1956
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec. 1955
Standard Tickets, green & pink carbon copies, Jan.-Dec. 1954
Daily reports, 1950, S. Zemurray
Daily reports, 1950, S. Zemurray
Daily reports, 1949 & 1960, S. Zemurray
BOX 22
Check Books, 1965-1966.
Paid Personal Bills, 1975.
Property Inventory Cards 1939-1940’s.
Property Inventory Cards 1939-1940’s.
State Market News Service, Jan-Apr 1957.
State Market News Service, May-Oct 1957.
State Market News Service, Nov ’57-Apr ’58.
Trial Balance – 1954-1955.
Tung Pickers Payroll – Jan-Mar 1964.
Miscellaneous Items – 1941-1958.
Extra Copies of Monthly Statements 1953-1957.
BOX 23
Cattle Fertility Symposium 1966-67.Horse Racing Forms.
Miscellaneous Pamphlets.
Miscellaneous Correspondence 1963-65.
Wade Tung Oil, Bogalusa LA – Tung Shipments Nov 63 – Jan 64.
” ” ” ” – Nov – Dec 1964.
” ” ” ” – Jan – Feb 1965.
” ” ” ” – Mar – Apr 1965.
Green Copy – Standard Tickets – Oct – Dec 1952.
” ” ” ” – Jan – Apr 1953.
” ” ” ” – May – Oct 1953.
” ” ” ” – Nov ’53-Mar ’54.
” ” ” ” – Apr – Sep. 1954.
BOX 24
Invoices, February 1962
Invoices/payroll, March 1962
Invoices/payroll, April 1962
Paid Invoices, May 1962
Paid Invoices, June 1962
Paid Invoices, July 1962
Paid Invoices, August 1962
Paid Invoices, September 1962
Paid Invoices, October 1962
Paid Invoices, November 1962
Paid Invoices, December 1962
Paid Invoices, January 1963
Paid Invoices, February 1963
Paid Invoices, March 1963
Paid Invoices, April 1963
Paid Invoices, May 1963
Paid Invoices, June 1963
Paid Personal Bills 1979
Check- stub booklet, 1960-1962
Check- stub booklet, 1960-1962
BOX 25
Tung Oil Statements, 1948- 1950
Tung Oil Statements, 1949
Check Stubs, 1988
Invoices, January 1988
La. Tung Mill Inc., 1948
Statement, 1947
Statement, September 1947
Statement, 1948
Statement, 1949
Statement, 1951
Hausmann’s (receipts), 1954- 1957
Gaston Lanaux Income Tax File, 1944-1951
Income Tax- write-offs (receipts), 1956- 1958
Horses- La Quarter Horse Assn., 1956-1957
American Quarter Horse Assn., 1956-1959
Invoices, February 1988
Invoices, March 1988
Invoices, April 1988
Invoices, May 1988
Invoices, June 1988
Invoices, August 1988
Invoices, September 1988
Invoices, November 1988
Invoices, December 1988
Cash on hand, June- Dec. 1988
Personal Receipts, 1988
BOX 26
Spiral Note Book, Cattle Inventory
Spiral Note Book, Inventory
Credit Association- Stockholders & Corresponding Letters on Loan Info. 1966-1967
Family Photograph
Corresponding Letter/cards, 1966
Blue Prints for Equipment/pamphlets/measurements info., 1965-1967
Corresponding Letters, 1964-1967
Receipts & Inventory Info., 1966
Livestock Info., 1959-1966
Insurance Damage Claims- claim form, 1965
Agricultural Info., 1956-1965
D& H Stable, 1968
Angel Acres, 1968
Nautical Chart, Symbols and Abbreviation, 1956
Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Sheep
Guy N. F. Nord, 1966
Rockity, 1960
The Jefferson Futurity, 1970
Louisiana Futurities, 1965-1976
Diners Club, 1968-1969
Louisiana Breeders Sale Co., Audit Report, June 1971
Dispersal Breeding Sale, 1967-1969
Newspaper, The Weekly Livestock Reporter, 1965
Newspaper, The Weekly Livestock Reporter, 1965
Newspaper, Daily Racing Form, 1965
Newspaper, Midwest Wool Growers News, 1965
Eighth Annual Symposium on Fertility of Cattle, 1968
Proposal Plans for Real Estate
Quarter Horse, 1966-1969
Insurance policies livestock, 1965-1969
Brucellosis Test Records/Health certificate, 1966-1967
The Jockey club, registry office
Stallion service contract, 1966-1969
BOX 27
Louisiana Crop Reporting Service, 1957
Daily Livestock Report, 1955
Daily Livestock Report, 1958
Daily Livestock Report, 1959
Livestock Market Report, 1959
Midwest Wool Marketing Cooperation, Inc. 1959
Spiral note book, Inventory info. 1950
Bulletin, 1959
Lion Anhydrous Ammonia News
Agricultural Situation, 1959
Milling Contract of Wade Tung Oil Company, Inc.
Cutter Standard Newspaper & Brochure for Brook Tarpaulins, 1959
Diverse Pamphlets on Livestock, 1959
Diverse Pamphlets on Horses and shows, 1959
Gaston Lanaux Farm, Pickers Cards, 1960
Gaston Lanaux Farm, Pickers Cards, 1961
Gaston Lanaux Farm, Check Pickers Cards, 1965
Gaston Lanaux Farm, Pickers cards, 1964
Address Book
Names & Social Security Number, A-C
Names & Social Security Number, D-H
Names & Social Security Number, I- W
Check stub booklet, 1951-1954
Check stub booklet, 1956-1957
Check stub booklet, 1955-1956
Check stub booklet, 1956
Oil purchase book- 1953-1954
Ring binder for notes and inventory records
BOX 28
-Thoroughbred Record & Racing Calendar
-The Florida Horse- Stallion Register, 1968
The Florida Horse Catalog, January 1968
The Blood- Horse Magazine, 1967- 1968
Miscellaneous, 1940- 1969
Notebooks- horse and truck records, 1956- 1961
Property purchasing records, deeds, etc.
Schedule operating Expenses- November 1941- March 1942
S. Zemurray- Loads of Tung Nuts shipped to mill, March 1961
Details of operating Expenses, June 1941
Details of operating Expenses (Tung LA & Tung Mississippi), July 1941
Tung Operating Statements, January- May, 1941
Tung Oil Analysis, November 1957- March 1958
Loads to mill, November 1956- April 1957
Loads to mill, November 1957- April 1959
Loads to mill, November- December 1959
Loads to mill, January- April 1960
Canceled checks- Guaranty Bank, 1957
Canceled checks- Guaranty Bank, 1958
Canceled checks- Guaranty Bank, 1959
BOX 29
American Paint Journal, June- December 1959
” ” ” , January- May 1960
” ” ” , March- May 1962
” ” ” , June- August 1962
” ” ” , September- December 1962
” ” ” , January- March 1963
” ” ” , April- June 1963
” ” ” , July- October 1963
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1966-1967
Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, Griffith Ranch, 1968
BOX 30
1. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1956.
2. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1957.
3. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1957, II.
4. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1958.
5. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1959.
6. Classification Farms – Santa Gertrudis Breeders International.
7. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1959.
8. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1960.
9. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1961.
10. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1961.
11. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1962.
12. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1963.
13. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1963.
14. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1964.
15. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1965-1966.
16. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1969.
17. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1970
18. Santa Gertrudis – Armstrong, Texas.
19. Santa Gertrudis Breeders – Statement of Purchases/Letters, 1957-1964.
20. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, Information, 1968-1969.
21. Santa Gertrudis Souvenir Folder, 1962-1963.
22. Sale Record – Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1956-1960.
23. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1960.
24. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1961.
25. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1962.
26. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1963.
27. Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, 1964.
28. Santa Gertrudis Journal.
29. Cattle – Santa Getrudis.
30. Cattle – Santa Gertrudis – Jack Maltsberger Lot.
31. Cattle – Santa Gertrudis – Mortgage Franklinton Stockyards.
32. Cattle, 1956.
33 . Delta Santa Gertrudis Association, 1958.
34. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association.
35. Delta Santa Gertrudis Association.
36. Santa Gertrudis Information.
BOX 31
Accidents to Employees – 1960-1962.
Walter A. Adams – CPA
Commodity Credit Corp. – Loans on Tung Crop 1958-1959 Crop.
Fixes Assets 1959.
Gotcher Anhydrous Ammonia.
Hammond Equipment Company.
National American Life Insurance, 14 May 1957.
Milling Contract of Wade Tung Oil.
Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation.
Refund Gasoline Tax.
Regular Payroll – March 1962 – January 1963.
Social Security Account Numbers, Employees, 1959-1962.
Soil Test.
Stock Ponds With Fish.
Statements 1960.
Tung Crop 1959-1963.
Tangipahoa Economic Development Association.
W.H. Hodges & Company – Livestock Commission, 1943.
W.H. Hodges & Company – Livestock Commission, 1944.
” ” ” ” , 1945.
” ” ” ” , 1946-1947.
” ” ” ” , 1948-1949.
” ” ” ” , 1950.
” ” ” ” , 1951.
” ” ” ” , 1952.
” ” ” ” , 1953.
” ” ” ” , 1954.
” ” ” ” , 1955.
” ” ” ” , 1956.