Beatrice “Bee” Terry

Beatrice "Bee" Terry

Shelf 1- John F. Kennedy:

Abel, Elie, The Missile Crisis, Bantam Book, 1968, paperback, 198 pages

Adler, Bill, ed., More Kennedy Wit, Bantam Books, NY, paperback, 126 pages

Allen, Gary with Larry Abraham, None Dare Call it Conspiracy, Concord Press, CA, 1972,
paperback, 143 pages

Anson, Robert Sam, “They’ve Killed The President!” The Search for the Murderers of
John F. Kennedy, Bantam Book, 1975, paperback, 408 pages

Associated Press, The Torch is Passed, Associated Press, hardcover, 99 pages

Associated Press, The Torch is Passed, Parallax Publishing Co., Inc, Simon & Schuster,
Inc., 1967, paperback, 192 pages

Associated Press, Triumph and Tragedy, The Story of the Kennedys, The Associated Press,
1968, hardcover, 256 pages

Bishop, Jim, The Day Kennedy was Shot, Funk & Wagnalls, New York, hardcover, 713 pages

Blakey, G. Robert and Richard N. Billings, The Plot to Kill the President, Organized
Crime Assassinated J.F.K., The Definitive Story, Times Books, NY, 1981, hardcover,
428 pages

Bloomgarden, Henry S., The Gun, A “Biography” of the Gun That Killed John F. Kennedy,
Bantam Book, 1975, paperback, 117 pages

Blumenthal, Sid and Harvey Yazijian, eds., Government by Gunplay, Assassination Conspiracy
Theories From Dallas to Today, New American Library, NY, 1976, paperback, 266 pages

Bringuier, Carlos, Red Friday, November 22, 1963, Chas. Hallberg & Company, Chicago,
1969, hardcover, 174 pages

Buchanan, Thomas G., Who Killed Kennedy?, Macfadden-Bartell Book, NY, 1965, paperback,
160 pages

David, Jay, The Weight of the Evidence, The Warren Report and Its Critics, Meredith
Press, NY, 1968, hardcover, 303 pages

Davis, John H., Mafia Kingfish, Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy,
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., NY, 1989, hardcover, 580 pages

Davis, John H., Mafia Kingfish, Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy,
New American Library, NY, 1989, paperback, 674 pages

Eddowes, Michael, The Oswald File, Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York, 1977, hardcover,
240 pp.

Eddowes, Michael, The Oswald File, An Ace Book, 1977, paperback, 240 pages

Epstein, Edward Jay, Counterplot, Viking Press, NY, 1969, hardcover, 182 pages

Epstein, Edward Jay, Inquest, The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth,
Bantam Books, New York, 1966, paperback, 193 pages

Epstein, Edward Jay, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, 1978, hardcover, 382 pages

Epstein, Edward Jay, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald, Ballantine Books,
New York, 1978, paperback, 429 pages

Fairlie, Henry, The Kennedy Promise, The Politics of Expectation, Dell Book, 1974,
paperback, 304 pages

Fay, Paul B., Jr., The Pleasure of His Company, Dell Book, NY, 1966, paperback, 220

Shelf 2- John F. Kennedy:

Fensterwald, Bernard, Jr., Coincidence or Conspiracy?, Zebra Books, Kensington Publishing
Corp., NY, 1977, paperback, 592 pages

The Final Assassinations Report, Bantam Books Inc., New York, 1979, paperback, 792

Flammonde, Paris, The Kennedy Conspiracy, An Uncommissioned Report on the Jim Garrison
Investigation, Meredith Press, NY, 1969, hardcover, 348 pages

Ford, Gerald R. and John R. Stiles, Portrait of the Assasin, Ballantine Books, NY,
1966, paperback, 560 pages

Freed, Donald and Mark Lane, Executive Action, Assassination of a Head of State, Dell
Publishing Co., Inc., 1974, paperback, 250 pages

Fox, Sylvan, The Unanswered Questions About President Kennedy’s Assassination, Award
Books, NY, 1975, paperback, 237 pages (3 copies)

Garrison, Jim, A Heritage of Stone, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1970, hardcover,
253 pages

Garrison, Jim, On the Trail of the Assassins, My Investigation and Prosecution of
the Murder of President Kennedy, Sheridan Square Press, NY, 1988, hardcover, 342 pages
(2 copies)

Garrison, Jim, The Star Spangled Contract, McGraw Hill, New York, 1976, hardcover,
372 pages

Giancana, Sam and Church Giancana, Double Cross, The Explosive, Inside Story of the
Mobster Who Controlled America, Time Warner Company, 1992, hardcover, 366 pages

Hartogs, Renatus and Lucy Freeman, The Two Assassins, Kensington Publishing Co., New
York, 1965, paperback, 351 pages

Hayes, Harold, ed., Smiling Through the Apocalypse, Esquire’s History of the Sixties,
McCall Publishing Co., NY, hardcover, 981 pages

Henderson, Bruce and Sam Summerlin, 1:33, Cowles, 1968, hardcover, 243 pages

Hepburn, James, Farewell America, Frontiers Publishing Company, 1968, hardcover, 418

Herndon, Booton, comp., The Humor of JFK, Fawcett Publications, Inc., Conn., 1964,
paperback, 127 pages

Hersh, Seymour M., “The Target is Destroyed”: What Really Happened to Flight 007 and
What America Knew About It,” Vintage Books, New York, 1968, paperback, 392 pages

Hunt, E. Howard, Give Us This Day, Popular Library, 1973, paperback, 235 pages

Hurt, Henry, Reasonable Doubt, An Investigation into the Assassination of John F.
Kennedy, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, hardcover, 555 pages

James, Rosemary and Jack Wardlaw, Plot or Politics? The Garrison Case & Its Cast,
1967, Pelican Publishing House, New Orleans, paperback, 167 pages

Joesten, Joachim, Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy?, Marzani & Munsell Publishers Inc.,
1964, paperback, 210 pages

Joesten, Joachim, Marina Oswald, Peter Dawnay Ltd, London, 1967, hardcover, 165 pages

Jones, Penn Jr., Forgive My Grief, Volume I, The Midlothian Mirror, Inc., 1966, paperback,
188 pp.

Jones, Jr. Penn, Forgive My Grief II, The Midlothian Mirror, Inc, Midlothian, Texas,
1967, paperback, 192 pages

Kantor, Seth, The Ruby Cover-Up, Zebra Books, Kensington Publishing Corp., NY, paperback,
450 pages

Kennedy, John F., Profiles in Courage, Cardinal Edition, 1963, paperback, 233 pages

Kennedy, Robert F., Thirteen Days, A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis, W. W. Norton
& Company, Inc., NY, hardcover, 224 pages

Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, Times to Remember, Doubleday & Co., Inc, Garden City, NY,
1974, hardcover, 536 pages (2 copies)

Kirkwood, James, American Grotesque, An Account of the Clay Shaw—Jim Garrison Affair
in the City of New Orleans, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1970, hardcover, 669 pages

Shelf 3- John F. Kennedy:

Lane, Mark, A Citizen’s Dissent, Mark Lane Replies, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY,
1968, hardcover, 290 pages

Lane, Mark, Plausible Denial, Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK?, Thunder’s
Mouth Press, NY, hardcover, 393 pages

Lane, Mark, Rush to Judgment, a Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry into the
Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit, and Lee Harvey Oswald,
Fawcett Crest Book, Conn., paperback, 396 pages

Lane, Mark, Rush to Judgment, The Questioning Book About the Kennedy Assassination,
Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1975, paperback, 476 pages

Lazo, Mario, Dagger in the Heart, American Policy Failures in Cuba, Twin Circle Publishing
Co., NY, 1968, paperback, 447 pages

Lifton, David S., Best Evidence, Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John
F. Kennedy, McMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, hardcover, 747 pages

Lincoln, Evelyn, Kennedy & Johnson, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, hardcover, 207

Lincoln, Evelyn, My Twelve Years with John F. Kennedy, Bantam Book, NY, paperback,
311 pages

Livingstone, Harrison Edward, High Treason 2, The Great Cover-Up: The Assassination
of President John F. Kennedy, Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc, NY, hardcover, 656 pages

Lowe, Jacques, PORTRAIT, The emergence of John F. Kennedy, Bramhall House, NY, 1961,
hardcover, 224 pages

McDonald, Hugh C. as told to Geoffrey Bocca, Appointment in Dallas, the final Solution
to the assassination of JFK, Hugh McDonald Publishing Co., New York, 1975, paperback,
211 pages

Manchester, William, The Death of a President, November 1963, Harper & Row, New York,
1967, hardcover, 710 pages

Marcus, Raymond, The Bastard Bullet: A Search for Legitimacy for Commission Exhibit
399, Rendell Publications, CA, 1966, 78 pages

Marrs, Jim, Crossfire, The Plot That Killed Kennedy, Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc.,
NY, paperback, 625 pages

Meagher Sylvia, Accessories After the Fact: The Warren Commission, The Authorities
& The Report, Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., New York, 1967, hardcover, 477 pages

Menninger, Bonar, Mortal Error, The Shot That Killed JFK, St. Martin’s Press, NY,
hardcover, 361 pages

Model, F. Peter and Robert J. Groden, JFK: The Case for Conspiracy, Manor Books Inc.,
New York, 1976, paperback, 299 pages

Montgomery, Ruth, A Gift of Prophecy, The Phenomenal Jeane Dixon, Bantam Book, 1965,
paperback, 196 pages

Morin, Relman, Assassination, The Death of President John F. Kennedy, Signet Book,
NY, 1968, paperback, 191 pages

Morrow, Robert D., Betrayal, The Man Who Bought the Rifle That Killed JFK Tells the
Story, Warner Books, 1976, paperback, 239 pages (2 copies)

Newman, Albert H., The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, The Reasons Why, Clarkson
N. Potter, Inc./Publisher, NY, hardcover, 622 pages

New York Times, The Witnesses, The Highlights of Hearings Before the Warren Commission
on the Assassination of President Kennedy, Bantam Books, NY, 1964, paperback, 626

North, Mark, Act of Treason, The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President
Kennedy, Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., NY, 1991, hardcover, 671 pages

Noyes, Peter, Legacy of Doubt, Pinnacle Books, NY, 1973, paperback, 256 pages

O’Donnell, Kenneth P. and David F. Powers with Joe McCarthy, “Johnny, We Hardly Knew
Ye,” Memories of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1972,
hardcover, 434 pages

Oglesby, Carl, The Yankee and Cowboy War, Berkley Publishing Corporation, New York,
1977, paperback, 372 pages

O’Toole, George, The Assassination Tapes, Penthouse Press Ltd., New York, hardcover,
1975, 265 pages

Popkin, Richard H., The Second Oswald, Avon Books, New York, 1966, paperback, 174

Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within The United States
by Nelson Rockefeller, Manor Books, Inc., NY, 1975, paperback, 299 pages-unavailable

Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, NY, 1964, hardcover, 726 pagesShelf 4 – John F. Kennedy:

Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, Bantam
Books, NY, 1964, paperback, 726 pages

Roberts, Charles, The Truth about the Assassination, Grosset & Dunlap Publishers,
New York, 1967, paperback, 128 pages

Roffman, Howard, Presumed Guilty, A. S. Barnes and Co., Inc., New York, 1976, hardcover,
299 pages

Salinger, Pierre, With Kennedy, Avon Book, NY, 1966, paperback, 476 pages

Sauvage, Léo, The Oswald Affair, An Examination of the Contradictions and Omissions
of the Warren Report, World Publishing Company, Cleveland and NY, 1966, hardcover,
418 pages

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., A Thousand Days, John F. Kennedy In the White House,
Fawcett Crest Book, Conn., 1967, paperback, 967 pages

Scheim, David E., Contract on America, The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy,
Kensington Publishing Co., New York, 1988, hardcover, 480 pages

Scott, Peter Dale, Paul L. Hoch and Russell Stetler, eds., The Assassinations, Dallas
and Beyond, a Guide to Cover-Ups and Investigations, Vintage Books, NY, 1976, paperback,
552 pages

Sorensen, Theodore C., Kennedy, Bantam Books, NY, 1966, paperback, 881 pages

Strousse, Flora, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Man of Courage, published by New American
Library, 1964, paperback, 144 pages

Stoughton, Cecil and Chester Clifton, narrated by Hugh Sidney, The Memories, JFK,
1961-1963, W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., NY, 1973, hardcover, 200 pages

Summers, Anthony, Conspiracy, McGraw Hill, New York, 1980, hardcover, 640 pages

Van Gelder, Lawrence, The Untold Story, Why the Kennedys Lost the Book Battle, Award
Books, New York, 1967, Paperback, 128 pages

The Warren Commission Report, The official report presented to President Lyndon B.
Johnson on September 24, 1964, by the President’s Commission on the Assassination
of President Kennedy, Barnes & Noble Books, NY, 1992, hardcover, 888 pagesWeisberg, Harold, Oswald In New Orleans, Canyon Books, New York, 1967, paperback,
404 pagesWeisberg, Harold, Photographic Whitewash, Hyattstown, Md., 1967, paperback, 296 pagesWeisberg, Harold, Post Mortem, Frederick, Md., 1975, paperback, 650 pagesWeisberg, Harold, Whitewash IV, Frederick, Md., 1974, paperback, 224 pagesWeisberg, Harold, Whitewash, The Report on the Warren Report, Dell Publishing Co.,
Inc, NY, paperback, 368 pages

Weisberg, Harold, Whitewash II, The FBI-Secret Service Cover-UP, Dell Publishing Co.,
Inc, NY, paperback, 384 pages

White, Theodore H., The Making of the President 1960, Signet Book, 1961, paperback,
447 pages

Wise, David and Thomas Ross, The Invisible Government, Bantam, 1955, paperback, 402

Richard Nixon:

Allen, Gary, Richard Nixon, The Man Behind The Mask, Western Islands, Boston, 1971,
paperback, 433 pages

Allen, Gary, Nixon’s Palace Guard, Western Islands, Boston, 1971, paperback, 210 pages

Anderson, Jack with George Clifford, The Anderson Papers, Ballantine Book, NY, 1974,
paperback, 331 pages

Ashman, Charles and Sheldon Engelmayer, Martha: The Mouth that Roared, A biography
of Martha Mitchell—from Pine Bluff, Arkansas to Watergate, Berkley Publishing Corporation,
1973, paperback, 212 pages

Berger, Raoul, Impeachment, The Constitutional Problems, Bantam Book, NY, paperback,
400 pp.

Bernstein, Carl and Bob Woodward, All the President’s Men, Simon and Schuster, NY,
1974, hardcover, 349 pages

Buchwald, Art, “I Am Not A Crook,” Fawcett Crest, 1975, paperback, 224 pages

Buschel, Bruce, Albert Robbins, William Vitka, The Watergate File, a concise, illustrated
guide to the people and events, Flash Books, Moses Publishing Co., 1973, NY, paperback,
158 pages

Capell, Frank A., Henry Kissinger, Soviet Agent, Herald of Freedom, NJ, 1974, paperback,
120 pp.

Chester, Lewis, Cal McCrystal, Stephen Aris, and William Shawcross, Watergate, The
Full Inside Story, Ballantine Books, NY, 1973, paperback, 280 pages

Congressional Quarterly, Watergate: Chronology of a Crisis, Volume 1, Congressional
Quarterly, Washington, D. C., 1973, paperback, 291 pages

Dean, John W. III, Blind Ambition, The White House Years, Simon and Schuster, NY,
1976, hardcover, 415 pages

Drew, Elizabeth, Washington Journal, The Events of 1973-1974, Random House, NY, hardcover,
428 pages

Shelf 5- Richard Nixon:

Hersh, Seymour, The Price of Power, Kissinger in the Nixon White House, Summit Books,
1983, paperback, 698 pages

Jaworski, Leon, The Right and the Power, The Prosecution of Watergate, Gulf Publishing
Co., Houston, hardcover, 305 pages

Lasky, Victor, It Didn’t Start with Watergate, The Dial Press, NY, 1977, hardcover,
438 pages

Lure, Leonard, The Impeachment of Richard Nixon, Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1973,
paperback, 208 pages

McGinniss, Joe, The Selling of the President 1968, Pocket Books, NY, 1974, paperback,
278 pages

Magruder, Jeb Stuart, An American Life, One Man’s Road to Watergate, Atheneum, NY,
1974, hardcover, 338 pages

Mankiewicz, Frank, Perfectly Clear, Nixon From Whittier to Watergate, Popular Library,
NY, paperback, 287 pages

Mankiewicz, Frank, U. S. V. Richard M. Nixon: The Final Crisis, Ballantine Book, NY,
paperback, 322 pages

Miller, Marvin, Comp., The Breaking of a President 1974, Vol. 2Miller, William “Fishbait,” as told to Frances Spatz Leighton, Fishbait, The Memoirs
of the Congressional Doorkeeper, Warner Book, NY, 1978, 527 pages

New York Times, The Final Report of the Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives,
Bantam Books, Inc., NY, 1975, paperback, 755 pages

New York Times, The End of a Presidency, Bantam Books, Inc., NY, 1974, paperback,
353 pages

New York Times, ed., The Watergate Hearings, Break-in and Cover-up, Bantam Books,
NY, paperback, 886 pages

The Presidential Transcripts, with Commentary by the Staff of The Washington Post,
Including: Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, Haynes Johnson, and Lawrence Meyer, Dell
Book, NY, paperback, 693 pages

Safire, William, Before the Fall: An Inside View of the Pre-Watergate White House,
Belmont Tower Books, NY, paperback, 704 pages

Samson, Anthony, The Sovereign State of ITT, Fawcett Crest Book, 1974, paperback,
335 pages

The Senate Watergate Report, Dell Book, 1974, paperback, 761 pages

Sirica, John J., To Set the Record Straight, The Break-in, The Tapes, The Conspirators,
The Pardon, W. W. Norton & Co., NY, 1979, hardcover, 394 pages

Sussman, Barry, The Great Cover-Up: Nixon and The Scandal of Watergate, Signet Special,
1974, paperback, 315 pages (2 copies)

United Press International and The World Almanac, The Impeachment Report, A Guide
to Congressional Proceedings in the Case of Richard M. Nixon, President of the United
States, A Signet Special, 1974, paperback, 316 pages

Voorhis, Jerry, The Strange Case of Richard Milhous Nixon, Paul S. Eriksson, Inc.,
NY, 1972, hardcover, 341 pages

Washington Post, The Fall of a President, Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1974, paperback,
232 pages

White, Theodore H., Breach of Faith, The Fall of Richard Nixon, Atheneum Publishers,
1975, hardcover, 374 pages

The Whitehouse Transcripts, Bantam Book, Inc, NY, paperback, 1974, 877 pages

Wills, Garry, Nixon Agonistes, New American Library, Inc., 1970, paperback, 556 pages

Woodward, Bob and Carl Bernstein, The Final Days, Simon and Schuster, NY, hardcover,
476 pages


Agee, Philip, Inside the Company CIA Diary, Stone Publishing Company, 1975, hardcover,
630 pp.

Ashman, Charles, The CIA-Mafia Link, Manor Books Inc., New York, 1975, paperback,
234 pages

Bamford, James, The Puzzle Palace, Inside the National Security Agency, America’s
Most Secret Intelligence Organization, Penguin Books, 1988, paperback, 655 pages

Carpozi, George, Jr., Red Spies in Washington, Pocket Books, NY, paperback, 212 pages

Copeland, Miles, Beyond Cloak and Dagger: Inside the CIA, Pinnacle Books, NY, paperback,
380 pages

Shelf 6-CIA, FBI

Copeland, Miles, Beyond Cloak and Dagger: Inside the CIA, Pinnacle Books, NY, paperback,
380 pages

de Toledano, Ralph, J. Edgar Hoover, The Man in His Time, Manor Books Inc., 1974,
paperback, 384 pages

Dorman, Michael, Pay-Off, Berkley Publishing Corp., NY, 1972, paperback, 304 pages

Dorman, Michael, Vesco, The Infernal Money Making Machine, Berkley Publishing Corporation,
1975, paperback, 248 pages

Halperin, Morton H., Jerry J. Berman, Robert L. Borosage, and Christine M. Marwick,
The Lawless State, The Crimes of the U. S. Intelligence Agencies, Penguin Books Ltd,
NY, paperback, 328 pages

Hersh, Seymour, The Price of Power, Kissinger in the Nixon White House, Summit Books,
1983, paperback, 698 pages

Hoover, J. Edgar, Master of Deceit, Giant Cardinal Edition, 1961, paperback, 352 pages

Hutchison, Robert A., Vesco, The Story of the Biggest Securities Fraud of Modern Times-The
Looting of IOS, Praeger Publishers, NY, hardcover, 376 pages

Kirkpatrick, Lyman B., Jr., The Real CIA, An Insider’s View of the Strengths and Weaknesses
of Our Government’s Most Important Agency, Macmillan Co., New York, 1968, hardcover,
312 pages

Levin, Michael, Deep Cover, The Inside Story of How DEA Infighting, Incompetence,
and Subterfuge Lost Us the Biggest Battle of the Drug War, Delacorte Press, hardcover,
319 pages

McGarvey, Patrick J., C.I.A., The Myth and the Madness, Penquin Books, MD, 1972, paperback,
240 pages

Marchetti, Victory and John D. Marks, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Alfred
A. Knopf, NY, 1974, hardcover, 398 pages

Messick, Hank, Lansky, Berkley Medallion Book, NY, 1971, paperback, 288 pages

Messick, Hank, Secret File: The Untold Story of America’s Least Known Crimefighters,
G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1969, hardcover, 378 pages

Popov, Dusko, Spy/Counterspy, The autobiography of Dusko Popov, Grosset & Dunlap Publishes,
NY, 1974, hardcover, 339 pages

Prouty, L. Fletcher, The Secret Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United
States and the World, Ballantine Books, NY, paperback, 556 pages

Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within The United States
by Nelson Rockefeller, Manor Books, Inc., NY, 1975, paperback, 299 pages

Turkus, Burton B. and Sid Feder, Murder, Inc., The Inside Story of the Mob, Manor
Books, Inc., 1974, paperback, 434 pages

Watters, Pat and Stephen Gillers, eds., Investigating the FBI, Ballantine Books, NY,
1974, paperback, 472 pages

Wise, David and Thomas B. Ross, the espionage establishment, Random House, NY, hardcover,
308 pages

Woodward, Bob, Veil, The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987, Simon and Schuster, NY,
1987, hardcover, 543 pages

Shelf 6 Continued- Presidents, Congress, Supreme Court, Lawyers

Blair, Clay, Jr., The Strange Case of James Earl Ray, The Man Who Murdered Martin
Luther King, Bantam Book, 1969, paperback, 245 pages

Collins, Tom, The Search for Jimmy Carter, Word Books, Waco, Texas, 1976, paperback,
192 pages

Frank, Gerold, An American Death, Bantam Book, 1973, paperback, 557 pages

Goldman, Eric F., The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson, Dell Book, 1969, paperback, 652 pages

Goulden, Joseph C., The Superlawyers, The Small and Powerful World of the Great Washington
Law Firms, Weybright and Talley, New York, 1972, hardcover, 408 pages

Green, Mark J., Who Runs Congress?, Bantam/Grossman Book, 1975, paperback, 366 pages

Haley, J. Evetts, A Texan Looks at Lyndon, A Study in Illegitimate Power, Palo Duro
Press, Canyon, Texas, 1964, paperback, 254 pages

Hertsgaard, Mark, On Bended Knee, The Press and the Reagan Presidency, Farrar Straus
Giroux, NY, 1988, hardcover, 408 pages

Kennedy, Senator Edward M., Decisions for a Decade, Policies and Programs for the
1970s, Signet Books, 1968, paperback, 190 pages

Noonan, Peggy, What I Saw at the Revolution, A Political Life in the Reagan Era, Random
House, NY, 1990, hardcover, 353 pages

Ray, James Earl, Who Killed Martin Luther King? The True Story by the Alleged Assasin,
National Press Books, Washington, D.C., 1992, hardcover, 285 pages

Schieffer, Bob and Gary Paul Gates, The Acting President, Ronald Reagan and the Supporting
Players Who Helped Him Create the Illusion That Held America Spellbound, E. P. Dutton,
NY, 1989, hardcover, 397 pages

Sheehan, Neil, Hedrick Smith, E. W. Kenworthy, and Fox Butterfield, The Pentagon Papers,
The Secret History of the Vietnam War, Bantam Book, 1971, paperback, 677 pages

Shelf 7- Presidents, Congress, Supreme Court, Lawyers

Sick, Gary, October Surprise, America’s Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald
Reagan, Times-Books, Random House, 1991, hardcover, 278 pages

U. S. News & World Report, Triumph Without Victory, The Unreported History of the
Persian Gulf War, Times Books, Random House, NY, 1992, hardcover, 477 pages

White, Theodore H., The Making of the President 1964, Signet Book, 1966, paperback,
510 pages

Woodward, Bob and Scott Armstrong, The Brethren, Inside the Supreme Court, Simon and
Schuster, NY, 1979, hardcover, 467 pages

Woodward, Bob, The Commanders, Simon & Schuster, 1991, hardcover, 398 pages

Biographies, General Histories, Political Science

Anderson, Jack and Carl Kalvelage, American Government [Like it is], Warner Paperback
Library, NY, 1972, paperback, 174 pages

Brian, Denis, Jeane Dixon: The Witnesses, Warner Books Edition, NY, 1976, paperback,
223 pages

Brinkley, David, Washington Goes To War, Ballantine Books, NY, 1988, paperback, 287

Demaris, Ovid, Dirty Business, The Corporate-Political Money-Power Game, Harper &
Row, Publishers, Inc., 1974, hardcover, 442 pages

Ehrlichman, John, Washington Behind Closed Doors, The Company, Pocket Book, NY, 1977,
paperback, 327 pages

Goodwin, Richard N., The American Condition, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City,
NY, 1974, hardcover, 407 pages

Hackworth, Colonel David H., and Julie Sherman, About Face, The Odyssey of an American
Warrior, Touchstone, Simon and Schuster, NY, 1989, paperback, 875 pages

Halberstam, David, The Best and the Brightest, Random House, NY, 1972, hardcover,
688 pages

Hickel, Walter J., Who Owns America?, Paperback Library, NY, paperback, 299 pages

Hume, Brit, Inside Story, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, NY, 1974, hardcover,
304 pages

Jackley, John L, Hill Rat, Blowing the Lid Off Congress, Regnery Gateway, Washington,
D. C., 1992, hardcover, 377 pages

Kenan, H. S., The Federal Reserve Bank, The Most Fantastic and Unbelievable Fraud
in History, Noontide Press, CA, paperback, 256 pages

Lewin, Leonard C., ed., A Treasury of American Political Humor, Dell Publishing Co.,
Inc., 1968, paperback, 524 pages

Lundberg, Ferdinand, The Rich and the Super-Rich, A Study in the Power of Money Today,
Bantam Book, 1973, paperback, 1009 pages

McClendon, Sarah, My Eight Presidents, Wyden Books, NY, hardcover, 239 pages

Manchester, William, The Glory and the Dream, A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972,
Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1974, hardcover, 1397 pages

Mayer, Martin, The Greatest-Ever Bank Robbery, The Collapse of the Savings and Loan
Industry, Charles Scribner’s Sons, NY, hardcover, 354 pages

North, Oliver L. with William Novak, Under Fire, An American Story, Harper Collins
Publishers, Zondervan, 1991, hardcover, 446 pages

O’Brien, Lawrence F., No Final Victories, A Life in Politics from John F. Kennedy
to Watergate, Ballantine Books, NY, 1975, paperback, 407 pages

Potts, Mark, Nicholas Kochan and Robert Whittington, Dirty Money, BCCI: The Inside
Story of the World’s Sleaziest Bank, National Press Book, Washington, D. C., 1992,
hardcover, 283 pages

Rather, Dan with Mickey Herskowitz, The Camera Never Blinks, Adventures of a TV Journalist,
William Morrow and Company, Inc., NY, 1977, hardcover, 320 pages

Schaap, Dick, R. F. K., Signet Book, 1967, paperback, 127 pages

Smith, Edward C. and Arnold J. Zurcher, Dictionary of American Politics, Barns & Noble
Books, NY, paperback, 434 pages

Steiger, Brad, ed., Project Blue Book, The Top Secret UFO Findings Revealed, Ballantine
Books, NY, paperback, 423 pages

Terman, Douglas, A Novel, First Strike, Charles Scribner’s Sons, NY, 1979, hardcover,
368 pages

BOX 1Newspapers:

Folder 1: The Times-Picayune November 23, 1963; November 24, 1963; November 25, 1963; September 28, 1964; June
6, 1968; June 7, 1968; June 8, 1968; June 9, 1968

Folder 2: AdvocateNovember 24, 1963; April 13, 1968; June 7, 1968; June 9, 1968; January 27, 1969; February
12, 1969; February 16, 1969

Folder 3: The Knoxville News-SentinelJune 11, 1977; June 14, 1977

Folder 4: Miscellaneous Newspaper and Magazine Articles about Kennedys (13 items)


Enlarged Photograph-JFK and RFKU. S. News and World Report, March of the News, “Crime Bill Passes-What it Calls For”
June 17, 1968Ladies’ Home Journal, Do You Remember the Day JFK Died? November 1983TV Mirror Radio, How a Mother Hides Her Tears…Jackie’s Struggle to Teach the Children
Why Kennedys Don’t Cry, March 1964Inside SirhanTime, Robert Kennedy, June 14, 1968Photoplay, Special Collector’s Issue, Memories of Three Brides“Jacqueline B. Kennedy, Plantiff…”People, JFK Jr, You Can Do It, John! May 21, 1990Tattler Investigative Special, RFK’s Assassination, Why Sirhan Didn’t Kill Him, November
1975Newsweek, Robert F. Kennedy 1925-1968, June 17, 1968Life, Special Edition, The Kennedys, 1968Look, The Bob Kennedy We Knew, 1968Bobby, The Robert F. Kennedy Story-The Man & His Dream, Macfadden-Bartell Corporation,
NYKennedy and His Family in Pictures, 1963John F. Kennedy Memorial Album, 1964John F. Kennedy From Childhood to Martyrdom, Tatler Publishing Company, Washington,
D. D., 1963 (2 copies)The President Nobody KnewJacqueline Kennedy, Woman of ValorWhy Did Jackie Marry Onassis?, Popular Library, Inc., 1968 A Salute to Jacqueline Kennedy, The Bravest Woman In The World, The Highlights and
Shadows in Her Life From Inauguration to Arlington, James P. Matthews, 1964One Dozen Red Roses, The Life Story of Jacqueline Kennedy, United Press International,
1964Tragedy! The Life and Death of Robert Kennedy, Smifty, Inc., CA, 1968Robert Francis Kennedy Memorial Issue, M. F. Enterprises, Inc., 1968 Post, Three Assassins Killed Kennedy, December 2, 1967 The Times-Picayune Special Issue: This Week, Six Great Moments In the White House,
January 19, 1964Ladies’ Home Journal Book Bonus, The Bouviers: Portrait of an American Family by John
H. Davis, February 1969Look, What You Don’t Know about Jacqueline Kennedy The New American Beauty, July 4,
1961Look, Valient is the Word for Jacqueline, January 28, 1964 Ladies’ Home Journal, How the Remarkable Auchincloss Family Shaped the Jacqueline
Kennedy Style by Stephen Birmingham, March 1967 Ten Years Later, a New Book Gives Insights on Kennedy Family Life, Portrait of a
President as Parent, September 30, 1973Look: In Memory of John F. Kennedy by William Attwood, December 31, 1963Robert Kennedy’s Tribute to JFK, 1964Life: The Two Accused: The Psycho-Biology of Violence, June 21, 1968Life, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, June 14, 1968Secret Evidence on the Kennedy Assassination by David Wise, April 4, 1968Look, The President and his Son: An Exclusive Picture Story, December 3, 1963Pages from a Family AlbumLife, December 6, 1963Life, Lee Oswald, February 21, 1964Life, A Thousand Days: First Portrait of Kennedy by a Member of His Team, July 16,
1965Look, The JFK Memorial Issue, November 17, 1964





