Map Collection
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
1. Map showing survey of property in Section 48, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena
Louisiana, For Glen Allen, April 6, 1979 (76.2 Acres)
2. Map showing survey of property in Section 48, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena
Louisiana, For Glen Allen, April 6, 1979. (73.77 Acres)
3. Map showing property locations and changes of Amite River in Sections 39 and 59,
T4S- R3E and Section 40, T4S-R4E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Sewell Bahm, July 15, 1966
4. Map showing the survey of the E.L. Knighton Property in Sections 72, 73, and 37,
T2S- R4E, Greensburg Land District, Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana and Section 46,
T2S-R3E, For W.L. Billups, March 11, 1960
5. Map showing survey of property in Section 58, T3S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena,
Louisiana, For Charles Collins, June 1, 1979
6. Map showing survey of property in Sections 1, 12, and 55, T1S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Bob Davis, August 19, 1965
7. Map showing survey of property in Sections 43 and 16, T2S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of
St. Helena, Louisiana, For Heirs of O.L. Grice, January 23, 1979
8. Map showing Tall Timber Estates: A subdivision of Property in Sections 35 and 59,
T2S and Sections 2 and 60, T3S-R5E, G.L.D., Town of Greensburg, Parish of St. Helena,
Louisiana, For Greensburg Development Corporation, n.d.
9. Map showing survey of property in Section 51 and 59, T4S-R4 and 5E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For M.L. Harvey, n.d.
10. Map showing actual ground survey and subdivision of property in Section 34, T2S-R5E,
and Section 3, T3S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Eunice Paddio- Johnson, October 29, 1986
11. Map showing survey of property in Section 42 and 46, T4S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of
St. Helena, Louisiana, For Kemp Heirs, June 22, 1988
12. Map showing survey of property in Section 3, T1S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena,
Louisiana, For J.B. Lee, June 7, 1979
13. Map showing survey of property in Section 57 and 13, T1S-R5E, Section 39 and 18,
T1S- R6E., G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Gerald Mc Millan, March 2, 1984
14. Map showing survey of property in Section 36, T3S-R5E, G.L.D., parish of St. Helena,
Louisiana, For L.B. Ponder, Jr., Et. Al., June 22, 1979 (Not in drawer)
15. Map showing survey and subdivision of property in Section 79 and 81, T2S-R4E,
G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For J. Preston Strickland, Estate, July 26, 1979
16. Map showing survey of property in Sections 61, 1 & 68, T2S-R5E, Sections 38, 39,
40 & 6, T2S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Estate of T.R. Travis, September 21, 1964
17. Map showing property in Section 49, T3S-R6E and Section 55, T4S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For James H. and Billie D. Tycer, November 28, 1978
18. Map showing property in Section 57, T4S-R5E, Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana,
For John B. Watson Estate.
DRAWER 1 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
19. Map showing survey of property in Sections 27 and 42, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Welch, August 30, 1979
20. Map showing the location of a tract of road to be transferred by Leslie T. Ponder
to the Hollaway Grarel Co. in Section 49, T3S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
May 19, 1930
21. Map showing the present location of the Flint Sand and Gravel Company’s railroad
through Sections 33 and 50, T3S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana and a proposed location
into Section 49 same township and range, March 31, 1937
22. Map showing the location of a portion of the Flint Gravel Company’s property in
Sections 49 and 50, T3S-R7E, Greensburg District Louisiana, March 5, 1936
23. Map showing locations of properties of D.H. Sanders, Jr. 7.80 Acres, Mrs. Annaise
Mauvezin 3 Acres, John Mauvezin 86.35 Acres in Sections 9, 10, and 54, T4S-R7E, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, December 28, 1934
24. Map showing the location and subdivision of the Est. of Paul and Agnes Tuckerson
in Section 28, T4S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, May 31, 1929
25. Map showing the subdivision of the Estate of Golda Jones in Headright 43, and
Section 34, T4S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, March 18, 1955
26. Plan showing existing and proposed location of the east right of way line U. S.
Highway No. 51 and existing and desired location of improvement of Anthony Lascaro
in Section 9, T4S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, February 4, 1957
27. Map showing Section T5S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana. August 5, 1845
28. Map showing subdivision of the Estate of Andrew Stevens C.O.B. 58, P. 325 in Section
10, T5S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana. October 18, 1953
29. Plat showing the location and subdivision of the Estate of George and Giovanna
Grovanna Alessi in Sections 9 & 16, T5S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, n.d.
30. Map showing the subdivision of the land of Salvatore Levatino in sections 13 and
14 T. 5S. R. 7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, June 20, 1931
31. Map showing the location of a 21.90 Acre tract of land in Sections 9, 10 & 15,
T5S-R7E, Greensburg District Louisiana a survey of which was made June 23, 1930 at
the request of Brown Whittington, June 20, 1930
32. Map showing the property of Millard F. Tucker being part of E 1/2 of E 1/2 of
Section 37, T7S-R7E, Greensburg District of Louisiana, September 9, 1921
33. Map showing the location of the Moorehead land in Sections 33 and 43 T5S-R8E,
Greensburg District Louisiana, May 10, 1943
34. Map showing locations of properties of D.H. Sanders, Jr. 407.80 Acres, Mrs. Annaise
Mauvezin 3 Acres, John Mauvezin 86.35 Acres in Sections 9, 10, and 54, T4S-R7E, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, December 28, 1934
35. Map showing the partition of the Mittie Muse Estate Sections 2 and 43, T3S, R5E,
St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, June 18, 1979
36. Map showing the location of Mrs. John Mauvezin’s land in Sections 9 and 54, T4S-R7E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana, November 12, 1943
37. Map showing the location of a tract of land to be transferred by Dr. C.G. Foulks
to the Holloway Grarel Co. in Section 49, T3S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
October 10, 1930
DRAWER 1 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
38. Plan showing locations in Section 1, 2, and 11, T5S-R6E being the property of
the Independence Strawberry Farms Realty Company and others, July 16, 1942
39. Plat showing the location of Mrs. M. T. Spiller’s land in Sections 2, 11, and
53, T4S-R6E, Greensburg Land District, Louisiana n.d.
40. Map showing locations in Sections 26, 33, 34, and 3S, T2S-R7E and Sections 2 and
54, T3S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, being the property of Tongipalioa Bank
and Trust Company In Liq, n.d.
41. Map showing Green Bros. Sections 13, 23, 24, and 40, T2S-R7E, Greensburg District,
Louisiana, May 18, 1953
42. Map showing the locations of the land of Leon Simmons in Section 50, T1S-R6E and
Section T1S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, April 15, 1950
43. Map showing Eastern portion of Section 38, T1S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
44. Map showing the location of Mrs. Rosa Martin’s 15 acre tract in Section T1S-R7E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana, July 17, 1941
45. Map showing the location of Mrs. Rosa Martin’s 15 acre tract in Section T1S-R7E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana, July 17, 1941
46. Map showing the location and subdivision of the Estate of W. P. Russell in Sections
40 and 45, T3S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, December 26, 1949
47. Map showing the location of a tract of land to be transferred by Dr. C.G. Foulks
to the Holloway Grarel Co. in Section 49, T3S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
October 10, 1930
48. Plan showing the location of the Amite Bank & Trust Co.’s Land in Sections 32
& 33, T3S- R7E, Greensburg Land District, Louisiana n.d. (Not in Drawer)
49. Plat showing locations in T3S-R7E Greensburg Land District, Louisiana, n.d.
50. Map showing Section T3S-R5E Greensburg District Louisiana, July 27, 1948
51. Map showing Section T4S-R5E Greensburg District Louisiana, December 12, 1860
52. Map showing Section T3S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana February 13, 1849
53. Map showing Section T3S-R5E Greensburg District Louisiana September 28, 1860
54. Map showing Section T3R-6E Greensburg District LA, July 3, 1848
55. Map showing Section T3S-R6E Greensburg District Louisiana, December 12, 1860 (Not in Drawer)
56. Map showing survey of property in Section 11, T2S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena
Louisiana, July 11, 1979
57. Map showing property in Section 49, T3S-R6E and Section 55, T4S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, May 4, 1979
58. Map showing property in Sections 35 and 50, T3S and Sections 2, 52, and 53, T4S-R6E,
G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, August 22, 1977
59. Map showing Section T2S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana, n.d. (Not in Drawer)
60. Map showing Section T3S-R7E and T4S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana, December 17, 1892
61. Map showing the location of a tract of land in the northwest portion of Section
58, T3S-R7E and Section 40, T3S-R8E Greensburg District, May 7, 1930
DRAWER 1 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
62. Locations in Section 29, T4S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana November 1, 1914
63. Locations in Section 4, T5S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana, June 1914 64. Copy of a subdivision of Section 39, T5S-R7E Greensburg District November 30,
1942 65. Map showing locations in the north east quarter of section 21, T5S-R7E, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, May 23, 1930
66. Map showing locations in the east half of the Northwest quarter of Section 21,
T5S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, May 23, 1930
67. Map showing locations in the north half of Section 17, T5S-R7E, Greensburg District,
Louisiana, April 29, 1930
68. Plat showing locations in Sections 13, 14, 23, 24, T5S-R7E, Greensburg, Louisiana
69. Map showing W.E. Mount’s property which is all of Section 56 east of Yellow Water
Creek, four acres in S. W. Corner of section 57 and all that portion of Section 57
east of Davignon’s and south of the Springfield and Madisonville Road, T7SR7E June-July 1914- February 25-March 25, 1915
70. Map showing Section 25, T5S-R7E, Greensburg land District, Louisiana, For Miss Annie Hill, Sylvester Stevens, February 1914.
71. Plat showing subdivisions in Section 36, T6S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
April 17, 1916
72. Map showing Section T7 and 8-R10E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, September 30, 1847
73. Map showing property locations in Sections 37, 21, 22, 27, and 34, T7S-R10E, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, May 24, 1953
74. Map showing Section T1S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, July 26, 1850
75. Map showing locations in S.W. 1/4 of Section 9, T4S-R9E, Greensburg District,
Louisiana, November 22, 1954
76. Map showing Section T1S-R8E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
77. Map showing locations in Section 39, T4S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
July 24, 1939
78. Map showing property locations in Sections 15 and 37, T1S-R8E, Greensburg District,
Louisiana, May 30, 1951
79. Map showing locations in Sections 20, 21, 28, 29, and 33, T3S-R9E, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, March 1940
80. Plan of Traverse in Section 32, T8S-R6E and Section 5, T9S-R6E G.L.D., Parish
of Livingston, Louisiana, For James J. Manson, III, December 8, 1978
81. Plan showing L. Young’s subdivisions and locations of lines in the L.H. Moore
claim being Section 56, T4S-R5E, Section 48, T4S-R6E, Section 37, T5S-R5E, and Section
47, T5S- R6E
82. Plan showing L. Young’s subdivisions and locations of lines in the L.H. Moore
claim being Section 56, T4S-R5E, Section 48, T4S-R6E, Section 37, T5S-R5E, and section
47, T5S- R6E
83. Map showing Section 39, T6S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana.
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
84. Map showing Livingston Parish, Louisiana
85. Map showing position of lines around H. R. 46, T8S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
September and October 1951
86. Map showing the property in Section 42, T1S-R7E, Town of Kentwood, Louisiana,
For Agri Trading Corporation, August 17, 1972
87. Map showing survey of property in Section 28, 29, and 38, T6S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For American Creosote Works’, January 9, 1968
88. Map showing property location in Section 51, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Amite Kiwanis Club, March 20, 1969
89. Map showing survey of property in Sections 32 and 33, T3S-R7E, Town of Amite City,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Amite Oyster Board, Incorporated, January 3, 1986
90. Map showing survey of property in Section 17, 38, 39, 41, T1S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Estate of Angus O. Ott, April 27, 1964
91. Map showing survey of the partition of the I.B. and Helen Floyd Bankston Tract
into tract `A’, `B’, `C’, and `D’ located in Section 37, T4S-R7E, Greensburg Parish,
Louisiana, For I.B and Helen Bankston Heirs, February 27, 1980
92. Map showing survey of property in Section 37, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Estate of Isaac Barnett, January 3, 1979
93. Map showing property location in Section 5, T4S-R7E, G.L.D. Town of Amite City
and Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For N. Cefalu Co., Inc., June 10, 1966
94. Map showing property location in Section 5, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For N. Cefalu Co., May 17, 1966
95. Map showing locations in block 19, Town of Amite City, Louisiana. For Commercial Properties, August 8, 1988
96. Map showing plant locations in Section 9, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., and Town of Amite City,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Continental Gin Co., September 16, 1964
97. Map showing property in Section 52, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana,
For Lester Cutrer
98. Map showing survey of property in Sections 33 and 49, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Dibert, Bancroft and Ross, April 10, 1966
99. Map showing survey of E 1/2 and SW 1/4 of the N.E.1/4 of Section 32, T3S-R7E,
G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Dibert, Bancroft and Ross, February 24, 1967
100. Map showing property locations in Section 33, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Dibert, Bancroft and Ross, February 28, 1966
101. Map showing property location in Section 49, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Dibert, Bancroft and Ross, February 28, 1966
102. Map showing property location in Section 33, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Dibert,Bancroft and Ross, February 28, 1966
DRAWER 2 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
103. Map showing property location in Sections 33 and 49, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Dibert, Bancroft and Ross, February 28, 1966
104. Map showing property location in Section 33, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Dibert, Bancroft and Ross, February 28, 1966
105. Map showing property location in Sections 33 and 49, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Dibert, Bancroft and Ross, February 27 – April 10, 1966
106. Map showing acquisitions and sales of property in Sections 17, 18, 40 and 41,
T1S-R7E, G.L.D., For Mrs. Mary Kent Ellis, September 10, 1966
107. Map showing improvements in Square 9, Town of Amite City, Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For First Guaranty Bank, June 5, 1972
108. Map showing survey and subdivision of property in Section 51, T3S-R7E, G.L.D.,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Heirs of Nick Frazier, August 31, 1984
109. Map showing survey of property in Sections 19, 20, 30, T3S-R8E, Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Pete Fritzgerald, June 13, 1979
110. Map showing the survey and subdivision of the property of L.L. Russell estate
in Sections 14, 45, and 48, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Una R. Goodbee and Glenn D. Russell, December 4, 1959
111. Map showing survey of property in Sections 17 and 18, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana, For Eleanor Goynes, August 22, 1985
112. Map showing survey of property in Section 24, T2S-R7E, Sections 19 and 40, T2S-R8E,
G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,Louisiana, For Stanley D. Guy February 25, 1983
113. Map showing survey of property in Section 4, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Tecla Dibuono Guzzardo, April 27, 1966
114. Map showing topographical survey of lots 1-8 and 77-79, Happywood subdivision–phase
I, Section 3, T7S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Happywoods Apartments, April 12, 1979
115. Map showing survey of property in Section 46, T2S-R8E, Tangipahoa, Louisiana,
For Harold Forrest, Cade Williams, July 15, 1986
116. Map showing Independence Industrial Park, Independence, Louisiana, For Independence Industrial Board, June 20, 1973
117. Map showing survey of property in Sections 13, 24, and 40, T1S-R6E, Parish of
Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Hilda Draugnon Inman and J. Donald Draughon, March 1, 1965
118. Map of a survey of property in Sections 30, 41, and 42, T2S-R8E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana, For Kent Enterprises, June 20, 1986
119. Map showing location of property in Section 47, T1S-R7E, G.L.D., Town of Kentwood
and Section 51, T2S-R7E, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Kentwood Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co., Inc., January 5, 1965
120. Map showing survey of property in Sections 51 and 54, T2S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Kentwood Brick and tile Manufacturing Co., November 21, 1965
DRAWER 2 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
121. Map showing survey of property in Sections 43 and 28, T1S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Kentwood Farm Center, November 10, 1978
122. Map showing survey of property in Sections 41 and 42, T1S-R8E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Kermit Brumfield Est., June 6, 1988
123. Survey and topographic map of lots 12 and 13, block 18, Section 4, of Tycer park,
Section 5, T4S-R7E, Town of Amite City, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Vincent LaBarbera, January 16, 1979
124. Map showing survey of property in Sections 25 and 36, T1S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Michael Lambert, February 6, 1979
125. Map showing survey of a 150 acre tract from the South side of the property of
the estate of R.L. Easley in Sections 39 and 60, T2S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Louisiana Industries, September 21, 1964
126. Map showing property locations in Sections 39, 41, and 60, T2S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Louisiana Industries, December 16, 1964
127. Map showing survey of NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 11, T5S-R8E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Lucus Baham Estate, January 12, 1979
128. Map showing actual ground survey of property in Section 30, T4S-R9E, G.L.D.,
Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana, For Mae Husser Estate, June 20, 1987
129. Map showing John W. McElveen Property in Section 50, T1S-R8E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana. For Heirs John W. McElveen, November 2, 1968
130. Map showing acquisitions and sales of Newman property in Section 32, 33, 34,
46, and 47, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Nyme J. Newman, December 19, 1968
131. Map showing acquisitions and sales of Newman property in Sections 51 and 54,
T2S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Nyme J. Newman, December 19, 1968
132. Map showing survey of property in H.R. 42 and 43, T1S-R7E, Town of Kentwood,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Estate of Angus O. Ott, March 31, 1964
133. Topographic map of property in Section 5, T4S-R7E, Town of Amite City, Tangipahoa
Parish, Louisiana, For Peoples Bank, August 13, 1984
134. Topographic and survey map of the East 185′ of lots 7 and 8, and the East 185′
of the South 10′ of lot 6, square 26, Town of Ponchatoula, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana,
For Dr. M. L. Pittman, October 15, 1968
135. Survey and topographic map of lot 13 and portions of lots 4, 5, and 12, block
8, Town of Amite City, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For South Central Bell Telephone Co., May 17, 1977
136. Map showing survey of property in Sections 23 and 42, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Southeast Louisiana Girl Scout Council, September 5, 1967
137. Map showing the survey of a 54 Acre tract in Section 38, T3S-R7E and Section
46, T3S- R8E, G.L.D., Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, For Alton Spring, May 22, 1958
138. Map showing survey of property in Sections 38, 39, and 58, T7S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Edward Steidman Heirs August 20, 1987.
DRAWER 2 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
139. Map showing survey and partition of property in Sections 32 and 46, T1S-R7E,
G.L.D., Town of Kentwood and Parish of Tangipahoa, La., For Heirs of J. Wirt Strickland, June 26, 1979
140. Map showing survey of property West of interstate 55 in Sections 9 and 58, T1S-R7E,
G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Est. of J. L. Swearingen, March 1, 1965
141. Map showing survey of property in Sections 13 and 24, T6S-R7E, G.L.D., Ward 6
and City of Hammond, Parish of Tangipahoa, LA, For Tangipahoa Parish School Board,
January 4, 1967
142. Map showing survey of property in Section 50, T1S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Warren Thomas, February 21, 1979
143. Map showing survey in block 18, Town of Amite City, For The Town of Amite City, January 5, 1979
144. Map showing property location in Sections 33 and 49, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana. For Town of Amite City, February 28, 1966
145. Map showing location of roadway dedication by Wilson Estate and its relationship
to the “Old Reid Road” and property of Various Owners in Section 49, T3S-R7E, G.L.D.,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Town of Amite City, Louisiana, For Town of Amite City, July 28, 1986
146. Town of Roseland, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, April 9, 1976
147. Map showing property in blocks 3 and 4, Town of Roseland, Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For The Town of Roseland, February 10, 1977
148. Survey of boundaries in the NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 33, T4S-R9E, G.L.D.,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Twenty-First District Court, Division A, May 16-17, 1986
149. Map showing survey of boundary line in Sections 45, T3S-R6E and 43, T3S-R7E,
G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana. In suit No. 19795, “John F. McMichael, Et
Al Vs. Roy Williams, Et Al”, ForTwenty-First District Court, Division A, March 31, 1960
150. Map showing actual ground survey and subdivision of property in Section 10, T.
5S. R. 7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Bernice Young, February 11, 1987
151. Map showing the location of a 2209.29 Acre tract of land located in Sections
35, 36, 40, and 41, T4S-R8E, Section 31, T4S-R9E, Sections 1, 2, 37, 38, and 47, T5S-R8E,
and Sections 5, 6, and 38, T5S-R9E, Greensburg Land District, Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Samuel Zemurray, January 2, 1959
152. Map showing location of South line of Incorporation limits of Amite, Louisiana,
with reference to Gullett Gin Factory, May 3, 1924
153. Map showing location of an 18′ reservation of land stated to be dedicated for
a road in COB 230, Pg. 15 in deed to Paul Gregoire, in Section 50, T7S-R7E, G.L.D.,
Parish of Tangipahoa. No formal act of dedication was found on record, August 9, 1976
154. Map showing the location of an area in Section 51, T3S-R7E, Greensburg District,
155. Map showing the subdivision of Block 6 Independence, Louisiana (the shaded area),
July 7, 1939
156. Map showing the location of and the position of the improvements on a lot in
Block 62, Hammond, Louisiana, having a frontage of 25 feet on Thomas Street and a
frontage of 100 feet on Cypress Street, January 26, 1940
DRAWER 2 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
157. Plat showing locations in square 23 Amite, Louisiana, August 1927
158. Map showing the location of the property of Ms. Maude Amacker and Irma Amacker
Hyde in Amite, Louisiana, November 4, 1950
159. Map showing locations along highway north of Pass Manchac, July 5, 1944
160. Map??
161. Residence area of Neola Farm, section 33, T3S-R7E, September 1, 1952
162. Copied from original map of subdivisions made by J. B. Ogle, August 15, 1916
163. Subdivision of blocks 36 and 37, Roseland, Louisiana, May 28, 1912
164. Map showing the location of the residence of the late Judge Clay Elliott on Duncan
Avenue Amite, Louisiana, March 1, 1943
165. Plat of Central Louisiana Power Company’s property in square 15 Amite, Louisiana,
January 22, 1927
166. Plan showing location of S. C. Bankston’s Land in Ssections 10, 11, 14, 15, 40,
and 57, T3S-R7E, Greensburg Land District, Louisiana, June 7, 1924
167. The Joseph Rathborne Lumber Co., Inc., Layout of Sewer- Connections and Water-Main,
August 8, 1921
168. Map showing the area included by the proposed extension of the width of the right
of way of the Jefferson Davis Highway across J. Y. Ware’s property in the town of
Independence, Louisiana, August 8, 1929
169. General Soil Map, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, 1971
170. Map of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana
171. Map of Tangipahoa Parish (South Section), Louisiana
172. Map showing survey of east 100′ of lots 6, 7, and 8 block 5, Town of Amite City,
Louisiana, March 23, 1989
173. Map showing survey of properties in lots 6, 7, 8, Block 5, Town of Amite City,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, June 16, 1989
174. Map showing lands of Ivy L., Fred and Leslie T. Hoover in Sections 4, 5, 38,
and 45, T5S- R7E, July 1915
175. Plan showing land owned by parties opposite island in Tangipahoa River, T2S-R7E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana.
176. Plat of survey of the D.H. Sanders Realty Co. subdivision lying East of the City
limits of Amite, Louisiana in Section 50, T4S-R7E in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana,
April 27, 1960
177. Location lots fronting railroad, No. 14 and 20, Block 24, No. 1 and 2 Block 33
and Simon Grechman’s Lot Independence, Louisiana, August 1913
178. Map showing the location and subdivision … in Amite, Louisiana, November 1928
179. ??
180. Map showing blocks 1 and 2 of old Gullett Gin Company.
181. Map showing the location of Samuel LeMurray’s land in T 3, 4, and 5 S-R9E, Greensburg
District Louisiana. July 19, 1940
182. Map showing Northeast addition to the Town of Amite City, Louisiana. Comprising
346.35 Acres in Sections 28, 33, 49, and 50, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, November 12, 1963
DRAWER 2 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
183. Map showing locations in fractional Sections 1 and 2 T5S-R7E Greensburg District
Louisiana, survey east ½ and lot 23, August, 1937
184. Map showing the location of the Roger property in Section 41, T3S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana, August 29, 1931
185. Plat of Sections 37 and 15, T6S-R8E, n.d.
186. Plat showing locations in Northeast Fraction and Northern portion Section 50,
T4S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana fronting Duncan Avenue Amite, Louisiana, April 7, 1926
187. Locations in Section 44, T3S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana, n.d.
188. Plan showing Sub-Divisions of Headrights 56 and 57, T7S-R7E., n.d.
189. Map showing locations of objects along the south half of Commercial Street between
Tangipahoa and North Avenue, Roseland, Louisiana, October 29, 1916
190. Map showing location of property in Section 43, T1S-R7E Greensburg District Louisiana,
Town of Kentwood, December 29, 1954
191. Map showing locations in Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 23, T4S-R8E Greensburg
District, Louisiana, May 25, 1937
192. Map showing Sections 2, 3 and 4, T8S-R10E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, April 1921
193. Map of Vaccard Park in NW 1/4 Section 26, T6S-R7E, Hammond, Louisiana, August 17, 1949
194. Preliminary plan, Magnolia Estates, Phase I, Lot Layout
195. Final plan, Magnolia Estates, Phase I, Drainage Plan
196. Map showing survey of boundaries in Section 31, T3S-R9E, G.L.D., ordered by the
Twenty-First Judicial District Court, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, July 5, 1988
197. Map showing resubdivision of lots 48 – 52 of Potter subdivision Section 28 and
33, T8S- R8E, G.L.D., Louisiana
198. Map showing the property of Frank Pettito, March 28, 1985
199. Map showing the description of Tickfaw Corporation Limits in Section 27, 26,
35, and 34, T5S-R7E, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, May 1968
200. Map of Neola Farm Section 32 and 33, T3S-R7E, G.L.D, Louisiana, June 8, 1964
201. Topographic map of Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery located in Section 59, T2S-R7E,
G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, August 4, 1961
202. Map of Galva, Milnes Grant in T9S-R8E, Southeastern District, Louisiana, Parish
of St. John the Baptist
203. Map showing survey and subdivision of property in sections 47, 48, and 49, T2S-R2E,
G.L.D., Parish of East Feliciana, for estate of J. S. Norwood, April 29, 1964
204. Map showing survey of property in Sections 37 and 38, T1S-R2E, G.L.D., Parish
of East Feliciana, For International Paper Company, June 23, 1965
205. Copy of a survey of a portion of the east half of Section 20, T4S-R7E Greensburg
District, April 11, 1924
206. Proposed addition to D.H. Sanders Realty Company Subdivision. Section 50 T4S-R7E,
Amite, Louisiana, November 14, 1967
207. Map showing the location of a 682 acre tract of land in Sections 19, 20, 21,
28, 42, and 44, T2S-R9E Greensburg District, March and April 1942
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
208. A Topographical Map of property in the parish of St. Helena Louisiana belonging
to B.L. Mann and Others as surveyed and laid out into lots for Villa Sites, situate
on Section 17 and fractional Section 20, T3S-R7E Greensburg District near Arcola Station,
December 3, 1879 (3)
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
209. Right of Way Maps, I-55 Pontchatoula-Natalbany Highway, 17 Maps, May 24, 1963
210. Maps showing various sections Greensburg District, LA, 10 Maps
T3S-R8E – December 18, 1849 T8S-R4E – n.d.
T3S-R9E – March 15, 1850 T8S-R5E – n.d.
T3S-R10E – April 2, 1852 T8S-R6E – n.d
T3S-R12E – April 6, 1849 T9S-R4E – n.d.
T3S-R13E – November 19, 1849 T9S-R5E – n.d.
211. Maps showing various sections Greensburg District, LA, 20 Maps
T1S-R8E – March 15, 1850 T3S-R6E – December 12, 1860
T2S-R1E – March 10, 1849 T3S-R5E – April 26, 1845
T2S-R8E – March 18, 1850 T4S-R7E – May 4, 1850
T1S-R9E – November 27, 1849 T4S-R8E – January 29, 1848
T3S-R10E – February 10, 1879 T4S-R9E – January 11, 1851
T3S-R10E – March 12, 1852 T4S-R10E – December 15, 1852
T3S-R10E – October 27, 1850 T4S-R10E – February 25, 1879
T3S-R9E – February 28, 1850 T5S-R7E – August 5, 1845
T3S-R8E – January 11, 1851 T5S-R13E – November 5, 1851
T3S-R7E – February 13, 1849 T5S-R14E – December 6, 1851
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
212. Maps showing various sections Greensburg District, LA, 21 Maps
T7S-R1E – April 11, 1853 T8S-R3E – June, 18..
T7S-R2E – April 10, 1856 T8S-R4E – December 21, 185.
T7S-R3E – July 29, 18.. T8S-R4E – December 21, 185.
T7S-R3E – July 29, 18.. T8 & 9-R5E – September 7, 1846
T7S-R5E – August 4, 1846 T8 & 9-R5E – September 7, 1846
T7S-R8E – February 28, 1848 T8 & 9S-R9E – December 29, 1854
T7S-R8E – January 27, 184. T8 & 9S-R9E – December 29, 1854
T7 & 8-R10E – September 30, 1847 T8 & 9S-R9E – n.d.
T7 & 8-R10E – September, 1847 n/a – February 15, 1837
T8S-R2E – October 22, 1852 n/a – April 3, 1860
T8S-R3E – June, 18..
213. Maps showing South Eastern District of Louisiana, 20 Maps
T7S-R10E – March 29, 1831 T9S-R5E – August 25, 1881
T7S-R12E – September 2, 1837 T10S-R2E – August 17, 1844
T7S-R12E – May 10, 1847 T10 & 11S-R2E – April 14, 1851
T7S-R12E – June 14, 1898 T10S-R2E – February 12, 1892
T7S-R12E – May 10, 1847 T10S-R4E – July 24, 1890
T8S-R9E – February 15, 1831 T10S-R5E – September 13, 1882
T8S-R12E – October 13, 1896 T10S-R5E – April 19, 1893
T8S-R12 & 13E – October 12, 1842 T10S-R6E – May 12, 1892
T9S-R4E – November 8, 1881 T11S-R3E – August 5, 1834
T9S-R3E – July 31, 1891 T12S-R13E – March 11, 1897
214. Maps showing various sections Greensburg District, LA, 32 Maps
T4S-R3E – December 20, 1849 T6S-R8E – November 8, 1845
T4S-R4E – March 20, 1848 T6S-R9E – August 26, 1845
T4S-R4E – March 20, 1848 T7S-R3E – July 29, 1852
T4S-R6E – September 11, 1847 T7S-R5E – September 2, 1872
T4S-R6E – June 1, 1827 T7S-R6E – July 21, 1846
T4S-R8E – January 29, 1848 T7S-R7E – March 11, 1847
T4S-R9E – January 29, 1848 T7S-R8E – January 29, 1848
T5S-R6E – April 26, 1847 T7S-R9E – January 11, 1851
T5S-R6E – August 7, 1845 T8S-R4E – December 6, 1853
T5S-R7E – August 5, 1845 T8S-R5E – July 7, 1856
T5S-R8E – October 10, 1845 T8S-R5E – December 6, 1853
T5S-R9E – August 8, 1845 T9S-R5E – September 2, 1872
T6S-R5E – July 2, 1846 T8&9S-R5E – September 7, 1846
T6S-R6E – September 6, 1845 T8&9S-R9E – April 9, 1860
T6S-R7E – September 3, 1845 T8&9S-R9E – December 19, 1854
T6S-R8E – December 11, 1858 T9S-R8&9E – January 20, 1873
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
215. Maps showing various sections Greensburg District, LA, 53 Maps
T4S-R3E – December 20, 1849 T7S-R8E – January 18, 1848
T4S-R4E – 1851 T6S-R1E – June 29, 1853
T4S-R5E – August 21, 1847 T6S-R.E – June 19, 1852
T4S-R5E – ? T6S-R3E – June 19, 1852
T4S-R6E – January 11, 1851 T6S-R3E – June 19, 1852
T5S-R1E – September 28, 1853 T6S-R4E – August 16, 1833
T5S-R3E – July 19, 1851 T6S-R4E – August 16, 1833
T5S-R3E – July 19, 1851 T6S-R5E – July 27, 18..
T5S-R3E – n.d. T6S-R5E – July 27, 18..
T5S-R5E – ? T6S-R5E – n.d.
T5S-R5E – ? T6S-R7E – August 7, 1845
T5S-R6E – n.d. T6S-R6E – August 7, 1845
T5S-R6E – August 7, 1845 T6S-R7E – ?
T5S-R6E – August 7, 1845 T6S-R8E – n.d.
T5S-R8E – October 11, 1845 T6S-R9E – 1845
T5S-R3E – July 19, 1851 T6S-R9E – 1845
T5S-R4E – October 4, 1853 T6S-R9E – 1845
T5S-R4E – October 4, 1853 T6S-R9E – 1845
T5S-R5E – 1847 T7 & 8S-R10E – September 30, 1847
T5S-R6E – August 7, 1845 T7 & 8S-R10E – September 30, 1847
T5S-R13E – n.d. T8S-R1W – November 6, 1858
T6S-R2E – September 17, 1851 T8S-R2E – March 15, 1852
T6S-R2E – September 17, 1851 T8S-R2E – March 15, 1852
T6S-R3E – June 19, 1852 T8S-R3E – June 3, 1852
T7S-R1W – February 10, 1858 T8S-R3E – June 3, 1852
T7S-R2E – ? T8 & 9S-R9E – December 29, 1854
T7S-R2E – ?
216. Maps showing various sections Greensburg District, LA, 14 Maps
T2S-R3E – January 25, 1850 T2S-R6E – January 13, 1849
T2S-R4W – n.d. T2S-R7E – February 13, 1849
T2S-R4E – April 6, 1888 T2S-R8E – July 19, 1849
T2S-R4E – January 25, 1845 T2S-R9E – November 15, 1849
T2S-R4E – November 3, 1852 T2S-R9E – November 15, 1849
T2S-R5E – October 20, 1858 T2S-R10E – January 3, 1852
T2S-R6E – January 13, 1849 T2S-R13E – March 4, 1873
217. Right of Way Maps, I-55 Pontchatoula-Natalbany Highway, 19 Maps
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
218. Right of Way Maps, I-55 Independence-Amite Highway, 17 Maps
219. Right of Way Property Maps, I-12 Holden-Hammond Interstate Highway, 15 Maps
220. Right of Way Property Maps, I-12 Holden-Hammond Interstate Highway, 17 Maps
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
221. Right of Way Maps, I-55 Amite – Tangipahoa Highway, 22 Maps
222. Right of Way Maps, I-12 Baton Rouge-Walker Highway, 14 Maps
223. Right of Way Property Maps, I-12 Walker-Holden Interstate Highway, 13 Maps
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
224. Right of Way Property Maps, I-12 Walker-Holden Interstate Highway, 24 Maps
225. Right of Way Maps, I-12 Baton Rouge-Walker Highway, 7 Maps
226. Right of Way Maps, I-55 Ponchatoula-Natalbany Interstate Highway, 21 Maps
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
227. Tangipahoa River Bridge and Approaches, 35 Maps
228. Right of Way Maps, I-55 Ponchatoula-Natalbany Interstate Highway, 20 Maps
229. Right of Way Maps, I-55 Amite Tangipahoa Highway, 28 Maps
230. Map showing Section T8 and 9S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
231. Map showing Section T6S-R8E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
232. Map showing section T6S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
233. Map showing Section T6S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
234. Map showing Section T5S-R13E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
235. Map showing Section T5S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
236. Map showing Section T4S-R10E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
237. Map showing Section T4S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
238. Map showing Section T4S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
239. Map showing Section T4S-R1W, Greensburg District, Louisiana
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
240. Map showing Section T3S-R10E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
241. Map showing Section T3S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
242. Map showing Section T3S-R8E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
243. Map showing Section T3S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
244. Map showing Section T3S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
245. Map showing Section T2S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
246. Map showing Section T2S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
247. Map showing Section T4S-R4E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
248. Map showing Section T2S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
249. Map showing Section T1S-R12E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
250. Map showing Section T1S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
251. Map showing Section T1S-R9E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
252. Map showing Section T1S-R8E, Greensburg District, Louisiana (Not in drawer)
253. Map showing Section T1S-R8E, Greensburg District, Louisiana (Not in drawer)
254. Map showing Section T1S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana (Not in drawer)
255. Map showing Section T1S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
256. Map showing Section T1S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
257. Map showing Section T1S-R8E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
258. Map showing Section T1S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
259. Map showing Section T1S-R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
260. Map showing Section T1S-R3E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
261. Map showing Section T1S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
262. Map showing Section T8 & 9S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
263. Map showing Section T8 & 9S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
264. Map showing Section T7S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
265. Map showing Section T7S-R6E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
266. Map showing Section T5S-R10W, Greensburg District, Louisiana
267. Map showing Section T4S-R2E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
268. Map showing Section T1N-R4E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
269. Map showing Section T1N-R3E, Greensburg District, Louisiana
270. Map showing survey of property in Sections 32 and 33, T1S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Estate of W. E. Allen, March 10, 1964
DRAWER 10 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
271. Map showing survey of property in Sections 67, 38, and 11, T2S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Amos Brabham, October 29, 1962
272. Map showing survey of property in Sections 2, 11, and 67, T2S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For J. Wilson Cole and H. Ben Myers, December 1, 1970
DRAWER 10 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
273. Map showing survey of property in Section 36, T3S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St.
Helena, Louisiana, For John Cooper, October 30, 1979
274. Map showing property location in Sections 12 and 57, T1S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, Bob Davis, December 29, 1966
275. Map showing survey of property in Section 48, T4S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St.
Helena, Louisiana, For E. C. Schilling, Jr. and Heirs of W. L. Grace, Jr., May 29, 1979
276. Map showing the survey of an 0.80 acre tract of land in Section 59, T2S-R5E,
G.L.D., Town of Greensburg, Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Greensburg Cemetery Ass’n., October 12, 1958
277. Map showing survey of property in Section 67, T2S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St.
Helena, Louisiana, For Heirs of Nathan Guy, July 11, 1979
278. Map showing survey of property in Section 44, T1S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St.
Helena, Louisiana, For Horace Lee, August 19, 1967
279. Map showing the survey of a tract in Section 42, T3S-R5E, G.L.D., Louisiana,
For Glenn Melville, Sr., January 5, 1959
280. Map showing survey of property in Section 33, T3S-R5E, Parish of St. Helena,
Louisiana, For Thomas Ousley, May 2, 1979
281. Map showing survey of property in Section 49, T3S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St.
Helena, Louisiana, For Joe Rohner, January 8, 1993
282. Map showing properties in Section 50, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Town of Amite City, Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Yellow Chair Dev. Co., June 11, 1976
283. Map of Greenville Park Add. in Section 26, T6S-R7E, Hammond, Louisiana, March 7, 1923
284. Map of Square 72 in Section 18, T7S-R8E, Town of Ponchatoula, Louisiana, November 10, 1926.
285. Map showing properties in Section 26, T6S-R7E, G.L.D., Louisiana, September 28, 1910
286. Map showing 6 Acres in Section 39, T1S-R4E, G.L.D., St. Helena Parish, Louisiana,
November 1, 1965
287. Map of Sections 8 and 17, T7S-R8E,…..?, Louisiana, June 23, 1924
288. Map of Section 59, T3S-R4E and in section 37 T. 3S-R5E,…..?, Louisiana, December 18, 1952
289. Map of Diamond Subdivision in Section 45, T7S-R 8E,…..?, Louisiana, October 24, 1924
290. Map showing subdivision of C. M. Yates property in Sections 6 and 38, T4S-R10E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana, September 15, 1957
291. Map showing the location of a 6.46 Acre tract of land in Section 51, T2S-R10E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana, October 21, 1945
292. Map showing the location of live oak trees adjoining La. U. S. Highway 190 on
the property of Dr. C.W. Mattingly in Section 37, T7S-R10E, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana,
July 28, 1958
DRAWER 10 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
293. Map showing the location of Mrs. V.E. Settoon’s land in Section 2, T9S-R5E, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, August 16, 1937
294. Map showing the part of Rinney territory in Section 63 in T3S-R4E,…..?, Louisiana,
April 23, 19…
295. Map showing the property in Section 39, T1S-R4E,…… Louisiana, July 8, 1971
296. Map of lands in Sections 23, 26, and 44, T4S-R5E, Greensburg District, Louisiana,
November 11, 1951
297. Map showing W. L. Stone and J. Johnson property in Sections 55, T3S-R5E, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, February 2, 1954
298. Map showing actual ground survey of property in Section 47, T8S-R6E, G.L.D.,
Parish of Livingston, Louisiana, For McClendon, Griffin, et. al. 17 September 1986
299. Map showing property locations in fractional southeast 4 of Section 33, T3S-R7E,
G.L.D., Town of Amite, Parish of Tangipahoa Louisiana, 20 August 1962
300. Map showing the subdivision of square 39 and a portion of H.R. 39, T5S-R7E, Town
of Independence, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, 29 August 1969
301. Map showing property locations in Sections 3 and 4, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., parish of
Tangipahoa, Louisiana, n.d.
302. Map showing survey of line between Section 23 and 24, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, RE: Sam L. Zabbia, et al VS Richard Williams, et ux No. 67939, 13 March 1984
303. Map showing survey of property in Section 9 and 10, T5S-R7E, Town of Independence,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, 29 March 1973
304. Topographic map and subdivision of the south 128 feet of the N 1/2 of block 28,
Town of Independence, Louisiana, For Dr. Paul J. Lamarca, 13 January 1970
305. Map showing proposed rights of way in Sections 4 and 9, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Town
of Independence, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, For Town of Independence, 15 April 1980
306. Map of Whistler-Edgerton property taken from COB 25, p. 317. Property is in Sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, T5S-R7E,
G.L.D. Town of Independence, Louisiana, n.d.
307. Map showing the survey of the fractional SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of section 12, and
Lot 1 of section 11, T.5 S.R. 7E., G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Jerome Ingold, 27 December 1979
308. Map showing survey and subdivision of property in blocks 3 and 14, Section 9,
T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Town of Independence, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Estate of Joe Mannino, August 27, 1979
309. Map showing survey of property in Section 13, T5S-R6E, and Section 18, T5S-R7E,
G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Overmier Estate, April 23, 1979
310. Map showing survey of property in Section 1, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Robert J. Monroe, March 24, 1986
311. Map showing survey of property in Section 49, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Fred F. Johnson, July 28, 1967
312. Map showing survey of lots 36 & 37 in Section 17, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of
Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Ward C. Pevey, Jr., June 28, 1978
DRAWER 10 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
313. Map showing survey of property in Sections 20, 41, and 44, T3S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Henry L. Vernon, Heirs, January 31, 1978
314. Map showing survey and improvements of property in section 44, T3S-R7E, Town
of Roseland, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana. For Thomas Enmon, October 27, 1978
315. Map showing survey of property in Section 44, T3S-R7E, Parish of Tangipahoa,
Town of Roseland, Louisiana, For Jahncke Service, Inc., December 8, 1969
316. Map showing survey of property in Section 1, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Maize Hayden, Russell S. Hayden, Stanley Hayden, August 17, 1984.
317. Map showing limits of incorporation of the Sanders subdivision in Section 50,
T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For D. H. Sanders Realty Co., November 27, 1964
318. Map showing survey and property locations in Section 5, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish
of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Emile J. Courtney, July 3, 1967
319. Map showing property locations in Section 5, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, September 10, 1971
320. Map showing survey of property in Section 20, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Edward C. Faust, Jo Ann S. Faust, September 17, 1986
321. Map showing survey of property locations in Sections 5 and 8, T4S-R7E, Town of
Amite City, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Estate of Dr. J.H. McClendon, June 17, 1967
322. Map showing survey and plot plan of property in Section 51, T4S-R7E, G.L.D.,
Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Thomas and Kathryn Polk, June 17, 1980
323. Map showing location of property in Section 5, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Town of Amite
City, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For N. Cefalu Co. Inc., November 23, 1966
324. Map showing Guzzardo Improvements Section 6, T4S-R7E, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana,
January 26, 1966
325. Map of Su-Nan Farms located in Sections 16 and 37, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of
Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For A. E. Hood. Jr. March 5, 1968
326. Map showing topograph of property in Block 24, Lots 11 and 14, T4S-R7E, G.L.D.,
Town of Amite City, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Roy Wood, November 20, 1972
327. Map showing survey of property in Section 6, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, For Sam Genco, November 11, 1965
328. Topographic Map of L.P.& L. Property Square 15, Amite, Louisiana, For Town of Amite City, n.d.
329. Survey and Topographic Map of Property in Section 4, T4S-R7E, G.L.D., Town of
Amite City, Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Charles M. Reid, February 6, 1978.
330. Map showing survey of property in Section 37, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, February 18, 1988
331. Map showing ground survey and subdivision of property in Section 15, T5S-R7E,
G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Heirs of Anthony Giambrone, September 9, 1986
DRAWER 10 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
332. Map showing actual ground survey of lot 26, the west 45 feet of lot 27, lot 36,
lot 37 and lot from Old Clay Street, For Dean Joseph Waltzer, Jr. and Charlene Polito Waltzer,August 10, 1987
333. Map showing properties in Section 9, T6S-R7E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana,
For Wilbert T. Robertson, Jr., October 10, 1970
334. Map showing survey of lots 6 thru 15, Section 28, T8S-R, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa,
Louisiana, April 12, 1971
335. Map showing the subdivision of a 9.47 acre tract in Sections 42 and 43, T1S-R7E,
Greensburg Land District, Town of Kentwood, Parish of Tangipahoa Louisiana, For Herbert Lea, June 10, 1960
336. Map showing tracts A, B, and C, in Sections 53 and 54, T2S-R4E, G.L.D., calculated
from survey by C.G. Webb, U.S. field notes and maps recorded C.O.B. 6, P. 262 Parish
of St. Helena, Louisisana, October 1, 1968
337. Map showing survey of section line around Sections 62 and 63, T2S-R4E, G.L.D.,
Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Dowling Wales, June 29, 1970
338. Map showing location of old railroad bed in Section 26 and 27, T3S-R4E, G.L.D.,
Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For International Paper Company, August 19, 1965
339. Map showing location of old railroad bed in Section 26 and 27, T3S-R4E, G.L.D.,
Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For International Paper Company, February 10, 1969
340. Map showing Louisiana Forest Products Corporation Smith Tract Sections 27, 46, and 50 T4S-R4E, Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, August 22, 1966
341. Map showing property in section 20, 21, 28 and 43, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of
St. Helena, Louisiana, For Heirs of William L. Travis, September 18, 1987
342. Map showing survey and subdivision of property in Section 42, T4S-R6E, G.L.D.,
Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Harmon E. Forshag and Elmer P. Forshag, January 20, 1981
343. Map showing subdivision and ground survey of the west 20 acres of lot 2 of Section
25, T3S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Heirs of Felix H. Singleton August 4, 1986
344. Map showing survey of property in Section 8, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of St. Helena,
Louisiana, April 10, 1984
345. Map showing survey of property in Sections 35, 36, and 50, T3S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Tangipahoa, Louisiana, For Earle Cefalu, September 9, 1971
346. ???????
347. Map showing survey of property in section 48, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish of St.
Helena, Louisiana, For Glen Allen, April 6, 1979
348. Map showing survey and plot plan of property in Section 50, T4S-R6E, G.L.D.,
Parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Hydro-Farms, Products, Inc., June 26, 1979
349. Map showing survey of property in Sections 11 and 53, T4S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Buddy Harper, November 3, 1977
350. Map showing survey of property in Sections 28 and 33, T1S-R6E, G.L.D., Parish
of St. Helena, Louisiana, For Estate of Elmer Hughes, April 22, 1980
351. Plan of roof, For St. Helena Parish Courthouse Greensburg, Louisiana, May 1982
DRAWER 10 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
352. Map showing survey of property in Section 32, T1S-R5E, G.L.D., Parish of St.
Helena, Louisiana, For Cavenham St. Helena Parish Police Jury Louisiana Foresty Department,
353. Map showing location Musso Bros. Land in section 17, T5S-R7E
354. Map showing river location in Section 40, T5S-R7E, August 14, 1972
355. Map showing location and subdivision survey of property of Leon and Joseph Giaccone
in Sections 5 and 8, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Louisiana, February 15, 1952
356. Map showing locations in section 8, T5S-R7E, G.L.D., Louisiana, July 1919-March 1922
357. Map showing location of property of Judge Robert S. Ellis, Jr. in Sections 51
and 36, T3S- R7E, G.L.D., Louisiana, May 20, 1952
358. Map showing location of Mathew Pierre’s land in Section 31 T5S-R9E, G.L.D., Louisiana,
August 1947
359. Plat showing locations in Sq. 2 of the J. S. Adams subdivision of the town of
Hammond, Louisiana, September 19, 1925
360. Map of Ferrin subdivision Ponchatoula, Louisiana in Sections 24 and 45, T7S-R7
& 8E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, October 1, 1920
361. Map of Mc Clellan subdivision Ponchatoula, Louisiana in sections 45 T7S-R8E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana, May 14, 1921
362. Map showing locations in block 3 Mooney addition Hammond, Louisiana, September 10, 1941
363. Map showing the approximate location of Jake Sanders and Charles Short’s improvements
in Sq. 79 of the town of Ponchatoula, Louisiana
364. Map showing the location of the property of estate of W. I. Addison in section
37, T5S- R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, April 29, 1955
365. Map showing subdivision of property of Mrs. Alma Dyson in Section 39, T1S-R8E,
Greensburg District, Louisiana, March 11, 1955 (back side)
Map showing the location of the property of estate of W.I. Addison in Section 37,
T5S- R7E, Greensburg District, Louisiana, April 29, 1955 (front side)
366. Map showing improvements in section 4, T4S-R7E, Town of Amite, Louisiana, August 1, 1976
367. Map showing locations in Block G Amite Louisiana, August 4, 1940
368. Map showing the subdivision of blocks 49 and 62 Roseland Louisiana, March 1947
369. Map showing locations in Section 49, T1S-R6E Greensburg District, Louisiana,
September 20, 1945
370. Map showing property of J. J. Manson in Sections 32 and 33, T8S-R6E and Sections
4 and 5, T9S-R6E, Southeastern District, Louisiana, July 10, 1954
371. Map showing T5S-R7E, January 11, 1924
372. Plan showing locations in Sections 4 and 9, T5S-R7E, Greensburg Land District,
Louisiana, May 1924
373. Map showing locations in Section 15, T5S-R7E, June 8, 1915
374. Map showing the subdivision of Section 22, T5S-R7E August 1915
DRAWER 10 Continued
These maps are in the wooden map case on West Wall in front of the windows
375. Map showing Right-of-Way and Track Map of Illinois Central Railroad, June 30, 1915, Revised August 15, 1951
376. Department of Highways Map, St. Helena Parish, 1967
377. Map showing the Location in Which D.L. Calmes Was Killed in the Town of Independence,
Louisiana, June 16, 1921
378. Unidentified map
379. Unidentified map
380. Unidentified map
381. Unidentified map
382. Unidentified map
383. 11″ x 17″ Plats, R7E
384. 11″ x 17″ Plats, R8E
1. Index to Townships 1 and 2
2. Index to Township 3
3. Index to Township 4
4. Index to Townships 5 and 6
5. Index to Townships 7, 8, 9, and 12
6. Index to Municipalities (Tangipahoa Parish)
1. Plats numbered 1 to 100
2. Plats numbered 101 to 200
3. Plats numbered 201 to 300
4. Plats numbered 301 to 400
5. Plats numbered 401 to 500
6. Plats numbered 501 to 600
7. Plats numbered 601 to 700
8. Plats numbered 701 to 800
9. Plats numbered 801 to 900
10. Plats numbered 901 to 1000
11. Plats numbered 1001 to 1100
12. Plats numbered 1101 to 1200
BOX 2 Cont
8.5 X 11 BOUND PLATS 13. Plats numbered 1201 to 1300
14. Plats numbered 1301 to 1400
15. Plats numbered 1401 to 1500
16. Plats numbered 1501 to 1600
1. Plats numbered 1601 to 1700
2. Plats numbered 1701 to 1800
3. Plats numbered 1801 to 1900
4. Plats numbered 1901 to 2000
5. Plats numbered 2001 to 2100
6. Plats numbered 2101 to 2200
7. Plats numbered 2201 to 2300
8. Plats numbered 2301 to 2400
9. Plats numbered 2401 to 2500
10. Plats numbered 2501 to 2600
11. Plats numbered 2601 to 2700
12. Plats numbered 2701 to 2800
13. Plats numbered 2801 to 2900
14. Plats numbered 2901 to 3000
15. Plats numbered 3001 to 3100
16. Plats numbered 3101 to 3200
17. Plats numbered 3201 to 3300
18. Plats numbered 3301 to 3400
19. Plats numbered 3401 to 3500
1. 3 Indexes to Field Books and Field Books 1 – 33 (2 different copies of number 1)
1. Field Books 34 – 63, Field books to Project EDA. 08-51-020305, 08-51-020306, 08-51-
02037 (3), Field Book labeled Kentwood, Field Book labeled Livingston Lumber, Field
Book labeled Court Surveys, Field Book labeled S.M. Cutrer #1 Field, Field Book labeled
T.A. Tycer 3-7, Field Book (unmarked), Field Book (unmarked) First heading reads 6-8-78
Richard Davis Property
1. T1S-R2E
2. T1S-R4E and 5E
3. T1S-R5E
4. T1S-R6E
5. T1S-R7E
6. T1S-R7E
7. T1S-R9E
8. T2S-R3E
9. T2S-R4E
10. T2S-R6E
11. T2S-R7E
12. T3S-R3E
13. T3S-R4E
14. T3S-R5E
15. T3S-R6E
16. T3S-R7E
17. T3S-R7E
18. T4S-R3 & 4E
19. T4S-R5E
20. T4S-R6E
21. T4S-R7E
22. T5S-R1E
23. T5S-R3E
24. T5S-R4E
25. T5S-R6E
26. T5S-R7E
27. T6S-R4 and 5E
28. T6S-R5E
29. T6S-R6E
30. T6S-R7E
31. T7S-R5 and 6E
32. T7S-R7E
33. T8S-R3E
34. T8S-R4E
35. T8S-R5E
36. T8S-R6E
37. T9S-R4E
38. T9S-R6E
39. Folder labeled Independence copies in 5-7
40. Folder labeled originals 1-9, 2-9, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
41. Folder unmarked contains miscellaneous maps
42. Folder labeled Independence
43. Folder unmarked contains miscellaneous maps
44. Northeast Sewerage
45. Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury
46. Folder unmarked contains miscellaneous maps, one labeled 43, T4S-R7E
47. Folder unmarked contains miscellaneous maps
48. T3S-R9E, 1847-1848-1849
49. T1S-R10E, 1850-1845
50. T3S-R10E, 1851-1820-1845-1847
51. T3S-R12E, 1848-1849
52. T4S-R10E, 1852-1849
53. T7S-R10E, 1847
54. T2S-R11E, 1851-1850
55. T1S-R12W, 1845-1851
56. T2S-R12E, 1849-1851-1820
57. ?
58. T2S-R6E, 1845-1848
59. T3S-R8E, 1848-1849-1820
60. T2S-R8E, 1820-1849
61. T1S-R8E
62. T7S-R8E
63. T6S-R8E, 1845-1844
64. T8 & 9S-R9E, 1853-1847-1872
65. T8S-R9E, 1821-1847
66. T4S-R8E, 1846-1847
67. T5S-R8E, 1844-1847
68. T8 & 9S-R8E, 1858-1859
69. T4S-R9E, 1847
70. T2S-R9E, 1849
71. T6S-R9E, 1845
72. T5S-R9E
73. T5S-R9E, 1845
T. 1 S., R. 1 E.
Location Name PageClinton Pullig Property 2514
T. 1 S., R. 4 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 68 Joe Hurst 1901Sec. 43, 72 Bryant A. Bateman 2698
T. 1 S., R. 5 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 15, 38 Est. E.W. Newsom 012Sec. 44 15.06 A in St. Helena 018L. 3, S. 8, 9 A.B. Lee Subdivision 019Sec. 33, 50 P.A. Allen 026Sec. 15, 38 Est. E.W. Newsom 027Sec. 56 Locations E. of Tickfaw River 030Sec. 56 A.L. Lea 031Sec. 1, 55 Locations 032Sec. 1, 12, 55 Bates, Davidson, others 033Sec. 1, 12, 55 Bates, Davidson, others 034Sec. 8, 17 Est. Allen Q. Smith 035Sec. 12, 57 J.B. McNabb 036Sec. 16 Carruth, Lee, Callahan 037Sec. 37 Hugh G/Frazier 038Sec. 46 Easley Property 039Sec. 50 C.T. Allen 040Sec. 52 Hollis Case 041Sec. 56 John D. Felker near Tickfaw River 063Sec. 12, 56 103 Acres—Winfred Travis 851Sec. 54 Winfred Travis 852Sec. 38, 58 Clemons Bros. 1868L. 4, S. 13 Inez Bridges Tate/James S. Bridges 1893Sec. 13 James S. Bridges 2005Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2356Sec. 56 Roger Martin 2360Sec. 56 Frances Robbins 2453Sec. 12 40 acres (Bob Davis) 2420
T. 1 S., R. 1 E.
Name Location Page
Location Name Page
Clinton Pulling Property 2514
T. 1 S., R. 4 E
Name Location Page
Sec. 43, 72 Bryant A. Bateman 2698Sec. 68 Joe Hurst 1901
T. 1 S., R. 1 E.
Name Location Page
Location Name Page
Clinton Pullig Property 2514
T. 1 S., R. 4 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 43, 72 Bateman, Bryant A. 2698Sec. 68 Hurst, Joe 1901Sec. 39 McClendon, Ruth 3287
T. 1 S., R 5 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 1, 12, 55 Bates, Davidson, others 33Sec. 1, 12, 55 Bates, Davidson, others 34Sec. 1, 55 Locations 32Sec. 8, 9 L. 3 A.B. Lee Subdivision 19Sec. 8, 17 Est. Allen Q. Smith 35Sec. 12 40 Acres (Bob Davis) 2420Sec. 12, 56 102 Acres—Winfred Travis 851Sec. 12, 57 J.B. McNabb 36Sec. 13 James S. Bridges 2005Sec. 13 L. 4 Inez Bridges Tate/James S. Bridges 1893
T. 1 S., R. 5 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 15, 38 Estate of E.W. Newsom 12Sec. 15, 38 Estate of E.W. Newsom 27Sec. 16 Carruth, Lee Callahan 37Sec. 33 P.A. Allen 26Sec. 37 Hugh F/Grazier 38
T. 1 S., R. 5 E.
Location Name PageSec. 38, 58 Clemons Brothers 1868Sec. 44 15.06 A. in St. Helena 18Sec. 46 Easley Property 39Sec. 50 C.T. Allen 40Sec. 52 Hollis Case 41Sec. 54 Winfred Travis 852Sec. 56 Location E. of Tickfaw River 30Sec. 56 A.L. Lea 31Sec. 56 John D. Felker near Tickfaw River 63Sec. 56 Roger Martin 1/2360Sec. 56 Frances Robbins 2543
T. 1 S., R. 5 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2356
T. 1 S., E. 5 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 50 Allen, C.T. 40Sec. 33, 50 Allen, P.A. 26Sec. 1, 12, 55 Bates, Davidson, others 33Sec. 1, 12, 55 Bates, Davidson, others 34Sec. 13 Bridges, James S. 2005L. 4, S. 13 Bridges, James S./Tate, Inez Bridges 1893Sec. 57 Blades, Luther 3157Sec. 16 Carruth, Lee, Callahan 37Sec. 52 Case, Hollis 41Sec. 38, 58 Clemons Bros. 1868Sec. 1, 12, 55 Davidson, Bates, others 33Sec. 1, 12, 55 Davidson, Bates, others 34Sec. 12 Davis, Bob (40 Acres) 2420Sec. 46 Easley Property 39Sec. 56 Felker, John D. (near Tickfaw River) 63Sec. 37 G/Frazier, Hugh 38
T. 1 S., R. 5 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 56 Location E. of Tickfaw River 30Sec. 56 Lea, A.L. 31L. 3, S. 8,9 Lee, A.B. Subdivision 19Sec. 1, 55 Locations 32Sec. 16 Lee, Carruth, Callahan 37Sec. 56 Martin, Roger 2360Sec. 12, 57 McNabb, J.B. 36Sec. 15, 38 Newsom, E.W., Estate of 12Sec. 15, 38 Newsom, E.W., Estate of 27Sec. 56 Robbins, Frances 2453Sec. 8, 17 Smith, Allen Q., Estate of 35Sec. 44 St. Helena, 15.06 A in 35Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2356L. 4, S. 13 Tate, Inez Bridges/Bridges, James S. 1893Sec. 12, 56 Travis, Winfred—103 A 851Sec. 54 Travis, Winfred 852Sec. 46 Terrell, Matthew & Louise 3162
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 5, 6, 37 Location 032Sec. 19, 20, 29, 30, 43 J.B. McNabb 067Sec. 27 Jim Walter Corporation 068Sec. 36 Est. of Mattie B. Allen 069Sec. 38 Willie Mewman, Jr. 070Sec. 37 Hugh G/Frazier 071Sec. 49 Bridges 072Sec. 49 Scwartz to Birch 073Sec. 49 Leon Zeigler 074Sec. 48 62.50 & 62.56 A. along Beaver Cr. 075L. 3, S. 48 Est. of Ernest Dillon 076Sec. 38 Travis & Newman 077Sec. 37 Hugh G/Frazier 078Sec. 28, 33 Locations 079Sec. 25 Jules Hurst 080Sec. 25 Jules W. Hurst 081Sec. 21, 22, 28 Clyde C. Colvin 082Sec. 1 Miller, Wall, others 083Sec. 8 L.J Frazier (E.T. Tate Est.) 084Sec. 8 Tate. T. Frazier 085Sec. 37 Hugh G/Frazier 086Sec. 1 Est. of P.W. Dean 805Sec. 45 Winfred Travis 852Sec. 8 Anderson, Steel, others 1870Sec. 17, 38 Lee Allen Pounds 1890Sec. 17 Freddie Gatlin 1891Sec. 17 Elva Mae Varnado 1892Sec. 36, 49 Est. George Schwartz 1925Sec. 1, 51 E.P. Miller 1967Sec. 51 Hollis/William Hilburn 2100Sec. 49 Charles Schwartz 2258Sec. 19 Alva C. Bates 2794Sec. 20, 43 W.L. Travis SSec. 38 Newman to Williams XSec. 41 Shelby Miller 2389Sec. 27 & 42 John F. Needham 2409
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 27 & 42 Mrs. Mae Needham 2408Sec. 27 & 42 Mrs. Lumae Copeland 2406Sec. 27 & 42 John F. Needham 2407Sec. 44 Diane Smith 2930Sec. 36 Glen Allen 2973Sec. 48 Milton Johnson 3006Sec. 27 George Wills 3009Sec. 27 & 42 Will, Lula Mae 3242Sec. 27 & 42 Maurice & Judy Bridges 3243Sec. 41 Williams, Mickey 3358Sec. 30 Chadwick, Alan R. 3474
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 36 Allen, Percy 3246Sec. 36 Allen, Mattie Bl, Estate of 69Sec. 8 Anderson, Steel, others 1870Sec. 19 Bates, Alva C. 2794Sec. 48 Beaver Cr., 62.5 & 12.56 A along 75Sec. 49 Birch from Schwartz 73Sec. 49 Bridges 72Sec. 36 Allen, Glen 2973Sec. 27 Bridges, Maurice (Map only no survey) 3043Sec. 27 & 42 Bridges, Maurice & Judy 3243Sec. 1 Bergeron, Maggie 228Sec. 29 Bates, John W. 3333Sec. 21, 22, 28 Colvin, Clyde C. 82Sec.27, 42 Copeland, Mrs. Lumae 2406Sec. 30 Chadwick, Alan R. 3474Sec. 1 Dean, P.W., Estate of 805L. 3, S. 48 Dilon, Ernest, Estate of 76Sec. 48 Dillon, I.V. 3013Sec. 37 Frazier, Hugh 71Sec. 37 Frazier, Hugh 78Sec. 37 Frazier, Hugh 86Sec. 8 Frazier, L.J. (E.T. Tate Estate) 84Sec. 8 Frazier, Tate. T. 85Sec. 28 Frazier Estate 3373Sec. 17 Gatlin, Freddie 1891Sec. 51 Hilburn, William/Hollis 2100Sec. 51 Hollis/ Hilburn, William 2100Sec. 25 Hurst, Jules 80Sec. 25 Hurst, Jules W. 81Sec. 48 Johnson, Milton 3006
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name PageSec. 5, 6, 37 Location 32Sec. 28, 33 Locations 79Sec. 34 Kennedy, Tommy L. 3382Sec. 19, 20, 29, 30, 43 McNabb, J.B 67Sec. 1 Miller, Wall, others 83Sec. 1, 51 Miller, E.P. 1967Sec. 41 Miller, Shelby 2389Sec. 49 & 43 McGregor 3334Sec. 27, 42 Needham, John F. 2409Sec. 27, 42 Needham, John F. 2407Sec. 27, 42 Needham, Mrs. Mae 2408Sec. 38 Newman, Willie Jr. 70Sec. 38 Newman & Travis 77Sec. 38 Newman to Williams XSec. 38 Newman, Billie 3015Sec. 17, 38 Pounds, Lee Allen 1890Sec. 49 Schwartz, Charles 2258Sec. 36, 49 Schwartz, George, Estate of 1925Sec. 49 Schwartz to Birch 73Sec. 44 Smith, Diane 2930Sec. 8 Steel, Anderson, others 1870Sec. 1 Sullivan, Virgil 2228Sec. 49 Schwartz, Charlie 3133Sec. 38 Travis & Newman 77Sec. 45 Travis, Winfred 852Sec. 20, 43 Travis, W.L. SSec. 27, 42 Will, Lula Mae 3242
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 17 Varnado, Elva Mae 1892Sec. 27 Walter, Jim Walter Corporation 67Sec. 27 Wills, George 3009Sec. 27, 42 Will, Lula Mae 3242Sec. 41 Williams, Mickey A. 3358Sec. 49 Zeigler, Leon 74
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name PageSec. 1 Miller, Wall, others 83Sec. 1 Estate of P.W. Dean 805Sec. 1, 51 E.P. Miller 1967Sec. 1 & 50-1-7 Virgil Sullivan 2228Sec. 5, 6, 37 Location 32Sec. 8 Tate T. Frazier 85Sec. 8 L.J. Frazier (E.T. Tate Est.) 84Sec. 8 Anderson, Steel, others 1870Sec. 17 Freddie Gatlin 1891Sec. 17 Elva Mae Varnado 1892Sec. 17, 38 Lee Allen Pounds 1890Sec. 19 Alva C. Bates 2794Sec. 19, 20, 29, 30, 43 J.B. McNabb 67
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 20, 43 W.L. Travis SSec. 21, 22, 28 Clyde C. Colvin 82Sec. 25 Jules Hurst 80Sec. 25 Jules W. Hurst 81Sec. 27 Jim Walter Corporation 68Sec. 27, 42 John F. Needham 2409Sec. 27, 42 Mrs. Mae Needham 2408Sec. 27, 42 Mrs. Lumae Copeland 2406Sec. 27, 42 John F. Needham 2407Sec. 27 George Wills 3009Sec. 27 Maurice Bridges 3043Sec. 27, 42 Lula Mae Will 3242Sec. 27, 42 Bridges, Maurice & Judy 3243Sec. 28, 33 Location 79Sec. 28 Frazier Estate 3373Sec. 29 Bates, John W. 3333Sec . 29 & 43 McGregor, Mark H. 3334Sec. 34 Kennedy, Tommy L. 3382Sec. 36 Estate of Mattie B. Allen 69Sec. 36 Percy Allen 3246Sec. 37 Hugh Frazier 71Sec. 37 Hugh Frazier 78Sec. 37 Hugh Frazier 86
T. 1 S., R. 6 E.
Location Name PageSec. 38 Willie Newman, Jr. 70Sec. 38 Newman to Williams XSec. 38 Travis & Newman 77Sec. 38 Billie Newman 3015Sec. 41 Williams, Mickey A. 3358Sec. 41 Shelby Miller 2389Sec. 42 Lula Mae Will 3242Sec. 42 Bridges, Maurice & Judy 3243Sec. 44 Diane Smith 2930Sec. 45 Winfred Travis 852Sec. 48 62.50 & 62.56 A along Beaver Cr. 75Sec. 48 L. 3 Estate of Ernest Dillon 76Sec. 48 Milton Johnson 3006Sec. 48 I.V. Dillon 3013Sec. 49 Bridges 72Sec. 49 Schwartz to Birch 73Sec. 49 Leon Zeigler 74Sec. 49 Charles Schwartz 2258Sec. 51 Hollis/William Hilburn 2100
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 26, 45 Jeff L. Matthews 219Sec. 30 Peterson property 220Sec. 26, 45 Matthews, Cutrer 221Sec. 45 Pierce, Lambert, others 222Sec. 6, 50 Virgil & Avis L. Sullivan 228Sec. 2 Irvin A. Coulon 229Sec. 3 Anders, others 230Sec. 10 Greenlaw Church 231Sec. 10 Earl Simpson 232Sec. 13, 56 Leonard Newland, Robert McDaniel, Jr. 233Sec. 30 Varnado 240Sec. 30 Percy Hyde 241Sec. 39 W.O. Toney 245Sec. 40 Arthur Hilburn 246Sec. 43 Newman property 251Sec. 43 Mrs. W.L. Philips 252Sec. 44 Hollis Yarbrough 253Sec. 46 William Womack property 254Sec. 46 C.B. Temple property 255Sec. 3 Mississippi/Louisiana line 256Sec. 49 Mrs. Minnie Dupre (Mrs. I.E. McDaniel) 257Sec. 24, 44 Samuel R. Cutrer 258Sec. 36 E/2 of SE/4 259Sec. 39 24.68 acre Tract 260Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 55 Location along ICRR 261Sec. 9 Anna Vest 262Sec. 2, 3 Locations along State line, Jeff Davis Hwy. 263Sec. 2 S.M. Cutrer 264Sec. 44 Richard Strickland 265Sec. 42 W.J. Lea 266Sec. 39, 37 N.R. Jennings 267Sec. 3 Elijah Shedrick 268Sec. 46 Joe Newman 269Robert Rix succession 270Sec. 25, 36 A.N. McDaniel 271Sec. 46 Mrs. Jas. McCallum 272Sec. 46 Geo. J. Mattingly 273Sec. 37, 55 I.G. Womack/A.M. Dyson tract 274Sec. 48 W.E. Simmons 275Sec. 41, 42 Mr. Price 276Sec. 48 Simmons/Varnado 277Sec. 2, 3 Locations 278Sec. 39 Locations 279Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 55 Locations 280Sec. 26 6.08 Acres 281Sec. 44, 45 A.B. Morris 282Sec. 58 Subdivision 283Sec. 36 Location 284Sec. 26, 35 Roy Cutrer 285Sec. 49 Harrell & Dewitt Varnado 286Sec. 10 T.G. Womack 288Sec. 50 Line Creek Baptist Church 289Sec. 26 Location 291Sec. 29 Fochia Wilson 292Sec. 49 Mrs. I. N. Harrell/Dewitt Varnado 294B.W. Morris 295
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 31 Jessie Carpenter 296Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-operative 300Sec. 43 F.L. Swindle 304Butler, Chaney, others 305Oak Grove AME Church 307L 18, 20 B1.39 Mrs. Wilma Cutrer Smith 312Sec. 46 Ebony Citizens’ Rec. Center 313Sec. 33 Clarence Hookfin 317Sec. 42 Talmadge E. Andrews 318L 7, B1.7 J. Devon Sanders 319L 11, B1.3 Drury E. Smith 320Sec. 3 Hugh C. Snell 323L 5, B1.C Est. of David L. White, Sr. 327Sec. 42 Dr. M.B. Small 328L 11, B1.2 Dr. John I. Pike 329Sec. 40 Mrs. M.K. Ellis 330Sec. 41 Albert Harris 331L 29, 39 Bl. D Est. of Archie Naul 333L6, Bl. F Fred Simmons 334L 2, Bl. 5 Velma Walker 335L 21, 23 Sq. 23 Mrs. Bertie W. Hano 336L 3, Bl. E Annie Mae Taylor 337L 8, Bl. 12 Dana L. Cutrer 339L 1, 3 Sq. 32 Mavalee Corporation 340L 1, 2 Bl. 8 Fred Lambert 341Sec. 28 Nyme Newman 348L 28, Bl. E Bennie Castello 349L 5 7 Bl. 5 Unknown 352L 5 7 Bl. 5 Warren A. Hurst 353Sec. 47 Effluent line along Illinois Central RR 360Sec. 49 property 393Sec. 32 Emmett Hookfin 401Sec. 32, 33, 46 P.A. Fidele 778Sec. 48 Jake Bass, Jr. 780Sec. 45 Odom McDaniel 779Sec. 45 Raymond J. Martin 781Sec. 47 Gulf Milk Assoc. 783Sec. 17, 8, 40, 41 Mrs. Mary Kent Ellis 784Sec. 31 Willie Wright 785Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-Operative 788Sec. 29 John Wilson 790Sec. 29 David L. White, Sr. 791Sec. 43 Joe Terry, Jr. 792Sec. 46 Iverson Lard 793Sec. 32 Emmett Hookfin 794Sec. 29 Leon Thomas 795Sec. 10 Forrest Thibodeaux 796Sec. 43 Rogers Gro. Co. 797Sec. 29, 90 Lee William Walter Travis 798Sec. 48 Charles A. Kent, Jr. 799
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name Page
Sec. 43 Consolidated Farm Center, Inc. 800Sec. 41, 42 Richard Prescott 801Sec. 31 Richard A. Kent, Jr. vs Est. of Albert Womack 802Sec. 33 Frank Reedy 803Sec. 18 Roy Lea 804Sec. 6 P.W. Dean 805Sec. 54 R. Omer Simmons 1461Sec. 29, 30 Sold to Travis 1618Sec. 45 Valley Forge Academy 1689Sec. 40 Est. W.C. Sanders 1811Sec. 31 Est. Will Hookfin 1854Sec. 32 Lagran Coleman 1937Sec. 32 James Kinzy 1938Sec. 32 Jessie James 1939Sec. 32 Merlin Dyson 1940Sec. 2 Willie Branch 2021Sec. 15, 16, 39, 58 205 Acres 2024Sec. 41 Theodore Dunn plot plan 2035Sec. 31 Albertha Cage 2063Sec. 45 Sherman Cutrer 2065Sec. 45 Location 2079Sec. 45 Lambert, Strickland, others 2127 & 2127ASec. 31 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2199Sec. 42 Douglas Spring 2215L 26, 28 Sq. 30 Town of Kentwood 2216Sec. 28, 29, 21 Charles Kent Property 2227Sec. 45 Marlin Lambert 2268L 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Bl. 33 Herbert Lea 2162Sec. 31 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2199Sec. 32 L12, 13, 14 Bl.5 Heirs of Louis Wall 2349Sec. 36 Dalton McMillan 2369Sec. 29 Edwin Wilson 2444Sec. 45 Henry Rufus Williams 2681Sec. 46 Ebony Citizens’ Rec. Center 2787Sec. 45 Larry & Lavelle Cannon 2805Sec. 39 Dr. Derry Magee (KMR Enterprises) 2375Sec. 29 L1, 2, 3 David L. White, Sr. Subdivision/Kentwood Nursing Home 2388Sec. 35 Clifford Titus 2379Sec. 45 Wayne Frazier 2417Sec. 25 Stanley Guy 2659Sec. 42 Louis and Mary Moore 2671Sec. 45 J.D. Miller 2684Sec. 47 Nelson Simmons, Jr. 2706Sec. 31 Obie Hookfin 2710Sec. 28 Ozone Motor Freight 2730Sec .48 Dwayne A. Roberts 2744Sec. 42 or 43 Paul Miller et al 2758Sec. 29 Anthony Brumfield 2835Sec. 45 Rodric Lea 2843Sec. 44 Melvin Howell 2844Sec. 2 H.B. Cutrer 2859
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.
Location Name Page
Sec. 29 Kentwood Spring Water (Harrell) 2871Sec. 31 Helen Imes 2910Sec. 17 Porter Bentley 2912Sec. 48 Vincent Calderone 2922H.R. 46 Ralph Jones 2925Sec. 31 Hookfin Estate 2926Sec. 29 Gorman Gill 2928Sec. 32 Leo Andrews 2947Sec. 24 Donald Garner 3031Sec. 27 Maurice Bridges 3043Sec. 31 Irving, Fate & Marguerite 3084-A (re-visited)Sec. 31 Irving, Fate 3088Sec. 24 Luther Ray Black 3091Sec. 48 Hubert Yarborough, Jr. 3106Sec. 30 Denny Roy Strickland 3113Sec. 43 J.P. Morris 3118Sec. 41 Keith Irving 3129Sec. 31 & 46 Jess W. Naul, Jr. Kentwood & Wd. L 3138Sec. 26, 48 Bass, Jake 3152Sec. 17 & 41 Charles A. Sher 3212Sec. 29 Ella Givens 3228Sec. 45 James R. Tolar 3401Sec. 45 James C. Tolar 3402Sec. 38 Claude Alford 3403Sec. 42 Margie Lea 3424Sec. 25, 26 Richard G. Brooks 3430Sec. 56 James Bailey 3432Sec. 47 Nelson Simmons 3465Sec. 18 Everette W. Hilbun, Jr. 3466Sec. 26 Lance Shaw 3471-ASec. 45 Ted Jordan 3425Sec. 45 Dwayne Roberts 3486Sec. 45 Bruce Harrell 3492Sec. 48 Anthony G. Calderone 3487
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.
Location Name Page
Kentwood Adams, Troy J. 2416Sec. 3 Anders, others 230? AME Church, Oak Grove 307L. 7, 8, BL. 6 Amos Kent Realty Co. 309Sec. 42 Andrews, Talmadge E. 318Sec. 32 Andrews, Leo 2947Sec. 31 Armstrong, John 3354Sec. 38 Alford Claude O. 3403Sec. 48 Bass, Jake, Jr. 780Bl. 46, KW Bateman, James 306L. 1, B1. 9 KW Bates, Earl 2438B. 13, AKR Add KW Bates, Hugh C. 2257B. 23, L. 21 & 23 Benjamin, Walter 2736Sec. 17 Bentley, Porter 2912Sec. 17, 18, 40, 41 Bentley, Porter 1798Sec. 2 Branch, Williw 2021L. 7, B. D or GR, KW Brown Title Corp 2141L. 11-19, B. 23 Brown, Frank 1699Sec. 29 Brumfield, Anthony 2835L. 4, 2, 10, B. 2 Brumfield, John C. 2575L. 21, 23 B.D. or GR Subd Brumfield, Wallace 1638B. 33 Bryan, Steve Dr. 2273L. 2, 4, 6, B. 6 Bunch, George 2260? Butler, Chaney, others 3051. 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, B. 1 Beatty, Richard E. 234Sec. 24 Black, Luther Ray 3091Sec.26 & 48 Bass, Jake, Jr. 3154Sec. 31 Broomfield & Womack 3342Sec. 25, 26 Brooks, Richard G. 3430Sec. 56 Bailey, Jim 3432Sec. 31 Cage, Albertha 2063Sec. 48 Calderone, Vincent 2922Sec. 45 Cannon, Larry & Lavelle 2805Sec. 31 Carpenter, Jessie 296Sec. 29, 32 Castello, Bennie 236L. 28 B E Castello, Bennie 349L. 22, 24, 26 B. 4 Carloss, Rembert 347? Chaney, Butler, others 305L. 27, B. D. or GR Church of God of Prophecy 2364Sec. 41 Cobb, Ruby 2195Sec. 32 Coleman, Lagran 1937
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageKentwood Coleman, Raymond 2423Sec. 10 Cooksey, Elder Ray 2572L. 14 & 16, B. 29 Covington, Grover L. 2136Sec. 2 Coulon, Irvin A. 229L. 7, 9, 11, 13 B. 1 Cutrer, Amos 227L. 8 B. 12 Cutrer, Dana 339Sec. 2 Cutrer, H.B. 2859B. 48 Cutrer, Hugh D. 2151Sec. 26, 45 Cutrer, Mathews 221Sec. 26, 35 Cutrer, Roy 285Sec. 24, 44 Cutrer, Samual R. 258Sec. 2 Cutrer, S.M. 264Sec. 45 Cutrer, Sherman 2065L. 5, 7 B. 1 Cutrer 2800Sec. 43 Consolidated Farm Center, Inc 800Sec. 24 Calhoun, Richard A. 3383Sec. 3 Cutrer, Bobby O. 3375Sec. 26 Cutrer, Ernest E. 3315Sec. 46 Church, Sweet Home Baptist 3377Sec. 45 Calderone, Anthony G. 3487Sec. 29, 32 Dancer, Jessie J. 1629Sec. 6 Dean, P.W. 805L. 28 B. E. 10 A add Dunn, Theodore 2377Sec. 41 Dunn, Theodore 2035Sec. 49 Dupre, Mrs. Minnie 257Sec. 37, 55 Dyson, A.M./Womack/I.G. 274Sec. 32 Dyson, Merlin 1940Sec. 41 Doty, W. Estate 3388Sec. 41 Doty, Richard P. 3390Sec. 41 Doty, Thomas J. 3389
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 46 Ebony Citizens Rec Center 313Sec. 46 Ebony Citizens Rec Center 2787Sec. 47 Effluent Line Along Illinois Central RR 260Sec. 17, 18, 40, 41 Ellis, Mrs. Mary Kent 784Sec. 40 Ellis, Mrs. M.K. 330Sec. 32, 33, 46 Fidele, P.A. 778L. 30 B.D. Fluker, Percy 1941L. 10, 12, W. 34 France, Ralph Jumel 654Sec. 45 Frazier, Wayne 2417Sec. 29 Gibson, Reggie 2695L. 6KW Gill, Claude 2158Sec. 29 Gill, Gorman 2928Town of Kentwood Gin Road & Hwy 16 2165L. 26 B. E. or GR Gordon, Alvin R. 2378B. 46 Grace, Pluribus B. 2584Sec. 10 Greenlaw Church 231L. 8, 10 B1 20 Grice, John Wayne 2765Sec. 47 Gulf Milk Association 783Sec. 25 Guy, Stanley 2659Sec. 24 Garner, Donald 3031Sec. 25 Gay, France M. 3193Sec. 29 Givens, Ella 3228
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 45 Harrell, Bruce 2293Sec. 41 Harris, Albert 331L. 21, 23 B. 22 Hatcher, William E. 2363Sec. 29 Hawkins, Leo Rev. 239Sec. 40 Hilburn, Arthur 246L. 1 B. 9 Holloway, Linton 2440Sec. 44 Howell, Melvin 2844Sec. 31 Hookfin Estate 2926Sec. 33 Hookfin, Clarence 317Sec. 32 Hookfin, Emmett 794Sec. 31 Hookfin, Obie 2710Sec. 31 Hookfin, Will, Estate of 1854L. 5, 7 B.5 Hurst, Warren A. 353Sec. 30 Hyde, Percy 241L. 21, 23 S. 23 Hano, Bertie W., Mrs. 336Sec. 32 Hookfin, Emmett 401Sec. 45 Harrell, Bruce 3297Sec. 32 Hookfin, Emmitt 3299Sec. 18 Hilbun, Everret O., Jr. 3466Sec. 18 3466Sec. 45 Harrell, Bruce 3492Sec. 31 Imes, Helen 2910Sec. 31 Irving, Fate & Marguerite 3084-ASec. 31 Irving, Fate 3088Sec. 41 Irving, Keith 3129L. 11, B.D. Jackson, Anthony & Naomi 226Sec. 41 Jackson, James G. 2703Sec. 32 James, Jessie 1939Sec. 2, 3 Jeff Davis Hwy Locations along St. line 263Sec. 39, 37 Jennings, N.R. 267H.R. 46 Jones, Ralph 2925Sec. 45 Jordan, Ted 3425/75?
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 28, 29, 32 Kent, Charles 2245Sec. 48 Kent, Charles A. Jr. 799L. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 B. 29 Kentwood, Town of 388Sec. 47 Kentwood, Chamber of Commerce 354Sec. 29 Kentwood, Town of 342Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-operative 300L. 2 & 4 Kentwood—Sq. 33 310L. 24 B. 2 Kentwood School grounds 315Sec. 29 Kentwood Spring Water 2871Sec. 29 Kentwood Nursing Home 2388L. 26, 28 S. 30 Kentwood, Town of 2216Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-operative 788Sec. 28 Kentwood, Town of 1872Sec. 31 Kent, Richard A. vs Est. of A. Womack 802Sec. 32 Kinzy, James 1938L. 29, 31 B. 30 Knights of Pythias, KW Lodge 321B. 38 Kuss, Charles & Nyme Newman 303Sec. 42 Lea, Margie 3424Sec. 45 Lambert, Pierce, others 222Sec. 45 Lambert, Marlin 2268Sec. 45 Lambert, Strickland, others 2127 & 2127AL. 1, 2 B. 8 Lambert, Fred 341Sec. 46 Lard, Iverson 793Sec. 18 Lea, Roy 804L. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 B. 33 Lea, Herbert 2162Sec. 42 Lea, W.J. 266Sec. 45 Lea, Rodric 284310-A Addition Lewis, Davis D. 2811Lillard, KW Lewis, James R. 346Lillard, KW Lewis, Ralph E. 345Sec. 50 Line Creek Baptist Church 289L. c B. 4 Lindsey, Charlie, Heirs of 2774ASec. 45 Location 2079Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 55 Locations along ICRR 261Sec. 2, 3 Locations 278Sec. 39 Locations 279Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 55 Locations 280Sec. 26 Location 291Sec. 36 Location 284Sec. 3 Louisiana/Mississippi Line 256L. 4, 6 B. 27 Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. T.C. Jr. 314Sec. 45 Lambert, Marlin S. & Sylvia Wilson 3197Sec. 3 Lee 3307
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 39 Magee, Derry Dr. 2375Sec. 45 Martin, Raymond, J. 781? Martin, Mrs. Rosa 225Sec. 26, 45 Matthews, Jeff L. 219Sec. 26, 45 Matthews, Cutrer, others 222Sec. 46 Mattingly, George J. 273L. 1, 3 S. 32 Mavalee Corporation 340Sec. 46 McCallum, Jas., Mrs. 272Sec. 25, 36 McDaniel, A.N. 271Sec. 45 McDaniel, Odom 779Sec. 13, 56 McDaniel, Robert Jr./Newland, Leonard 233Sec. 36 McMillan, Dalton 2369Sec. 45 Miller, J.D. 2784Sec. 42 or 43 Miller, Paul et al 2758Kentwood Miller, J.H. 324L. 2, 4 B. 11 Milton, Freida & Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Milton 344L. 8 B. 8 AKR Sub. Moak, Evie 2781Sec. 42 Moore, Louis and Mary 2671B. 38 Morris Store, B. 2214B. 37 Morris, William A. & Velta 2269B. 28, BR SCAN Add Morris, J.P. Jr.—Sanders, Kramer 1871Sec. 44, 45 Morris, A.B. 282? Morris, B.W. 295Sec. 36 McMillan, Ronald 3014Sec. 25 McElveen, Elaine Hart 3112Sec. 43 Morris, J.P. 3118Sec. 41 JcCray, James 3178Sec. 33 Menard, Lionel & Donna 3289Sec. 17 & 41 Magee, Derry 1798Sec. 17 & 41 Magee, Derry D. 3379L. 29, 30 B. D Naul, Archie, Estate of 333B. 38 Naul, J.W. Jr. 2106L. 23, 25 B. 1 Navarrow, Mrs. Marguerite 2393B. 38 Newman, Nyme & Kuss, Charles 303Sec. 43 Newman Property 251Sec. 46 Newman, Joe 269Sec. 28 Newman, Nyme 348Sec. 31 & 46 Naul, Jr., Jess W. 3138Lot in Lillard Sub. Neal, Calvin & Anneliese 3174Town of Kentwood
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name Page? Oak Grove AME Church 307Sec. 28 Ozone Motor Freight 2730Sec. 45 Parker, Harry 1-7 Map drawerLillard Subd, KW Philon, Robert 2312Sec. 43 Philips, W.L. Mrs. 252Sec. 30 Peterson Property 220Sec. 45 Pierce, Lambert, others 222L. 11, B. 2 Pike, John I. Dr. 329B. 39 Pierson, Margaret Mrs. 1792L. H, H-1 Pec Hgts Pledger, Hal 2764L. O Pec Hgts Pope, Nelson 2763Sec. 41, 42 Prescott, Richard 801Sec. 49 Property 393Sec. 41, 42 Price, Mr. 276Sec. 41 Raborn, Bobby 2549L. 1, B.b Raybourn, J.H. 316L. 1 KW Reagan, Joe B. 2160Sec. 33 Reedy, Frank 803Sec. 28, 33 Ricks, Luther Layton 301L.A, B.5 BR SCAN ADD Rocheforte, Robin 2799Sec. 43 Rogers Grocery Co. 797L. 1 B. 9 Robbins, Spencer 2439Sec. 29 Robertson, Nettie & Walker, Juanita 2666Sec. 48 Roberts, Dwayne A. 2744Sec. 45 Roberts, Dwayne A. 3486
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 10, 12 B. 29 Saladino, Nicholas 2249L. 7 B. 3 Saladino, Nicholas 2571Sec. 40 Sanders, W.C., Estate of 1811L. 7 B. 7 Sanders, J. Devon 319Sec. 42 Sanders, Young, others—Locations 332Lillard KW Shaw, Elton 350Sec. 29 Sheffield, Charles 2245L. 2 B. 4 Sheffield, Charles 2783L. 2, 4 B. 17 Sheffield, Charles 2784L. 3 B.B Sheffield, Charles 2785Sec. 3 Shedrick, Elijah 268Sec. 29 Schmidt, James 237 & 238Sec. 47 Simmons, Nelson Jr. 2706Sec. 48 Simmons, W.E. 275Sec. 48 Simmons/Varnado 277L. 6 B.F Simmons Subdivision, Fred 308Sec. 54 Simmons, R. Omer 1461L. 6 B.F. Simmons, Fred 334Sec. 10 Simpson, Earl 232Sec. 28 Simpson, Randy 2323Kentwood Singleton, Flemon, Estate o 322L. 2 B. 6 Slaven, James 2232Sec. 42 Small, M.B. Dr. 328L. 11 B. 3 Smith, Drury E. 320L. 18, 20 B. 39 Smith, Wilma Cutrer 312Sec. 42 Spring, Douglas 2215Sec. 42 State Route 1053, 5.20 A along 2146Sec. 45 Strickland, Lambert, others 2127 & 2127 ASec. 44 Strickland, Richard 265L. 10, 12 B. 14 Strickland, Sidney Leo 311Sec. 58 Subdivision 283Sec. 6, 50 Sullivan, Virgil and Avis L. 228Sec. 43 Swindle, F.L. 304Sec. 3 Snell, Hugh C. 323Lot A, Blk. 5 Jamie Spears 3151Sec. 46 Sweet Home Baptist Church 3377Sec. 44 Stinson, Earl 3351Sec. 44 Stinson Earl 3352Sec. 26 Shaw, Lance A. 34714-ASec. 41 (Kentwood) Simmons, Nelson W. 3465
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2199L. 3 B. E Taylor, Annie Mae 337L. 1, 3 B. 3 Terry, Amelia 2256Sec. 43 Terry, Joe Jr. 792Sec. 46 Temple, C.B. 255Sec. 10 Thibodeaux, Forrest 796Singleton, KW Thibodeaux, Forrest 343Sec. 29 Thomas, Leon 295B. 42 Thornton, Harold 2376Sec. 35 Titus, Clifford 2379L. 17, 19 Tobias 326Singleton, KW Tolar, James C. 351Sec. 39 Toney, W.O. 245Sec. 29, 30 Travis 1618Sec. 29, 30 Travis, Lee William Walter 798Sec. 48 Tate, Briand D., Sr. 3380Sec. 45 Tolar, James R. 3401Sec. 45 Tolar, James C. 3402L. 5, 7 B. 5 Unknown 352L. 4, 6 B. 27 Unknown 1945Sec. 41 Unknown 1946L. 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 B. 1 Unknown 302B. 35 Valery 2272Sec. 45 Valley Forge Academy 1689Sec. 48 Varnado/Simmons 277Sec. 49 Varnado, Harrell & Dewitt 286Sec. 49 Varnado, Dewitt/Harrell, Mrs. I.N. 294
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 30 Varnado 240Sec. 9 Vest, Anna 262L. 2 B. 5 Walker, Velma 335Sec. 29 Walker, Juanita/Robertson, Nettie 2666AKR Subd Wales, Henry C. 2350Sec. 32 Wall, Louis, Heirs of 2349Sec. 29 White, David L. Sr. 791L. 5 B. C White, David L. Sr., Estate of 327Sec. 29 Wilson, Edwin 2444L. 14, 16 S 23 Wickham, Harold J. 2553Sec. 45 Williams, Henry Rufus 2681L. 4 B.C Wilson, Lowell 1956
L. 17, 19, 21, 23, B. 22 Wilson, Douglas L. 2217L. 2 B. 2 Wilson, Douglas 2253Sec. 45 Wilson, Lowell 2279Sec. 29 Wilson, Fochia 292Sec. 29 Wilson, John 790Sec. 29 Winters, Sewer Line R-of W for KW 2931Sec. 29 Womack, Sewer Line R-of-W for KW 2832Sec. 29 Womack, Sewer line R-of-W for KW 2833B. S, B, C KW Womack, Frank, Estate of 325? Womack, J.B. 270Sec. 10 Womack, T.G. 288Sec. 46 Womack, William 254Sec. 31 Wright, Willie 785Sec. 45 Williams, Henry Rufus 3170Sec. 31 Womack & Broomfield 3342Sec. 44 Yarbrough, Hollis 253Sec. 42 Young, Sanders, others—Locations 332Sec. 48 Yarborough, Hubert, Jr. 3106
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Irvin A. Coulan 229Sec. 2 S.M. Cutrer 264Sec. 2 Willie Branch 2021Sec. 2 H.B. Cutrer 2859Sec. 2, 3 Locations along St. Line, Jeff Davis Hwy 263Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 55 Locations along ICRR 261Sec. 2, 3 Locations 278Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 55 Locations 280Sec. 3 Anders, others 230Sec. 3 Miss./LA Line 256Sec. 3 Elijah Shedrick 268Sec. 3 Hugh C. Snell 323Sec. 3 Bobby O. Cutrer 3315Sec. 6 P.W. Dean 805Sec. 6, 50 Virgil & Avis L. Sullivan 228Sec. 9 Anna West 262
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Greenlaw Church 321Sec. 10 Earl Simpson 232Sec. 10 T.G. Womack 288Sec. 10 Forrest Thibodeaux 796Sec. 10 Elder Ray Cooksey 2572Sec. 10 Lee 3307Sec. 13, 56 Leonard Newland, Rbt. McDaniel, Jr. 233Sec. 15, 16, 39, 58 205 Acres 2024Sec. 17, 18, 40, 41 Mrs. Mary Kent Ellis 784Sec. 17, 18, 40, 41 Porter Bentley 1798Sec. 17 & 41 Derry D. Magee 3379Sec. 18 Everette W. Hilbun, Jr. 3466Sec. 18 Roy Lea 804
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 24, 44 Samuel R. Cutrer 258Sec. 24 Donald Garner 3031ASec. 24 Luther Ray Black 3091Sec. 24 Richard A. Calhoun 3383Sec. 25 Stanley Guy 2659Sec. 25, 36 A.N. McDaniel 271Sec. 25 Elaine Hart McElveen 3112Sec. 25, 26 Richard G. Brooks 3430Sec. 26 6.08 Acres 281Sec. 26 Location 291Sec. 26, 45 Jeff L. Mathews 219Sec. 26, 45 Mathews, Cutrer 221Sec. 26, 35 Roy Cutrer 285Sec. 26 Ernest E. Cutrer 3315Sec. 26, 48 Jake Bass, Jr. 3154Sec. 26 Lance Shaw 343471-ASec. 26 6.08 Ac.Tract 281Sec. 28 1.03 Acre Tract 235Sec. 28 Nyme Newman 348Sec. 28 Town of Kentwood 1872Sec. 28 Randy Simpson 2323Sec. 28 Ozone Motor Freight 2730Sec. 28, 33 Luther Layton Ricks 301Sec. 28, 29, 32 Charles Kent Property 2227Sec. 29, 15, 16, 58 205 Ac.Tract 2024
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 29 Rev. Leo Hawkins 239Sec. 29 Fochia Wilson 292Sec. 29, 32 Bennie Castello 236Sec. 29 Town of Kentwood 342Sec. 29 John Wilson 790Sec. 29 David L. White, Sr. 791Sec. 29 Leon Thomas 795Sec. 29 Charles Sheffield 2245Sec. 29 Edwin Wilson 2444Sec. 29 Kentwood Nursing Home 2388Sec. 29 Juanita Walker/Nettie Robertson 2666Sec. 29 Reggie Gibson 2695Sec. 29 Sewer Line Right of Way/Robert WintersFor Town of Kentwood 2831Sec. 29 Sewer Line Right of Way/Womack & WallFor Town of Kentwood 2832Sec. 29 Sewer Line Right of Way/Womack HeirsFor Town of Kentwood 2833Sec. 29 Anthony Brumfield 2835Sec. 29 Kentwood Spring Water (Harrell) 2871Sec. 29, 30 Lee William Walter Travis 798Sec. 29, 30 Sold to Travis 1618Sec. 29, 32 Jessie J. Dancer 1629Sec. 30 Denny Roy StricklandSec. 29 Ella Givens 3228Sec. 30 Peterson Property 220Sec. 30 Varnado 240Sec. 30 Percy Hyde 241Sec. 30 Jenny Roy Strickland
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Hessie Carpenter 296Sec. 31 Willie Wright 785Sec. 31 Richard A. Kent, Jr., vs.Estate of Albert Womack 802Sec. 31 Estate of Will Hookfin 1854Sec. 31 Albertha Cage 2063Sec. 31 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2199Sec. 31 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2199Sec. 31 Helen Imes 2910Sec. 31 Obie Hookfin 2710Sec. 31 Hookfin Estate 2926Sec. 31 Irving, Fate & Marguerite 3084ASec. 31 Irving, Fate 3088Sec. 31 & 46 Naul,, Jr., Jess W. 3138Sec. 31 Broomfield & Womack 3342Sec. 31 John Armstrong 3354Sec. 32 Emmett Hookfin 401Sec. 32 Emmett Hookfin 794Sec. 32 Lagran Coleman 1937Sec. 32 Hames Kinzy 1938Sec. 32 Jessie James 1939Sec. 32 Merlin Dyson 1940Sec. 32 Heirs of Louis Wall 2349Sec. 32, 22, 46 P.A. Fidele 778Sec. 32 Leo Andrews 2947Sec. 33 Clarence Hookfin 317Sec. 33 Frank Reedy 803Sec. 33 Lionel & Donna Menard 3289
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 35 Clifford Titus 2379Sec. 36 E/2 of SE/4 259Sec. 36 Location 284Sec. 36 Dalton McMillan 2369Sec. 36 Ronald McMillan 3014Sec. 37 I.G. Womack/ A.M. Dyson 274Sec. 38 Claude O. Alford 3403Sec. 39 W.O. Toney 245Sec. 39 24.68 Acre Tract 260Sec. 39 Locations 279Sec. 39 Dr. Derry Magee (KMR Enterprises) 2375Sec. 39,37 N.R. Jennigs 267Sec. 40 Arthur Hilburn 246Sec. 40 Mrs. M.K. Ellis 330Sec. 40 Estate of W.C. Sanders 1811
T. 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 41 Albert Harris 331Sec. 41 Unknown (Theo Dunn?) 1946Sec. 41 Theodore Dunn Plot Plan 2035Sec. 41 Ruby Cobb 2196Sec. 41 Bobby Raborn 2549Sec. 41 James G. Jackson 2703Sec. 41, 42 Mr. Price 276Sec. 41, 42 Richard Prescott 801Sec. 41 Keith Irving 3129Sec. 41 & 17 Derry D. Magee 3379Sec. 41 W. Doty Estate 3388Sec. 41 Thomas J. Doty 3389Sec. 41 Richard P. Doty 3390Sec. 42 W.J. Lea 266Sec. 42 Talmadge E. Andrews 318Sec. 42 Dr. M. B. Small 328Sec. 42 Locations Sanders, Young, others 332Sec. 42 Douglas Spring 2215Sec. 42 5.20 Acres Along St. Rt. 1053 2146Sec. 42 Louis and Mary Moore 2671Sec. 42 or 43 Paul Miller et al 2758Sec. 42 Margie Lea 3424Sec. 43 Newman Property 251Sec. 43 Mrs. W.L. Phillips 252Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-Operative 300Sec. 43 F.L. Swindle 304Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-Operative 788Sec. 43 Joe Terry, Jr. 792Sec. 43 Rogers Gro. Company 797Sec. 43 Consolidated Farm Center, Inc. 800Sec. 43 J.P. Morris 3118
T 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 44 Hollis Yarbrough 253Sec. 44 Richard Strickland 265Sec. 44 Melvin Howell 2844Sec. 44, 45 A.B. Morris 282Sec. 44 Earl Stinson 3351Sec. 44 Earl Stinson 3352Sec. 45 Ted Jordan 3475Sec. 45 Pierce, Lambert, others 222Sec. 45 Odom McDaniel 779Sec. 45 Raymond J. Martin 781Sec. 45 Valley Forge Academy 1689Sec. 45 Sherman Cutrer 2065Sec. 45 Location 2079Sec. 45 Lambert, Strickland, others 2127, 2127ASec. 45 Marlin Lambert 2268Sec. 45 Lowell Wilson 2279Sec. 45 Bruce Harrell 2293Sec. 45 Henry Rufus Williams 2681Sec. 45 Larry and Lavelle Cannon 2805Sec. 45 Wayne Frazier 2417Sec. 45 J.D. Miller 2684Sec. 45 Rodric Lea 2843Sec. 45 Bruce Harrell 3297 or 2080Sec. 45 James R. Tolar 3401 or 2080Sec. 45 James C. Tolar 3402Sec. 45 Bruce Harrell 3492Sec. 45 Ted Jordan 3475Sec. 45 Dwayne A. Roberts 3486Sec. 46 William Womack Property 254Sec. 46 C.B. Temple Property 255Sec. 46 Joe Newman 269Sec. 46 Mrs. Jas. McCallum 272Sec. 46 George J. Mattingly 273Sec. 46 Ebony Citizens Rec. Center 313Sec. 46 Iverson Lard 793Sec. 46 Ebony Citizens Rec. Center 2787H.R. 46 Ralph Jones 2925Sec. 46 Sweet Home Baptist Church 3377
T 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 47 Kentwood Chamber of Commerce 354Sec. 47 Effluent Line Along ICRR 360Sec. 47 Gulf Milk Association 783Sec. 47 Nelson Simmons, Jr. 2706Sec. 48 W.E. Simmons 275Sec. 48 Simmons/Varnado 277Sec. 48 Jake Bass, Jr. 780Sec. 48 Vincent Calderone 2922Sec. 48 Charles A. Kent, Jr. 799Sec. 48 Dwayne A. Roberts 2744Sec. 48 Hubert Yarborough, Jr. 3106Sec. 48 Jake Bass, Jr. 3154Sec. 48 Brian D. Tate, Sr. 3380Sec. 48 Anthony G. Calderon 3487Sec. 49 Mrs. Minnie Dupre (Mrs. I.E. McDaniel) 257Sec. 49 Mrs. I.N. Harrell/Dewitt Varnado 294Sec. 49 Harrell and Dewitt Varnado 286Sec. 49 Property 393Sec. 50 Line Creek Baptist Church 389
T 1 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 54 R. Omer Simmons 1461Sec. 56 Jim Bailey 3432Sec. 58 Subdivision 283? Mrs. Rosa Martin 225? B.W. Morris 295? Butler, Chaney, others 305? Oak Grove AME Church 307
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 5,51 Dr. Clinton H. Sharp 653Sec. 4,5,8,9 Matt Creed 806Sec.8 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morris 807Sec. 31, 47 Elvis Conerly 808Sec. 14, 37 Est. of Erastus V. Dykes 809Sec. 42 W.A. & J.D. Blades 810Sec. 9 Est. of J.W. Varnado 811Sec. 47 Morris Varnado 812Sec. 51 Est. of Hattie Strickland 813Sec. 28 R. Dale Forrest/Mrs. Clarence 813R. Letteer 814Sec. 13 Webster Butler 815Sec. 38, 58 Locations 847Sec.4, 5 Sam Dykes 1457Sec. 21, 28, 41 C.F. Dean, Geo. Lewis, C.J. Molgard 1458Sec. 31, 47 T.R.Stickland 1459Sec. 31 NW Corner of Sec. 31 1460Sec. 52 R. Omer Simmons 1461Sec. 48 W.A. Hall 1462Sec. 14 N/2 of NE/4 1463Sec. 41, 42 J.C. Blade 1464Sec. 1, 48 K.I. Simmons 1465Sec. 42 6.22 A. of Land 1466Sec. 34 Tincie M. Hayden 1467Sec. 19, 20 Norma Miller 1468Sec. 17 S/2 of NW/4 for Floyd McGehee 1469Sec. 28 J.L. Bourdette 1470Sec. 32 F.B. Ayer 1471Sec. 20, 29 A.H. Varnado 1472Sec. 14, 37 Ott to Wheat 1473Sec. 31, 47 Locations 1474Sec. 40 Eulas Finch Ory 1475Sec. 11 Property Owners 1476Sec. 58 Dr. Clinton H. Sharp 1477Sec. 14, 37 NE/2 of NE/4, others 1478Sec. 46 H.E. Forest 1479Sec. 17, 20 J.P. Morgan 1480Sec. 50 Locations 1481Sec. 52 Locations 1482? Lee Magee 1483? Locations 1484Sec. 8 Mrs. Cutrer & others 1485
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 39 Alma E. Dyson 1487Sec. 41 Lewis, Molgard, Dean 1488Sec. 48 Hall, Simmons, Brumfield 1489Sec. 20, 29 Ralph Lewis 1490Sec. 3, 49 Marcus M. Strickland 1491Sec. 15, 22, 37, 40 E.M. Walker 1492Sec. 36 L.B. Ponder, Jr. 1493Sec. 46 Paul Miller 1494Sec. 19, 38, 39 Mary Dyson 1495Sec. 42 Locations 1496Sec. 33 O.D. Ricks 1523Sec. 45 Cade Williams 1552Sec. 45 W.S. Connelly 1553Sec. 18 Dallas Strickland, Jr. 1928Sec. 13 Willie Brumfield 1929Sec. 51 Rodric Dykes 1963Sec. 5, 51 Clemons Bros. 1997Sec. 5, 50, 51 Lots 3, 5 2004Sec. 28 Kathy Dale Forrest 2267Sec. 12 Heirs of Ebby James 2278Sec. 38 Mary Ann Smith Gardner 2290Sec. 28 Kathy Dale Forrest 2339Sec. 50 Heirs of W.C. Bacot 2346Sec. 7 Timothy Lee & Charlotte Faye Alford 2426Sec. 8 Paul Morris 2454Sec. 21, 28, 41 C.J. Molgard ESec. 15, 37 Location on St. Rt. 313-Wilson Branch FSec. 8 Penelope Morris MartensSherrill Morris Daigle 2454Sec. 38 George Butler 2749Sec. 17, 18 Paul Fussell 2802Sec. 17 Harrell Alford 2182Sec. 3 William Schilling 2411Sec. 2 Heirs of Gabriel Carter andCora Lee Carter Walker 2390Sec. 30 Stanley Guy 2659Sec. 17 Paul Fussell 2676Sec. 8 Tate Property 2712
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 20 Ruth Stoudenmier 2875Sec. 46 Albert J. Ricouard 2729Sec. 18 Paul Fussell 2742Sec. 38 Charlie Butler 2757Sec. 8 Bobby Smith 2865Sec. 13 Elnora Perry 2919Sec. 20 Joseph Baudoin 2966Sec. 20, 29 Lewsiton Baptist Church 2988Sec. 2 Brumfield, Rosalie 3027Sec. 30 Norman Stuart 3055Sec. 33 Cathy Dale Forrest 3057Sec. 7 East Fork Baptist Church 3084Sec. 40 2nd Ward, Water District(Tangipahoa Parish) 3095Sec. 25 Elaine Hart McElveen 3112Sec. 51 Ernest Guy 3124Sec. 2 David Schenk 3134Sec. 4 Carl & Louise Lee 3135Sec. 20 Second Ward Water District 3166Sec. 47 Luther & Annette Hano 3205Sec. 13 Dickerson Cemetery 3234Sec. 10 Second Ward Water District 3253Sec. 10 Fred Lee 3254Sec. 2 Cloteal Imes Coon 3277Sec. 30 Holland LaGraize 3369Sec. 42 Joyce Forrest 3344Sec. 48 David James 3363Sec .17 Randy Blanchard 3426Sec. 11 Jasper Gatlin 3431Sec. 42 Bobby L. Blades 3441Sec. 33 Gordon Peters 3442Sec. 33 Norman C. Forrest 3445Sec. 49 Eddie Joe Blanchard 3464Sec. 18 Jodie F. Newsom 3468Sec. 7 Paul Fussell 3472Sec. 7 T.C. Slaven 3473Sec. 51 Anthony G. Calderone 3489Sec. 7 Layne M. Sanders 3491
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 7 Alford, Charlotte Faye & Lee, T. 2426Sec. 17 Alford, Harrell 2182Sec. 32 Ayer, A.H. 1472Sec. 20 Baudoin, Joseph 2966Sec. 50 Bacot, W.C., Heirs of 2346Sec. 43 Blades, W.A. & J.D. 810Sec. 41, 42 Blade, J.C. (Kermit Brumfield) 1464Sec. 38 Bourdette, J.L. 1470Sec. 48 Brumfield, Hall, Simmons 2489Sec. 13 Brumfield, Willie 1929Sec. 38 Butler, George 2749Sec. 13 Butler, Webster 815Sec. 38 Butler, Charlie 2757Sec. 13 Brookshire, Warren 3022Also Janie Tate and Mary L. GardnerSec. 2 Brumfield, Rosalie 3027Sec. 34 & 42 Blades, Forrest & Denise 3280Sec. 17 Blanchard, Randie L. 3426Sec. 42 Blades, Bobby L. 3441Sec. 49 Blanchard, Eddie Joe 3465Sec. 2 Carter, Gabriel & Cora Lee Carter Walker,Heirs of 2390Sec. 5, 51 Clemons Brothers 1997Sec. 45 Connelly, W.S. 1553Sec. 31, 47 Conerly, Elvis 808Sec. 4, 5, 8, 9 Creed, Matt 806Sec. 8 Cutrer, Mrs. & others 1485Sec. 2 Coon, Cloteal Imes 3277Sec. 51 Calderone, Anthony G. 3489
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 8 Daigle, Sherrill MorrisMartens, Penelope Morris 2454Sec. 41 Dean, Molgard, Lewis 1488Sec. 21, 28, 41 Dean, Leis, Molgard 1458Sec. 14, 37 Dykes, Erastus, Estate of 809Sec. 4, 5 Dykes, Sam 1457Sec. 39 Dyson, Alma E. 1487Sec. 19, 38, 39 Dyson, Mary 1495Sec. 51 Dykes, Rodric 1963Sec. 20 Day, Frederick 2876Sec. 7 East Fork Baptist Church 3084Sec. 33 Forrest, Norman C. 3445Sec. 18 Fussell, Paul 3472Sec. 28 Forrest, Kathy Dale 2267Sec. 28 Forrest, Kathy Dale 2339Sec. 28 Forrest, R. Dale/Mrs. ClarenceR. Letteer 814Sec. 46 Forest, H.E. 1479Sec. 17, 18 Fussell, Paul 2802Sec. 17 Fussell, Paul 2676Sec. 18 Fussell, Paul 2742Sec. 17 Fussell, Paul 3021Sec. 33 Forrest, Cathy Dale 3057Sec. 32 Ferdinand, James C. 3155Sec. 33 Forrest, Craig 3445Sec. 17 Fussell, Paul 3237Sec. 42 Forrest, Joyce 3344Sec. 7 3473Sec. 11 Gatlin, Jasper 3431Sec. 13 Gardner, Mary Lee 3022Also Warren Brookshire & Janie TateSec. 38 Gardner, Mary Ann Smith 2290Sec. 30 Guy, Stanley 2659Sec. 51 Guy, Ernest 3124Sec. 47 Gill, Fernie Ray 3180Sec. 11 Gatlin, Ranada & Jasper 3431
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 48 Hall, Simmons, Brumfield 1489Sec. 48 Hall, W.A. 1462Sec. 34 Hayden, Tincie M. 1467Sec. 47 Hano, Luther & Annette 3205Sec. 12 James, Ebby, Heirs of 2278Sec. 20 Johnson, Kenneth J. & Kathleen Posey 3198Sec. 20 Johnson, Kenneth J. & Jean Vines 3260Sec. 48 James, David 3363Sec. 28 Letteer, Mrs. Clarence R./Forrest, R. Dale 814Sec. 41 Lewis, Molgard, Dean 1488Sec. 20, 29 Lewis, Ralph 1490Sec. 21, 28, 41 Lewis, Molgard, Dean 1458Sec. 38, 58 Locations 847Sec. 50 Locations 1481Sec. 52 Locations 1482Sec. ? Locations 1484Sec. 42 Locations 1496Sec. 31, 47 Locations 1474Sec. 20, 29 Lewiston Baptist Church 2988Sec. 4 Lee, Carl & Louise 3135Sec. 10 Lee, Fred 3254Sec. 30 La Graize, Holland 3369
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name Page? Magee, Lee 1483Sec. 8 Martens, Penelope MorrisDaigle, Sherrill Morris 2454Sec. 17 McGehee, S/2 of NW/4 for 1469Sec. 19, 20 Miller, Norma 1468Sec. 46 Miller, Paul 1494Sec. 21, 28, 41 Molgard, C.J. ESec. 21, 28, 41 Molgard, Dean, Lewis 1458Sec. 8 Morris, Paul 2454Sec. 41 Molgard, Dean, Lewis 1488Sec. 17, 20 Morgan, J.P. 1480Sec. 18 Newsom, Jodie F. 3468Sec. 14, 47 Ott to Wheat 1473Sec. 40 Ory, Eulas Finch 1475Sec. 33 Peters, Gordon L. 3443Sec. 13 Perry, Elnora 2919Sec. 11 Property Owners 1476Sec. 36 Ponder, L.B. Jr. 1493
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 33 Ricks, O.D. 1523Sec. 46 Ricouard, Albert J. 2729Sec. 7 Slaven, T.C. 3473Sec. 3 Schilling, William 2411Sec. 58 Sharp, Dr. Clinton H. 1477Sec. 48 Simmons, Hall, Brumfield 1489Sec. 5, 51 Sharp, Dr. Clinton H. 653Sec. 52 Simmons, R. Omer 1461Sec. 1, 48 Simmons, K.I. 1465Sec. 8 Smith, Bobby 2865Sec. 15, 37 State Route 313-Wilson Branch-Location FSec. 3, 49 Strickland, Marcus M. 1491Sec. 18 Strickland, Dallas Jr. 1928Sec. 51 Strickland, Hattie, Estate of 813Sec. 31, 47 Strickland, T.R. 1459Sec. 20 Stoudenmier, Ruth 2875Sec. 30 Stuart, Norman 3055Sec. 30 Strickland, Denny Roy 3113Sec. 2 Schenk, David 3134Sec. 20 Second Ward Water District 3166Sec. 46 Second Ward Water District 3095Sec. 10 Second Ward Water District 3253Sec. 26-1-7 Shaw, Lance 3471-ASec. 7 Sanders, Layne M. 3491Sec. 8 Tate Property 2712Sec. 13 Tate, JanieAlso Warren Brookshire & Mary L. Gardner 3022Sec. 13 Tate, Novella 3023
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 9 Varnado, J.W., Estate of 811Sec. 47 Varnado, Morris 812Sec. 20, 29 Varnado, A.H. 1472Sec. 15, 22, 37, 40 Walker, E.M. 1492Sec. 14, 37 Wheat, from Ott 1473Sec. 45 Williams, Cade 1552Sec. 46 2nd Ward, Water District (Tangipahoa Parish) 3095Sec. 5, 50, 51 Lots 3, 5 2004Sec. 31 NW Corner of Sec. 31 1460Sec. 14 N/2 of NE/4 1463Sec. 42 6.22 A of land 1466Sec. 14, 37 NE/2 of NE/4, others 1478
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 1, 48 K.I. Simmons 1465Sec. 2 Heirs of Gabriel Carter andCora Lee Carter Walker 2390Sec. 2 Rosalee Brumfield 3027Sec. 2 David Schenk 3134Sec. 3 William Schilling 2411Sec. 3, 49 Marcus M. Strickland 1491Sec. 4, 5 Sam Dykes 1457Sec. 4, 5, 8, 9 Matt Creed 806Sec. 4 Carl & Louis Lee 3135Sec. 5, 51 Dr. Clinton H. Sharp 653Sec. 5, 51 Clemons Brothers 1997Sec. 5, 50, 51 Lots 3, 5 2004Sec. 7 Timothy Lee & Charlotte Taye Alford 2426Sec. 7 East Fork Baptist Church 3084Sec. 7 Paul Fussell 3472Sec. 7 T.C. Slaven 3473Sec. 7 Layne M. Sauders 3491
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 8 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morris 807Sec. 8 Mrs. Cutrer & others 1485Sec. 8 Paul Morris 2454Sec. 8 Penelope Morris MartensSherrill Morris Daigle 2454Sec. 8 Tate Property 2712Sec. 8 Bobby Smith 2865Sec. 9 Estate of J.W. Varnado 811Sec. 11 Property Owners 1476Sec. 11 Jasper Gatlin 3431Sec. 12 Heirs of Ebby James 2278Sec. 13 Webster Butler 815Sec. 13 Willie Brumfield 1929Sec. 13 Warren Brookshire 3022Also Janie Tate and Mary L. GardnerSec. 13 Novella Tate 3023Sec. 13 Dickerson Cemetery 3234
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 14 N/2 of NE/4 1463Sec. 14, 37 Ott to Wheat 1473Sec. 14, 37 NE/2 of NE/4, others 1478Sec. 14, 37 Estate of Erastus V. Dykes 809Sec. 15, 22, 37, 40 E.M. Walker 1492Sec. 15, 37 Location on St. Rt. 313 Wilson Brance FSec. 17 S/2 of NW/4 for Floyd McGehee 1469Sec. 17, 20 J.P. Morgan 1480Sec. 17, 18 Paul Fussell 2802Sec. 17 Harrell Alford 2182Sec. 17 Paul Fussell 2672Sec. 17 Paul Fussell 3021Sec. 17 Paul Fussell 3237Sec. 17 Randy Blanchard 3426Sec. 18 Dallas Strickland, Jr. 1928Sec. 18 Paul Fussell 3742Sec. 18 Jodie Newsom 3468
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 19, 20 Norma Miller 1468Sec. 19, 38, 39 Mary Dyson 1495Sec. 20 Kenneth Johnson & Kathleen Posey 3198Sec. 20 Ruth Stoudenmier 2875Sec. 20, 29 A.H. Varnado 1472Sec. 20, 29 Ralph Lewis 1490Sec. 20 Joseph Baudoin 2966Sec. 20, 29 Lewiston Baptist Church 2988Sec. 20 Second Ward Water District 3166Sec. 20 Kenneth Johnson & Jean Vines 3260Sec. 21, 28, 41 C.F. Dean, Geo. Lewis, C.J. Molgard 1458Sec. 21, 28, 41 C.J. Molgard ESec. 28 R. Dale Forrest/Mrs. Clarence R. Letteer 814Sec. 28 J.L. Bourdette 1470Sec. 28 Kathy Dale Forrest 2339Sec. 28 Kathy Dale Forrest 2267Sec. 29, 20 Lewiston Baptist Church 2988Sec. 30 Stanley Guy 2659Sec. 30 Norman Stewart 3055Sec. 30 Denny Roy Strickland 3113Sec. 30 Holland LaGraize 3369
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 31, 47 Elvis Conerly 808Sec. 31, 47 T.R. Strickland 1459Sec. 31 NW corner of Sec. 31 1460Sec. 31, 47 Locations 1474Sec. 32 F.B. Ayer 11471Sec. 33 Forrest, Cathy Dale 3057Sec. 33 Forrest, Norman C. 3445Sec. 33 Peters, Gordon 3445Sec. 33 Ricks, O.D. 1523? Lee Magee 1483? Locations 1484
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 34 Tincie M. Hayden 1467Sec. 36 L.B. Ponder, Jr. 1493Sec. 38, 58 Location 847Sec. 38 Mary Ann Smith Gardner 2290Sec. 38 George Butler 2749Sec. 38 Charlie Butler 2757Sec. 39 Alma E. Dyson 1487Sec. 40 Eulas Finch Ory 1475Sec. 41, 42 J.C. Blade 1464Sec. 41 Lewis, Molgard, Dean 1488Sec. 42 W.A. & J.D. Blades 810Sec. 42 6.22 Acres of land 1466Sec. 42 Locations 1496Sec. 42 Joyce Forrest 3344Sec. 42 Bobby Lynn Blades 3441Sec. 45 Cade Williams 1552Sec. 45 W.S. Connelly 1553Sec. 46 Paul Miller 1494Sec. 46 Albert J. Ricouard 2729Sec. 46 H.E. Forest 1479Sec. 46 2nd Ward, water District (Tangipahoa Parish) 3095Sec. 47 Morris Varnado 812Sec. 47 Luther & Annette Hano 3205Sec. 48 W.A. Hall 1462Sec. 48 Hall, Simmons, Brumfield 1489Sec. 48 David James 3363Sec. 49 Eddie Joe Blanchard 3464Sec. 50 Locations 1481Sec. 50 Heirs of W.C. Bacot 2346
T 1 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 51 Anthony G. Calderone 2489Sec. 51 Est. of Hattie Strickland 813Sec. 51 Rodric Dykes 1963Sec. 51 Ernest Guy 3124Sec. 52 R. Omer Simmons 1461Sec. 52 Locations 1484Sec. 13 Elnora Perry 2919Sec. 58 Dr. Clinton H. Sharp 1477
T 1 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 7, 18 Schilling 1819Sec. 28 Mt. Olive Baptist Church 1821Sec. 17 Bickham Oil Company 1822
T 1 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 7, 18 Schilling 1819Sec. 17 Bickham Oil Company 1822Sec. 28 Mr. Olive Baptist Church 1821
T 1 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 17 Bickham Oil Company 1822Sec. 28 Mt. Olive Baptist Church 1821Sec. 7, 18 Schilling 1819
T. 2 S., R. 4 ELocation Name PageSec. 37 Proposed Road Change 045Sec. 29 Joe L. Taylor 670Sec. 53, 54 Bessie McKnight 671Sec. 79, 81 Est. of Eugene Allen 676Sec. 81 Locations 677Sec. 53 Mrs. Mary Naul Dykes 678Sec. 45 J.B. Newman 1624Sec. 80 12.95 A. on St. Rt. 1043 1960Sec. 42 Crown-Zellerback (St. Hel Jury) 2194Sec. 43, 45 Locations on Greasy, DarlingtonCreeks YSec. 63 Joseph Coleman 2573
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 33 Prentiss Carter, Jr. 009Sec. 57 Murdock Davis 010Sec. 49 Carter-Meadow 011Sec. 59 Henry Ben Myers 021L. 4, S. 34 Mrs. Eunice Reed 022Sec. 57 Mrs. T.C. Lindsey 029Sec. 6 Locations 042Sec. 29, 54, 55 Morris Property & others 043Sec. 34 Norrell & Violet Terrell 044Sec. 39, 67 Tom Bankston 046Sec. 62 Sibley 047Sec. 67, 68 E.S. Pike 048Sec. 68 Womack & others 049Sec. 65 Locations 050Sec. 60 Carter Realty 060Sec. 41 Mr. & Mrs. I.O. Wesley 097L. 28, 41 GR Schilling Bros. After 060L. 28, 41, GR Schilling Bros. 836L. 24, GR Charles J. Cole, Jr. 837L. 40, GR St. Helena Parish School Board 838? Rose B. Webb 839Sec. 59 Lynn Singleton 849Sec. 81 Locations 677
T. 2 S., R. 4 ELocation Name PageSec. 62 David and Linda Esteve 2391Sec. 62, 63 Redmond, others 2392Sec. 74 Sara Fugler 2949Sec. 63 Joseph Coleman 3303
T. 2 S., R. 4 ELocation Name PageSec. 29 Joe L. Taylor 670Sec. 37 Proposed Road Change 45Sec. 42 Crown-Zellerback (St. Helena P.P.J.) 2194Sec. 43, 45 Locations on Greasy, Darlington Creek YSec. 45 J.B. Newman 1624Sec. 53 Mrs. Mary Naul Dykes 687Sec. 53, 54 Bessie McKnight 671Sec. 62 David and Linda Esteve 2391Sec. 62, 63 Redmond, others 2392Sec. 63 Joseph Coleman 2573Sec. 63 Joseph Coleman 3303
T. 2 S., R. 4 ELocation Name PageSec. 74 Sara Fugler 2949
T. 2 S., R. 4 ELocation Name PageSec. 79, 81 Est. of Eugene Allen 676Sec. 80 12.95 acres on St. Rt. 1043 1960Sec. 81 Locations 677
T. 2 S., R. 4 ELocation Name PageSec. 79, 81 Allen, Eugene, Estate of 676Sec. 63 Coleman, Joseph 2573Sec. 42 Crown-Zellerback (St. Helena P.P.J.) 2194Sec. 63 Coleman Estate 3303Sec .53 Dykes, Mrs, Mary Naul 678Sec. 62 Esteve, David and Linda 3281Sec. 74 Fugler, Sara 2949Sec. 81 Locations 677Sec. 43, 45 Locations on Greasy, Darlington Creeks Y
T. 2 S., R. 4 ELocation Name PageSec. 53.54 McKnight, Bessie 671Sec. 45 Newman, J.B. 1624Sec. 62, 63 Redmond, others 2392Sec. 37 Road Change, Proposed 45Sec. 80 State Route 1043, 12.95 a 1960Sec. 29 Taylor, Joe L. 670
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 57 Prentiss Carter, Jr. 1633Sec. 2, 67 Columbus T. Sibley 1790Sec. 9 32.27 A. W of CCC Road 1942Sec. 57 Heirs of H.C. Carter 2125Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2233Sec. 67 Mr. & Mrs. Chaney Phillips 2244Sec. 28 Nathaniel Harrison, Sr. 2566Sec. 67 Mr. & Mrs. Chaney Phillips 2768Sec. 67 Mr. & Mrs. Chaney Phillips 2771Sec. 58 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2384Sec. 32 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2687Sec. 27 James P. Avery 2734Sec. 34 Ora Lee Hurst AveryEunice P. Reed 2841Sec. 32 Versie Scott 2968Sec. 2 Joey Guzzardo 3076Sec. 2 Henry Knight 3079Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 3150Sec. 34 Mrs. Charles Overton 3250
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 2, 67 Columbus T. Sibley 1790Sec. 2 Joey Guzzardo 3076Sec. 6 Locations 42Rose B. Webb 839Sec. 9 32.27 acres West of CCC Road 1942Sec. 27 James P. Avery 2734Sec. 28 Nathaniel Harrison, Sr. 2566Sec. 29, 54, 55 Morris Property & others 043Sec. 32 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2687Sec. 32 Versie Scott 2968Sec. 33 Prentiss Carter, Jr. 9Sec. 34 Norrell & Violet Terrell 44Sec. 34 Eunice P. Reed 2841Sec. 34 Mrs. Charles Overton 3250Sec. 39, 67 Tom Bankston 46Sec. 41 Mr. & Mrs. I.O. Wesley 97Sec. 49 Carter-Meadow 11
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 27 Avery, James P., 2734Avery, Ora Lee HurstSec. 57 Carter, H.S., Heirs of 2125Sec. 57 Carter, Prentiss Jr. 1633Sec. 9 CCC Road, 32137 A West of 1942Sec. 10 & 38 Chaney, Leroy 3265Sec. 28 Harrison, Nathaniel Sr. 2566Sec. 67 Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Chaney 2768Sec. 67 Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Chaney 2771Sec. 67 Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Chaney 2244
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 39, 67 Bankston, Tom 46Sec. 33 Carter, Prentiss Jr. 9Sec. 49 Carter-Meadow 11Sec. 60 Carter Realty 60L. 24 GR Cole, Charles J. Jr 837
Sec. 57 Davis, Murdock 10Sec. 2 Guzzardo, Joey 3076Sec. 59 Henry Knight 3079Sec. 6 Locations 42Sec. 65 Locations 50Sec. 81 Locations 677Sec. 57 Lindsey, Mrs. T.C. 29
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 59 Myers, Henry Ben 21Sec. 29, 54, 55 Morris Property & others 43Sec. 34 Overton, Mrs. Charles 3284Sec. 67, 68 Pike, E.S. 48L. 4 S. 34 Reed, Mrs. Eunice 22Sec. 62 Sibley 47L. 28, 41 FR Schilling Bros After 60L. 28, 41 GR Schilling Bros 836L. 40 GR St. Helena Parish School Board 838Sec. 59 Singleton, Lynn 849Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 3150Sec. 34 Terrell, Norrell & Violet 44? Webb, Rose B. 839Sec. 68 Womack & others 49Sec. 49 Wesley, Mr. & Mrs. I.O. 97
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 34 Reed, Eunice P. 2841Sec. 32 Scott, Versie 2968Sec. 2, 67 Sibley, Columbus T. 1790Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2233Sec. 58 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2384Sec. 32 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2687
T. 2 S., R. 5 ELocation Name PageSec. 57 Murdock Davis 10Sec. 57 Mrs. T. C. Lindsey 29Sec .57 Prentiss Carter, Jr. 1633Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2233Sec. 57 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 3150Sec. 58 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2384Sec. 59 Lynn Singleton 849Sec. 59 Henry Ben Myers 21Sec. 59 Henry Knight 3079Sec. 60 Carter Realty 60Sec. 62 Sibley 47Sec. 65 Locations 50Sec. 67, 68 E.S. Pike 48Sec. 67 Mr. & Mrs. Chaney Phillips 2244Sec. 67 Mr. & Mrs. Chaney Phillips 2768Sec. 67 Mr. & Mrs. Chaney Phillips 2771Sec. 81 Locations 677
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name PageSec. 47 Carter-Meadow 011Sec. 5, 6, 40 E.S. Pike 048Sec. 40 Womack & others 049Sec. 37 Bridges 072Sec. 4, 9 John I. Phillips 087Sec. 4 J.T. Newman Loan #26138 088Sec. 43 W.T. Phillips 089Sec. 4 J.T. Newman Loan #26138 090Sec. 12 C.C. Harrell 091Sec. 13, 45 Riggs 092Sec. 12 Division Line-Waller & Bridges 093Sec. 17 Idella Topps Armstrong 094Locations 095Brumfield, others 096Sec. 46 Mr. & Mrs. I.O. Wesley 097Brumfield, others 098Sec. 45 John M. Venable 099Sec. 55, 56 Mrs. George Tullos 100Sec. 45 P.E. Crittendon 101Sec. 56 Elisha Waller 102Sec. 56 Elisha Waller 103Sec. 36 Andrew J. Sceroler 116Sec. 45 Shelby Young 223Sec. 44 Est. of H.H. Waller, Sr. 355Sec. 45 Locations 665Sec. 54 J.T. Allen 841Sec. 13 R.E. Garner 1813Sec. 36 SW/2 of SW/4 on St. Rt. 10 1861Sec. 36 Andrew Sceroler, Jr. & RonaldSceroler 1990Sec. 49 Cleon Knighton 2001Sec. 8 Benjamin T. & Irene Rogers 2084Sec. 36 Ronnie Sceroler 2168Sec. 34 Timothy R. Kirby 2735Sec. 8 Dennis Phillips 2857Sec. 34 Cline Bridges 2892Sec. 43 Miller, Larry & Phyllis 3040Sec. 46 Carter, Yolanda W. & Wm. R., Jr. 3190
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name PageSec. 54 Allen, J.T. 841Sec. 17 Armstrong, Idella Topps 94Sec. 34 Bridges, Cline 2892? Brumfield, others 96? Brumfield, others 98Sec. 37 Bridges 72Sec. 12 Bridges & Waller = Division Line 93Sec. 49 Chaney, Leroy 3362Sec. 46 Carter, Yolanda & Wm. R. Carter, Jr. 3190Sec. 47 Carter-Meadow 11Sec. 45 Crittendon, P.E. 101Sec. 13 Garner, R.E. 1813Sec. 12 Harrell, C.C. 91Sec. 49 Knighten, Cleon 2001Sec. 34 Kirby, Timothy R. 2735Sec. 45 Locations 665
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name Page? Location 95Sec. 43 Miller, Larry & Phyllis 3040Sec. 43 Miller, Larry & Phyllis 3167Sec. 4 Newman, J.T. Loan #26138 88Sec. 4 Newman, J.T. Loan #26138 90Sec. 5, 6, 40 Pike, E.S. 48Sec. 4, 9 Phillips, John I. 87Sec. 43 Phillips, W.T. 89Sec. 8 Phillips, Dennis 2857Sec. 13, 45 Riggs 92Sec. 8 Rogers, Benjamin T. & Irene 2084
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name PageSec. 36 Sceroler, Andrew J. 116Sec. 36 Sceroler, Andres Jr. & Ronald 1990Sec. 36 Sceroler, Ronnie 2168Sec. 36 State Route 10, SW/2 of SW/4 on 1861Sec. 55,56 Tullos. Mrs. George 100Sec. 45 Venable, John M. 99Sec. 40 Womack and others 49Sec. 12 Waller and Bridges-Division Line 93Sec. 46 Wesley, Mr. *Mrs. I.O. 97Sec. 56 Waller, Elisha 102Sec. 56 Waller, Elisha 103Sec. 44 Waller, H.H. Sr., Estate of 355
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name PageSec. 45 Young, Shelby 223Sec. 15 Young, William Clayton 3281
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name PageSec. 4 J.T. Newman Loan #26138 88Sec. 4 J.T. Newman Loan #26138 90Sec. 4,9 John I. Phillips 87Sec. 5,6,40 E.S. Pike 48Sec. 8 Benjamin T. and Irene Rogers 2084Sec. 8 Dennis Phillips 2857Sec. 12 C.C. Harrell 91Sec. 12 Division Line-Waller and Bridges 93Sec. 13, 45 Riggs 92Sec. 13 R.E. Garner 1813Sec. 17 Idella Topps Armstrong 94
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name PageSec. 34 Timothy R. Kirby 2735Sec. 34 Cline Bridges 2892Sec. 36 Andrew J. Sceroler 116Sec. 36 SW/2 of SW/4 on St. Rt. 10 1861Sec. 36 Andrew Sceroler, Jr. and Ronald Sceroler 1990Sec. 37 Bridges 72Sec. 40 Womack and others 49Sec. 43 W.T. Phillips 49Sec. 43 Larry and Phyllis Miller 3040Sec. 44 Est. of H.H. Waller, Sr. 355Sec. 45 P.E. Crittendon 101Sec. 45 Shelby Young 223Sec. 45 Locations 665Sec. 46 Mr. and Mrs. I.O. Wesley 97Sec. 46 Yolanda W. Carter and Wm. R., Jr. 3190Sec. 47 Carter-Meadow 11Sec. 49 Cleon Knighton 2001Sec. 49 Chaney, Leroy 3362Sec. 54 J.T. Allen 841Sec. 55,56 Mrs. George Tullos 100Sec. 56 Elisha Waller 102Sec. 56 Elisha Waller 103
T. 2 S., R. 6 ELocation Name PageLocations 95Brumfield, others 96
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 52 Elisha Waller 102Sec. 52 Elisha Waller 103Sec. 38 Shelby Young 223Sec. 53 Est. of H.H. Waller, Sr. 355Sec. 38 Locations 356Sec. 8 E.H. Welch 357Sec. 37 Locations 358Sec. 50 Proposed Effluent Line 360Sec. 39 Mrs. Bertha Lyon/Willie Newsom 361? Unknown 362Sec. 34, 35, 47 Davis Simms/Irene Pennington 363Sec. 58 Est. of Mrs. A. Mixon 364/364ASec. 39, 60 Mrs. Bessie Simms 365Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde 366Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde 367Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde after 367Sec. 61 Benson L. Davis 368Sec. 10, 58 E.J. Milton 369Sec. 25 Orin E. Hyde 370Sec. 59 Bennie Caldwell 371Sec. 39 Felix McKnight 372Sec. 56 George Lanier 373Sec. 61 Location 374Sec. 24, 25 Dedric Gill 375Sec. 12, 56, 57 Janies R. Gill 376Sec. 37 Est. Henry and Julio Langford 378Sec. 59 Locations 379Sec. 47 C.C. Graham 380Sec. 8 Bankston/Smith 381Sec. 56 E.B. McDaniels 382Sec. 39, 41 Locations 383Sec. 54, 59 Mrs. Adeline M. Kennon 384Sec. 61 K.K. Kennedy 385Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde 386Sec. 41 B.E. Kemp, Jr. 387Sec. 54, 49 Mrs. Adeline M.Kennon 388Sec. 7 Property Locations 389Sec. 37, 61 Jeff Newsom 390Sec. 37 Division Line of Heirs of Nat. PHutchinson and Milton P. Young 391Sec. 58 Gill vs. Gill 392Sec. 50 Property 393Sec. 11, 55, 56 George Lanier 394Sec. 57 Homer G. Spears 395Sec. 51 M.A. Bridges 396Sec. 58 Layton Gill to Ivy Wall 397Sec. 46 Mrs. M.C. Watson 398
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 39-2-8 Amite Bank and Trust Company 400Sec. 5 Emmett Hookfin 401Sec. 26 Reginald and Roy Anderson 402Sec. 61 Easley Property 403Sec. 51 Nyme J. Newman 404Sec. 13 John D. Smith 405L. 128, B. 14, TAN Dalton Bridges 406Sec. 10, 11, 55, 56 Hilda and Charles Crawford 407Sec. 2, 11, 56 George A. Lanier 408Sec. 61 T.L. James and Co. 409L. 173, B. 14, TAN Dalton Bridges 410? Est. of Samuel Hyde 411Sec. 58, 59 Sanders, Addison 425Sec. 38 Locations 665Sec. 36 C.A. Hyde 782Sec. 51 Gulf Milk Association 783Sec. 5 Emmett Hookfin 794Sec. 54 Estate of Nyme Association 1628Sec. 41 Village of Tangipahoa 1683L. 26, 27, 34, 35 B6TAN Ike Baudoin 1684Sec. 5, 51 Est. of Nyme Newman 1696Sec. 61 H.R. Bond 1833Sec. 37 Harvey Hutchinson and Limmie Hampton 1851Sec. 37, 38 James Kennedy 1853Sec. 5 Lula Mary Hookfin 1894Sec. 16 Paul Miceli 1895? Hutchinson-Young 1921Sec. 5 Emmett Hookfin 1992Sec. 39 Breeland-Raborn 2031Sec. 5 Larry Wall 2094Sec. 5 Emmitt Hookfin 3299Sec. 14 Tang. Par. School Bd. 2248Sec. 8 Nick Smith 2265Sec. 61 Easley and Colwet 2280-ASec. 37, Tangipahoa Juanita Scott 2282Sec. 35 Marion Rushing 2294Sec. 35 Leona Brumfield 2320Tangipahoa Mack Hurst 2320L. 76-78, Sq. 9 Arnold Pezant 2344Sec. 61 Jim and Linda Leblanc 2347Sec. 60 Dalton Bridges 2578Sec. 8 Nick Smith 2591??/?/ Varnado, Smith, Gill JSec. 13, 14 L.D. Morgan Estate KSec. 61 Tang. Par. School. Bd. 2403Sec. 59 Allen to Clark 2692Pl. Lot 1, Tang. Kerry Thomas 2720Sec. 14 Ernest Spears 2720Sec. 27 Lee Duplantis 2901Sec. 20 Gus Pinckney 2903Sec. 42 Nell Rose Gill Morris 2980Sec. 36 Dave Walker 2994Sec. 13, 24 Tony Vogt 3000Sec. 25 Timothy Moneyhun 3051Sec. 56 Willie Carl Milton 3107Sec. 43 Dedric Gill, Jr. 3140Sec. 19 Nell Rose Gill Morris 3147Sec. 43 D.H. Gill, Jr. 3229Sec. 43 D.H. Gill, Jr. 3252Sec. 39 D.H. Gill, Jr. 3256Sec. 39 Margie Geisler 3415Sec. 10 Willie K. Milton 3443Sec. 24 Pat Hendry 3471Sec. 24 Patrick Hammons 3448Sec. 37 Michael Alford 3457Sec. 23 Ernest D. Milton 3480Sec. 23 Emmit D. Milton 3481Sec. 23, 24, 26 Johnnie Schexnayder 3482Sec. 39 I. E. Ballard 3421Sec. 57 Calderone 3436Sec. 60, Tangipahoa Jerry Fairburn 3425
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 59 Allen to Clark 0.22 2692Sec. 49 Amite Bank & Trust Company 400Sec. 26 Anderson, Roy & Reginald 402Sec. 37 Alford, Michael M. 3457Sec. 8 Bankston/Smith 381L. 26, 27, 34, 35B6 Tan Baudoin, Ike 1684Sec. 61 Bond, H.R. 1833Sec. 39 Breeland-Raborn 2031L. 128, B. 14 TAN Bridges, Dalton 406L. 173 B. 14 Bridges, Dalton 410Sec. 60 Bridges, Dalton 2578Sec. 51 Bridges, M.A. 396Sec. 35 Brumfield, Leona 2314Sec. 39 Brown & Ballard 3316Sec. 39 Ballard, I.E. 3421Sec. 59 Caldwell, Bennie 371Sec. 10, 11, 55, 56 Crawford, Hilda & Charles 407Sec. 57 Calderone 3436Sec. 61 Davis, Benson L. 368Sec. 27 Duplantis, Lee 2901
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 61 Easley Property 403Sec. 61 Easley and Colwet 2280Sec. 50 Effluent Line (Proposed) 360Sec. 61 Williams, Leon 3215Sec. 60 Fairburn, Jerry 3425Sec. 24, 25 Gill, Dedric 375Sec. 12, 56, 57 Gill, Janies R. 376Sec. 58 Gill, Layton to Ivy Wall 397Sec. 58 Gill vs. Gill 392Sec. 47 Graham, C.C. 380Sec. 51 Gulf Milk Association 783Sec. 39, 20 Gill, D.H. Jr. 3012Sec. 43 Gill, Dedric H., Jr. 3140Sec. 43 Gill, D.H., Jr. 3229Sec. 43 Gill, D.H., Jr. 3252Sec. 39 Gill, D.H. Jr. 3256Sec. 41 Gill, D. H., Jr. 3293-ASec. 41 Gill, Nell Rose 3370Sec. 39 Geisler, Margie 3386Sec. 39 Geisler & Todd 3415Sec. 5 Hookfin, Emmett 794Sec. 5 Hookfin, Emmett 1992Sec. 5 Hookfin, Emmett 401Sec. 5 Hookfin, Lula Mary 1894Tangipahoa Mack Hurst 2320? Hutchinson-Young 1921Sec. 37 Hutchinson, Nat P. and Milton P. Young/Division Line of Heirs of 391Sec. 37 Hutchinson, Harvey & Limmie Hampton 1851Sec. 36 Hyde, C.A. 782Sec. 25 Hyde, Orin E. 370? Hyde, Samuel, Estate of 411Sec. 36 Hyde, Willie G. 367Sec. 36 Hyde, Willie G. after 367Sec. 36 Hyde, Willie G. 386Sec. 36 Hyde, Willie G. 366Sec. 37 Hutchinson, Robert 3330Sec. 5 Hookfin, Emmitt 3299Sec. 24 Hendry, Pat 3471Sec. 24 Hammons, Patrick 3448
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 32 International Paper Co. 3017
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 61 James, T.L & Co 409Sec. 39 & 60 Johnson, Larry 3314Sec. 41 Kemp, B.E. Jr. 387Sec. 54, 59 Kennon, Mrs. Adeline M. 384Sec. 54, 59 Kennon, Mrs. Adeline M. 388Sec. 37, 38 Kennedy, James 1853Sec. 61 Kennedy, K.K. 385Sec. 37 Langford, Henry and Julio, Estate of 378Sec. 2, 11, 56 Lanier, George A. 408Sec. 56 Lanier, George 373Sec. 11, 55, 56 Lanier, George 394Sec. 61 LeBlanc, Jim & Linda 2347Sec. 38 Locations 665Sec. 39, 41 Locations 383Sec. 38 Locations 356Sec. 7 Locations 389Sec. 61 Locations 374Sec. 37 Locations 358Sec. 59 Locations 379Sec. 39 Lyon, Mrs. Bertha/Newsom, Willie 361Sec. 61 Lewis, Robert 3222Sec. 61 Lewis, Robert 3294
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 56 McDaniels, E.B. 382Sec. 39 McKnight, Felix 372Sec. 16 Miceli, Paul 1895Sec. 10, 58 Milton, E.J. 369Sec. 58 Mixon, Mrs. A., Estate of 364 & 364ASec. 13, 24 Morgan, Louis Duncan, Estate of KSec. 42 Morris, Nell Rose Gill 2980Sec. 41 Morris, Nell Rose Gill 3010Sec. 39, 20 Morris, Nell Rose Gill Morris 3010Sec. 25 Moneyhun, Timothy 3051Sec. 56 Milton, Willie Carl 3107Sec. 19 Morris, Nell Rose Gill 3147Sec. 41 Morris, Nell Rose Gill 3273Sec. 41 Morris, Nell Rose Gill 3370Sec. 10 Milton, Willie K. 3443Sec. 24 Milton, Ernest D. 3480Sec. 24 Milton, Emmit D. 3481Sec. 51 Newman, Nyme J. 404Sec. 54 Newman, Nyme , Estate of 1628Sec. 5, 51 Newman, Nyme, Estate of 1696Sec. 37, 61 Newsom, Jeff 390Sec. 39 Newsom, Willie/Lyon, Mrs. Bertha 361Sec. 41 Newsom, Willie, Jr., Heirs of 3010Sec. 39, 20 Newsom, Willie, Jr., Heirs of 3012Sec. 39 Newsom, Helen 3323L. 76, 77, 78, S.9 Pezant, Arnold 2344Sec. 20 Pinkney, Gus 2903Sec. 50 Property 393Sec. 14 Patterson, Andrew 3317Sec. 35 Rushing, Marion 2294
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 58, 59 Sanders/Addison 425Sec. 37 TAN Scott, Juanita 2282Sec. 13 Smith, John D. 405Sec. 39, 60 Simms, Mrs. Bessie 365Sec. 34, 35, 47 Simms, Davis/Pennington, Irene 363Sec. 8 Smith, Nick 2591Sec. 8 Smith, Nick 2265Sec. 14 Spears, Ernest 2720Sec. 57 Spears, Homer G. 395Sec. 56 Swearingen, Betty Dees 3343Sec. 23, 24, 26 Schexnayder, Johnnie 3482Sec. 14 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2248Sec. 61 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2403Sec. 41 Tangipahoa, Village of 1683Plantation Lot 1 Tan Thomas, Kerry 2693Sec. 61 Tangipahoa Cemetery (Colored) 3201Sec. 39 Todd, Barry & James 3324Sec. 39 Todd & Geisler 3415? Unknown 362
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 13, 24 Vogt, Tony 3000Sec. 58 Wall, Ivy from Gill Layton 397Sec. 5 Wall, Larry 2094Sec. 52 Waller, Elisha 102Sec. 52 Waller, Elisha 103Sec. 53 Waller, Estate of H.H. Sr. 355Sec. 46 Watson, Mrs. M.C. 398Sec. 8 Welch, E.H. 357Sec. 36 Walker, Dave 2994Sec. 5 Woodard, Inez Hoofin 3195Sec. 6 Wall, Mike & Paula 3213Sec. 61 Williams, Leon 3215Sec. 37 Young, Milton P./Hutchinston, Nat P.Division Line of Heirs of 391Sec. ? Young-Hutchinson 1921Sec. 38 Young, Shelby 223
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageMany sections First National Bank of Wichita 362? 35, 36, Etc. Est. of Samuel Hyde 411? 37 Hutchinson-Young 1921Sec. 2, 11, 56 George A. Lanier 408Sec. 5 Emmett Hookfin 401Sec. 5 Emmett Hookfin 794Sec. 5, 51 Est. of Nyme Newman 1697Sec. 5 Lula Mary Hookfin 1894Sec. 5 Emmett Hookfin 1992Sec. 5 Larry Wall 2094Sec. 7 Property Locations 389Sec. 8 Nick Smith 2265Sec. 8 E.H. Welch 357Sec. 8 Bankston/Smith 381Sec. 8 Nick Smith 2591Sec. 10, 58 E.J. Milton 369Sec. 10, 11, 55, 56 Hilda & Charles Crawford 407Sec. 10 Willie K. Milton 3443Sec. 11, 55, 56 George Lanier 394Sec. 12, 56, 57 Janies R. Gill 376Sec. 13 John D. Smith 405Sec. 13, 24 Louis Duncan Morgan Estate KSec. 13, 24 Tony Vogt 3000Sec. 14 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2248Sec. 14 Ernest Spears 2720Sec. 14 Andrew Patterson 3317Sec. 16 Paul Miceli 1895Sec. 19 Nell Rose Gill Morris 3147
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 20 Gus Pinckney 2903Sec. 23 Ernest D. Milton 3480Sec. 23, 24 Emmit D. Milton 3481Sec. 23, 24, 26 Johnnie Schexnayder 3482Sec. 24 Tony Vogt 3000Sec. 24 Pat Hendry 3471Sec. 24 Patrick Hammons 3448Sec. 25 Orin E. Hyde 370Sec. 25 Timothy Moneyhun 3051Sec. 26 Reginald & Roy Anderson 402Sec. 27 Lee Duplantis 2901Sec. 32 International Paper 3017Sec. 34, 35, 37 David Simms, Pennington 363Sec. 35 Marion Rushing 2294Sec. 35 Leona Brumfield 2314Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde 286Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde 366Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde 367Sec. 36 Willie G. Hyde 367-ASec. 36 C.A. Hyde 782Sec. 36 Dave Walker 2994Sec. 37 Michael M. Alford 3457Sec. 37 Robert Hutchinson 3330Sec. 37 Locations 358Sec. 37 Est. Henry & Julia Lanford 378Sec. 37 Jeff Newsom 390Sec. 37 Hrs. N.P. Hutchinson/M.P. Young 391Sec. 37 Juanita Scott 2282Sec. 37 James Kennedy 1853
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 38 Shelby Young 223Sec. 38 Locations 356Sec. 38 Locations 665Sec. 39 Brown & Ballard 3316Sec. 39 Helen Newsom 3323Sec. 39 James & Barry Todd 3324Sec. 39 Margie Geisler 3386Sec. 39 Mrs. Bertha Lyon/Willie Newsom 361Sec. 39, 60 Mrs. Bessie Simms 365Sec. 39 Felix McKnight 372Sec. 39, 41 Locations 383Sec. 39 Amite Bank & Trust Company 400Sec. 39 Breeland-Raborn 2031Sec. 39, 20 Nell Rose Gill Morris/D.H. Gill. Jr. 3010Sec. 39, 20 Heirs of Willie Newsom, Jr. 3012Sec. 39 & 60 Larry Johnson 3314Sec. 39 Margie Geisler 3415Sec. 39 I.E. Ballard 3421Sec. 41 B.E. Kemp, Jr. 387Sec. 41 Village of Tangipahoa 1683Sec. 41 Nell Rose Gill Morris 3010Sec. 41 Willie Newsom, Jr. 3010Sec. 41 D.H. Gill, Jr. 3293- ASec. 42 Nell Rose Morris 2980Sec. 41 Nell Rose Morris 3370Sec. 43 Dedric H. Gill, Jr. 3140Sec. 43 D.H. Gill, Jr. 3229Sec. 43 D.H. Gill, Jr. 3552Sec. 46 Mrs. M.C. Watson 398Sec. 47 C.C. Graham 380Sec. 50 Proposed Effluent Line 360Sec. 50 Property 393
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec. 51 Nyme J. Newman 404SEc. 51 Gulf Milk Association 783Sec. 51 M.A. Bridges 396Sec. 52 Elisha Waller 102Sec. 52 Elisha Waller 102Sec. 53 Est. of H.H. Waller, Sr. 355Sec. 54, 59 Mrs. Adeline M. Kennon 384Sec. 54, 49 Mrs. Adeline M. Kennon 388Sec. 54 Estate of Nyme Newman 1628Sec. 56 George Lanier 373Sec. 56 E.B. McDaniels 382Sec. 56 Willie Carl Milton 3107Sec. 56 Betty Dees Swearingen 3343Sec. 57 Homer G. Spears 395Sec. 57 Anthony Calderone 3436Sec. 58 Est. of Mrs. A. Mixon 364 & 364ASec. 58 Gill vs. Gill 392Sec. 58 Layton Gill to Ivy Wall 397Sec. 58, 59 Sanders, Addison 425
T. 2 S., R. 7 ELocation Name PageSec .59 Bennie Caldwell 371Sec. 59 Locations 379Sec. 59 (Allen to Clark 0.22 acre) 2692Sec. 60 Dalton Bridges (Tangipahoa) 2578Sec. 60 Jerry Fairburn (Tangipahoa) 3425Sec. 61 Benson L. Davis 268Sec. 61 Location 374Sec. 61 K.K. Kennedy 385Sec. 61 Easley Property 403Sec. 61 T.L. James & Co. 409Sec. 61 H.R. Bond 1833Sec. 61 Easley Property 2104Sec. 61 Easley and Colwet 2277Sec. 61 Easley and Colwet 2280Sec. 61 Jim & Linda LeBlanc 2347Sec. 61 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2403Sec. 61 Robert Lewis 3294
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 42, 39, 31, 32 Est. Samuel Hyde 377Print of 377 Est. Samuel Hyde 411Sec. 40, 41, 42 Addison, Legan, others 425Sec. 6, 47 Elvis Conerly 808Sec. 47 Morris Varnado 812Sec. 6, 47 Property Owners 1474Sec. 11, 49 Darrell G. Blades 1497Sec. 26 John Dykes 1498? Locations 1499Sec. 11 Est. Eugene Grace 1500Sec. 48 Mrs. Edith Vernon 1501Sec. 7, 17, 48 R.D. Rowley 1502Sec. 6 H.A. Schilling 1503Sec. 8 G.A. Brooks 1504Sec. 1 Locations 1505Sec. 38 Leo Ricks and M.L. Varnado 1506Sec. 8, 17 W.M. & J.E. Crawford 1507Sec. 41 Sieb Hart 1508Sec. 41 Hines and Sieb Hart 1509Sec. 41 Hart 1510Sec. 47 Luther McDaniels (Joanna M.Cutrer succession) 1511Sec. 11, 15, 49 Locations 1512Sec. 44 Location 1513Sec. 41 Hart, Brown 1514Sec. 8 Mrs. Lena B. Crawford 1515Sec. 49 115 A. tract 1516Sec. 30 Frac. Section 1517Sec. 35 Location of St. Rt. 407 1518Sec. 35, 36 Miss Pearl Stevens 1519Sec. 38 SW/4 1520Sec. 42 Otis A. Varnado 1521Sec. 43, 51 Along St. Rt. 1109 1522Sec. 2, 3, 4, 11, 46, 49 O.D. Ricks 1523Sec. 4, 46 Pierce to Huffman 1524Sec. 48 E.M. Gill 1525Sec. 1, 11, 12 Ricks to Green 1526Sec. 32, 44 P.E. & C.S. Ballard 1527Sec. 26 Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Dykes 1528Sec. 26 Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Dykes 1529Sec. 42 Lem Hoggatt 1530
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 42 L.D. Hoggatt 1531Sec. 2 Location of a road 1532Sec. 9 Varnado and others 1533Sec. 41 Isaac C. Hyde 1534Sec. 38 Forest Griffin 1535Sec. 49 C.N. Crawford 1536Sec. 20, 39 S.G. Corkern 1537Sec. 48 Boyd Simmons 1538Sec. 15 Doyle Bankston 1539Sec. 8, 17 Willie Crawford & George Brooks 1540Sec. 14, 50 Aubrey J. Graham 1541Sec. 23 Charles Tate 1542Sec. 6 Homer G. Spears 1543Sec. 15 Locations 1544Sec. 8, 17 W.E. Mixon 1545Sec. 39 H.M. Westholz 1546Sec. 37 Ab Walker 1547Sec. 5 Kennedy 1548Sec. 4, 46 Cade Williams & Harold Forest 1549Sec. 50 Dorothy Lee Hodges 1550Sec. 5 Mrs. Lorese Hyde 1551Sec. 4, 46 Cade Williams 1552Sec. 4, 46 W.S. Connelly 1553Sec. 46 Bobby L. Blades 1554Sec. 44 T. Ivy Davidson 1588Sec. 38 Thomas E. Dykes 1899Sec. 15 Leon Crawford 1900Sec. 17 Arthur Gates 1922Sec. 8, 17 Arthur Gates 1923Sec. 8 2.00 A on St. Rt. 1057 1950Sec. 43 Wayne Addison 1968Sec. 11 Cecil Graham 2022Sec. 34 Clifford Pierre 2198Sec. 26 Bruner & Fidele 2226Sec. 25, 36 T.J. Seale, III 2595ASec. 20, 21 Danny Brabham 2596Sec. 39 Phillip German 2675Sec. 27 Washington-St. Tammany Electric Coop. 2754Sec. 16, 21 Jamie Crawford 2790Sec. 17, 18, 19, 4020, 39, 41, 43 Louis Duncan Morgan Estate K
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 11 Wilda Fay Grace 2419Sec. 11 Julia Ann Still 2654Sec. 20 Ruth Stoudenmier 2875Sec. 20 Frederick Day 2876Sec. 2 Wilmer Neighborhood Council, Inc. 2902Sec. 39 Amite Bank & Trust Co. 400Sec. 13 Warren Brookshire 3022Also Janie Tate and Mary L. GardnerSec. 13 Novella Tate 3023Sec. 47 Randy Hart 3032Sec. 26 Miller, Mike & Barbara 3064Sec. 17 & 39 Herman C. Ricks 3070Sec. 41 Mrs. Ruth Engels 3089Sec. 16 Davey Walker 3094Sec. 16 Sidney Simmons 3143Sec. 50 Hugh & Carolyn McGee 3219Sec. 38 Charles Hudspeth 3338Sec. 38 T.E. Dykes Estate 3359Sec. 32 Ted A. Simmons 3372Sec. 43 Ted Simmons 3398Sec. 43 Simmons 3376Sec. 43 John H. Simmons, Jr. 3488
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 40, 41, 42 Addison, Legan , others 425Sec. 43 Addison ,Wayne 1968Sec. 32, 44 Ballard, P.E. & C.S. 1527Sec. 15 Bankston, Doyle 1539Sec. 46 Blades, Bobby L. 1554Sec. 11, 49 Blades, Darrell G. 1497Sec. 20, 21 Brabham, Danny 2596Sec. 8 Brooks, G.A. 1504Sec. 8, 17 Brooks, George & Crawford, Willie 1540Sec. 41 Brosn, Hart 1514Sec. 26 Bruner & Fidele 2226Sec. 48 Succession of Frank Bedwell 3153Sec. 46 Booty, Blanch Dyson 3189Sec. 46 Blades, Winsel E. 3189Sec. 6 Booty, W. Lee 3266Sec. 6, 47 Conerly, Elvis 808Sec. 4, 46 Connelly, W.S. 1553Sec. 20, 39 Corkern, S.G. 1537Sec. 49 Crawford, C.N. 1536Sec. 16, 21 Crawford Jamie 2790Sec. 8 Crawford, Mrs. Lena B. 1515Sec. 15 Crawford, Leon 1900Sec. 8, 17 Crawford, Willie & Brooks, George 1540Sec. 8, 17 Crawford, W.M. & J.E. 1507
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 44 Davidson, T. Ivy 1588Sec. 26 Dykes, Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. 1528Sec. 26 Dykes, Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. 1529Sec. 26 Dykes, John 1498Sec. 38 Dykes, Thomas E. 1899Sec. 41 Engels, Mrs. Ruth 3089Sec. 43 Federline, Dr. Michael 3411Sec. 26 Fidele & Bruner 2226Sec. 4, 46 Forest, Harold & Williams, Cade 1549Sec. 8, 17 Gates, Arthur 1923Sec. 17 Gates, Arthur 1922Sec. 39 German, Phillip 2675Sec. 48 Gill, E.M. 1525Sec. 11 Grace, Eugene, Estate of 1500Sec. 11 Grace, Wilda Fay 2419Sec. 14, 50 Graham, Aubrey J. 1541Sec. 11 Graham, Cecil 2022Sec. 1, 11, 12 Green, Ricks to 1526Sec. 38 Griffin, Forest 1535
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 41 Hart 1510Sec. 41 Hart, Brown 1514Sec. 41 Hart, Sieb 1508Sec. 41 Hart Sieb & Hines 1509Sec. 50 Hodges, Dorothy Lee 1550Sec. 42 Hoggatt, Lem 1530Sec. 42 Hoggatt, L.D. 1531Sec. 4, 46 Huffman, Pierce to 1524Sec. 41 Hyde, Isaac C. 1534Sec. 5 Hyde, Mrs. Lorese 1551Sec. 44 Hyde, Samuel, Estate of 411Sec. 44 Hyde, Samuel, Estate of 377Sec. 47 Hart, Randy 3032Sec. 38 Hudspeth, Charles 3338Sec. 5 Kennedy 1548Sec. 40, 41, 42 Legan, Addison, others 425Sec. 15 Locations 1544? Locations 1499Sec. 1 Locations 1505Sec. 11, 15, 49 Locations 1512Sec. 2 Location of a road 1532Sec. 44 Locations 1513
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 47 McDaniels, Luther (Joanna M. CutrerSuccession) 1511Sec. 8, 17 Mixon, W.E. 1545Sec. 17, 18, 19, 40, 20, 39,43, 41 Morgan, Louis Duncan, Estate of KSec. 26 Miller, Mike & Barbara 3064Sec. 50 McGee, Hugh & Carolyn 3219Sec. 4, 46 Pierce to Huffman 1524Sec. 34 Pierre, Clifford 2198Sec. 6, 47 Property Owners 1474Sec. 1, 11, 12 Ricks to Green 1526Sec. 38 Ricks, Leo and Varnado, M.L. 1506Sec. 2, 3, 4, 11, 46, 49 Ricks, O.D. 1523Sec. 7, 17, 48 Rowley, R.D. 1502Sec. 17 & 39 Ricks, Herman C. 3070Sec. 6 Schilling, H.A. 1503Sec. 25, 36 Seale, T.J. III 2595ASec. 48 Simmons, Boyd 1538Sec. 6 Spears, Homer G. 1543Sec. 35 State Route 407, Location of 1518Sec. 8 State Route 1057, 2.00 A on 1950Sec. 43, 51 State Route 1109, Along 1522Sec. 35, 36 Stevens, Miss Pearl 1519Sec. 11 Still, Julia Ann 2645Sec. 16 Sidney Simmons 3143Sec. 31 Sterns 400Sec. 32 Simmons, Ted A. 3372Sec. 43 Simmons 3376Sec. 43 Simmons, Ted 3398Sec. 43 Simmons, John H., Jr. 3488
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 23 Tate, Charles 1542Sec. 47 Varnado, Morris 812Sec. 42 Varnado, Otis A. 1521Sec. 9 Varnado and others 1523Sec. 48 Vernon, Mrs. Edith 1501Sec. 37 Walker, Ab 1547Sec. 27 Washington-St. Tammany Electric Coop 2754Sec. 39 Westholz, H.M. 1546Sec. 4, 46 Williams, Cade 1552Sec. 2 Wilmer Neighborhood Council, Inc. 2902Sec. 16 Walker, Davey 3094Sec. 38 SW/4 1520Sec. 49 115 A. Tract 1516Sec. 30 Frac Section 1517
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 1 Locations 1505Sec. 1, 11, 12 Ricks to Green 1526Sec. 2, 3, 4, 11, 46, 49 O.D. Ricks 1523Sec. 2 Location of a road 1532Sec. 2 Wilmer Neighborhood Council, Inc. 2902Sec. 4, 46 Pierce to Huffman 1524Sec. 4, 46 Cade Williams 1552Sec. 4, 46 W.S. Connelly 1553Sec. 4, 46 Cade Williams & Harold Forest 1549Sec. 5 Kennedy 1548Sec. 5 Mrs. Lorence Hyde 1551Sec. 6, 47 Elvis Conerly 808Sec. 6, 47 Property Owners 1474Sec. 6 H.A. Schilling 1503Sec. 6 Homer G. Spears 1543Sec. 7, 17, 48 R.D. Rowley 1502Sec. 8 G.A. Brooks 1504Sec. 8, 17 W.M. & J.E. Crawford 1507Sec. 8 Mrs. Lena B. Crawford 1515Sec. 8, 17 Willie Crawford & George Brooks 1540Sec. 8, 17 W.E. Mixon 1545Sec. 8, 17 Arthur Gates 1723Sec. 8 2.00 acres on St. Rt. 1057 1950
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 9 Varnado and others 1523Sec. 11, 49 Darrell G. Blades 1497Sec. 11 Est. Eugene Grace 1500Sec. 11, 15, 49 Location 1512Sec. 11 Cecil Graham 2022Sec. 11 Wilda Fay Grace 2419Sec. 11 Julia Ann Still 2654Sec. 14, 50 Aubrey J. Graham 1541Sec. 15 Doyle Bankston 1539Sec. 15 Locations 1544Sec. 15 Leon Crawford 1900Sec. 16, 21 Jamie Crawford 2790Sec. 16 Davey Walker 3094Sec. 16 Sidney Simmons 3143Sec. 17 Arthur Gates 1922Sec. 17, 18, 19, 40,20, 39, 41, 43 Louis Duncan Morgan Estate KSec. 17 & 39 Herman C. Ricks 3070Sec. 20, 39 S.G. Corkern 1537Sec. 20, 21 Danny Brabham 2596Sec. 20 Frederick Day 2876Sec. 23 Charles Tate 1542
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 25, 36 T.J. Seale, III 2595ASec. 26 John Dykes 1498Sec. 26 Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Dykes 1528Sec. 26 Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Dykes 1529Sec. 26 Bruner & Fidele 2226Sec. 26 Mike & Barbara Miller 3064Sec. 27 Washington-St. Tammany Electric Coop 2754Sec. 30 Frac. Section 1517Sec. 32, 44 P.E. & C.S. Ballard 1527Sec. 32 Simmons, Ted A. 3372Sec. 34 Clifford Pierre 2198Sec. 35 Location of St. Rt. 407 1518Sec. 35, 36 Miss Pearl Stevens 1515Sec. 37 Ab Walker 1547Sec. 38 Leo Ricks and M.L. Varnado 1506Sec. 38 Forest Griffin 1535Sec. 38 Thomas E. Dykes 1899Sec. 38 SW/4 1520Sec. 38 T.E. Dykes 3359Sec. 38 Charles Hudspeth 3338
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 39 H.M. Westholz 1546Sec. 39 Philip German 2675Sec. 17 & 39 Herman C. Ricks 3070Sec. 40, 41, 42 Addison, Legan, others 425Sec. 41 Sieb Hart 1508Sec. 41 Hines and Sieb Hart 1509Sec. 41 Hart 1510Sec. 41 Hart, Brown 1514Sec. 41 Isaac C. Hyde 1534Sec. 41 Mrs. Ruth Engels 3089Sec. 42 Otis A. Varnado 1521Sec. 42 Lem Hoggatt 1530Sec. 43 Dr. Michael Federline 3411Sec. 43, 51 Along St. Rt. 1109 1522Sec. 43 Wayne Addison 1968Sec. 43 Ted Simmons 3398Sec. 43 Simmons 3376Sec. 43 John H. Simmons, Jr. 3488Sec. 44 Est. Samuel Hyde 411Sec. 44 Est. Samuel Hyde 377Sec. 44 Location 1513Sec. 44 T. Ivy Davidson 1588Sec. 46 Bobby L. Blades 1554Sec. 47 Morris Varnado 812Sec. 47 Luther McDaniels (Joanna N. Cutrer succession) 1511Sec. 47 Randy Hart 3032
T. 2 S., R. 8 ELocation Name PageSec. 48 Mrs. Edith Vernon 1501Sec. 418 E.M. Gill 1525Sec. 48 Boyd Simmons 1538Sec. 49 115 acre tract 1516Sec. 49 C.N. Crawford 1536Sec. 50 Dorothy Lee Hodges 1550Sec. 50 Hugh & Carolyn McGee 3219? Locations 1499
T. 2 S., R. 9 ELocation Name PageSec. 20, 21, 28, 42 Cecil Painter 1795Sec. 41 Bickham Oil Company 1820Sec. 18 Charles W. Gay 1825Sec. 18 Stanley Anderson 1837Sec. 6 Louis Powell 1838Sec. 33 Property Owners (McDaniel, others) 1839Sec. 8, 9, 16, 17, 41 Errol X. Bankston 1840Sec. 18 R. Thomas 1841Sec. 18 Ophelia James 1842Sec. 17, 41 W.W. Parker 1843Sec. 44 Thos. W. McDaniel 1844Sec. 18, 19 Pettito, others on St. Rt. 973 1845Sec. 19 Green 1846Sec. 29, 33, 46 Dr. M.B. Varnado 1847Sec. 3, 38 Alfred A. Jones 1848Sec. 9 Del Brumfield 1849Sec. 5, 40 W.I. Alford 1850Sec. 33, 46 Mrs. Lula Walker 1883Sec. 33 I-acre tract 1933Sec. 7 Oscar Briggs 1952Sec. 33 Ted McElveen 2091Sec. 33 Kennell Cox 2319Sec. 6 Edward Blackburn 2810Sec. 18 Dyson 2696Sec. 19 John Brumfield 3029Sec. 41 Don Lewis DrawerSec. 4 & 5 Mike Varnado 3296
T. 2 S., R. 9 ELocation Name PageSec. 5, 40 Alford, W.I. 1850Sec. 18 Anderson, Stanley 1937Sec. 8, 9, 16, 17, 41 Bankston, Errol X. 1840Sec. 41 Bickham Oil Company 1820Sec. 7 Briggs, Oscar 1952Sec. 6 Blackburn, Edward 2810Sec. 9 Brumfield, Del 1849Sec. 19 Brumfield, John 3029Sec. 33 Cox, Kennell 2319Sec. 18 Dyson 2696Sec. 18 Gay, Charles W. 1825Sec. 19 Green 1846
T. 2 S., R. 9 ELocation Name PageSec. 18 James, Ophelia 1842Sec. 3, 38 Jones, Alfred A. 1848Lewis, Don DrawerSec. 44 McDaniel, Thomas W. 1844Sec. 33 McElveen, Ted 2091Sec. 33 McDaniel, others 1839Sec. 20, 21, 28, 42 Painter, Cecil 1795Sec. 17, 41 Parker, W.W. 1843Sec. 18, 19 Pettito, others on St. Rt. 973 1845Sec. 6 Powell, Louis 1838Sec. 33 Property Owners (McDaniel, others) 1839Sec. 18 Thomas, R. 1841Sec. 4 & 5 Mike Varnado 3296Sec. 29, 33, 46 Varnado, Dr. M.B. 1847
T. 2 S., R. 9 ELocation Name PageSec. 33, 46 Walker, Mrs. Lula 1883Sec. 33 1 A Tract 1933
T. 2 S., R. 9 ELocation Name PageSec. 3, 38 Alfred A. Jones 1848Sec. 5, 40 W.I. Alford 1850Sec. 6 Louis Powell 1838Sec. 6 Edward Blackburn 2810Sec. 7 Oscar Briggs 1952Sec. 8, 9, 16, 17, 41 Errol X. Bankston 1840Sec. 9 Del Brumfield 1840Sec. 17, 41 W.W. Parker 1843Sec. 18 Charles W. Gay 1825Sec. 18 Stanley Anderson 1837Sec. 18 R. Thomas 1841Sec. 18 Ophelia James 1842Sec. 18, 19 Pettito, others on St. Rt. 937Sec. 18 Dyson 2696Sec. 19 Green 1846Sec. 19 John Brumfield 3029
T. 2 S., R. 9 ELocation Name PageSec. 20, 21, 28, 42 Cecil Painter 1795Sec. 29, 33, 46 Dr. M.B. Varnado 1847Sec. 33 Property Owners (McDaniel, others) 1839Sec. 33, 46 Mrs. Lula Walker 1883Sec. 33 1 acre tract 1933Sec. 33 Ted McElveen 2091Sec. 33 Kennell Cox 2319Sec. 41 Bickham Oil Company 1820Sec. 41 Don Lewis drawerSec. 44 Thomas W. McDaniel 1844
T. 2 S., R. 10 ELocation Name Page60 Robert Miller 181860 Robert Miller 1829
T. 3 S., R. 2 E.Location Name PageSec. 66, 75 Marion Hopper 002Sec. 66, 75 Locations 002Sec. 66, 75 Marion Hopper & Edith Schullingkamp 2139
T. 3 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Robert Capen & Floyd Rector 001Sec. 46 Mrs. Albert E. Tolle 004
T. 3 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 Estate of W.C. Harvell 675Sec. 13, 14 F.M. Hurst, Jr. 840Sec. 63 Burrell Carter 846Sec. 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828Sec. 60 Watson & others 2124Sec. 1, 2 Ebbie Stewart vs. Int. Paper 2634Sec. 16 St. Helena Parish 2358Sec. 59 Mevaline Jackson 2789
T. 3 S., R. 2 E.Location Name PageSec. 66, 75 Marion Hopper 2Sec. 66, 75 Locations 3Sec. 66, 75 Marion Hopper & Edith Schullingkamp 2139
T. 3 S., R. 2 E.Location Name PageSec. 66, 75 Hopper, Marion 2Sec. 66, 75 Hopper, Marion & Schullingkamp, Edith 2139Sec. 66, 75 Locations 3
T. 3 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Robert Capen & Floyd Rector 1Sec. 46 Mrs. Albert E. Tolle 4
T. 3 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Capen, Robert & Tector, Floyd 1Sec. 46 Tolle, Albert E. Mrs. 4
T. 3 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 63 Carter, Burrell 846Sec. 46, 54 Green, Arthur 1828Sec. 15 Harvell, W.C., Estate of 675Sec. 13, 14 Hurst, F.M. Jr. 840Sec. 59 Jackson, Mevaline 2789Sec. 1, 2 Stewart, Ebbie vs. Int. Paper 2734Sec. 16 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2358Sec. 60 Watson & others 2134
T. 3 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 1, 2 Ebbie Stewart vs. Int. Paper 2634Sec. 13, 14 F.M. Hurst, Jr. 840Sec. 15 Estate of W.C. Harvell 675Sec. 16 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2358Sec. 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828Sec. 59 Mevaline Jackson 2789Sec. 60 Watson & others 2124Sec. 63 Burrell Carter 846
T. 3 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Prentiss Carter, Jr. 009Sec. 44 Mrs. Mahlon S. Womack 013Sec. 41 30.16 A. Tract 015Sec. 37 Charles J. Cole, Jr. &Willie Overton 016Sec. 61 Eugene Holland 017Sec. 58 St. Helena Parish 84.05 A. 020Sec. 3 Mrs. Eunice Reed 022Sec. 1, 2, 50 Mrs. Ola Lee Nettles 024Sec. 32, 33, 55 Mr. James Bond 051P. 1, W. 3, Sec. 47 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 052Sec. 49 Andrew J. Rohner 053Sec. 51 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 054Sec. 57 Ernest Edwards 057? Reeves, Wms., others 056Sec. 57 Ronaldson to Reimers 057Sec. 58 Mrs. Levy S. Easterly 062Sec. 13 Burrell J. Carter 659Sec. 11 Burrell J. Carter 660Sec. 44 Burrell J. Carter 844Sec. 63 Willie Overton 845Sec. 60 Lynn Singleton 849Sec. 28 Est. of Thomas Frazier 1800Sec. 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828Sec. 60 Watson and others 2124Sec. 11 Emmett Muse 2223Sec. 64 Edward James 2308Sec. 64 Willie Overton 2326Sec. 49 Clarence Rohner 2577Sec. 3 Eunice P. Reed 2841Sec. 5 Linda James 2893Sec. 50 Dupree Torrence 2918Sec. 31 Clara Scott 2957Sec. 2 Industrial Park No. 3 3478Sec. 25 Alfred Franklin 2974Sec. 2 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 3483
T. 3 S., R. 5 E.Location Name Page? Reeves, Wms., others 56Sec. 1,2,60 Mrs. Ola Lee Nettles 24Sec. 2 Joey Guzzardo 3076Sec. 2 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 3483Sec. 2 Industrial Park No. 3 2478Sec. 3 Mrs. Eunice Reed 22Sec. 3 Eunice P. Reed 2841Sec. 4 Prentiss Carter, Jr. 9Sec. 5 Linda James 2893Sec. 11 Burrell J. Carter 660Sec. 11 Emmett Muse 2223Sec. 13 Burrell J. Carter 659Sec. 25 Alfred Franklin 2974Sec. 28 Est. of Thomas Frazier 1800Sec. 31 Clara Scott 2957
T. 3 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 32, 33, 55 Mr. James Bond 51Sec. 37 Charles J. Cole, Jr. and Willie Overton 16Sec. 41 30.16 acre tract 15Sec. 44 Mrs. Mahlon S. Womack 13Sec. 44 Burrell J. Carter 844Sec. 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828Sec. 47 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 52Sec. 49 Andrew J. Rohner 53Sec. 49 Clarence Rohner 2577Sec. 50 Dupree Torrence 2918Sec. 51 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 54Sec. 57 Ernest Edwards 55Sec. 57 Ronaldson to Reimers 57
T. 3 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 58 St. Helena Parish 84.05 Acres 20Sec. 58 Mrs. Levy S. Easterly 62Sec. 60 Lynn Singleton 849Sec. 60 Watson and others 2124Sec. 1,2, and 60 Olla Lee Nettles 24Sec. 61 Eugene Holland 17Sec. 63 Willie Overton 845Sec. 64 Edward James 2308Sec. 64 Willie Overton 2326
T. 3 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 3 Reed, Eunice P. 2841Sec. 3 Reed, Eunice Mrs. 22Sec. ? Reeves, Wms., others 56Sec. 49 Rohner, Andrew J. 53Sec. 49 Rohner, Clarence 2577Sec. 57 Ronaldson to Reimers 57Sec. 31 Scott, Clara 2957Sec. 60 Singleton, Lynn 849Sec. 47 P. 1 W. 3 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 52Sec. 51 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 54Sec. 58 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 20Sec. 2 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 3483Sec. 2 Industrial Park No. 3 3478Sec. 50 Torrence, Dupree 2918Sec. 60 Watson and others 2124Sec. ? Williams, Reeves, others 56Sec. 44 Womack, Mahlon S. Mrs. 13Sec. 14 30.16 A. Tract 15
T. 3 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 32, 33, 55 Bond, James Mr. 51Sec. 44 Carter, Burrell J. 844Sec. 11 Carter, Burrell J. 660Sec. 13 Carter, Burrell J. 659Sec. 4 Carter, Prentiss Jr. 9Sec. 37 Cole, Charles J. Jr. and Overton, Willie 16Sec. 58 Easterly, Levy S. Mrs. 62Sec. 28 Frazier, Thomas, Estate of 1800Sec. 25 Franklin, Alfred 2974Sec. 46, 54 Green, Arthur 1828
T. 3 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 61 Holland, Eugene 17Sec. 64 James, Edward 2308Sec. 5 James, Linda 2893Sec. 11 Muse, Emmett 2223Sec. 1,2,60 Nettles, Ola Lee Mrs. 24Sec. 63 Overton, Willie 845Sec. 64 Overton, Willie 2326Sec. 37 Overton, Willie, and Cole, Charles J. Jr 16
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Mrs. Frances Thomas 104Sec. 3 Denver Lewis 105Sec. 2,3 Eugene Forbes 106Sec. 45 Est. Enoch Williams 107? Courtney, Cefalu 108Sec. 58 George D. Harpole 109Sec. 3 Victor J. Fox 110Sec. 3 Willie C. Conleay 111Sec. 3 Victor J. Fox 112Sec. 3 Victor J. Fox 113Sod Pit E.J. Courtney 114Sec. 9 Locations 115? Andrew J. Sceroler 116Sec. 10 Grannison S. Watson 117Sec. 10 Ferguson 118Sec. 40 Harpole-Frierson 119Sec. 13, 24 Harpole-Frierson 120Sec. 13 United Gas Line 121Sec. 23, 26, 39 Louis Hendry and Elbert Davis 122Sec. 11, 14 Est. of Scott Watson 123Sec. 13, 14, 39 Elmer W. Forshag 124Sec. 15, 23, 39 Lloyd A. Vice 125Sec. 14, 39 Louis Winfred Watson 126Sec. 15 Emile C. Courtney 127Sec. 16, 39 Bobby Miller 128Sec. 23, 39 Vesta O. Hendry 129Sec. 24 Locations 130Sec. 36 John Wheat 131Sec. 36 Est. of Sol Wheat 132Sec. 44 E/2 Subd. 133Sec. 44 E.W. Miller 134Sec. 45 Chas. Seibert 135Sec. 41 Norman Durnim 136Sec. 43 Mrs. Amaker and Son 137Sec. 26, 27 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 138Sec. 26, 27 Oddo and Vullo 139Sec. 27 A.F. Warren 140Sec. 28 Thompson-Woodland School 141Sec. 33, 49 Philmore M. Miller 142Sec. 34 Alton Morris 143Sec. 26, 27, 34, 35 Shook Lbr. Co. 144Sec. 45 Subd. 145Sec. 40 Edith Turner 146Sec. 35, 46 Anthony Girgenti 147Sec. 36 John Ruffino 148Sec. 46 Miss M.E. Cross 149Sec. 46 H.B. Sprole 150
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name Page? Courtney-Cefalu 151Sec. 46 Amite Bank and Trust Co. 152Sec. 50 Junie Sharky 153Sec. 49 Hillsdale School 154Sec. 34 Locations 182Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11 Dendinger, Inc. 490Sec. 3,9,10 Glen Hendry 652Sec. 45 Houye Estate 663Sec. 14, 23, 29 Lloyd A. Vice and Charles Lee 854Sec. 36 Est. John Wheat 1620Sec. 28 Mrs. Frances ThomasJimmie Thompson 1809Sec. 5,51 SW/4 of SW/ 4 on St. Rt. 10 1861Sec. 45 Thomas Williams, Jr. 2007Sec. 36 Wheat-Miller 2126Sec. 21 Hubert McCoy 2153Sec. 51 Ronnie Sceroler 2129Sec. 3 Richard Dunn 2200Sec. 4 Dunn and others 2201Sec. 45 Alvin Williams 2240Sec. 36 Varry Francois 2296Sec. 36 Harrison and others 2297Sec. 36 Mary Parker 2318Sec. 36 Christin and Ronald Hart 2321Sec. 36 Joe Gaeta 2600Sec. 28 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2752ASec. 36 Ronald Hart 2795Sec. 45 Robin S. Murphy 2804? Dendinger, Inc. U
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 36 Subdivisions in Sec. 36 2385Sec. 4 V.R. Blades 2394Sec. 21 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2688Sec. 36, 46 The Harrell Heirs 2701Sec. 23 & 39 Dennis and Sharon Hutchinson 2718Sec. 39 Dennis and Sharon Hutchinson 2723Sec. 3 Eula Jenkins 2737Sec. 3 Timothy R. Kirby 2735Sec. 36 L.B. Ponder, Jr. 2839Sec. 13, 14 Clarence “Buck” Robertson 2942Sec. 3 Linda V. Breeland 2948Sec. 9 & 10 Dimicelli 2976Sec. 9 & 10 Dimicelli 2977Sec. 9 Dimicelli 2975Sec. 3 Mark Gennaro 2985Sec. 44 Andy Miller 2986Sec. 36 Ernest Wheat 3024Sec. 36 J.A. Gergenti 3060Sec. 43 Philip H. Abel 3071Sec. 33 Rick’s Chapel Church 3080Sec. 34 Bill and Norma Ehret 3348Sec. 33 Claude Ricks and Percy Green 3396Sec. 36 Mary H. Brown 3368Sec. 3 Hillsdale Volunteer Fire Dept. 3406
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name Page? Courtney, Cefalu 108? Andrew J. Sceroler 116? Courtney, Cefalu 151? Dendinger, Inc. USec. 2,3 Eugene Forbes 106Sec. 2,3,10,11 Dendinger, Inc. 490Sec. 3 Denver Lewis 105Sec. 3 Victor J. Fox 110Sec. 3 Willie C. Conleay 111Sec. 3 Victor J. Fox 112Sec. 3 Victor J. Fox 113Sec. 3,9,10 Glen Hendry 652Sec. 3 Richard Dunn 2200Sec. 3 Eula Jenkins 2737Sec. 3 Timothy R. Kirby 2725Sec. 3 Linda V. Breeland 2948Sec. 3 Mark Gennaro 2985Sec. 3 Hillsdale Volunteer Fire Dept. 3406Sec. 4 Dunn and others 2201Sec. 4 V.R. Blades 2394Sec. 5, 51 SW/4 of SW/4 on St. Rt. 10 1861Sec. 9 Locations 115Sec. 9,10 Dimicelli 2976Sec. 9,l0 Dimicelli 2977Sec. 9 Dimicelli 2975
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Grannison S. Watson 117Sec. 10 Ferguson 118Sec. 10,9 Dimicelli 2977Sec. 10,9 Dimicelli 2976Sec. 11,14 Est. of Scott Watson 123Sec. 13, 24 Harpole-Frierson 120Sec. 13 United Gas Line 121Sec. 13, 14, 39 Elmer W. Forschag 124Sec. 13, 24 Clarence “Buck” Robertson 2942Sec. 14, 39 Louis Winfred Watson 126Sec. 14, 23, 39 Lloyd A. Vice and Charles Lee 854Sec. 15, 23, 29 Lloyd A. Vice 125Sec. 15 Emile C. Courtney 127Sec. 16, 39 Bobby Miller 128Sec. 21 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2688Sec. 21 Hubert McCoy 2153Sec. 23, 26, 39 Louis Hendry & Elbert Davis 122Sec. 23, 39 Vesta O. Hendry 129
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 24 Locations 130Sec. 24 Richard Fairburn 2446Sec. 24, 43 Willie Mae Marshall 2595Sec. 26, 27 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 138Sec. 26, 27 Oddo and Vullo 139Sec. 26, 27, 34, 35 Shook Lbr. Co. 144Sec. 27 A.F. Warren 140Sec. 27 Estate of Z.E. Stevens 3018Sec. 27 Estate of Z.E. Stevens 3019Sec. 28 Mrs. Frances Thomas 104Sec. 28 Thompson-Woodland School 141Sec. 28 Mrs. Frances Thomas, Jimmie Thompson 1809Sec. 28 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2752ASec. 33, 49 Philmore M. Miller 142Sec. 33 Rick’s Chapel Church 3080Sec. 33 Percry Green and Claude Ricks 3396Sec. 34 Alton Morris 143Sec. 34 Locations; W.R. Finch 182Sec. 34 Old W.R. Finch place; Bill & Norma Ehret 3348Sec. 35, 46 Anthony Girgenti 147Sec. 36 Mary H. Brown 3368Sec. 36 John Wheat 131Sec. 36 Est. of Sol Wheat 132Sec. 36 John Ruffino 148Sec. 36 Est. John Wheat 1620Sec. 36 Wheat-Miller 2126Sec. 36 Varry Francois 2296Sec. 36 Harrison and others 2297Sec. 36 Mary Parker 2318
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 36 Christin and Ronald Hart 2321Sec. 36 Joe Gaeta 2441Sec. 36 Joe Gaeta 2600Sec. 36 Subdivisions in Sec. 36 2385Sec. 36,46 The Harrell Heirs 2701Sec. 36 L.B. Ponder, Jr. 2839Sec. 36 Ronald Hart 2795Sec. 36 Ernest Wheat 3024Sec. 36 J.A. Girgenti 3060Sec. 39 Dennis & Sharon Hutchinson 2723Sec. 39, 23 Dennis & Sharon Hutchinson 2718Sec. 40 Harpole Frierson 119Sec. 40 Edith Turner 146Sec. 41 Norman Durnim 136Sec. 43 Mrs. Amacker & Son 137Sec. 43 Philip H. Abel 3071Sec. 44 E/2 Subd. 133Sec. 44 E. W. Miller 134Sec. 44 Andy Miller 2986Sec. 45 Est. Enoch Williams 107Sec. 45 Charles Seibert 135Sec. 45 Subdivision 145Sec. 45 Houye Estate 663Sec. 45 Thomas Williams, Jr. 2007Sec. 45 Alvin Williams 2240Sec. 45 Robin S. Murphy 2804
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 46 H.B. Sprole 150Sec. 46 Miss M.E. Cross 149Sec. 46 Amite Bank and Trust Co. 152Sec. 49 Hillsdale School 154Sec. 50 Junie Sharky 153Sec. 51 Ronnie Sceroler 2168Sec. 58 George D. Harpole 109Sod Pit E. J. Courtney 114
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 43 Amaker, Mrs. & Son 137Sec. 46 Amite Bank & Trust Co. 152Sec. 43 Abel, Philip H. 3071Sec. 36 Brown, Mary H. 3368Sec. 4 Blades, V.R. 2394Sec. 3 Breeland, Linda V. 2945Sec. 8 Burton, Gertrude W. 3204Sec. ? Courtney-Cefalu 151Sec. ? Courtney-Cefalu 108Sec. 15 Courtney, Emile C. 127Sod Pit Courtney, E.J. 114Sec. 3 Conleay, Willie C. 111Sec. 46 Cross, M.E. Miss 149Sec. 23, 26, 39 Davis, Elbert & Hendry, Louis 122Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11 Dendinger, Inc. 490Sec. ? Dendinger, Inc. USec. 3 Dunn, Richard 2200Sec. 4 Dunn & others 2201Sec. 41 Durnim, Norman 136Sec. 9, 10 Dimicelli 2976Sec. 9, 10 Dimicelli 2977Sec. 9 Dimicelli 2975Sec. 34 Ehret, William & Norma 3348
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 24 Fairburn, Richard 2446Sec. 10 Ferguson 118Sec. 2, 3 Forbes, Eugene 106Sec. 13, 14, 39 Forshag, Elmer W. 124Sec. 3 Fox, Victor J. 113Sec. 3 Fox, Victor J. 112Sec. 3 Fox, Victor J. 110Sec. 13, 24 Frierson-Harpole 119Sec. 40 Frierson-Harpole 119Sec. 34 Finch, W.R. 182Sec. 34 Finch, W.R. (Resurvey) 3348Sec. 36 Gaeta, Joe 2600Sec. 36 Gaeta, Joe 2441Sec. 35, 46 Girgenti, Anthony 147Sec. 3 Gennaro, Mark 2985Sec. 36 Girgenti, J.A. 3060Sec. 33 Green, Percy 3396Sec. 58 Harpole, George D. 109Sec. 40 Harpole-Frierson 119Sec. 13, 24 Harpole-Frierson 120Sec. 36, 46 Harrell Heirs 2701Sec. 36 Harrison & others 2297Sec. 36 Hart, Christin & Ronald 2321Sec. 36 Hart, Ronald 2795Sec. 3, 9, 10 Hendry, Glen 652Sec. 23, 26, 39 Hendry, Louis & Davis, Elbert 122Sec. 23, 39 Hendy, Vesta O. 129Sec. 49 Hillsdale School 154Sec. 45 Houye Estate 663Sec. 23, 39 Hutchinson, Dennis & Sharon 2718Sec. 39 Hutchinson, Dennis & Sharon 2723Sec. 3 Hillsdale Vol. Fire Dept. 3406
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 3 Jenkins, Eula 2737Sec. 3 Kirby, Timothy R. 2735Sec. 14, 23, 29 Lee, Charles & Vice, Lloyd A. 854Sec. 3 Lewis, Denver 105Sec. 9 Location 115Sec. 24 Locations 130Sec. 34 Locations 182Sec. 24, 43 Marshall, Willie Mae 2595Sec. 21 McCoy, Hubert 2153Sec. 16, 39 Miller, Bobby 128Sec. 44 Miller, E.W. 134Sec. 33, 49 Miller, Philmore M. 142Sec. 36 Miller-Wheat 2126Sec. 43 Morris, Alton 143Sec. 45 Murphy, Robin S. 2804Sec. 44 Miller, Andy 2986
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 26, 27 Oddo & Vullo 139Sec. 36 Parker, Mary 2318Sec. 36 Ponder, L.B. Jr. 2839Sec. 13, 14 Robertson, Clarence “Buck” 2942Sec. 36 Ruffino, John 148Sec. 33 Rick’s Chapel Church 3080Sec. 33 Ricks, Claude 3396? Sceroler, Andrew J. 116Sec. 51 Sceroler, Ronnie 2168Sec. 45 Seibert, Charles 135Sec. 50 Sharky, Junie 153Sec. 26, 27, 34, 35 Shook Lbr. Co. 144Sec. 46 Sprole, H.B. 150Sec. 5, 51 SW/4 of SW/4 of State Route 10 1861Sec. 28 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2752ASec. 21 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2688Sec. 26, 27 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 138Sec. 44 E/2 of Subdivision 133Sec. 45 Subdivision 145Sec. 36 Subdivision in Sec. 36Sec. 27 Stevens, Estate of Z.E. 3018Sec. 27 Stevens, Estate of Z.E. 3019
T. 3 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Thomas, Mrs. Frances/Thompson, Jimmie 1809Sec. 28 Thomas, Frances Mrs. 104Sec. 40 Turner, Edith 146Sec. 13 United Gas Line 121Sec. 15, 23, 39 Vice, Lloyd A. 125Sec. 14, 23, 29 Vice, Lloyd A. & Lee, Charles 854Sec. 26, 27 Vullo & Oddo 139Sec. 27 Warren, A.F. 140Sec. 10 Watson, Grannison S. 117Sec. 14, 39 Watson, Louis Winfred 126Sec. 11, 14 Watson, Scott, Estate of 123Sec. 36 Wheat, John 131Sec. 36 Wheat, John, Estate of 1620Sec. 36 Wheat-Miller 2126Sec. 36 Wheat, Sol, Estate of 132Sec. 45 Williams, Alvin 2240Sec. 45 Williams, Enoch, Estate of 107Sec. 45 Williams, Thomas, Jr. 2007Sec. 36 Wheat, Ernest 3024Sec. 36 Wheat, Est. Clifford 3156
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Harpole-Frierson 119Sec. 43 Mrs. Amaker & Son 137Sec. 42 Edith Turner 146Sec. 47 David Robertson 412Sec. 41 Stanley Hall 413Sec. 11 Jordon Denome 414Sec. 48 Plat of Lands 415Sec. 45 J.D. Carpenter 416Sec. 41 Eula M. & J.L. Farmer 417Sec. 5 SE/4 of NE/4 of SW/4 418Sec. 46 40 Acres 420Sec. 16, 17, 61 Clyde Branch & others 421? Locations 425Sec. 57 Montegut 426Sec. 59 Gill, Stevens, others 427Sec. 41 Raymond C. Carpenter 428Sec. 25 Myra Waller Hyde 429Sec. 44 Watson property 431Sec. 44 6-Acre tract 432Sec. 51 6.05-Acre tract 433Sec. 57 Vernon & Cohn 434Sec. 48 Wm. Monroe Schilling 435Sec. 51, L. 1, 2, 5, 6 Along State Route 1261 437Sec. 51 Locations/Big Creek & Tangi R. 438Sec. 1 S.A. Hyde Estate 440Sec. 17 Seymour & Walnut Streets 444Sec. 16 Judge Ellis, Dombourian, others 445Sec. 39 H.I., D.N. Sanders 446Sec. 25, 47 D.C. & Jeff Bankston 447Sec. 25 Goldman, Leslie, others 448Sec. 31 NE/4, SW/4, Center, SW/4, NE/4 449Sec. 16, 17 Ellis, others 450Sec. 18, 19 Lots 5 & 6, locations 451Sec. 51 71.62 Acres 452Sec. 14 8.60 Acres 453Sec. 17 C.K. Dunn 455Sec. 16 E.E. Meyers 456Sec. 41 Joe. K. Whittington 457Sec. 41 J.K. Whittington 458Sec. 42 B.B. McFarland, Peters 459Sec. 58 Paul Butler 460Sec. 24, 25, 47 David Robinson & others 461Sec. 20 W.E. Palmer 462Sec. 41 Raymond C. Carpenter 464Sec. 37 Joseph L. Rick 465Sec. 17 Charles Anderson 466Sec. 10, 11, 57 S.C. Bankston 467Sec. 41 Stanley Hall (original) 468? Lots 4, 5 Bankston, Purcell, others 470Sec. 44 Herwig to Jahncke Realty 472Sec. 30, Lot 112 Vivian Klienpeter 3239
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 1, 2, 12 Luther Bankston 476Sec. 10, 11, 14, 15, 40, 57 S.C. Bankston 477Sec. 7 Elmo O. Hendry 478Sec. 15, 40 S.C. Bankston 479Sec. 11 James Vernon 480Sec. 20 Mrs. Sarah Cooke 481Sec. 31 B.E. Kemp 482Sec. 41 Eula M. & J.L. Farmer 485Sec. 44 Mrs. Ida C. Watson & Jahncke Realty 486Sec. 47 Mrs. Jennie Vernon 487Sec. 52 S.A. Hayden 488Sec. 15, 40 Jourdan Lamkin 489Sec. 6, 56 Dendinger, Inc. 490Sec. 51 Robert S. Ellis, Jr. 491Sec. 16, 17 Dombourian Realty Co. 492Sec. 41 J.J. Manson 493Sec. 16 Tangi Parish School Board 494Sec. 41 J.J. Manson, Jr., et al 495Sec. 52 Alfred Hayden 497Sec. 44 Village of Roseland 500Sec. 8, 17, 18 Herman & Lawrence Braase 502Sec. 37 Mrs. Martha B. Coney 503Sec. 5 Herman James 504Sec. 52 Dr. J.H. McClendon, Sr. 505Sec. 45 Est. of M.J. Goodbee 506Sec. 50 Banjo Sanders 508Sec. 46 D.H. Bankston Est. 510Sec. 41 Property 511Lots 49, 62 Herbert F. Freiler 513Sec. 52 Bill Irwin 514Sec. 51 Ashford B. Pierce 515Sec. 31 S. Charles Byrd 516Sec. 25 Earl Larue Morgan 517Sec. 25 Conley A. Russell 518Bl. 1, Arcola Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. 520Sec. 14, 15, 40 S.C. Bankston, J. Lampkin (R. Little) 521Sec. 11 Willie Cutrer 523Sec. 11 Ivy Cutrer 525Sec. 55 J.H. Dickenson 526Lot 67, Roseland Milton Badon 527Sec. 48 Subdivision 528Sec. 25, 46, 47 Jeff Bankson 530Sec. 48 E.V. Russell Estate 532Lot 4, Bl. 6, Roseland Frank S. Schumacher 533Sec. 16 Est. Alvie Leonard 540Sec. 47 Mrs. Jennie Vernon 541Sec. 18 5.581 Acres 542Sec. 48 Holloway Gravel Co. 545Sec. 44 Anderson Gravel Co. 546Sec. 48 “Brittingham Tract” Dr. C.G. Foulkes 548Sec. 41 Est. of Marshall N. Sauls &Est. of Effie M. Sauls 549
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 41 Katherine Lanphier 550Sec. 48 George T. Anderson 551Roseland Colony Minnie Buchanan 553Sec. 37 Willis & Ada Broom 555Sec. 18 R.P. Norwood 557Sec. 25 Leslie Cleveland 558Sec. 52 Est. Louis B. Gonzales, Sr. 560Sec. 40, 58 Davis G. & Evelyn H. Reid 561Sec. 51 Stewart Carrier 563? Robert S. Ellis 655Sec. 46, 51 Dr. Neiset 712Sec. 29, 32 Patsy Jones 773Sq. 23, Sq. 24, Sq. 7 Ricks & Garon 775Roseland Colony Stennis B. Hatcher 777Sec. 58 Paul Butler, et al 855Sec. 29, 32 Est. of Arthur Jones 856Sec. 51 Harold H. Wedig 857Sec. 58 Lena B. Lawrence 1561Sec. 1, 2, 12 M.L. Bankston 1562Sec. 59, 41 Jenkins and others 1569Sec. 59 Vernon, Tuckerson, others 1581Sec. 39, 24 Claire Brownell 1582Sec. 31 George McCoy 1614Sec. 30, Lot 106 Roseland Kingsley Garrison 1616Sec. 17 Harry Joynton 1619Bl. 63, Roseland Big Zion Church 1622Sec. 14, 15 J.W. Varnado 1625Sec. 48 L.L. Russell 1709Sec. 25 F.M. Edwards 1710Sec. 51 Lloyd Ellis 1712Sq. 65, Roseland Myrtle Leonard 1713Lot 50, 60 Roseland Roy Spears 1787Lot 63, Roseland Tangipahoa Parish School Board 1794Sec. 52 Tony Hogan 1810Bl. 6, 8 Roseland Edward Carroll 1832Lot 51 Roseland Roy Spears 1856Lot 33, Sq. 20 Roseland Property 1857Sec. 16, 17 Joynton & Ricks 1880Sec. 20 Percy Henry, Jr. 1881Sec. 45 William Johnson 1882? R. Bankston Homestead & others 1886Sec. 31 Willie J. Joseph 1887Sec. 50, 53 Central Gravel Co. after 1921Lot 3, Bl. 8 Roseland M. Bennett 1926Sec. 31 T.D. Johnson 1975Sec. 16 Subdivisions—Hyer 1993
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Daniel Muse 2009Sec. 41 Charles Hudspeth 2030Sec. 31 Will McCoy 2060Sec. 31 Will McCoy 2069Sec. 20 Somisco Station 2070? Albertha Cage 2072Sec. 51 E. Mason 2073Sec. 40 W.P. Russell 2083Sec. 8, 17 Harry C. Joynton 2086Sec. 8 H. Joynton & others 2129Sec. 41 Dombourian & Manson 2130Sec. 6, 31 Locations 2131Sec. 47 Marion Pierson 2137Sec. 31 Leslie Mabry, Jr. 2138Sec. 10, 20, Lot 10 Mrs. Beulah G. Kleinpeter 2140Sec. 31 Leslie Mabry, Jr. 2172Sec. 33 Town of Roseland 2173Sec. 33, Bl. 10 Roseland Town of Roseland 2174Sec. 16, 17 Joynton & Ricks 2175Sec. 51 Mr. & Mrs. George Jenkins 2192Sec. 51, 52 Florida Parishes Skeet & Gun Club 2225Sec. 18 W.C. Porter 2229Sec. 52 Lester Cutrer 2234Sec. 14 Enoch Williams 2247Sec. 31 Governor Hutton, Jr. 2263Sec. 14, 37 North of Enoch Williams 2274Sec. 37 Church of God 2275Sec. 14, 37 144 A. 2276 in front of 2101 ASec. 43 Tangi Construction Co. 2309Sec. 43 Tangi Construction Co. 2310Sec. 28 Billy Corkern 2313Sec. 44 Thomas Enmon 2317Lot 21, Roseland Louise Gordon 2322Sec. 11 Blanch White 2324Bl. 25, Roseland Ora Lee Briggs 2325-2325ALot 126, Roseland Florence Lott & Addie Bond 2328Bl. 82, Roseland Manuel Zanders 2345Sec. 50 Elmer Lewis 2352Sec. 51 Michael Dane Letard 2366Sec. 51 Nick Frazier, Jr. 2367Bl. 10, Roseland Robbin H. & Kelly A. Ritter 2368Sec. 41 James Ballard 2372Sec. 44, Roseland Viet-Anh K. Nguyen, Tuyet-ThiNguyen & Mung T. Bui 2450Sec. 20 Chris Bruce 2451Sec. 20 Tom Enmon 2452Sec. 44 Robert G. Barrilleaux 2456
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Billy Corkern 2513Sec. 30 Barton Bankston 2594Sec. 20, 41, 44 Tom Enmon 2621Sec. 41 Louis Kairdolf, Jr. 2622Sec. 41 Birchenough 2623Sec. 44 Ron Theriot 2624Sec. 44 Tom Enmon 2625Sec. 44 Tom Enmon 2627Sec. 41, 44 Tom Enmon 2628Frank A. Berry Sub. Troy Evans 2756Sec. 52 Lester Cutrer 2762Sec. 43, Lot 123 Lawrence Cutrer (Roseland) 2769Sec. 52 John Alario, Jr. 2782Sec. 44 Alton Taylor 2786Sec. 14 Reginald Green 2791Lot 123 Roseland M.J. Cutrer 2797Lot 123 Roseland W.R. Cutrer 2798Sec. 12, 59 Samuel J. & Bremenda B. Arthur 2800-ASec. 43 Robin S. Murphy 2804Sec. 37 Field Notes HR 37 Q? Dendinger, Inc. ULot 11, Wand’s Add. Frank & Genell Fleming (Roseland) 2387Sec. 41 Danny Heller 2405Sec. 41 4.35 Acres on Live Oak Avenue 2430Sec. 41 1.51 Acres on Live Oak Avenue 2431Sec. 19. Lot 4 of Willie Blackwell Estatein Lots 1 & 2 Clara Mahoney 2432Sec. 25 Parker Gabriel, Jr. 2604Sec. 31, Lot 36 Varry Francois (Roseland) 2619Lot 5, Bl. 9 David McConnell (Roseland) 263650 (R/W) Elmer Lewis & Mrs. A.D. Buquet 2433Sec. 14 & 36 144 Acres 2631Sec. 25 Parker Gabriel 2603Lot 6, Bl. 1 Louis Ruffino 2660Sec. 19, Lots 1 & 2 Willie Blackwell Estate 2644Sec. 25 Parker Gabriel 2673Sec. 18 Heirs of R.P. Norwood 2702Lots 12 & 13 Eldridge Smith (Wands Addition/Roseland) 2808Sec. 16 Various Subdivisions 2809Sec. 16 Wands Sales 2809A? Town of Tangipahoa 2813Bl. 126 Roseland Minor Harrison 2815Bl. 7, Lot 1 Home Owners Loan Corp. through R.C. Fitzgerald 2816Bl. 9 Roseland A lot in the S.W. corner 2817Bl. 17 Locations—Wands Addition, Roseland 2818Bl. 44 Subdivision—Roseland 2819Lots 49 & 62 Joe Spitale—Roseland 2820Sec. 44, Lot 10, Sq3 Charles & Richard Dunn 2829
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 51 Harold M. Sumrall 2837Sec. 52 Johnny S. Carter 2867Sec. 8 & 61 Harry Joynton 2874Sec. 8 Harry Joynton 2882Sec. 46 Jeff Bankston 2943Sec. 30 Navarre Hart 2935Sec. 5 Alonzo Coleman (Irene Lee Prop.) 2979Sec. 28 D.D. Strong Heirs 2998Sec. 31 Noah Fisher 2999Sec. 29 Roseland, town of 3038Sec. 16 Patrick J. Kelley 3086Sec. 5 Archie McClendon (McClinton) 3101Sec. 59 Alvin B. Stevens 3115Sec. 15 Larry Johnson 3117Sec. 43 Lawrence Cutrer 3122Sec. 41 & 44 Estate John & Gertrude Brumfield 3141Sec. 33 Wayne C., Jr. & Deborah M. Forshag 3146Sec. 49 Town of Amite (Wilson R/W) 2171Sec. 29, L. 82 Clarence & Irma Boyle from Manuel Zanders 3202Sec. 51 Joyce Watson 3211Sec. 11 Ruth Buchanan Cutrer 3217Sec. 15 Leslie Bankston 3223Sec. 8 Mike Delatte 3235Sec. 59 Benny Reine 3258Sec. 50 Diane & Maurice Roberts 3274Sec. 33 Tycer W.A. & Charles & Sherry Thompson 3301Sec. 31 Bolkum 3322Sec. 29 & 32 Ensign 3326Sec. 30 Lot 109RTC Barton R. Bankston 3331Sec. 55 Steve Saints 3387Sec. 45 Howard Robertson 3391Sec. 55 Kent 3404Sec. 55 Duke Kent 3405Sec. 53 Dr. Michael Federline 3411Sec. 5 Isabel Scarle 3423Sec. 53 Vol. Fire Dept. 3422Sec. 49 Joe Foulkes Est. (Amite) 3427Sec. 28 Joe Foulkes Est. (Amite) 3428Sec. 49 Mildred L. Hyde (Amite) 3446Sec. 50 Arnold Roberts 3447Sec. 44 Evelyn Duplechain 3449Sec. 8 Michael Braase 3459Sec. 33 Arthur Harrall 3417
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name Page? Locations 425? Bankston, Perkins, others 471? Ellis Cemetery 496? Robert S. Ellis 655? R. Bankston Homestead & others 1886? Albertha Cage 2072? Ellis & Painting 2128? Warren D. Kent, Jr. 2574? Dendinger, Inc. U? Town of Tangipahoa 2813Sec. 1 S.A. Hyde Estate 440Sec. 1, 2, 12 Luther Bankston 476Sec. 1, 2, 12 M.L. Bankston 1562Sec. 4, 5 Joynton, others 469Sec. 2, B.E. AM L. 11 Frank and Genell Fleming 2387Sec. 5 SE/4 of NE/4 of SE/4 418Sec. 5 Herman James 504Sec. 5 Alonzo Coleman (Irene Lee Property) 2979Sec. 5 Archie McClendon (McClinton) 3101Sec. 5 Isabel Scarle 3422Sec. 6, 56 Dendinger, Inc. 490Sec. 6, 31 Locations 2131Sec. 7 Elmo O. Hendry 478
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 8, 17, 18 Herman & Lawrence Braase 502Sec. 8, 17 Harry c. Joynton 2086Sec. 8 H. Joynton & others 2129Sec. 8, 61 Harry Joynton 2882Sec. 8 Michael Braase 3459Sec. 10, 11, 57 S.C. Bankston 467Sec. 10, 11, 14, 15, 40, 57 S.C. Bankston 477Sec. 10, 20, L. 10 Mrs. Beulah G. Kleinpeter 2140Sec. 11 James Vernon 480Sec. 11 Willie Cutrer 523Sec. 11 Ivy Cutrer 525Sec. 11 Blanch White 2324Sec. 11 Jordon Denome 414Sec. 12, 59 Samuel J. and Bremenda B. Arthur 2800ASec. 14 8.60 acres 453Sec. 14, 15 J.W. Varnado 1625Sec. 14 Enoch Williams 2247Sec. 14, 37 North of Enoch Williams 2274Sec. 14, 37 144 acres 2276 in frontOf 2101ASec. 14 Reginald Green 2791Sec. 14, 36 144 acres 2631Sec. 14, 15, 40 S.C. Bankston, J. Lampkin (R. Little) 521Sec. 14 James Anderson & Floretta Anderson 3298Sec. 15, 40 S.C. Bankston 479Sec. 15, 40 Jourdan Lamkin 489Sec. 15 Johnson, Larry 3117Sec. 15 Leslie Bankston 3223Sec. 15 3420
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 16, 17, 61 Clyde Branch & others 421Sec. 16 Judge Ellis, Dombourian, others 445Sec. 16, 17 Ellis, others 450Sec. 16 E.E. Meyers 456Sec. 16, 17 Dombourian Realty Co. 492Sec. 16 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 494Sec. 16 Est. Alvie Leonard 540Sec. 16, 17 Joynton & Ricks 1880Sec. 16 Subdivisions-Hyer 1993Sec. 16, 17 Joynton & Ricks 2175Sec. 16 Various Subdivisions 2809Sec.16 Wands Sales 2809ASec. 16 Patrick J. Kelley 3086Sec. 17 Seymour & Walnut Sts. 444Sec. 17 C.K. Dunn 455Sec. 17 Charles Anderson 466Sec. 17 Harry Joynton 1619Sec. 18, 19 L.5, L. 6 Locations 451Sec. 18 5.581 acres 543Sec. 18 R.P. Norwood 557Sec. 18 W.C. Porter 2229Sec. 18 Heirs of R.P. Norwood 2702
Sec. 19, L.4 of theWillie BlackwellEst. in L k & 2 Clara Mahoney 2432Sec. 169 L. 1 & 2 Willie Blackwell Estate 2644
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 20 W.E. Palmer 462Sec. 20 Mrs. Sarah Cooke 481Sec. 20 Percy Henry, Jr. 1881Sec. 20 Somisco Station 2070Sec. 20 Chris Bruce 2451Sec. 20 Tom Enmon 2452Sec. 20, 41, 44 Tom Enmon 2621Sec. 24, 25, 47 David Robinson & others 461Sec. 25 Myra Waller Hyde 429Sec. 25, 47 D.C. & Jeff Bankston 447Sec. 25 Goldman, Leslie, others 448Sec. 25 Earl Larue Morgan 517Sec. 25 Conley A. Russell 518Sec. 25, 46, 47 Jeff Bankston 530Sec. 25 Leslie Cleveland 558Sec. 25 F.M. Edwards 1710Sec. 25 Parker Gabriel, Jr. 2604Sec. 25 Parker Gabriel 2603Sec. 25 Parker Gabriel 2673Sec. 28, 49 Johnson, others 430Sec. 28, 49 Morse & Ory 522Sec. 28, 33, 49 Joseph M. Foulk 1711Sec. 28 Billy Corkern 2313Sec. 28 Billy Corkern 2513Sec. 28 D.D. Strong Heirs 2998Sec. 28, 33, 49 Joseph M. Foulkes Est. (Amite) 3428Sec. 29 & L 51 Town of Roseland 3038Sec. 29, 32 Patsy Jones 773Sec. 29, 32 Est. of Arthur Jones 856Sec. 29 Manuel Zanders 3038Sec. 29 & 32 Ensign Estate 3326Sec. 29, Lot 82 Clarence & Irma Boyle from Manuel Zanders 3202
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 30, Lot 106 Roseland Kingsley Garrison 1616Sec. 50 Mae Weathersby 1954Sec. 30 Navarrow Hart 2935Sec. 30 (L109RTC) Barton R. Bankston 3331Sec. 31 NE/4, SW/4, Center, SW/4, NE/4 449Sec. 31 B.E. Kemp 482Sec. 31 S. Charles Byrd 516Sec. 31 George McCoy 1614Sec. 31 Willie J. Joseph 1887Sec. 31 T.D. Johnson 1975Sec. 31 Daniel Muse 2009Sec. 31 Will McCoy 2069Sec. 31 Will McCoy 2060Sec. 31 Leslie Mabry, Jr. 2138Sec. 31 Leslie Mabry, Jr. 2172Sec. 31 Varry Francois 2619Sec. 31 Governor Hutton, Jr. 2263Sec. 31 Noah Fisher 2999Sec. 31 Clarence & Irene Daniel 3224Sec. 31 Bolkum 3322Sec. 32 Dibert, Bancroft, & Ross 498Sec. 32, 33 Ed Carroll 538Sec. 32 Arcena Huff McCall 547Sec. 32, 33 Property Owners 554Sec. 32 Alma Giles 2284Sec. 32 Robert S. McClendon 531Sec. 32, 33 T.A. Tycer Heirs 2686Sec. 33 Forrest, C.G. (Dr.) (Duncan Ave.) 3058Sec. 33 Hugh H. Engler 419Sec. 33 B.E. Kemp, others 443Sec. 33 Thos. E. Tycer 454Sec. 33, 50 B.E. Kemp 484Sec. 33, 49 Dibert Bancroft & Ross 499Sec. 33 Right-of-Way 509Sec. 33, 49 Fitz, Brumfield, others 512Sec. 33 Tangi Bank & Trust Co. 529Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft & Ross 534Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft & Ross 535Sec. 33 Topography along North Line 537Sec. 33 Capdau 539Sec. 33 Town of Roseland 2173Sec. 33, B. 40 Town of Roseland 2174Sec. 33 W.A. Tycer & Tangi Parish Assessor 2189Sec. 33 Capdau Subdivision—Harry D. Joynton 2748
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 33 Wayne C., Jr. & Deborah M. Forshag 3146Sec. 33 Charles & Sherry Thompson 3301Sec. 33 Joseph Foulkes Est. (Amite) 3428Sec. 33 Arthur Harrell (Amite) 3417
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 37 Joseph L. Rick 465Sec. 37 Mrs. Martha B. Coney 503Sec. 37 Willis & Ada Broom 555Sec. 37 Church of God 2275Sec. 37 Field Notes HR 37Sec. 39 H.I., D.M. Sanders 446Sec. 39, 24 Claire Brownell 1528Sec. 40, 58 Davis G. & Evelyn H. Reid 561Sec. 40 W.P. Russell 2083Sec. 41 Stanley Hall 413Sec. 41 Eula M. & J.L. Farmer 417Sec. 41 Raymond C. Carpenter 428Sec. 41 Joe K. Whittington 457Sec. 41 J.K. Whittington 458Sec. 41 Raymond C. Carpenter 464Sec. 41 Stanlley Hall (original) 468Sec. 41 Eula M. & J.L. Farmer 485Sec. 41 J.J. Manson 493Sec. 41 J.J. Manson, Jr., et al 495Sec. 41 Property 511Sec. 41 Est. of Marshall N. Sauls &Est. of Effie M. Sauls 549Sec. 41 Katherine Lanphier 550Sec. 41 Charles Hudspeth 2030Sec. 41 Dombourian & Manson 2130Sec. 41 James Ballard 2372Sec. 41 Louis Kairdolf, Jr. 2622Sec. 41 Birchenogh 2623Sec. 41 Tom Enmon 2628Sec. 41 Danny Heller 2405Sec. 41 4. 35 acres on Live Oak Avenue 2430Sec. 41 1.51 acres on Live Oak Avenue 2431Sec. 41 2.08 and 2.07 acres on Live Oak Avenue 2430
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 41, 44 Estate John & Gertrude Brumfield 3141
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Harpole-Frierson 119Sec. 42 Edith Turner 146Sec. 42 B.B. McFarland, Peters 459Sec. 43 Mrs. Amaker & Son 137Sec. 43 Tangi Construction Co. 2309Sec. 43 Tangi Construction Co. 2310Sec. 43 Lawrence Cutrer 2769Sec. 43 Robin S. Murphy 2804Sec. 43 Lawrence Cutrer 3122Sec. 44 Watson property 431Sec. 44 6-acre tract 432Sec. 44 Herwig to Jahncke Realty 472Sec. 44 Mrs. Ida C. Watson & Jahncke Realty 486Sec. 44 Village of Roseland 500Sec. 44 Anderson Gravel Co. 546Sec. 44 Thomas Enmon 2317Sec. 44 Viet-Anh K. Nguyen, Tuyet-ThiNguyen & Mung T. Bui 2450Sec. 44 Ron Theriot 2624Sec. 44 Tom Enmon 2625Sec. 44 Tom Enmon 2627Sec. 44 Alton Taylor 2786Sec. 44, L. 10 Charles Brister & Richard Dunn 2829Sec. 44 Robert G. Barrilleaux 2456Sec. 44, 41 Estate John & Gertrude Brumfield 3141Sec. 44 Hezzie Baham 3171Sec. 44 Evelyn Duplechain 3449
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 45 J.D. Carpenter 416Sec. 45 Est. of M.J. Goodbee 506Sec. 45 William Johnson 1882Sec. 45 Howard Robertson 3391Sec. 46 40 acres 420Sec. 46 D. H. Bankston Est. 510Sec. 46, 51 Dr. Neiset 712Sec. 46 Jeff Bankston 2943Sec. 47 David Robertson 412Sec. 47 Mrs. Jennie Vernon 487Sec. 47 Mrs. Jennie Vernon 541Sec. 47 Marion Pierson 2137Sec. 48 Plat of Lands 415Sec. 48 Wm. Monroe Schilling 435Sec. 48 Subdivision 528Sec. 48 E.V. Russell Estate 532Sec. 48 Holloway Gravel Co. 545Sec. 48 “Brittingham Tract” Dr. C.G. Foulkes 548Sec. 48 George T. Anderson 551Sec. 48 L. L. Russell 1709Sec. 49 L. 1, Boulding, L. 2 Eager 441Sec. 49 C.J. Johnson 442Sec. 49 Mrs. E.D. Johnson 463Sec. 49 ,50 Adams 519Sec. 49 J.M. Foulkes 524Sec. 49 Martina Buck, et al 536Sec. 49 Joe Foulkes, Jr. 544Sec. 49 Glenn Wilson 559Sec. 49 Edward W. Crim 562Sec. 49 ,50 C. G. Folkes Subd. Lot 27 2167Sec. 49 Harry D. Wilson (Town of Amite City) 2171Sec. 49,50 Gerald Baham 2563Sec. 49 Jerry Paul Cutrer 2773Sec. 49 Ernest Christmas 2642
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 49 Lake & Mildred Johnson Story 2855Sec. 49 Mary Loui Ardillo Bell (for Richard Dunn) 2889Sec. 49 ? 2890Sec. 49,50 C.G. Foulks 2897Sec. 49 J.M. Foulks 2898Sec. 49 Joseph M. Foulkes Est. (Amite) 3427Sec. 49 Mildred L. Hyde 3446Sec. 50 J.W. Gaines, Jr. 439Sec. 50 18.08 acres off Duncan 471Sec. 50 1.95 acres off Duncan behind Letard 473Sec. 50 Central Gravel Co. 475Sec. 50 Unknowns 556Sec. 50 Neil Mixon 743Sec. 50 James D. Crawford 744Sec. 50 Central Gravel Co. after 1921Sec. 50 Elmer Lewis 2352Sec. 50 Robert Calvin McPherson 2455Sec. 50 Barton Bankston 2594Sec. 50 Banjo Sanders 508Sec. 50 Mae Weathersby 1954Sec. 50 Arnold Roberts (Amite) 3447Sec. 51 6.05 acres tract 433Sec. 51 Along St. Rt. 1261 437Sec. 51 Locations on Big Creek & Tangi R. 438Sec. 51 72.62 Acres 452Sec. 51 Robert S. Ellis, Jr. 491Sec. 51 Ashford B. Pierce 515Sec. 51 Stewart Carrier 563Sec. 51 Harold H. Wedwig 857Sec. 51 Lloyd Ellis 1712Sec. 51 E. Mason 2073Sec. 51 Mr. & Mrs. George Jenkins 2192Sec. 51, 52 Florida Parishes Skeet & Gun Club 2225Sec. 51 Michael Dane Letard 2366Sec. 51 Nick Frazier, Jr. 2367Sec. 51 Harold M. Sumrall 2937Sec. 51 Alex Purcell 470Sec. 51 Joyce Watson 3211
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 52 S. A. Hayden 488Sec. 52 Alfred Hayden 497Sec. 52 Dr. J.H. McClendon, Sr. 505Sec. 52 Bill Irwin 514Sec. 52 Tony Hogan 1810Sec. 52 Lester Cutrer 2234Sec. 52 John Alario, Jr. 2782Sec. 52 Johnny S. Carter 2967Sec. 52 Louis B. Gonzales, Sr. 560Sec. 52 Lester Cutrer 2762Sec. 52 Guy Spitale 3244Sec. 53 Dr. Michael Federline 3411Sec. 53 Vol. Fire Dept. 3423Sec. 53 Kent 3404Sec. 53 J. H. Dickenson 526Sec. 53 Steve Saint 3387Sec. 53 Duke R. Kent 3405Sec. 57 Montegut 426Sec. 57 Vernon & Cohn 434Sec. 58 Paul Butler 460Sec. 58 Paul Butler, et al 855Sec. 58 Lena B. Lawrence 1561Sec. 59 Benny Reine 3258Sec. 59 Gill, Stevens, others 427Sec. 59,41 Jenkins and others 1569Sec. 59 Vernon, Tuckerson, others 1581Sec. 59 Alvin B. Stevens 3115Sec. 59 Alvin B. Stevens 3282
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 49, 50 Adams 519Sec. 33 Amite Bank & Trust Co. 422Sec. 52 Alario, John Jr. 2782Sec. 43 Amaker, Mrs. & Son 137Traffic Detour Amite City 2772Sec. 17 Anderson, Charles 466Sec. 48 Anderson, George T. 551Sec. 44 Anderson Gravel Co. 546Sec. 12, 59 Arthur, Samuel J. Bremenda B. 2800AServitude Adjustmentsof Hardy St. between EastOak & Mulberry Amite City 3203Section 14 Anderson, James & Floretta 3298
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 49, 50 Baham, Gerald 2563L. 67 RO Badon, Milton 527Sec. 41 Ballard, James 2372Sec. 50 Bankston, Barton 2594Sec. 25, 47 Bankston, D.C. & Jeff 447Sec. 46 Bankston, D.H., Estate of 510Sec. 46 Bankston, Jeff 2943Sec. 25, 46, 47 Bankston, Jeff 530Sec. 1, 2, 12 Bankston, Luther 476Sec. 1, 2, 12 Bankston, M.L. 1562? Bankston, R., Homestead 1886Sec. 10, 11, 14, 15, 40, 57 Bankston, S.C. 477Sec. 10, 11, 57 Bankston, S.C. 467Sec. 14, 15, 40 Bankston, S.C. & Lampkin, Jr. 521Sec. 15, 40 Bankston, S.C. 479Sec. ? Bankston, Purcell, others 470Sec. 44 Barrilleaux, Robert F. 2456Sec. 49 Bell, Mary Louis Ardillo (For Richard Dunn) 2889L. 3 B. 8 RO Bennet, M 1926B. 63 RO Big Zion Church 1622Sec. 41 Birchenogh 2623Sec. 19, Lots 1, 2 Blackwell, Willie, Estate of 2644L. 126 RO COL Bond, Addie & Lott, Florence 2328Sec. 49 Boulding, L. 1 L. 2 Eager 441Sec. 8, 17, 18 Braase, Herman & Lawrence 502Sec. 16, 17, 61 Branch, Clyde & others 421B. 25 RO Briggs, Ora Lee 2325-2325ASec. 44 L 10 S 3 Brister, Charles & Dunn, Richard 2829Sec. 48 “Brittingham Tract” Dr. C. G. Foulkes 548L. 15, 16, 14 S.46 AM Brocato, Eunice Mrs. 2753Sec. 37 Broom, Willis & Ada 555Sec. 39, 24 Brownell, Claire 1582Sec. 20 Bruce, Chris 2451Sec. 33, 49 Brumfield, Fitz, others 512RO Colony Buchanan, Minnie 553Sec. 49 Buck, Martina, et al 436Sec.50 R/W Buquet, A.D. Mrs. & Lewis, Elmer 2433Sec. 58 Butler, Paul 460Sec. 58 Butler, Paul 460Sec. 31 Byrd, Charles S. 516Sec. 41 & 44 Brumfield, Estate John & Gertrude 3141Sec. 20 Ballard, John & Lana 3160H.R. 44 Baham, Hezzie 3171Sec. 29, L. 82 Boyle, Clarence & Irma from Manuel Zanders 3202-3202ASec. 15 Bankston, Leslie 3223Sec. 31 Bolkum 3322Sec. 30 (L109RTC) Bankston, Barton R. 3331Sec. 8 Braase, Michael H. Sr. 3459
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name Page? Cage, Albertha 2072Sec. 33 Capdau 539Sec. 33, Lot 1 Capdau Subdivision—Harry D. Joynton 2748Sec. 45 Carpenter, J.D. 216Sec. 41 Carpenter, Raymond C. 428Sec. 41 Carpenter, Raymond C. 464Sec. 51 Carrier, Stewart 563B. 6.8 RO Carroll, Edward 1832Sec. 32, 33 Carroll, Ed 538Sec. 52 Carter, Johnny S. 2867Sec. 50 Central Gravel Company 475Sec. 50, 53 Central Gravel Company after 1921Sec. 37 Church of God 2275Sec. 25 Cleveland, Leslie 558Sec. 57 Cohn & Vernon 434Sec. 37 Coney, Martha B. Mrs. 503Sec. 20 Cooke, Sarah Mrs. 481Sec. 28 Corkern, Billy 2513Sec. 28 Corkern, Billy 2313Sec. 50 Crawford, James D. 744Sec. 49 Crim. Edward W. 562Sec. 49, Fou. Subd. Christmas, Ernest 2642Sec. 11 Cutrer, Ivy 525Sec. 49 Cutrer, Jerry Paul 2773Sec. 43, L. 123 RO CO Cutrer, Lawrence 2769Sec. 52 Cutrer, Lester 2762Sec. 52 Cutrer, Lester 2234Sec. 123 RO CO Cutrer, M.J. 2797Sec. 11 Cutrer, Willie 523L. 123 RO CO Cutrer, W.R. 2798Sec. 5 Coleman, Alonzo (Irene Lee Property) 2979Sec. 43 Cutrer, Lawrence 3122Sec. 11 Cutrer, Ruth Buchanan 3217Sec. 37 Creel, Randy 3268
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. ? Dendinger, Inc. USec. 6, 56 Dendinger, Inc. 490Sec. 11 Denome, Jordon 414Sec. 55 Dickenson, J.H. 526Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft, & Ross 499Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft, & Ross 535Sec. 32 Dibert, Bancroft, & Ross 498Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft, & Ross 534Sec. 41 Dombourian & Manson 2130Sec. 16 Domborian, Judge Ellis, others 445Sec. 16, 17 Dombourian Realty Co. 492Sec. 50 AM Duncan Ave., 1.95 A 473Sec. 50 Duncan, 18.08 A off 471Sec. 17 Dunn, C.K. 455Sec. 49 Dunn, Richard (Mary Louis Ardillo Bell) 2889Sec. 44 L. 10 S 3 Dunn, Richard & Brister, Charles 2829Sec. 31, Lot 105 Daniels, Clarence & Irene 3224Sec. 8 Delatte, Mike 3235Sec. 44 Duplechain, Evelyn 3449
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 25 Edwards, F.M. 1710? Ellis Cemetery 496Sec. 16 Ellis, Judge, Dombourian, others 445Sec. 51 Ellis, Lloyd 1712L. 21, 22, 23, 24 Ellzey, Jerry Lynn 1879? Ellis & Painting 2128? Ellis, Robert S. 665Sec. 51 Ellis, Robert S. Jr. 491Sec. 16, 17 Ellis, others 450Sec. 33 Engler, Hugh H. 419Sec. 44 Enmon, Tom 2625Sec. 20 Enmon, Tom 2452Sec. 44 Enmon, Thomas 2317Sec. 44 Enmon, Tom 2627Sec. 20, 41, 44 Enmon, Tom 2621Sec. 41, 44 Enmon, Tom 2628L. 5, 6 F.A. Berry Sub AM Evans, Troy 2756Lots 15, 16, & 68 Ellzey, Jerry & Ann (Mildred Newton 2923Sec. 29 & 32 Ensign Estate 3326
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 41 Farmer, Eula M. & J.L. 417Sec. 33, 49 Fitz, Brumfield, others 512Sec. 51, 52 Florida Parishes Skeet & Gun Club 2225L. 11 WAND’S ADD RO Fleming, Frank and Genell 2387Sq. 23 AM Forshag, Mildred Mrs. 745Sec. 28, 33, 49 AM Foulk, Joseph M. 1711Sec. 48 Foulkes, C.G. Dr. “Brittingham Tract” 548Sec. 49, 50 Foulkes, Subd., C.G. Lot 27 2167Sec. 50 Lea, Vivian 2879Sec. 49 Foulkes, Joe Jr. 544Sec. 49 Foulkes, J.M. 2898Sec. 49 Foulkes, J.M. 524Sec. 51 Frazier, Nick Jr. 2367Sec. 42 Frierson-Harpole 119L. 49, 62 AM Freiler, Herbert F. 513L. 106, RO COL Sec. 31 Francois, Varry 2619Sec. 41 Farmer, Eula J. & J.L. 485Sec. 31 Fisher, Noah 2999Sec. 33 Forrest, Dr. C.G. (Duncan Ave.) 3058Sec. 33 Forshag, Wayne C., J. & Deborah M. 3146Sec. 49 Foulkes, Est. J.M. 3427Sec. 28, 33, 49 Foulkes, Est. J.M. 3428Sec. 53 Federline, Dr. Michael 3411
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 25 Gabriel, Parker 2973Sec. 25 Gabriel, Parker Jr. 2604Sec. 25 Gabriel, Parker 2603Sec. 30 Gaines, J.W. Jr. 439Sec. 23 S. 21 S. 7 Garon & Ricks 775Sec. 32 Giles, Alma 2284Sec. 59 Gill, Stevens, others 427Sec. 30 Lot 106 ROCOL Grarrison, Kingsley 1616Sec. 25 Goldman, Leslie, others 448Sec. 52 Gonzales, Louis B. Sr., Estate of 560Sec. 45 Goodbee, M.J. Estate of 506Lot 21 RO Grodon, Louise 2322Sec. 14 Green, Reginald 2791B. 1 ARcola Guaranty Bank & Trust Co 520
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 41 Hall, Stanley 413Sec. 41 Hall, Stanley 468Sec. 42 Harpole-Frierson 119B. 126 RO CO Harrison, Minor 2815Sec. 30 Hart, Navarrow L. 2935Sec. 52 Hayden, Alfred 497RO Colony Hatcher, Stennis B. 777Sec. 52 Hayden, S. A. 488Sec. 41 Heller, Danny 2405Sec. 7 Hendry, Elmo O. 478Sec. 20 Henry, Percy Jr. 1881Sec. 44 Herwig to Jahncke Realty 472Sec. 52 Hogan, Tony 1810Sec. 48 Holloway Gravel Co. 545L. 1,3,5 AM Home Lbr & Hdwr Co., Inc. 2101B. 7 Lot 1 RO Home Owners Loan Corp throughMr. R. C. Fitzgerald 2816Sec. 41 Hudspeth, Charles 2030Sec. 30 Hutton, Governor Jr. 2263Sec. 25 Hyde, Myra Waller 429Sec. 1 Hyde, S. A. Estate of 440Sec. 16 Hyer-Subdivision 1993Sec. 49 Hyde, Mildred A. (Amite) 3446Sec. 33 Harrell, Arthur (Amite) 3417Sec. 52 Irwin , Bill 514
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 44 Jahncke Realty & Mrs. Ida C. Watson 486Sec. 44 Jahncke Realty from Herwig 472Sec. 5 James Herman 504Sec. 51 Jenkins, Mr. & Mrs. Georgs 2192Sec. 59, 41 Jenkins and others 1569Sec. 49 Johnson, C. J. 442Sec. 49 Johnson, Mrs. E.D. 463Sec. 31 Johnson, T.D. 1975Sec. 45 Johnson, William 1882Sec. 28, 49 Johnson, others 430Sec. 29, 32 Jones, Arthur, Estate of 856Sec. 31 Joseph, Willie J. 1887Sec. 8, 17 Joynton, Harry C. 2086Sec. 16, 17 Joynton & Ricks 2175Sec. 16,17 Joynton & Ricks 1880Sec. 33, L. 1 Joynton, Harry D.- Capdau Sub 2748Sec. 17 Joynton, Harry 1619Sec. 8,61 Joynton, Harry 2874Sec. 8 Joynton, Harry 2882Sec. 4,5 Joynton, Harry 469Sec. 8 Joynton, H. & others 2129Sec. 29,32 Jones, Patsy 773Sec. 15 Johnson, Larry 3117Sec.Sec. 41 Kairdolf, Louis Jr. 2622Sec. 33, 50 Kemp, B.E. 484Sec. 31 Kemp, B.E. 482Sec. 33 Kemp, B.E. & others 443L. 6 B. 14 TP AM Kent, Douglas Sr. 2750Sec. 49 Kent, Warren D. Jr. 2574Sec. 10, 20 L. 10 Kleinpeter, Meulah G. Mrs. 2140Sec. 16 Kelley, Patrick J. 3086Sec. 49 Kent, Warren Douglas, Jr. 3184Sec. 30, Lot 112Roseland Colony Klienpeter, Vivian 3239Sec. 55 Kent, Duke R. 3405Sec. 49 Kent, Warren D. 2574Sec. 55 Kent 3404
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 15,40 Lamkin, Jourdan 489Sec. 14, 15, 40 Lampkin, J./Bankston. S.C. 521Sec. 41 Lanphier, Katherine 550Sec. 58 Lawrence, Lena B. 1561Sec. 16 Leonard, Alvie, Estate of 540Sq. 65 RO Leonard, Myrtle 1713Sec. 51 Letard, Goldman, others 448Sec. 50 Lewis, Michael Dane 2366Sec. 41 Lewis, Elmer 2352Sec. 41 Live Oak Avenue 2.08 and (R. 2430Walker) 2.07 A onSec. 41 Live Oak Avenue, 1.51 A on 2431Sec. 41 Live Oak Avenue, 4.35 A on 2430Sec. 51 Locations on Big Creek and Tangi R. 438Sec. 18,19 Locations L5 L6 451Sec. ? Locations 425B. 17 Wands Add RO Locations 2818B. 26 AM Locations 2131Sec. 6, 31 Lee, Irene Property 2973 or 2979Sec. 5 Lea, Vivian 2879
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Mabry, Leslie Jr. 2172Sec. 31 Mabry, Leslie Jr. 2138Sec. 19 L 4 of Willie BlackwellEstate L. 1,2 Mahoney, Clara 2432Sec. 41 Manson, J.J. Jr, et al 495Sec. 41 Manson, J.J. 493Sec. 41 Manson & Dombourian 2103Sec. 51 Mason, E. 2073Sec. 32 McCall, Arcena Huff 547Sec. 52 McClendon, Dr. J.J. Sr. 505Sec. 32 McClendon, Robert S. 531L. 5 B. 9 RO McConnell, David 2636Sec. 31 McCoy, George 1614Sec. 31 McCoy, Will 2060Sec. 31 McCoy,Will 2069Sec. 42 McFarland, B.B. & Peters 459Sec. 50 McPherson, Robert Calvin 2455Sec. 16 Meyers, E.E. 456Sec. 50 Mixon, Neil 743Sec. 57 Montegut 426Sec. 25 Morgan, Earl Larue 517Sec. 28, 49 Morse & Ory 522Sec. 43 Murphy, Robin S. 2804Sec. 31 Muse, Daniel 2009Sec. 5 Archie McClendon (McClinton) 3101
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 46, 51 Neiset, Dr. 712Sec. 44 RO Nguyen, Biet-Ahn K., Tuyet-ThiNguyen & Mung T. Bui 2450Sec. 18 Norwood, R.P 557Sec. 18 Norwood, R.P. Heirs of 2702Lots 15, 16, 68 Newton, Mildred (Jerry & AnnEllzey) 2923Sec. 50 Ogden, C.H. Mrs. 474Sec. 28, 49 Ory & Morse 522Sec. 20 Palmer, W.E. 462Sq. 53 AM Passman, H.D. 2105Sec. 42 Peters/McFarland, B.B. 459Sec. 51 Pierce, Ashford B. 515Sec. 47 Pierson, Marion 2137Sec. 48 Plat of Lands 415Sec. 18 Porter, W.C. 2229Sec. 41 Property 511L. 33 Sq. 20 RO Property 1857Sec. 32, 33 Property Owners 554Sec. 51 Purcell, Bankston, others 470
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 40, 58 Reid, Evelyn H. & Davis G. 561Sec. 37 Rick, Joseph L. 465Sq. 23, 21, 7 Ricks & Garon 775Sec. 16, 17 Ricks & Joynton 1880Sec. 33 Right-of-way 509B. 10 RO CO Ritter, Robbin H. & Kelly A. 2376Sec. 47 Robertson, Davis 412Sec. 24, 25, 47 Rovinson, David and others 461Sec. 44 Roseland, Village of 500Sec. 33, B. 10 RO Roseland, Town of 2174Sec. 33 Roseland, Town of 2173L. 6 B. 1 Amite (RO?) Ruffino, Louis 2660Sec. 25 Russell, Conley A. 518Sec. 48 Russell, E. V., Estate of 532Sec. 48 Russell, L.L. 1709Sec. 40 Russell, W.P. 2083Lot 6, Blk. 1 Ruffino, Louis 3158Town of RoselandSec. 50 (Amite) Roberts, G. Arnold & Maurice 3447Sec. 59 Reine, Benny 3258Sec. 50 (Amite) Roberts, Maurice & DianneRoberts (Amite) 3274Sec. 45 Robertson, Howard 3391
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 16 Sales, Wands 2809ASec. 50 Sanders, Banjo 508Sec. 39 Sanders, D.M. & H.I. 446Sec. 41 Sauls, Marshall N., Estate of &Sauls, Effie M., Estate of 549Sec. 48 Schilling, William Monroe 435L. 4 B. 6 RO Schumacher, Frank S. 533Sec. 17 Seymour & Walnut Streets 444Lots 12, 13 Wands Add Smith, Eldridge 2808Sec. 20 Somisco Station 2070L. 51 RO Spears, Roy 1856L. 50, 60, RO Spears, Roy 1787Lots 49, 62, RO CO Spitale, Joe 2820Sec. 51 L. 1, 2, 5, 6 State Route 1261, along 437Sec. 59 Stevens, Gill, others 427Sec. 49 Story, Lake & Mildred Johnson 2855B. 44 RO CO Subdivision 2819Sec. 48 Subdivision 528Sec. 16 Subdivisions 2809Sec. 51 Sumrall, Harold M. 2837Sec. 28 Strong, D. D. Heirs of 2998Sec. 59 Stevens, Alvin B. 3115Sec. 59 Stevens, Alvin B. 3161Sec. 52 Spitale, Guy 3244Sec. 59 Stevens, Alvin B. 3282Sec. 55 Saint, Steve 3387Sec. 5 Scarle, Isabel 3423
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 33 Tangi Bank & Trust Co. 529Sec. 43 Tangi Construction Co. 2309Sec. 43 Tangi Construction Co. 2310? Tangipahoa, Town of 2813L. 63 RO Tangipahoa Parish School Board 1794Sec. 16 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 494Sec. 44 Taylor, Alton 2786Sec. 44 Theriot, Ron 2624Sec. 33 Topography along North Lina 537Sec. 59 Tuckerson, Vernon, others 1581Sec. 42 Turner, Edith 146Sec. 5 Tycer, T.A., Heirs of 2686Sec. 33 Tycer, Thomas E. 454Sec. 33 Tycer, W.A. & Tangi Parish 2189AssessorSec. 49 Town of Amite (Wilson R/W) 2171Sec. 33 Thompson, Charles & Sherry(William Tycer) 3301Sec. 50 unknown 556
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 14, 15 Varnado, J.W. 1625Sec. 57 Vernon & Cohn 434Sec. 11 Vernon, James 480Sec. 47 Vernon, Jennie Mrs. 487Sec. 47 Vernon, Jennie Mrs. 541Sec. 59 Vernon, Tuckerson, others 1581Sec. 53 Volunteer Fire Dept. 3422Sec. 44 Watson, Ida C. Mrs. &Jahncke Realty 486Sec. 44 Watson Property 431Sec. 30 Weathersby, Mae 1954Sec. 51 Wedig, Harold H. 857Sec. 11 White, Blanch 2324Sec. 41 Whittington 457Sec. 41 Whittington, J.K. 458Sec. 14 Williams, Enoch 2247Sec. 14,37 Williams, Enoch, North of 2274Sec. 49 Wilson, Glenn 559Sec. 49 Wilson, Harry D. (Town ofAmite City) 2171Sec. 51 Watson, Joyce 3211Sec. 41 Walker, Roy 2430B. 82 RO CO Zanders, Manuel 2345
T. 3 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 51 6.05 Acre Tract 433Sec. 4 B. E. AM ? WBk. 9 RO CO A lot in the S.W. corner 2817Sec. 49 ? 2890Sec. 31 NE/4, SW/4, Center, SW/4, NE/4 449Sec. 44 6 Acre tract 432Sec. 5 SE/4 of NE/4 of SW/4 418Sec. 18 5.581 Acres 543Sec. 46 40 acres 420Sec. 51 72.62 acres 452Sec. 37 Field notes HR 37 QSec. 14, 37 144 A 2276 in front of 2101ASec. 14, 36 144 acres 2631Sec. 14 8, 60 acres 453
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Locations in NW Corner 1583Sec. 32, 33 George I. Adams 1584Sec. 9,10 Watson, Dees, others 1585Sec. 5, 38 Mr. G.W. Bentley & Amite Bank& Trust Co. 1586Sec. 37 David Location 1587Sec. 38 Davidson, Williams, others 1588Sec. 9 Hayden Dees 1589Sec. 23 Leroy Seal 1590Sec. 45 Mt. Nebo Baptist Church 1612Sec. 20, 21 Valley Forge Academy 1637Sec. 2 Fletcher Williams 1804Sec. 1 Oliver L. Stevens 1805Sec. 3 Evans 1902Sec. 27 S.F. Knight 1951Sec. 46 Douglas Springs 1978Sec. 42 George Dees 1989Sec. 26 Peter L. Walsh 2008Sec. 34 J. McKean 2074Anchorage Tung Oil Farm 2112Sec. 19 Annette Brown 2304Sec. 35, 36 Keegan & Marie Grace Zachary 2316Sec. 13 Timothy Lynn Smith 2333Daniel Edwards, Jr. A6Sec. 32 Richard & Sandra Diggs 2801Sec. 26 Wash/St. Tam. Co-op Power line R/W 2399, 2400, 2401, 2398Sec. 43 Wash/St. Tam Co-op R/W 2418Sec. 27 Paul Harrison 2616Sec. 26 Wash/St. Tam. Co-op R/W 5418Sec. 30 Mid-State Homes, R/W 2617Sec. 36,35 Melissa Ann Dunn 2655Sec. 30 Lynn Ponder 2705Sec. 25 Marion Boutian 2834Sec. 9 Margaret Pellerin 2828Sec. 46 James A. and Lenora L. Patterson 2887Sec. 16 Gerald Reeves 2906Sec. 32, 5 Hulon Simmons 2958
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 38 Est. of Samuel C. Hyde 377Sec. 38 Est. of Samuel C. Hyde 411Sec. 45 J.D. Carpenter 416? Eddy, Addison, others 425Sec. 17, 18,1945 Lewis J. Alford 816Sec. 9,10 M.B. Murff, Charles Wall 818Sec. 42 Jimmy Leo Kysar 819Sec. 42 Joseph A. Flaherty 820Sec. 3,43 Billy N. Hayden 821Sec. 3,43 Est. of W.A. Grace 822Sec. 37 Carl Edwards 823Sec. 39,40 Shelton Ballard 824Sec. 38 Eddie Davidson 825Sec. 46 E. Horace Hayden 826Sec. 44 Hayden 827Sec. 44 Hayden 827Sec. 37 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 828Sec. 19 Glenn & Jerry Cutrer 829Sec. 41 Leeds Homes, Inc. 830Sec. 12 Valley Forge Academy 832Sec. 20,21 Valley Forge Academy 833Sec. 32 Hebert Addison 834Sec. 3,43 Locations 1555Sec. 8 Location 1556Sec. 8 10-22- and 3-acre lots 1557Sec. 2 Fletcher Williams 1558Sec. 19,46 Lake Superior Piling Company 1559Sec. 27 Frank Kraft 1560Sec. 40 Lena B. Lawrence 1561Sec. 37 A.L. Edwards 1563Sec. 31 Hansford Farm 1564Sec. 40 Placide Anthony 1565Sec. 16,17,20,44 Enclosed Area-580 acres 1566Sec. 12, 37 Clyde Branch 1568Sec. 41, 59 Jenkins and others 1569Sec. 44 John W. Hogue 1570Sec. 42 Locations 1571Sec. 42 Celia S. Lawrence 1572Sec. 12 Ernie Edwards & Wilmer Bapt Ch 1573Sec. 1,12,37 Ernie Edwards 1574Sec. 5 Mrs. J.T. Hayden 1575Sec. 28,29 Gullett Gin Co. 1576Sec. 39 Ballard 1577Sec. 49 Daniel Edwards, Jr. 1578Sec. 4 Mrs. H.E. Warren & Roy O. Allen 1579Sec. 37 Anderson Property 1580Sec. 41 Vernon, Jenkins, others 1581Sec. 19,47 Claire Brownell 1582
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 35 Dwight Casanova 2970Sec. 4 John Holden 3025Sec. 32 & 5 Ted Diepenbrock (Bought surveyFrom Hulon Simmons) 3048Sec. 37 M.L. Wall 3065Sec. 36 Cotton, Johnnie Mae 3067Sec. 32 Jo Ann Clark Watson 3097Sec. 32 Mobley, Mike 3130Sec. 35 Adrian Hicks 3148Sec. 46 Patterson, James A. & Lenora L. 3187Sec. 20 Kelly Easley 3226Sec. 19 Mike Sumrall 3325Sec. 20 J.H. McClendon, Jr. 3381Sec. 32 Maurice Spears 3302Sec. 46 Larry Spring 3397Sec. 36 Stevens Cemetery 3410Sec. 43 Noah Buchanan 3476Sec. 48 Kirk Russell 3484
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name Page? Eddy, Addison, others 425? Amite Bank & Trust Co. 1586? Anchorage Tung Oil Farm 2112? Daniel Edwards, Jr. A6Sec. 1,12,37 Ernie Edwards 1574Sec. 1 Oliver L. Stevens 1805Sec. 2 Fletcher Williams 1558Sec. 2 Fletcher Williams 1804Sec. 3,43 Billy N. Hayden 821Sec. 3,43 Est. of W.A. Grace 822Sec. 3,43 Locations 1555Sec. 3 Evans 1902Sec. 4 Mrs. H.E. Warren & Roy O. Allen 1579Sec. 4 John Holden 3025Sec. 5 Mrs. J.T. Hayden 1575Sec. 5,38 Mr. G.W. Bentley & Amite 1585Trust Co.Sec. 5,32 Hulon Simmons 2958Sec. 5 & 6 Sterns 430Sec. 8 Location 1556Sec. 8 10-22- and 3-acre lots 1557
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 9,10 J.B. Jurff, Charles Wall 818Sec. 9,10 Watson, Dees, others 1585Sec. 9 Hayden Dees 1589Sec. 9 Margaret Pellerin 2828Sec. 12 Valley Forge Academy 832Sec. 12,37 Clyde Branch 1568Sec. 12 Ernie Edwards & Wilmer Bapt Ch. 1573Sec. 13 Timothy Lynn Smith 2333Sec. 16,17,20,44 Enclosed area-580 acres 1566Sec. 16 Gerald Reeves 2906Sec. 17,18,19,45 Lewis J. Alford 816Sec. 19 Glenn & Jerry Cutrer 829Sec. 19,46 Lake Superior Piling Company 1559Sec. 19,47 Claire Brownell 1582Sec. 19 Annette Brown 2304Sec. 19 Mike Sumrall 3325Sec. 20,21 Valley Forge Academy 833Sec. 20,46 Elmer Lewis 1637Sec. 20 Easley, Kelly 3226Sec. 20 J.H. McClendon 3381
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 23 Leroy Seal 1590Sec. 25 Marion Boutain 2834Sec. 25 Jeff & Tammy Alford 3264Sec. 26 Peter L.Walsh 2008Sec. 26 Wash/St. Tam. Co-op Powerline R/W 2399,2400,2401,2398Sec. 26 Wash/St. Tam. Co-op-R/W 2418Sec. 27 Frank Kraft 1560Sec. 27 S.F. Knight 1951Sec. 27 Paul Harrison 2616Sec. 28,29 Gullet Gin Co. 1576Sec. 30 Mid-state homes, Inc. 2656,2657Sec. 30 Lynn Ponder 2705Sec. 31 Hansford Farm 1564Sec. 32 Maurice & Susan Spiers 3302Sec. 32 Mike Mobley 3130Sec. 32 Hebert Addison 834Sec. 32,33 George I. Addison 1584Sec. 32 Richard & Sandra Diggs 2801Sec. 32 Hulon Simmons 2958Sec. 32 Ted Diepenbrock (Hulon Simmons) 3048Sec. 32 Jo Ann Clark Watson 3097Sec. 32 Maurice Spears 3367
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 34 J. McKean 2074Sec. 34 Ronald Holton 3276Sec. 35,36 Keegan & Marie Grace Zachary 2316Sec. 35 Dwight Casanova 2970Sec. 35 Adrian Hicks 3148Sec. 36,35 Melissa Ann Dunn 2655Sec. 36 Stevens Cemetery 3410Sec. 37 Carl Edwards 823Sec. 37 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 828Sec. 37 A.L. Edwards 1563Sec. 37 Anderson Property 1580Sec. 37 David Location 1587Sec. 37 M.L. Wall 3065Sec. 39,5 Est. of Samuel C. Hyde 377Sec. (38) print of 377 Est. of Samuel C. Hyde 411Sec. 38 Eddie Davidson 825Sec. 38 Davidson, Williams, others 1588Sec. 39 Ballard 1577Sec. 39,40 Shelton Ballard 824Sec. 39 Sterns 400Sec. 39 Federline, Dr. Michael 3411Sec. 40 Lena B. Lawrence 1561Sec. 40 Placide Anthony 1565
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 41 Leeds Homes, Inc. 830Sec. 41,59 Jenkins & others 1569Sec. 41 Vernon, Jenkins, others 1581Sec. 42 Jimmy Leo Kysar 819Sec. 42 Joseph A. Flaherty 820Sec. 42 Locations 1571Sec. 42 Celia S. Lawrence 1572Sec. 42 Locations in NW Corner 1583Sec. 42 George Dees 1989Sec. 43 Wash/St. Tam Co-op R/W 2418Sec. 43 Noah Buchanan 3476Sec. 44 Hayden 827Sec. 44 Hayden 827Sec. 44 John W. Hogue 1570Sec. 45 J.D. Carpenter 416Sec. 45 Mr. Nebo Baptist Church 1612Sec. 46 E. Horace Hayden 826Sec. 46 Douglas Springs 1978Sec. 46 James A. and Lenora L. Patterson 2887Sec. 46 Patterson, James A. & Lenora L. 3187Sec. 46 Larry Springs 3367Sec. 48 Kirk Russell 3484Sec. 49 Daniel Edwards, Jr. 1578
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 32, 33 Adams, George I. 1584Sec. ? Addison, Eddy, others 524Sec. 32 Addison, Herbert 834Sec. 17,18,19,45 Alford, Lewis 816Sec. 4 Allen, Roy O. & Warren, H.E. Mrs. 1579Anchorage Tung Oil Farm 2112Sec. 37 Anderson Property 1580Sec. 40 Anthony, Placide 1565Sec. 25 Alford, Jeff, & Tammy 3264Sec. 39 Ballard 1577Sec. 39,40 Ballard, Shelton 824Sec. 5,38 Bentley, G.W. & Amite Bank &Trust Co. 1586Sec. 12,37 Branch, Clyde 1568Sec. 19 Brown, Annette 2304Sec. 19,47 Brownell, Claire 1582Sec. 25 Boutain, Marion 2834Sec. 43 Buchanan, Noah 3476Sec. 45 Carpenter, J.D. 416Sec. 19 Cutrer, Glenn & Jerry 829Sec. 35 Casanova, Dwight 2970Sec. 36 Cotton, Johnnie Mae 3067
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 37 David Location 1587Sec. 38 Davidson, Williams, others 1588Sec. 42 Dees, George 1989Sec. 9 Dees, Hayden 1589Sec. 9,10 Dees, Watson, others 1585Sec. 32 Diggs, Richard, & Sandra 2801Sec. 36, 35 Dunn, Melissa Ann 2655Sec. 38 Davidson, Eddie 825Sec. 32 & 5 Diepenbrock, Ted (Bought surveyFrom Hulon Simmons) 3048Sec. ? Eddy, Addison, others 425Sec. 37 Edwards, A.L. 1563Sec. 37 Edwards, Carl 823Sec. 49 Edwards, Daniel Jr. 1578Edwards, Daniel Jr. A6Sec. 1,12,37 Edwards, Ernie 1574Sec. 12 Edwards, Ernie & Wilmer BaptistChurch 1573Sec. 3 Evans 1902Sec. 20 Easley, Kelly 3226Sec. 42 Flaherty, Joseph A. 820Sec. 39 Federline, Dr. Michael 3411
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 3, 43 Grace, W.A. Estate of 822Sec. 28,29 Gullett Gin Co. 1576Sec. 31 Hansford Farm 1564Sec. 27 Harrison, Paul 2616Sec. 44 Hayden 827Sec. 3,43 Hayden, Billy N. 821Sec. 46 Hayden, E. Horace 826Sec. 5 Hayden, J.T. Mrs. 1575Sec. 44 Hogue, John W. 1570Sec. 38 Hyde, Samuel C. Estate of 411Sec. 38 Hyde, Samuel C. Estate of 377Sec. 4 Holden, John 3025Sec. 35 Hicks, Adrian 3148Sec. 34 Holton, Ronald 3276Sec. 41,59 Jenkins & others 1569Sec. 41 Jenkins, Vernon, others 1581
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 27 Knight, S.F. 1951Sec. 27 Kraft, Frank 1560Sec. 42 Kysar, Jimmy Leo 819Sec. 19, 46 Lake Superior Piling Company 1559Sec. 42 Lawrence, Celia S. 1572Sec. 40 Lawrence, Lena B. 1561Sec. 41 Leeds Homes, Inc. 830Sec. 20, 46 Lewis, Elmer 1637Sec. 3,43 Locations 1555Sec. 42 Locations in NW corner 1583Sec. 42 Locations 1571Sec. 8 Location 1556Sec. 34 McKean, J. 2074Sec. 30 Mid-State Homes, Inc. 2656, 2657Sec. 45 Mt. Nebo Baptist Church 1612Sec. 9, 10 Murff, M.B. & Wall, Charles 818Sec. 32 Mike Mobley 3130Sec. 20 McClendon, J.H., Jr. 3381
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 46 Patterson, James A. & Lenora L. 2887Sec. 9 Pellerin, Margaret 2828Sec. 30 Ponder, Lynn 2705Sec. 46 Patterson, James A. & Lenora L. 3187Sec. 48 Russell, Kirk 3484Sec. 16 Reeves, Gerald 2906Sec. 23 Seal, Leroy 1590Sec. 13 Smith, Timothy Lynn 2333Sec. 46 Springs, Douglas 1978Sec. 1 Stevens, Oliver L. 1805Sec. 32, 5 Simmons, Hulon 2958Sec. 32 Spiers, Maurice, & Susan 3302Sec. 46 Spring, Larry 3367Sec. 19 Sumrall, Mike 3325Sec. 36 Stevens Cemetery 3410Sec. 37 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 828Sec. 5 Tillery Estate 3233
T. 3 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 12 Valley Forge Academy 832Sec. 20,21 Valley Forge Academy 833Sec. 20,21 Valley Forge Academy 1700Sec. 41 Vernon, Jenkins, others 1581Sec. 9,10 Wall, Charles & Murff, M.B. 818Sec. 26 Walsh, Peter L. 2008Sec. 9,10 Watson, Dees, others 1585Sec. 26 Wash/St. Tam Co-op Powerline R/W 2399,2398,2400,2401Sec. 43 Wash/St. Tam Co-op R/W 2418Sec. 26 Wash/St. Tam Co-op R/W 2617Sec. 2 Williams, Fletcher 1558Sec. 2 Williams, Fletcher 1804Sec. 38 Williams, Davidson, others 1588Sec. 37 Wall, M.L. 3065Sec. 32 Watson, Jo Ann Clark 3097Sec. 35,36 Zachary, Keegan & Marie Grace 2316Sec. 16,17,20,44 Enclosed area 580 acres 1566Sec. 8 10-22- and 3-acre lots 1557
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 20 Est. of Walter Mixon 661? Daniel Edwards, Jr. A6Samuel ZeMurray A10Sec. 4 Lake Superior Piling Co. A17Sec. 20,21,28,29,33 Alice Strong Becker A18Sec. 4,39 Dr. T.C.W. Magee A19Sec. 4,39 Dr. T.C.W. Magee 1567Sec. 6,7 Ernie Edwards 1574Sec. 40 Daniel Edwards, Jr. 1578Sec. 28 E.B. Rhodes 1621Sec. 9,41 Thomas A. Lea 1714Sec. 25 Arnold E. Martin 1715? Property Owners 1716Sec. 25,30 Arnold Martin 1717Sec. 26,27 Monroe Finch 1718Sec. 25 Levi & Leah Sharp 1719Sec. 32 Sharp 1720Sec. 28,33 Jack Gill, Jr. 1721Sec. 31,32 Carrier, Bell, Neal, others 1722Sec. 26,27,34,35 W.N. Hughes 1723Sec. 33 Mrs. R.J. Roach 1724Sec. 20,21,28,29,33 Mrs. Alice Strong Becker 1725Sec. 4,39 L.E. Lea 1726Sec. 19,20 Mrs. J.H. Statham 1727Sec. 35, 43 Henry W. Cox 1743Sec. 43, 45 F.W. Yates, LSP Co., others 1760Sec. 28 R.F. Thurman 1827Sec. 9 Warren Seal, Jr. 1836Sec. 24,44 Rexford Wallace 1859Sec. 27 Nathan W. Morgan 1862Sec. 25 Kenneth Walker 1865? Anchorage Tung Oil Co. 2112Sec. 32 James Pope 3132Sec. 5,6 Douglas Toney 2218Sec. 20 Lonnie Pope 2291Sec. 6 James Creel 2305Sec. 6 Estate of Daniel Edwards, Jr. 2306Sec. 6 Daniel Edwards, Jr. 2307
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 18 Carl L. and Donnel F. Self 2363Secs. 21, 28 Jenkins Nursery 2415Sec. 4 Alfred Graham 2640Sec. 5 Lane Graham 2645Sec. 6 & 40 Daniel B. Edwards 2747
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name Page? Daniel Edwards, Jr. A6? Samuel Zemurray A10? Property owners 1716? Anchorage Tung Oil Co. 2112Sec. 4 Lake Superior Piling Co. A17Sec. 4,39 Dr. T.C.W. Magee A19Sec. 4,39 Dr. T.C.W.Magee 1567Sec. 4,39 L.E.Lea 1726Sec. 4 Alfred Graham 2640Sec. 5,6 Douglas Toney 2218Sec. 5 Lane Graham 2645Sec. 6,7 Ernie Edwards 1574Sec. 6 James Creel 2305Sec. 6 Estate of Daniel Edwards, Jr. 2306Sec. 6 Daniel Edwards, Jr. 2307Sec. 6,40 Daniel B. Edwards 2747Sec. 9,41 Thomas A. Lea 1714Sec. 9 Warren Seal, Jr. 1836Sec. 18 Carl L. and Donnel F. Self 2363Sec. 19,20 Mrs. J.H. Statham 1727
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 20 Est. of Walter Mixon 661Sec. 20,21,28,29,33 Alice Strong Becker A18Sec. 20,21,28,29,33 Mrs. Alice Strong Becker 1725Sec. 20 Lonnie Pope 2291Sec. 21,28 Jenkins Nursery 2415Sec. 22 Est. Robert H. Mixon 3262Sec. 24 ,44 Rexford Wallace 1859Sec. 25 Arnold E. Martin 1715Sec. 25,30 Arnold Martin 1717Sec. 25 Levi & Leah Sharp 1719Sec. 25 Kenneth Walker 1865Sec. 26,27 Monroe Finch 1718Sec. 26,27,34,35 W.N. Hughes 1723Sec. 27 Nathan W. Morgan 1862Sec. 28 E.B. Rhodes 1621Sec. 28,33 Jack Gill, Jr. 1721Sec. 28 R.F. Thurman 1827
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 31,32 Carrier, Bell, Neal, others 1722Sec. 32 Sharp 1720Sec. 32 James Pope 2132Sec. 33 Mrs. R.J. Roach 1724Sec. 35,43 Henry W. Cox 1743Sec. 40 Daniel Edwards, Jr. 1578Sec. 43,45 F. W. Yates, LSP Co., others 1760
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name Page? Anchorage Tung Oil Co. 2112Sec. 20,21,28,29,33 Becker, Alice Strong Mrs. 1725Sec. 20,21,28,29,33 Becker, Alice Strong Mrs. A18Sec. 31,32 Bell, Carrier, Neal, others 1722Sec. 31,32 Carrier, Bell, Neal, others 1722Sec. 35,43 Cox, Henry W. 1743Sec. 6 Creel, James 2305? Edwards, Daniel Jr. A6Sec. 6 Edwards, Daniel Jr. 2307Sec. 6,40 Edwards, Daniel B.Sec. 6 Edwards, Daniel Jr., Estate of 2306Sec. 40 Edwards, Daniel Jr. 1578 (or 2578)Sec. 6,7 Edwards, Ernie 2574
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 26,27 Finch, Monroe 1718Sec. 28,33 Gill, Jack Jr. 1721Sec. 5 Graham, Lane 2645Sec. 4 Graham, Alfred 2640Sec. 26,27,34,35 Hughes, W.N. 1723Sec. 21,28 Jenkins Nursery 2415Sec. 4 Lake Superior Piling Co. A17Sec. 4,39 Lea, L.E. 1726Sec. 9,41 Lea, Thomas A. 1714
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 4,39 Magee, T.C.W. Dr. 1567Sec. 4, 39 Magee, T.C.W. Dr. A19Sec. 25,30 Martin, Arnold 1717Sec. 25 Martin, Arnold E. 1715Sec. 20 Mixon, Walter, Estate of 661Sec. 27 Morgan, Nathan W. 1862Sec. 22 Mixon, Robert H. Est. 3262Sec. 31,32 Neal, Carrier, Bell, others 1722Sec. 32 Pope, James 2132Sec. 20 Pope, Lonnie 2291Sec. ? Property Owners 1716Sec. 28 Rhodes, E.B. 1621Sec. 33 Roach, R.J. Mrs. 1724
T. 3 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 32 Sharp 1720Sec. 25 Sharp, Levi & Leah 1719Sec. 9 Seal, Warren Jr. 1836Sec. 18 Self, Carl L. & Donnel F. 2363Sec. 19,20 Statham, J.H. Mrs. 1727Sec. 28 Thurman, R.F. 1827Sec. 5,6 Toney, Douglas 2218Sec. 25 Walker, Kenneth 1865Sec. 24,44 Wallace, Rexford 1859Sec. 43, 45 Yates, F.W., LSP Co., others 1760Sec. ? Zemurray, Samuel A10
T. 3 S., R. 10 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 2.41 A Tract 1823Sec. 44 Rexford Wallace 1859Sec. 38 J.W. Varnado 2134Sec. 4 Toxie O. Crowe 2142Sec. 4,9 Frank Gubert 2143
T. 3 S., R. 10 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Toxie O. Crowe 2142Sec. 4,9 Frank Gubert 2143Sec. 15 2.41 Acre tract 1823Sec. 38 J.W. Varnado 2134Sec. 44 Rexford Wallace 1859
T. 3 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46, 54 Green, Arthur 1828
T. 3 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46,54 Arthur Green 1828
T. 3 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46,54 Arthur Green 1828
T. 3 S., R. 10 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Crowe, Toxie O. 2142Sec. 4,9 Gubert, Frank 2143Sec. 38 Varnado, J.W. 2134Sec. 44 Wallace, Rexford 1859Sec. 15 2.41 A. tract 1823
T. 4 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 33,34,50,51 Locations (Old River Bed) 005Sec. 33,34,50,51 Locations (Old River Bed) 006
T. 4 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 60 A.P. Jones 669Sec. 38 Wheat vs. Miller 672Sec. 2,60 Estate of A.P. Jones 673Sec. 27,46,50 W.R. Mullin 674Sec. 27,46,50 W.R. Mullin 681Sec. 12 Pine Grove Water Works Assn. 1615Sec. 30 Kingsley Garrison 1616Sec. 12 C. Lathan Johnson 1617Sec. 13 Pine Grove 1627Sec. 12 Pine Grove Waterworks Assn., Inc. 1687Sec. 38 Barbara Morgan (Oneal Morgan) 3096Sec. 52 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2357Sec. 45 W.M. McDaniel 2680Sec. 49 Heirs of Fountain Young 3208
T. 4 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 33,34,50,51 Locations (Old River Bed) 5Sec. 33,34,50,51 Locations (Old River Bed) 6
T. 4 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 33,34,50,51 Locations (Old River Bed) 5Sec. 33,34,50,51 Locations (Old River Bed) 6
T. 4 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 12 Johnson, Lathan C. 1617Sec. 60 Jones, A.P. 669Sec. 2,60 Jones, A.P., Estate of 673Sec. 45 McDaniel, W.M. 2680Sec. 38 Miller vs Wheat 672Sec. 27,46,50 Mullin, W. R. 674Sec. 27, 46, 50 Mullin, W.R. 681Sec. 38 Morgan, Barbara (Oneal Morgan) 3096Sec. 12 Pine Grove Water Works Assn. 1615Sec. 13 Pine Grove 1627Sec. 12 Pine Grove Waterworks Assn. Inc. 1687Sec. 45 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2357
T. 4 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 2,60 Estate of A.P. Jones 673Sec. 12 Pine Grove Water Works Assn. 1615Sec. 12 C. Lathan Johnson 1617Sec. 12 Pine Grove Waterworks Assn., Inc. 1687Sec. 13 Pine Grove 1627Sec. 27,46,50 W.R. Mullin 674Sec. 27,46,50 W.R. Mullin 681Sec. 38 Wheat vs. Miller 672Sec. 38 Barbara Morgan (Oneal Morgan) 3096Sec. 45 W.M. McDaniel 2680Sec. 52 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2357Sec. 60 A.P. Jones 669
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 7,18,37 Est. of A.P Jones 014Sec. 57 84.05 Acres 020Sec. 55 Climon Ricard 023Sec. 40 James A. Davis 025Sec. 55 Willie Preston 028Sec. 19, 47 Thomas C. King 058Sec. 23, 26, 44 Locations after 058Sec. 42 C. Glennon Melville 679Sec. 42 C. Glennon Melville 680Sec. 7,37 C. A. Palmer 682Sec. 47 Property Along Dutchman Creek 1897Sec. 55 Climon Ricard 1973Sec. 55 Climon Ricard 2148Sec. 43 James H. & Billie Claire Tycer 2177Sec. 47 Jerry Hagan 2238Sec. 22 Thomas G. Dykes 2277Sec. 22 Thomas G. Dykes 2280Sec. 38 Carolyn Watson 2327Sec. 43 Grant Walder 2340Sec. 43 Randall Mitchell 2341Sec. 43 Grant Walder 2340Sec. 18 Lasson B. Legros, Jr. 2590Sec. 47 Michael & Ann Meaux 2792Sec. 37 Wesley Hoover 2383Sec. 57 Theodore McCray 2725Sec. 39 Major Washington 2846Sec. 18 Humbert Jones 2847Sec. 54 & 25 Irwin Zachary for ? 2852Sec. 10 Ivy L. Courtney 2851Sec. 10 Johnny & Betty Housley 2905Sec. 10 Ivy Courtney 2905Sec. 10 Ivy Courtney 2951Sec. 10 Ivy Courtney 2952Sec. 42 Brad & Felicitie P. Davis 3248Sec. 42 Linda Burnett 3350
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 7,18,37 Est. of A.P. Jones 14Sec. 7,37 C.A. Palmer 682Sec. 10 Ivy L. Courtney 2851Sec. 10 Johnny & Betty Housley 2905Sec. 10 Ivy Courtney 2950Sec. 10 Ivy Courtney 2951Sec. 10 Ivy Courtney 2952Sec. 18 Humbert Jones 2847Sec. 18 Lasson B. Legros, Jr. 2590Sec. 19,47 Thomas C. King 58Sec. 22 Thomas G. Dykes 2277Sec. 22 Thomas G. Dykes 2280Sec. 23,26,44 Locations after 58Sec. 37 Wesley Hoover 2383Sec. 38 Carolyn Watson 2327
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 39 Major Washington 2846Sec. 40 James A. Davis 25Sec. 42 C. Glennon Melville 679Sec. 42 C. Glennon Melville 680Sec. 42 Brad & Felicitie P. Davis 3248Sec. 42 Linda Burnette 3350Sec. 43 James H. & Billie Claire Tycer 2177Sec. 43 Grant Walder 2340Sec. 43 Randall Mitchell 2341Sec. 43 Grant Walder 2340Sec. 47 Property Along Dutchman Creek 1897Sec. 47 Jerry Hagan 2238Sec. 47 Michale & Ann Meaux 2792Sec. 54, 25 Irwin Zachary for ? 2852
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 55 Climon Ricard 23Sec. 55 Willie Preston 28Sec. 55 Climon Ricard 1973Sec. 55 Climon Ricard 2148Sec. 57 84.05 acres 20Sec. 57 Theodore McCray 2725
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Burnette, Linda Kay 3350
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Courtney, Ivy L. 2851Sec. 10 Courtney, Ivy 2950Sec. 10 Courtney, Ivy 2951Sec. 10 Courtney, Ivy 2952Sec. 40 Davis, James A. 25Sec. 47 Dutchman Creek, Property along 1897Sec. 22 Dykes, Thomas G. 2280Sec. 22 Dykes, Thomas G. 2277Sec. 47 Hagan, Jerry 2238Sec. 37 Hoover, Wesley 2383Sec. 10 Housley, Johnny & Betty 2905Sec. 7,18,37 Jones, A.P., Estate of 14Sec. 18 Jones, Humbert 2847Sec. 57 McCray, Theodore 2725Sec. 42 Melville, Glennon, C. 679
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 19,47 King, Thomas C. 58Sec. 18 Legros, Lasson B. Jr. 2590Sec. 23,26,44 Locations after 58Sec. 57 McCray, Theodore 2725Sec. 47 Meaux, Michael & Ann 2792Sec. 43 Mitchell, Randall 2341Sec. 42 Melville, C. Glennon 679Sec. 42 Melville, C. Glennon 680Sec. 7,37 Palmer, C.A. 682Sec. 55 Preston, Willie 28
T. 4 S., R. 5 E.Location Name PageSec. 55 Ricard, Climon 1973Sec. 55 Ricard, Climon 23Sec. 55 Ricard, Climon 2148Sec. 43 Tycer, James H. & Billie Claire 2177Sec. 43 Walder, Grant 2340Sec. 39 Washington, Major 2846Sec. 38 Watson, Carolyn 2327Sec. 54, 25 Zachary, Irwin for ? 2852Sec. 57 84.05 acres 20
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 59 James A. Davis 025Sec. 53 George D. Harpole 109Sec. 44 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 155Sec. 61 W.E. Bennett 156? School District #6 157Sec. 61 Thomas Freeman 158Sec. 57 William Banks 159Sec. 55 21st Judicial Dist. Court 160Sec. 55 Ivy Miller 161Sec. 49 R. R. & C. Reid 162Sec. 45 Fred Jacobson 163Sec. 36 Tony Moddi 164Sec. 22,44 Locations 165Sec. 44 Claudet Plantation 166Sec. 43 A.P. Claudet 167Sec. 1 Helen Bush Wilborn 168Sec. 1 Parish 169Sec. 1,12 Est. of Thomas Fasula 170?-4-6 Unknown 171Sec. 54 Lewis Henry 172Sec. 39,61 J.M. Wilson 173Sec. 1 Mrs. Colleen Ballard 175Sec. 12 Jack Bellavia 176Sec. 12 Location 177Sec. 1 Sam Vacurro 178Sec. 1 Delineations 179? Locations 180Sec. 1 Nicolo & Heirs of Parmino Giardina 181Sec. 3 Locations 182Sec. 1 S/2 SE/4 183Sec. 12 N/2 of NE/4 183Sec. 12 Locations 184? Field Notes after 184Sec. 15,54 Elvis Davis 186Sec. 15,54 Edwin S. Kemper 187Sec. 24, 38, 45 Locations 188Sec. 24,38,45 Locations 189Sec. 24,38,45 Anzalone, Stewart, others 190Sec. 27, 28, 33 Locations 191Sec. 12,13 Elliott Kemp 193Sec. 43 R. D. Wilson 194Sec. 28,29,46 J. Fred Helmers 192Sec. 36 Est. Frank Nicosia 583Sec. 51 W.E. Dykes 667
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 46,49 Est. of Cora Wilson Murray 842Sec. 10 James Morris, Jr. & Joe Chapman 843Sec. 4 Carl Finch 850Sec. 45 Jacob Smith 1112Sec. 28,29,46 A. Earle Cefalu 1695Sec. 38 35 acre Tract 1807Sec. 38 Kemp to Ware to Kemp 1808Sec. 38 B.A. Castellon 1949Sec. 1 John Morgan 1959Sec. 43 Sidney Stevens 1984Sec. 1 Jess Ridgedell 2056Sec. 3 Gerald Davis 2104Sec. 12 Salvatore Costanza 2201ASec. 12 Salvatore Costanza 2219Sec. 1 Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Gene Lawson 2287Sec. 1 Richard E. Davis, Jr. 2288Sec. 42 David Guzzardo 2354Sec. 42 Bill McFerrin 2694Sec. 43 R.D. Wilson 194Sec. 43 Sidney Stevens 1984Sec. 43 A.P. Claudet 167Sec. 44 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 155Sec. 44 Claudet Plantation 166Sec. 44,22 Herman Henry (WestmorelandProperty) 3039Sec. 45 Fred Jacobson 163Sec. 45 Jacob Smith 1112Sec. 45 & 38 Marsha and Ray Spears 3029ASec. 46,49 Est. of Cora Wilson Murray 842Sec. 49 R.R. & C. Reid 162
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 51 W.E. Dykes 667Sec. 51 W.E. Dykes TH.R. 51 Town of Montpelier 2213Sec. 51 Tycer, James H. & Billie C. 3467Sec. 53 George D. Harpole 109Sec. 54 Lewis Henry 172Sec. 54 1.0 Acre 2298Sec. 54 Dorothy Marshall (Davis) 3110Sec. 54 Dorothy Marshall (Davis) 3111Sec. 55 21st Judicial Dist. Court 160Sec. 55 Ivy Miller 161Sec. 57 William Banks 159Sec. 57,59 Hillary Watson 2995Sec. 59 Bobby J. & Anne Davis Crain 3300Sec. 59 Larry Martinez 3293Sec. 59 James A. Davis 25Sec. 59 Brian Dykes, Hillary Watson 2877Sec. 59 Brian Dykes & Hillary Watson 2984Sec. 59,57 Hillary Watson 2995Sec. 59 Hillary Watson 3007Sec. 59 Jerome Forbes 3192Sec. 61 W.E. Bennett 156Sec. 61 Thomas Freeman 158
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 1 Amite Oyster, Inc. 2853Sec. 1 Amite Gulf Oyster, Inc. 2854Sec. 24,38,45 Anzalone, Stewart, others 190Sec. 10 Baker, Joseph 2916Sec. 1 Ballard, Colleen Mrs. 175Sec. 10 Bel, Catherine 2940Sec. 12 Bellavia, Jack 176Sec. 61 Bennett, W.E. 156Sec. 1 Ballard, Dennis 3168Sec. 3 Bennett, Heather P.S. 3399Sec. 38 Castellon, B.A. 1949Sec. 28,29,46 Cefaul, A. Earle 1695Sec. 10 Chapman, Joe & James Morris Jr. 843Sec. 24,38,45 Clark, Stewart, others RSec. 43 Claudet, S.P. 167Sec. 44 Claudet Plantation 166Sec. 54 Corkern, Jesse & Para Belle 2386MunsellSec. 12 Costanza, Salvatore 2219Sec. 12 Costanza, Salvatore 2201ASec. 59 Crain, Bobby J. & Anne Davis 3300
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 15, 54 Davis, Elvis 186Sec. 3 Davis, Gerald 2104Sec. 59 Davis, James A. 25Sec. 1 Davis, Richard E. Jr. 2288Sec. 1 Delineations 179Sec. 59 Dykes, Bryan, & Hillary Watson 2877Sec. 51 Dykes, W.E. TSec. 51 Dykes, W.E. 667Sec. 59 Dykes, Bryan & Hillary Watson 2984Sec. 15 Edwards, Ruby 2982Sec. 15 Edwards, Willie-Margaret Selders 3028Sec. 3 Ehret, William & Norma 3348Sec. 1,12 Fasula, Thomas, Estate of 170Sec. ? Field Notes after 184Sec. 4 Finch, Carl 850Sec. 10 Freeman, Royal 2746Sec. 61 Freeman, Thomas 158Sec. 59 Forbes, Jerome 3192Sec. 3 Finch, W.R. 182Sec. 1 Giardina, Parmino, Heirs of andNicolo 181Sec. 42 Guzzardo, David 2354Sec. 15 Gordon, Lawrence 3139Sec. 1 Gordon, Rev. Willie, Sr. 3149Sec. 22 Gardener, Albert 3169Sec. 12 Gill, Harrison III 3346-3349Sec. 10 Gordon, Lawrence 3392Sec. 10 Gordon 3393
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 53 Harpole, George D. 109Sec. 28,29,46 Helmers, Fred J. 192Sec. 4 Hendry, Gary 2410Sec. 54 Henry, Lewis 172Sec. 1,12 Henderson, Harold 2989Sec. 22 & 44 Henry, Herman (WestmorelandProperty) 3039Sec. 15 Hillsdale Vol. Fire Dept. 3408Sec. 45 Jacobson, Fred 163Sec. 12,13 Kemp, Elliot 193Sec. 38 Kemp to ware to Kemp 1808Sec. 15,54 Kemper, Edwin S. 187Sec. 15 Knight, Dennis 3100Sec. 16 LaFayette, Donald & Petty 2782Sec. 1 Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Gene 2287Sec. 38 Lewis, Otis S. 2429Sec. 24, 38, 45 Locations 189Sec. 12 Locations 184Sec. 24,38,45 Location 188Sec. 22,44 Location 165Sec. 3 Locations 182Sec. 27, 28, 33 Locations 191Sec. ? Location 180Sec. 12 Location 177Sec. 1 Rebecca Lawson (Plat) 3045
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 McFerrin, Bill 2694Sec. 55 Miller, Ivy 161Sec. 36 Moddi, Tony 164HR 51 Montpelier, Town of 2213Sec. 1 Morgan, John 2821Sec. 1 Morgan, John 1959Sec. 10 Morris, James Jr. & Joe Chapman 843Sec. 46, 49 Murray, Cora Wilson, Estate of 842Sec. 9 Martin, Willie 3011Sec. 54 Marshall, Dorothy (Davis) 3110Sec. 54 Marshall, Dorothy (Davis) 3111Sec. 59 Martinez, Larry 3293Sec. 1 Nicolo & Heirs of Parmino Giardina 181Sec. 36 Nicosia, Frank, Estate of 583Sec. 35 Nutter, Fate of Succession 3163BLK 2, Montpelier Needham, Julian 668Sec. 1 Parish 169Sec. 49 Reid, R.R. & C. 162Sec. 1 Ridgedell, Jess 2056Sec. 10 Robertson, Jack & Clementine 2914Sec. 1 Richardson, Earl 2944
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. ? School District #6 157Sec. 1,12 Scott, John 2581Sec. 1,12 Scott, John 2888Sec. 45 Smith, Jacob 1112Sec. 43 Stevens, Sidney 1984Sec. 24,38,45 Stewart, Clark, others RSec. 24,38,45 Stewart, Anzalone, others 190Sec. 22,23 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2355Sec. 44 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 155Sec. 15 Selders, Margaret-Willie Edwards 3028Sec. 38 & 45 Spears, Marsha Lynn Williams& Ray Lavell Spears 3029Sec. 22 Self, Billy Ray 3394Sec. 14 Thomas, Katherine Lewis 2939Sec. 51 Montpelier Tycer, James H. & Billie 3467Sec. ? unknown 171Sec. 1 Vacurro 178Sec. 12 Venterella, Carlo 2752Sec. 12 Venterella, Carlo 3021
T. 4 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 59 Watson, Hillary & Bryan Dykes 2877Sec. 1 Wilborn, Helen Bush 168Sec. 43 Wilson, R.D. 194Sec. 39,61 Wilson, J.M. 173Sec. 59 Watson, Hillary & Bryan Dykes 2984Sec. 57,59 Watson, Hillary 2995Sec. 59 Watson, Hillary 3007Sec. 15 Williams, Joyce (Charles Davis) 3116Sec. 1 9.12 A along St. Rt. 16 2704Sec. 55 21st Judicial Dist. Court 160Sec. 12 N/2 of NE/4 183Sec. 1 S/2 of SE/4 183Sec. 38 35 acre tra-t 1807Sec. 54 1.0 acre 2298
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Jack Liuzza 066Sec. 6 B.E. Kemp 481Sec. 6 B.E. Kemp 482Sec. 21 Mary, G.R., Jr. & RobertMcMichael 564Sec. 20 J.W. Stevens 565Sec. 20 Frank Rick, Jr. 567Sec. 16 J.E. Girdener 568Sec. 28 11.68 acres 569Sec. 1 Emmett Braddy 575Sec. 29 Alvin Holden 576Sec. 28 Katie Simms & Mabel Jackson 577Sec. 28 2 acres 578Sec. 43 Mike Leto 579Sec. 1 James Clark 580Sec. 49 Jesse P. Lagarde 581Sec. 31 Est. Frank Nicosia 583Sec. 6 John Conti 584Sec. 26 2.00 acres 585Sec. 31 W/2 of Frac. Sec. 31 586Sec. 1 Est. of Thomas Ridgedell 588Sec. 42 D. Carney & E. Ard 589Sec. 39 Anderson Gravel Co. 590? McClendon & others 581Sec. 53 Leon Cutrer 592Sec. 37 Alon L. Wall 593Sec. 34 Mid-States Homes 594Sec. 51 James Capdeboscq 595Sec. 37 C. Weham Fitz 596Sec. 39 Fred Anderson 597Sec. 16 A.E. Hood, Jr. 598Sec. 33 Est. of Loretta Vullo 599Sec. 20 E/2 599ASec. 16 Sam Arnone 601Sec. 53 Mrs. Thelma P. Gordon 602Sec. 7 Billy Corkern 603Sec. 34 Vincent Magliola 604Sec. 34 Est. of Josephine Piazza 605Sec. 36 Paul Wiggins 606Sec. 37 Weyman Fitz 607Sec. 49 H.M. Grice 608Sec. 47 Benton O. Bickham 609Sec. 36 John Huck 610Sec. 43 Velma Heights/ Sam Arnone 612Sec. 42 C.L. Dykes 613Sec. 28 Mrs. Annie Muscarello 614Sec. 28 1 acre in N/2 615Sec. 28 Joe Giardina 616Sec. 23, 26, 42 Anderson & Cefalu 617Sec. 17 N. End of Frac. 17 618Sec. 16,54 H.D. Story 619Sec. 15,16 Locations 620
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 15,16 Nicolo Lascario 641Sec. 51 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miller 656Sec. 46,51 Dr. Neiset 712Sec. 6 Leonard Genco, et al 771Sec. 16,37 Urich Brumfield & ClarenceCryer 961Sec. 16 Est. N. Lascaro & AnthonyLascaro 962Sec. 15,16 Est. of Frances McMichael 963Sec. 16 George Pinkney 964Sec. 16 Jno. W. Richardson 965Sec. 16 John Ruffino 966Sec. 16 Location 967Sec. 20 E/2 968Sec. N. 17 NE/4 of NE/4 of 18-4-7 969Sec. 21 Locations 970Sec. 21 Gas line 971Sec. 21, 28 Locations 972Sec. 21,28 Meceli-Spitalli 973Sec. 21 SW/4 974Sec. 21,26 Subdivision 975Sec. 21 Locations 976Sec. 42 Mesaro Brothers 977Sec. 28 Locations-Lot 6 978Sec. 28 Locations in Lot 6 979—————*Sec. 28 Locations 981Sec. 28 Vincent Misito 982Sec. 28 John Petitto 983Sec. 28 Paul Palerma 984Sec. 28 Willie A. & Agnes Brown 985Sec. 28 Peter Lopinto 986Sec. 28 Salvador Arnone & Althea Crosby 987Sec. 28 Sinclair Dist. Station 988Sec. 29 George D. Harpole 989Sec. 28,29 D. P. McMichael 980*Sec. 29 Florida Parishes Homestead 990Sec. 28 NW/4 of 28 991Sec. 1 NE/4 of NE/4 992Sec. 1 Hezzie Lee 993Sec. 1 Unknown 994Sec. 1 Stewart Carrier & Lloyd Dreher 995Sec. 1 N/2 of SE/4 of SW/2 of 1 996Sec. 1 Lloyd Dreher 997Sec. 1 George Statham 998Bl. 34 J.W. Reeves 1002Sec. 6 Joe N. Guzzardo 1011Sec. 6 Leonard Genco 1012Sec. 6 Gulf Oil Corporation 1013Sec. 6 R.J. Bennett 1014Sec. 6 Nicolas Conti & others 1015Sec. 6 Dominic Guiseppe Scemeca 1016Sec. 6 Tony Bush, Sr. 1017Sec. 6,7 Vince Spitale 1018Sec. 6 NE/2 of SE/4 1019Sec. 7 Hollie Amacker 1020
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 9,10 Miss Clara Morgan 1024Sec. 9 Tony Bush, Jr. 1026BSec. 36 Mrs. Ellen B. Johnson 1064Sec. 44 Lyon Lumber Co. 1111Sec. 44 Jocob Smith 1112Sec. 46, 47 Miss Nell Lynne 1113Sec. 46 Robert Tony 1114Sec. 46 Henry Lynne 1115Sec. 49 Spring to Amite 1116Sec. 49 William Spring 1117Sec. 51 Locations 1122Sec. 51 Lafayette Hayden 1123Sec. 52 Floyd Williams 1124Sec. 53 Kemp Hayden or Jessie Clark 1125Sec. 53 Thomas Zachary 1126Sec. 53 Gullett Gin Co. to Federal LandBank of N.O. 1127Sec. 53 Gus Cutrer 1128Sec. 53 J. Ferguson 1129Sec. 31 Miss Minnie Hughes &Jack Jenkins 1131Sec. 32 Frank & Sarah R. Mashon 1133Sec. 32,45 From Frank Mashon to FederalLand Bank 1134Sec. 32 L.C. Durbin 1135Sec. 32 Viola & Fletcher 1136Sec. 32 Locations 1137Sec. 33 Locations 1138Sec. 33 Israelite Baptist Church 1139Sec. 33 Locations 1140Sec. 33 Israelite Baptist Church 1141Sec. 33 Mrs. Angelina Nicolosi 1142Sec. 33 B.A. Felder 1143Sec. 33 Sam Garalotoro 1144Sec. 33 Polito 1145Sec. 33 Locations 1146Sec. 33 Guiseppe Lagatuta 1147Sec. 33 B.A. Felder 1148Sec. 33 Location 19.05 acres 1149Sec. 33 Est. of Mays and Elizabeth Warren 1150Sec. 34 Joe Larusa 1151Sec. 35 Loreto Vicari 1152Sec. 34 Mrs. Cologera Degrudo 1153Sec. 36 Lot 3 1154Sec. 36 Subdiv. Of SW/4 1155Sec. 36 Mrs. Ella Strickland 1157Sec. 37 Philip Cooper 1158Sec. 37 Brumfield & Cryer 1159Sec. 37 E.V., R.V., George P. McMichael 1160Sec. 37 Sam Petitto 1161Sec. 37 Corine McMichael Barlow 1162Sec. 37 Corine McMichael Barlow 1163
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 37 Mrs. Ella Strickland 1164Sec. 37 Mrs. Catherine Conerly 1165Sec. 37 Locations along East Line 1166Sec. 37 Rayford E. Conerly 1167Sec. 39 Michael Fenn 1168Sec. 39 Starns and McMichael 1169Sec. 39 T.A. Tycer 1170Sec. 43 John Johnson 1171Sec. 43 Location of 14.10-acre tract 1172Sec. 43 A. Bickham 1173Sec. 43 Leander Butler 1174Sec. 43 Leander Butler 1175Sec. 43 Mrs. Ella Conwell 1176Sec. 43 Locations-Stevens, et al 1177Sec. 43 SW/4 of 43 1178Sec. 28 Clayton Durbin 1179Sec. 29 Est. Salvatore Divencenti 1611Sec. 29 Joe Liuzza after 1611Sec. 6 Ard’s Chapel Church 1630Sec. 33 Pete Arnone 1692Sec. 9 A.E. Cefalu 1708Sec. 6 John Conti 1812Sec. 43 Oneal Butler 1863Sec. 1 Carrier 1876Sec. 25 Dr. John D. Jackson 1878Sec. 43 Simmie Jones, Jr. 1884Sec. 5 Road Dedication (Tycer Park, see 3078)1895?Sec. 51 20.07 acres 1924Sec. 36 Tangi Parish Police Jury 1931Sec. 34 Property 1934Sec. 33 Isaiah Varnado 1947Sec. 6 Vincent Gulino 1957Sec. 51 Plot Plan on St. Rt. 16 1961Sec. 34 Nick Marciano 1964Sec. 20,21 Est. of Bernando Cascio 1995Sec. 7 Leroy Wilkinson 1996Sec. 32 Audrey Robinson 1998Sec. 9 Property Location 2020Sec. 34 Roosevelt Anderson 2027Sec. 16 Est. of Nicolo Lascaro 2038Sec. 16 Petitto, Pinckney, others 2064Sec. 16 John Carr 2068Sec. 5,8 9.39 acres around Kemp &McClendon 2085Sec. 9,16 ¼ Sec. corner 2087Sec. 6 Aubrey Griffith 2101Sec. 17 Ora Nelms Logan, others 2102Sec. 5 Nic Guzzardo 2147Sec. 28 Between Mason & Giardina 2157
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 17 Harrell Alford 2182Sec. 16 S/2 of Lots 1 & 2 2183Sec. 9 Swift 2203Sec. 48 Melvin G. Miller 2204Sec. 28 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2209Sq. 7 Roseland 3.25 Acre Subdivision 2220Lot 10 Roseland Charles Hudspeth 2221Sec. 48 Plot Plan on State Route 16 2231Sec. 53 L.C. Graham 2237Sec. 8 Larres Foster 2241Sec. 6 Leroy Wilkinson 2246Sec. 51 Martin Almond 2283Sec. 1 Charles Ochman 2285Sec. 33 Rosalie Taylor 2286Sec. 49 Frank & Thomas Bellavia 2302Sec. 28 Heirs of Otelia Britton 2315Sec. 5 Joe Catalanotto 2332Sec. 33 Ruby Moore 2335Sec. 1 Charles Rogers 2353Sec. 28 Nora T. Harrison, Heirs (Tuckerson) 2404 & 2404 ASec. 28 Barbara Ann H. Rudison 2424Sec. 43 Mayola Williams 2448Sec. 43, Lot 4 Edward Coston, Jr. (V. Hgts.) 2576Sec. 20 Nick J. Liuzza 2588Sec. 1 Raymond E. Rutland 2589Sec. 31 Frank S. Nicosia, Jr. 2592? Warren, Walsh—others MSec. 41 Thomas Bellavia 2602Sec. 49 Stanley Anderson 2618Sec. 33 Andrew Cascio 2630HR 46 Louis M. Costanza 2661Sec. 51 Rex Pecora 2662Sec. 16 Thomas Hulsey 2665Sec. 33 Leola Washington 2667Sec. 49 Dwayne Fowler 2670Sec. 8 & 17 Jake Elliot & G.F. Tycer 2677Sec. 52 Mrs. Lorena Roark 2697Sec. 38 Sam Letto 2706Sec. 47 Saragusa 2715Sec. 54 Lots 7, 8 Tangipahoa Sheriff’s Dept. 2724Sec. 37 Louis Conn 2741Sec. 16 Ralph Lipscomb 2743Sec. 50 Morris vs. Prutsman (NE Frac/4-4, W-50) I, HSec. 33 Andrew Cascio 2807Sec. 1 Harold Wright 2812Sec. 33 Andrew Cascio for Harold & Bertha Rogers 2823Sec. 33 Wallace Seals 2830Sec. 51 J.D. Stevens 2845Sec. 1 Lot 1 Whit Pierce & Garry Lilley (Willston Sub.) 2850Sec. 8 Willie Carr 2860
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 43 John Mabry 2878Sec. John Mabry 2878Sec. 43 John Mabry 2881Sec. 1 Lydia Howell 2883Sec. 1 Michael Rushing 2886Sec. 51 Pecoraro-Schumacher 2907Sec. 51 Don Catha 2908Sec. 29 Joe Arnone 2920Sec. 9 Alphonse Baker 2933Sec. 5 Wash Edwards 2934Sec. 1 Donald Davis 2956Sec. 1, 6 Ellis & Stevens 2955Sec. 1 Ernestine Kring 2959Sec. 54 William T. McKneely 2965Sec. 51 Israel Cutrer 2967Sec. 5 Fred Banks 2997Sec. 16 Pete Giardina 2996Sec. 9 Vincent J. Cefalu 3002Sec. 51 Bruce & Linda Cutrer 3008Sec. 1 & 48 E. Ward Hayden copySec. 32 Lula Jennings Warren (Estate of) 3035Sec. 32 Jimmy Ebarb 3036Sec. 6 Edward Baham 3044Sec. 48 & 1 Stewart Carrier 3049Sec. 1 (large Dr.) Maize Hayden 3051Sec. 50 Joey Guzzardo 3066Sec. 1 Carlo Venterella 3068Sec. 28 Paul Genco 3069Sec. 37 E.W. Anderson 3073Sec. 1 Carlo Venterella 3083Sec. 49 Frank Bellavia 3105Sec. 6 Davis Johnson 3109Sec. 5 Farm Service Center 3120Sec. 9 Charles Fulda 3121Sec. 50 Randall Lambert 3123Sec. 5 Brumfield Motors 3125Sec. 9 Billy Whit Lambert 3142Sec. 1 John R. Green 3145Sec. 28 Arnone Farms 3209Sec. 50 Lawrence & Tommy J. Reid 3225Sec. 47 Louis V. Saragusa & Christine Downs Saragusa 3285Sec. 28 Beverly Brumfield 3305Sec. 10 Cleo & Dora Bridges 3313Sec. 20 Jo Ann Lea 3319Sec. 43 Rosa Stevenson 3328Sec. 20 Salvador Perez 3325Sec. 50 Richard P. Currier 3337Sec. 43 3340Sec. 32 Jimmy Ebarb 3357Sec. 37 Danny Miller 3365Sec. 28 Jack Liuzza 3371Sec. 51 Anthony & Paulette DiBenitto 3400Sec. 5 Ann Guzzardo-Knight 3414Sec. 37 Anthony & Frances Durio 3418
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 6 John K. Trabona 3461Sec. 5 Vincent & Jake Campo (Amite) 3407Sec. 6 Ann Guzzardo-Knight 3414Sec. 4 Episcopal Church (Amite) 3439Sec. 4 E. Olive First Guaranty Bank (Amite) 3440Sec. 5 Tycer, et al (Amite) 3419Sec. 9 W. Palmetto McClendon Est. (Amite) 3412
Sec. 37 John Brumfield 3401-ASec. 37 Anthony Durion 3418Sec. 50 Sanders Sub. D.H. Sanders (Amite) 3434Sec. 50 Sanders Jerry Poston (Amite) 3458Sec. 51 Edgar Ray Smith III 3454Sec. 51 David Scott Sandage 3485
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 5 & 8 Amite McClendon & others 591Sec. 50 E. Mulberry Delos H. Jones Amite 621Sec. 9 E. Cherry Moses Butler Amite 622Sec. 9 & Sq. 36 Jones, Sterns, butler, others Amite 627Sq. A, Reid Add Booker Lawson Amite 643Sec. 28 Sinclair Station 688Sec. 50, Duncan Ave. D.H. Goldsby Amite 700Sec. 5, Tycer Pk E.J. & K.W. Courtney Amite 711Sec. 5 Crossing of US Why. 51 & ICRR 716Sec. 50 Paul Wayne Amite 730Sec. 33, 3, 7 Frierson Amite 1048Sec. 4, On N. Laurel Charlie Vernon Amite 1060Sec. 5, W. Palmetto J.O. Williams Amite 1063Sq. Mrs. Maude Borst Amite 1078Sec. 4 Mulb Olive Locations Amite 1080Sec. 4 Hickory St. R.C. Fussell Amite 1082Sec. 4 Vining, Kemp Amite 1110Par. E & L. 25 & 26 Statham, Rowdon, Frohn, Bennettt 2261? Warren, Walsh, others MSec. 1 Emmett Braddy 575Sec. 1 James Clark 580Sec. 1 Est. of Thomas J. Ridgedell 588Sec. 1 NE/4 of NE/4 992Sec. 1 Hezzie Lee 993Sec. 1 Unknown 994Sec. 1 Stewart Carrier & Lloyd Dreher 995Sec. 1 N/2 of SE/4 of SW/2 of 1 996Sec. 1 Lloyd Dreher 997Sec. 1 George Statham 998Sec. 1 Carrier 1876Sec. 1 Charles Ochman 2285Sec. 1 Charles Rogers 2353Sec. 1, Lot 1 Whit Pierce & Garry Lilley 2850Sec. 1 Raymond E. Rutland 2589Sec. 1 Harold Wright 2812Sec. 1 Lydia Howell 2883Sec. 1 Michael Rushing 2886Sec. 1 Donald Davis 2956Sec.1 Ellis & Stevens 2955Sec. 1 Kring, Ernestine 2959Sec. 1 E. Hard Hayden copySec. 1 Stewart Carrier 3049Sec. 1 Hayden, Maize (large drawer) 3051Sec. 1 Carlo Venterella 3083Sec. 1 John R. Green 3145Sec. 1 Mary Lou Parker 3214
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4, 5 Thomas E. Tycer 454Sec. 4 Conerly D. Robertson 570Sec. 4 G.K. Fortenberry, Jr. 623Sec. 4 Locations on Hickolry Street 642Sec. 4 Longley Addition 644Sec. 4 In Tycer Park 649Sec. 4 Coleman & Garland 685Sec. 4 Sq. A Booker Lawson 691Sec. 4 Garland & Coleman 694Sec. 4 George Guzzardo 695Sec. 4 Town of Amite City 696Sec. 4 Ballard & Reid Addition 697Sec. 4, L. 5, 7, B.1 John Kemp Dreher 698Sec. 4 Armette Morgan 701Sec. 4, L. 14 B.1 Jeff Easley 702Sec. 4 Stanley Morrison 703Sec. 4 US Post Office 704Sec. 4 Luther H. Dyson 715Sec. 4, L. 9, 10 S. 15 Sam N. Guzzardo 729ASec. 4 M.L. Richardson 731Sec. 4 Conway Guiteau 732
Sec. 4 Antulovich & McClendon 736Sec. 4 Dr. R.W. Osborn 739Sec. 4 Mrs. C.M. Gaines 999Sec. 4, 50 Elliott Property 1000Sec. 4, 50 Mrs. M.V. Fortenberry 1001Sec. 4 V.H. Spring 1003Sec. 4 Golda Thomas 1004Sec. 4 Locations 1030Sec. 4 H. Mixon 1046Sec. 4 R.H. Morris 1050Sec. 4, 50 Judge Clay Elliot 1059Sec. 4, L1, B16 James R. Williams 2185Sec. 4 Dr. Thomas C. Evans, Jr. 2188Sec. 4, 5 John D. Ponder 2205Sec. 4 Town of Amite City 2206Sec. 4 George Emerson Ballard Estate 2207Sec. 4 E.J. & K.W. Courtney 2208Sec. 4 Fred Jenkins 2239Sec. 4 Edgar Letard 2252Sec. 4 ? 2255Sec. 4, 5 Larry J. Swofford 2303Sec. 4 Tommy Lee Brown 2311Sec. 4, L 12 B. Z Gerald Norman 2842Sec. 4, 9 Westdale Subdivision 2848Sec. 4, 9 Westdale Subdivision 2900Sec. 4 Fieldon H. Stafford 2569Sec. 4 Horace Martin 2796Sec. 4 Prentiss Carter, Jr. 2449Sec. 4, 50 Robert Russell 1054Sec. 4 Harold & Ruth J. Stokes 3082Sec. 4 (First) Baptist Church Property Lot 29 1072Sec. 4 Episcopal Church (Amite) 3439Sec. 4 First Guaranty (Amite) 3440
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 6 B.E. Kemp 481Sec. 6 B.E. Kemp 482Sec. 6 John Conti 584Sec. 6 Leonard Genco, et al 771Sec. 6 Joe N. Guzzardo 1011Sec. 6 Leonard Genco 1012Sec. 6 Gulf Oil Corporation 1013Sec. 6 R.J. Bennett 1014Sec. 6 Nicholas Conti & others 1015Sec. 6 Dominic Guiseppe Scemeca 1016Sec. 6 Rony Bush, Sr. 1017Sec. 6, 7 Vince Spitale 1018Sec. 6 NE/4 of SE/4 1019Sec. 6 Ard’s Chapel Church 1630Sec. 6 John Conti 1812Sec. 6 Vincent Gulino 1957Sec. 6 Aubrey Griffith 2101Sec. 6 Leroy Wilkinson 2246Sec. 6 Ellis & Stevens 2955Sec. 6 Edward Baham 3044Sec. 6 Davis Johnson 3109Sec. 6 Ann Guzzardo-Knight 3414Sec. 6 John K. Trabona 3461Sec. 7 Billy Corkern 603Sec. 7 Hollie Amacker 1020Sec. 7 Leroy Wilkinson 1996
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 8 Emile Muse 1021Sec. 8 Emile Muse 1023Sec. 8 Kemp Property, right-of-way, etc. 2178Sec. 8 Larres Foster 2241Sec. 8 Larres Foster 2254Sec. 8, 17 Jake Elliot & G.F. Tycer 2677Sec. 8 Willie Carr 2860Sec. 9, 10 Conway Butler 628Sec. 9 Charles J. Fulda, Jr. 630Sec. 9 Cefalu Subdivision 633Sec. 9 Earl Cefalu 634Sec. 9 John Fulda 635Sec. 9, 10 LA Gas Service Co. 640Sec. 9 Fred Anderson 650Sec. 9, 54 George Harpole 651Sec. 9 Oscar Butler, Sr. 658Sec. 9 Taylor Addition 713Sec. 9 Moses Butler 714Sec. 9, B. 45 Hood, Anderson, Moock 721Sec. 9 E.A. Letarde, Jr. 722Sec. 9, 10 Miss Clara Morgan 1024Sec. 9, 54 George Harpole 1025Sec. 9 Tony Bush, Jr. 1026BSec. 9, 16 H.D. Story 1027Sec. 9 Elija Cooper 1028Sec. 9 Lloyd J. Dees 1032Sec. 9, 10 Monroe & Lillie Dillon 1031Sec. 9, 10 Moses Butler 1033Sec. 9 Emily Bush 1034Sec. 9 Locations Amite Building & Supply 1035Sec. 9 L. Ridgedell 1036Sec. 9, 54 George Harpole 1037Sec. 9 A.E. Cefalu 1038Sec. 9 Locations 1039Sec. 9, 10 Miss Clara Morgan 1040Sec. 9 Mrs. Brady & E.H. Bostick 1041Sec. 9 Moses Butler 1051Sec. 9 Emily Bush 1067Sec. 9 Locations 1068Sec. 9 George Harpole 1091Sec. 9 Tony Bush, Jr. 1104Sec. 9 Lawrence & Marilyn 3295
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 9, 54 George Harpole 1130Sec. 9 A.E. Cefalu 1708Sec. 9, 10 Church of God in Christ 1788Sec. 9 Robert Zanders 1799Sec. 9, 10 Church of God in Christ 1877Sec. 9 John Callihan 1885Sec. 9 S. 3rd & Palmetto 1943Sec. 9 Allie Ruth Leonard 1943ASec. 9 Property Location 2020Sec. 9, 16 ¼ Sec. Corner 2087Sec. 9 Kennedy Sim Co., S 3rd Street 2103Sec. 9 Swift 2203Sec. 9 C. Venterella 2243Sec. 9 Johnnie Pool 2840Sec. 9 R.D. Westmoreland 2437Sec. 9 Alphonse Baker 2933Sec. 9 Vincent J. Cefalu 3002Sec. 9 Amite Building & Supply (Pecora) 3031Sec. 9 Caretha J. Morris (Tony Bush, Jr. Subdiv.) 3085Sec. 9 Charles Fulda 3121Sec. 9 Billy Whit Lambert 3142Sec. 10 Cleo & Dora Bridges 3292Sec. 10 Cleo & Dora Bridges 3313Sec. 15, 16 Locations 620Sec. 15, 16 Nicolo Lascario 641Sec. 15, 16 Est. of Frances McMichael 963Sec. 9 McClendon Eset (Amite, W. Palmetto) 3412
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 16 J.E. Girdener 568Sec. 16 A.E. Hood, Jr. 598Sec. 16 Sam Arnone 601Sec. 16, 54 H.D. Story 619Sec. 16, 37 Urich Brumfield & Clarence Cryer 961Sec. 16 Est. N. Lascaro & Anthony Lascaro 962Sec. 16 George Pinkney 964Sec. 16 Jno. W. Richardson 965Sec. 16 John Ruffino 966Sec. 16 Location 967Sec. 16 Est. of Nicolo Lascaro 2038Sec. 16 Petitto, Pinkney, others 2064Sec. 16 John Carr 2068Sec. 16 S/2 of L. 1 & 2 2183Sec. 16 Thomas Hulsey 2665Sec. 16 Ralph Lipscomb 2743Sec. 16 Pete Giardina 2996Sec. 17 N. End of Frac. 17 618Sec. 17 NE/4 of NE/4 of 18-4-7 969Sec. 17 Ora Nelms Logan, others 2102
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 20 J.W. Stevens 565Sec. 20 Frank Rick, Jr. 567Sec. 20 E/2 599ASec. 20, 21 Est. of Bernando Cascio 1995Sec. 20 Nick J. Liuzza 2588Sec. 20 Faust, Jo Ann & Edward C. 3210Sec. 20 Salvador Perez 3325Sec. 21 Mary G.R., Jr. & Robert McMichael 564Sec. 21 Locations 970Sec. 21 Gas Line 971Sec. 21, 28 Locations 972Sec. 21, 28 Miceli-Spitalle 973Sec. 21 SW/4 974Sec. 21 Locations 976Sec. 23, 26, 42 Anderson & Cefalu 617Sec. 25, 26 Subdivision 975Sec. 25 Dr. John D. Jackson 1878Sec. 26 2.00 Acres 585
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Jack Liuzza 65Sec. 28 11.68 acres 569Sec. 28 Katie Simms & Mabel Jackson 577Sec. 28 2 acres 578Sec. 28 Mrs. Annie Muscarello 614Sec. 28 1 acre in N/2 615Sec. 28 Joe Giardina 616Sec. 28 Locations L. 6 978Sec. 28 Locations in L. 6 979Sec. 28 Locations 981Sec. 28 Vincent Misito 982Sec. 28 John Petitto 983Sec. 28 Paul Palerma 984Sec. 28 Willie A. & Agnes Brown 985Sec. 28 Peter Lopinto 986Sec. 28 Salvador Arnone & Althea Crosby 987Sec. 28 Sinclair Dist. Station 988Sec. 28 D.P. McMichael 980Sec. 28 NW/4 of 28 991Sec. 28 Clayton Durbin 1179Sec. 28 Between Mason & Giardina 2157Sec. 28 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2209Sec. 28 John Mabry 2878Sec. 28 Barbara Ann H. Rudison 2424Sec. 28 Heirs of Otelia Britton 2315Sec. 28, Tuckerson Nora T. Harrison, heirs 2404 & 2404ASec. 28 Arnone Farms 3209Sec. 28 Willie Miller 3278Sec. 28, Lot 5 Brumfield, Beverly 3305Sec. 28 Jack Liuzza 3371Sec. 29 Alvin Hoden 576Sec. 29 George D. Harpole 989Sec. 29 Florida Parishes Homestead 990Sec. 29 Est. Salvatore Divincenti 1611Sec. 29 Joe Liuzza After 1611Sec. 29 Sam Arnone 2920
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Est. Frank Nicosia 583Sec. 31 W/2 of Frac. Sec. 31 586Sec. 31 Frank S. Nicosia, Jr. 2592Sec. 31 Miss Minnie Hughes & Jack Jenkins 1131Sec. 32 Jimmie Ebarb 3357Sec. 32 Frank & Sarah R. Mashon 1133Sec. 32, 45 From Frank Mashon to Federal Land Bank 1134Sec. 32 L.C. Durbin 1135Sec. 32 Viola & Fletcher 1136Sec. 32 Locations 1137Sec. 32 Audrey Robinson 1998Sec. 32, 33 T.A. Tycer Heirs 2686Sec. 32 Lula Jennings Warren (Estate) (Guidry) 3035Sec. 32 Jimmy Ebarb 3036Sec. 33 Est. of Loretta Vullo 599Sec. 33 Locations 1138Sec. 33 Israelite Baptist Church 1139Sec. 33 Locations 1140Sec. 33 Israelite Baptist Church 1141Sec. 33 Mrs. Angelina Nicolosi 1142Sec. 33 B.A. Felder 1143Sec. 33 Sam Garalotoro 1144Sec. 33 Polito 1145Sec. 33 Locations 1146Sec. 33 Guiseppe Lagatuta 1147Sec. 33 B.A. Felder 1148Sec. 33 Location 19.05 acres 1149Sec. 33 Est. of Mays and Elizabeth Warren 1150Sec. 33 Pete Arnone 1692Sec. 33 Isaiah Varnado 1947Sec. 33 Rosalie Taylor 2286Sec. 33 Ruby Moore 2335Sec. 33 Andrew Cascio 2630Sec. 33 Leola Washington 2667Sec. 33 Andrew Cascio 2807Sec. 33 Andrew Cascio for Harold & Bertha Roberts 2823Sec. 33 Wallace Seals 2830Sec. 33 Joyce Starks 3295A
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 34 Mid-States Homes 594Sec. 34 Vincent Magliola 604Sec. 34 Est. of Josephine Piazza 605Sec. 34 Joe Larusa 1151Sec. 34 Mrs. Cologera Degrudo 1153Sec. 34 Property 1934Sec. 34 Roosevelt Anderson 2027Sec. 35 Loreto Vicari 1152Sec. 36 Paul Wiggins 606Sec. 36 John Huck 610Sec. 36 Lot 3 1154Sec. 36 Subd. Of SW/4 1155Sec. 36 Subd. N/2 of 36 1156Sec. 36 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1931Sec. 37 Alon L. Wall 593Sec. 37 C. Wehman Fitz 596Sec. 37 Weyman Fitz 607Sec. 37 Mrs. Ella Strickland 1157Sec. 37 Philip Cooper 1158Sec. 37 Brumfield & Cryer 1159Sec. 37 E.V., R.!., George P. McMichael 1160Sec. 37 Sam Petitto 1161Sec. 37 Corine McMichael Barlow 1162Sec. 37 Corine McMichael Barlow 1163Sec. 37 Mrs. Ella Strickland 1164Sec. 37 Mrs. Catherine Conerly 1165Sec. 37 Locations along East Line 1166Sec. 37 Rayford E. Conerly 1167Sec. 37 Louis Conn 2741Sec. 37 E.W. Anderson 3073Sec. 37 Danny Miller 3365Sec. 37 Anthony & Frances Durio 3418Sec. 37 John Brumfield 3401-ASec. 38 Sam Letto 2706
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 39 Anderson Gravel Company 590Sec. 39 Fred Anderson 596Sec. 39 Michael Fenn 1168Sec. 39 Starns and McMichael 1169Sec. 39 T.A. Tycer 1170Sec. 41 Thomas Bellavia 2602Sec. 42 D. Carney and E. Ard 589Sec. 42 C.L. Dykes 613Sec. 42 Mesaro Brothers 977Sec. 43 Rosa Stevenson 3328Sec. 43 Mike Leto 579Sec. 42 Velma Heights/Sam Arnone 612Sec. 43 John Johnson 1171Sec. 43 Location of 14.10 acre tract 1172Sec. 43 A. Bickham 1173Sec. 43 Leander Butler 1174Sec. 43 Leander Butler 1175Sec. 43 Mrs. Ella Conwell 1176Sec. 43 Locations 1177Sec. 43 SW/4 of 43 1178Sec. 43 Simmie Jones, Jr. 1884Sec. 43 Mayola Williams 2448Sec. 43 John Mabry 2878 2881Sec. 43 Carl & Cynthia Head 3269Sec. 43 3340
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 44 Lyon Lbr. Co. 1111Sec. 44 Jacob Smith 1112Sec. 46, 51 Dr. Neiset 712Sec. 46, 47 Miss Nell Lynne 1113Sec. 46 Robert Tony 1114Sec. 46 Henry Lynne 1115H.R. 46 Louis M. Costanza 2661Sec. 47 Benton O. Bickham 609Sec. 47 Saragusa 2715Sec. 47 Saragusa, Louis V. & Christine Downs 3285Sec. 48 Melvin G. Miller 2204Sec. 48 Plot Plan on State Route 16 2231Sec. 48 & 1 Stewart Carrier 3049Sec. 49 Jesse P. Lagarde 581Sec. 49 H.M. Grice 608Sec. 49 Spring to Amite 1116Sec. 49 William Spring 1117Sec. 49 Frank & Thomas Bellavia 2302Sec. 49, 51 Stanley Anderson 2618Sec. 49 Dwayne Fowler 2670Sec. 49 Frank Bellavia 3105
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 50 H.S. Weigel 571Sec. 50 Sarah Balsano 572Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman 573Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman 574Sec. 50 Charles R. Eldridge, Jr. 600Sec. 50 Sugar Hill Farm 624Sec. 50 Vincent Falcone 625Sec. 50 D.H. Sanders Realty 626Sec. 50 Clemons & Fortinberry 629Sec. 50 Mrs. C.M. Mixon 637Sec. 50 Elm, Mulberry, and Hardy Sts. 647Sec. 50 Charles E. Darouse 648Sec. 50 Horace R. Reid 684Sec. 50 Delos Jones 705Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman 708Sec. 50 Robert Finger 725Sec. 50 , 4 Horace R. Reid 727Sec. 50 Henry Moak 728Sec. 50 Philip Barr 770Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman 1079Sec. 50 L. H. Martin 1105Sec. 50 Location 1107Sec. 50 Dean & D.J. Ellzey III 1108Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman & Mrs. Audry Mixon 1118Sec. 50 Sanders Realty Co. & Sarah Balsano 1119Sec. 50 Marion Stewart 1120Sec. 50 Amite Cemetery Assn. 1121Sec. 50 Hugh Bernard 1631Sec. 50 John M. Hancock (Old Man’s Place) 1685Sec. 50 JoAnn Cavaretta 1898Sec. 50 Tangi Construction Co. 2025Sec. 50 Andy Cascio 2098Sec. 50 East of Duncan Ave. 2228Sec. 50 Charles Cumpston 2236Sec. 50 Salvadore C. Fajoni 2264Sec. 50 Greg Brumfield 2669Sec. 50 Anderw Cascio 2672Sec. 50 Robert L. Pipkin 2678Sec. 50 Andrew Cascio 2707Sec. 50 Vivian Lea 2879Sec. 50 Robert Y. Thompson, Jr. 2567Sec. 50 Morris vs. Prutsman (NE frac/4-4, W-50) I, HSec. 50 Burlie & Wilma Wales (Old Man’s Place) 2605Sec. 50 Fred Settoon 2971Sec. 50 Rev. Jerry Poston Yellow Chair 2678Sec. 50 Randall Lambert 3123Sec. 50 Reid, Lawrence & Tommy J. 3225Sec. 50 Richard P. Currier 3337Sec. 50 Jerrry Poston 3458Sec. 50 Bl. 2 & 3 D.H. Sanders Sub. 3434
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 51 James Capdeboscq 595Sec. 51 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miller 656Sec. 51 Locations 1122Sec. 51 Lafayette Hayden 1123Sec. 51 20.07 acres 1924Sec. 51 Plot Plan on St. Rt. 16 1061Sec. 51 Rex Pecora 2662Sec. 51 J.D. Stevens 2845Sec. 51 Pecoraro-Schumacher 2907Sec. 51 Don Catha 2908Sec. 51 Martin Almond 2283Sec. 51 Cutrer, Israel 2967Sec. 51 Bruce & Linda Cutrer 3008Sec. 51 Anthony & Paulette Di Beneditto 3400Sec. 51 Edgar Ray Smith III 3454Sec. 52 Mrs. Lorena Roark 2697Sec. 52 Floyd Williams 1124Sec. 53 Leon Cutrer 592Sec. 53 Mrs. Thelma P. Gordon 602Sec. 53 Kemp Hayden or Jessie Clark 1125Sec. 53 Thomas Zachary 1126Sec. 53 Gullett Gin Co. to Federal Land Bank of N.O. 1127Sec. 53 Gus Cutrer 1128Sec. 53 J. Ferguson 1129Sec. 53 L.C. Graham 2237Sec. 53 Henry N. & Trey Varnado 3159Sec. 54 Nick Marciano 1964Sec. 54 Town of Amite City 2184Sec. 54 Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Department 2724Sec. 54 William T. McKneely 2965
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 5 Addison, Bruce E. 2235L. 6, 7, 12, 13 B. 1 AM Addison ,McPherson, LeBlanc 2775Sec. 51 Almond, Martin 2283Sec. 7 Amacker, Hollie 1020Sec. 50 Amite Cemetery Association 1121Sec. 9 Amite Hardware Co. 1096Sec. 4 B. 15 Amite City, Town of 2206Sec. 4 Amite City, Town of 696Sec. 54 Amite City, Town of 2184Sec. 9 Anderson, Fred 650Sec. 39 Anderson, Fred 597Sec. 39 Anderson, Gravel Co. 590Sec. 9, B. 45 Anderson, Hood, Moack 721Sec. 34 Anderson, Roosevelt 2027Sec. 49, 7, 51 Anderson, Stanley 2618Sec. 23, 26, 42 Anderson & Cefalu 617Sec. 4 Antulovich & McClendon 736B. 26 AM Anzalone, John Dr. 2169Sec. 6 Ard’s Chapel Church 2630Sec. 29 Arnone, Joe 2920Sec. 33 Arnone, Pete 1692Sec. 28 Arnone, Salvador & Althea Crosby 987Sec. 16 Arnone, Sam 601Sec. 43 Arnone, Sam/Velma Heights 612Sec. 42 Ard, D. Carney & E. 589Sec. 9 Amite Building & Supply (Pecora) 3031Sec. 37 Anderson, E.W. 3073Sec. 28 Arnone Farms 3209
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 5 B. 10 Tycer Park Baer, Max 2570Sec. 9 Balker, Alphonse 2933Sec. 4 Ballard, George Emerson, Estate of 2207Sec. 4 Ballard & Reid Addition 697Sec. 50 Balsano, Sarah 572Sec. 50 Balsano, Sarah & Sanders Realty Co. 1119L. 1, 2 ACY AM Bankston, Joe Willie 2556Sec. 37 Barlow, Coring McMichael 1163Sec. 37 Barlow, Corine McMichael 1162Sec. 50 Barr, Philip 770Sec. 49 Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2302Sec. 50, L 5, 6 B. 1Sanders Sub. AM Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2613Sec. 50 L 6, 7 B. 1Sanders Subd. AM Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2614Sec. 50, B. 1 L 5, 6, 7Sanders Subd. AM Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2612Sec. 50, B. 1 L 5, 6, 7Sanders Subd. AM Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2615Sec. 41 Bellavia, Thomas 2602B.C. Bennett, D.L. 1061Sec. 6 Bennett, R.J. 1014L. 5, 6 B. 9 Bennett, Statham, Rowdon, Frohn 2261Sec. 50 Bernard, Hugh 1631L. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Berry, Frank A. 690Sec. 43 Bickham, A. 1173Sec. 47 Bickham, Benton O. 609Sec.: Borst, Maude Mrs. 1078Sec. 9 Bostick, Mrs. Brady & E.H. 1041Sec. 1 Braddy, Emmett 575Sec. 28 Britton, Otelia, Heirs of 2315Munc #7, ENPL, AM Brown, Sidney 2560Sec. 4 Brown, Tommy Lee 2311Sec. 28 Brown, Willie A. & Agnes 985B. 21, AM Brumfield, E.L. 1044L 1, 2, 3, B. 2 Sanders Sub Brumfield, Greg 2669Sec. 16, 37 Brumfield, Urich & Clarence Cryer 961Sec. 37 Brumfield & Cryer 1159B. 44, 45 Bryant, D.L. Dr. 738Sec. 9 Bush, Emily 1034Sec. 9 Bush, Emily 1067Sec. 6 Bush, Tony Sr. 1017Sec. 9 Bush, Tony Jr. 1026BSec. 9 Bush, Tony Jr. 1104Sec. 9, 10 Butler, Conway 628Sec. 43 Butler, Leander 1175Sec. 43 Butler, Leander 1174Sec. 9 AM Butler, Moses 714Sec. 9 Butler, Moses 1051Sec. 9, 10 Butler, Moses 1033Sec. ? Butler, Moses 622Sec. 43 Butler, Oneal 1863Sec. 9 Butler, Oscar Sr. 658Sec. ? Butler, Jones, Sterns, others 627L. 1, 2, 38, 39 B. Stern Co. 1072
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 11 B. 7 B. Stern Co., Ltd. 723Sec. 5 Banks, Fred 2997Sec. 6 Baham, Ed 3044Sec. 49 Bellavia, Frank 3105Sec. 4 T4S R7E (First) Baptist Church property 1072Sec. 5 Brumfield Motors 3125Sec. 28, Lot 5 Brumfield, Beverly 3305Sec. 10 Bridges, Cleo & Dora 3292Sec. 10 Bridges, Cleo & Dora 3313Sec. 37 Brumfield, John 3401-A
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 9 Callihan, John 1885Sec. 51 Capdeboscq, James 595Sec. 16 Carr, John 2068Sec. 8 Carr, Willie 2860Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 1806Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 611Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 1634Sec. 1 Carrier, Stewart & Lloyd Dreher 995Sec. 1 Carrier 1876Sec. 4 Carter, Prentiss Jr. 2449Sq. 40 AM Cartwright, A.S. 1101Sec. 33 Cascio, Andrew for Harold & Bertha Rogers 2823Sec. 33 Cascio, Andrew 2630Sec. 50 Cascio, Andrew 2707Sec. 33 Cascio, Andrew 2807Sec. 50 Cascio, Andrew 2098L 16, 18 B. 2 Sand Sub Cascio, Andrew 2672Sec. 20, 21 Cascio, Bernando, Estate of 1995Sec. 5 Catalanotto, Jake, Estate of 587Sec. 5 Catalanotto, Joe 2332Sec. 51 Catha, Don 2908Sec. 50 Cavaretta, JoAnn 1898Sq. 12, AM Cefalu, A. Earle 639Sec. 9 Cefalu, A.E. 1038Sec. 9 Cefalu, A.E. 1708Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earl 634Sec. 9 Cefalu Subdivision 633Sec. 23, 26, 42 Cefalu & Anderson 617L. 6, 7, 8 B. 9 Cefalu & Ponder 1085Sec. 9, 10 Church of God in Christ 1788Sec. 9, 10 Church of God in Christ 1877Sec. 1 Clark, James 580Sec. 53 Clark, Jessie or Kemp Hayden 1125Sec. 50 Clemons & Fortinberry 629Sec. 4 Coleman & Garland 694Sec. 4 Coleman & Garland 685Sec. 5, 8 Collins, A.L. 1005Sec. 37 Conerly, Catherine Mrs. 1165L. 11, 14, 15 B. 32 AM Conerly, Elvis J. 1955Sec. 37 Conerly, Rayford E. 1167Sec. 37 Conn, Louis 2741Sec. 6 Conti, John 1812Sec. 6 Conti, John 584Sec. 6 Conti, Nicolas & others 1015Sec. 43 Conwell, Ella, Mrs. 1176Sec. 9 Cooper, Elija 1028Sec. 37 Cooper, Phillip 1158Sec. 7 Corkern, Billy 603B. 47 Corkern, Leah Mrs. 1049HR 46 Costanza, Louis M. 2661L. 4 V HGTS, Sec. 43 Coston, Edward Jr. 2576
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Courtney, E.J. & K.W. 2208? Courtney, E.J. & K.W. 711Sec. 16, 37 Cryer, Clarence & Urich Brumfield 961Sec. 28 Crosby, Althea & Salvadore Arnone 987Sec. 37 Cryer & Brumfield 1159Sec. 50 Cumpston ,Charles 2236L. 10, 11 S 21 AM Currier, Joseph & Vera 734L. 11 B. 10 TY PK Curts, James H. 2554Sec. 53 Cutrer, Gus 1128Sec. 53 Cutrer, Leon 592Sec. 51 Cutrer, Israel 2967Sec. 9 Cefalu, Vincent J. 3002Sec. 51 Cutrer, Bruce & Linda 3008Sec. 48 & 1 Carrier, Stewart 3049Parallelogram G Carpenter, Fred & Barbara 3206Sec. 50 Currier, Richard P. 3337Sec. 5 Campo, Vincent & Jake (Amite) 3407
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 50 Darouse, Charles E. 648Sec. 4, L 5, 7 B 1 AM Dreher, John Kemp 698Sec. 1 Dreher, Lloyd 997Sec. 9 Dees, Lloyd J. 1032L. 9, 10 B. 15 Dees, Margaret 1055Sec. 34 Degrudo, Cologera Mrs. 1153Sec. 9, 10 Dillon, Monroe & Lillie 1031Sec. 29 Divincenti, Salvatore, Estate of 1611L. 20 Lake Subd. AM Dowden, Carl 2266Sec. 1 Dreher, Lloyd & Stewart Carrier 995Sec. 28 Durbin, Clayton 1179Sec. 32 Durbin, L.C. 1135Sec. 42 Dykes, C.L. 613Sec. 4 Dyson, Luther H. 715Sec. 1 Davis, Donald 2950Sec. 51 DiBeneditto, Anthony & Paulette 3400Sec. 37 Durio, Anthony & Frances 3418Sec. 4 L. 14 B. 1 AM Easley, Jeff 702Sec. 5 Edwards, Wash 2934Sec. 50 Eldridge, Charles R. Jr. 600B. 8, 26 Elliott, Bldg. 1097Sec. 8, 17 Elliott, Jake & G.F. Tycer 2677Sec. 4, 50 Elliott, Judge Clay 1059Sec. 4, 50 Elliott Property 1000Sec. 50 Ellzey, Dean & D.J. 1108Sec. 4 Evans, Thomas C. Jr. Dr. 2188Sec. 1, 6 Ellis & Stevnes 2955Sec. 32 Ebarb, Jimmy 3036Lots 35 & 36Harlem Villages Edwards, Wash & Linda Edwards 3182Sec. 32 Ebarb, Jimmy 3352Sec. 4, E. Olive St. Episcopal Church (Amite) 3439
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 50 Fajoni, Salvadore C. 2264Sec. 50 Falcone, Vincent 625Sec. 5 Farm Service Center 2873B. 9 AM Federal Post Office 1089Sec. 33 Felder, B.A. 1148Sec. 33 Felder, B.A. 1143Sec. 39 Fenn, Michael 1168Sec. 53 Ferguson, J. 1129Sec. 50 Finger, Robert 725Sec. 37 Fitz, C. Wehman 596L. 2 B. 6 Tycer PK Fitz, C. Wehman 2548Sec. 37 Fitz, Weyman 607Sec. 32 Fletcher & Viola 1136B. C AM Fleming, Frank & Jennell 733Sec. 29 Florida Parishes Homestead 990Sec. 50 Fortinberry & Clemons 629Sec. 4 Fortinberry, G.K. Jr. 623Sec. 4, 50 Fortenberry, M.V. Mrs. 1001Amite Fortenberry, Robert & William 646Sec. 8 Foster, Larres 2241Sec. 8 Foster, Larres 2254Sec. 49 Fowler, Dwane 2670L. 5, 6 B. 9 Sec. 4 Frohn, Statham, Rowdon, Bennett (Amite) 2261Sec. 9 Fulda, Charles J. Jr. 630Sec. 9 Fulda, John 635Sec. ? Fussell, R.C. 1082Sec. 5 Farm Service Center 3120Sec. 9 Fulda, Charles 3121Sec. 20 Faust, Edward C. & Jo Ann 3210Sec. 9 Fulda, Charles 3257Sec. 4 First Guaranty Bank (E. Olive St.) 3440
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Gaines, C.M. Mrs. 999Sec. 21 Gas Line 971Sec. 33 Garalotoro, Sam 1144Sec. 4 AM Garland & Coleman 694Sec. 4 Garland & Coleman 685Munc #710, ENPL, AM Gatipon, Mr. & Mrs. Henry 2558, 2559L. 3, 4 B. 20 TY PK AM Gay, Donald 2196Sec. 6 Genco, Leonard et al 771Sec. 6 Genco, Leonard 1012L. 1, 2 B. 8 AM Genco, Paul 2343Sec. 28 Giardina, Joe 616Sec. 28 Giardina & Mason –Between 2157Sec. 16 Girdener, J.E. 568B. 19 AM Goings, Mollie Mrs. 1043L. 14, 15, 16 Goldsby, A.F. 1058Sec.? Goldsby, D.H. 700Sec. 53 Gordon, Thelma, P. Mrs. 602Sec. 53 Graham, L.C. 2237Sec. 5 Gray, Lee 2825L. 4 B. 12 TYPK Gray, Lee L. 2565Sec. 49 Grice, H.M. 608Sec. 6 Griffith, Aubrey 2101Sec. 4 Guiteau, Conway 732Sec. 6 Gulf Oil Corporation 1013Sec. 6 Gulino, Vincent 1957Sec. 53 Gullett Gin Co. to Federal LandBank of N.O. 1127Sec. 4, B. 24 AM Guzzardo, George 695Sec. 6 Guzzardo, Joe N. 1011Sec. 5 Guzzardo, Nic 2147Sec. 4 L. 9, 10 Sw 15 Guzzardo, Sam N. 729ASec. 16 Giardina, Pete 2996Sec. 50 Guzzardo, Joey 3066Sec. 28 Genco, Paul 3069Sec. 1 Green, John R. 3145Sec. 5 Guzzardo-Knight, Ann (Amite) 3413Sec. 6 Guzzardo-Knight 3414
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 52, 53 Hanby, Dave 1090Sec. 50 Hancock, John M. (Old Man’s Place) 1685Sec. 9 Harpole, George 1091Sec. 9, 54 Harpole, George 1025Sec. 9, 54 Harpole, George 1130Sec. 29 Harpole, George D. 989Sec. 9, 54 Harpole, George 1037Sec. 9, 54 Harpole, George 651SQ 51 Harpole, George 1106L. 3 Est. of Tuckerson Harrison, Nora T. Heirs of 2404, 2404AL. A, B, C, AM Hart, Little 717Sec. 53 Hayden, Kemp, or Jessie Clark 1125Sec. 51 Hayden, Lafayette 1123L. 7 Hendry, B.M. 1047L. 3, B. 17 Hodges, Susie 1075L. 4 Sug H Farm, Am Holcomb, John 2586Sec. 29 Holden, Alvin 576B. 16 Holstead, J.C. 1095Sec. 16 Hood, A.E. Jr. 598Sec. 9, B 45 AM Hood, Anderson, Moock 721Sec. 5 Hornsby, Zola Mae 2778Sec. 1 Howell, Lydia 2883Sec. 36 Huck, John 610L. 10 RO Hudspeth, Charles 2221Sec. 31 Hughes, Minnie Miss & Jack Jenkins 1131Sec. 16 Hulsey, Thomas 2665? Hyde, Sammie 719Sec. 50 Hyman, Geraldine, Mrs. 708Sec. 50 Hyman, Geraldine, Mrs. 1079Sec. 50 Hyman, Geraldine, Mrs. 573Sec. 50 Hyman, Geraldine, Mrs. 574Sec. 50 Hyman, Geraldine Mrs. & Audry Mixon 1118Sec. 1 & 48 Hayden, E. Ward copySec. 1 Hayden, Maize (large drawer T4S R7E) 3051Sec. 43 Head, Carl & Cynthia 3269Sec. 9 Harrison, Lawrence & Marilyn 3295
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 33 Israelite Baptist Church 1141Sec. 33 Israelite Baptist Church 1139Sec. 25 Jackson, John D. Dr. 1878Sec. 28 Jackson, Mabel & Katie Simms 577Sec. 43 Johnson, John 1171B. 21 Johnson, Katherine, Mrs. 1056Sec. 4 Jenkins, Fred 2239Sec. 31 Jenkins, Jack & Miss Minnie Hughes 1131Sec. 50 Jones, Delos 705Sec. ? Jones, Delos H. 621Sec. ? Jones, Sterns, Butler, others 627Sec. 43 Jones, Simmie Jr. 1884Sec. 6 Johnson, Davis 3109Sec. 6 Kemp, B.E. 482Sec. 6 Kemp, B.E. 481Sec. 4 B. 8 Kemp, H.J. 707Sec. 8 Kemp Property, R/W, etc. 2178Sec. 5, 8 Kemp & McClendon (9, 39 A) 2085Sec. 9 Kennedy Sign Co., S 3rd St. 2103L. 4 B. 8 Kentzel, Billie F. 735L. 9 S. 7 Kopfler, E.J. 1083L. 18, 14, 15, 16 S 17 Kopfler, E.J. 1083L. 5 B. 17 Kopfler, Frederick 1086Sec. 5, 6 Kopfler, Catherine Mrs. & Joseph 1006Sec. 1 Kring, Ernestine 2959Sec. 5 Knight, Ann Guzzardo (Amite) 3413Sec. 6 Knight, Ann Guzzardo 3414
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 5 LaBarbera 2713Sec. 49 Latarde, Jesse P. 581Sec. 33 Lagatuta, Guiseppe 1147Sec. 34 Larusa, Joe 1151Sec. 15, 16 Lascaro, Nicolo 641Sec. 16 Lascaro, Nicolo, Estate of 2038Sec. 16 Lascaro, N., Estate of & Anthony Lascaro 962Sec. 4 Sq A Reid Add Lawson, Booker 643Sec. 4 Sq A Reid Add Lawson, Booker 691L. 6, 7, 12, 13 BL LeBlanc, McPherson, Addison 2775Sec. 50 Lea, Vivian 2979L. 4 B. 2 TY PK Lee, C.W. 2547Sec. 1 Lee, Hezzie 993L. 5, 6 S 15 AM Lee, Wallace 718L. 8 B. 21 LeNoir, Carrie Mrs. 1081L. 8 B. 21 LeNoir, Carrie Mrs. 1100Sec. 9 Leonard, Allie Ruth 1943ASec. 5 Leonard, Arthur D., Heirs to School Bd. 2899Sec. 4 Letard, Edgar 2252Sec. 9 Letarde, E.A. Jr. 722L. 9, 11 B. 4 Letard, Linda Catherine 2425Sec. 43 Leto, Mike 579Sec. 38 Letto, Sam 2706Sec. 1 L 1 (Willston Sub.) Lilley, Garry & Whit Pierce 2850L. 9 B. 13 TYPK, AM Linzay, Jack 2562Sec. 16 Lipscomb, Ralph 2743Sec. 28 Liuzza, Jack 66Sec. 29 Liuzza, Joe After 1611Sec. 20 Liuzza, Nick J. 2588Sec. 17 Logan, Ora Nelms, others 2102Sec. 4 Longley Addition 644Sec. 28 Lopinto, Peter 986Sec. 9, 10 Louisiana Gas Service Co. 640B. 2 AM Loyd, Mary 636B. 53 AM Locations 1093Sec. 51 Locations 1122Sec. 33 Locations 1146Sec. 28 Locations 981Sec. 15, 16 Locations 620Sec. 9 Locations 1039Sec. 9 Locations 1035Sec. ? Locations 1080B. 26 Locations 1099B. 20 AM Locations 1066Sec. ? Locations 1048Sec. 21, 28 Locations 972Sec. 9 Locations 1068Sec. 43 Locations 1022B. 29 Locations 1062Sq. 7 AM Locations 1109Sec. 33 Locations 1138Sq. 55 Locations 1026ASec. ? Locations 1110Sec. 4 Locations 1030
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 21 Locations 976Sec. 16 Locations 967Sec. 32 Locations 1137Sec. 33 Locations 1140B. 8 AM Locations 1088Sed. 50 Location 1107B.C.D.E.F. Location 1045Sec. 43 Locations 1177Sec. 5, 8 Locations 1010L. 9 10 AM Locations 1074Sec. 21 Locations 970Sec. 37 Location along East Line 1166Sec. 4 Locations on Hickory Street 642Sec. 33 Location 19.05 acres 1149Sec. 28 Locations- L. 6 978B. 39 Location- curb & gutter 1084Sec. 43 Location of 14.10 Acre Tract 1172Sq. 2 AM Locations-Factory St. 1042L. 10, 11, 12, 13 B.C., AM Locations- Reid Addition 1065Sec. 28 Locations in L. 6 979Sec. 46 Lynne, Henry 1115Sec. 46, 47 Lynne, Nell Miss 1113Sec. 44 Lyon Lumber Company 1111Sec. 50 Lambert, Randall 3123Sec. 9 Lambert, Billy Whit 3142Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 18Tycer Park Labarbera, Nick P. 3173Sec. 28 Lea, Jo Ann 3319Sec. 28 Liuzza, Jack 3371
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 43 Mabry, John 2881Sec. 28 Mabry, John 2878Sec. 34 Magliola, Vincent 604Sec. 54 Marciano, Nick 1964B. 52 Marshall, Hazel 1057Sec. 4 Martin, Horace 2796Sec. 50 Martin, L.H. 1105Sec. 32, 45 Mashon, Frank, to Federal Bank 1134Sec. 32 Mashon, Frank & Sarah 1133Sec. 28 Mason, Biardina- Between 2157Sec. 5 McClendon, J.H. & R.S. 1888Sec. 5 McClendon, J.H. Sr., Estate of 1802Sec. 5, 6 McClendon, H.P. 1008Sec. 5, 8 McClendon, R. Spec 1626Sec. 4 McClendon & Antulovich 736Sec. ? McClendon & others 591Sec. 5, 8 McClendon & Kemp (9, 93 A) 2085Sec. 28, 29 McMichael, Dc P. 980Sec. 37 McMichael, E.V., R.V., George P. 1160Sec. 15, 16 McMichael, Frances, Estate of 963Sec. 21 McMichael, Mary, G.P.R. & Robert 564Sec. 39 McMichael & Starns 1169L. 6, 7, 12, 13 B. 1 Amite McPherson, Addison, LeBlanc 2775Sec. 42 Mesaro Brothers 977Sec. 21, 28 Miceli-Spitalli 973Sec. 34 Mid-States Homes 594Sec. 51 Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 656Sec. 48 Miller, Melvin G. 2204L. 1, 2 B. 18 AM Miller, Patricia 2348B. 46 AM Millett, Mr. & Mrs. Edward 724Sec. 28 Misito, Vincent 982Sec. 50 Mixon, Audrey & Mrs. Geraldine Hyman 1118Sec. 50 Mixon, Mrs. C.M. 637Sec. 4 Mixon, H. 1046Sec. 50 Moak, Henry 728Sec. 5 Mobley, Gloria 2864Sec. 9 B. 45 AM Moock, Hood, Anderson 721Sec. 54 Moore, Jerry 2371Sec. 33 Moore, Ruby 2335Sec. 4 Morgan, Armette 701Sec. 9, 10 Morgan, Clara Miss 1040Sq. 34 AM Morgan, Clara Miss 632Sec. 9, 10 Morgan, Clara Miss 1024Sec. 4 Morris, R.H. 1050Sec. 50 (NE Frac/4-4, W-50) Morris vs. Prutsman I, HSec. 4 Sq. 9 Morrison, Stanley 703L. 12, 13, 14, 15 B. 2 AM Mullin, W.J. 1053Sq. 52 AM Murphy, Dr. F.H. 1094Sec. 28 Muscarello, Annie Mrs. 614Sec. 8 Muse, Emile 1023Sec. 8 Muse, Emile 1021Sec. 54 McKneely, William T. 2965Sec. 9 Morris, Caretha (Tony Bush, Jr. subdivision) 3085Sec. 28 Millerm Willie 3278Sec. 37 Miller, Danny 3365Sec. 9 W. Palmetto McClendon Est. (Amite) 3412
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 8, 9, 12 B 2 Needham, Julian 668Sec. 46, 51 Neiset, Dr. 712Sec. 33 Nicolosi, Angelina Mrs. 1142Sec. 31 Nicosia, Frank S. Jr. 2592Sec. 31 Nicosia, Frank, Estate of 583Sec. 4 L. 13 B. ZReid Addition Norman, Gerald 2842Sec. 1 Ochman, Charles 2285Sec. 4 Osborn, R.W. Dr. 739
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSq. 53 AM Page, John 2105Sec. 28 Palerma, Paul 984Munc #706 ENPL, AM Patenotte, Frank E. Jr. 2585Sec. 51 Pecora, Rex 2662Sec. 51 Pecoraro-Schumacher 2907Sec. 4 S 3rd St. Perry, Mrs. Masalie Leonard & Robert Lee 2210Sec. 28 Petitto, John 983Sec. 37 Petitto, Sam 1161Sec. 16 Petitto, Pinckney, others 3064Sec. 34 Piazza, Josephine, Estate of 605L. 9, 12, 13, 16 B. 28 AM Pierce, C.B. 1102Sec. 1, Lot 1 (Willston S) Pierce, Whit & Garry Lilley 2850Sec. 16 Pinkney, Goerge 964Sec. 50 Pipkin, Robert L. 2678Sec. 33 Polito 1145Sec. 4, 5 TY PK AM Ponder, John D. 2205L. 6, 7, 8 B. 9 Ponder & Cefalu 1085Sec. 9 L. 3 Pool, Johnnie 2840Sec. 34 Property 1934Sec. 9 Property Location 2020Sec. 9 L. 6 Pulliam, Claude 699Sec. 50 Poston, Rev. Jerry 2678Sec. 1 Parker, Mary Lou 2314Sec. 20 Perez, Salvador 3325Sec. 50 Yellow Chair, Poston, Jerry 3458
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageB. 34 AM Reeves, J.W. 1002L. 10, 11, 12, 13 B. C Reid Addition 692Sec. 4, L. 10, 11, 12, 13BL. C Reid AM Reid Addition 689Sec. 4 Reid Addition & Ballard 697Sec. 50 Reid, Horace R. 684Sec. 50 AM Sec. 4 Reid, Horace R. 727Sec. 16 Richardson, Jno. W. 965Sec. 4 Richardson, M.L. 731Sec. 20 Rick, Frank Jr. 567Sec. 9 Ridgedell, L. 1036Sec. 1 Ridgedell, Thomas J., Estate of 588Sec. 5 Road Dedication 1895Sec. 52 Roark, Lorena Mrs. 2697Sec. 4 Robertson, Conerly D. 570Sec. 32 Robinson, Audrey 1998Sec. 1 Robinson, Audrey 1998Sec. 1 Rogers, Charles 2353Sec. 33 Rogers, Bertha & Harold (Andrew Cascio) 2923L. 5, 6 B. 9 Rowdon, Statham, Frohn, Bennett 2261Sec. 28 Rudison, Barbara Ann H. 2424Sec. 16 Ruffino, John 966L. 2 B. 11 TY PK, AM Ruffinno, Louis J. 2583Sec. 1 Rushing, Michael 2886Sec. 4, 50 Russell, Robert 1054Sec. 1 Rutland, Raymond E. 2589Sec. 5 Ray, Derris & Candace 3172Sec. 50 Reid, Lawrence & Tommy J. 3225
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageB. 1, 2, 3 AM Sanders, D.H. Realty 638Sec. 50 Sanders, D.H. Realty 626Sec. 50 Sanders Realty Co. & Sara Balsano 1119L. 3, 4 B. 1 AM Sanders, D.H. Subd. 2159L. 5, B. 1 Am Sanders, D.H. Subd. 2149Sec. 47 Saragusa 2715/3285Sec. 6 Scemeca, Dominic Guiseppe 1016L. 9, 10 Sq. 15 Sec. 9 Schexnayder, Roy 729L. 9, 10 Sq 9 AM Schilling, C.H. 631L. 7, 10 B. 8 AM Schilling, Edwin C. Jr. 741Sec. 33 Seals, Wallace 2830Sec. 5 Self, Alfred 2679L. 13, 14, 15, 20, 21 Settoon, Dudley K. III 2402L. 9 B. 17 Settoon, D.K. 1069, 1070L. 9 B. 17 Settoon, D.K. 1092B. 9 TY PK, AM Sharp, Jerry 2251L. 5, 6, 7, 8 S. 15 Simon, Lynn J. 737Sec. 28 Sinclair Dist. Station 988Sec.? Sinclair Station 688B. 6 AM Singletary, J.B. 1076S. 44, 55 Smith, Annie B. 1052Sec. 5 TYPK, AM Smith, Curtis D. 2179Sec. 44 Smith, Jacob 1112L. 10, B. 13 TYPK, AM Spring, Jerry A. 2587Sec. 4 Spring, V.H. 1003Sec. 49 Spring, William 1117Sec. 49 Spring to Amite 1116Sec. 7 Spitale, Vince 1018Sec. 4 AM Stafford, Fieldon, H. 2569Sec. 1 Statham, George 998Sec. ? Sterns, Jones, Butler, others 627Sec. 51 Stevens, J.D. 2845Sec. 20 Stevens, J.W. 565Sec. 50 Stewart, Marion 1120Sec. 9, 16 Story, H.D. 1027Sec. 16, 54 Story, H.D. 619Sec. 37 Strickland, Mrs. Ella 1157Sec. 37 Strickland, Mrs. Ella 1164Sec. 25, 26 Subdivision 975Sec. 50 Sugar Hill Farm 624Sec. 9 Swift 2203Sec. 4m5 TYPK L. 7, 8 B 16 Swofford, Larry J. 2303Sec. 1, 6 Stevens & Ellis 2955Sec. 50 Fred Settoon 2971Sec. 4 Harold & Ruth J. Stokes 3082Sec. 33 Starks, Joyce 3295ASec. 16 Spitale Subdivision 960Sec. 43 Stevenson, Rosa 3328Sec. 51 Smith, Edgar Ray III 3454Sec. 50 Blk. 2 & 3 Sanders, D.H. (Amite) 3434Sec. 51 Sandage, David Scott 3485
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 50 Tangi Construction Co. 2025Sec. 5 Tangilena Village 2078Sec. 36 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1931Sec. 38 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2209Sec. 54 L 7, 8 Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Dept. 2724Sec. 9 Taylor Addition 713Sec. 33 Taylor, Rosalie 2286Sec. 5 Texaco, Inc. 1009Sec. 4 Thomas, Golda 1004L. 8 B. 10 TY PK Thompson, Clyde T. 2550L. 2 B. 14 TYPK Thompson, Clyde T. 1860L. 10, 11, 12, 13 Thompson, Robert 1098Sec. 50 Thompson, Robert Y. Jr. 2567Sec. 5 Thompson, Russell 1007Sec. 46 Tony, Robert 1114Sec. 8, 17 Tycer, G.F. & Jake Elliott 2677Sec. 39 Tycer, T.A. 1170Sec. 5 Tycer, T.A. 65Sec. 32, 33 Tycer, T.A., Heirs of 2686Sec. 4, 5 Tycer, Thos. E. 454Sec. 5 Tycer Heirs 2858Sec. 4 Tycer Park, In 649Sec. 5 Tycer heirs 3078Sec. 6 Trabona, John K. 3461Sec. 5 Walnut St. Tycer, et al (Amite) 3419Sec. 4 U.S. Post Office 704Sec. 5 Unknown 582L. 4 B. 9 TYPK Unknown 2182Sec. 1 Unknown 994
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 33 Varnado, Isaiah 1947L. 7, 8 S 12 AM Veal, Anastasia 2413Sec. 9 Venterella, C. 2243Sec. ? Vernon, Charlie 1060Sec. 35 Vicari, Loreto 1152Sec. 32 Viola & Fletcher 1136Sec. 33 Vullo, Loretta, Estate of 599Sec. 1 Venterella, Carlo 3068Sec. 1 Venterella, Carlo 3083Sec. 53 Varnado, Troy Ray and Linda Fay 3159Sec. 50 Wales, Wilma & Burlie 2605Sec. 37 Wall, Alon L. 593Sec. 33 Warren, Elizabeth & Mays, Estate of 1150Sec. ? Warren, Walsh, others MSec. 33 Washington, Leola 2667L. 19, 21 Watson, Sara Miss 1077Sec. 50 Wayne, Paul 730Sec. 50 Weigel, H.S. 571L. 38, 39, 40 Weist Addition 1071Sec. 4, 9 Westdale Subdivision 2900Sec. 4, 9 Westdale Subdivision 2484Sec. 9 Westmoreland, R.D. 2437Sec. 36 Wiggins, Paul 606Sec. 6 Wilkinson, Leroy 2246Sec. 7 Wilkinson, Leroy 1996Sec. 52 Williams, Floyd 1124Sec. 4 Williams, James R. 2185Sec. ? Williams, J.O. 1063Sec. 43 Williams, Mayola 2448Sec. 1 Wright, Harold 2812Sec. 32 Warren, Lula Jennings (Estate of)Brenda Guidry 3035Lot 6 Block 20 Wood, Roy 3072
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 53 Zachary, Thomas 1126Sec. 9 Zanders, Robert 1799Sec. 31 W/2 of Frac Sec. 31 586Sec. 1 N/2 of SW/4 of SE/4 of 1 996Sec. 6 NE/4 of SE/4 1019Sec. 17 NE/4 of NE/4 of 18-4-7 969Sec. 9, 16 ¼ Sec corner 2087Sec. 36 Subd. N/2 of 36 1156Sec. 43 SW/4 of 43 1178Sec. 36 SW/4, Subd. 1155Sec. 20 E/2 968Sec. 20 E/2 599ASec. 28 NW/4 991Sec. 17 N. end of Frac 17 618Sec. 1 NE/4 of NE/4 992NE Cor SW/4 of NE/4 of Sq. 9 Gullett Add 693Sec. 21 SW/4 974Sec. 16 S/2 of L. 1 & 2 2183Sec. 50 Sanders Add East Oak and E Mulberry E of Duncan 2674Sec. 48 Plot Plan on St. Rt. 16 2231L. 13, 14, 15 B. 52 Laurel & Cherry Streets 720L. 9, 12, 13, 16 S 28 Improvements on E. Chestnut 2152L. 5, 6, 7, 8 S. 15 AM Near Pine Street 740L. 12 B.10 Near 1st Street 710L. 13, 14, 15, 16 AM Along Laurel Street 645B. 44, 45 1st and 2nd Streets 742L. 9, 12, 13, 16 S 22 E. Mulberry & Bay Streets 2150Sec. 9 S. 3rd and Palmetto 1943Sec. 50 East of Duncan Avenue 2228B. 8 Sec. 4 Imp. On Mulberry, Oak & Laurel Street 706L. 8 B. 10 AM Near 1st Street 708Crossing of U.S. Hwy 51 & ICRR 716AM Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Hwy 16 E area 2395AM Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Ogden Lane area 2397AM Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Hwy 16 W area 2396Sec. 36 Lot 3 1154Sec. 50 Elm, Mulberry, and Hardy Streets 647Sec. 51 Plot Plan on St. Rt. 16 1961Sec. 28 2 Acres 578Sq. 7 RO 3.25 Acre Subd. 2220Sec. 26 2.00 Acres 585Sec. 51 20.07 Acres 1924Sec. 28 11.68 Acres 569Sec. 28 1 Acre in N/2 615
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 1, 4, 5 S. 33 AM Improvements 1103L. 16 B. 10 TYPK ? 2555Sec. 4 TY PK ? 2255
T. 4 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 34 Phillip C. Ingraffia 662Sec. 6 Jose’ Gonzales 817Sec. 13 Est. of Calvin Hughes 831Sec. 31 F.C. Howze 835Sec. 28 So. Natural Gas Pipeline 1591Sec. 18 Est. J.W. Mixon 1592Sec. 35, 40 L. Duncan Hart 1593Sec. 18 Populas, Mr. Cutrer, Elliot 1594Sec. 13, 24 J.H. Goldsby 1595Sec. 36, 40 Locations, Zemurray, others 1596Sec. 39 Genessee Lumber Co., King 1597Sec. 39 Elijah Hagan 1598Sec. 9, 10 Beatrice B. Wright 1599Sec. 21 Monroe Cooper 1600Sec. 20 Robert Neal 1601Sec. 5 E. 30 A. NW/4 SW/4 1602Sec. 4 S/2 of NE/4 1603Sec. 4 C.M. Mixon 1604Sec. 4 J.W. Dupuis 1605Sec. 13 Request of W.E. Mount 1606Sec. ? Bearing trees 1607Sec. 31 E/2 of 31 1608Sec. 9 Request of W.E. Mount 1610Sec. 29 Sewell Bahm 1623Sec. 31 Mrs. Ellen Johnson 1064Sec. 36 Muriel Husser 1754Sec. 21 Thomas J. Burns 1803Sec. 6 A.F. Cox, Jr. 1858Sec. 19 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1932Sec. 20 Carl Alford 1962Sec. 29 Leonard M. Wilkinson 1977Sec. 29 Leonard M. Wilkinson 1979Sec. 26 W.A. Chambers 2121Sec. 39 Locations in S/E Corner 2122Sec. 25 Cora Husser & Farrell Chatelain 2259
T. 4 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Sam E. Parnell 2262Sec. 12 Elvin Hughes, Jr. 2271Sec. 38 Bernice King 2300Sec. 24 St. Alexander 2301Sec. 11 Robert Naquin 2726Sec. 28 Paula Nunnery 2793Sec. 5 Richard and Sandra Diggs 2801Sec. 28 Paula Nunnery 2793 (plot plan)Sec. 25 Cora Husser & Farrell Chatelain 2711Sec. 5 Billy Slaven 2715 (plot plan)Sec. 6, Lot 2 (Willston Sub.) Whit Pierce & Garry Lilley 2850Sec. 6 Elmer Hayden et all 2872Sec. 35 James D. Howell 2911Sec. 24 Russell Graff 2917Sec. 32, 5 Hulon Simmons 2958Sec. 1, 6 Ellis & Stevens 2955Sec. 1 Calvin Gambino 2990Sec. 32 & 5 Ted Diepenbrock(bought survey from Hulon Simmons) 3048Sec. 31 Mays Morris & Betty M. Morris 3081Sec. 2 C.H. Vierhout 3104Sec. 24 Charlotte Schertler 3247Sec. 28 Patricia C. Barrilleaux 3397Sec. 39 Alvin Baham 3437
T. 4 S., R. 8 E.Location Name Page? Bearing trees 1607Sec. 2 C.H. Vierhout 3104Sec. 1 Ellis & Stevens 2955Sec. 1 Calvin Gambino 2990Sec. 4 S/2 of NE/4 1603Sec. 4 C.M. Mixon 1604Sec. 4 J.W. Dupuis 1605Sec. 5 E. 30 A. NW/4 SW/4 1602Sec. 5 Richard and Sandra Diggs 2801Sec. 5 Billy Slaven 2715 (plot plan)Sec. 5 & 32 Hulon Simmons 2958Sec. 6 Jose’ Gonzales 817Sec. 6 A.F. Cox, Jr. 1858Sec. 6 Whit Pierce & Garry Lilley 2850Sec. 6 Elmer Hayden et all 2872Sec. 6 Ellis & Stevens 2955Sec. 9, 10 Beatrice B. Wright 1599Sec. 9 Request of W.E. Mount 1610Sec. 11 Robert Naquin 2726Sec. 12 Elvin Hughes, Jr. 2271
T. 4 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 13 Est. of Calvin Hughes 831Sec. 13, 24 J.H. Goldsby 1595Sec. 13 Request of W.E. Mount 1606Sec. 18 Est. of J.W. Mixon 1592Sec. 18 Populas, Mr. Cutrer, Elliot 1594Sec. 19 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1932Sec. 20 Robert Neal 1601Sec. 20 Carl Alford 1962Sec. 21 Thomas J. Burns 1803Sec. 24 St. Alexander 2301Sec. 24 Russell Graff 2917Sec. 24 Charlotte Schertler 3247Sec. 25 Cora Husser & Farrell Chatelain 2711Sec. 25 Cora Husser & Farrell Chatelain 2259Sec. 26 W.A. Chambers 2121Sec. 28 So. Natural Gas Pipeline 1591Sec. 28 Paula Nunnery 2793Sec. 28 Paula Nunnery 2793Sec. 28 Patricia C. Barrilleaux 3397Sec. 29 Leonard M. Wilkinson 1979Sec. 29 Leonard M. Wilkinson 1977Sec. 29 Sewell Bahm 1623
T. 4 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 F.C. Howze 835Sec. 31 E/2 of 31 1608Sec. 31 Sam E. Parnell 2262Sec. 31 Mays Morris & Betty M. Morris 3081Sec. 32 & 5 Hulon Simmons 2958Sec. 34 Phillip C. Ingraffia 662Sec. 35 James. D. Howell 2911Sec. 36, 40 Locations, Zemurray, others 1596Sec. 36 Muriel Husser 1754Sec. 38 Bernice King 2300Sec. 39 Genessee Lumber Co, King 1597Sec. 39 Elijah Hagan 1598Sec. 39 Locations in SE corner 2122Sec. 39 Baham 3437Sec. 26 Chamber, W.A. 2121Sec. 25 Chatelain, Farrell, Cora Husse 2711Sec. 25 Chatelain, Farrell, & Cora Husser 2259Sec. 21 Cooper, Monroe 1600Sec. 6 Cox, A. F. Jr. 1858Sec. 18 Cutrer, Populas, Elliot 1594Sec. 5 Diggs, Richard and Sanders 2801Sec. 4 Dupuis, J.W. 1605Sec. 32 & 5 Diepenbrock, Ted 3048(Brought survey from Hulon Simons)Sec. 18 Elliot, Populas, Cutrer 1594Sec. 1, 6 Ellis & Stevens 2955Sec. 39 Genesee Lumber Co.- King 1597Sec. 13, 24 Goldsby, J.H. 1595Sec. 6 Gonzales, Jose 817Sec. 24 Graff, Russell 2917Sec. 1 Gambino, Calvin 2990Sec. 39 Hagan, Elijah 1598Sec. 35, 40 Hart, L. Duncan 1593Sec. 6 Hayden, Elmer et al 2872Sec. 35 Howell, James D. 2911Sec. 31 Howze, F.C. 835Sec. 13 Hughes, Calvin, Estate of 831Sec. 12 Hughes, Elvin Jr. 2271Sec. 25 Husser, Cora & Farrell Chatelain 2711Sec. 25 Husser, Cora & Farrell Chatelain 2259Sec. 36 Husser, Muriel 1754Sec. 34 Ingraffia, Phillip C. 662
T. 4 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Johnson, Ellen Mrs. 1064Sec. 38 King, Bernice 2300Sec. 28 King, Genessee Lumber Co. 1597Sec. 6 Lot 2 (Willston Sub) Lilley, Garry & Whit Pierce 2850Sec. 4 Mixon, C.M. 1604Sec. 18 Mixon, J.W., Estate of 1592Sec. 13 Mount, W.E., Request of 1606Sec. 9 Mount, W.E., Request of 1610Sec. 31 Morris, Mays and Betty M. 3081
T. 4 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 11 Naquin, Robert 2726Sec. 20 Neal, Robert 1601Sec. 28 Nunnery, Paula 2793Sec. 28 Nunnery, Paula (plot plan) 2793Sec. 31 Parnell, Sam E. 2262Sec. 6 (Wil. Sub) Pierce, Whit & Garry Lilley 2850Sec. 18 Populas, Cutrer, Elliot 1594Sec. 5 Slaven, Billy (plot plan) 2715Sec. 28 So. Natural Gas Pipeline 1591Sec. 24 St. Alexander 2301Sec. 1, 6 Stevens & Ellis 2955Sec. 32 & 5 Simmons, Hulon 2958Sec. 24 Schertler, Charlotte 3247Sec. 19 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1932Sec. 2 C.H. Vierhout 3104Sec. 29 Wilkinson, Leonard M. 1977Sec. 29 Wilkinson, Leonard M. 1979Sec. 9,10 Wright, Beatrice B. 1599Sec. 36, 40 Zemurray, Locations, others 1596Bearing trees 1607Sec. 39 Locations in S/E Corner 2122Sec. 5 E 30 A NW/4 SW/4 1602Sec. 4 S/2 of NE/4 1603Sec. 31 E/2 of 31 1608
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name Page? Property Owners 1716Sec. 4,5 Property Owners 1722Sec. 29 Locations along North line 1741Sec. 32 Locations in W/2 (C.J. Brunette) 1742Sec. 2,45 Henry W. Cox 1743Sec. 11 Alvie Holden 1746Sec. 4,5 William Sharp 1747Sec. 32 James Brunett 1748Sec. 37 Est. of Bell Gardener 1749Sec. 43 Ranger Land Co. 1750Sec. 39 Tangipahoa Tung Co. & LakeSuperior Piling & Geo Bell 1751Sec. 19 Althus Husser 1752Sec. 25 Gaston Lanaux 1753Sec. 31 Muriel Husser 1754Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. 1755Sec. 33 August Dixon 1756Sec. 9 SW/2 of SW/4 1757Sec. 29,30 Lawrence, Willie, & Jerro Husser 1758Sec. 33 Samuel Zemurray 1759Sec. 35,36 Mrs. Sophie Baham 1761Sec. 35 Gaston Lanaux, Jr. 1762Sec. 4,5 George Bell 1763Sec. 30 John H. Ward 1816Sec. 34 Charles Moffitt 1830Sec. 44 N/2 of SE/2 1831Sec. 35 Est. Leonard Reid 1976Sec. 2 Albert Sanders, Jr. 2039Sec. 2 Ted Holden 2040Sec. 30 Bankston 2180Sec. 40 C.M. Yates 2212Sec. 35 Heirs of Garfield Reid 2329Sec. 6 Dale Mixon 2331Sec. 32 Mr. & Mrs. Preston Addison &Samuel Zemurray A10Sec. 32 Mr. & Mrs. Preston Addison A9Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A11Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A12Sec. 39 Lampton Realty CO. A13Sec. 4,5 George Bell A14Sec. 4,5 William Sharp A15Sec. 35 Weda O’Keefe 2909Sec. 18 Angeline Ard 2931Sec. 2 Jenkins, Bryant 3704
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name Page? Property Owners 1716Sec. 2 Jenkins, Bryant 3074Sec. 2, 45 Henry W. Cox 1743Sec. 2 Albert Sanders, Jr. 2039Sec. 2 Ted Holden 2040Sec. 4, 5 Property Owners 1722Sec. 4, 5 William Sharp 1747Sec. 4, 5 George Bell 1763Sec. 4, 5 George Bell A14Sec. 4, 5 William Sharp A15Sec. 6 Dale Mixon 2331Sec. 9 SW/2 of SW/4 1757Sec. 11 Alvie Holden 1746Sec. 18 Angeline Ard 2931Sec. 19 Althus Husser 1752Sec. 25 Gaston Lanaux 1753Sec. 29 Locations along North line 1741Sec. 29, 30 Lawrence, Willie, Jerro Husser 1758
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 30 John H. Ward 1816Sec. 30 Bankston 2180Sec. 31 Muriel Husser 1754Sec. 32 Locations in W/2 (C.J. Brunette) 1742Sec. 32 James Brunett 1748Sec. 32 Mr. & Mrs. Preston Addison A9Sec. 32 Mr. & Mrs. Preston Addison & S. Zemurray A10Sec. 33 August Dixon 1756Sec. 33 Samuel Zemurray 1759Sec. 34 Charles Moffit 1830Sec. 35, 36 Sophie Baham 1761Sec. 35 Gaston Lanaux, Jr. 1762Sec. 35 Est. Leonard Reid 1976Sec. 35 Heirs of Garfield Reid 2329Sec. 35 Weda O’Keefe 2909Sec. 37 Est. of Bell Gardener 1749Sec. 39 Tangipahoa Tung Co. & Lake Superior 1751 Piling and George BellSec.39 Lampton Realty Co. 1755Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A11Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A12Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A13
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 40 C.M. Yates 2212Sec. 43 Ranger Land Co. 1750Sec. 44 N/2 of SE/2 1831
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 32 Addison, Mr. & Mrs. Preston &Samuel Zemurray A10Sec. 32 Addison, Mr. & Mrs. Preston A9Sec. 18 Ard, Angelina 2931Sec. 35, 36 Baham, Sophie Mrs. 1761Sec. 30 Bankston 2180Sec. 4, 5 Bell, George A14Sec.4, 5 Bell, George 1763Sec. 32 Bruneff, James 1748Sec. 2, 45 Cox, Henry W. 1743Sec. 33 Dixon, August 1756Sec. 37 Gardener, Bell, Estate of 1749
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 11 Holden, Alvie 1746Sec. 2 Holden, Ted 2040Sec. 19 Husser, Althus 1752Sec. 29, 30 Husser, Jerro & Willie & Lawrence 1758Sec. 31 Husser, Muriel 1754Sec. 2 Jenkins, Bryant 3074Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A11Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A12Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. A13Sec. 39 Lampton Realty Co. 1755Sec. 25 Lanaux, Gaston 1753Sec. 35 Lanaux, Gaston, Jr. 1762Sec. 29, 30 Lawrence, Willie, Husser 1758Sec. 6 Mixon, Dale 2331Sec. 34 Moffitt, Charles 1830
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 35 O’Keefe, Weda 2909? Property Owners 1716Sec. 4, 5 Property Owners 1722Sec. 43 Ranger Land Company 1750Sec. 35 Reid, Garfield, Heirs of 2329Sec. 35 Reid, Leonrard, Estate of 1976Sec. 2 Sanders, Albert Jr. 2039Sec. 4, 5 Sharp, William 1747Sec. 4, 5 Sharp, William A15
T. 4 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 39 Tangipahoa Tung Co, &Lake Superior Piline & Geo. Bell 1751Sec. 30 Ward, John H. 1816Sec. 29, 30 Willie, Lawrence, Husser 1758Sec. 40 Yates, C.M. 2212Sec. 33 Zemurray, Samuel 1759Sec. 32 Zemurray, Samuel & Mr. & Mrs. P. Addison A10Sec. 9 SW/2 of SW/4 1757Sec. 44 N/2 of SE/2 1831Sec. 20 Locations along North line 1741Sec. 32 Locations in W/2 (C.J. Brunette) 1742
T. 4 S., R. 10 E.Location Name PageSec. 40 C.M. Yates 2212Sec. 6, 38 C.M. Yates L
T. 4 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828
T. 4 S., R. 10 E.Location Name PageSec. 6, 38 C.M. Yates LSec. 40 C.M. Yates 2212
T. 4 S., R. 10 E.Location Name PageSec. 40 Yates, C.M. 2212Sec. 6, 38 Yates, C.M. L
T. 4 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828
T. 4 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46, 54 Green, Arthur 1828
T. 5 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 24 NE/4 of NW/4 of 24 007Sec. 1 C.E. Hodges 008Sec. 22 Burrell Carter 1935
T. 5 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Lewis Jones 1786Sec. 16 John L. Vernon 1994Sec. 7, 37 C.A. Palmer 682
T. 5 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageHRs 37, 48 Est. of William N & Catherine Fletcher 201Sec. 38 Location at request ofA.A. Russell 202? Locations 195Sec. 1 Locations 196Sec. 4 George b lackwell to Indep. Bank 197Sec. 34, 35 J.G. Kinchen 199Sec. 32, 33, 44 Proposed WPA Road 200Sec. 24 Larry Cloud 2738Sec. 40 76.30 acre tract 216Sec. 24 Tim Barron 3034
T. 5 S., R. 3 E.Location Name PageSec. 1 C.E. Hodges 8Sec. 22 Burrell Carter 1935Sec. 24 NE/4 of NW/4 of 24 7Sec. 2 Lewis Jones 1786Sec. 7, 37 C.A. Palmer 682Sec. 16 John L. Vernon 1994
T. 5 S., R. 4 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Jones, Lewis 1786Sec. 7, 37 Palmer, C.A. 682Sec. 16 Vernon, John L. 1994
T. 5 S., R. 6 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Blackwell, George to Indep. Bank 197Sec. 24 Baron, Tim 3034Sec. 24 Cloud, Larry 2738HR 37, 48 Fletcher, William N. & Catherine 201Sec. 34, 35 Kinchen, J.G. 199Sec. 34, 35 Kinchen, J.G. 198Sec. ? Locations 195Sec. 1 Locations 196Sec. 32, 33, 44 Proposed WPA Road 200Sec. 38 Russell, A.A., Location at request of 202Sec. 40 76.30 acre tract 216
T. 5 S., R. 6 E.Location Name Page? Locations 195Sec. 1 Locations 196Sec. 4 George Blackwell to Indep. Bank 197Sec. 24 Larry Cloud 2738Sec. 24 Tim Baron 3034Sec. 32, 33, 44 Proposed WPA Road 200Sec. 34, 35 J.G. Kinchen 199Sec. 34, 35 J.G. Kinchen 198HR 37, 48 Est. of William N. & Catherine Fletcher 201Sec. 38 Location at request of A.A. Russell 202Sec. 40 76.30 acre tract 216
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 R. Marggio 185Sec. 37 Benton O. Bickham 609Sec. 15 Locations 664Sec. 15 Jack Candiotto 666Sec. 14 Louis Wallace 769Sec. 9, 16 J. Burrescia 858Sq. 24, IND Carmelo Musso 859IND Frank & Phillippo Sinagra 860Sq. 11, IND Lots along Pine Street 861Sq. 11, IND Sam Messina 862Sq. 33, IND Frank Anzalone 863Sq. 15, IND Frank Sinagra 864B.7, IND Benton Bickham 865B. 9 IND Mrs. Helen Reid 866B. 34, IND Mrs. Don Gumelsky 868B.1, IND John Gulatto 869Sq. 29, IND Mrs. Marianne Catalano 870L. 27, Sq. 33, IND Charles Polito 871L. 2, Sq. 6, IND Willie Morgan, Jr. 872B. 33, IND. Arnel Rainey 873L. 2, Sq. 6, IND. Willie Morgan, Jr. 874B. 7, IND. Rev. M.J. Black, Sr. 875Sq. 25, IND. Rick Crawford 876Sec. 9, 14, 19, 26, 39 Vito Volcise 877L. 9, B. 11 Mary & Anthony DiMaggio, Jr. 878Sq. 9 Along 2nd, 3rd, & Dillo Sts. 879? David Gaines & others 880Sq. 9, IND Frank Michelle 881L. 9, Sq. 38, IND Louis Pechon 882Sq. 31, IND. John J. Masaracchia 883B. 40, IND. Dr. Paul Lamarca 884Sq. 11, IND Vick Cuti 885Sec. 9 Grover Taplin 3374Sec. 34 Town of Tickfaw 917Sec. 16 Estate of Giacoma Cappadora 918Sec. 5 Freiler Property 919Sq. 11, IND Cardaronella 920L. 1, 2, B. 3, Sq. 23, IND Park & Wilson Ave. 921Sec. 15 Annie Disolvo 922Sec. 15 Estate of Bodassamo Maggio 923Sq. 36, IND Tony Cardaronella 924Sec. 22 Sam and Rosa Santangello 925Sec. 16 N. Dana 2414
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Schiro 926Sec. 14 Earline Carson 927Sec. 1 Holland Chambers 928Sec. 1 Shelby Blackwell 929Sec. 4 Donald Ray Stewart 930Sec. 4 Mrs. Tecla Dibuono Guzzardo 931Sec. 5 Mrs. Martha Mashon 932Sec. 4 Nick Gerage 933Sec. 15 Nathaniel Adams 934Sec. 23 Joe Matise 935Sec. 10 Dr. Paul Lamarca 936Sec. 3 Philip Macalusa 938Sec. 25 Berlin Hagan 939Sq. 16, 17, 18, IND. Dr. Paul Lamarca 940Sec. 9, 16 Gene Alessi 941Sec. 3 Fred Vilardo 942Sec. 4 Mr. & Mrs. Claiborne Powell 943Sec. 40 Improvements 944Sec. 8 .26 acres 945Sec. 33 Est. John Catalanotte 946Sec. 26, 27 Joe Galafora 947Sec. 39 John Farace, Jr. 948Sec. 3 Dr. J.J.Anzalone 949Sec. 38 John Hick 950Sec. 9, 16 Gene Alessi 951Sec. 21, 22 Roy Hamilton 952Sec. 22 Charles Cittadino 953Sec. 16 Gerald I. Gulota 954Sec. 28 Est. of Peter D’Anna 955Sec. 3, 4 Joseph A. D’Anna, Sr. 956Sec. 9 Allen Basso & Calvin Basso 957Sec .10 Bernice Young 958Sec. 39 Robert Paille 959Sec. 14 22.32 Tract of Land 1180Sec. 14 Vincent Galiano 1181Sec. 1 NE/4 1182Sec. 3, 4 Genessee Lbr. Co. 1183Sec. 3, 4 Tony Spitale 1184Sec. 3, 4 Tony Spitale 1185Sec. 3, 4 Gaitano Anzalone 1186Sec. 3, 4 Sam Valardo 1187Sec .3, 4 W.A. Huck 1188Sec. 2, 3 Rosario Ingraffia 1189Sec. 2, 3 W.A. Huck 1190Sec. 3 George Cucio 1191Sec. 4 H.H. Hathorn 1192Sec. 3, 4 Guiseppi Bruno 1193Sec. 4 SE/4 of SW/4 1194Sec. 4 Canals on SW/4 of SW/4 1195
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 NW/4 of NE/4 1196Sec. 4 Charles Anzalone 1197Sec. 4 Tony Guzzardo 1198Sec. 4 Tony Guzzardo 1199Sec. 4 Amite Bank & Trust 1200Sec. 4 Rosario Divittorio 1201Sec. 4 J.H. McGinty 1202Sec. 4 Buster J. Guzzardo 1203Sec. 4 Howard Hawthorn 1204Sec. 4, 9 Locations 1205Sec. 4 SE/4 of SW/4 of 4 1206Sec. 4 S/2 of NW/4 1207Sec. 4 Michele 1208Sec. 4 Subd. Of 5.5 acres 1209Sec. 3, 4 Guisseppe D’Anna et al 1210Sec. 5 Independence Feed and Flour Co. 1211Sec. 5 Sharkey Cemetery 1212Sec. 5 Locations 1213Sec. 5, 8 Locations of 6.00 A. tract 1214Sec. 5 SE/4 of NE/4 of 5 1215Sec. 5 Sam Magliolo 1216Sec. 6 W/2 of SW/4 1217Sec. 6 Marion P. Garafola 1218Sec. 8 Santo & Peter Uli 1219Sec. 8, 9 Mrs. T.B. Levatino 1220Sec. 8, 17 Sam Cittadino 1221Sec. 8 Lazard Gumelsky 1222Sec. 8, 15 Vincenzo DiSalvo 1223Sec. 8 Location 1224Sec. 9, 39 Vito Volcise 1225Sec. 9 Joseph Digiovanni 1226Sec. 9 Locations 1227Sec. 9, 10, 15, 16 Rufus Denham 1228Sec. 9 Frank Destifano 1229Sec. 9 Lazard Gumelsky 1230Sec. 9, 10 Calogero Tortorice 1231Sec. 9, 39 Vito Volcise 1232Sec. 10 Carmello Damico 1233Sec. 10 A. Gumelsky 1234Sec. 13, 14, 23, 24 R. Lillie & Hammond St. Bank 1235Sec. 13, 14 Salvatore Levatino 1236Sec. 44 Mrs. Genevieve R. George 1239Sec. 6 .70 acres 1240Sec. 14 Francois Lalumo 1241Sec. 14 Frank Anzalone 1242Sec. 14 Locations 1243Sec. 14 Andrea Dagro 1244Sec. 14 L. Canale & F. Lalumia 1245
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 Locations 1246Sec. 15 Sam Orlando & Joe Anzalone 1247Sec. 15, 16 Ingnazzio Centanni 1248Sec. 15 Frank Corrente, Sr. 1249Sec. 15 John Raggio 1250Sec. 15 Joe Recile 1251Sec. 15 Badassimo Maggio 1252Sec. 15 Locations 1253Sec. 15 Location 1254Sec. 15 Location 1255Sec. 16, 17 Huck Estate 1256Sec. 16 Vincent Vitrano 1257Sec. 16 Subd. Of W/2 1258Sec. 16 Locations 1259Sec. 21 Leonardo Lipari 1260Sec. 17 Leon Garon 1261Sec. 17 Location of 20. A. tract 1262Sec. 17 Location of 29.21 A. tract 1263Sec. 18 G.T. Schiro 1264Sec. 14 Guy Adams & Frank Goblowsky 1265Sec. 21, 22 Vincendo Bondi 1266Sec. 17 George D. Harpole 1267Sec. 20, 21 Locations 1268Sec. 21 SW/4 & NE/4 1269Sec. 21 E/2 1270Sec. 22 Lena Tortorice 1271Sec. 22 NW/4 of NE/4 1272Sec. 22 N/2 of SW/4 of 5-7, NW/4 1273Sec. 22 Locations 1274Sec. 22 N/2 of NW/4 1275Sec. 22 George Lamarco & Nick Cacioppo 1276Sec. 22 Lena Tortorice 1277Sec. 23 S.G. Morgan 1278Sec. 23 Guiesseppe Ciaccio 1279Sec. 24 Location 1280Sec. 25 NW/4 of SE/4 and NE/4 of SW/4 1281Sec. 25, 26 Marchand Property 1282Sec. 27 Louisiana Power & Light Co. 1283Sec. 27 Subdivision 1284Sec. 27 SE/4 of the NE/4 1285Sec. 27, 28 Mr/Mrs J. Danner 1286Sec. 27 N/2 of N/2 1287Sec. 27 N/2 of N/2 1288Sec. 27 W.A. and Susie Wunch 1289Sec. 29 SE/4 of SE/4 1290
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 29 SE/4 of SE/4 1290Sec. 38 Sam J. Coniglio 1291Sec. 33 Frank Valente 1292Sec. 35 Est. N.W. Corner 1293Sec. 37 Location 1294Sec. 39 Subd. Of L. 14 1296Sec. 39 Subd. Of B. 19 1295Sec. 40 J.Y. Ware & D.C. Chandler 1297Sec. 25 Vincent Mannino 1298Sec. 42 Hutchinson & others 1299Sec. 17, 44 Thomas D. Robertson 1300Sec. 44 Mrs. Geneviene George 1301Sec. 44 Tony Campise 1302HR 38, 45 E.R. Hoover 1303Sec. 45 Vacarro 1304Sec. 1 David P. Lee 1305Sq. 33, IND Subdivision 1306Sq. 113, 114 ,IND St. Joseph Society 1307Sq. 23, IND Subdivision 1308IND High School Grounds 1309B. 11, IND Louis Klotzback 1310IND Various Squares 1311Sq. 11, IND Mrs. A. A. Tararella 1312L. 2, Sq. 34, IND Gumelsky 1313B. 39, IND 5th St. 1314Sq. 31, IND Bet 6th & 7th 1315B. 26, IND Tony Catalano/Nunco Thomas 1316Sq. 35, IND P.E. Dolhonde 1317IND 6th & WRR 1318L. 4, 9, Sq. 24, IND Sam Cittadino 1319L. 2, 3, 9, Sq. 24, IND Improvements 1320L. 2, Sq. 34 Grochman 1321? 15.65 Acres 1322Sq. 10, IND Subdivision 1323Sq. 32, IND Tillie Gumelsky 1324B. 29, 44, IND Locations 1325Sq. 33, IND Request of Paul Paleramo 1326B. 21, IND off 2nd. St. 1327Sq. 40, 44, IND Tony Lamarco 1328Sq. 23, B.1, IND Wilson to Saltz 1329L. 4, 9 Sq. 24, IND Sam Cittadino 1330Sq. 45, IND Calcagno-Vacaro 1331Sq. 20, IND Amite Bank & Trust Co. 1332L. 2, Sq. 34, IND Gumulsky 1333
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageB. 34, IND J.W. Tycer 13347th St., IND Vito & Francis D. Cuti 1335Sq. 33, IND Bet. Cypress & ICRR 1336Bl. 24, IND Bet. Tulane & 4th 1338Sq. 33, IND Bet. Cypress & ICRR 1337B. 5, IND Subdivision 1339B. 7, 8, IND Mrs. Mary Kemp 1340Sq. 10, IND Subdivision 1341Sq.? IND Whistler-Edgerton on Pine St. 1343Sec. 34 Joseph J. Fedele 1344Sec. 18 Heirs of F.P. Robertson 1438B. 28, IND Dr. Paul J. Lamarca 1613Sec. 35 Farina Estate 1632Sec. 27 Joseph Lamonte 1636Sec. 4 Donald Ray Stewart 1686Sec. 5, 8 Improvements on 95.547-A. tract 1688L. 24, Sec. 39, IND Town of Independence 1691L. 1-10, Sq. 33, IND Town of Independence 1693Sec. 1, 2 Benny Major 1698Sec. 14 Albert Leonard Genco 1789Sec. 17 Est. of H.L. Nelson 1791Sec. 36 James R. Edwards 1793Sec. 15 14.09 acres 1796Sec. 15 Candiotto, Anzalone & Falcone 1801L. 3, 4, B. 1, Sq. 23, IND Est. Joe Buindo 1815Sec. 9, IND Est. of D. Musso 1852Sec. 14 Leonard Genco, Jr. 1855Sec. 8 Ivy Kinchen 1864B. 2, Sq. 23, IND Community St. Bank 1869Sec. 1 G.C. Cox & Prime D. Rose 1873Sec. 4, IND Isaiah Varnado 1889Sec. 16 Paul Miceli 1895Sec. 39 Anthony Shiro 1917Sec. 23 Williams, Morgan & others 1919Sec. 17 Nelson 1920Sec. 1 Dave P. Lee 1927Sec. 40 Elof Russell 1944Sec. 40 Charles B. Sitts 1944ASec. 16 Lawrence Navarre 1948IND Proposed Water Main 1958
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 3 Charles Baglio, Sr. 1965Sec. 4 Property Location 1980Sec. 3, 4 2.05 A. between Vaccaro & Spitale 1983Sec. 5, 6 H.F. Freiler 1999Sec. 5, 6 H.F. Freiler 2002Sec. 15 Industrial Park 2010Sec. 5 Freiler Property 2023Sec. 15 Lamarca, Mary & Carlo Costa 2067? Roy Wood-Navarre Subd. 2081Sec. 4 John G. LaRock 2092Sec. 9 Digiovanni 2099? 62.082 A. on I-55 2106Sq. 33, IND Joe E. Anzalone 2133B. 18, 19 Town of Independence 2144B. 33, Kentwood Herbert Lea 2145Sec. 22 Warren Ricks 2163Sec. 4 Donald Ray Stewart 2164Sec. 39 George M. Capadona, Jr. 2170L. 11, 12, 13, 14 B. 33 Town of Independence 2187Sec. 11 Mrs. Edna Howze 2190Sec.40 Land Transfers 2193Sec. 4, 9 Est. of Gaetano Anzalone A? J.C. Bahm BSec. 10 Andrew Stevenes DSec. 42 John T. Hutchinson(Harpole & Herring) OSec. 24 Locatin on Hammond Road VSec. 15 Carlo Costa 2222Sec. 3, 4 Mrs. Isabel D’Anna andHeirs of Vincent D’Anna 2224Sec. 9, 16 George ABD Giovanna GrovannaAlessi 2230Sec. 4, l. 6, 7, 8, Sq. 37, IND Peter V. Luizza 2242Sec. 15 Pelice Anzalone 2295Sec. 15 J.W. Harpole in front of 2300Sec. 8 G.C. Taylor 2330Sec. 39, IND. Nhac Quang Duong 2337L. 42, Sq. 42 IND Gary Lee Carroll, Sr. 2371Sec. 29 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2375A
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 23, 6, Sq. 12IND Ronnie Lavigne 2447L. 89, 90, IND Kluchin Subd. 2542Sec. 4 Dan Divottoria 2551L. 3, 4, Sq. 25 IND on 6th St. 2552L. 1, 2, B. 3, IND Preston A. Baham 2557Sec. 14 Paul C. Uli 2564Sec. 27 Sam Lacara 2568L. 28, Sq. 24 IND Ben Lucia 2580Sec. 4 Ronnie Polito 2599Sec. 31 James Larry Bryant 2640Sec. 31 James Larry Bryant 2641L. 7, Sec. 1 Brenda Chambers 2739Sec. 20, 44 Acey Allen 2740Sec. 16 Ralph Lipscomb 2743Sec. 4 Bennie Relan 2755L. 89, 90 KLU SUBD IND Vincent A. & Marilyn Calcagno 2770Sec. 16 Carlo Triolo 2776Sec. 6 Carlo Vaccaro 2777Sec. 6 Carlo Vaccaro 2778Sec. 6 Leland & Josephine Taylor 2779Sec. 6 Carol Ann Vaccaro 2780Sec. 1 Russell Johnson, Jr. 2365Sec. 14 Andrew Cascio 2299Sec. 4 Jimmy Ebarb 2412Sec. 6 Kerry Thomas 2456Sec. 4 Town of Independence 2607Sec. 3 & 4 Town of Independence 2608Sec. 16 Nurphy Danna 2414Sec. 16 Nurphy Danna (1961 survey) 2598L. 1, 2, 3, 4 Sq. 23 TownOf Independence Donald McNulty 907Sec. 40 A.J. Normand 2626Lands of Sewell Bahm 2629Sec. 6 Kerry Thomas 2436Amite City, Sec. 15 J.W. Harpole (very old survey) 2633Sec. 9, Independence Town of Independence 2637Sec. 9 Town of Independence (lift station) 2606Sec. 4 Town of Independence (from HeirsOf John Garman) 2690Sec. 4, 9 Town of Independence (From Hester Tate) 2689Sec. 9 Town of Independence (CDBG-Land Acquisition) 2691Square 11Town of Indy Louis Divincenti 2708
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 14 Harry Roger 2728Sec. 34 & 35 Peter Liuzza to Charles Malnar 2836Sec. 9 & 10 Town of Independence 2849Sec. 37 Johnny Saragusa 2863Sec.32 Tony Noto 2904Sec. 27 David Magee 2936Sec. 14 Joseph Frederick A. LaMarca 2941Sec. 37 Cyprian Heirs 2978Sec. 40 Jack Brian Carona 2981Sec. 40 Elbert Hayden 2983Sec. 1 Sam Pierre 2987Sec. 1 Jack Good 3003Sec. 40 Peter Imbraguglio 3004Sec. 1 Russell Johnson (Danford Estate) 3037Sec. 27 C.G. Forrest Est. 3054Sec. 8 Dalton Breaux 3113Sec. 15 Giardina, Angelo T. & Charlotte G. 3188Sec. 9 Grover Taplin 3374
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name Page? David Gaines & others 880? 15.65 Acres 1322? Roy Wood Navarre Subdivision 2081? 62.082 acre on I-55 2106? J.C. Bahm BSec. 1 Holland Chambers 928Sec. 1 Shelby Blackwell 929Sec. 1 NE/4 1182Sec. 1 David P. Lee 1305Sec. 1, 2 Benny Major 1698Sec. 1 G.C. Cox & Price D. Rose 1873Sec. 1 David P. Lee 1927Sec. 1 Russell Johnson, Jr. 2365Sec. 1 Sam Pierre 2987Sec. 1 Jack Good 3004Sec. 1 Russell Johnson (Danford Property) 3037Sec. 1 Carline, Joseph L. & Wanda Jean 3291Sec. 2, 3 Rosario Ingraffia 1189Sec. 2, 3 W.A. Huck 1190Sec. 3 Philip Macalusa 938Sec. 3 Fred Vilardo 942Sec. 3 Dr. J.J. Anzalone 949Sec. 3, 4 Joseph A. D’Anna, Sr. 956Sec. 3, 4 Genessee Lbr. Co. 1183Sec. 3, 4 Tony Spitale 1184Sec. 3, 4 Tony Spitale 1185Sec. 3, 4 Gaitano Anzalone 1186Sec. 3, 4 Sam Valardo 1187Sec. 3, 4 W.A. Huck 1188Sec. 3, 4 Guiseppi Bruno 1193Sec. 3 George Cucio 1191Sec. 3, 4 Guisseppe D’Anna et al 1210Sec. 3, 4 Mrs. Isabel D’Anna and Heirs ofVincent D’Anna 2224Sec. 3 Charles Baglio, Sr. 1965Sec. 3, 4 20.5 acres between Vaccaro & Spitale 1983Sec. 3, 4 Town of Independence 2608
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Donald Ray Stewart 930Sec. 4 Mrs. Tecla Dibuono Guzzardo 931Sec. 4 Nick Gerage 933Sec. 4 Mr. & Mrs. Claiborne Powell 943Sec. 4 H.H. Hathorn 1192Sec. 4 SE/4 of SW/4 1194Sec. 4 Canals on SW/4 of SW/4 1195Sec. 4 NW/4 of NE/4 1196Sec. 4 Charles Anzalone 1197Sec. 4 Tony Guzzardo 1198Sec. 4 Tony Guzzardo 1199Sec. 4 Amite Bank & Trust 1200Sec. 4 Rosario Divittorio 1201Sec. 4 J.H. McGinty 1202Sec. 4 Buster J. Guzzardo 1203Sec. 4 Howard Hawthorn 1204Sec. 4, 9 Locations 1205Sec. 4 SE/4 of SW/4 of 4 1206Sec. 4 S/2 of NW/4 1207Sec. 4 Michele 1208Sec. 4 Subdivision of 5.5 acres 1209Sec. 4 Donald Ray Stewart 1686Sec. 4 Isaiah Varnado 1889Sec. 4 Property Location 1980Sec. 4 John G. LaRock 2092Sec. 4 Donald Ray Stewart 2164Sec. 4, 9 Est. of Gaetano Anzalone ASec. 4 Peter V. Liuzza 2242Sec. 4 Dan Divottoria 2551Sec. 4 Ronnie Polito 2559Sec. 4 Bennie Relan 2755Sec. 4 Jimmy Ebarb 2412Sec. 4 Town of Independence 2607Sec. 4 Town of Independence (from heirsOf John Garman) 2690Sec. 4, 9 Town of Independence(from Hester Tate) 2689Sec. 4 Jack Brian Carona 2981
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 5 Freiler Property 919Sec. 5 Mrs. Martha Mashon 932Sec. 5 Independence Feed and Flour Co. 1211Sec. 5 Sharkey Cemetery 1212Sec. 5 Locations 1213Sec. 5, 8 Locations of 6.00 acre tract 1214Sec. 5 SW/4 of NW/4 of 5 1215Sec. 5 Sam Magliolo 1216Sec. 5, 8 Improvements on 95, 547 acre tract 1688Sec. 5, 6 H.F. Freiler 1999Sec. 5, 6 H.F. Freiler 2002Sec. 5 Freiler Property 2023Sec. 6 W/2 of SW/4 1217Sec. 6 Marion P. Garafola 1218Sec. 6 .70 acre 1240Sec. 6 Carlo Vaccaro 2777Sec. 6 Carlo Vaccaro 2778Sec. 6 Leland & Josephine Taylor 2779Sec. 6 Carol Ann Vaccaro 2780Sec. 6 Kerry Thomas 2436Sec. 8 Dalton Breaux 3113Sec. 8 Santo & Peter Uli 1219Sec. 8, 9 Mrs. T.B. Levatino 1220Sec.8, 17 Sam Cittadino 1221Sec. 8 Lazard Gumelsky 1222Sec. 8, 15 Vincenzo DiSalvo 1223Sec. 8 Location 1224Sec. 8 G.C. Taylor 2330Sec. 8 Ivy Kinchen 1864Sec. 8 .26 acre 945
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 9, 16 Gene Alessi 941Sec. 9, 16 Gene Alessi 951Sec. 9 Allen Basso & Calvin Basso 957Sec. 9 Est. of D. Musso 1852Sec .9 Digiovanni 2099Sec. 9, 16 George ABD Giovanno Grovanna Alessi 2230Sec .9, 39 Vito Volcise 1225Sec. 9 Joseph Digiovanni 1226Sec. 9 Locations 1227Sec. 9, 10, 15, 16 Rufus Denham 1228Sec. 9 Frank Destifano 1229Sec. 9 Lazard Gumelsky 1230Sec. 9, 10 Galogero Tortorice 1231Sec. 9, 39 Vito Volcise 1232Sec. 9 Town of Independence 2637Sec. 9 Town of Independence 2606Sec. 9 Town of Independence (CDBG-Land Acquisition) 2691Sec. 9, 16 J. Burrescia 858Sec. 9, 14, 19, 26, 39 Vito Volcise 877Sec. 9, 10 Town of Independence 2849Sec. 9 Taplin, Grover 3374Sec. 10 Carmello Damico 1233Sec. 10 A. Gumelsky 1234Sec. 10 Andrew Stevens DSec. 10 Schiro 926Sec. 10 Dr. Paul Lamarca 936Sec. 10 Bernice Young 958
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 11 Mrs. Edna Howze 2190Sec. 13, 14, 23, 24 R. Lillie & Hammond St. Bank 1235Sec. 13, 14 Salvatore Levatino 1236Sec. 14 Andrew Cascio 3263Sec. 14 Francois Lalumo 1241Sec. 14 Frank Anzalone 1242Sec. 14 Locations 1243Sec. 14 Andrew Dagro 1244Sec. 14 L. Canale & F. Lalumia 1245Sec. 14 Earline Carson 927Sec. 14 22.32 Tract of land 1180Sec. 14 Vincent Galiano 1181Sec. 14 Harry Roger 2728Sec. 14 Louis Wallace 769Sec. 14 Paul C. Uli 2564Sec. 14 Andrew Cascio 2299Sec.14 Albert Leonard Genco 1789Sec. 14 Leonard Genco, Jr. 1855Sec. 14 Guy Adams & Frank Goblowsky 1265Sec. 14 Joseph Frederick A. LaMarca 2941Sec. 15 Locations 1246Sec. 15 Sam Orlando & Joe Anzalone 1247Sec. 15, 16 Ingnazzio Centanni 1248Sec. 15 Frank Corrente, Sr. 1249Sec. 15 Johhn Raggio 1250Sec. 15 Joe Recile 1251Sec. 15 Badassino Marggio 1252Sec. 15 Locations 1253Sec. 15 Location 1254Sec. 15 Location 1255Sec. 15 Carlo Costa 3288
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 14.09 acres 1795Sec. 15 Candiotto, Anzalone & Falcone 1801Sec. 15 J.W. Harpole (very old survey) 2633Sec. 15 R. Marggio 185Sec. 15 Locations 664Sec. 15 Jack Candiotto 666Sec. 15 Annie Disolvo 922Sec. 15 Estate of Bodassamo Maggio 923Sec. 15 Industrial Park 2010Sec. 15 Lamarca, Mary & Carlo Costa 2067Sec. 15 Carlo Costa 2222Sec. 15 Pelice Anzalone 2295Sec. 15 J.W. Harpole in front of 2300Sec. 15 Nathaniel Adams 934Sec. 15 Giardina, Angelo T. & Charlotte G. 3188Sec. 15 Ann Adeline Agnello 3220Sec. 16 Gerald I. Gulota 954Sec. 16 Estate of Giacoma Cappadora 918Sec. 16 N. Dana 2414Sec. 16 Ralph Lipscomb 2743Sec. 16 Carlo Triolo 2776Sec. 16 Nurphy Danna 2414Sec. 16 Nurphy Danna (1961 survey) 2598Sec. 16 Paul Miceli 1895Sec. 16 Lawrence Navarre 1948Sec. 16, 17 Huck Estate 1256Sec. 16 Vincent Vitrano 1257Sec. 16 Subdivision of W/2 1258Sec. 16 Locations 1259Sec. 17 Leon Garon 1261Sec. 17 Location of 20 A. tract 1262Sec. 17 Location of 29.21 A. tract 1263Sec. 17 George D. Harpole 1267Sec. 17 Est. of H.L. Nelson 1791Sec. 17 Nelson 1920Sec. 17, 44 Thomas D. Robertson 1300
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 18 Heirs of F.P Robertson 1438Sec. 18 G.T Schiro 1264Sec. 20, 44 Acey Allen 2740Sec. 20, 21 Locations 1268Sec. 21, 22 Roy Hamilton 952Sec. 21 Leonardo Lipari 1260Sec. 21, 22 Vincendo Bondi 1266Sec. 21 SW/4 & NE/4 1269Sec. 21 E/2 1270Sec. 22 Santangello, Sam and Rosa 925Sec. 22 Cittadino, Charles 953Sec. 22 Tortorice, Lena 1271Sec. 22 NW/4 of NE/4 1272Sec. 22 N/2 of SE/4 of 5-7, NW/4 1273Sec. 22 Locations 1274Sec. 22 N/2 of NW/4 1275Sec. 22 Geoge Lamarco & Nick Cacioppo 1276Sec. 22 Lena Tortorice 1277Sec. 22 Warren Ricks 2163
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 23 Williams, Morgan & others 1919Sec. 23 Matise, Joe 935Sec. 23 Morgan, S.G. 1278Sec. 23 Ciaccio, Guiesseppe 1279Sec. 24 Location 1280Sec. 24 Location on Hammond Road VSec. 25, 26 Marchand Property 1282SEc. 25 NW/4 of SE/4 and NE/4 of SW/4 1281Sec. 25 Hagan, Berlin 939Sec. 25 Mannino, Vincent 1298Sec. 26 Joe Carafola 947
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 27 N/2 of N/2 1288Sec. 27 SE/4 of the NE/4 1285Sec. 27 Louisiana Power & Light Co. 1283Sec. 27 Joseph Lamonte 1636Sec. 27, 28 Mr. & Mrs. J. Danner 1286Sec. 27 Sam Lacara 2568Sec. 27 Subdivision 1284Sec. 27 Magee, David 2936Sec. 27 N/2 of N/2 287Sec. 27 W.A. and Susie Wunch 1289Sec. 27 C.G. Forrest, Est. 3054Sec. 28 Est. of Peter D’Anna 955Sec. 29 SE/4 of SE/4 1290Sec. 29 SE/4 of SE/4 1290Sec. 29 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2375A
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 James Larry Bryant 2641Sec. 31 James Larry Bryant 2640Sec. 32 Tony Noto 2904Sec. 33 Frank Valente 1292Sec. 33 Estate of John Catalonotte 946Sec. 34 Joseph J. Fedele 1344Sec. 34 Town of Tickfaw 917Sec. 34, 35 Peter Liuzza to Charles Malnar 2836Sec. 35 Farina Estate 1632Sec. 35 E of NW corner 1293Sec. 36 James R. Edwards 1793
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 37 Benton O. Bickham 609Sec. 37 Location 1294Sec. 37 Johnny Saragusa 2863Sec. 37 Cyprian Heirs 2978Sec. 37 Carleen Hayden 3238ASec. 38 John Huck 950HR 38, 45 E.R. Hoover 1303Sec. 38 Sam J. Coniglio 1291Sec. 39 George M. Capadona, Jr. 2170Sec. 39 Nhac Quang Duong 2337Sec. 39 Robert Paille 959Sec. 39 Subd. Of L. 14 1296Sec. 39 Subd. Of B. 19 1295Sec. 39 Anthony Schiro 1917Sec. 39 John Farace, Jr. 948Sec. 40 Improvements 944Sec. 40 Charles B. Sitts 1944ASec. 40 Land Transfers 2193Sec. 40 Normand, A.J. 2626Sec. 40 Elof Russell 1944Sec. 40 J.Y. Ware & D.C. Chandler 1297Sec. 40 Elbert Hayden 2983Sec. 40 Peter Imbraguglio 3004Sec. 40 Peter ImbraguglioJimmy Bennett 3232
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Hutchinson & others 1299Sec. 42 John T. Hutchinson (Harpole & Herring) OSec. 44 Mrs. Genevieve R. George 1239Sec. 44 Mrs. Genevieve George 1301Sec. 44 Tony Campise 1302Sec. 45 Vocarro 1304
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageB. 1, IND Gulatto, John 869B. 3, L. 1, 2 Baham, Preston A. 2557B. 5 Subdivision 1339Sq. 6 L. 2 Willie Morgan, Jr. 874Sq. 6 L 2 Willie Morgan, Jr. 872B. 7 Rev. M.J. Black, Sr. 875B. 7 Benton Bickham 865B. 7, 8 Mrs. Mary Kemp 1340Sq. 9 Along 2nd, 3rd, and Dillo Sts 879B. 9 Mrs. Helen Reid 866Sq. 10 Subdivision 1341Sq. 10 Subdivision 1323B. 11 L. 9 Mary & Anthony DiMaggio, Jr. 878B. 11 Louis Klotzback 1310Sq. 11 Vick Cuti 885Sq. 11 Lots along Pine Street 861Sq. 11 Mrs. A. A. Tararella 1312Sq. 11 Cardaronella 920Sq. 11 Louis Divincenti 2708Sq. 12, L. 23 Ronnie Lavigne 2447Sq. 15 Frank Sinagra 864Sq. 16, 17, 18 Dr. Paul Lamarca 940
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageB. 18, 19 Town of Independence 2144Sq. 20 Amite Bank & Trust Co. 1332B. 21 off 2nd Street 1327Sq. 23 B. 1 Wilson to Saltz 1329Sq. 23 L. 1, 2, 3, 4 Donald McNulty 907Sq. 23 L. 1, 2 Park and Wilson Ave. 921Sq. 23 L. 3, 4 B. 1 Est. Joe Buindo 1815Sq. 23 Community State Bank 1869Sq. 23 Subdivision 1308Sq. 24 L. 4, 9 Sam Cittadino 1319Sq. 24 L. 42 Gary Lee Carroll, Sr. 2371Sq. 24 L. 4, 9 Sam Cittadno 1330B. 24 Between Tulane & 4th 1338Sq. 24 Carmelo Musso 859Sq. 24 L. 2, 3, 9 Improvements 1320Sq. 24 L. 28 Ben Lucia 2580Sq. 25 L. 3, 4 Ind on 6th St. 2552Sq. 25 Rick Crawford 876B. 26 Tony Catalano/Nunco Thomas 1316B. 28 Dr. Paul J. Lamarca 1613B. 29, 44 Locations 1325Sq. 29 Mrs. Marianne Catalano 870Sq. 31 John J. Masaracchia 883Sq. 21 Between 6th and 7th 1315Sq. 32 Tillie Gumelsky 1324
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSq. 33 L. 27 Charles Politio 871B. 33 Herbert Lea 2145Sq. 33 L. 1-10 Town of Independence 1693Sq. 33 Joe E. Anzalone 2133Sq. 33 Between Cypress & ICRR 1336Sq. 33 Between Cypress & ICRR 1337Sq. 33 Frank Anzalone 863Sq. 33 Request of Paul Palermo 1326B. 33 Rainey, Arnel 873B. 33 L. 11, 12, 13, 14 Town of Independence 2187Sq. 23 Subdivision 1306Sq. 34 L. 2 Gumelsky 1313B. 34 J.W. Tycer 1334Sq. 34 L. 2 Gumelsky 1333Sq. 34 L. 2 Grochman 1321B. 34 Mrs. Don Gumelsky 868Sq. 35 P.E. Dolhonde 1317Sq. 36 Tony Cardaronella 924Sq. 38, L. 9 Louis Pechon 882B. 39 5th St. 1314Sq. 40, 44 Tony Lamarco 1328B. 40 Dr. Paul Lamarca 884Sq. 45 Calcagno-Vacaro 1331Sq. 113, 114 St. Joseph Society 1307L. 89, 90 Kluchin Subd. 2542L. 89, 90 KLU SUBD Vincent A. & Marilyn Calcagno 2770Sq. ? Whistler-Edgerton on Pine St. 1343L. 24 Sec. 39 Town of Independence 1691
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageIND 7th St. Vito & Francis D. Cuti 1335IND Various Squares 1311IND High School Grounds 1309IND 6th & WWR 1318IND Frank & Phillippo Sinagra 869IND Proposed Water Main 1958? 15.65 Acres 1322? 62.082 A on I-55 2106? J.C. Bahm B? David Gaines & others 880? Roy Wood- Navarre Subd. 2081? Lands of Sewell Bahm 2629
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 14 Adams, Guy & Frank Goblowksy 1265Sec. 15 Adams, Nathaniel 934Sec. 9, 16 Alessi, Gene 941Sec. 9, 16 Alessi, Gene 951Sec. 9, 16 Alessi, George ABD Giovanna Grovanna 2230Sec. 20, 44 Allen, Acey 2740Sq. 20 IND Amite Bank & Trust Co. 1332Sec. 4 Amite Bank & Trust Co. 1200Sec. 4 Anzalone, Charles 1197Sec. 15 Anzalone, Felice 2295Sq. 33 INC Anzalone, Frank 863Sec. 14 Anzalone, Frank 1242Sec. 4, 9 Anzalone, Gaetano, Estate of ASec. 3, 4 Gaetano, Anzalone 1186Sq. 33 IND Anzalone, Joe E. 2133Sec. 15 Anzalone, Joe & Orlando Sam 1247Sec. 3 Anzalone, J.J. Dr. 949Sec. 15 Anzalone, Falcone, Candiotto 1801Sec. 15 Agnello, Ann Adeline 3320Sec. 1 Addison, Donald & Betty Z. 3290Sec. 3 Baglio, Charles Sr. 1965L. 1, 2 B. 3 IND Baham, Preston A. 2557? Bahm, J.C. BBahm, Lands of Sewell 2629Sec. 9 Basso, Calvin & Allen 957B. 7 IND Bickham, Benton 865Sec. 37 Bickham, Benton O. 609B. 7 IND Black, M.J. Sr., Rev. 875Sec. 1 Blackwell, Shelby 929Sec. 21, 22 Bondi, Vincendo 1266Sec. 3, 4 Bruno, Guisepi 1193Sec. 31 Bryant, James Larry 2641Sec. 31 Bryant, James Larry 2640L. 3, 4 B. 1 Sq. 23 IND Biundo, Joe, Estate of 1815Sec. 9, 16 Burrescia 858Sec. 8 Breaux Dalton 3113Sec. 40 Bennett, Jimmy 3232
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 22 Cacioppo, Nick & George Lamarco 1276L. 89, 90 KLU SUB Calcagno, Marilyn & Vincent A. 2770Sq. 45 IND Calcagno-Vacaro 1231Sec. 44 Campise, Tony 1302Sec. 14 Canale, L. & F. Lalumia 1245Sec. 15 Candiotto, Jack 666Sec. 15 Candiotto, Anzalone, Falcone 1801Sec. 39 Capadona, George M. Jr. 2170Sec. 16 Cappadora, Giacoma, Estate of 918Sq. 11 IND Cardaronella 920Sq. 33 IND Cardaronella, Tony 924L. 42 Sq. 24 IND Carroll, Gary Lee Sr. 2371Sec. 14 Carson, Earline 927Sec. 14 Cascio, Andrew 2299Sq. 29 IND Catalano, Marianne Mrs. 870B. 26 IND Catalano, Tony/Nunco Thomas 1316Sec. 33 Catalanotte, John, Estate of 946Sec. 15, 16 Centanni, Ingnazzio 1248L. 7 Sec. 1 Chambers, Brenda 2739Sec. 1 Chambers, Holland 928Sec. 40 Chandler, D.C. & J.Y. Ware 1297Sec. 23 Ciaccio, Guiesseppe 1279Sec. 22 Cittadino, Charles 953Sec. 8, 17 Cittadino, Sam 1221L. 4, 9 Sq. 24 IND Cittadino, Sam 1319L. 4 SQ. 24 IND Cittadino, Sam 1330B. 2, SQ. 33 IND Community State Bank 1869Sec. 38 Coniglio, Sam J. 1291Sec. 15 Corrente, Frank Sr. 1249Sec. 15 Costa, Carlo 2222Sec. 15 Costa, Carlo & Mary Lamarca 2067Sec. 1 Cox, G.C & Price D. Rose 1873Sq. 25 IND Craword, Rick 876Sec. 3 Cucio, George 1191Sq. 11 IND Cuti, Vick 8857th St. IND Cuti, Vito & Francis D. 1335Sec. 37 Cyprian Heirs 2978Sec. 4 Carona, Jack Brian 2981Sec. 14 Cascio, Andrew 3263Sec. 15 Costa, Carlo 3288Sec. 1 Carline, Joseph L. & Wanda Jean 3291
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 14 Dagro, Andrea 1244Sec. 10 Damico, Carmello 1233Sec. 3, 4 D’Anna, Guisseppe et al 1210Sec. 3, 4 D’Anna, Isabel & Heirs of V. D’Anna 2224Sec. 3, 4 D’Anna, Joseph, A. Sr. 956Sec. 16 Danna, Nurphy (1961 Survey) 2598Sec. 16 Danna, Nurphy 2414Sec. 28 D’Anna, Peter, Estate of 955Sec. 27, 28 Danner, Mr. & Mrs. J. 1286Sec. 9, 10, 15, 16 Denham, Rufus 1228Sec. 9 Destifano, Frank 1229Sec. 9 Digiovanni 2099
Sec. 9 Digiovanni, Joseph 1226L. 9 B. 11 DiMaggio, Mary & Anthony, Jr. 878Sec. 15 Disalvo, Annie 922Sec. 8, 15 Disalvo, Vincenzo 1223Sq. 11 IND Divincenti, Louis 2708Sec. 4 Divittorio, Rosario 1201Sec. 4 Divottoria, Dan 2551Sq. 35 IND Dolhonde, P.E. 1317Sec. 39 Duong, Nhac Quang 2337Sec. 4 Danna, Emile 3199Sec. 4 Ebarb, Jimmy 2412Sq. ? Edgerton-Whistler on Pine Street 1314Sec. 36 Edwards, James R. 1793
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 39 Farace, John Jr. 948Sec. 35 Farina, Estate of 1632Sec. 34 Fedele, Joseph J. 1344Sec. 5, 6 Freiler, H.F. 2002Sec. 5, 6 Freiler, H.G. 1999Sec. 5 Freiler Property 2023Sec. 5 Freiler Property 919Sec. 15 Fancone, Candiotto, Anzalone 1801Sec. 27 Forrest, C.G. (Estate) 3054Sec. 27 Forrest, C.G. (Estate) 3261
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. ? Gaines, David & others 880Sec. 14 Galiano, Vincent 1181Sec. 26, 27 Garafola, Joe 947Sec. 6 Garafola, Marion P. 1218Sec. 4 Garman, John, Heirs of to IND 2690Sec. 17 Garon, Leon 1261Sec. 14 Genco, Albert Leonard 1789Sec. 14 Genco, Leonard Jr. 1855Sec. 3, 4 Genessee Lumber Co. 1855Sec. 3, 4 Genessee Lumber Co. 1183Sec. 44 George, Genevieve Mrs. 1301Sec. 44 George, Genevieve Mrs. 1239Sec. 4 Gerage, Nick 933Sec. 14 Goblowsky, Frank & Guy Adams 1265L. 2 Sq. 34 Grochman 1321Sec. 16 Gulota, Gerald I. 954B. 1 IND Gulatto, John 869Sec. 10 Gumelsky, A. 1234B. 34 IND Gumelsky, Don Mrs. 868Sec. 9 Gumelsky, Lazard 1230Sec. 8 Gumelsky, Lazard 1222Sq. 32 IND Gumelsky, Tillie 1324L. 2 Sq. 34 IND Gumelsky 1333L. 2 Sq. 34 IND Gumelsky 1313Sec. 4 Guzzardo, Buster J. 1203Sec. 4 Guzzardo, Tecla Dibuono Mrs. 931Sec. 4 Guzzardo, Tony 1199Sec. 4 Guzzardo, Tony 1198Sec. 1 Good, Jack 3003Sec. 15 Giardina, Angelo T. & Charlotte G. 3188Sec. 9 Gaeta, Frances M. 3200
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 25 Hagan, Berlin 939Sec. 21, 22 Hamilton, Roy 952Sec. 13, 14, 23, 24 Hammond State Bank & R. Lillie 1235Sec. 17 Harpole, George D. 1267Sec. 15 Harpole, J.W. 2633Sec. 15 Harpole, J.W. in front of 2300Sec. 4 Hathorn, H.H. 1192Sec. 4 Hawthorn, Howard 1204IND High School Grounds 1309HR 38, 45 Hoover, E.R. 1303Sec. 11 Howze, Edna Mrs. 2190Sec. 38 Huck, John 950Sec. 2, 3 Huck, W.A. 1190Sec. 3, 4 Huck, W.A. 1188Sec. 16, 17 Huck Estate 1256Sec. 42 Hutchinson, John T. OSec. 42 Hutchinson, others 1299Sec. 40 Hayden, Elbert 2983Sec. 37 Hayden, Carleen 3238ASec. 40 Imbraguglio, Peter 3004Sec. 5 Independence Feed and Flour Co. 1211L. 1-10 Sq. 33 Independence, Town of 1693Sec. 3, 4 Independence, Town of 2608B. 18, 19 Independence, Town of 2144Sec. 9 Independence, Town of (lift station) 2606L. 24 Sec. 39 Independence, Town of 1691L. 11, 12, 13, 14 B. 33 Independence, Town of 2187Sec. 4 Independene, Town of 2607Sec. 9 Independence, Town of 2637Sec. 9, 10 Independence, Town of 2849Sec. 9 Independence, Town of (CDBG) 2691Sec. 15 Industrial Park 2010Sec. 2, 3 Ingraffia, Rosario 1189Sec. 40 Imbraguligio, Peter 3232Sec. 3 & 4 Indy IND. Park 1983
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 1, 5, 7 Johnson, Russell Jr. 2365Sec. 1, 5, 7 Johnson, Russell Jr. (Danford Estate) 3037B. 7, 8 IND Kemp, Mary Mrs. 1340Sec. 8 Kinchen, Ivy 1864B. 11 IND Klotzback, Louis 1310L. 89, 90 IND Kluchin Subdivision 2542
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 27 Lacara, Sam 2568Sec. 14 Lalumia, F. & L. Canale 1245Sec. 14 Lalumo, Francois 1241Sec. 22 Lamarco, George & Nick Cacioppo 1276Sec. 14 LaMarca, Joseph Frederick A. 2941Sec. 15 Lamarca, Mary & Carlo Costa 2067B. 40 IND Lamarca, Paul Dr. 884Sq. 16, 17, 18 IND Lamarca, Paul Dr. 940Sec. 10 Lamarca, Paul Dr. 936B. 28 IND Lamarca, Paul Dr. 1613Sq. 40, 44 IND Lamarco, Tony 1328Sec. 27 Lamonte, Joseph 1636Sec. 4 LaRock, John G. 2092L. 23, 6 Sq 12 IND Lavigne, Ronnie 2447B. 33 IND Lea, Herbert 2145Sec. 1 Lee, David P. 1305Sec. 1 Lee, Dave P. 1927Sec. 13, 14 Levatino, Salvatore 1236Sec. 8, 9 Levatino, T.B. Mrs. 1220Sec. 13, 14, 23, 24 Lillie, R. & Hammond State Bank 1235Sec. 21 Lipari, Leonardo 1260Sec. 16 Lipscomb, Ralph 2743Sec. 4, L. 6, 7, 7 Sq. 37 Liuzza, Peter V. 2242Sec. 34, 35 Liuzza, Peter to Charles Malnar 2836Sec. 4, 9 Locations 1205Sec. 15 Locations 1254Sec. 37 Locations 1294Sec. 5 Locations 1213Sec. 5, 8 Locations of 6 A tract 1214Sec. 15 Locations 1253Sec. 15 Location 1255Sec. 14 Locations 1243Sec. 20, 21 Locations 1268Sec. 24 Location 1280Sec. 15 Locations 664B. 29, 44 IND Locations 1325Sec. 8 Location 1224Sec. 15 Locations 1246Sec. 22 Locations 1274Sec. 16 Locations 1259Sec. 9 Locations 1227Sec. 27 Louisiana Power & Light Co. 1283L. 28 Sq. 44 IND Lucia, Ben 2580Sec. 9 (Lot 1A & 2A) Lee, Gary & Carla (Independence) 3272
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 3 Macalusa, Philip 938Sec. 27 Magee, David 2936Sec. 15 Maggio, Bodassamo, Estate of 923Sec. 5 Magliolo, Sam 1216Sec. 1, 2 Major, Benny 1698Sec. 34, 35 Malnar, Charles-from Peter Liuzza 2836Sec. 25 Mannino, Vincent 1298Sec. 25, 26 Marchand Property 1282Sec. 15 Maggio, R. 185Sec. 15 Maggio, Bassino 1252Sq. 31 IND Masaracchia, John J. 883Sec. 5 Mashon, Martha Mrs. 932Sec. 23 Matise, Joe 935Sec. 4 McGinty, J.H. 1202L. 1, 2, 3, 4, Sq 23 IND McNulty, Donald 907Sq. 11 Messina, Sam 862Sec. 16 Miceli, Paul 1895Sec. 4 Michele 1208Sq. 9 IND Michelle, Frank 881Sec. 23 Morgan, S.G. 1278L. 2 S. 6 IND Morgan, Willie Jr. 874L. 2 S. 6 IND Morgan, Willie Jr. 872Sec. 23 Morgan, Williams, others 1919Sq. 24 IND Musso, Carmelo 859Sec. 9 IND Musso D. Estate of 1852
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 16 Navarre, Lawrence 1948Sec. 17 Nelson, H.Ll, Estate of 1791Sec. 17 Nelson 1920Sec. 40 Normand, A. J. 2626Sec. 32 Noto, Tony 2904Sec. 15 Orlando, Sam & Joe Anzalone 1247Sec. 39 Paille, Robert 959Sq. 33 Palmero, Paul, Request of 1326L. 9 Sq. 38 IND Pechon, Louis 882L. 27 Sq. 33 IND Polito, Charles 871Sec. 4 Polito, Ronnie 2599Sec. 4 Powell, Mr. & Mrs. Claiborne 943Sec. 1 Pierre, Sam 2987
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 Raggio, John 1250B. 33 IND Rainey, Arnel 873Sec. 15 Recile, Joe 1251B. 9 IND Reid, Helen Mrs. 866Sec. 4 Relan, Bennie 2755Sec. 22 Ricks, Warren 2163Sec. 18 Robertson, F.P., Heirs of 1438Sec. 17, 44 Robertson, Thomas D. 1300Sec. 14 Roger, Harry 227Sec. 40 Russell, Elof 1944Sq. 23 B. 1 IND Saltz from Wilson 1329Sec. 22 Santangello, Sam and Rosa 925Sec. 37 Saragusa, Johnny 2863Sec. 39 Schiro, Anthony 1917Sec. 18 Schiro, G.T. 1264Sec. 10 Schiro 926Sec. 5 Sharkey Cemetery 1212Sq. 15 IND Sinagra, Frank 864IND Sinagra, Frank & Phillippo 860Sec. 40 Sitts, Charles B. 1944ASec. 3, 4 Spitale, Tony 1184Sec. 3, 4 Spitale, Tony 1185Sec. 3, 4 Spitale & Vaccaro 2.05 A between 1983Sq. 113, 114 IND St. Joseph Society 1307Sec. 10 Stevens, Andrew DSec. 4 Stewart, Donald Ray 2164Sec. 4 Stewart, Donald Ray 930Sec. 4 Stewart, Donald Ray 1686Sec. 27 Subdivision 1284
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 29 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2375ASq. 11 IND Tararella, A.A. Mrs. 1312Sec. 4, 9 Tate, Hester to Town of Independence 2689Sec. 8 Taylor, G.C. 2330Sec. 6 Taylor, Leland & Josephine 2779Sec. 6 Thomas, Kerry 2436B. 26 IND Thomas, Nunco & Catalano, Tony 1216Sec. 34 Tickfaw, Town of 917Sec. 9, 10 Tortorice, Calogero 1231Sec. 33 Tortorice, Lena 1271Sec. 22 Tortorice, Lena 1277Sec. 16 Triolo, Carlo 2776B. 34 IND Tycer, J.W. 1334Sec. 9 Taplin, Grover 3374Sec. 14 Uli, Paul C. 2564Sec. 8 Uli, Santo & Peter 1219
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 6 Vaccaro, Carlo 2778Sec. 6 Vaccaro, Carlo 2777Sec. 6 Vaccaro, Carol Ann 2780Sq. 45 IND Vacaro-Calcagno 1331Sec. 45 Vacarro 1304Sec. 3, 4 Valardo, Sam 1187Sec. 4 IND Varnado, Isaiah 1889Sec. 33 Valante, Frank 1292Sec. 3 Vilardo, Fred 942Sec. 16 Vitrano, Vincent 1257Sec. 9, 14, 19, 26, 39 Volcise, Vito 877Sec. 9, 39 Volcise, Vito 1232Sec. 9, 39 Volcise, Vito 1225Sec. 45 Vaccro, Carlo 3196Sec. 14 Wallace, Louis 769Sec. 40 Ware, J.Y. & D.C. Chandler 1297Sq. ? IND Whistler-Edgerton on Pine St. 1343SQ. 23, B 1 Wilson to Saltz 1329? Wood, Roy-Navarre Subd. 2081Sec. 27 Wunch, Susie and W.A. 1289
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Young, Bernice 958Sec. 5 SE/5 of NE/4 of 5 1215Sec. 4 SE/4 of SW/ 4 of 4 1206Sec. 4 S/2 of NW/4 1207Sec. 4 Canals on SW/4 of SW/4 1195Sec. 1 NE/4 1182Sec. 4 SE/4 of SW/4 1194Sec. 27 SE/4 of the NE/4 1285Sec. 25 NW/4 of SE/4 and NE/4 of SW/4 1281Sec. 22 N/2 of NW/4 1275Sec. 29 SE/4 of SE/4 1290Sec. 6 W/2 of SW/4 1217Sec. 21 SW/4 of NE/4 1269Sec. 27 N/2 of N/2 1288Sec. 27 N/2 of N/2 1287Sec. 22 NW/4 of NE/4 1272Sec. 16 Subd. Of W/2 1258Sec. 21 E/2 1270Sec. 22 N/2 of SE/4 of 5-7 NW/4 1273Sec. 4 NW/4 of NE/4 1196Sec. 29 SE/4 of SE/4 1290Sq. 33 IND Between Cypress & ICRR 1337Sq. 11 IND Lots along Pine Street 861B. 24 IND Between Tulane & 4th 1338L. 1, 2 B. 3 Sq. 23 IND Park & Wilson Avenue 921Sec. 24 Location on Hammond Road VSq. 9 Along 2nd, 3rd, and Dillo Streets 879Sq. 31 IND Between 6th and 7th 1315B. 21 IND off 2nd St. 1327Sq. 33 IND Between Cypress & ICRR 1336L. 3, 4 Sq. 25 IND on 6th St. 2552B. 39 IND 5th St. 1314IND 6th & WRR 1318Sec. 4 Subd. Of 5.5 Acres 1209Sec. 8 .26 Acres 945Sec. 14 22.32 Tract of Land 1180
T. 5 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 14.09 Acres 1795Sec. 17 Location of 29.21 A tract 1263Sec. 5, 8 Improvements on 95.547 A tract 1688Sec. 17 Location of 20 A tract 1262Sec. 6 .70 Acres 1240? 62.082 A on I-55 2106? 15.65 Acres 1322IND Proposed Water Main 1958IND Various Squares 1311Sq. 10 IND Subdivision 1341Sq. 23 IND Subdivision 1308B. 5, IND Subdivision 1339Sec. 39 Subdivision of L. 14 1296Sec. 39 Subdivision of B. 19 1295Sq. 10 IND Subdivision 1323Sq. 33 IND Subdivision 1306Sec. 40 Improvements 944L. 2, 3, 9 S. 24 IND Improvements 1320Sec. 40 Land Transfers 2193Sec. 35 Est. N.W. Corner 1293Sec. 4 Property Location 1980Sec. 27 C.G. Forrest Est. 3261
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 6 Wilton J. Naquin 657Sec. 33, 43 Marchand Property 1282Sec. 27, 33, 34, 43, 45 King DePhillip 1677Sec. 19 Dunnington, Johnson, others 1678Sec. 31 Dunnington & others 1679Sec. 6 SW/4 of SW/4 1680Sec. 46 Est. of Bertrand Roberts 1681Sec. 39 & others Property Owners 1682Sec. 11 Edgar Populis 1694Sec. 9 Ernestine C. Neal 1728Sec. 22 Byron P. Merritt 1729Sec. 2 Preston Robinson, Jr. 1730Sec. 15 Herbert Flynn 1731Sec. 33 Joseph N. Naccari & ChelseaTitle & Guaranty Co. 1734Sec. 10 N/2 of SW/4 and S/2 of NW/4 1735Sec. 9 Kenneth Champlin 1736Sec. 8 William E. Shockley 1737Sec. 18, 19 Freiler Property 1740Sec. 19 Eugene Henkel 1797Sec. 19 Herbert Freiler 1874Sec. 6 Travis Howes 1875Sec. 4 Location of Property 1971Sec. 4 Location of Property 1981Sec. 4 Location 1982Sec. 9 Janet Grice 2006Sec. 4 Hempfill 2034Sec. 32, 44 Mrs. Helen M. Rhodus 2107Sec. 3 W/2 of SW/2 2108Sec. 18, 39 Locations 2109Sec. 40 Allen Stevens 2110Sec. 33 Brayden Property 2111Sec. 42 James A. Newsham 2112Sec. 20, 40, 41 Subdivision 2113Sec. 19 H. Freiler 2114Sec. 33 R.J. Usher 2116Sec. 24 Genessee Lbr., Lester, others 2117Sec. 24 Joiner, Wmson, Lester 2118Sec. 2 Ranger Land Company 2119Sec. 33 R.J. Usher 2120Sec. 20, 41 Subd. Of HR 2123
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 9 Roy Burnthorn 2359Sec. 3 Tangi Parish School Board 2361Sec. 3 Tangi Parish School Board 2443Sec. 42 John T. Hutchinson 0Sec. 46 Bertrand Roberts A4Sec. 46 Roberts, Harper, others A5Sec. 3 Tangi Parish School Board 2646Sec. 3 Tangi Parish School Board 2647Sec. 4 Tangi Parish School Board 2717Sec. 4 Walter E. Shockley 3164Sec. 4 Walter E. Shockley 3275
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 33 Brayden Property 2111Sec. 9 Bunthorn, Roy 2359Sec. 9 Champlin, Kenneth 1736Sec. 27, 33, 34, 43, 45 DePhillip, King 1677Sec. 19 Dunnington, Johnson, others 1678Sec. 31 Dunnington, others 1679Sec. 15 Flynn, Herbert 1731Sec. 19 Freiler, Herbert 1874Sec. 19 Freiler, H. 2114Sec. 18, 19 Freiler, Property 1740Sec. 24 Genessee Lbr., Lester, others 2117Sec. 9 Grice, Janet 2006
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 46 Harper, Roberts, others A5Sec. 19 Henkel, Eugene 1797Sec. 4 Hemphill 2034Sec. 6 Howes, Travis 1875Sec. 42 Hutchinson, John T. 0Sec. 19 Johnson, Dunnington, others 1678Sec. 24 Joiner, Williamson, Lester 2118Sec. 24 Lester, Joiner, Williamson 2118Sec. 4 Location 1982Sec. 18, 39 Locations 2109Sec. 4 Location of Property 1971Sec. 4 Location of Property 1981Sec. 33, 43 Marchand Property 1282Sec. 22 Merritt, Byron P. 1729
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 33 Naccari, Joseph N. & Chelsea Title& Guaranty Co. 1734Sec. 6 Naquin, Wilton J. 657Sec. 9 Neal, Ernestine C. 1728Sec. 42 Newsham, James A. 2112Sec. 11 Populis, Edgar 694Sec. 39, others Property Owners 1682Sec. 2 Ranger Land Company 2119Sec. 32, 44 Rhodus, Mrs. Helen M. 2107Sec. 46 Roberts, Bertrand A4Sec. 46 Roberts, Bertrand, Estate of 1681Sec. 46 Roberts, Harper, others A5Sec. 2 Shockley, Walter E. 3164Sec. 8 Shockley, William E. 1737Sec. 40 Stevens, Allen 2110Sec. 20, 40, 41 Subdivision 2113Sec. 4 Shockley, Walter E. 3275
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2361Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2443Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2646Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2647Sec. 4 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2717Sec. 33 Usher, R.J. 2120Sec. 33 Usher, R.J. 2116Sec. 24 Williamson, Lester, Joiner 2118Sec. 10 N/2 of SW/4 and S/2 of NW/4 1735Sec. 3 S/2 of SW/2 2108Sec. 6 SW/4 of SW/4 1680Sec. 20, 41 Subdivision of HR 2123
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Preston Robinson, Jr. 1730Sec. 2 Ranger Land Company 2119Sec. 3 W/2 of SW/2 2108Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2647Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2443Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2361Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2646Sec. 4 Hemphill 2034Sec. 4 Location 1982Sec. 4 Location of Property 1971Sec. 4 Location of Property 1981Sec. 4 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 2717Sec. 6 Wilton J. Naquin 657Sec. 6 Travis Howes 1875Sec. 6 SW/4 of SW/4 1680Sec. 8 William E. Shockley 1737Sec. 9 Roy Bunthorn 2359Sec. 9 Kenneth Champlin 1736Sec. 9 Janet Grice 2006Sec. 9 Ernestine C. Neal 1728
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 N/2 of SW/4 and S/2 of NW/4 1735Sec. 11 Edgar Populis 1694Sec. 15 Herbert Flynn 1731Sec. 18, 39 Locations 2109Sec. 18, 19 Freiler Property 1740Sec. 19 Herbert Freiler 1874Sec. 19 Dunnington, Johnson, others 1678Sec. 19 H. Freiler 2114Sec. 19 Eugene Henkel 1797Sec. 20, 41 Subdivision of HR 2123Sec. 20, 40, 41 Subdivision 2113
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 22 Bryon P. Merritt 1729Sec. 24 Genessee Lbr., Lester, others 2117Sec. 24 Joiner, Williamson, Lester 2118Sec. 27, 33, 34, 43, 45 Kind DePhillip 1677Sec. 31 Dunnington & others 1679Sec. 32, 44 Mrs. Helen M. Rhodus 2107Sec. 33, 43 Marchand property 1282Sec. 33 R.J. Usher 2120Sec. 33 Joseph N. Naccari & ChelseaTitle & Guaranty Co. 1734Sec. 33 R.J. Usher 2116Sec. 33 Brayden Property 2111Sec. 39, others Property Owners 1682Sec. 39 Baham 3437
T. 5 S., R. 8 E.Location Name PageSec. 40 Allen Stevens 2110Sec. 42 James A. Newsham 2112Sec. 42 John T. Hutchinson 0Sec. 46 Bertrand Roberts A4Sec. 46 Estate of Bertrand Roberts 1681Sec. 46 Roberts, Harper, others A5
T. 5 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Heirs of Garfield Reid 2351Sec. 3 Leander & Bessie Roberts 2954Sec. 10 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1930Sec. 11 Estate of Wallace Hutchinson 1867Sec. 11 Leo Reid 1745Sec. 14 At the request of Mrs. W.C. Neal 1702Sec. 14 Pierre and others 1707Sec. 14 Lawrence Alexis 1817Sec. 15 Hubert Smith 1704Sec.15 NW/4 of NE/4, E/2 of NE/4 of NW/4 1703Sec. 15 Fines Baham 3046Sec. 16 NW/4 of NW/4 1706Sec. 23 Peter L. Bernard 1732Sec. 23 Guy J. Basalacchi 1826Sec. 23 McGeen Nursery & others 1744Sec. 36 NW/4 of SE/4 1705? Samuel Zemurray A10
T. 5 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828
T. 5 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 14 At the Request ofMrs. W.C. Neal 1702Sec. 15 NW/4 of NE/4, E/2 of NE/4 of NW/4 1703Sec. 15 Hubert Smith 1704Sec. 36 NW/4 of SE/4 1705Sec. 16 NW/4 of NW/4 1706Sec. 14, 23 Pierre and others 1707Sec. 23 Peter L. Bernard 1732Sec. 23 McGeen Nursery & others 1744Sec. 11 Leo Reid 1745Sec. 14 Lawrence Alexis 1817Sec. 23 Guy J. Busalacchi 1826Sec. 11 Est. of Wallace Hutchinson 1867Sec. 10 Tangi Parish Police Jury 1930Sec. 2 Heirs of Garfield Reid 2351? Samuel Zemurray A10Sec. 3 Leander & Bessie Roberts 2954Sec. 15 Fines Baham 3046Sec. 15 Fines Baham 3047
T. 5 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46, 54 Arthur Green 1828
T. 5 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 14 Alexis, Lawrence 1817Sec. 23 Bernard, Peter L. 1732Sec. 23 Busalacchi 1826Sec. 15 Baham, Fines 3046Sec. 15 Baham, Fines 3047Sec. 11 Hutchinson, Wallace, Estate of 1867Sec. 23 McGeen Nursery & others 1744Sec. 14 Neal, W.C. Mrs., At the request of 1702Sec. 14, 23 Pierre and others 1707Sec. 2 Reid, Garfield, Heirs of 2351Sec. 11 Reid, Leo 1745Sec. 3 Roberts, Leander & Bessie 2954
T. 5 S., R. 9 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 Smith, Hubert 1704Sec. 10 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1930? Zemurray, Samuel A10Sec. 15 NW/4 of NE/4, E/2 of NE/4 of NW/4 1703Sec. 36 NW/4 of SE/4 1705Sec. 16 NW/4 of NW/4 1706
T. 5 S., R. 11 E.Location Name PageHR 46, 54 Green, Arthur 1828
T. 6 S., R.5 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Stafford, Herring, others 059Sec. 39 Efferson 061Sec. 27, 28, 33, 34 Schank Property 1779Sec. 40 Davis vs. White 1903
T. 6 S., R.6 E.Location Name Page? Denkmann Lumber Co. 203Sec. 1 Buckley, Van, others 205Sec. 1 Tangi Parish Police Jury 204Sec. 38 Augusta Crisp 207Sec. 40 Estate of B.E. Thompson 208? Natalbany School District 209Sec. 21 Mid-States Homes 211Sec. 7, 12 Felix Howell 891Sec. 41 Martin vs. Thompson 1379Sec. 41 Edward L. Gatlin 2135Sec. 20 Wanda Ann White 2601Sec. 27 Cecil Stewart 2650Sec. 32 James Sharp 2677Sec. 20 Darel Marcotte 2719Sec. 20 Johnny and Pam Martin 2760Sec. 20 James Roach 2759Sec. 20 David and Linda Karl 2761
T. 6 S., R.5 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Stafford, Herring, others 59Sec. 27, 28, 33, 34 Schank Property 1779Sec. 39 Efferson 61Sec. 40 Davis vs White 1903
T. 6 S., R.5 E.Location Name PageSec. 40 Davis vs. White 1903Sec. 39 Efferson 61Sec. 10 Herring, Stafford, others 59Sec. 27, 28, 33, 34 Schank Property 1779Sec. 10 Stafford, Herring, others 59Sec. 40 White, David vs 1903
T. 6 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 1 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 204Sec. 1 Buckley, Van, others 205Sec. 7, 12 Felix Howell 891Sec. 20 David and Linda Karl 2761Sec. 20 Darel Marcotte 2719Sec. 20 Johnny and Pam Martin 2760Sec. 20 James Roach 2759Sec. 20 Wanda Ann White 2601Sec. 21 Mid-States Homes 211Sec. 27 Cecil Stewart 2650Sec. 32 James Sharp 2677Sec. 38 Augusta Crisp 207Sec. 40 Martin vs Thompson 1379
T. 6 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 41 Edward L. Gatlin 2135Sec. ? Denkmann Lumber Co. 203Sec. ? Natalbany School District 209
T. 6 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 1 Buckley, Van, others 205Sec. 38 Crisp, Augusta 207? Denkmann Lumber Co. 203Sec. 41 Gatlin, Edward 2135Sec. 7, 12 Howell, Felix 891
Sec. 20 Karl, Davind and Linda 2761Sec. 20 Marcotte, Darel 2719Sec. 20 Martin, Johnny and Pam 2760Sec. 41 Martin vs Thompson 1379Sec. 21 Mid-States Homes 211
T. 6 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. ? Natalbany School District 209Sec. 20 Roach, James 2759Sec. 32 Sharp, James 2677Sec. 27 Stewart, Cecil 2650Sec. 1 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 204Sec. 40 Thompson, Estate of B.E. 208Sec. 1 Van, Buckley, others 205Sec. 20 White, Wanda Ann 2601
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 41 Mrs. Augusta Crisp 207Sec. 27, L. 8, B. 14FLORA PARK Ivy Alvin Miller 206? Natalbany School District 209Sec. 9 Wilbert T. Robertson 886Sec. 24 Ard 887Sec. 4 Fred L. Piazza 889Sec. 16 Allie O. Depriest 890Sec. 7, 12 Felix Howell 891Sec. 19 Wilbert L. Robertson 892Sec. 32 Joseph B. Johnson 893Sec. 27 E.H. Anderson 894Sec. 23 “Sam” Salvatore Distefano, Jr.& “Charlie” Vincent Distefano 895Sec. 3 Est. John Governale 899Sec. 39 Clyde Yarborough (now Quave) 1344ASec. 40 Canthon, Corbin, McGowen, Gainey 1345Sec. 21 S/2 1346Sec. 10 Locations of NE/4 1347Sec. 2, 3 Loranger Community Co. 1348Sec. 2 Genessee Lumber Co. 1349Sec. 23 Tangi Parish School Board 1350Sec. 20, 21 Vito Costanza 1351Sec. 20, 21 Vito Costanza 1352Sec. 38 Subdivision 1353Sec. 25 McElroy Sloan Shoe Co. 1354Sec. 5, 6 Messrs. Robertson & Cosell 1355Sec. 9 Frank Schell & L.L. Arnold 1356Sec. 20 Costanza-Cali 1357Sec. 24 Robert M. McGehee 1358Sec. 32 J.O. Corbin & J.L. Hinson 1359Sec. 10 Mrs. Stella B. Stelley 1360Sec. 22 Mrs. Louise Miller 1361Sec. 4 Lumber Co. 1362Sec. 22 Dr. H.M. Gates and others 1363Sec. 39 H.F. McTeague 1364Sec. 30 Locations 1365Sec. 22 Dr. H.M. Gates & others 1366Sec. 36 Lacascio vs. Duplantis 1367Sec. 10 Locations 1368Sec. 14 Warren Landry 1369Sec. 2, 3 Subdivision 1370Sec. 23 Frank Musso 1371Hammond Albert H. Williams 1372Sec. 23 Joseph Rizzuto 1373Sec. 7 Location 1374
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 20, 43 W.E. Schutzmann 1375Sec. 10 Property Lines 1376Sec. 8 Locations 1377Bldg. Dist. #111 1378Sec. 40 William McGovern 1380Sec. 12 Costanza Vallavuta 1381Sec. 10 Mrs. Lillie Turcott 1382Sec. 36 Locations NW/4 1385Sec. 24, Ham Robert Randall 1383B70, HAM Wilcambe Property 1384L. 6, 7, 8, Sq. 26, PONCH Dr. M.L. Pittman 1387Sec. 24 Ard 1775Sec. 4 Brosi Macalusa 2090Sec. 6 Johnnie Jones 2181Sec. 9, 46 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2191Sec. 2, 3 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2292L. 18, 19, 20, 21B. 2, COL PL, HAM Manley Youngblood 2582Sec. 34 Charles Blount 2683Sec. 3 Henry L. Jacobsen 2685Sec. 21 Robert Day 2733Sec. 9 Davis Johnson, Jr. 2803Sec. 9 Davis Johnson, and other owners 2803-ASec. 35 (also, Sec. 2, 7-7) Mike Ciolini 2421Sec. 23 Reese Owen 3131Sec. 18 Ronald Bell vs #77416 3308
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Genessee Lumber Co. 1349Sec. 2, 3 Loranger Community Co. 1348Sec. 2, 3 Subdivision 1370Sec. 2, 3 Tangi Parish Police Jury 2292Sec. 3 Henry L. Jacobsen 2685Sec. 3 Estate of John Governale 899Sec. 3 Michael & Rosa Delaughter 3216Sec. 4 Piazza, Fred L. 889Sec. 4 Brosi Macalusa 2090Sec. 4 Lumber Co. 1362Sec. 5, 6 Messrs. Robertson & Cosell 1355Sec. 6 Johnnie Jones 2181Sec. 7, 12 Felix Howell 891Sec. 7 Location 1374
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 8 Locations 1377Sec. 9, 16 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2191Sec. 9 Frank Schell & L.L. Arnold 1356Sec. 9 Davis Johnson, Jr. 2803Sec. 9 Wilbert T. Robertson 886Sec. 9 Davis Johnson, others 2803ASec. 10 Mrs. Stella B. Stelley 1360Sec. 10 Locations 1368Sec. 10 Property Lines 1376Sec. 10 Mrs. Lillie Turcott 1382Sec. 10 Locations of NE/4 1347Sec. 12 Costanza Vallavuta 1381Sec. 14 Warren Landry 1369Sec. 16 Allie O. Depriest 890Sec. 18 Ronald Bell #77416 Battles 3308Sec. 19 Wilbert L. Robertson 892
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 20, 21 Vito Costanza 1351Sec. 20, 43 W.E. Shutzmann 1375Sec. 20, 21 Vito Costanza 1352Sec. 20 Costanza-Cali 1357Sec. 21 S/2 1346Sec. 21 Robert Day 2733Sec. 22 Mrs. Louise Miller 1361Sec. 22 Dr. H.M. Gates & others 1366Sec. 22 Dr. H.M. Gates and others 1363Sec. 23 Joseph Rizzuto 1373Sec. 23 “Sam” Salvatore Distefano, Jr.& “Charlie” Vincent Distefano 895Sec. 23 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 1350Sec. 23 Frank Musso 1371Sec. 23 Reese Owen 3131Sec. 24 Robert M. McGehee 1358Sec. 24 Ard 887Sec. 24 Ard 1775Sec. 24 Robert Randall 1383Sec. 25 McElroy Sloan Shoe Co. 1354
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 27 L 8, B. 14 FLORA PK Ivy Alvin Miller 206Sec. 27 E.H. Anderson 894Sec. 30 Locations 1365Sec. 32 J.O. Corbin & J.L. Hinson 1359Sec. 32 Joseph B. Johnson 893Sec. 34 Charles Blount 2683Sec. 35 (also 2-7-7) Mike Ciolini 2421Sec. 36 Lacascio vs Duplantis 1367Sec. 36 Locations NW/4 1385Sec. 38 Subdivision 1353Sec. 39 H.F. McTeague 1364Sec. 39 Clyde Yarborough (now Quave) 1344ASec. 40 Canthon, corbin, McGowen , Gainey 1345Sec. 40 William McGovern 1380Sec. 41 Mrs. Augusta Crisp 207
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageBl. 2 COL PL HAM Manley Youngblood 2582Sq. 26 L. 6, 7, 8 PONCH Dr. M.L. Pittman 1387B. 70 HAM Wilcambe Property 1384Hammond Albert H. Williams 1372? Boulding District #111 1378? Natalbany School District 209
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 27 Anderson, E.H. 894Sec. 24 Ard 887Sec. 24 Ard 1775Sec. 9 Arnold, L.L. & Frank Schell 1356Sec. 34 Blount, Charles 2683Sec. ? Boulding District #111 1378Sec. 18 Bell, Ronald Vs #77416 (Battles) 3308Sec. 40 Canthon, Corbin, McGowen, Gainey 1345Sec. 35 (2-7-7) Ciolini, Mike 2421Sec. 32 Corbin, J.O. & J.L. Hinson 1359Sec. 5, 6 Cosell & Robertson 1355Sec. 20 Costanza-Cali 1357Sec. 20, 21 Costanza, Vito 1351Sec. 20, 21 Costanza, Vito 1352Sec. 41 Crisp, Augusta Mrs. 207Sec. 21 Day, Robert 2733Sec. 16 Depriest, Allie O. 890
Sec. 23 Distefano, “Sam” Salvatore Jr. &”Charlie” Vincent Distefano 895Sec. 3 DeLaughter, Michael & Rosa 3216
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 22 Gates, H.M. Dr. & others 1366Sec. 22 Gates, H.M. Dr. & others 1363Sec. 40 Gainey, Canthon, Corbin, McGowen 1345Sec. 2 Genessee Lumber Company 1349Sec. 3 Governale, John, Estate of 899Sec. 7, 12 Howell, Felix 891Sec. 32 Hinson, J.L. & Corbin, J.O. 1359Sec. 3 Jacobsen, Henry L. 2685Sec. 9 Johnson, Davis Jr. 2803Sec. 9 Johnson, Davis and other owners 2803ASec. 32 Johnson, Joseph B. 893Sec. 6 Jones, Johnnie 2181
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 36 Lacascio vs Duplantis 1367Sec. 14 Landry, Warren 1369Sec. 30 Locations 1365Sec. 10 Locations 1368Sec. 7 Locations 1374Sec. 10 Locations of NE/4 1347Sec. 8 Locations 1377Sec. 36 Locatins of NW/4 1385Sec. 2, 3 Loranger Community Co. 1348Sec. 4 Lumber Co. 1362Sec. 25 McElroy Sloan Shoe Co. 1354Sec. 4 Macalusa, Brosi 2090Sec. 24 McGehee, Robert M. 1358Sec. 40 McGovern, William 1380Sec. 40 McGowen, Gainey, Canthon, Corbin 1345Sec. 39 McTeague, H.F. 1364Sec. 27 L. 8 B. 14 FLORA PK Miller, Ivy Alvin 206Sec. 22 Miller, Louise Mrs. 1361Sec. 23 Musso, Frank 1371Sec. ? Natalbany School District 209Sec. 23 Owen, Reese 3131
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Piazza, Fred L. 889L. 6, 7, 8 Sq. 26 PONCH Pittman, M.L. Dr. 1387Sec. 10 Property Lines 1376Sec. 24 Randall, Robert 1383Sec. 23 Rizzuto 1373Sec. 5, 6 Robertson & Cosell 1355Sec. 9 Robertson, Wilbert T. 886Sec. 19 Robertson, Wilbert T. 892Sec. 9 Schnell, Frank & L.L. Arnold 1356Sec. 20, 43 Schutzmann, W.E. 1375Sec. 10 Stelley, Stella B. Mrs. 1360Sec. 2, 3 Subdivision 1370Sec. 38 Subdivision 1353
T. 6 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 9, 46 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2191Sec. 2, 3 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 2292Sec. 23 Tangipahoa Parish School Board 1350Sec. 10 Turcott, Lillie Mrs. 1382Sec. 12 Wallavuta, Costanza 1381B. 70 HAM Wilcambe Property 1384Hammond Williams, Albert H. 1372L. 18, 19, 20, 21 B 2COL PL HAM Youngblood, Manley 2582Sec. 21 S/2 1346
T. 6 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Natalbany School District 209Sec. 19 Ard 887Sec. 43 Est. of Bertrand Roberts 1681Sec. 3, 37 American Creosote Works 1733Sec. 19 R.P. McLaurin 1738
Sec. 18 NW/4 of SE/4 of NE/4 and NE/4Of SE/4 of NE/4 1739Sec. 35 George Doerr 1769Sec. 29, 32 Pleasant Ridge Subdivision 1770Sec. 6 Jacob R. Faller 1771Locations 1772? Locations around Old MadisonvillePine Grove Road River 1773Sec. 19 Location of Lots (E. Corp. LineHammond) 1774Sec. 19 Ard 1775Sec. 45 Schmidt’s Line 1776Sec. 31 S.J. Lanier 1777Sec. 24 Lake Superior Piling Co. 1778Sec. 38 Line between Lots 10 and 11 1780Sec. 30 Dugue vs. Smith 1781Sec. 28 SW/4 of SW/4 1782Sec. 18 Lucia DiMattia 1783Sec. 45 S.B. Parker 1784Sec. 21 Tangi Parish Police Jury 1785Sec. 29 Est. of Ben Jackson 2053Sec. 5 Jerry Dunnington 2442Sec. 12, 38 Keating, Breckwoldt, others ZSec. 35 SE/4 A1Sec. 1, 12 Locations along 6-9 A2Sec. 43 Bertrand Roberts A4Sec. 37, 43 Harper, Roberts & others A5Sec. 18 Beverly 2722Sec. 30 Woodland Subdivision 2895Sec. 30 Woodland Subdivision 2896
T. 6 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 1, 12, 38 Keating, Breckwoldt, others ZSec. 1, 12 Locations along 6-9 A2Sec. 3, 37 American Creosote Works 1733Sec. 5 Jerry Dunnington 2442Sec. 6 Jacob R. Faller 1771Sec. 18 James Beverly 2722Sec. 18 Lucia DiMattia 1783Sec. 18 NW/4 of SE/4 of NE/4 and NE/4 ofSE/4 of NE/4 1739Sec. 19 Location of Lots (E Corp Line HMD) 1774Sec. 19 Ard 887Sec. 19 Ard 1775Sec. 19 R.P. McLaurin 1737Sec. 21 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1785
T. 6 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 24 Lake Superior Piling Company 1778Sec. 28 SW/4 of SW/4 1782Sec. 29, 32 Pleasant Ridge Subdivision 1770Sec. 29 Estate of Ben Jackson 2053Sec. 30 Dugue vs. Smith 1781Sec. 30 Woodland Subdivision 2896Sec. 30 Woodland Subdivision 2895Sec. 31 S.J. Lanier 1777Sec. 31 Natalbany School District 209Sec. 35 George Doerr 1769SEc. 35 SE/4 A1
T. 6 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 37, 43 Harper, Roberts & others A5Sec. 38 Line between Lots 10 and 11 1780Sec. 43 Bertrand Roberts A4Sec. 43 Estate of Bertrand Roberts 1681Sec. 45 S.B. Parker 1784Sec. 45 Schmidt’s Line 1776? Locations around Old MadisonvillePine Grove Road River 1773? Locations 1772
T. 6 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 3, 37 American Creosote Works 1733Sec. 19 Ard 887Sec. 19 Ard 1775Sec. 18 Beverly, James 2722Sec. 1, 12, 38 Breckwoldt, Keating, others ZSec. 18 DiMattia, Lucia 1783Sec. 35 Doerr, George 1769Sec. 30 Dugue vs. Smith 1781Sec. 5 Dunnington, Jerry 2442Sec. 6 Faller, Jacob R. 1771Sec. 37, 43 Harper, Roberts, others A5Sec. 29 jackson, Ben, Estate of 2053
T. 6 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 24 Lake Superior Piling Company 1778Sec. 31 Lanier, S.J. 1777Sec. 19 McLaurin, R.P. 1738Sec. 31 Natalany School District 209Sec. 45 Parker, S.B. 1784Sec. 29, 32 Pleasant Ridge Subdivision 1770Sec. 43 Roberts, Bertrand, Estate of 1681Sec. 43 Roberts, Bertrand A4Sec. 37, 43 Roberts, Harper, others A5
T. 6 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 45 Schmidt’s Line 1776Sec. 21 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1785Sec. 30 Woodland Subdivision 2895Sec. 30 Woodland Subdivision 2896Sec. 18 NE/4 of SE/4 of NE/4 and NE/4 ofSE/4 of SE/4 1739Sec. 28 SW/4 of SW/4 1782Sec. 35 SE/4 A1Sec. 28 Line between Lots 10 and 11 1780? Locations around old MadisonvillePine Grove Road River 1773Sec. 1, 12 Locations along 6-9 A2? Locations 1772Sec. 19 Locatin of Lots (E Corp Line HMD) 1774
T. 6 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 40 A.A. Koep, Bardwell 210Sec. 30 Request of Albert L. Smith A3? Locations around Old MadisonvillePine Grove Road 1773Sec. 29 Locations E/2 2166Sec. 33 Thomas Cherella 2289Sec. 29 Harold Rowbatham 2338
T. 6 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 29 Locations E/2 2166Sec. 29 Harold Rowbatham 2338Sec. 30 Request of Albert L. Smith A3Sec. 33 Thomas Cherella 2289Sec. 40 A.A. Koepp, Bardwell 210? Locations around Old MadisonvillePine Grove Road 1773
T. 6 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 40 Bardwell, A.A .Koepp 210Sec. 33 Charella, Thomas 2289Sec. 40 Koepp, A.A. & Bardwell 210? Locations around Old MadisonvillePine Grove Road 1773? Locations E/2 2166Sec. 29 Rowbatham, Harold 2338Sec. 30 Smith, Albert L., Request of A3
T. 6 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageSec. 37 Earl P. Barlett, Jr. 2478L. 12, 13, B. 3Garland’s Add,Sec. 42 Robert E. Stolzenthaler 2501Sec. 43 Soulet 2523
T. 6 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageSec. 37 Earl P. Barlett, Jr. 2478Sec. 42 L. 12, 13 B.3Garland’s Add Robert E. Stolzenthaler 2501Sec. 43 Soulet 2523
T. 6 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageSec. 37 Barlett, Earl P. Jr. 2478Sec. 43 Soulet 2523Sec. 42 L. 12, 13 B. 3Garland’s Add Stolzenthaler, Robert E. 2501
T. 7 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 43, 44 George & John Spiller 212Sec. 20, 43 W.E. Shutzmann 213Sec. 24 L. Felder Lee 214Sec. 2 Shirley Faust 215Sec. 40 Location 216Sec. 40 Location 217Sec. 41 Lester Felder 218? Location 1238Sec. 49 Martin Vs. Thompson 1379L. 22, 23, B. 13, HAM ? 2579
T. 7 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Shirley Faust 215Sec. 20, 43 W.E. Shutzmann 213Sec. 24 L. Felder Lee 214Sec. 40 Locations 216Sec. 40 Locations 217Sec. 41 Lester Felder 218Sec. 45, 44 George & John Spiller 212Sec. 49 Martin vs Thompson 1379L. 22, 23 B. 13 HMD ? 2579? Locations 1238
T. 7 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 2 Faust, Shirley 215Sec. 41 Felder, Lester 218Sec. 24 Lee, L. Felder 214Sec. 40 Location 216Sec. 40 Location 217? Locations 1238Sec. 49 Martin vs. Thompson 1379Sec. 20, 43 Schutzmann, W.E. 213Sec. 43, 44 Spiller, George & John 212Sec. 49 Thompson, Martin vs. 1379L. 22, 23 B. 13 HMD ? 2579
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name Page? Natalbany School District 209Sec. 56, 57 Marvin Faller 888Sec. 17 Est. of T.W. Pemble 896Sec. 39 Fred Chatellier 897Sec. 42 Redo Hughes, Jr. 898Sec. 37 Earl Murray 1336Sec. 50 Martin vs. Thompson 1379Sec. 56 F.T. Foot 1388Sec. 59 Paul Poche 1389Sec. 12 Locations on Highway 51 1390Sec. 59 Est. of Wm. E. Haight 1391Sec. 19 Hill vs. Kinchen 1392Sec. 56 Location 1393Sec. 42 Burns vs. Burns 1394Sec. 1 Tony Salvaggio 1395Sec. 40, 42 John Schilling, Louis Nicolau,& Heirs of August Schneider 1396Sec. 56 Locations 1397Sec. 47 Anderson Tract 1398Sec. 47 Oscar Davis 1399Sec. 47 Anderson & others 1400Sec. 55 Locations 1401Sec. 57 Schaefer Tract 1402Sec. 40 Locations after 1402Sec. 1, 12 Edgar L. St. Ceran Land forAlden W. Muller 1403Sec. 57 Wm. Manuk vs. August L. StoffmanEt al 1404Sec. 59 Subdivision 1405Sec. 37 Walter Fitzgerald 1406Sec. 55 J.E. Lavigne 1407Sec. 42 Prof. Helgh 1408Sec. 59 S.L. Bjorkgren 1409Sec. 44, 48 H.P. Benedict & Anderson Tract 1410Sec. 1 Rosario Res. Santo Locascio 1411Sec. 56, 57 Locations 1412Sec. 1 Rosario Res. Santo Locascio 1414Sec. 47 Property Owners 1415Sec. 57 Locations 1416Sec. 57 Locations SE Corner 1417Sec. 56 Walter B. Clark 1418Sec. 43, 44, 47, 48 Locations 1419? Locations 1420Sec. 56, 57 Locations 1421Sec. 57 Collinswood Tract 1422Sec. 1, 47 Property Owners 1423Sec. 43, 44, 47, 48 Locations 1424Sec. 47, 48 Benedict Subdivision 1425
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 59 Mrs. Mary E. Haight 1426Sec. 42 Location 1427Sec. 39 Ed Wild 1428Sec. 52 Douglas Behrman 1429Sec. 56 Dr. Doyle Magee 1430Sec. 39 Hugh Murray 1431Sec. 1 Mr. C.W. Eubanks 1432Sec. 57 SE Corner 1433Sec. 56 W.E. Mount 1434Sec. 37 William Haight 1435Sec. 24 J.L. Ferrin 1436Sec. 39 Wild 1437Sec. 57 Locations 1439Sec. 57 Collins, Shaefer, others 1440Sec. 39 Jacobina Wild & others 1441Sec. 57 Locations of 4.55 Acres 1442Sec. 27, 39 WPA Road Project 1443? Arnold, Leonard, others 1444Sec. 37, 49 William Bjorkgren 1445Sec. 56 22.06 A. Tract 1446Sec. 59 Mrs. Bella Harris 1447Sec. 56 2-10-acre Tracts 1448Sec. 59 Mrs. Bella Harris 1449Sec. 47 Union Title Guarantee Co., Inc. 1450Sec. 37 Mr. Webber 1451Sec. 1 Request of J.K. Abulo 1452Sec. 1 Veto Gionnobles 1453Sec. 58 T.J. Rause 1454Sec. 56 Locations 1455Sec. 56 42.06 Acres 1456SEc. 37 Mrs. Pauline Triche Cowan 1907Sec. 59 Aubrey Setton 1916Sec. 39 Anthony Schiro 1917Sec. 2 (Also, Sec. 35, 6-7) Mike Ciolini 2421L. 15, Sq. 15Woodland Park Subd., Hammond Beverly Long 2611L. 13, Sq. 15Woodland Park Subd., Hammond Beverly Long 2609L. 14, Sq. 15Woodland Park Subd., Hamamond Beverly Long 2610Sec. 3 Tangi Parish Tourist Commission 2891Sec. 46 Bon Aire Estates 2911-ASec. 12 C. Abels Subd. (Moore) 3435
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 1 Request of J.K. Abulo 1452Sec. 1 Tony Salvaggio 1395Sec. 1 Rosario Res. Santo Locascio 1411Sec. 1 Mr. C.W. Euganks 1432Sec. 1 Rosario Res. Santo Locascio 1414Sec. 1 Veto Gionnobles 1453Sec. 1, 47 Property Owners 1423Sec. 1, 12 Edgar L. St. Ceran Land forAlden W. Muller 1403Sec. 2 Mike Ciolini 2421Sec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish Tourist Commission 2891Sec. 12 Location on Hwy 51 1390Sec. 12 C. Abels Subd. (Moore) 3435
Sec. 17 Estate of T.W. Pemble 896Sec. 19 Hill vs. Kinchen 1392Sec. 24 J.L. Ferrin 1436
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 27, 39 WPA Road Project 1443Sec. 37 Mr. Webber 1451Sec. 37 Walter Fitzgerald 1406Sec. 37 Mrs. Pauline Triche Cowan 1907Sec. 37 Earl Murray 1336Sec. 37 William Haight 1435Sec. 37, 49 William Bjorkgren 1445Sec. 39 Fred Chatellier 897Sec. 39 Anthony Schiro 1917Sec. 39 Wild 1437Sec. 39 Jacobina Wild & others 1441Sec. 39 Ed Wild 1428Sec. 39 Hugh Murray 1431Sec. 40 Locations after 1402Sec. 40, 42 John Schilling, Louis Nicolau, &Heirs of August Schneider 1396
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Proj. Helgh 1408Sec. 42 Location 1427Sec. 42 Redo Hughes, Jr. 898Sec. 42 Burns vs Burns 1394Sec. 43, 44, 47, 48 Locations 1424Sec. 43, 44, 47, 48 Locations 1419Sec. 44, 48 H.P. Benedict & Anderson Tract 1410Sec. 46 Bon Aire Estates 2911ASec. 47 Oscar Davis 1399Sec. 47 Anderson Tract 1398Sec. 47 Union Title Guarantee Co., Inc. 1450Sec. 47 Anderson & others 1400Sec. 47 Property Owners 1415Sec. 47, 48 Benedict Subdivision 1425
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 50 Martin vs. Thompson 1379Sec. 52 Douglas Behrman 1429Sec. 55 Locations 1401Sec. 55 J.E. Lavigne 1407Sec. 56 42.06 Acres 1456Sec. 56 Location 1393Sec. 56 2 10 Acre Tracts 1448Sec. 56 Locations 1455Sec. 56 Locations 1397Sec. 56 22.06 A Tract 1446Sec. 56 T.F. Foot 1288Sec. 56 W.E. Mount 1434Sec. 56 Dr. Doyle Magee 1430Sec. 56 Walter B. Clark 1418Sec. 56, 57 Locations 1421Sec. 56, 57 Marvin Faller 888Sec. 56, 57 Locations 1412Sec. 57 Locations 1416Sec. 57 Locations 1439Sec. 57 Wm. Manuk vs. August L. Stoffman et al 1404Sec. 57 Locations SE Corner 1417Sec. 57 Collins, Shaerfer, others 1440Sec. 57 SE Corner 1433Sec. 57 Location of 4.55 Acres 1442Sec. 57 Collinswood Tract 1422Sec. 57 Schaefer Tract 1402
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 58 T.J. Rause 1454Sec. 59 Paul Poche 1389Sec. 59 Mrs. Mary E. Haight 1426Sec. 59 Subdivision 1405Sec. 59 Aubrey Setton 1916Sec. 59 Mrs. Bella Harris 1447Sec. 59 Estate of Wm. E. Haight 1391Sec. 59 Mrs. Bella Harris 1449Sec. 59 S.L. Bjorkgren 1409L. 15 Sq. 15 WD PK HMD Beverly Long 2611L. 13 Sq. 15 WD PK HMD Beverly Long 2609L. 14 Sq. 15 WD PK HMD Beverly Long 2610? Arnold, Leonard, others 1444? Locations 1420? Natalbany School District 209
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 1 Abulo, J.K., Request of 1452Sec. 47 Anderson Tract 1398Sec. 44, 48 Anderson Tract & H.P. Benedict 1410Sec. 47 Anderson & others 1400Sec. ? Arnold, Leonard, others 1444Sec. 12 Abels, C., Subdivision (Moore) 3435Sec. 52 Behrman, Douglas 1429Sec. 44, 48 Benedict, H.P. & Anderson Tract 1410Sec. 47, 48 Benedict Subdivision 1425Sec. 59 Bjorkgren, S.L. 1409Sec .37, 49 Bjorkgren, William 1445Sec. 46 Bon Aire Estates 2911ASec. 42 Burns vs Burns 1394Sec. 39 Chatellier, Fred 897Sec. 2 (also 35-6-7) Ciolini, Mike 2421Sec. 56 Clark, Walter B. 1418Sec. 57 Collins, Shaefer, others 1440Sec. 57 Collinswood Tract 1422Sec. 37 Cowan, Mrs. Pauline Triche 1907
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 47 Davis, Oscar 1399Sec. 1 Eubanks, C.W. Mr. 1432Sec. 56, 57 Faller, Marvin 888Sec. 24 Ferrin, J.L. 1436Sec. 37 Fitzgerald, Walter 1406Sec. 56 Foot, F.T. 1388Sec. 1 Gionnobles, Veto 1453
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 59 Haight, Mary E. Mrs. 1426Sec. 37 Haight, William 1435Sec. 59 Haight, William E., Estate of 1391Sec. 59 Harris, Bella Mrs. 1449Sec. 59 Harris, Bella Mrs. 1449Sec. 42 Helgh, Proj. 1408Sec. 19 Hill vs. Kinchen 1392Sec. 42 Hughes, Redo Jr. 898Sec. 55 Lavigne, J.E. 1407Sec. ? Leonard, Arnold, others 1444Sec. 1 Locascio, Rosario Res. Santo 1414Sec. 1 Locascio, Rosario Res. Santo 1411L. 13 Sq 15 WD PK HMD Long, Beverly 2609L. 14 Sq 15 WD PK HMD Long, Beverly 2610L. 15 Sq 15 WD PK HMD Long, Beverly 2611Sec. 56 Magee, Doyle Dr. 1430Sec. 57 Manuk, Wm. Vs Augst L. Stoffman et al 1404Sec. 50 Martin vs. Thompson 1379Sec. 56 Mount, W.E. 1434Sec. 37 Murray, Earl 1336Sec. 39 Murray, Hugh 1431
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 40, 42 Nicolau, Louis/John Schilling, &Heirs of August Schnieder 1396Sec. Natalbany School District 209Sec. 17 Pemble, T.W. Estate of 896Sec. 59 Poche, Paul 1389Sec. 58 Rause, T.J. 1454Sec. 1 Salvaggio, Tony 1395Sec. 57 Schaefer Tract 1402Sec. 40, 42 Schilling, John, Louis Nicolau, &Heirs of August Schneider 1396Sec. 39 Schiro, Anthony 1917Sec. 57 Shaefer, Collins, others 1440Sec. 59 Setton, Aubrey 1916Sec. 12 St. Ceran, Edgar L. Land forAlden W. Muller 1403
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 3 Tangipahoa Parish Tourist Commission 2891Sec. 47 Union Title Guarantee Co., Inc. 1450Sec. 37 Webber 1451Sec. 39 Wild, Ed 1428Sec. 39 Wild, Jacobina & others 1441Sec. 39 Wild 1437Sec. 27, 39 WPA Road Project 1443Sec. 12 Location on Highway 51 1390Sec. 56 Locations 1397Sec. ? Locations 1420Sec. 43, 44, 47, 48 Locations 1424Sec. 40 Locations After 1402Sec. 56 Locations 1455Sec. 43, 44, 47, 48 Locations 1419Sec. 55 Locations 1401Sec. 56, 57 Locations 1421Sec. 56 Locations 1393Sec. 42 Locations 1427Sec. 57 Locations 1416Sec. 57 Locations 1439Sec. 56, 57 Locations 1412Sec. 57 Locations SE Corner 1417Sec. 57 Location of 4.55 Acres 1442
T. 7 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 56 2-10 Acre Tracts ‘ 1448Sec. 56 42.06 Acre Tract 1456Sec. 56 22.06 Acre Tract 1446Sec. 57 Southeast Corner 1433Sec. 59 Subdivision 1405Sec. 47 Property Owners 1415Sec. 1, 47 Property Owners 1423
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 7 Edgar L. St. Ceran Land for AldenW. Muller 1403Sec. 15 Eyrich & others 1413Sec. 14 Sand Hill Cemetery 1639Sec. 14 Sand Hill Cemetery 1640Sec. 17 T.W. Pemble 1641Sec. 41 Bert Tucker 1642Sec. 8 Herbert Lanier 1643Sec. 4 Prichard & others 1644Sec. 6 E/2 of SW/4 1645Sec. 8 Kevlin to Smith 1646Sec. 8 Kinchen vs. Davenport 1647Sec. 8 Bradley 1648Sec. 9, 41 Bradley, Yokum, others 1649Sec. 8 Bradley/Tucker 1650Sec. 10 Locations in SE/4 1651Sec. 10 Mrs. Mary DeJean & Jos. V. Ozment 1652Sec. 13 SW/4 of Frac. Sec. 1653Sec. 13 Jos. K. Ferris 1654Sec. 43 John c. Mueller & Adam Drott 1655Sec. 43 John C. Mueller & Adam Drott 1656Sec. 14 Hicks, Poche, others 1657Sec. 13, 14 Ellis S. Thibodeaux 1658Sec. 14 Lucille & Thomas Wells 1659Sec. 15 George Will, Sr. 1660Sec. 8, 17 S/2-8 & N/2-17 1661Sec. 17 George Fisher 1662Sec. 17 W.R. Kemp & Minnie Varnado 1663Sec. 17 George Fisher 1664Sec. 23 NE/2 of SE/4 1665Sec. 22 Vervevile Property 1666Sec. 22 Mitchell, Mears, others 1667Sec. 21, 22, 28 Est. of M.E. Vineyard 1668Sec. 21, 22, 28 Est. of M.E. Vineyard 1669Sec. 41 Mrs. Ruby Kemp 1670Sec. 41 J.W. Horner 1671Sec. 8, 9, 17, 41 Showing Corners 1672Sec. 42 Locations 1673Sec. 40 Mary 1674Sec. 43 Fulda Tract 1675Sec. 22 Est. of John A. Newman 1676Sec. 5 Edwin C. Kirchberg 1909Sec. 39, 40, 41, 42 Tangi Parish Police Jury 1953Sec. 7 Est. of Ben Jackson 2042
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 Barton Bankston 3457Sec. 13 James & Noel Cutts 2334Sec. 6 Louis Costanza 2370Sec. 15 Barton Bankston 3451Sec. 15 Melvin Drude GSec. 17 Est. of T.W. Pemble A8
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Prichard & others 1644Sec. 5 Edwin C. Kirchberg 1909Sec. 6 E/2 of SW/4 1645Sec. 6 Louis Costanza 2370Sec. 7 Estate of Ben Jackson 2042Sec. 7 Edgar L. St. Ceran Land forAlden W. Muller 1403Sec. 8 Herbert Lanier 1643Sec. 8 Kinchen vs. Davenport 1647Sec. 8 Bradley 1648Sec. 8, 17 S/2-8 & N/2-17 1661Sec. 8 Bradley/Tucker 1650Sec. 8, 9, 17, 41 Showing/Tucker 1672Sec. 8 Kevlin to Smith 1646Sec. 9, 41 Bradley, Yokum, others 1649
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 10 Locations in SE/4 1651Sec. 10 Mrs. Mary DeJean & Jos. V. Ozment 1652Sec. 13, 14 Ellis S. Thibodeaux 1658Sec. 13 SW/4 of Frac Sec 1653Sec. 13 Jos K. Ferris 1654Sec. 13 James & Noel Cutts 2334Sec. 14 Sand Hill Cemetery 1640Sec. 14 Sand Hill Cemetery 1639Sec. 14 Lucille Y Thomas Wells 1659Sec. 14 Hicks, Poche, others 1657Sec. 15 Eyrich & others 1413Sec. 15 George Will, Sr. 1660Sec. 15 Melvin Drude GSec. 15 Barton Bankston 3451Sec. 17 W.R. Kemp & Minnie Varnado 1663Sec. 17 George Fisher 1662Sec. 17 George Fisher 1664Sec. 17 Estate of T.S. Pemble A8Sec. 17 T.W. Pemble 1641
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 21, 22, 28 Estate of M.E. Vineyard 1669Sec. 21, 22, 28 Estate of M.E. Vineyard 1668Sec. 22 Mitchell, Mears, others 1667Sec. 22 Vervevile Property 1666Sec. 22 Estate of John A. Newman 1676Sec. 23 NE/4 of SE/4 1665Sec. 39, 40, 41, 42 Tangipahoa Parish Police Jury 1953Sec. 40 Mary 1674Sec. 41 J.W. Horner 1671Sec. 41 Mrs. Ruby Kemp 1670Sec. 41 Bert Tucker 1642
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Locations 1673Sec. 43 John C. Mueller & Adam Drott 1656Sec. 43 Fulda Tract 1675Sec. 43 John C. Mueller & Adam Drott 1655
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 15 Bankston, Barton 3451Sec. 8 Bradley 1648Sec. 8 Bradley-Tucker 1650Sec. 9, 41 Bradley, Yokum, others 1649Sec. 15 Bankston, Barton 3451Sec. 6 Costanza, Louis 2370Sec. 13 Cutts, Noel & James 2334Sec. 10 DeJean, Mrs. Mary & Jos. V. Ozment 1652Sec. 43 Drott, Adam & John C. Mueller 1655Sec. 15 Drude, Melvin GSec. 15 Eyrich & others 1413Sec. 13 Ferris, Jos. K. 1654Sec. 17 Fisher, George 1662Sec. 17 Fisher, George 1664Sec. 43 Fulda Tract 1675
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 14 Hicks, Poche, others 1657Sec. 41 Horner, J.W. 1671Sec. 7 Jackson, Ben, Estate 2042Sec. 41 Kemp, Ruby Mrs. 1670Sec. 8 Kevlin to Smith 1646Sec. 8 Kinchen vs. Davenport 1647Sec. 5 Kirchberg, Edwin C. 1909Sec. 8 Lanier, Herbert 1643Sec. 40 Mary 1674Sec. 22 Mitchell, Mears, others 1667Sec. 43 Mueller, John C. & Adam Drott 1655Sec. 43 Mueller, John C. & Adam Drott 1656Sec. 7 Muller, Alden W. (Edgar L. St. CeranLand for Alden W. Muller) 1403
T. 7 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 22 Newman, John A., Estate of 1676Sec. 10 Ozment, Jos. V. & Mrs. Mary DeJean 1652Sec. 14 Poche, Hicks, others 1657Sec. 17 Pemble, T.W., Estate of A8Sec. 17 Pemble, T.W. 1641Sec. 4 Prichard & others 1644Sec. 14 Sand Hill Cemetery 1639Sec. 14 Sand Hill Cemetery 1640Sec. 8 Smith from Kevlin 1646
T. 7 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 42 Mary 1674Sec. 39 John K. Jackson 1764Sec. 8 C.B. Bardwell 1765Sec. 48 P. Raiford, others 1766Sec. 43 W.A. Graves 1767Sec. 43 H.J. Higsen 1768Sec. 48 Block A 1824Sec. 48 Camp Site 10 1985Sec. 49 L.B. Ponder, Jr. & Earl Cefalu 2003Sec. 3 Raymond Drude 2362Sec. 11 E.E. Steadman 2373Sec. 11 E.E. Steadman 2374Sec. 48 Edwards, Cox, Requested byChester Cooper, Sr. A16
T. 7 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 3 Raymond Drude 2362Sec. 8 C.B. Bardwell 1765Sec. 11 E.E. Steadman 2373Sec. 11 E.E. Steadman 2374Sec. 39 John K. Jackson 1764Sec. 42 Mary 1674Sec. 43 W.A. Graves 1767Sec. 43 H.J. Hisgen 1768Sec. 48 Cooper 3438Sec. 48 P. Raiford others 1766Sec. 48 Block A. 1824Sec. 48 Camp Site 10 1985Sec. 48 Edwards, Cox, Requested byChester Cooper, Sr. A16
T. 7 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 49 L.B. Ponder, Jr., & Earl Cefalu 2003
T. 7 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 8 Bardwell, C.B. 1765Sec. 48 Block A 1824Sec. 48 Camp Site 10 1985Sec. 49 Cefalu, Earl & L.B. Ponder, Jr. 2003Sec. 48 Coooper, Chester St. Edwards Cox, 3438Requested by A16Sec. 3 Drude, Raymond 2362Sec. 43 Graves, W.A. 1767Sec. 43 Hisgen, H.J. 1768Sec. 39 Jackson, John K. 1764Sec. 42 Mary 1674
T. 7 S., R.9 E.Location Name PageSec. 49 Ponder, L. B. Jr. & Ear Cefalu 2003Sec. 48 Raiford, P. & others 1766Sec. 11 Steadman, E.E. 2373Sec. 11 Steadman, E.E. 2374
T. 7 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageTchefuncta Club EstatesL. 304, sq. 32Sec. 50, 51, 42 Richard J. Shopf (Kansas CityTitle Ins. Co.) 2453
L. 54, Sq. 5Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Edward Boyne Wood 2454L. 355, Sq. 24Sec. 50, 51, 52 Alvin B. Gibson 2460
L. 281, Sq. 38Sec. 50, 51, 52 John W. Corrington 2461
L. 275, Sq. 29Sec. 50, 51, 52 George E. Parker 2462
L. 302, Sq. 32Sec. 50, 51, 52 Carl R. Patterson 2463
L. 196, Sq. 23Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Roy A. Bauer 2464
L. 77, Sq. 8Sec. 50, 51, 52 Fritz Lindley 2455
L. 348, Sq. 24Sec. 50, 51, 52 Frank P. Clark 2456
L. 116, B. 10Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 C.A. Von Hoene 2457
L. 142, Sq. 14Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Royal B. Strong 2465
L. 170, Sq. 17Sec. 50, 51, 52 Andrew J. Pickett, Jr. 2466
L. 119, Sq. 10Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Robert C. Stone 2467
L. 79, Sq. 8Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Donald P. Murray 2468
L. 369, Sq. 33Sec. 50, 51, 52 Francis A. Schurtz 2469
L. 12, B. 2Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Monty C. Hogue 2470
T. 7 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageTchefuncta Club EstatesL. 203, Sq. 20Sec. 50, 51, 52 Gerald C. Hill 2471
L. 217, Sq. 26Sec. 50, 51, 52 Harold Owen 2474
L. 321, B.36Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Vaino Vehko 2476
L. 309, Sq. 32Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Jack Mincher 2477
L. 383, Sq. 19Sec. 50, 51, 52 Lawyers Title Inc. Co.Lawrence C. Gayle 2479
L. 281, Sq. 38Sec. 50, 51, 52 John W. Corrington 2480
L. 125, Sq. 10Sec. 50, 51, 52 Jack R. Mincher 2481
L. 234, Sq. 21Sec. 50, 51, 52 George A. Lopez 2482
L. 47, Sq. 6Sec. 50, 51, 52 Chicago Title Ins. Co. andWilliam J. Stewart 2484
L. 360, Sq. 24Sec. 50, 51, 52 Chicago Title Ins. Co. 2485
L. 311, Sq. 32Sec. 50, 51, 52 Lawyers Title Ins. Corp. andLemle, Kelleher, Kallmeyer,Matthes and Shumacher 2486
L. 271, Sq. 29Sec. 50, 51, 52 Euguene J. Joanen, III 2487
L. 197, Sq. 23Sec. 50, 51, 52 John S. Morris, Jr. 2488
L. 133, Sq. 12Sec. 50, 51, 52 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Duddy, Jr. 2489
L. 161, Sq. 18Sec. 50, 51, 52 Eugene L. Sullivan, Jr. 2490
T. 7 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageTchefuncta Club EstatesL. 82, Sq. 8Sec. 50, 51, 52 ? 2491
L. 148, Sq. 15Sec. 50, 51, 52 ? 2492
L. 384, Sq. 19Sec. 50, 51, 52 James B. Dunn 2493
L. 376, Sq. 25Sec. 50, 51, 52 Rogert E. Leake 2494
L. 16, Sq. 16Sec. 21, 22, 37 Robert E. Fortier 2495
L. 347, Sq. 33Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Richard F. Gompertz 2497
L. 178, Sq. 22Sec. 50, 51, 52 John P. Moore 2504
L. 64, Sq. 7Sec. 50, 51, 52 ? 2506
L. 198, Sq. 23Sec. 50, 51, 52 Cecil M. Sanders 2507
L. 325, Sq. 36Sec. 50, 51, 52 Edwin L. Williams 2509
L. 288, Sq. 31Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Mrs. & Mrs. Alfred W.Evans, Jr. 2510
L. 251, B. 27Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Barton 2511
L. 214, Sq. 23Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Richard Q. Foote 2512
L. 246, Sq. 28Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Howell Douglas Ritter 2515
L. 350, Sq. 24Sec. 50, 51, 52 J.A. Dutton 2516
L. 305, Sq. 32Sec. 50, 51, 52 John H. Broocks 2517
T. 7 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageTchefuncta Club EstatesL. 177, Sq. 22Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 H.F.S. McLaughlin, III 2518
L. 7, Sec. 50 Kennis W. Gilbert 2519
L. 178, Sq. 22Sec. 50, 51, 52 John P. Moore 2522
L. 1, Sec. 50 Edward S. Bagley 2524
L. 354, Sq. 24Sec. 50, 51, 52 Felix D. Richardson 2525
L. 249, Sq. 27Sec. 50, 51, 52 ? 2526
L. 186, Sq. 22Sec. 50, 51, 52 Hugh Warren 2528
L. 57, Sq. 6Sec. 50, 51, 52 ? 2530
L. 82, Sq. 8Sec. 50, 51, 51 ? 2531
L. 8, Sq. 1Sec. 50, 51, 52 Dr. Colin R. Austin 2533
L.9, Sq. 1Sec. 50, 51, 52 ? 2534
L. 216, Sq. 26Sec. 50, 51, 52 Gerald W. Monier 2537
L. 301, Sq. 32Sec. 50, 51, 52 Dr. William A. Mason 2538
L. 226, B. 21Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Jaubert 2539
L. 390, B. 19Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 Daussat 2541
L. 209, Sq. 20Sec. 19, 50, 51, 52 A.R. Trahern, Jr. 2544
L. 213, Sq. 23Sec. 50, 51, 52 Title Ins. Co. of MinnesotaGulf Coast Ins. CorporationMrs. Va. Jamoville Mitchell 2545
T. 7 S., R.11 E.Location Name PageTchefuncta Club Estates
L. 49, Sq. 6Sec. 10, 50, 51, 52 Thomas Killgore 2546
Country Club Estates
L. 9, Sec. 37 Ambrose L. Moore 2458
L. 12, B.QSec. 37 Charles Hurt 2459
L. 57, Sec. 37 Felix W. Dreyfus 2520
L. 31, B.A.Sec. 37 Don Phillips 2529
L. 62, Sec. 37 ? 2540L. 14 Sec. 37 Improvements of Vernon Williams 2635
Riverwood SubdivisionL. 11, Sq. 11Sec. 37 W. Scott McIntyre, Jr. 2472
L.8, B. 1Sec. 21, 22, 37 Bernhard 2473
L. 4, Sq. 12Sec. 21, 22, 37 Barr 2475L. 1, B. 14 Leo A. Guenther 2483
L.8, Sq. 4, Sec. 37 William Stroup 2536
L. 21, Sq. 15 Sec. 37 William h. Brugman, Jr. 2498
L. 26, Sq. 11Sec. 21, 22, 37 ? 2499
Riverwood SubdivisionL. 20, Sq. 11Sec. 21, 22, 37 Mr. & Mrs. EugeneO. Staffel 2500
L. 14, Sq. 7Sec. 21, 22, 37 Hubert D. Harrison 2502
L. 24, Sq. 3Sec. 21, 22, 37 Louis Lee, Jr. 2503
L. 25, Sq. 3Sec. 21, 22, 37 Gerald Reed 2505
L. 41, Sq. 1Sec. 21, 22, 37 Francis A. Garrity 2521
GeneralT. 7 S., R.11 E.
Sec. 44, Covington Dr. Ronald A. Hardey 2527
L. 12, Riverwood Forest,Sec. 37 W.F. Klump 2532
T. 8 S., R.5 E.Location Name PageSec. 21 Johnny Ratcliff 1635Sec. 32 C.Law Ponder 3311
T. 8 S., R.5 E.Location Name PageSec. 21 Johnny Ratcliff 1635Sec. 32 C. Law Ponder 3311
T. 8 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Est. J.J. Manson 1814
T. 8 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 J.B. Travis 1936Sec. 28 Wm Lewis 1966
T. 8 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Ansil New 2767
T. 8 S., R.6 E.Location Name PageSec. 31 Manson, J.J., Estate of 1814
T. 8 S., R.7 E.Location Name PageSec. 4 Ansil New 2767
T. 8 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 28 Flanagan, E.J., Jr. 3181ASec. 28 Lewis, William 1966Sec. 28 Travis, J.B. 1936
T. 9 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 4, L. 1, 2, 3, 4 B.B Frank Allen 2211Sec. 4 Frank Allen 1701
T. 9 S., R.8 E.Location Name PageSec. 4, L. 1, 2, 3, 4 B.B. Frank Allen 2211Sec. 4 Frank Allen 1701
T. 12 S., R.13 E.Location Name PageSec. 5, 6, 32 Daigle & Simoneaux Lands 1835
T. 12 S., R.13 E.Location Name PageSec. 5, 6, 32 Daigle & Simoneaux Lands 1835
Location Name PageSec. 5 T.A. Tycer 065Sec. 33 Hugh H. Engler 419Sec. 33 Amite Bank & Trust Co. 422Sec. 28, 49 Johnson, others 430Duncan Ave. J.W. Gaines, Jr. 439Sec. 49 L.1 Boulding, L. 2 Eager 441Sec. 49 C.J. Johnson 442Sec. 33 Kemp, others 443Sec. 33 Thos. E. Tycer 454Sec. 4, 5 Thos. E. Tycer 454Sec. 49 Mrs. E.D. Johnson 463Sec. 4, 5 Joynton, others 469Sec. 33 18.08 off Duncan 471Off Duncan 1.95 A. behind Letard 473Sec. 50-3-7 (The Camelias) Mrs. C.H. Ogden 474Sec. 50-3-7 Central Gravel Co. 475Sec. 33, 50 B.E. Kemp 484T9-3-7 Ellis Cemetery 496Sec. 32 Dibert, Bancroft & Ross 498Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft & Ross 499Sec. 33-3-7 Thomas A. Tycer 501L. 20 Amite Bank & Trust/W.A. Tycer 507Sec. 33 Right-of-Way 50933 * 49-3-7 Fitz, Brumfield, Foulkes & others 51249 & 50-3-7 Adams 519Sec. 28, 49 Morse & Ory 522Sec. 49 J.M. Foulkes (lots sold by) 524Sec. 33-3-7 W.A. Tycer property (L.20)Tangi Bk. & Trust Co. Subd. 529Sec. 32 Robert S. McClendon 531Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft & Ross 534Sec. 33, 49 Dibert, Bancroft & Ross 535Sec. 49 Martina Buck, et al 536Sec. 33-3-7 Topography/North line 537Sec. 32, 33-3-7 Ed Carroll 538Sec. 33-3-7 Capdau property 539Sec. 33-3-7 St. Paul Spiritual Temple 542Sec. 49-3-7 Joe Foulkes, Jr. 544Sec. 32 Arcena Huff McCall 547Sec. 32, 33-3-7 Property owners 554Sec. 50-3-7 Town of Amite City 556Sec. 49-3-7 Edward W. Crim(Foulkes Subdivision, L. 1-4) 562Sec. 4 (Pecan St.) Conerly D. Robertson 570Sec. 50-3-7 H.S. Weigel 571Sec. 50-3-7 Sarah Balsano/Subdiv. D.H. Sanders 572Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman(Sec. 2 of Sugar Hill) 573Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman(Sec. 1, 2 of Sugar Hill) 574Sec. 5-4-7 Ext. of Walnut Street 582Sec. 5 Est. off Jake Catalanotto 587Sec. 5 Property owners 591Sec. 49 Glenn Wilson 559Lot 34 & 35, C. G/Foulkes Subdivision Rhonda & Rita Carreca 3240
Location Name PageSec. 50-4-7 Charles R. Eldridge, Jr. 600Sec. 5-4-7 Stewart Carrier 611Sec. 43-4-7 Sam Arnone 612Sanders Subdiv. Delos H. Jones 621? Moses Butler 622Sec. 4 (L. 3, B. 3) G.K. Fortenberry, Jr. 623Sec. 50 Sugar Hill Farm 642Sec. 50-4-7 Vincent Falcone 625Sec. 50 D.H. Sanders Realty Co. 626Sq. 36, L. 1 Jones, Sterns, Butler, others (locations) 627L. 1, Sec. 9, 10-47, S. 36 Conway Butler 628Sec. 50-4-7 Clemons & Fortenberry 629Sec. 9-4-7 Charles J. Fulda, Jr. 630L. 9, 10, Sq. 9 D.H. Schilling 631Sq. 34 Miss Clara Morgan 632Sec. 9-4-7 A. Earle Cefalu (Cefalu Subdivision) 633Sec. 9-4-7 Earl Cefalu 634Sec. 9-4-7 John Fulda 635B. “Z” Mary Lloyd Reid Add. 636Sec. 50, Sq. 24 Est., Mrs. C.M. Mixon 637B. 1, 2, 3 D.H. Sanders Realty Subdivision 638Sec. 12 A. Earle Cefalu 639Sec. 9-4-7 McClendon Estate 3412Sec. 5-4-7 Jake & Vince Campo 3407Sec. 5-4-7 Anne Guzzardo-Knight 3413L 3 Bl. 6, Ty Park Scott Sandage 341633-3-7 Arthur Harrell 34175-4-7 Holly Grove Apartments 341949-3-7 J.M. Foulkes Est. 3427Bl. 2 & 3 D.H. Sanders 3434E. Olive Episcopal Church 3439E. Olive First Guaranty 344050-3-7 Maurice Roberts 344750-3-7 Jerry L. Poston 3458L 4, Blk. 16 Nick Trabona 3462
Location Name PageSec. 9, 10-4-7 La. Gas Service Co. 640Sec. 15, 16-4-7 Nicola Lascarios 641Sec. 4, L. 1, 2, 3 Magruder (Locations on Hickory Street) 642Sq. A Booker Lawson 643Sec. 4 (Parallelogram E) Longley Addition Lots 1-5 S.R. Gordon 644L. 13, 14, 15, 16 along Laurel Street 645L. 14, 15 Robert & William Fortenberry 646Sec. 50-4-7 Elm, Mulberry & Hardy Streets 647Sec. 50 Charles E. Darouse 648Sec. 4, L. 6 Tycer Park (location) 649Sec. 9-4-7 Fred Anderson 650Sec. 9, 54-4-7 George Harpole 651Sec. 9-4-7 Oscar Butler, Sr. 658L. 8, 9, 12 B. 2 Julian Needham 668Sec. 50-4-7 Horace R. Reid 684Sec. 4, Sq. 21 Coleman & GarlandAddition/Imp. On L. 5 685Sec. 9-4-7 locations/Bush, Sellers, Roberts,Dolly Ridgedell, Roy Ardillo,Ed Aden 6864-7 Locations 68728-4-7 Sinclair Station at Velma 688Sec. 4, L. 10, 11, 12, 13 Reid Addition (Bl. C) 689L. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Frank A. Berry 690Sec. 4, Sq. A Booker Lawson (Reid Addition) 691L. 10, 11, 12, 13, Bl. C Location in Reid Addition 692NE Cor. SW/4 of NE/4 of Sq. 9,Gullett Addition 693Sec. 4 Wm. H. Garland & Coleman 694Sec. 4, B. 24 George Guzzardo 695Sec. 4 Town of Amite CityRight-of-way dedication 696Sec. 4-4-7 Ballard & Reid Addition 697Sec. 4, L. 5, 7, Bl. 1 John Kemp Dreher 698Sec. 9-4-7, L. 6 Claude Pullian 699(COB 195 P 405) D.H. Goldsby-improvements 700Sec. 4-4-7 Frac NE Armette Morgan 701Sec. 4, L. 14, B.1 Jeff Easley 702Sec. 4, Sq. 9 Stanely Morrison (Laurel/N. St.) 703Sec. 4 U.S. Post Office (site for) 704Sec. 50 Delos Jones (Sanders Sub imp) 705Sec. 4, B.8 Locations- Mulberry, Oak & Laurel St imp. 706Sec. 4, B.8 H.J. Kemp 707Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman(Sugar Hill Farm Subdivision) 708L.8, B. 6, 10 M & M, 5 & 10 Store (near 1st Street) 709L.12, B.10 Near 1st Street 710Sec. 5-4-7 E.J. & K.W. Courtney 711Sec. 9 Taylor Addition 713Sec. 9, 2-4-7 Moses Butler 714Sec. 4-4-7 Luther H. Dyson 715Proposed crossing U.S. Hwy. 51 & ICRR 716L. 3, MB Suibdiv. Lillie Hart 717L. 5, 5, Sq. 15 Wallace Lee-imp. 718Hickory St. Sammie Hyde 719L. 13, 14, 15, B1.52 Laurel & Cherry Streets 720
Location Name PageSec. 9, B.45 Locations-Hood, Anderson, Moock 721Sec. 9 E.A. Letarde, Jr. 722L. 11, B. 7 B. Stern Co., Ltd. 723B.46 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Millett 724Sec. 50 Robert Finger (Sarah Balsano Sub) 725Duncan Avenue Joseph A. Currier 726Sec. 50, 4 Horace R. Reid (Duncan Avenue) 727Sec. 50 Henry Moak 728Sec. 9, L. 9, 10, Sq. 15 Roy Schexnayder 729Sec .4, L. 9, 10, Sq. 15 Sam N. Guzzardo 729ASec. 50 (San Subd.) Paul Wayne 730Sec. 4-4-7 M.L. Richardson 731Sec. 4 Conway Guiteau 732B1. “C” Frank & Jennell Fleming 733L. 10, 11, Sq. 21 Joseph & Vera Warren Currier 734L. 4, Bl .8 Tycer Park Bille F. Kentzel 735Sec. 4-4-7 Antulovich & McClendon 736L. 5, 6, 7, 8, Sq. 15 Lynn J. Simon 737B.44, 55 Dr. D.L. Bryant 738Sec. 4-Laurel St. Dr. R.W. Osborn 739L. 5, 6, 7, 9, Sq. 15 near Pine Street 740L. 7, 10, Bl.8 Edwin Schilling, Jr. 741Bl. 44, 55 1st and 2nd Streets 742Duncan Avenue Neil Mixon 743Sec. 50-3-7 James D. Crawford 744Sq. 23 Mrs. Mildred Forshag 745L. 2, 3, 6, Sq. 30 Rayford E. Conerly 746Hickory Street Miss Marguerite H. McClendon 747L.17, 18, Sq. 22 Porter Estate 748Hickory Street First Baptist Church Parsonage 749Sq. 26 Mrs. Amanda Ponder 750Sec. 9-4-7 Henrietta Burton 751Sander Subidvision R.P. McLaurin 752Duncan Avenue Frank E. Patenotte, JR. 753L.2, B1. 13 Tycer Pk. Robinson S. Lee 754L. 28 FP Subdivision Elvis Don Davis 755Sq. C, RE ADD. Leslie Davis 756L. 13, 14, Sq. 10 Mrs. Amanda Ponder 757W.2 Frac. B1. F Arthur E. Hood, Sr. 758L.20, 22, B1. 1 Wallace A. Dees, Jr. & Mrs. Jean Dees 759L. 30 Longley Add., Est. E.D. Pipes 760Sq. 25 Tangi Parish Police Jury 761L.5, B1. 11 Tycer Pk. Thomas E. Davis 762Sec. 9, 54-4-7 Harpole Subdivision 763Sq. 44 Mrs. Bessye Payer 764Bl. 44, 55 Maude Borst 765Sec. 4-4-7 Jack C. Pope 766L. 4, Bl. 7 Aubrey H. Laird 767L. 10, 11, 12, Sq. 17 William A. Holton 768Sec. 50 Philip Barr 770Sec. 6 Leonard Genco 771Sec. 4, 5-4-7 E.J. & K.W. Courtney 772Sec. 29, 32-3-7 Patsy Jones 773
Location Name PageSec. 4-4-7 Gaines, C.M. 999Sec. 4, 50 (Duncan Ave.) Elliott Property 1000Sec. 4, 50 Mrs. M.V. Fortenberry 1001Sec. 4, 50 V.H. Spring (to Nic Cefalu) 1003Sec. 4-4-7 Golda Thomas 1004Sec. 5, 8 (W. Palmetto) property owners- A.L. Collins 1005Sec. 5, 6 Joseph & Mrs. Catherine Kopfler 1006Sec. 5 Russell Thompson 1007Sec. 5, 6 H.P. McClendon 1008Sec. 5 Texaco, Inc. 1009Sec. 5, 8 (W. Palmetto) locations 1010Sec. 8-4-7 Emile Muse 1021Sec. 8-4-7 Est. Ephraim Jones 1022Sec. 8 Emile Muse 1023Sec. 9-4-7 Robert Zanders 1023ASec. 9, 10-4-7 Clara Morgan (Miss) 1024Sec. 9, 54 George D. Harpole 1025Sec. 9-4-7 George D. Harpole 1026Sec. 55 locations-Subdivision/G.D.Harpole 1026ASec. 9 Tony Bush, Jr. (Subdivision) 1026BSec. 9, 16 H.D. Story 1027Sec. 9 Elija Cooper 1028Bl.6 Moses Butler est.- Western portion 1029Sec. 4-4-7 locations-est. F.C. Eldridge/B.W. June 1030L. 8, Sec. 9, 10-4-7 Monroe-Lillie Daniels 1031Sec. 9-4-7 Lloyd J. Dees 1032Sec. 9,10 Moses Butler-Western portion 1033Sec. 9, L. 4,5 Emily Bush (subdivision) 1034Sec. 9-4-7 locations- Amite Building &Supply Co. 1035Sec. 9-4-7 L. Ridgedell 1036Sec. 9, 54-4-7 George D. Harpole 1037Sec. 9 A.E. Cefalu 1038Sec. 9 locations (Amite Building &Supply Co., Inc.) 1039Sec. 9, 10 Miss Clara Morgan 1040Sec. 9-4-7 Mrs. Brady & E.H. Bostick 1041Sq. 2 (Factory St.) Locations—Gullet Gin Co.& ACY property 1042B. 19 Mrs. Millie Goings 1043B. 21 E.L. Brumfield 1044Bl. C, D, E, F locations 1045Sec. 4 H. Mixon 1046L. 7 B.M. Hendry 1047Locations—Francis Frierson, property 1048Bl. 47 Mrs. Leah Sauls Corkern 1049Sec. 4 R.H. Morris 1050Sec. 9, L. 1 Moses Butler (Western portion) 1051Sq. 44, 55 Annie B. Smith (A.) (Mix) (Borst) 1052L. 12, 13, 14, 15 Bl. 2 W.J. Mullin 1053Sec. 4, 50 Robert Russell 1054L. 9, 10, Bl. 15 Margaret B. Dees 1055B. 21 Katherine Johnson (Mrs.) 1056L. 13, 14, Bl.52 Hazel Evans Marshall 1057L. 14, 15, 16, Bl. 8 A.F. Goldsby 1058Sec. 4, 50 Judge Clay Elliott 1059
Location Name PageLaurel St. Charlie Vernon 1060Bl. “C”, Reid Add. D.L. Bennett 1061Bl. 29 locations 1062Sec. 8 Palmetto St. J.O. Williams 1063Sec. 36-4-7 Mrs. Ellen B. Johnson 1064L. 10, 11, 12, 13, Bl.C Locations—Reid Addition 1065Bl. 20 Locations- E. 150′ Magnolia-Pine St. 1066Sec. 9- 3rd St. Emily Bush Est. 1067Bl. 50-51 Locations/fractional sec. 1068L.9, Bl.17 D.K. Settoon 1069Camille/Olive Nick Cefalu 1070L.38, 39, 40 Weist Add. Vincent Malone 1071L. 1, 2, 38, 39 Longley Ad. B. Stern Co. 1072Lot 29/Sec. 4-4-7 First Baptist Church property 1072L.9, 1st Street Improvements 1073L.9, 10/1st. St.- W.RR A. Locations- Hwy. 51 through Amite 1074L. 3, bl. 17 Susie Clare Hodges 1075Bl. 6 J.B. Singletary 1076L. 19, 21, Bl. 1 Miss Sarah May Watson 1077Bl. 45 & 54- First St. Mrs. Maude Borst 1078Sec. 50-4-7, Bl. 30 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman 1079Mulbery St. Locations-property fronting Olive Street 1080L. 8, Bl. 21 Est. Dr. J.L. Lenoir-Mrs. Carrie Wayne Lenoir 1081Hickory St. R.C. Fussell 1082L. 9, Sq. 7 E.J. Kopfler 1083Bl. 39 Location- curb & gutter 1084L. 6, 7, 8, Bl. 9 C. Thomas Cefalu/L.B. Ponder, Jr. 1085L. 5, Bl. 17 Frederick C. Kopfler 1086L. 13, 14, 15, 16, Sq. 17 E.J. Kopfler 1087Bl.8 Locations- Security Bank Bldg. 1088Bl.9 proposed Federal Post Office site 1089L.52, 53 Dave R. Hanby 1090Sec. 9, Laurel/Factory George D. Harpole 1091L.9, Bl.17 D.K. Settoon 1092Bl. 53 Locations 1093Sq. 52 Dr. F.N. Murphy 1094Bl. 16 J.C. Holstead 1095Sq. 9 Amite Hardware Co. 1096Bl. 8, 26 E. Mulberry Elliott Building 1097L. 10, 11, 12, 13 Robert R. Thompson 1098Bl. 26 locations-Methodist Church,Lautier, Mayer, Currier 1099L. 8, Bl. 21 Mrs. Carrie Wayne Lenoir 1100Sq. 40 A.S. Cartwright 1101L. 9, 12, 13, 16, Bl. 28 C.B. Pierce Est. 1102L. 1, 4, 5, Sq. 33 Improvements/E/2 of L. 1, 4, 5 1103Sec. 9, 3rd St. Tony Bush, Jr. (Holloway) 1104Sec. 50, Duncan Ave. L.H. Martin 1105Sq. 51 George D. Harpole 1106Sec. 50-4-7 Location on Duncan 100×80 1107Sec. 50 Duncan Ave. Dean & D.J. Ellzey III 1108Sq. 7 Locations 1109Sec. 4, Laurel St. Locations-Kemp/Vining(See S.P. 1001 tracing) 1110Sec. 50 Mrs. Geraldine Hyman& Mrs. Audry Mixon 1118Sec. 50, Hardy St. Sanders Realty Co. & Sara Balsano 1119Sec. 50 Marion Stewart 1120
Location Name PageSec. 50-4-7 Amite Cemetery Assn. 1121Sec. 9, 54-4-7 George D. Harpole 1130Sec. 5, 8-4-7 R. Spec McClendon 1626Cemetery-E. Mulberry Hugh Bernard 1631Sec. 5 Stewart Carrier 1634Sec. 50 John M. Hancock (Old Man’s Place) 1685Sec. 9 A.E. Cefalu 1708Sec. 28, 33, 49 Joseph M. Foulk 1711Sec. 9, 10 Church of God in Christ 1788Sec. 9 Robert Zanders 1799Sec. 5 Est. of J.H. McClendon, Sr. 1802Sec. 5 Stewart Carrier 1806L. 2, Bl. 14 Tycer Pk. Clyde Thompson 1860Sec. 9 & 10 Moses Subd. Church of God in Christ 1877L. 21, 22, 23, 24 Jerry Lynn Ellzey 1879Sec. 9 John Callihan 1885Sec. 5 Dr. J.H. & R.S. McClendon 1888Sec. 5 Road Dedication 1896Sec. 50 JoAnn Cavaretta 1898Sec. 33, 50-3-7 Werlein 1921Sec. 9-4-7 Properties at S. Third & Palmetto 1943Sec. 9-4-7 Alice Ruth Leonard 1943ASec. 50-3-7 Mae Weathersby 1954L. 11, 14, 15 Bl.32 Elvis J. Conerly 1955? Tangilena Village 1972Sec. 50-4-7 Town of Amite 1986Sec. 5-4-7 Tangilena Village 1991L. 1, 2, 14, 15, 6 Sq. 12 Grants Chapel Church 2000L.4 Bl. 11 Tycer Pk. Marion H. Hendry, Jr. 2019Sec. 9-4-7 Location 2020Sec. 50 Tangi Construction Co. 2025L.2, 3 Sq. 28 Monroe Finch 2032Sec. 5 Tangilena Village 2078Sec. 50 Andy Cascio 2098Sec. 6 Aubrey Griffith 2101Sec. 9-4-7 Kennedy Sign Co., S. 3rd St. 2103SE Cor. Sq. 53 H.D. Passman 2105H.R. 51-4-7 John Page(Subdivision on Conner property) 2105Sec. 33 Ellis & Painting 2128L. 27 C.G. Foulkes Subdivision 2147L.5 Bl. 1 D.H. Sanders Subdivision 2149L. 9, 12, 13, 16, Sq. 22 E. Mulberry & Bay St., Myrtle St. 2150L. 9, 12, 13, 16 Sq. 28 Imp.-E. Chestnut 2152Sec. 33-3-7 Horace Ensign 2155L. 3, 4 Bl. 1 D.H. Sanders Subdivision 2159Sec. 4, L. 1B18 Tycer Pk. Suzanne & Courtney Drives 2161Sec. 49 & 50, L. 27 Improvements /C. G. FoulkesSubdivision 2167Bl. 26 Dr. John Anzalone 2169
Location Name Page49-3-7 Town of Amite City(Harry D. Wilson property) 2171Sec. 8 Kemp property- right-of-way, etc. 2178Sec. 5, L4 Bl. 20 Curtis D. Smith (Tycer Park) 2179Sec. 4, L4 Bl. 9 Unknown-N. Second & Ash Streets 2182 ASec. 16 S/2 of Lots 1 & 2 2183Sec. 54 Town of Amite City 2184Sec. 4, L1 Bl. 16 James R. Williams 2185Sec. 4 Dr. Thomas C. Evans, Jr. 2188Sec. 33-3-7 Tangipahoa Parish Assessor 2189L2 Bl 20 Tycer Park Donald Gay 2196Sec. 4, 5 L4 Bl. 14 John D. Ponder (Tycer Park) 2205Sec. 4 Bl. 15 Town of Amite City 2206Sec. 4-4-7 George Emerson Ballard Est.(Johnston Map) 2207Tycer Park E.J. & K.W. Courtney 2208Sec. 4 S. 3rd St. Robert Lee &Mrs. Masalie Leonard Perry 2210Sec. 50 East of Duncan Ave. 2228Sec. 5 Bruce E. Addison 2235Sec. 50 L. 10 LAK Sub. Charles Cumpston 2236Sec. 4 L2, 3, 6, 7 Sq. 31 Fred Jenkins 2239Sec. 9-4-7 Carlo Venterella 2243L 3 Bl. 8 Truman Miller 2250Bl.9 Tycer Park Jerry Sharp 2251Sec. 4 L 12 & 13 Sq. 16 Edgar Letard 2252Sec. 8 Larres Foster 2254Sec. 4 L5, 6 Bl. 9 TyPk ? 2255L5/L25, 26, 27, 28/Subd. Hayden, BennetLongley & Olive St. parallelogram E (Statham, Rowdon, Frohn 2261Sec. 50 L16, 17, 18, 19 Salvador C. Fajoni (LAK Sub.) 2264L 20 (LAK Sub.) Carl Dowden 2266Sec. 32 Alma Giles 2284Sec. 4, 4 L7, 8, Bl. 16 Larry J. Swofford (Tycer Park) 2303Sec. 4 Tommy Lee Brown 2311L 1, 2 Bl. 8 Paul Genco 2343L 1, 2 Bl. 18 Patricia Miller 2348Sec. 54 Jerry Moore 2371Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Hwy. 16 East 2395Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Hwy. 16 West 2396Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Ogden Lane area 2397L13, 14, 15, 20 & 21 Dudley K. Settoon, III 2402L7, 8 Sq. 12 Anastasia Veal 2413Sec. 9 R.D. Westmoreland 2437L9&11 Bl. 4 Linda Catherine Letard 2425Sec. 4 Prentis Carter, Jr. 2449Sec. 50, Duncan Ave. Robert Calvin McPherson 2455L 6, 5 Bl. 3 Tycer pk. Anthony Venterella 2543L 4 Bl 2 Tycer Pk. C.W. Lee 2547L 1 Bl.6 Tycer Pk. C. Wehman Fitz 2548L 8 Bl. 10 Tycer Pk. Clyde T. Thompson 2550L 11 Bl. 10 Tycer Pk. James H. Curtis 2554L 16 B.10 Tycer Pk. ? 2555L 1, 2 ACY Subdiv. Joe Willis Bankston 2556Mun. 710, E. NO PL Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Gatipon 2558 & 2559Mun. 714, E. NO PL Sidney Brown 2560L 9 Bl.18 Tycer Pk. Jack Linzay 2562Sec. 49, 50 L36 Gerald Baham 2563L 4 Bl.12 Tycer Pk. Lee L. Gray 2565Sec. 50-3-7 Robert Y. Thompson, Jr. 2567Sec. 4-4-7 Fieldon P. Stafford 2569
Location Name PageSec. 4-4-7 L5 Bl.10 Max Baer 2570Sec. 49-3-7 Warren D. Kent, Jr. 2574L2 Bl.11 Tycer Park Louis J. Ruffino 2583Mun. 706, E. NO PL Frank E. Patenotte, Jr. 2585L 4 Sugar Hill Farm John Holcomb 2586L 10 Bl.13 Tycer Pk. Jerry A. Springs 2587Sec. 50 Burlie & Wilma Wales(Old Man’s Place) 2605Sec. 50 L5 Bl.1 Frank & Thomas Bellavia(Sanders Subdivision) 2612Sec. 50 L5, 6 Bl.1 Frank & Thomas Bellavia(Sanders Subdivision) 2613Sec. 50 L6, 7 Bl.1 Frank & Thomas Bellavia(Sanders Subdivision) 2614Sec. 50, L5, 6, 7 Bl.1 Frank & Thomas Bellavia(Sanders Subdivision) 2615Sec. 49 Ernest Christmas (Foulks Subdivision) 2642L 12&13 Bl.18 Ty. Pk. Vince Labarbera 2648L 14&14 Weist Add. Luke Nicolosi 2649L 12&13 ” ” Luke Nicolosi 2651L 10&11 ” ” Sam Conerly 2652L 3& Bl.8 William M. Finnin, Sr. 2653Bl.A, Reid Addition Tewanna Dyson 2658L. 2, 2, 4 Bl. 8 Bobby Miller 2663Bl.16 Milton D. Bel 2664Sec. 5 Zola Mae Hornsby 2668Sec. 50 Greg Brumfield 2669Sec. 50 Andrew Cascio 2672Sec. 50 Sanders Sub. Various landowners—E. Mulberry/Oak/Duncan 2674Sec. 50 Robert L. Pipkin 2678Sec. 50 Rev. Jerry Poston duplicateSec. 5 Alfred Self 2679Sec. 5 T.A. Tycer heirs 2686Sec. 50 Andrew Cascio 2707Sec. 5 LaBarbera 2713Weist Addition Mike Campo 2714L 14 & 15 & 11 Sq. 28 Addie W. Woods 2716Lots 9 & 10 Bl.10 Husser City Glass Works 2745Sec. 33 L 1 Harry D. Joynton(Capdau Subdivision) 2748L 6 Bl.14 Tycer Pk. Douglas Kent, Sr. 2750L 14, 15, 16 Sq. 46 Mrs. Eunice Brocato 2753L 5, 6 Troy Evans(Frank A. Berry Subdivision) 2756Barricade & Traffic Detour Town of Amite City 2772Sec. 49 Jerry Paul Cutrer 2773L 6, 7, 12, 13 Bl. 1 McPherson, Addison, LeBlanc 2775Sec. 4 Horace Martin 2796Bl. 26 Locations? 2814Bl. C L10, 11, 12&13 Hometown Farm & Garden(Reid Addition) 2822Sec. 5 Lee Gray 2825Sec. 9, L 3 Johnnie Pool(Moses Butler Subdivision) 2840Sec. 4 L 13 Bl.Z Gerald Norman (Reid Addition) 2842Sec. 4 & 9, Bl.1 Mattie Williams (L.6)Westdale Subdivision 2848Sec. 49 Lake & Mildred Johnston Story 2855Sec. 5 Tycer heirs 2858Bl.28, L 13 & 16 Helmrick 2862Sec. 5 Gloria Mobley 2864L 41&42 Weist Add. Roy L. Wood 2868Sec. 5 Farm Service Center 2873Sec. 50 Vivian Lea 2879Sec. 49 Mary Lou Ardillo Bell(for Ruchard Dunn) 2890
Location Name PageL 5, 8 & 9 Bl.31 Francis Boudreaux 2894Sec. 49 & 50 C.G. Foulks 2897Sec. 49 J.M. Foulks 2898Sec. 5 Arthur D. LeonardHeirs to School Board 2899Sec. 4 & 9 Westdale Subdivision 2900L 3 & 4; 27 & 28 Pauline Vinterella Matulich 2927Alphonse Baker 2929L. 15, Bl.22 Henry Bennett 2932Sec. 9-4-7 Alphonse Baker 2933Sec. 5 Margie Lee Wood 2937Sec. 50 Roy L. Wood 2938Factory, 1st Sullivan 2945Sec. 5, 50 American Legion Post No. 5,Amite Lions Club 2946Bl. 44 & 55 Dr. Donald L. Bryant 2953Bl. 44 & 45 Gene Rutland 2960Bl. 55 Gene Rutland 2961Bl. A, Reid Addition Lawson to Daniels 2963L 1, Bl. 18 Tycer Pk. John M. Jones 2969Sec. 50 Fred Settoon 2971L 9, 10, 11 Sq. 6 Mose Guzzardo 2991Bl. 41 & 42 Beatty property(Est. of Emily Beatty) 2992 & 2993Bl. 18 John Durnin 3026Sec. 9 Amite Building & Supply 3031Bl. 19 L4 Freida Green 3033Bl. 17 S ½ of Lots 1 & 2 3053Sec. 33 Dr. C.G. Forrest (Duncan Ave.) 3058L6 Bl.20 Roy Wood 3072L 15 & 16 Conerly D. Robertson 3075Sec. 5 Tycer heirs 3078Sec. 4 Harold & Ruth J. Stokes 3082L6 Bl.21 Russel Bittolo 3083L 3, 4, 5 Caretha J. Morris(Tony Bush, Jr. Subdivision) 3085L 4, Bl. 20 Russell Conger 3087L 1&2, Bl. 10 Stewart Family/Mrs. Brister 3093L 13&16, Bl. 33 Stanley Sullivan 3098L 9, 10, 13&14 Bl. 4 Sam Campo (Also Tract B,Ballard Partition) 3099Sec. 6 Davis Johnson 3109L 11 Bl. 2 Town of Amite City 3114Bl. 5 L6, 7, 8 Ward’s 3119Sec. 9-4-7, L 2 Charles Fulda 3121Lot 1, Bl. 14, Tycer Pk. Lee Schilling 3144Lot 1, Bl. 18, Ty. Pk. Charlie M. Blades & Donna Blades 3152Parallelogram G Fred & Barbara Carpenter 3206Lot 3, 4, Blk 17, Tycer Park Derris & Candace Ray 317Lot 4 & 5, Blk 18, Tycer Park Nick LaBarbara 3173Lot 3, Blk. 19, Tycer Park Bob Buxton 3174Sec. 50 Maurice & Diane Roberts 3274Sec. 49-3-7 J.M. Foulkes Est. 3427Sec. 28-33, 49-3-7 J.M. Foulkes Est. 3428Sec. 5-4-7 V & J Campo 3407Sec. 9-4-7 McClendon Est. 3412Sec. 5-4-7 Ann Guzzardo-Knight 2413L. 3, B. 16, Tycer Park Scott Sandage 3416Sec. 33-3-7 Arthur Harroll 3417Sec. 5-4-7 Miscellaneous Owners 3419
Location Name PageL. 14, 15, 16, Blk. 16 Jesse Lagarde 3356Lot 16 Judy K, Blades 3016Lot 29 (Sec. 4 T4S R7E) (First) Baptist Church property 1072Blk. 44 & 55 Clyde Moore, Jr. 3353L. 4, Blk. 19 Tyc Pk James R. Williams 3355Lots 9, 10, 13, & 14, Bl. 4 & Tract B Ballard Part.Lot 4, Bl. Tycer Park Russell Conger 3087Lot 9, Bl. 17 Catherine Lopinto 3187Lots 10 & 11 Weist Sam Conerly 2652Lots 10 & 11, Bl. 2 Claire & Buddy Bel 3309Blk. 46 3360Blk. 4 Estate Jessie Ricks 3310Lots 14 & 15, Weist Roy Wood 3320Lot 11 Durnin, John 3026Lots 12 & 13, Weist Roy Wood 3321L. 3, Blk. 21, Tyc. Pk. Donald Flynn 3327L. 3 & 4, Blk. 17 John J. Cutrer, Jr. 3332Blk. 39 Kopfler 3336L. 5, Blk. 8, Tyc Pk. Joseph M. Guzzardo 3341Lot 4, Blk. 19 Green, Freida 3033L.5, Blk. 8, Tyc Pk. Joseph M. Guzzardo 3345Lots 16 & 17 (Weist Add.) Conerly D. Robertson 3075Sec 9-4-7 Sullivan Drive Inn 2945Sec. 9 Robert Sullivan 3347Lot 6, Block 20, Tyc Pk. Roy Wood 3072Lot 6 Block 21, Tyc Pk. Russel Bittolo 3072Lots 3, 4, 5 Caretha J. Morris 3085(Tony Bush, Jr. Subdivision)Lots 1 & 2, Block 10 Stewart Fly./Brister 3093Lots 13 & 16, Bl. 33 Stanley Sullivan 3098Lot 11, Block 2 Town of Amite City 3114Bl. 5, Lots 6, 7, 8 Ward’s 3119Lot 9, Bl. 17 Catherine Lopinto 3136Lot 1, Bl. 14, Tyc Pk. Lee Schilling 3144Lot 1, Block 18, Tyc Pk. John M. Jones 2969Lot 1, Block 18, Tyc Pk. Charlie M. Blades & Donna 3152Lots 2 & 3, and a portionLots 1, 4, 5 & 5, S2.27 Kathleen Addison 3218Lots 3 & 6, Sq. 28 Kathleen Addison 3236Lot 11, Bl. 18 Tycer Park John N. & Klaudia C. Durnin 3238Lot 14, 15 Bl. 18, TPK Glasgow, E. Ray 3245Reid Add./ W. Olive Edith Hudson 3249Lot 15, Sq. 22 Norman Henry Bennett &Merrie Christmas Bennett 3255Lots 10 & 11, BLK. 2 Buddy Bel (Cabby’s) 3309BLK. 4 Ricks/Campo 331033-3-7, Tract A Heirs of T.A. Tycer 3301Blk.46 Brocato to ? 3360Blk. 21, G.& C. Add. L. 8 ½ Percy Washington 3395Sec. 49, 3-7 Foulkes, J.M. Est. 3427Sec. 28, 33, 49-3-7 Foulkes, J.M. Est. 3428Sec. 5-4-7, W. Oak St. Campo, V. & J. 3407Sec. 9-4-7 McClendon Est. 3412Sec. 5-4-7, West Oak Guzzardo-Knight, Ann 3413L. 3, Bl. 16, TPK. Sandage, Scott 3416Sec. 33-3-7, Robin St. Harrell, Arthur 3417Sec. 5-4-7, Walnut St. Various Owners 3419Sec. 50-4-7 DHS Sanders Realty 3434Lots 12 $ 13, Bl. 16 David Currier 3470Block 5, Ty Pk. Tycer 3477
Amite, Alphabetical
Location Name PageSec. 50 Amite Cemetery Assoc. 1121Sq. 9, L. 3 & 4 Amite Hardware Co. 1096Sq. 15, Comm. Center Amite City, Town of 2206Sec. 4, LeSare Drive Amite City, Town of 696Sec. 54 Amite City, Town of 2184Blk. 6, L. 9, 11, 13, 15 Anzalone, John A. 2169Lot 5, b. 10, T.P. Baer, Max 2570S. 4, L.A, B, C, Z Ballard & Reid Subdiv. 697B.4, 2nd St. Ballard, G.E. Estate 2207Sec. 50 Balsano, Sarah 572Sec. 50 Balsano & Sanders 1119Lot 1, 2 Acey Subd. Bankston, Joe Willie 2556L. 5, 6, 7, Bl. 2, Sndrs. Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2612L. 5, 6, Bl. 2, Sandrs. Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2613L. 5, 6, Bl. 2, Sndrs. Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2614Par. E, L. 1-5, Olive Bennett, Statham, Rowdon, Frohn 2261Berry Subdiv. Berry, Frank A. 690Sec. 50, E. North Pl. Brown, Sidney 2560Bl. 21, L.1 & 70’N. Brumfield, Edgar Lee 1044L. 1, 2, 3, Bk. 2, Sndrs Brumfield, Greg 2669Blk. 44, 45 Bryant, D.L., Dr. 738Sec. 9, Bush Subd. Bush, Tony Jr. 1026-bSec. 9, ” ” Bush, Emily 1034Sec. 9 ” ” Bush, Emily 1067Sec. 9 ” ” Bush, Tony Jr. 1104Sec. 9, Cherry St. Butler, Moses 622Sec. 9, Cherry St. Butler, Moses 714Sec. 9, 10, Factory Butler, Conway 628Lot 29, Longley Baptist Church, First 1072Sec. 5 Brumfield Motors 3125Bl. 22, L. 15 Bennett, Henry 2932Bl. 22, L. 15 Bennett, Henry & Merrie 3255Blk. 2, L. 10 & 11 Bel, Buddy & Claire (Cabby’s) 3309Sec. 4, Olive St. Baham, Nettie 1003Blk. 46 Brocato 3360Sec. 9 Baker, Alphonse 2933
Amite, Alphabetical, Cont’d.
Location Name PageSec. 5 Campo, V. & J. 3407Sec. 4 (Olive) Cefalu, N. 1003L. 110, 11, Weist Add. Conerly , Sam 2652Blk. 4 Campo & Ricks 3310Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 1806Sec. 5, W. Oak Carrier, Stewart 611Sec. 5, W. Oak St. Carrier, Stewart 1634Sq. 40, L. 3-12 Cartwright, A.S. 1101Bl. 2, Sanders, L. 1, 2 Cascio, Andrew 2672Bl. 50, Hardy St. Cavaretta, Joan 1898Blk. 12, L. 9, 10, 11, 12 Cefalu, Earle 639Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earle Subdivision 633Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earle 634Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earle 1038Blk. 9, L. 6, 7, 8 Cefalu & Ponder 1085Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earle 1708Sec. 50, Private St. Clemons & Fortenberry 629Blk. 32, L. 11, 14, 15 Conery, Elvis J. 1955L. 59-62, Weist Add. Campo, Michael & Valerie 3191Parallelogram G Carpenter, Fred & Barbara 3206L. 34, 35, C.G.F. Carreca, Rhonda & Rita 3240L. 11-16, E/2, Bl. 47 Corkern, Mrs. Leah 1049Blk. 21, L. 10, 11 Currier, Joseph & Vera 734L. 11, Blk. 10, TP Curts, James H. 2554E. Olive St. Church, Episcopal 3439Sec. 33, Capdau Capdau 539Lot 1, Capdau H. Joynton 2748Blk. 17, L. 3 & 4 Cutrer, John J. 3332Lot 12 & 13, Sq. 16 Currier, David 3470Sec. 50, Balsano Darouse, Charles E. 648Blk. 1, L. 5, 7, GGSub. Dreher, John Kemp 698Sec. 4, Kemp Dyson, Luther 715Blk. 15, L. 9, 10 Dees, Margaret 1055Lot 20, lkwd. Sub. Dowden, Carl 2266Bl. 18, L. 11, TP Durnin, John N. & Claudia C. 3238Bl. 16, L. 14-16 Durnin, John N. 3479
AmiteAlphabetical Index
Location Name PageSec. 50 Darouse, Charles 648Lot 5 & 7, Blk. 1, GGCo. Dreher, John K. 698Sec. 4 Dyson, Luther 715Lot 9 & 10, Blk. 15 Dees, Margaret 1055Lot 20, Lakwd. Sub. Dowden, Carl 2266Lot 11, Blk. 18, Ty Pk. Durnin, John & Klaudia C. 3238Blk. 16 Durnin, John & Klaudia 3479Sec. 50 Eldridge, Carles R., Jr. 600Lot 14, Block 1 Easley, Jeff 702Sec. 4 & 50 Elliott, Judge Clay 1059Blk. 8, L 26 Elliott Building 1097Sec. 50 Ellzey, D.J. & Dean 1108Sec. 4 & 50 Elliott, Judge Clay 1000Sec. 5 Edwards, Wash 2934Sec. 4, Olive St. Episcopal Church 3439Sec. 4, E. Olive St. First Guaranty Bank 3440L. 3, Blk. 3, Tyc Pk. Fortinberry, George K., Jr. 623Sec. 50 Falcone, Vincent 625Sec. 50 Fortenberry & Clemons 629Sec. 9 Fulda, Charles J., Jr. 630Sec. 9 Fulda, John 635Duncan Ave Fortenberry, Roberty & William 646Sec. 50 Finger, Robert 725Sec. 4 & 50 Fortenberry, M.V., Mrs. 1001Blk. 9 Federal Post Office 1089Lot 1, Blk. 6, Tyc Pk Fitz, C. Wehman 2548Sec. 5 Farm Bureau Center 2873Sec. 5 Farm Bureau Service Center 3120Lot 29, Longley Add. First Baptist Church 1072Lot 3, Blk. 21, Tyc Pk Flynn, Don 3327Sec. 49, Foulkes Sub. Foulkes, J.M. Est. 3427Sec. 28, 33, Foulkes Foulkes, J.M Est. 3428Sec. 4 Gaines, C.M., Mrs. 999Sec. 4 Coleman & Garland 694Sec. 4, L.5 Sq. 21, G & C Garland & Coleman (Celia Love) 685Sec. 50, 710 E. North Pl. Gatipon, Henry 2558Sec. 50 E. North Place Gatipon, Henry 2559Sec. 4 Giles, Tom 1003L. 3 & 4, Blk. 20, Tyc Pk. Gay, Donald 2196L. 1 & 2, Blk. 8 Genco, Paul 2343Blk. 19 Goings, Mrs. Mollie 1043L. 14, 15, 16 Goldsby, A.F. 1058Sec. 5 Goldsby, D.H. 700Sec. 5, Tyc Pk. Gray, Lee 2825L.4, Blk. 12, Tyc Pk Gray, Lee L. 2565Sec. 4 Guiteau, Conway 732Sec. 4, Blk. 24 Guzzardo, George 695Sec. 4, L. 9 & 10, Sq. 15 Guzzardo, Sam N. 729ALots 14 & 15, Blk. 18, Tyc Pk Glasgow, Ray 3245L.5, Blk. 8, Tyc Pk Guzzardo, Joseph M. 3341L. 5, Blk. , Tyc Pk Guzzardo, Joseph M. 3345Sec. 5-4-7, Tangia Lena Guzzardo, Ann Knight 3413
Location Name PageLot 52, 53 Hanby, Dave 1090Sec. 50-3-7, Amite Hancock, John M. (Old Man’s Place) 1685Sq. 51 Harpole, George 1106Lots A, B, C Hart, Lillie 717Lot 7 Hendry, B.M. 1047Lot 3 B 17 Hodges, Susie 1075Lot 4, Sugar Hill Farm Holcomb, John 2586Sec. 9, Blk 45 Hood, Anderson, Moock 721Sec. 5-4-7, Amite Hornsby, Zola Mae 2778Hyde, Sammie 719Sec. 50-4-7, Amite Hyman, Geraldine, Mrs. 7081079573574Sec. 50 Hyman, Geraldine & Aubry Mixon 1118W. Olive St./Reid Add. Hudson, Edith 324933-3-7, Robin St. Harrell, Arthur 3417Blk. 21 Johnson, Katherine 1056Sec. 50-4-7, Amite Jones, Delos 705″ ” 621SQ. 36 Lot 1 Sec. 9 Jones, Sterns, Butler, others 627Lot 1, Capdau Sub. Joynton, Harry 2748Blk. 39 Kopfler 3336Sec. 4, Blk. 8 Kemp, H.J. 707Sec. 9-4-7 Kennedy Sign Co., S 3rd St. 2103L 4 Blk 8 Kentzel, Billie F. 735L 9 Kopfler, E.J. 1083L 18, 14, 15, 16 S 17 ” ” 1083L 5 B 17 Frederick 1086Sec. 49-3-7, Amite Kent, Warren Douglas, Jr. 2574Sec. 49-3-7, Amite Kent, Warren Douglas, Jr. 3184Sec. 5, Tangi Lena Knight, Ann Guzzardo 3413Sec. 5 LaBarbera 2713Sec. 4-4-7, Amite Lawson, Booker 643Sec. 4, Sq. A Reid Add ” ” 691L 6, 7, 12, 13 B 1 LeBlanc, McPherson, Addison 2775Sec. 50, East North Place Lee, Vivian 2979L 4 Blk. 2 Tycer Park Lee, C.W. 2547L 5 6 Sq. 15 Lee, Wallace 708L 8 Blk. 21 LeNoir, Carrie Mrs. 1081L 8 Blk. 21 ” ” 1100
Location Name PageSec. 4 LeTard, Edgar 2252Sec. 9 LeTard, E.A. Jr. 722L 9 11 Blk. 4 LeTard, Linda Catherine 2425L 9, Blk 13 Tycer Park Linzay, Jack 2562Sec. 4 Longley Addition 644Blk 2 Long, Mary 636Blk 53 Locations 1093Blk 26 Locations 1099Blk 20 Locations 1066Blk. 29 Locations 1062Sq. 7 Locations 1109Sq. 55 Locations 1026ABlk. 8 Locations 1088Blks. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9,10, 21, 22, 26, 25,27, 28 Locations 1045Lot 9, 10 Locations 1074Sec. 4 Hickory St. Locations 642Blk. 39 Locations 1084Sq. 2 Locations- Factory St. 1042L 10, 11, 12, 13, Bk C. Locations- Reid Addition 1065Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 18Tycer Park Labarbera, Nick P. 3173L. 14, 15, 16, Blk. 16 Lagarde, Jesse 3356Blk. 52 Marshall, Hazel 1057Sec.50 Martin, L.H. 1105L 6, 7, 12, 13 Bk 1 McPherson, Addison, LeBlanc 2775L 1, 2 B 18 Miller, Patricia 2348Blk. 46 Millet, Mr. & Mrs. Edward 724Sec.50 Mixon, Mrs. C.M. 637Sec. 50 Moak, Henry 728Sec. 9, Blk 45 Moock. Hood, Anderson 721Sec. 4 Morgan, Armette 701Sec. 9, 10 Morgan, Miss Clara 1040Sq. 34 ” ” 632Sec. 9, 10 ” ” 1024Sec. 4, Sq. 9 Morrison, Stanley 703L 12, 13, 14, 15 B 2 Mullin, W.J. 1053Sq. 52 Murphy, D.F.H. 1094Sec. 9-4-7 Morris, Caretha (Tony Bush, Jr. Sub) 3085Blk. 44 & 45 Moore, Clyde, Jr. 3353Sec. 9-4-7 McClendon, Est. J.H. (W. Palmetto) 3412Sec. 4-4-7 McClendon, Est. J.H. 3419Sec. 4, L 13, Blk.Reid Addition Norman, Gerald 2842Lots 12 & 13, Weist Nicolosi, Luke 2651Lots 14 & 15, Weist Nicolosi, Luke 2649
Location Name PageSec. 4 Osborn, R.W., Dr. 739Sq 28, 9, 12, 13, 16 Pierce, C.W. 1102Sq. 53 Page John 2105Mun. #706 East North Pattenotte, Frank E. Jr. 2585Sec. 4, S 3rd St. Perry, Masalie Leonard & Robert Lee 2210L 9, 12, 13, 16 Bk. 28 Pierce, C.B. 1102Sec. 50, L. 7 Lakeside Pipkin, Robert L. 2678Sec. 4 5, Tycer Park Ponder, John D. 2205L 6 7, 8, Blk 9 Ponder & Cefalu 1085Sec. 9, Lot 3 Pool, Johnnie 2840Sec. 50- Yellow Chair Poston, Rev. Jerry 2678Lot 30, Longley Add. Pipes, Estate 760Lot 7, Lksd. Daniel Poston, Jerry 3458Blk. 4 Ricks 3385Blk. 34 Reeves, J.W. 1002L 10, 11, 12, 13 Bk C Reid Addition 692Sec. 4 ” ” 689Sec. 4, Sq. A, B, C, & Z Reid Addition & Ballard 697Sec. 50 Reid, Horance R. 684Sec. 50 ” ” 727Sec. 4 Richardson, M.L. 731Sec. 4, Tycer Park Robertson, Conerly D. 570L 5, 6 Blk. 9 Rowdon, Statham, Frohn, Bennett 2261L 2 B 11 Tycer Park Ruffino, Louis J. 2583Sec. 4, 50 Russell, Robert 1054Sec. 5 Ray, Derris & Candance 3172Sec. 50 Amite Roberts, G. Arnold & Maurice 3186Sec. 50 Amite Reid, Larry & T.J. 3225Sec. 50 Amite Reid, Larry & t.J. 3227BLK. 4 Ricks Campo 3310Lots 16 & 17, Weist Robertson, Conerly 3075Blk. 1, 2, 3 Sanders, D.H. Realty 638Sec. 50 Sanders, D.H. Realty 626Sec. 50 ” ” & Sara Balsano 1119L 3, 4, Blk 1 Sanders, D.H. Subdivision 2159Lot 5, Blk 1 ” ” 2149Lot 9, 10 Sq 15 Schexnayder, Roy 729Lot 9, 10 Sq. 9 Schilling, D.H. 631Lot 7, 10 Blk 8 Schilling, Edwin C. Jr. 741L 13, 14, 14, 20, 21 Settoon, Dudley K. III 2402Lot 9 Blk 17 ” ” 1069, 1070″ ” ” ” 1092Blk. 9, Tycer Park Sharp, Jerry 2251L5, 6, 7, 8 Sq. 15 Simon, Lynn J. 737
Location Name PageL. 3, Blk. 6, TP Sandage, Scott 3416Blk. 6 Singletary, J.B. 1076Sq. 44, 55 Smith, Annie B. 1052Sec. 5, Tycer Park Smith, Curtis D. 2179Lot 10, Blk 13 Tycer Park Spring, Jerry A. 2587Sec. 4 Springs, V.H. 1003Sec. 4 Stafford, Fieldon H. 2569Sec. 50, Duncan Avenue Stewart, Marion 1120Sec. 50 Sugar Hill Farm 624Sec. 4, 5, Tycer Park Swofford, Larry J. 2303Sec. 4 Stokes, Harold & Ruth Stokes 3082Sec. 4 Stern, B. 1003Sec. 4 Spring, Vic 1003Sec. 4 Stern, B. 723Sec. 4 Stern, B. 1072Sec. 9 Sullivan, Robert 3347Lot 4, Blk. 13 Tyc Pk Seal 3378Bl. 2 & 3, Bourgeois Sanders Realty 3434Sec. 50 (Old Man’s Place) Tangi Construction Co. 2025Sec. 5 Tangilena Village 2078Sec. 9 Taylor Addition 713L 8 Blk 10 Tycer Park Thompson, Clyde T. 2550L 2 Blk 14 Thompson, Clyde T. 1860L 10, 11, 12, 13 Thompson, Robert 1098Sec. 50 Thompson, Robert Y. Jr 2567/3181Sec.5 Thompson, Russell 1007Sec. 5 Tycer, T.A. 65Sec. 4, 5 Tycer, Thos. E. 454Sec. 5 Tycer Heirs 2858Sec. 4, Lot 6, Blk 10 Tycer Park 649Sec. 5 Tycer Heirs 307833-3-7 Tycer Heirs 3301Blk. 5 Tycer 3477Sec. 4 U.S. Post Office 704L 4 Blk 9 Tycer Park 2182-AL 7, 8 Sq. 12 Veal, Anastasia 2413Sec. 50, Aubrey Sanders Wales, Wilma & Burlie 2605Lot 19, 21 Watson, Sara Miss 1077Sec. 50 Wayne, Paul 730Sec. 50 Weigel, H.S. 571
Location Name PageLots 38, 39, 40 Weist Addition 1071Sec. 4, 9 Westdale Subdivision 2900Sec. 4, 9 ” ” 2848Sec. 4 William, James R. 2185Lot 6 Blk 20 Woods, Roy 3072Lots 12 & 13, Weist Wood, Roy 3321Lots 14 & 15, Weist Wood, Roy 3320Lot 8 ½, Blk 21, G. & C Washington, Percy 3395Lot 4, Blk. 19, Tyc Pk Williams, James R. 3355Sec. 49-3-7 Wilson Right-of-Way 2171Sec. 9, South 2nd. Zanders, Robert 1799
AmiteAlphabetical Index
Location Name PageL. 5, Blk. 10, Tyc Pk Baer, Max 2570Sec. 4 Ballard & Reid Addition 697Sec. 4 Ballard George E., Estate 2207Sec. 50 Balsano, Sarah 572Sec. 50 Balsano, Sarah & D.H.S. Realty 1119Lots 1, 2, Acy Subdiv. Bankston, Joe Willie 2556Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 1, DHS Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2613Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 1, DHS Bewllavia, Frank & Thomas 2614Lots 5, 6, 7, Blk. 1, DHS Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2612Lots 1-6, Taylor Berry, Frank A. 690Lots 1-5, & Parl. E Bennet, Statham, Rowdon, Frohn 2261Mun. #7, East North Place Brown, Sidney 2560Blk. 21 Brumfield, E.L. 1044Lots 1, 2, 3, Bl. 2 DHS Brumfield, Greg 2669Blk. 44 & 55 Bryant, D.L., Dr. 738Sec. 9 Bush, Emily 1034Sec. 9 Bush, Emily 1067Sec. 9 Bush, Tony Jr. 1026BSec. 9 Bush, Tony Jr. 1104Sec. 9 & 10 Butler, Conway 628Sec. 9 Butler, Moses, Est. 714Sec. 9 Butler, Moses, Est. 622Sec. 9 Butler, Moses 1033Sec. 9 Butler, Moses 1051Sec. 4 Baptist Church Property 1072Sec. 5 Brumfield Motor Co. 3125Lot 15, Blk. 22 Bennett, Henry 2932Lot 15, Blk. 22 Bennet, Norman H. & Merrie C. 3309Sec. 4, E. Olive Bahm, Nettie 1003L. 10 & 11, Bl. 2 Bell, Claire & Buddy 3309Blk. 3 Belcher, Gregory 3363Blk. 46 Brocato to 3360Sec. 5-4-7 Campo, V. & J. 3407Sec. 4 N. Cefalu/ V. Spring 1003Lots 10 & 11, Weist Conerly, Sam 2652BLK 4 Campo/Ricks 3310Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 1806″ ” ” ” 611″ ” ” ” 1634Sq. 40 Cartwright, A.S. 1101L 16, 18 Blk 2, Sanders Cascio, Andrew 2672Sec. 50 Cavaretta, JoAnn 1898Sq. 12, L 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Cefalu, Earle 639Sec. 9 14, 15, 16 ” ” 1038″ ” ” ” 1708″ ” ” ” 634″ ” Cefalu Subdivision 633L 6, 7, 8 Blk. 9 Cefalu & Ponder 1085Sec. 50 Clemons & Fortinberry 629L 11, 14, 15 Blk. 32 Conerly, Elvis J. 1955L 59, 60, 61 7 62, Weist Add. Campo, Michael & Valerie 3191Parallelogram G Carpenter, Fred & Barbara 3206Subdivision Carreca, Rhonda & Rita 3240
AmiteAlphabetical Index
Location Name PageSec. 4, E. Olive & Camille Cefalu, Nic/Spring, Vic 1003Lots 10 & 11, Weist Add. Conerly, Sam 2652Block 4 Campo/Ricks 3310Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 1806Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 611Sec. 5 Carrier, Stewart 1634Square 40 Cartwright, A.S. 1101Lot 16 & 18, Bl. 2, D.H.S. Cascio, Andrew 2672Sec. 50 Cavarreta, Jo Ann 1898Sec. 9, Gullett St. Cefalu Subdivision 633Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earl 634Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earl 639Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earl 1038Sec. 9 Cefalu & Ponder 1085Sec. 9 Cefalu, Earl 1708Sec. 50 Clemons & Fortenberry 629L. 11, 14 & 15, Blk 32 Conerly, Elvis J. 1955L 59, 60, 61 & 62, Weist Campo, Michael & Valerie 3191Parallelogram G Carpenter, Fred & Barbara 3206Lots 34 & 35, C.G.Foulkes Subdivision Carreca, Rhonda & Rita 3240Blk. 47 Corkern, Leah Mrs. 1049L 10, 11 Sq. 21 Currier, Joseph & Vera 734L. 11, Blk. 10 Tycer Park Curts, James H. 2554Blk. 4 Campo & Ricks 3310L. 3&4, Blk.17 Cutrer, John J. 3332Sec. 33-3-7 Capdau Subd. 539Lot 1 Capdau 2748Sec. 5-4-7 Campo, Vince & Joseph 3407
Location Name PageLot on Duncan AvenueTown of Amite City 50-4-7 Robert Y. Thompson, Jr. 3181Sec. 50 Amite Cemetery Association 1121Sq. 9 lots 3 7 4 Amite Hardware Co. 1096Sec. 4, Blk 15, Com. Center Amite City, Town of 2206La Sare Drive Amite City, Town of 696Sec. 54 Amite City, Town of 2184Blk. 6, 9, 11, 13 & 15 Dr. John Anzalone 2169Lot 5, Blk. 10 Tycer Park Baer, Max 2570Sec. 4 Lots A, B, C & 2 Ballard & Reid Addition 697Sec. 4 Ballard, George Emerson, Estate of 2207Sec. 50 Balsano, Sarah 572Sec. 50 Balsano, Sarah & Sanders Realty co. 1119L. 1, 2 ACY Sub. Bankston, Joe Willie 2556Lots 5 & 6 Blk 1, Sanders Bellavia, Frank & Thomas 2613″ ” 2614Lots 5, 6, 7 Blk 1 ” ” 2612Lots 1-5 & 11 E Bennett, Statham, Rowdon, Frohn 2261Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Berry, Frank A. 690Mun #7, East North Place Brown, Sidney 2560Blk. 21 Brumfield, E.L. 1044L. 1, 2, 3, Blk. 2, Sanders Brumfield, Greg 2669Blk. 44, 45 Bryant, D.L. Dr. 738Sec. 9 Bush, Emily 1034″ ” ” ” 1067″ ” ” ” Tony Jr. 1026B” ” ” ” 1104Sec. 9, 10 Butler, Conway 628Sec. 9 Butler, Moses 714″ ” ” ” 1051Sec. 9, 10 Butler, ” ” 1033Sec. 9 ” ” 622L.2, 38, 39 B. Stern Co. 1072Sec. 5 Brumfield Motors 3125Lot 15, Bl. 22 Bennett, Henry 2932
Lot 15, Sq. 22 Bennett, Norman Henry &Merrie Christmas 3255Lots 10 & 11, BLK. 2 Bel, Buddy (Cabby’s) 3309
AmiteAlphabetical Index
Location Name PageSec. 50 Amite Cemetery Association 1121Sec. 9 Amite Hardware Company 1096Sec. 4, Blk. 15 Amite City, Town of 2206Sec. 4 Amite City, Town of 696Sec. 54 Amite City, Town of 2184Block 6 Anzalone, Dr. John 2169
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageSec. 53 Zachary, Thomas 1126Sec. 9 Zanders, Robert 1799Sec. 31 W/2 of Frac Sec. 31 586Sec. 1 N/2 of SW/4 of SE/4 of 1 996Sec. 6 NE/4 of SE/4 1019Sec. 17 NE/4 of NE/4 of 18-4-7 969Sec. 9, 16 ¼ Sec corner 2087Sec. 36 Subd. N/2 of 36 1156Sec. 43 SW/4 of 43 1178Sec. 36 SW/4, Subd. 1155Sec. 20 E/2 968Sec. 20 E/2 599ASec. 28 NW/4 991Sec. 17 N. end of Frac 17 618Sec. 1 NE/4 of NE/4 992NE Cor SW/4 of NE/4 of Sq. 9 Gullett Add 693Sec. 21 SW/4 974Sec. 16 S/2 of L. 1 & 2 2183Sec. 50 Sanders Add East Oak and E Mulberry 2674E of DuncanSec. 48 Plot Plan on St. Rt. 16 2231L. 13, 14, 15 B. 52 Laurel & Cherry Streets 720L. 9, 12, 13, 16 S 28 Improvements on E. Chestnut 2152L. 5, 6, 7, 8 S. 15 AM Near Pine Street 740L. 12 B. 10 Near 1st Street 710L. 13, 14, 15, 16 AM Along Laurel Street 645B. 44, 55 1st and 2nd Streets 742L. 9, 12,13, 16 S 22 E. Mulberry & Bay Streets 2150Sec. 9 S. 3rd and Palmetto 1943Sec. 50 East of Duncan Avenue 2228B. 8 Sec .4 Imp. On Mulberry, Oak& Laurel Street 706L. 8 B. 10 AM Near 1st Street 708Crossing of U.S. Hwy 51 & ICRR 716AM Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Hwy 16 E area 2395AM Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation OgdenLane Area 2397AM Corp. Limits Proposed Annexation Hw 16 W area 2396Sec. 36 Lot 3 1154Sec. 50 Elm, Mulberry, and Hardy Streets 647Sec. 51 Plot Plan on St. Rt. 16 1961Sec. 28 2 Acres 578Sq. 7 RO 3.25 Acre Subd. 2220Sec. 26 2.00 Acres 585Sec. 51 20.07 Acres 1924Sec. 28 11.68 Acres 569Sec. 28 1 Acre in N/2 615
T. 4 S., R. 7 E.Location Name PageL. 1, 4, 5 S. 33 AM Improvements 1103L. 16 B. 10 TYPK ? 2555Sec. 4 TY PK ? 2255
AmiteLocation Name PageLot 29 First Baptist Church Property 1072Lot 16 Judy K. Blades 3016Lot 6 Block 21 Russel Bittolo 3083Lot 4, Block 20 Russell Conger 3087Lots 9, 10, 13 & 14 Sam Campo 3099Bl. 4 & Tract B, Ballard Part.Lot 11 BLK 18 John Durnin 3026Lot 4 BLK 13 Green, Freida 3033Lots 1 & 2 Block 10 Stewart Fly./Brister 3093Lots 13 & 16, Bl. 33 Stanley Sullivan 3098Lot 11, Block 2 Town of Amite City 3114Lot 2, Sec. 9 Charles Fulda 3121Lot 1, Block 18 John M. Jones 2969Lot 1, Block 18 Charlie M. Blades & Donna 3152Lots 15 & 16 Weist Add. Conerly D. Robertson 3075Bl. 5, Lots 6, 7, 8 Ward’s 3119Lot 1 & 2 (S ½) Blk 17 Wood, Roy (Weldon Russell) 3053Lot 9, Bl. 17 Catherine Lopinto 3136Lot 1, Bl. 14, Tycer Pk. Lee Schilling 3144Lots 3 & 4, Blk 17Tycer Park Ray, Derris & Candace 3172Lots 4 7 5, Block 18Tycer Park Labarbera, Nick P. 3173Lot 3, Blk. 19 Buckston, Bob 3176Lots 14, 15 & 17, Blk. 40 Miss Ann’s, Inc. 3177
Town of Greensburg
Location Name PageL. 28, 41 Schilling Bros. after 060L. 28, 41 Schilling Bros. 836L. 24 Charles J. Cole, Jr. 837L. 40 St. Helena Parish School Board 838Rocky Creek Road Rose B. Webb 839Second St. St. Helena Parish Hospital Site 2709Block 15 St. Helena Parish Police Jury 2806Lot 6, Taylor Subd. St. Helena Parish Police Jury 3001
Location Name PageLot 10, Bl. 9 Hilda Mae Chester 3137
Location Name PageSq. 24 Carmelo Musso 859? Frank/Phillippo Sinagra 860Sq. 11 Lots fronting Pine St. 861L. 16, 17, Sq. 11 Sam Messina 862Sq. 33 Frank T. Anzalone 863Sq. 15 Frank S. Sinagra 864B. 7 Benton O. Bickham 865B.9 Mrs. Helen Reid 866B. 34 Mrs. Ian Cotler Gumelsky 868L. 24, 25, B.1 John Culatto 869Sq. 29 Mrs. Marianne Catalano 870L. 26, 27, Sq. 33 Charles Polito 871L. 1, 2, Sq. 6 Willie Morgan, Jr. 872B.33 Arvel Rainey 873L.1, 2, Sq. 6 Willie Morgan, Jr. 874B.7 Rev. M.J. Black, Sr. 875Sq. 25 Rich H. Crawford 876Sq. 14, 19, 16 Vito Volcise 877L.9, B. 11 Mary/Anthony DiMaggio 878Sq. 9 Subdivision 879Sq. 9 Frank Michelle 881L. 9, Sq. 38 Louis Pechon 882Sq. 31 John J. Masaracchia 883B.40 Dr. Paul LaMarca 884Sq.11 Vick Cuti 885L. 1, 2, 3, 4, B.4, Sq. 23 Donald McNulty 907L. 7, 8, Sq. C, B.10 Tony Vilardo 908Sec. 4-5-7 J.H. McClendon, Jr. 910B. 9 John Farace, Jr. 911B.1, Sq. 23 A.L. McNulty 913L.6 Phillip Giaratano 914Sq. 11 Cardanella 920L. 1, 2, B.3, Sq. 23 Plot plan, Park Avenue 921Sq. 36 Tony Cardanella 924Sq. 47 Dr. Paul LaMarca 936L. 43, 44, 45, Sq. 39 Sam S. Analone 937Sq. 16, 17, 28 Dr. Paul LaMarca 940Sec. 3-5-7 Fred Vilardo 942L.1 Mr./Mrs. Claiborne Powell 943Sq. 39 John J. Farace, Jr. 948Sec. 3-5-7 Dr. F.F. Anzalone 949Sec. 3, 4-5-7 Joseph A. D’Anna, Sr. 956Sec. 39-5-7 Robert P. Paille 959Sec. 16-4-7 Sam Spitale 960Sec. 28-4-7 Paul Palermo 984
Location Name PageB.28 Dr. Paul J. LaMarca 1613L.24, Sec. 39-5-7 Town of Independence 1691L. 1-10, Sq. 33 Town of Independence 1693L. 3, 4, B.1, Sq. 23 Est. Joe Buindo 1815Sec. 9-5-7 Est. of D. Musson 1852Sec. 29, 32-3-7 Roy Spears 1856B. 2, Sq. 23 Community State Bank 1869Sec. 4-5-7 Isaiah Varnado 1889Location of Property—Water Main- Town of Independence 1958Sq. 41 Town 1969Sq. 33 Joe E. Anzalone 2133B. 18, 19 Town of Independence 2144L. 1, 2, B.D, Sq. 10 Unknown 2154L. 11, 12, 13, 14, B. 33 Town of Independence 2186B.19 Town of Independence 2187Sec. 3, 4 Mrs. Isabel D’Anna, Heirs ofVincent D’Anna 2224Sec. 4 Peter Liuzza 2242L. 23, 24, 39 Nhac Quang Duong 2337L. 42, Sq. 24 Town of Independence forGary Lee Carroll, Sr. 2371Town Ronnie Lavigne 2447L. 89, 90 Kluchin Subd. 2542L. 3, 4, Sq. 25 Town of Independence 2552L. 1, 2, B. 3, Sq. 23 Preston A. Baham 2557L. 28, Sq. 24 Ben Lucia 2580L.90, W/2 of L.89 Kluchin Subd.Vincent A & Marilyn Calcagno 2770Sec. 9 Town of Independence 2606Sec. 4 Town of Independence 2607Sec. 3 & 4 Town of Independence 2608Sec. 16 Nurphy Danna 2414Sec. 9 Town of Independence 2637Sec. 9 Town of Independence (CDBG-LandAcquisition) 2691Sec. 4, 9 Town of Independence(from Hester Tate) 2689Sec. 4 Town of Independence(from Heirs of John Garman) 2690
Location Name PageSquare 11 Louis Divincenti 2708Block 6 Town of Independence 2620Lot 10, Block 9 Hilda Mae Chester 3137Blk. 33, L. D. Joseph Waltzer, Jr. 3304 & 3306Blk. 22, Sq. 2 Hulsey & Ballard (Quick Stop) 3312Blk. 23, Sq. 1 Reginald D. Martin 3339
Location Name PageBlock 33 Andrew Corrente 3063Lot 10 Bl. 9 Hilda Mae Chester 3137Lot 26, 27, 36, 37 Dean J. Waltzer &Charlene Polito Waltzer 3306, 3304Blk. 22, Sq. 2 Hulsey & Ballard (Quick Stop) 3312Blk. 23, Sq. 1 Reginald D. Martin 3339
Location Name PageLots 9 & 10, Bl. 12 Harold J. Smith 3077Lot 1, Block 12 Brad & Judy Bridges 3092Lots 10 & 12, Bl. 24 William Myers 3102Lots 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 Wilda Pigott 3103Sec. 43 Morris, J.P. 3118Lots 5, 6, 7, 8-Bl. 8 R. Coleman to Gloria Kinzey 3126Sec. 28 Harrell Co. 3127Lots 3, 5 Block 11 William and Ruby Travis 312847-1-7 Nelson & Juanell Simmons 3132Lots 12 & 14, Bl. 1 Sunflower Food Store(Jack & Shirley Dick) 3133Sec. 31 & 46 Jess W. Naul, Jr. 3138L 1, 3 & 5, Bl. 25 David K. & Georgia L. Yarborough 3165L * &10, Bl. 37 Newman Or C of C 3490
Location Name PageLots 9 & 10, Block 12 Harold J. Smith 3077Lot 1, Block 12 Subdiv. Brad & Judy Bridges 3092Lots 10 & 12, Bl. 24 William Myers 3102Lots 3, 4, 12, 13, & 14 Wilda Pigott 3103Sec. 43 J.P. Morris 3118Lots 5, 6, 7, 8-Bl.8 R. Coleman to Gloria Kinzey 3126Sec. 28 Harrell Co. 3127Lots 3, 5 Block 11 William & Ruby Travis 312847-1-7 Nelson & Juanell Simmons 3132Lots 12 & 14, Bl.1 Sunflower Food Store(Jack & Shirley Dick) 3133Sec. 31 & 46 Naul, Jr., Jess W. 3138Lots 1, 3 & 5, Bl. 25 David K. & Georgia L. Yarborough 3165Lot in Lillard Sub. Calvin Neal 3174Lot 1, 3 & 5 Blk. 25 David K. & Georgia L. Yarborough 3175Sec. 41 James McCray 3178Lot 3, Bl. E, 10 Ac. Willie Mae Williams 3344Lot A, Brk-Snln 3463Blk 38 J.P. Morris 3469Bl. 37, Lots 8 & 10 C of Co or Newman 3490
Block Name PageBl. A, L 29 Town of Kentwood 1974Bl. B, L 1 J.H. Raybourn 316Bl. B, L 3 Charles Sheffield 2785Bl. B, L 30 (10-A Add.) Davis D. Lewis 2811Bl. B, C Est. of Frank Womack 325Bl. C, B Est. of Frank Womack 325Bl. C, L 17, 19 Tobias 326Bl. C, L 5 Est. of Davis L. White, Sr. 327Bl. C, L 4 Lowell Wilson 1956Bl. C, L 28 Town of Kentwood (Well location) 2880Bl. C, L 2 & 29 Dennis Cogan 3259Bl. D, L 11 Anthony & Naomi Jackson 226Bl. D, L 29, 30 Est. of Archie Naul 333Bl. D, L 30 Percy Fluker 1941Bl. D, L 29, 30 for Duke Hulsey, Subd. Archie Naul 2076Bl. D, L 7 Brown Title Corp. 2141Bl. D, L 27 Church of God of Prophecy 2364Bl. D, L 21, 23 Wallace Brumfield 1638Bl. E, L 3 Jim Walter Corp. 297Bl. E, L 3 Annie M. Taylor (10 Ac.) 337Bl. E, L 26 (O.G.) Alvin R. Gordon 2378Bl. E, L 28 Theodore Dunn (Ten Ac. Add.) 2377Bl. E, L 3 (10 Ac) Willie Mae Williams 3444
Block Name PageBl. F, L 6 Fred Simmons Subdivision 308Bl. F, L 6 Fred Simmons 334
Block Name PageBl. 1, L7, 9, 11, 12, 13 Amos Cutrer 227Bl. 1, L15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Richard E. Beatty 234Bl. 1, L23, 25 Mrs. Marguerite Navarro 2393Bl. 1, L5, 7 Cutrer 2800Bl. 1, L5, 7, 9, 11, 13 Town of Kentwood 302Bl. 1, L 12, 14 Sunflower Food Store(Jack & Shirley Dick) 3133Bl. 1, N/2 LOT LO Jack Dick 3241Blk. 1, L 17-25 Jocie Beatty 3267Bl. 2, L24 Kentwood School Grounds 315Bl. 2, L9, 11 Dr. John I. Pike 329Bl. 2, L11 Aaron B. Morris, III 2202Bl2, L2 Douglas Wilson 2253Bl.2, L4, 2 John C. Brumfield 2575Bl.2 James C. Ransom 2614
Block Name PageBl.3, L11 Drury E. Smith 320Bl.3, L1, 3 Amelia Terry 2256Bl.3, L7 Nicholas Saladino 2571Bl.3, L15, 16 Freddie Rick 2869Bl.4, L22, 24, 16 Rembert Carloss 347Bl.4, Sec. 42 Douglas Spring 2215Bl.4, L.C heirs of Charlie Lindsey 2774ABl.4, L2 Charlie Sheffield 2783Bl.4, 5 L.C reference (Charlie Lindsey) 2774Bl.4, L6 Theodore and Rosie Dawson 2870
Block Name PageBl.5, L1, 2 Velma Walker 335Bl.5, L5, 7 Impr.-Warren A. Hurst 352Bl.5, L5, 7 Warren A. Hurst 353Bl.5, L5, 6 Lowell Wilson 1866Bl.5, L5, 7 Town of Kentwood 2176Bl. 5, L5, 7 Sec. 41 Ruby Cobb 2195Bl.5, L12, 13, 14 Henry C. Wales (AKR Subdivision) 2350Bl.5, L.A Robin Rocheforte (Brooks Scan Add) 2799Bl.5, L 5, 6 Lowell Wilson (Kent Realty Add.) 2638Bl.5 LA Jamie Spears 3151Bl.6, L 7, 8 Amos Kent Realty 309Bl.6, L 2 James Slaven 2232Bl.6. L , 2, 4, 6 George Bunch 2260
Block Name PageBl.7, L 7 J. Devon Sanders 319Bl.8, L 8 Evie Moak (Amos Kent Subdivision) 2781Bl.8, L5, 6, 7, 8 R. Coleman to—Gloria Kinzey 3126
Block Name PageBl.9, L 1, 3, 5, 7 Raymond Coleman 2423Bl. 9, L 1 Earl Bates 2438Bl. 9, L 1 Linton Holloway 2440Bl. 9, L 1, 3 Earl Bates 2827Bl.9 L 3 Town of Kentwood (Lonnie McGee) 2885
Block Name PageBl. 11, L2, 4 Freida Milton,Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Milton 344Bl. 11, 12 Nyme Newman 348Bl.11, L1, 2, 15, 16 Mack & Lizzie Lart (AKR Add.) 2197Bl.11, L3, 5 William & Ruby Travis 3128Bl. 12, L8 Dana L. Cutrer 339Bl. 12, L8, 10 Wirgil Woodward, Jr. 2766Bl. 12, L9, 10 Harold J. Smith 3077Bl.12, L1 Brad & Judy Bridges 3092
Block Name PageBl. 13 Hugh Bates (AKR Add.) 2342Bl. 13, L7, 8 Troy J. Adams (AKR Co. Addition) 2416Bl. 14, L10, 12 Sidney Leo Strickland 311
Block Name PageBl. 17, L2, 4 Charlie Sheffield 2784
Block Name PageBl. 20, L 8, 10 John Wayne Grice 2765Bl. 22, L 17, 19, 21, 23 Douglas L. Wilson 2217Bl. 22, L 21, 23 William E. Hatcher 2363Bl. 23, L 11, 19 Frank Brown 1699Bl. 23, L 21, 23 Walter Benjamin 2736Bl. 24, L 7, 9 Ronald Harrell 2924Bl. 24, L 10, 12 William Myers 3102Bl. 25, L 1, 3 7 5 David & Georgia L. Yarborough 3165
Block Name PageBl. 27, L 46 Mr. & Mrs. T.C. Lewis, Jr. 314Bl. 27, L 4, 6 ? 1945Bl. 28 J.P. Morris, Kramer Sanders 1871Bl. 29, L 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Town of Kentwood 338Bl. 29, L 14, 16 Grover L. Covington 2136Bl. 29, L 10, 12 Nicholas Saladino 2249Bl. 29 Nicholas Saladino 2270Cl. 30, L 29, 31 Knights of Pythias(Kentwood Lodge) 321
Block Name PageBl. 33, l 13, 14 Harrell Gas Co. 299Bl. 33, L1, 3, 7, 9 Herbert Lea 2162Bl. 33 Dr. Steve Bryan 2273Bl. 35 Eddie Valery 2272Bl. 37 William A. & Velta Morris 2269Bl. 37 Newman Or C of G 3490Bl. 38 Charles Kuss/Nyme Newman 303Bl. 38 J.W. Naul, Jr. 2106Bl. 38 B. Morris Store (Accident site) 2214Bl. 38 J.P. Morris 3469Bl. 39, L 18, 20 Mrs. Wilma Cutrer Smith 312Bl. 39 Mrs. Margaret Pierson 1792
Block Name PageBl. 42 Harold Thornton 2376
Block Name PageBl. 46 James Bateman 306Bl. 46 Pluribus B. Grace 2584Bl. 48 Hugh D. Cutrer 2151
Location Name PageLots 6, 7, 8 James Schmidt 237Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 55 Locations 261Avenue I Oak Grove AME Church 307J.H. Miller Subd. Est. Flemon Singleton 322Sec. 3 Hugh C. Snell 323J.H. Miller 324(Singleton) Forrest Thibodeaux 343Lillard Subd. Ralph E. Lewis (Miller Addition) 345Lillard Subd. James R. Lewis (Miller Addition) 346Lillard Subd. Elton Shaw 450Avenue K (Singleton) James C. Tolar 351Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 26, 27 Est. of Iverson Lard 79317, 18, 40, 41 Porter Bentley 1798Lot 6 Claude Gill 2158Lot 1 Joe B. Reagan 2160Gin Road Town of Kentwood 2165Lillard Subdivision Robert Philon 2312Lot 0 Pecan Hgts. Nelson Pope 2763Lots H & H-1 Hal Pledger (Pecan Heights) 2764Lots 1, 2, 3 Kentwood Nursing Home(Davl. White Subd.) 2388Zada Quinn 2639Lots 4, 5 of Lot 30 Town of Kentwood(Sewer line r-o-w) 3041Lots 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 Wilda Pigott 3103Lot A Brooks-Scanlon Dr. Fulton Carl Sneed 3286Lot 3, Blk. E, 10 Ac. Willie Mae Williams 3444Lot A, Brooks-Scanlon 3463Blk. 38 J.P. Morris 3469
Square Name PageSq. 33, L 2, 4 Town of Kentwood 310Sq. 34, L 10, 12 Ralph Jumel France 654
Square Name PageSq. 23, L 21, 23 Mrs. Bertie W. Hano 336Sq. 23, L 14, 16 Harold J. Wickham 2553Sq. 28, L 12, 13, 14 J. Polk Morris 298Sq. 30, L 26, 28 Town of Kentwood 2216
Section Name PageSec. 28 1.03-Acre Tract 235Sec. 28, 43 Town of Kentwood 287Sec. 28 Champ Yarbrough 293Sec. 28, 33 Luther Layton Ricks 301Sec. 28 Town of Kentwood 1872Sec. 28, 29, 32 Charles Kent Property 2227Sec. 28 Randy Simpson 2323Sec. 28 Harrell Co. 3127Sec. 29, 32 Bennie Costello 236Sec. 29 James Schmidt 238Sec. 29 Rev. Leo Hawkins 239Sec. 29 Fochia Wilson 292Sec. 29 Town of Kentwood 342Sec. 29 John Wilson 790Sec. 29 Est. of David L. White, Sr. 791Sec. 29 Leon Thomas 795Sec. 29, 30 William H. Lee, Walter W. Travis 798Sec. 29, 32 Jessie J. Dancer 1629Sec. 29 Charles Sheffield 2245Sec. 29 Juanita Walker/Nettie Robertson 2666Sec. 29 Reggie Gibson 2695Sec. 29 Sewer Line right-of-way (Winters) 2831Sec. 29 Sewer Line right-of-way (Womack & Wall) 2832Sec. 29 & 32 Acquisition from Catherine Wall for Town 2838Sec. 29 Town of Kentwood/Sewer Line right-of-way 3042
Section Name PageSec. 31 Kent vs. Womack 802Sec. 31 & 46 Naul, Jr., Jess W. 3138Sec. 32, 46 Nick Smith 243Sec. 32 Charles Fischer 244Sec. 32, 33, 46 D.A. Fidele 778Sec. 32, 29, 28 Charles Kent property 2227Sec. 32, L 6 heirs of Louis Wall 2349Sec. 33 Carrie Tate Black 242Sec. 33, 28 Luther Layton Ricks 301Sec. 33, L 2 Charlence Hookfin 317Sec. 33 Frank Reedy 803
Section Name PageSec. 39 Subd., Succession of N.R. Jennings 267Sec. 41 Albert Harris 331Sec. 41, 42 Richard Prescott 801Sec. 41 Theodore Dunn 1946Sec. 41 Andrew Hudson 2014Sec. 41, L 5, 7 Bl. 5 Ruby Cobb 2195Sec. 41 Bobby Raborn 2549Sec. 41 James G. Jackson 2703
Section Name PageSec. 42 Dr. M.B. Small 328Sec. 42 Jourdan, Fowler 247Sec. 42 Jourdan, M.C. 248Sec. 42 G.E. Joyal 249Sec. 42 Harold A. Davis 250Sec. 42 Talmadge E. Andrews 318Sec. 42 Locations- Project on 5th St. (Sanders, etc.) 332Sec. 42, 41 Richard Prescott 801Sec. 42 5.20 Acres along St. Rt. 1053 2146Sec. 42, L 3 Lloyd E. Thornton 2154Sec. 42, L 4 Thomas O. Spring 2012Sec. 42, L 9 Clarence Carver 2015Sec. 42, L 5 Lenoir Frazier 2017Sec. 43 Mrs. W.L. Philips 252Sec. 43, 42 Town of Kentwood 287Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-Operative 300Sec. 43 F.L. Swindle 304Sec. 43 Kentwood Co-Operative 788Sec. 43 Joe Terry, Jr. 792Sec. 43 Rogers Grocery Co. 797Sec. 43 Consolidated Co., Inc. & Kentwood Farm Center, Inc. 800Sec. 43 2095Sec. 43 2096Sec.43 R.H. Pledger 2097Sec. 43 J.P. Morris 3118
Section Name PageSec. 45 Lowell Wilson 2279Sec. 45 Bruce Harrell 2293Sec. 46 Nick Smith 243Sec. 46 Est. of William Womack 259Sec. 46 Ebony Citizens Rec. Center 313Sec. 46, 32, 33 D.A. Fidele 778Sec. 46 Ebony Citizens Rec. Center 2787Sec. 47, 51 Kentwood Chamber of Commerce 354Sec. 47 Nelson & Juanell Simmons 3132
Location Name PageL. 490, 491 B. 14 Community State Bank 2066Sec. 4, T5S, R8E Walter E. Shockley 3164
Location Name PageSec. 4 Walter E. Shockley 3164B. 17, L.490, 491 Community State Bank 2066
Section Name PageL. 491, 491 B. 17 Community State Bank 2066Sec. 4 Walter E. Shockley 3164
Town of Montpelier
Section Name Page51-4-6 W.E. Dykes 667B. 2, L. 8, 9, 12 Julian Needham 66843-4-5, Mont James H. & Billie Claire Tycer 2177Town of Montpellier 2213Town of Montpellier in front of 230051-4-6 W.E. Dykes TMap of City of Montpelier 2632Bl. 6 Subdiv. Ms. Mary Williams 309043-4-5 Walder, Grant 234043-4-5 Mitchell, Randall 2341
Town of Montpelier
Location Name PageB. 2, L. 8, I, 12 Julian Needham 66848-4-5 James H. & Billie Claire Tycer 217751-4-6 W.E. Dykes 66751-4-6 W.E. Dykes T51-4-6 J.H. & Billie Claire Tycer 3467Town of Montpelier 2213Town of Montpelier in front of 2300Map of City of Montpelier 2632Bl. 6 Subdiv. Ms. Mary Williams 3090
Town of Montpelier
Location Name Page51-4-6 Dykes, W.E. T51-4-6 Dykes, W.E. 667Montpelier, Town of 2213Montpelier, Town of (City Map) 2632Montpelier, Town of in front of 2300B. 2, L. 8, 9, 12 Needham, Julian 66848-4-5 Tycer, James H. & Billie Claire 2177Bl. 6 Subdiv. Ms. Mary Williams 3090
Location Name PageBlocks 6 & 8 E.J. Bourgeois 2866Block 13 Audrey Hose 2913Lot 70 Obry Kenneth Wilson, Sr. 2921Lots 15, 16, 68 Jerry and Ann Ellzey 2923Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Bl. 3 Warren Dorsa 2962Block 44 James Edward Wales 3005Block 50 & 60 Albert Williams 3030Lot 82 Clarence & Irma Boyle from Manuel Zanders 3202Lot 74 Howard Thompson 3221
Location Name PageLot 114 Navarrow L. Hart 2935Block 70 Earnest Bennett 2972Block 58 Margarette Navarra 3056Block 12, L5, 7 Belinda Phillips 3059
Location Name PageSec. 44 Village of Roseland 500L. 49, 62 Herbert F. Freiler 513L. 67 Milton Badon 527L.4, B.6 Frank Schumacher 533L. 42, 43 Henry Dunn 774Sq. 23, 27, 7 Ricks & Garon 775B. 63 Big Zion Church 1622Sec. 49, 62 Roy Spears 1690Sq. 65 Myrtle Leonard 1713L. 50, 60 Roy Spears 1787B. 6, 8 Edward Carroll 1832Sec. 29, 32 Roy Spears 1856B.8 M.L. Bennett 1926? Schematic Diagram of Roseland 2020Sec. 20 Mrs. Beulah G. Kleinpeter 2140L.14 Town of Roseland 2173B. 10 Town of Roseland 2174Sq. 7 Town of Roseland 2220L. 10 Charles Hudspeth 2221L. 70 Donald Hickman 2281L. 21 Louise Gordon 2322B. 25 Ora Lee Briggs 2325B. 25 Ora Lee Briggs 2325ASec. 44 Thomas Enmon 2317B. 10 Robbin H. and Kelly A. Ritter 2368Sec. 44 Viet-Anh K. NguyenTuyet-Thi NguyenMung T. Bui 2450
W. 125′, L. 11,WAND ADD Lynn Fleming 2788Sec. 44 Robert G Barrilleaux 2456L. 5, Bl. 9, Roseland David McConnell 2636L. 6, Bl. 1, Roseland Louis Ruffino 2660Sq. 23, sq. 24, sq. 7 Ricks & Garon 775L. 7&7 Bl. 3 & Charles Brister & Richard Dunn 2721L. 9 Blk. 8 Richard King 2727Lot 10, Sq. 3, Sec. 44 Charles Brister & Richard Dunn 2829
Location Name PageSec. 43 Lawrence Cutrer 3122Sec. 29 Clarence & Irma Boyle from Manuel Zander 3202Lot 134 Cramer Osborne 3366Lots 9&10, Bkl. 28 Floyd Harvey 3388L 6, Blk. 9 G. Lawrence 3429L 1, Blk. 7 Rudolph Dupree 3433L 2, Sq. 3 3409
Location Name PageL. 67 Badon, Milton 527Sec. 44 Barrilleaux, Robert G. 2456Bl. 70 Bennett, Earnest 2962B. 8 Bennett, M.L. 1926B. 63 Big Zion Church 1622Bl. 6, 8 Bourgeois, E.J. 2866B. 25 Briggs, Ora Lee 2325AB. 25 Briggs, Ora Lee 2325L. 10, Sq. 3, Sec. 44 Brister, Charles & Richard Dunn 2829L. 7, 6 B. 3 &L. 10, B. 4 Brister, Charles & Richard Dunn 2721Sec. 29, L. 82 Boyle, Clarence & Irma 3202B. 6, 8 Carroll, Edward 1832Lot 123,Sec. 43-3-7 Cutrer, Lawrence 3122L. 1, 2, 3, 4 B. 3 Dorsa, Warren 2962Lot 10, Sq. 3 Dunn, Richard & Charles Brister 2829L. 7 & 6, B. 3 & L. 10, B. 4 Dunn, Richard & Charles Brister 2721L. 42, 43 Dunn, Henry 774L. 1, B 4 Dupree, Rudolph 3433L. 15, 16, 68 Ellzey, Jerry and Ann 2923Sec. 44 Enmon, Thomas 2317
Location Name PageW. 125′, L. 11,WAND ADD Fleming, Lynn 2788L. 49, 62 Freiler, Herbert F. 513Sq. 23, S. 24, & Sq. 17 Garon & Ricks 775L. 21 Gordon, Louise 2322L. 114 Hart, Navarrow L. 2935L. 70 Hickman, Donald 2281Bl. 13 Hose, Audrey 2913L. 10 Hudspeth, Charles 2221L. 9, B. 8 King, Richard 2727Sec. 20 Kleinpeter, Mrs. Beulah G. 2140Sq. 65 Leonard, Myrtle 1713L 6, B. 9 Lawrence, G. 3429
Location Name PageL. 5, B. 9 McConnell, David 2636Sec. 44 Nguyen, Viet-AnhNguyen, Tuyet-Thi& Mung T. Bui 2450Block 58 Navarra, Margarette 3056Lock 12, L5, 7 Phillips, Belinda 3059Sq. 23, Sq. 24 & Sq. 17 Ricks & Garon 775B. 10 Ritter, Robbin H. & Kelly A. 2368L. 14 Roseland, Town of 2173B. 10 Roseland, Town of 2174Sec. 44 Roseland, Village of 500Sq. 7 Roseland, Town of 2220? Roseland, Schematic Diagram of 2029L. 6, B. 1 Ruffino, Louis 2660Sec. 29 & Lot 51 Roseland, Town of 3038Lot 6, Blk. 1 Ruffino, Louis 3158L. 4, B. 6 Schumacher, Frank 533Sec. 49, 62 Spears, Roy 1690L. 50, 60 Spears, Roy 1787Sec. 29, 32 Spears, Roy 1856Block 44 Wales, James Edward 3005Lot 70 Wilson, Obry Kenneth Sr. 2921Block 50 & 60 Williams, Albert 3030
Village of TangipahoaT. 2 S., R. 7 E.
Location Name Page? Allen’s Feed Co. 359? Mrs. Bessie Sims 365L. 128, B. 14 Dalton Bridges 406L. 173, B. 14 Dalton Bridges 410Sec. 41 Village of Tangipahoa 1683L. 26, 27, 34, 35, B.6 Ike Baudoin 1684L. 11, 2, Easley Part. H.R. Bond 1833L. 51, RO COLONY Roy Spears 1856Sec. 61 Easley & Colwet 2280ASec. 37 Juanita Scott 2282B. 19, L. 214 Mack Hurst 2320L. 76, 77, 78, Sq. 9 Arnold Pezant 2344Sec. 45 Larry& Lavalle Cannon 2805Plantation Lot 1 Kenny Thomas 2693Sec. 61 Robert Lewis 3222
Village of Tangipahoa
Location Name Page? Allen’s Feed Co. 359L. 26, 27, 34, 35,B. 6 Baudoin, Ike 1684L. 11, 2 Easley Par. Bond, H.R. 1833L. 173, B. 14 Bridges, Dalton 3186/410L. 128, B. 14 Bridges, Dalton 3186/406Sec. 45 Cannon, Larry & Lavalle 2805Sec. 61 Colwet & Easley 2280AL 177 & 178, Blk. 13 Carter, Essie L. 3194Sec. 61 Easley & Colwet 2280AB. 19, L. 214 Hurst, Mack 2320L. 76, 77, 78, Sq. 9 Pezant, Arnold 2344Lots 146-150 Perry, Leon 3185
Village of Tangipahoa
Location Name PageSec. 37 Scott, Juanita 2282? Sims, Mrs. Bessie 365L. 51, RO COLONY Spears, Roy 1856Sec. 41 Tangipahoa, Village of 1683Plantation Lot 1 Thomas, Kerry 2693
Village of Tangipahoa
Location Name PageSec. 37 Scott, Juanita 2282Sec. 41 Village of Tangipahoa 1683Sec. 45 Larry & Lavelle Cannon 2805Sec. 61 Easley & Colwet 2280A
Village of Tangipahoa
Location Name PageB. 6, L. 26, 27, 34, 35 Ike Baudoin 1684Sq. 9, L 76, 77, 78 Arnold Pezant 2344B. 14, L. 173 Dalton Bridges 410B. 14, L. 128 Dalton Bridges 406B. 19, L. 214 Hurst, Mack 2320L. 11, 2 Easley Part H.R. Bond 1833L. 51, RO Co Roy Spears 1856Plantation Lot 1 Kerry Thomas 2693? Mrs. Bessie Sims 365? Allen’s Feed Co. 359
Hammond, Ponchatoula
Location Name PageL. 9, 10, B. 44 Emile J. Grande 174E. Church St., H Albert H. Williams 1372Sec. 24-6-7 Robert Randall 1383B. 70 Wilcambe Property 1384L. 6, 7, 8, Sq. 26 Dr. M.L. Pittman 1387Sec. 59 Paul Poche 1389Sec. 14, PONCH Sand Hill Cemetery 1639Holly St. Leon Poirier 1834B. 63, PONCH Charles Sutton 1904L. 11, 12, B. 32, PONCH Frances S. Gassen 1906L. 9, 10, B. 50 Mrs. Pearl Adele Haag 1908B. 63, PONCH Charles Sutton 1905L. 5, B. 22 J.S. Vaughan 1910Belmont Place Frank Cloutier 1911L. 9, 10, 11, 12, B. 53 PONCH Mrs. Lucille Mattie McWilliams 1912L. 7, 8, B. 110, PONCH Edward p. Kinchen, Jr. 1913L. 3, 4, 5, B. 54 Mertie B. Hawkins 1914B. 59 Willard M. Mitchell 1915L. 9, 0, B. 44 Emile J. Claude 1918Sec. 26-6-7 Est. of Ben Jackson 2045Greenville Park Est. of Ben Jackson 2046Sec. 34 Est. of Ben Jackson 2046L. 10, 11, B. 6 Est. of Ben Jackson 2047-2055Whitmar Acres Richard Drury 2449L. 22, 23, B. 13 Hammond 2579L. 18, 19, 20, 21, B.2 City/Manley Youngblood 2582L. 15, Sq. 15Woodland Park Subd, Hammond Beverly Long 2611L. 13, Sq. 15Woodland Park Subd, Hammond Beverly Long 2609L. 14, Sq. 15Woodland Par Subd, Hammond Beverly Long 2610