Glen Moore Wales, 1926-2023, Book
1. Le Souvenir, 1947
2. Le Souvenir, 1948
3. Le Souvenir, 1949
4. Le Souvenir, 1950
5. Le Souvenir, 2011
6. The torch is passed…, The Associated Press Story of the Death of a President
7. Fisk, McKee, and Snapp, James C. Applied Business Law, Ninth Ed. South-Western Publishing Company, 1966.
8. Stuckey, H. P. Southern Horticulture. Turner E. Smith and Co., 1958.
9. Rosenberg, R. Robert. Essentials of Business Mathematics, Fourth Edition. Gregg Publishing Company, 1945.
10. Boynton, Lewis D., et al. 20th Century Bookkeeping and Accounting, 23rd Edition. South-Western Publishing Company, 1967.
11. Morton, Robert Lee, et al. Making Sure of Arithmetic. Silver Burdett Company, 1952.
12. Meehan, James R. Clerical Office Procedures, Fifth Edition. South-Western Publishing Co., 1973.
13. Reiley, H. Edward, and Shry, Carrol L., Jr. Introductory Horticulture. Delmar Publishers, 1979.
14. Piper, Edwin B., and Gruber, Joseph. Applied Business Mathematics, 8th Edition. South-Western Publishing Co., 1965.
15. Adventures in Appreciation. Harcourt, Brace & World, Co., 1968.
16. Nelson, Kennard S. Flower and Plant Production in the Greenhouse. Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc., 1966.
17. Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary Volume 1, A-M, 1981
18. Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary Volume 2, N-Z, 1981
19. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1952
20. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1956
21. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1957
22. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1958
23. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1959
24. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1960
25. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1961
26. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1963
27. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1964
28. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1965
29. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1966
30. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1967
31. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1968
32. The Spotlight, Albany High School,1969
33. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1970
34. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1972 (2 copies)
35. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1973
36. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1974
37. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1975
38. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1976
39. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1977 (3 copies)
40. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1978
41. The Spotlight, Albany High School, 1979