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James B. Wands Collection

James B. Wands Collection

James B. Wands Collection

Box 1 – Miscellaneous Printed Materials

Folder 1

Various Newspaper Fragments – classified ads, baseball box scores, obituaries (late
19th century)

Folder 2

a) The Philadelphia Commercial Bulletin 11/1881b) The Independent 8/24/1911

Folder 3

Loose pages from 2 different books (one unknown, one titled The Offering)

Folder 4

a) 3 sheets of unused treasury department stationary (no date)b) sheet of Coleman & Co. Stationary – writing faded (no date)

Folder 5

miscellaneous prescriptions and medicinal recipes (8 items – no dates)

Folder 6

various printed ads, mailers, and catalogues for an assortment of commercial goods
and services (24 items – no dates)

Folder 7

Department of the Interior – Rules and Regulations for Glacier National Park, Montana

Folder 8

US Department of Agriculture Farmers’ Bulletin nos. 91+100a) 91. Potato Diseases and Their Treatment (no date)b) 100. Hog Raising in the South (1899)

Folder 9

brochure – Western Land & Emigration Co. Indianapolis, Ind. (No date)

Folder 10

information and forms for military pensions from McNeill & Birch Law Firm (6 items
– no date)

Folder 11

Abstract of Title to 400 acre farm in St. Helena Parish (3 copies – no date)

Folder 12

6 items pertaining to the Theta Delta Chi fraternity of NY (no dates)

Folder 13 – Commencement Programs

a) Wayne High School – Michigan 1901b) University of the State of New York 1880

Folder 14

New Years greeting cards 1889 (3 items)

Folder 15

Railroad (1874) and Steamer (1880) travel passes (2 items)

Folder 16

blank application for membership in the Grand Army of the Republic (no date)

Folder 17

admittance pass to State of Louisiana Constitutional Convention – July 1, 1879

Folder 18

Program for William McKinley Memorial Service – Olean, NY (1901)

Folder 19

empty envelopes (14 items)

Folder 20

empty envelopes (89 items)

Folder 21-

correspondence with Edith – daughter (21 items)

Box 2 – Family Papers, Property Records, Public Service Records, Business and Political

Folder 1

letters confirming record of military and public service of Johannes Hardenbergh –
itemized a-f (6 items)

Folder 2

Letters to and from friends and family (25 items)

Folder 3

marriage certificate for Mary Bowers and James Wands

Folder 4

a) Hardenbergh/Wands family treeb) receipt for registering birth of Edith Martha Wands – 1/25/1882

Folder 5

children’s writings and drawings (4 items)

Folder 6

survey map of land alongside Tangipahoa River

Folder 7

survey maps of properties in unknown locations (5 items)

Folder 8

listings of survey coordinates without any other specific details or maps (2 items)

Folder 9

a) description of survey coordinates in the Greensburg Districtb) ownership history of a tract of land on Natalbany Creekc) fragments of “Commissioner’s Report on Actual Settlers”, a Land Office document
(4 fragments)d) Certificate of Redemption of Forfeited Land to Eliza May

Folder 10

documents pertaining to a property sold by William Strange to JB Wands (12 items)

Folder 11

documents pertaining to a property sold by Mrs. EE Norton to JB Wands (2 items)

Folder 12 – miscellaneous property records

a) Article of Agreement concerning sale of a farm from JJ Wands to IH Wands 11/3/1874b) notarized testimony by James B. Wands concerning a property sold to a Mr. Lebreton
2/26/1877c) deed between Apollonia Layer and Janet B. Wands for a piece of property in Tangipahoa
Parish 3/27/1897d) agreement to sell timber rights on a property in Pike County, MS owned by James
B. Wands 12/29/1898e) notice of cancellation of mortgage in the names of Mary J. Wands and Grant S. Wands
11/18/1916f) lease of Wands’ place from JB Wands to LM Pulliam 3/21/1891g) Act of Sale between Mrs. Triplett of Richmond, VA (seller) and I. And J. Wands
of New York (buyers) for a parcel of land in Virginia 7/2/1873

Folder 13 – public service records

a) document announcing the election of JB Wands as a delegate to Republican Convention
in Philadelphia on 6/5/1873

b) JB Wands’ oath of office as Assessor and Tax Collector Tangipahoa Parish 3/17/1874

c) document pertaining to JB Wands’ occupancy of the Tax Collector’s office 1/27/1870d) document pertaining to JB Wands’ occupancy of the Tax Collector’s office 1/12/1875e) Quietus in favor of JB Wands regarding finances in office as Tax Collector 2/20/1875f) official cancellation of JB Wands’ bond of mortgage as Tax Collector in Tangipahoa
Parish 11/5/1875g) document pertaining to JB Wands’ assumption of extra duties in the Weigher’s Office
(2 copies – no date)h) petition to US Secretary of the Treasury for increased compensation for JB Wands
for extra duties performed for the Weigher’s Office (no date)i) instructions for application procedure for public office

Folder 14 – legal papers

a) warrant ordering payment for services to J. Eng. Staes Jr. 1/20/1870b) document pertaining to the administration of the estate of IH Wands 11/2/1874c) Police Jury document forbidding Tangipahoa Parish Treasurer from receiving any
certificate of indebtedness issued in payment of the courthouse in favor of E. George
1/12/1875d) Public Instrument of Protest resolving dispute between JB Wands and David Hadden
& Co. Over payment of $150.00 1/29/1877e) Power of Attorney (incomplete) between Isaac Wands and Isaac A. Gilbert of Bay
City, MI – unsigned (no date)f) complaint against John Wilson for cutting trees on private property 10/29/1892

Folder 15 – insurance and pension

a) expiration notice for fire insurance for JB Wands 6/9/1876b) fire insurance policy in the name of JB Wands, set to expire on 1/23/1896c) Department of the Interior notice that the widow of JB Wands will receive his pension

Folder 16 – legislative acts

a) Act Incorporating Amite City in the Parish of Tangipahoa 2/24/1872b) Act to Provide for the Removal of Obstruction in the Tangipahoa River and the Improving
of the Navigation of the Same and Making an Appropriation There for 3/2/1871c) Act to Encourage the Manufacture of Cotton and Woolen Fabrics in the State of Louisiana
(no date)d) An Act to Provide for Funding Obligations of the State by Exchange for Bonds, etc.
1/19/1876e) An Act to Provide for Funding Obligations … (copy)f) An Act to Provide for Funding Obligations… ( partial handwritten copy)

Folder 17

bank statement listing transactions made between February-April, 1874 (2 copies)

Folder 18

miscellaneous accounting data (6 items)

Folder 19

record of tax receipts for Tangipahoa Parish taxes 1869-1873 (3 items)

Folder 20 – misc. personal papers

a) newspaper clipping listing several resolutions introduced by Mr. Wands of Tangipahoa
(no date)b) inventory taken of all personal property an the farm 1874c) Western Union telegram from Pierre Magloire disputing evidence given against him
in an unspecified matter 6/12/1879d) small notepad with various reminders, calculations, lists, etc.e) architectural calculationsf) instructions and formulas for determining the number of boards needed for an unspecified
building projectg) unspecific accounting figures written on a brown paper bagh) religious message from a pastor

Folder 21

various sales receipts, invoices, and i.o.u.’s from the 1870s (60 items)

Folder 22

various sales receipts, invoices, and i.o.u’s from the 1880s (19 items)

Folder 23

various sales receipts, invoices, and i.o.u.’s from the 1890s (21 items)

Folder 24

various sales receipts, invoices, and i.o.u.’s from 1900, 1901, 1903 (3 items)

Box 3 – commercial records, tax records, election records, political items

Folder 1

various receipts and invoices from IH Wands General Merchandise, Wood and Timber 1889-1899
(6 items)

Folder 2

various receipts and invoices from IH Wands General Merchandise, Wood and Timber 1900
(11 items)

Folder 3

various receipts and invoices from IH Wands General Merchandise, Wood and Timber 1901
(11 items)Folder 4a) 2 receipts from the Daily City Item 1879-1880b) 5 receipts from Dr. J. Dickson Bruns, Dr. 1880-1882

Folder 5 – tax receipts

a) parish property tax receipts 1870s (7 items)b) parish property tax receipts 1880s (3 items)c) state property tax receipts 1889-1898 (7 items)d) state property tax receipts 1901-1914 (4 items)e) parish property tax receipts 1911 (1 item)f) parish tax receipts 1880s (5 items)g) state tax receipts 1880s (5 items)h) treasury receipt for taxes collected (1 item)i) postcards from Tax Collector’s Office (2 items)

Folder 6

a) legal pledge from J Wands for sum of 444 dollars 4/28/1877b) insurance bill – J Wands 11/1892c) receipt for contribution to Republican State Central Committee 8/1880d) receipt for contribution to Republican State Central Committee (undated)e) receipt for contribution to 3rd Republican District Campaign Committee 9/1882f) receipt for contribution to 3rd Republican District Campaign Committee 11/1882

Folder 7

miscellaneous undated receipts (10 items)

Folder 8

Auditor’s Office warrants 1872 (27 items)

Folder 9

Auditor’s Office warrant 1877 3/3/1877 (1 item)

Folder 10

a) 10-share certificates for Crescent City Water Works Co. 2/1871 (5 items)b) 20-share certificate for Crescent City Water Works Co. 2/1871 ( 1 item)c) 50-share certificate for Crescent City Water Works Co. 2.1871 (1 item)

Folder 11

a) tax receipts for 1872 ( 1 item)b) tax receipts for 1874 (21 items)c) tax receipts for 1875 (10 items)

Folder 12

state tax receipts from 1877-1899 (26 items)

Folder 13

State of Louisiana Warrant Clerk notes from 1870 (7 items)

Folder 14

poll tax receipts 1880-1883 (4 items)

Folder 15 – Election of 1872

Returning Board sworn statements of registered voters who claim to have voted in election
of Nov. 4, 1872 (58 items)

Folder 16 – Election of 1872

a) sworn statement of James E. Richardson about voter intimidation tactics directed
at black voters (2 copies) 12/3/1872b) sworn statement of EH Singleton alleging intimidation of black voters at the polls
12/4/1872c) sworn statement of John L. Branniger alleging voter intimidation 12/3/1872d) sworn statement of Charles Daggs alleging voter intimidation 12/7/1872e) letter to JB Wands from Chas N. Singleton alleging corrupt activity at the polls
12/6/1872f) letter to JB Wands from Samuel M. Calvin reporting voter intimidation 12/1/1872g) letter to JB Wands fro JB Wall, US Election Supervisor, listing names of some individuals
prevented from voting 12/4/1872h) list of names of individuals with complaints concerning voting at the Hammond voting
station (no date)i) Report of US Commissioner E.J. Barkdull to LA State Returning Board indicating
findings of voter intimidation and fraud in the Nov. 4, 1872 electionsj) Report to Governor of LA outlining allegations of fraud in the 1872 elections

Folder 17 – political correspondence

a) letter to JB Wands from GW Wheat outlining dissatisfaction within the Radical Party
in Tangipahoa Parish 9/21/1873b) letter to JB Wands from SB Packard regarding concerns within the Republican Party
heading into the 1874 elections 10/24/1874c) threatening postcard to JB Wands from the Kommyttye (committee) demanding the evacuation
of Wands and his family from the state 9/16/1874

Folder 18

a) petition signed by citizens of Amite City requesting to be “cut loose” from the
parish governmental authority on the grounds of unfair taxation 1873b) handwritten notes, possibly for a Republican Party speech (no date)

Folder 19

a) Report of the Committee of Examiners Appointed to Ascertain the Condition of the
State Debt 1873b) Election Law of the State of Louisiana – printed on newsprint 1896

Folder 20

Unsigned letter to President Benjamin Harrison endorsing Mr. PF Herwig for position
of Collector of Customs of the Port of New Orleans 3/1889

Box 4 – newspaper clippings, business correspondence

Folder 1 – newspaper clippings

a) full page from the New York Journal Tuesday 8/4/1896b) full page from Chicago’s Daily Inter-Ocean Saturday 8/22/1896c) full page from the New York Journal Sunday 8/9/1896d) partial page of the Philadelphia Times Wednesday 7/29/1896e) partial page of the Buffalo Evening News Tuesday 9/29/1896f) partial page of Chicago’s Daily Inter-Ocean (no date)g) “The Act of 1853″h) “Some Statistics Relating to National Growth”i) “Speaks in the Rain” – about William Jennings Bryanj) “All Would Be Honest Dollars” – about silver coinagek) article about McKinley and Republican Partyl) partial article about McKinleyj) “Finance and Commerce” section of unknown paperk) “Captain Kolb Accepts Bryan” – about William Jennings Bryanl) article about McKinley’s reelection – from an unknown New Orleans paperm) article about “Sanford Warrants”n) “6th District Proceedings” – from an unknown New Orleans papero) “Rooms Sixth District Republican Committee, Sept. 2, 1890” – from an unknown Louisiana
paperp) “HQ Republican Party, Sixth Congressional District – Opelousas, La., August 30,
1890” – from an unknown Louisiana paperq) “Tod Sloan Denounced” – about a US horse racing Jockey’s troubles in the UKr) “The Initial Oil Well” – about the opening of the Olean Oil Field 10/25/1898 (2
items)s) announcement of agricultural lease in Massachusettst) “Lincoln’s Faith” – celebrates 30th anniversary of Lincoln/Douglass debateu) “Where Does the Tax Come In?” – about the price of wire nails in Pittsburghv) “Prosperity in New Hampshire” – about the amount of money deposited in NH banks
in 1891w) notice that Dr. Curtis is leaving New Orleans for SF, California on 6/1/1875x) “The Moon” – facts about the moony) “Fiends Incarnate” – about a lynching in Tangipahoa – from the Gulf Coast Progress
(no date)

Folder 2 – professional correspondence 1870s

a) description of charges for indictment against an unnamed individual for 2 counts
of obtaining money under false pretenses 1875b) letter to Isaac Wands from a Mr. Wilbon advising him on property taxes owed in
Virginiac) letter to AS Badger from JB Wands in application for a position in the Department
of Customs 4/15/1879d) letter to IH and II Wands asking for payment of a bill 7/13/1874e) letter to Thomas Davidson from AP Field regarding a court case 5/18/1873f) letter to JB Wands – illegible 6/27/1877g) postcard to JB Wands about a supreme court decision – illegible 6/22/1879h) letter to JB Wands from WH Hilstand asking for help in securing a clerkship 12/23/1871i) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Barrett regarding a personal loan 9/6/1873j) letter to JB Wands – illegible 3/16/1871k) letter to JB Wands – illegible – mentions the “Kellogg regime”2/22/1873l) letter regarding a pending claim 12/18/1878m) letter to JB Wands – illegible – mentions Governor Packard 2/15/1877n) letter to JB Wands – illegible 1/6/1879o) letter to JB Wands concerning collection of a payment 1/20/1879p) letter authorizing Mr. Joseph D. Warner to draw a warrant and sign payroll on behalf
of James B. Wands 5/13/1877q) letter to George Wheat, sheriff of Amite City from CM Conrad & sons regarding the
sale of a plantation 1/6/1871r) letter to JB Wands from WA Perrin requesting help in an unspecified matter 1/23/1874s) letter to II Wands from a Mr. Triplett concerning purchase of a farm by the Wands
brothers 9/11/1874t) letter to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of LA from JB Settoon concerning
payment of warrants for publication of proposed amendments to the Constitution of
the State of LA in the Whitehall Gazette 4/1875u) Letter to JB Wands from Isidore Newman Brokerage Firm concerning unpaid warrants

Folder 3 – professional correspondence 1870s

a) letter to JB Wands from Mr. Clinton regarding a settlement to avoid litigation
12/20/1878b) letter to JB Wands from JT Gibbons & Co. Regarding replacement of purchased farm
supplies that were unsatisfactoryc) letter to JB Wands from David Hadden & Co. Regarding a purchase made by Wands 5/20/1876d) letter to JB Wands from Mr. Clinton granting an extension to pay taxes 10/14/1874e) letter to JB Wands from R. Triplett threatening legal action to recoup late payment
on property 9/16/1874f) letter to JB Wands from Mrs. David Hadden regarding a mistake on a note of payment
7/7/1876g) letter to JB Wands – illegible 7/13/1877h) letter to JB Wands – illegible 1878i) letter to JB Wands from Mr. Lewis concerning Wands’ application to an agricultural
club 6/18/1872j) letter to JB wands requesting a paper application for positions at the customs
house 4/22/1879k) letter to IH and II Wands regarding payment of a debt from Triplett 7/13/1874

Folder 4 – professional correspondence 1880s

a) letter fragment comparing a 25 acre property to a 20 acre property 1/22/1889b) letter to JB Wands offering help with an unclear matter 11/17/1882c) letter of recommendation for post of Special Agent of the Treasury on behalf od
JB Wands – New Orleans, Louisiana 5/24/1889 – no addressee or signatoryd) letter to JB Wands from Peter Swinson of Caddo, TX advising Wands on the lack of
availability of burros in Caddo 2/2/1889e) letter to JB Wands from RM Lanier requesting assistance in securing an entry level
position at the tax collector’s office 9/15/1889f) letter to Mrs. JB Wands about the price of strawberries 4/6/1889g) letter to JB Wands – illegible 5/11/1889h) letter to unspecified addressee announcing enclosure of an Act of Sale 2/13/1883i) letter to Wands from R. Eaton regarding someone named Arthur’s relationship with
Eaton’s son-in-law 10/27/1882j) partial letter from N. Underwood – illegiblek) letter to Mr. Wands from Wm. Underwood – illegible 4/12/1889l) letter to JB Wands from Joseph Wilson regarding the sale of a piece of land 2/27/1889m) letter regarding finances for the Warmouth campaign 3/12/1888n) letter of thanks to an unspecified individual offering assistance in a reelection
campaign 8/16/1889 (unsigned)o) letter to JB Wands concerning postponement of a visit 12/1884p) letter to JB Wands from Andrew Hero – illegible 1888q) letter to Ike Wands asking for contact info for a stump removal service 8/8/1889r) letter from Will Hale inquiring about properties for sale 7/28/1889s) letter to JB Wands regarding the sale of a building in New Orleans 12/1882t) letter to JB Wands from Mrs. Hero – illegible 1881u) postscript of a letter signed by Antoine Hoover and RF Primus about Primus’s ability
to influence “colored” vote due to his status as a “leading colored man in St. Helena
Parish” 1888 (2 fragments)v) printed letter to JB Wands from H. Dudley Coleman about the political standing
of a Mr. Forshey 4/25/1889w) letter asking for help and support with application to post of Special Treasury
Agent 8/16/1889 (3 pages)x) postcard to JB Wands from Mrs. EG Croswell informing him of need to remove an “Engine”
from storage in her yard 3/27/1882y) letter to JB Wands from J. MacFarlane concerning transfer of the deed to a purchased
property 3/6/1889z) letter to JB Wands from J. MacFarlane in regard to purchase of 20 acres of land
1/14/1889aa) letter to Wands regarding resignation of Postmaster from J. Evans 6/4/1883 w/
copy of reply on reversebb) letter to JB Wands from Isaac Wands discussing payment of taxes 7/31/1883cc) letter announcing safe arrival of “the Colonel and Miss Abbie” 6/20/1889dd) letter to “Jim” addressing a mistaken impression that the writer is displeased
with him 10/4/1882ee) letter to JB Wands from Mr. Harris requesting a Parish list of commissioners 11/16/1888ff) letter to JB Wands from B. Taylor requesting that Wands talk to Gov. Warmouth
8/7/1889gg) printed letter to Gov. Warmouth from a Mr. Evans asking Gov. For a letter of recommendation
on behalf of a Dr. Taylor 8/22/1889

Folder 5 – professional correspondence 1880s

a) series of letters regarding resignation from the post of weigher at Port of N.O.
1884-1885 (5 items)b) postcard to JB Wands concerning ratification of a sale 7/15/1889c) copy of a letter to HC Warmouth offering work in support of his candidacy for governor
2/25/1888d) partial letter to Wands – illegible – 3/7/1888e) letter to JB Wands responding to his request for help in an unspecified appointment
8/5/1885f) letter to JB Wands suggesting that he send a list of candidates for an unspecified
position 3/13/1888g) letter to JB Wands from RM Lanier requesting help in acquiring a position in the
Collector’s Office at the Port of New Orleans 8/12/1889h) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Watson suggesting that Warmouth not come to St. Helena
Parish to make a speech 3/27/1888i) letter to Mr. Wands from Mr. Robinson advising him to pay interest on an outstanding
bill for $200j) letter w/ envelope to JB Wands from a Mr. Phillips expressing his lack of desire
to accept an appointment to the position of Postmaster 5/13/1889k) letter to JB Wands concerning an election 2/20/1882l) letter to Wands – illegible – 3/13/1888m) letter to Mr. Wands from H. McCarron regarding sale of deeds 5/29/1889n) sales letter from HG Hess & Co. Offering products relevant to farming and shipment
of produce 1888o) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Magee concerning the Republican Party in Washington
Parish 3/18/1888p) letter to Benjamin Harrison from JB Wands w/ envelope – enclosed in envelope from
a later time period (2 copies – 6 pg each and 1 envelope) 5/22/1889

Folder 6 – professional correspondence 1880s

a) letter to Benjamin Harrison from John R. Conway in support of JB Wands application
to a position with customs 4/20/1889b) letter to JB Wands from MJ George confirming a newspaper report of a serious injury
to Mr. George 9/23/1881c) letter to JB Wands from WW Bankston requesting urgent meeting the following evening
at Ike Wands’ house 3/22/1888d) letter to JB Wands from Jesse Mixon requesting meeting upon recovery from illness
4/2/1885e) letter to Isaac Wands from WH Thompson regarding transfer of titles 6/6/1889f) typed letter to Benjamin Harrison recommending Andrew Hero for Collector of Customs
at Port of New Orleans 3/11/1889g) letter written by JB Wands recommending Joseph Koppler for Postmaster 5/31/1889h) letter written to JB Wands from Enoch Allen regarding availability of land for
sale 2/23/1889i) letter to JB Wands from Parker Lovnig asking Wands to confirm their acquaintance
for the benefit of a Mr. Andrew Hero 4/2/1888j) illegible letter – mentions government offices and voting precincts 1888k) letter from JB Wands regarding a payroll issue at the Weigher’s Office 12/26/1884l) letter to Chief Weigher asking that he hire letter bearer for levee work 3/4/1885m) letter to JB Wands from Robert Morris inquiring about the availability of farmland
10/21/1888n) letter from a Mr. Harrison regarding his entrance into a political contest 2/5/1889o) letter to Treasury Secretary William Windom from JB Wands in application for position
of Special Treasury Agent of New Orleans w/ 4/15/1889p) printed letter to JB Wands from H&C Newman Co. Concerning settlement of prior business
matter 5/8/1889q) letter to JB Wands inquiring about a piece of property on Natalbany Creek is for
sale or lease 11/6/1882r) letter to JB Wands from H. McCarron concerning payment for a piece of land purchased
5/29/1889s) copy of letter to Benjamin Harrison from JB Wands 5/20/1889t) letter to Wands from Clipper Saw Mill & Mfg. Co. Inquiring about the price of yellow
pine logs 2/28/1889

Folder 7 – professional correspondence 1890s

a) letter to JB Wands advising him that a letter has been written on his behalf for
an unspecific purpose 5/3/1894b) letter to JB Wands fro Willard Teller informing Mr. Wands of his likely inability
to help him with an unspecified request 4/23/1897c) letter to JB Wands from Joe Reid advising Mr. Wands of political forces against
him 4/4/1892d)letter to JB Wands from a Mrs. Sojourner in application for a position 12/9/1891
(4 pgs)e) letter to JB Wands from SM Rheams asking for help in getting an appointment to
a public post 8/13/1890f) postcard to JB Wands – “no whiskey came” 4/18/1892g) letter to JB Wands from Amanda Hale requesting assistance in obtaining an appointment
to a position in the post office 6/25/1892h) letter to JB Wands explaining problems with Ms. Hale’s application for post mistress
9/22/1891i) letter to JB Wands concerning the abstract of the title to a piece of property
9/24/1891j) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Smith asking for help in securing temporary employment
1890k) letter to JB Wands asking him to be ready to come to Baton ROuge if called upon
to aid in the selection of judicial appointments 5/22/1896l) letter to JB Wands regarding delegates to a political convention 12/22/1891m) letter to Warren Hooker from Charles Page introducing James B. Wands for purpose
of securing a meeting with the President 4/29/1897n) printed letter to JB Wands from John Lanier regarding a land dispute 5/7/1895o) postcard to JB Wands from a Mr. Lillard offering his support for Wands’ candidacy
for sheriff 3/12/1892p) letter introducing JB Wands in support of his application as surveyor at the Port
of New Orleans 6/21/1897q) letter to JB Wands regarding resolution of an issue over correct price of postage
1/19/1899r) letter to JC Burrows from C.A. Tiebout introducing JB Wands in support of his application
as surveyor of the Port of New Orleans 6/16/1897s) letter to JB Wands from Cornelius Smith regarding an unspecified legal matter 8/14/1891

Folder 8 – professional correspondence 1890s

a) letter from the Department of Justice siding against JB Wands in his claim to receive
compensation as weigher at the New Orleans Customs House 7/8/1890b) letter to JB Wands concerning a prospective sale of property 6/7/1891c) letter ot JB Wands from a Mr. Booth regarding the resignation of the Postmaster
pending the outcome of the Presidential election 11/18/1892d)letter to JB Wands from HJ Sanders regarding unspecified appointments 5/2/1890e) letter regarding protest petition against removal of a Mr. Sharretts from an unspecified
post (4 pages)f) letter to JB Wands regarding applicants for a position in the Postmaster’s Office
7/2/1892 (2 pages)g) letter to JB Wands asking for his approval in including his name on a list of possible
candidates for an unspecified position 3/26/1892h) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Reily – illegible – 7/31/1891i) letter to Mr. Wands from James Robinson about garnishing the wages of a Mr. Jessie
Taylor in the weighing department of the customs house 1/10/1892j) printed letter to JB Wands accompanying an enclosure of an account statement to
be verified 4/1890k) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Reid regarding Wands’ request for assistance in an
unspecified matter 4/11/1890l) letter to AR Lewis from JB Wands regarding a tax assessment 7/17/1891m) postcard from LD Beil regarding some property 7/5/1890n) printed letter to TD Spiller regarding an unspecified senate matter 7/12/1897o) letter to JB Wands from JA Reid regarding appointees fro unspecified post 4/15/1890

Folder 9 – professional correspondence 1890s

a) partial letter to JB Wands asking for a favor 5/8/1890b) letter to JB Wands asking him if his brothers could look after a farm for an unspecified
length of time 11/11/1890c) letter to JB Wands regarding an upcoming election 3/4/1896d) letter to WB Hooker on behalf of JB Wands in recommendation for an appointment
in New Orleans 4/27/1897e) letter to JB Wands from JA Reid asking for help on securing a position for Reid’s
brother-in-law in the customs house 12/18/1890f)Western Union telegram to JB Wands from HJ Sanders regarding selections for 1st
and 2nd wardsg) letter to Mr. Wands informing him of his nomination to an unspecified public office
2/22/1890h) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Alcers informing Wands that an appointment he had
interest in had already been filled 8/20/1892i) letter to JB Wands from HJ Sanders regarding a Census Department matter 7/11/1890j) letter to JB Wands from George Biegel regarding help with Wands’ candidacy for
public office w/ envelope 3/13/1892k) letter to JB Wands from Miss Hale inquiring about her previous request for assistance
in gaining a position in the post office 7/14/1892l) printed letter to JB Wands informing him that an office for which he had been a
candidate was filled 7/21/1898m) letter to JB Wands from Mrs. Sojourner asking for the nomination to fill an office
held by a Mr. Kemp which may be vacated 7/15/1892n) letter to JB Wands from BF Taylor concerning a possible meeting between Wands and
the governor 5/8/1890o) letter to JB Wands asking for help in attaining a post at the customs house 6/22/1891p) letter nominating JB Wands for position of Collector 6/20/1898q) letter to JB Wands discussing candidates for Post Office position 8/1892 w/ enveloper) letter to JB Wands from Mr. Magee regarding a political campaign 8/10/1891s) letter to TD Spiller from George Lacey regarding Spiller’s mother’s candidacy for
a position in Amite City Post Office 6/5/1897t) letter from GW Whitworth asking for campaign contributions in support of the Republican
Ticket 3/21/1892u) letter concerning prospective sale of land 1/28/1891v) printed letter to JB Wands concerning power of attorney for a Michigan property
4/24/1890w) letter to Mr. Evans requesting more paper tickets for Republican Breaux Election
4/17/1892x) letter toTC Platt of the state of NY Senate Chamber introducing JB Wands 4/3/1897
w/envelopey) letter to JB Wands from WH Strong regarding a rift in the local political community
and also a recounting of the murder of Sam Hyde 7/5/1897

Folder 10 – professional correspondence – early 20th century

a) letter to JB Wands regarding limits of military pension 3/30/1901b) printed letter to MJ Wands from Hazelhurst Oil Mill & fertilizer Co. quoting prices
for shipment of goods 11/18/1901c) printed letter to Mrs. MJ Wands accompanying bank withdrawal of $100.00 in currency
from Kentwood Bank 10/10/1911d) printed notice from Federal Bureau of Pensions indicating an increase in pension
effective 6/4/1928e) printed letter to GS Wands regarding his application for patent on an axle lubricator
12/11/1908f) letter to Mrs. Mary J. Wands regarding a bank loan 9/16/1918g) letter to JB Wands from Bureau of Pensions regarding maximum rate of medical examinations
covered under pension 8/13/1901

Folder 11 – professional correspondence – undated

a) request for aid in acquiring a government job for a Dr. Haleb) letter from JB Wands to Attorney General JW Griggs requesting aid in attaining
post of Surveyor of the Port of New Orleansc) partial letter asking for help in attaining post of Surveyor of Customs in New
Orleans (6 pages)d) partial letter relating details regarding the reinstatement of several individuals
to their former positions (9 pages)

Folder 12 – professional correspondence – undated

a) partial letter discussing appointment to post of Collector for Port of New Orleans
(3 pages)b) partial letter inquiring about validity of a certain type of legal warrantc) letter asking for help with an appointment to a public office (11 pages)d) letter to Mr. Wands from Mrs. Frank C. Brown thanking him for helping her in a
legal mattere) letter to JB Wands regarding his appointment to Special Treasuryf) message from Wands – illegibleg) message requesting instructions from a Mr. Bain of Ohio, secretary of a Poultry
Associationh) letter to JB Wands from widow of Frank C. Brown asking for wands’ help in a matter
regarding Mr. Brown’s military pensioni) letter in response to allegations of disloyalty (5 pages)j) partial letter regarding two possible candidates for Collector of the Port of New
Orleansk) letter recommending someone for employmentl) letter to JB Wands from Mrs. Frank C. Brown regarding a dispute over the late Mr.
Brown’s pensionm) letter explaining upcoming unavailability of the writer during his normal business
hoursn) letter to JB Wands from HE Robinson concerning payment of interest on an outstanding
debto) fragment of a letter sending regrets that he could not travel to Tangipahoa for
a visitp) end of a letter announcing upcoming arrival in New Orleans – signed, Janet Nortonq) partial letter from AE Bentley asking for help in attaining government timber contractsr) partial letter accusing an unknown public official of wrongdoings) partial letter regarding unpaid wages while “acting weigher”

Folder 13 – Restricted Access – Director’s Discretion – fragile newspaper fragmentsvarious undated newspaper fragments (6 items)

Folder 14 – Restricted Access – Director’s Discretion– fragile professional correspondence

a) fragments of illegible letter to JB Wands 8/26/1872 (3 sections)b) letter to JB Wands from a Mr. Ellis regarding the trial of a Mr. Kinchen 7/22/1874
(2 items)c) printed letter to OL Spaulding regarding JB Wands eligibility to a higher position
in the customs service 7/28/1899d) letter to US Postmaster General expressing displeasure with appointment of new
postmaster in Amite City 5/20/1889e) letter to Ms. Wands appointing her principle of school in Natalbany 9/4/1911f) letter to JB Wands from JW Reid regarding a trip to New Orleans to meet with the
Republican Campaign Committee 3/20/1888g) letter to JB Wands from BF Taylor regarding government appointments 4/21/1890h) partial letter from JL Lillard regarding the “negro vote” – no date

Folder 15 – Restricted Access – Director’s Discretion– miscellaneous fragile fragments

a) telegram from Pierre Magloire regarding false evidence against him 6/12/1879b) fragments of a donation form to a political committeec) partial State of Louisiana tax receiptd) used stationary from the Greenfield Box and Package Factory – print entirely warn
offe) Southern Insurance Co. of New Orleans insurance bill (fragments)f) misc. receipt fragments (10 items)g) misc. sales invoice fragments (3 items)h) Tangipahoa vote results – newspaper fragment

Folder 16 – Restricted Access – Director’s Discretion – miscellaneous fragile fragments

a) correspondence fragments (3 items)b) warrant documentation fragmentc) handwritten obituaryd) empty envelope w/ faded writinge) faded address on paper fragmentf) date and dollar amount on a slip of paperg) paper fragment with a list of names (2 items)h) misc. calculations (3 items)

Folder 17 – William Pitt Kellogga) Copy of newspaper articles-“William Putt Kellogg dies at his home here” and other
various articles; The Evening Star, August 10, 1918b) handwritten letter-June 11, 1874c) Report of the Returning Board-House of Representativesd) Typed letter- William Pitt Kellogg to Governor Richard Yates; December 16, 1952e) Typed letter- William Pitt Kellogg to Governor Yates; May 3, 1865f) Typed letter- William Pitt Kellogg to Mrs. Richard Yates; December 25, 1867g) Copy of handwritten letter-William Pitt Kellogg to Richard Yates; December 15,
1865h) Copy of handwritten letter-William Pitt Kellogg to Richard Yates; November 14,
1865i) Copy of handwritten letter- William Pitt Kellogg; November 8, 1862j) Copy of handwritten letter- to Richard Yates; August 1862k) Copy of handwritten letter- to Richard Yates; August 11, 1851 (1831?)l) Postcard-The Historic New Orleans collection-New Orleans Emancipated event, March
4, 2009m) Typed document-biography of William Pitt Kellogg; includes articles about Amy Lowell
and Francis Cabot Lowelln) Copy of document-Last Will and Testament-William Pitt Kelloggo) Copy-Telegraph statementsp) Reform Meetingsq) Copy of handwritten letter-United States Attorney’s Office; October 27, 1874r) Supreme Court of the District Of Columbia-Estate of William Pitt Kelloggs) Copy of voting recordst) Tax Collector’s Officer statement, April 29, 1874; copy of handwritten note attached,
May 21, 1874u) copy of handwritten letter-William Pitt Kellogg; July 28, 1873v) Rooms State Central Executive Committee of the Republican Party State of Louisiana-September
17, 1874; handwritten notew) State of Louisiana Executive Department-handwritten letter-November 13, 1873x) United States Attorney’s Office-District of Louisiana-handwritten letter-June 25,
1874y) Typed letter-Kellogg to Chandler, subject-W.E. Chandler Papers; January 31, 1868z) Typed letter-to Howard Nichols from Sarah L. Schroeder; August 14, 1981aa) Copy of handwritten letter-to Richard Yates from William Pitt Kellogg; December
31, 1865bb) Copy of handwritten letter-to Richard Yates from William Pitt Kellogg; November
11, 1841cc) Copy of handwritten letter-to Richard Yates from William Pitt Kellogg; March 8,
1869dd) Copy of handwritten letter-July 11, 1868ee) Copy of handwritten letter-from William Pitt Kellogg; January 16, 1866ff) Typed article-Civil War Veteran Dies; February 1, 1922gg) Typed letter-Seattle Genealogical Society-to C. Howard Nichols from Martha Osborne;
March 16, 1979 

Box 5 – Restricted Access – Director’s Discretion – full size newspapers

a) Olean Advertiser – Thursday Evening 7/7/1859 – inside: railroad accident, Kansas Constitutional Convention

b) New York Herald – Saturday April 15, 1865 (extremely fragile) – Lincoln assassination, evacuation
of rebel capital Richmond, Va.c) Tangipahoa Advocate – Amite City, La. Saturday 2/24/1872 – includes: census returns by parish (fragile)d) Times-Democrat – Monday 7/29/1889 – (single page only) – includes: various agricultural articles
and miscellaneous advertisementse) New Orleans Republican – Friday 5/20/1892 – (single page only) – includes: agricultural articles, state
news, miscellaneous advertisementsf) Philadelphia Times – Saturday Morning 7/11/1896 – (single page only)g) Daily Inter Ocean – Tuesday 7/24/1896 – (several fragments – fragile)h) unknown newspaper fragment – 10/4/1896 – includes: Bench and Bar (headline), sports
news (amateur baseball)i) Roseland Herald – Friday 3/18/1932 – includes: local newsj) Southern Live-Stock Journal – 2/12/?? – includes: potato rot, recipes, miscellaneous advertisementsk) unknown earth-science book – unknown year – no cover, several pages missing

Box 6 – artifacts (item “a – travel chest” is itself the container labeled “box 6” which
contains all items listed in this archival box)

a) travel chest (this item is also considered “box 6”, the actual container for all
of the artifacts listed under “box 6”)

b) rusted tin boxc) black tin boxd) wooden cigar box (this item contains all items “e-y” listed below)e) 16 certificates of merit to JB Wands as a schoolboyf) Certificate of Membership in the Roosevelt Memorial Association for Mrs. JB Wandsg) three newspaper-printed letters from James B. Wands of the US Navy – 1860sh) Confederate $100.00 billi) 10 George Washington 2 cent stamps (red), 1 Ben Franklin 1 cent stamp (green)j) “Table of Weights – Cigars” bookletk) leather token about the month of Decemberl) small leatherbound volume “Daily Food”m) pair of eyeglasses with case, case is inscribed “Ketchum & Smith, optometrists,
New Orleans La.”n) roll of red threado) rusted belt bucklep) 4 miscellaneous coat buttonsq) metal ceiling/wall hookr) 2 unknown rusted metal objectss) bolt with wing nutt) a chestnut or similar looking nut in a hard shellu) 1 round of ammunitionv) mother-of-pearl souvenir spoon from Niagara Fallsw) drill bitx) three cardboard valentines cardsy) 11 orange cardboard cutouts with bible verses printed on themz) 2 miscellaneous wood fragments