Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

James Wilcox Collection

James Wilcox Collection

Box    1     Audio Tapes

  1. John & Marjorie, Vivaldi: Concerto in New Orleans (#1)
  2. John & Laurie, Bach, May 5, 1966 (#2)
  3. In a Little While & Reprise (#5)
  4. Laurie- Age 8, Peggy- Age 9, October 9, 1966 (#10)
  5. Jim Eilcox- Cello, Jean Barr- Piano, Barber Sonata First Movement March 3, 1967 (#11)
  6. Titl Serenade (#12)
  7. Programmed Theory Dissertatic (14)
  8. Wagner (15)
  9. Los Angeles Horn Club (16)
  10. Baton Rouge Symphony February 4, 1952 (110A)
  11. Baton Rouge Symphony Ricci (110B)
  12. Baton Rouge Symphony April 7, 1952 (110C)
  13. Baton Rouge Symphony October 1958 (110E)
  14. Baton Rouge Symphony October 1958 (110F)
  15. Jimmy, St. Louis (113)
  16. South Pacific (114)
  17. Merry Wives of Windsor (115)
  18. Band- January 1968, Tritico, Pines, Hind, School Concert (121)
  19. Telephone- Hansel & Gretel December 1, 1967 (123)
  20. John Wilcox- LMTA Shreveport, November 1968 (124)
  21. Jim- John Wilcox Borodin Duets, Summer, 1968 (126)
  22. Strauss Serenade SLC Band (129)
  23. South Pacific (130)
  24. Laurie (137)
  25. Beethoven’s Ninth (1002)
  26. Magic Flute, April 1964 (1008B)
  27. Mozart, Marriage of Figaro Side 1 April 19, 1977 (1009A)
  28. Mozart, Marriage of Figaro Side 2 April 19, 1977 (1009A)
  29. Mendelssohn, G Minor Concerto, May 12, 1964 (1010)
  30. Mendelssohn, G Minor Concerto, May 12, 1964 (1010B)
  31. Christmas Choir Concert (1013)
  32. Hanson Symphony (1020)
  33. TYO T.V. Program WDSU 16mm Film (1023A)
  34. TYO Orchestra (1023D)

Box    2     Audio Tapes

  1. Tuba Concerto Mozart I (1024)
  2. French Horn Passages (1028)
  3. Passacaglia (1031)
  4. Prelude & Passcaglia (1031)
  5. Riegger Symphony #3 (1032)
  6. Bruckner Letters (1037)
  7. Bruckner Letters Tape (1037A)
  8. Bruckner Letters Tape 3 (1037B)
  9. Bruckner Letters Tape 4 (1037C)
  10. Bruckner Excerpts (1038)
  11. Bruckner Symphony #7 (1041)
  12. Carousel Reel 1 (1043)
  13. Carousel Reel 2 (1044)
  14. Carousel Reel 3 (1045)
  15. Carousel Reel 4 (1046)
  16. Carousel Reel 5 (1047)
  17. Carousel Reel 6 (1048)
  18. Carousel Finals A&I (1054)
  19. Horn Excerpts, Comparisons (1055)

Box    3    Audio Tapes

  1. Mozert Concerto 1&2 (1056)
  2. Mozart Concerto 3 (1057)
  3. Mozart Concerto 1 – 4 (1059)
  4. Cello, Jimmy (1062)
  5. Cub Scouts (1064)
  6. G. (1066)
  7. John & Marjorie (1067)
  8. Pat, Sophomore Winter 1960 (1071)
  9. Gallasso’s Concert March 1976 (1077)
  10. John Passion (1083)
  11. Elijah- Methodist Church Choir (1085)
  12. Beccherini Cello Concerto (1086)
  13. Modern Music, Greg- 1965 (1093)
  14. Jim 18, John 16, Laurie 8 (1094)
  15. Graduation SLC, May 29, 1967 (1095)
  16. Strauss Serenade (1098)
  17. Strauss Serenade (1099)
  18. Strauss Serenade (1108)
  19. Strauss Serenade (1109)
  20. Suzuki String Program Stereo (1110)
  21. Form & Analysis 371 (1136)
  22. Fugus in C Minor, Bach (1142)
  23. Christmas Concert, Choir (1150)
  24. May 1969- Graduation S.E. (1151)

Box    4    Audio Tapes

  1. Electronic Music (1152)
  2. Wolftrap Concert (1154)
  3. John Sen Rec (1157)
  4. John Sen Rec (1158)
  5. June 11, 1975, Jim Practicing Rachmanioff (1161)
  6. Oklahoma Spring 1976 (1164)
  7. No Title (1170)
  8. No Title (1171)
  9. Vocalize Serenade (1172)
  10. SLU Chorus Summer 1976 (1176)
  11. Faurg Requiem (1176)
  12. Laurie Recital SLU Violin & Piano October 1975 (1178)
  13. Laurie Bach Double – 2nd, Fall 1075 (1179)
  14. Laurie- Italian Concerto 1976 (1180)
  15. TYO Bach #5
  16. Tape X
  17. Tape 3 Ex
  18. June 1973 Mozart Violin, Piano Sonata
  19. Miami Beach August 13- 14, 1964
  20. National Symphony Horhanes January 17, 1979
  21. Don Juan- Band
  22. December 24, 1953 Family
  23. MM Intro
  24. Fourths Original
  25. Wilcox Lesson
  26. Migrant School Tapes Book 1
  27. JHW Personal
  28. Laurie- Bach, Hayden, Chopin
  29. Small Scotch Tape Reel, No Title
  30. Serenade in Eb
  31. Laurie
  32. Laurie Wilcox Bach, Haydn, Chopin
  33. Jim & John Christmas 1972, Bach Brahms Sonatas
  34. Limits to Growth
  35. Bach & Brahms

Box    5    Audio Tapes

  1. To Modern Music- Copy Greg to 1965 (1104A)
  2. Tristan 4 hours
  3. Soljaggio- m&m Sixth master
  4. Mozart Concerto #3
  5. Perineal- 1965
  6. No Title (Box= Allied Series no. 260)
  7. Lauris May 1978
  8. Family Dinner March 27, 1964
  9. Family Tape 1, Christmas, 1953
  10. Mozart Excerpts P Fifth
  11. Dictation Tone Flavors
  12. Personal Christmas 1977
  13. Dictation Drills No. 1
  14. Dictation- Tone Flavors Side 3
  15. Orchestra December 15, 1966
  16. Sologgio
  17. No Title
  18. John Wilcox Jr. Violin Recital March 1972
  19. John Wilcox Recital FSU, May 26, 1973
  20. Family-Grandpa
  21. 3 Unopened, Blank Tapes.

Box    6  


  1. Faculty Handbook 1969
  2. L.C. Memos 1968
  3. Position Paper on Music Education (No Date)
  4. Correspondence 1967-1972
  5. Filed Papers, A-J 1971-1972, Dean Of Music Files
  6. Newspaper Clippings & Personal Documents 1931-1945
  7. Newspaper Clippings & Personal Documents 1931-1937
  8. Newspaper Clippings & Personal Documents 1930-1946

Various personal books, papers and greeting cards 1930-2002

Box    7  


  1. 1945 Personal Correspondence
  2. The Statesman Newspaper August 16 & 17, 1945. The Advance August 16, 1945
  3. Personal documents & correspondence 1942-1998
  4. Sheet Music 1972
  5. State Teacher’s College Milwaukee: Music written by James Wilcox (No Date)
  6. Children’s papers & baby book 1949
  7. Personal Military Records1943-1953
  8. Children’s Scrapbook (No Date)
  9. 1943 Army Airforce Band Pictures

Box    8  


  1. Revelation & Mission 1982
  2. An Emerging Post Modern Paradigm (Outline) & The Emerging Post Modern World 1997
  3. England Letters & Photos of Will Wilcox 1973
  4. Personal Awards, Letters, & Documents 1971-1989
  5. Letters from Joyce in Scotland, & other personal documents 1980-1991
  6. Professional Documents 1959-1990
  7. Personal cards, letters and performance pamphlets 1982-1997
  8. Music Departmental Correspondence 1988-1992
  9. Miscellaneous School Business 1980-1992
  10. Miscellaneous School & Student Correspondence 1973-1992
  11. Memorabilia 1983-1992

Box    9  

  1. Professional Documents & Speeches 1979-1996
  2. Personal Papers 1977-1999
  3. Early Documents of James Wilcox 1936-1941
  4. Personal Documents, Letters, & Greeting Cards 1972-2000
  5. Personal Documents & Chamber Music Information 1970-1993
  6. Letters To/From Pat 1987-1989
  7. Personal Documents 1970-1991
  8. Wilcox Family Letters & Emails 1999-2000
  9. Personal Documents from the Family of Joan Wilcox 1964-1991

Box    10

Kennedy Scrapbook containing Newspaper Clippings, Magazine Articles, Comic Strips
and Internet Articles from 1978-2001.