Southeastern to Remain Remote on Thursday, January 23

Melinda Yantis Collection

Melinda Yantis Collection

Box 1


  1. In Memoriam by: Alfred Lord Tennyson
  2. Photo Album of the Mentz family

Folder 1: Newspaper Clippings and Photographs

  1. Newspaper clipping “R. G. Rumage, County Resident, Dies Saturday,” November 2, 1957.
  2. Photo of Mentz family member
  3. Photo of black male with child
  4. Photo of older woman, Nebraska City, Neb.
  5. Photo of Clara Lee Bridewell Rumage
  6. Notification from Vicksburg Public Library to Mrs. R. G. Rumage (Oct. 26, 1938).
  7. Newspaper clipping of Mrs. Judson Purvis
  8. Photo of two black women holding dogs
  9. Photo of uniformed man with two women
  10. Photo of four women
  11. Photo of two horses “Nellie and Little Nell”
  12. Newspaper clipping “Enjoy and Old New” by Marta Lamar
  13. Poem “Down Where The South Begins”Composed by a New Orleans lumber inspector
  14. Photo of dog
  15. Newspaper clipping “Bridewell Rites at Hammond today” February 27
  16. Blank Christmas card
  17. Newspaper clipping “Well Known Consulting Engineer Succumbs on Wednesday, May 18th
  18. Christmas card from Mr. and Mrs. Powell Smith with envelope
  19. Handwritten letter titled “My Darling Girl” Oct. 19th, 1942 by Mrs. Mary E. Bridewell;
    Typed letter written “Dear Folks” October 8, 1942 by Alex; both letters concerning
    family members (David and Celia, Eddie, & Henry, Jr.)

Folder 2

  1. Original patent for “spreaders” by Samuel W. Varnado
  2. Genealogy list of Descendants of George Riley Varnado
  3. Varnado family photos