Oral History Tapes

(This is a partial list of our oral history collections)


Abene, Joseph Interviewed for thesis (Summary filed under
Baiamonte) 11/23/68 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Abene, Mrs. Rosalie Interviewed for thesis (Summary filed under
Baiamonte) 11/23/68 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Adams, Clare “Division of St. John,” Covington; La. Historical
Symposium 3/26/83 6026 Speech

Adams, Betty Jason Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/22/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Adams, Huey Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/22/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Adams, Jim Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/22/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Adkins, Joel Army, Staff Sgt. European Theater Parachute
Infantry 4/13/99 12,001 Reggie Span

Albanese, John Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/13/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Albanese, Mary Dibuono Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/13/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Albano, Josie M. About St. Joseph Altars 11/12/94 0487 Tara

Alessi Family History 9/25/82 0157 Jennifer Drago

Alessi, Mr/Mrs George & daughter Sugar Cane Processing;
Strawberry Farming (Part I) 11/78 0056 Dr. Joy Jackson

Alessi, Mr/Mrs George & daughter Sugar Cane Processing;
Strawberry Farming (Part II) 11/78 0057 Dr. Joy Jackson

Alexander, Ashley Alumni Band playing You are My Sunshine within
the song

Second Hand Gold 1982 7009 Music

Alexander, Mrs. Creole History of Black churches, Greenfield
Baptist Church 4/1/78 0046 Janie Wilkins

Alford, Victoria Burning of Mt. Hermon School in 1983 4/19/87
0377 Nancy Dutton

Allan, Johnnie South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1008 11/23/95 7032 Music

Allen, Richard Speech given at Oral History Workshop, Baton
Rouge, LA 12/80 9904 Speech

Allen, Shelby Glen Navy Line Officer, Lt. Comdr., Pacific 5/4/99
12,000 John Hanchey

Allison, Mose You Are My Sunshine Live From 4 Queens in Las
Vegas 7010 Music

Ambrose, Stephen Lewis and Clark Expedition at Civil War Round
Table 2/15/79 5015 Speech

American History Thomas Jefferson, early life 2/17/83 7309 Dr.
Joy Jackson Lecture

American History Lincoln’s early life up to 1836 3/83 7310 Dr.
Joy Jackson Lecture

Anderson, Barbara Women’s Basketball at SLU 4/21/78 4006 Janie

Anderson, Claiborne Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/17/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Anderson, Edna Dutsch Early Life in Whitehall, LA 2/26/78 0029
Jo Ann Vicknair

Anderson, Henry James Family History 2/5/79 0061 Emma A.

Anderson, Nan How to bake blueberry muffins 2/5/90 0446 Donald

Anderson, Nan Family Interview 2/9/90 0448 Donald Anderson

Anderson, Nan Family Interview 3/25/90 0450 Donald Anderson

Anderson, Ronald Family Interview 3/9/90 0449 Donald

Andrews, Leslie Rhythm and Blues 4/4/84 0271 Ben Sandmel

Anzalone Family History 10/24/82 0149 Jennifer Drago

Anzalone, Charles, Jr. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Anzalone, Dr. Fanancy Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/21/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Anzalone, Frank Family History 9/25/82 0151 Jennifer Drago

Anzalone, Frank Interviewed for Thesis (Summary filed under
Baiamonte) 2/17/69 Reel 7 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Anzalone, Frank & Mary Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/13/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Anzalone, Lena Bonfigio Italian family history 8/29/83 0298
Harry Becnel

Anzalone, Lena Bonfigio Italian family history 8/29/83 0299
Harry Becnel

Anzalone, Mary Micelli Italian Folklore and History 8/17/83 0300
Harry Becnel

Anzalone, Mary Micelli Italian Folklore and History 8/17/83 0301
Harry Becnel

Anzalone, Sam Italians 1983 0305 Harry Becnel

Arceneaux, Anna Kovach Hungarian Dance 4/24/84 0327 Ginger

Arceneaux, Felix Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/23/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Arceneaux, Fernest South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1026 3/28/96 7050 Music

Ard, Louise St. Helena Parish History 2/14/84 0333 Dr. Joy

Ard, Louise St. Helena Parish History 2/14/84 0334 Dr. Joy

Ardoin, Amede South To Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1021 2/22/96 7045 Music

Ardoin, Bois Sec South To Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1025 3/21/96 7049 Music

Arnone, Nick Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/13/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Arnone, Rita Valenti Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/13/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Baer, Michael Lumber Mills (Part I) 11/19/81 0105 Marilyn

Baer, Michael Lumber Mills (Part II) 11/19/81 0106 Marilyn

Bahm, Jack Early Life around Zemurray Lodge; Hammond
(1890s-1930s) 2/8/74 0002 Dr. Joy Jackson

Bahm, Jack Kidder Hotel in Hammond, La; Mr. Kidder, proprietor
3/12/74 0004 Dr. Joy Jackson

Bahm, Jack Mr. Peter Hammond; Mr. Cate 9/2/75 0007 Dr. Joy

Bahm, Wallace How to Make Canadian Bacon 1/30/90 0406 Deanna

Biamonte, Giuseppina Interviewed for Thesis (Summary filed under
Baiamonte) 11/23/68 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Biamonte, Joe and Wife Italian family history; Folklore of Amite
9/30/83 0303 Harry Becnel

Baiamonte, John V., Jr. “The Myth of the Mafia in LA”; Italian
Century Week 10/22/82 5040 Speech

Baiamonte, John V., Jr. “Tracing your Italian Heritage”;
Genealogical symposium 2/26/83 6025 Speech

Baiamonte, Joseph Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/10/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Ball, Alton Family Background; Balltown; Bogalusa and Great

Southern Lumber Company; Washington Parish Fair 7/25/84 0203 Joy
Jackson, Michael Ryan

Ballard, Getrude Wiggins Folktales (original) from Southeast
Alabama 1956-57 Reels 4&5 Lou Ellen Ballard

Ballard, J. E. Folktales (original) from Southeast Alabama
1956-57 Reels 4&5 Lou Ellen Ballard

Ballard, James C., Sr. Folktales (original) from Southeast
Alabama 1956-57 Reels 4&5 Lou Ellen Ballard

Ballard, M. C. Folktales (original) from Southeast Alabama
1956-57 Reels 4&5 Lou Ellen Ballard

Bankston, George Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/18/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Bankston, Helen Alford Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/9/83 no tape Ginger

Barber, Wesley Dairying in Franklinton, La. 5/79 0076 Emma A.

Barkley, Alben William Vice President of the U.S. at SLU 25th
Anniversary 1950 5028 Speech

Bartus, Alex Hungarians 2/13/84 0326 Ginger Romero

Bartus, Alex Hungarian Settlement; The Great Depression 4/29/87
0371 Victoria Mocsary

Bartus, Rev. Alexander Hungarian Community in Albany 10/75 0006
Richard Bodin, Alex Kropog

Bartus, Rev. Alexander Hungarian Presbyterian Church; Hungarian
Settlement 11/2/75 0391 Alex Bartus

Bartus, Rev. Alexander Hungarian Presbyterian Church; Hungarian
Settlement 11/2/75 0392 Alex Bartus

Bartus, Rev. Alexander Culture in Hungarian Settlement 5/3/76
0432 Clark Forrest

Bartus, Louis Making Hungarian Sausage (Kolbasz) 4/17/87 0366
Victoria Mocsary

Bartus, Louis Boyhood in Hungarian Settlement; Great Depression
2/20/88 0397 Victoria Mocsary

Bateman, Lillian Memories of the Washington Parish Fair 9/24/94
0501 David M. Nicolosi

Bates, Paul World War II 4/29/87 0369 Victoria Mocsary

Batiste, Noltan South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1029 6/27/96 7053 Chef

Batson, Blanche Developing sophistication of visual arts in
Tangipahoa Parish 4/85 0349 Hymel Falgoust

Bauerle, Robert Strawberry Industry in Hammond 11/29/84 0221
Michael Ryan

Bazile, Anthony Family History in Whitehall, LA 3/18/78 0038 Jo
Ann Vicknair

Bazile, Anthony Vincent Family History in Whitehall, LA 3/30/77
0015 Jo Ann Vicknair

Bazile, Evelyn Fontenot Family History in Whitehall, LA 3/19/78
0038 Jo Ann Vicknair

Bazile, Evelyn Fontenot Family History in Whitehall, LA 3/25/77
0015 Jo Ann Vicknair

Bazile, Evelyn Fontenot Family History in Whitehall, LA 4/8/78
0051 Jo Ann Vicknair, Janie Wilkins

Bazile, Joseph Family History in Whitehall, LA 3/16/78 0032 Jo
Ann Vicknair

Bean, Mrs. Edna History of Black churches-Macedonia Baptist
Church 4/15/78 0043 Janie Wilkins

Bearss, Edwin C. “Forrest, Stewart and Sheridan: A Comparative
Analysis” 11/20/86 5068 Speech

Becnel, Harry P. Courtship and Marriage Customs Among
Italian-Americans 9/26/84 5063 Speech

Bell, Karen Teaching at Hammond West Side Elementary School
10/28/90 0451 Brenda Gallaher

Bennett, Charlotte Anzalone Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/5/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Bentivegia, Kelly Italian folklore; Music; Celebrations; History
12/10/83 0302 Harry Becnel

Berey, Alex Hungarian Folkways; Cooking 2/13/84 0325 Ginger

Berey, Alex Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 6/16/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Berey, Alex Hungarian Settlement; The Great Depression 4/30/87
0370 Victoria Mocsary

Bernard, Rod South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1027 6/13/96 7051 Music

Berne, George F. Life in and around Albany, early 20th Century;
Berne Family 12/9/80 0086 Ginger Romero, Dora Berne

Berthelot, McCoy Dried Red Peppers 5/28/84 0279 Maida

Berthelot, Nora Dried Red Peppers 3/28/84 0279 Maida

Berthelot, Thelma S. About Clara Perrin and Her Log Cabin
9/26/94 0480 Rodney Miller

Bickham, Francis World War II and Southeastern Louisiana
University 1995 4047 Christina Chapple

Bienvenu, Harvey J. Dairying in Franklinton, LA 5/79 0076 Emma
A. Route

Billings, Warren Discusses what a reader looks for when
evaluating an article 3/17/89 5086 Speech

Bishop, Mrs. Lucie Mae Tangipahoa Parish Library 4/6/78 0050
Barbara Winfree

Blackwell, Curt Bluegrass at St. Tammany Hist. Assoc. Meeting in
Mandeville 1/8/82 7005 Music

Blackwell, Curt Old Time Country Music 4/29/82 0296 Nick

Blackwell, Curt Old Time Country Music 4/29/82 0297 Nick

Blackwell, Irene Old Time Country Music 4/29/82 0296 Nick

Blackwell, Irene Old Time Country Music 4/29/82 0297 Nick

Blackwell, Laura Hungarians 1/17/84 0320 Ginger Romero

Blackwood, Roy Hammond Cultural Foundation 11/28/90 0424 Heather

Board of Regents Hearing on Graduate Program in History at SLU
11/6/79 4016

Bodin, William Foster Berey, Army, WW II, Jr. ROTC in 1974 9/84
0206 Jeff Wingo

Boggs, Cong. Lindy About Lady Bird Special Train Campaign for
LBJ Candidacy 3/29/78 0079 Dr. Roman Heleniak

Bolin, Sallie Womack Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/7/81 no tape Ginger

Boling, Yvette Resources at Historical Research Center, La.
State Museum 12/8/92 6050 Speech

Bond, Cornelia St. Helena Parish History 2/14/84 0333 Dr. Joy

Bond, Cornelia St. Helena Parish History 2/14/84 0334 Dr. Joy

Bonfiglio, Sannie Scimeca Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/22/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Borocz, Josef Hungarians; Hungarian Program 1/17/84 0319 Ginger

Bounds, Dane About Being a Mormon Missionary 12/1/90 0453 Brenda

Bourgeois, Henry Mayo Marines Fighter Pilot/Electronics Lt.
Col., Pacific 4/22/99 12,002 Reggie Span

Boutte, Kerry South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1005 11/2/95 7029 Chef

Brannon, Genevieve Washington Parish; Country Market; Creative
Crafts 11/17/81 0102 Marilyn Vessier

Braud, Dominic, OSB St. Joseph’s Abbey, Covington, LA 3/10/90
0408 Deanna Dowell

Braud, Mrs. Y. Pierre Family History; Working at Shell Oil
Refinery during WW II 10/7/84 0212 William Bodin

Breaux, Sen. John Commencement at SLU 3/13/89 5085 Speech

Breaux, Sen. John Speech at First Annual James H. Morrison
Lecture Series 4/21/95 VT 0029 Speech

Breeden, Mr./Mrs. James Tangipahoa Parish Library 4/20/78 0054
Barbara Winfree

Bridges, Othineil

“Hideaway Slim” Gospel Music; Blues 3/25/84 0273 Ben Sandmel

Brodhead, Bob Press Conference About Football at SLU 8/3/88

Broussard, Earline South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1018 2/1/96 7042 Music

Broussard, Michalyn About Global Wildlife Center 11/20/94 0500
Heidi E. Nagele

Brown, Bobbie Depression in Hammond 11/12/84 0220 Michael

Brown, Frank Welcoming Speech for Genealogy Symposium at SLU
2/6/82 6018 Speech

Brown, Frank “Research in Mississippi”; Genealogical Symposium
2/26/83 6024 Speech

Brown, Frank “Research in Mississippi”; Genealogical Symposium
2/26/83 6025 Speech

Brown, Jim Secretary of State, Speech at Oral History Workshop
in B. R. 12/80 9903 Speech

Brown, Ray You Are My Sunshine “Jazz at the Santa Monica” 7011

Bruhl, Richard Hog Butchering 9/84 0207 Jeff Wingo

Bruhl, John W. Odenheim Resort in the 1930s 10/84 0209 Richard

Bruhl, Russell Odenheim Resort in the 1930s 10/84 0210 Richard

Brumfield, Helen Cefalu Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/12/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Brumfield, Pete Bolivar Humming Four; Gospel Music 4/5/84 0266
Ben Sandmel

Bruno, Steve A. Army Infantry, South Pacific 5/12/99 12,003
Keith Finley

Bunch, Bob Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/21/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Burchfield, James Burchfield Family History 10/27/94 0484
Melissa Burchfield

Burchfield, Joann Burchfield Family History 9/24/92 0485 Melissa

Burchfield, William Burchfield Family History 9/26/94 0486
Melissa Burchfield

Burdon, Joe Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/21/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Burke, Lynn Bettes Quilting, etc. 4/9/84 0237 Nancy Berstein

Burkhalter, Ralph World War II; His Involvement in World War II
3/4/79 0063 Emma A. Route

Burns, Philip Covington Business 5/2/79 0071 Malcolm

Bush, George Inauguration as President 1/20/89 VT 0009

Cain, Charlene Speech on Genealogical Sources in La. at Archives
Workshop 11/10/81 6017 Speech

Calderone, Mrs. Frances Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed
Under Baiamonte) 6/30/69 Reel 7 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Caldorera, Joe Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 11/24/68 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Calmes, Susan Hunsaker About being a Mormon Missionary 11/21/90
0452 Brenda Gallaher

Candiotto, Mary Newman Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/5/81 no tape Ginger

Cannon, Jesse D. Navy Shipfitter Seamen Apprentice, Lt. Comm. 29
yrs., Pacific 3/25/99 12,004 Keith Finley

Capaci, Joe State Police; Personal Interview 4/9/80 0139 Roman

Capretto, John Letters to parents’ from WWII Naval Base
1944-1945 CD 1

Carbonneau, Thomas E. Speech on Louisiana Civil Code 3/18/82
5035 Speech

Cardareila, Tony Family History 10/24/82 0149 Jennifer Drago

Cardinale, Rosalie & D. T. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Carr, Audrey Depression in Hammond 11/12/84 0220 Michael

Carr, Audrey and Bobby Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 8/23/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Carraway, Mittie Ballard Folktales (original) From Southeast
Alabama 1956-57 Reels 4&5 Lou Ellen Ballard

Carrier, Chubby South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1017 1/25/96 7041 Music

Carter, Barbara Washington Parish Fair; Quilting 11/21/81 0101
Marilyn Vessier

Carter, Hodding Huey Long; Carter’s Newspaper-
Courier 2/14/68 Reel 2 Larry Ingram

Carter Hodding Huey Long 7/28/68 Reel 3 Larry Ingram

Carter, James E. Acceptance Speech at Democratic Convention 1976
5005 Speech

Carter, James E. President’s Inauguration Ceremony 1/20/77 5008

Carter, James E. President’s Speech to the United Nations
3/17/77 5009 Speech

Carter, James E. President’s Fireside Chat on Energy 4/18/77
5009 Speech

Carter, James E. President’s Speech to Congress on Energy
Package 4/77 5010 Speech

Carter, James E. Speech on Energy 7/15/79 5012 Speech

Carter, James E. State of the Union Address 1/23/80 5014

Carter, James E. President’s Farewell Address 1/14/81 5033

Carter, William B. “Billy” Coxswain, Amphibius Landing Craft,
Navy, Pacific 11/17/99 12,028 Charles Elliott

Catalano, Tony & Alice Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/8/81 no tape Ginger

Causey, Sharon Webb Clifford Webb and Webb-Payne Map Collection
in Archives 11/6/92 0457 Dr. Joy Jackson

Cavalier, Gus “Gatemouth” Blues Guitarist 4/8/84 0268 Ben

Cavalier, Gus “Gatemouth” Gus Cavalier and the Rocking Aces
3/18/84 0269 Susan Davis

Cavalier, Sandra Foster Grandparents Program; 20 years of Quad
Area Program 4/22/96 0521 Jane Sullivan

Cefalu, Mary Genco Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/10/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Charles, Brother N. Early History of Covington, LA and the
surrounding area 5/2/79 0072 Malcolm Maginnis

Charlton, Thomas Speech Given at Oral History Workshop in Baton
Rouge 12/80 9903 Speech

Chauvin, John A. About WFPR Radio Station 10/10/84 0211 Tim

Chauvin, John A. WFPR Radio Station 11/29/84 0217 Tim

Chavis, Boozoo South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1002 10/12/95 7026 Music

Chenier, Clifton South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1029 6/27/96 7053 Music

Chester, Timothy Decorative arts and the Louisiana State Museum
3/6/82 5036 Speech

Choppin, James Fire Chief with Broadmoor Corp. for Construction
Layout 2/16/90 0447 Donald Anderson

Choppin, Marilyn Family Interview 3/10/90 0448 Donald

Choppin, Marilyn Family Interview 3/28/90 0450 Donald

Ciaramitaro, Virginia St. Joseph’s Day in Natalbany, LA
12/1/81 0117 Karen W. Warren

Cittadino, Mary Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/5/83 no tape Ginger

Clark, Bill Marines, Navy/Navy Corpsman, PhM 2nd Mate South
Pacific 4/799 12,005 Keith Finley

Clark, Thomas D. Piney Woods & Cutting Edge of Lingering
Southern Frontier 3/30/84 5053 Speech

Clarke, H. W., Jr. Army Field Artillery (Communications)
Captain, Pacific 4/5/99 12,006 Keith Finley

Clesi, Emma May Quilting 3/1/84 0241 Nancy Berstein

Clevenger, Joann South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1002 10/12/95 7026 Chef

Coghlan, Kelly St. Joseph’s Day Altar Celebration 7/29/82
0073 Karen W. Warren

Cole, Susan Research Material in the Historic New Orleans
Collection 7/14/84 6034 Speech

Comish, Mrs. Lois Blush A. L. Blush, photographer of the Piney
Woods People” 3/25/82 0125 Marilyn Vessier

Comish, Lucille Drumwright Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/4/83 no tape Ginger

Conrad, Glenn How to Prepare An Article to Submit to
Louisiana History 3/17/89 5086 Speech

Conrad, Glenn “Alsatian Exiles in LA.” (Part II) 6/23/79 6010

Conrad, Glenn LA Experience 9/7/80 5024 Speech

Cook, Mildred St. Amant About the St. Amant Family in Ascension
Parish 3/2/96 0518 Jane Sullivan

Cook, Mildred St. Amant About the St. Amant Family in Ascension
Parish 3/2/96 0519 Jane Sullivan

Cook, Zoe Kent Hebert Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 6/20/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Cook, Ouida Robertson Early Days at SLU; Her Childhood 2/10/76
4003 Dr. Joy Jackson

Corbin, Mrs. R.A. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/11/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Core, Norma Prohibition 2/20/92 0436 Wendy Warner

Corkern, Hazel Odenheim Resort in the 1930s 10/84 0210 Richard

Costa, Joe Family History 10/24/82 0164 Jennifer Drago

Costanza, Angeline Anzalone Italians 1983 0305 Harry Becnel

Coumes, John “Place Names in Tangipahoa Parish” 10/4/88 5081

Couvillion, Vic Public Relations at SLU 3/29/78 4007 Elizabeth

Cowan, Bernice Christian Worship 5/3/92 0440 William Godwin

Cowan, Inez Christian Worship 5/3/92 0441 William Godwin

Cowan, Evelyn Anderson Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 8/27/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Cowart, Annie Stewart Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/3/83 no tape Ginger

Cox, Dr. Alfred Autobiographical Information; Chemistry Dept. At
SLU 4/10/78 4010 Tim McIntire

Crawford, Irene History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints 11/26/84 0224 Jeff Wingo

Crain, Dr. J. Larry His inauguration as President of SLU
10/17/81 VT 0001

Crain, Dr. J Larry Welcoming Speech for Genealogy Symposium
2/6/82 6018 Speech

Crain, Dr. J. Larry Former President of Southeastern Louisiana
University 4/21/92 4031 Irving West, Jr.

Crain, Dr. J. Larry Informal Discussion of Presidents of SLU at
President’s House 9/27/92 VT 0019 Irving West, Jr.

Crain, Jean Farming in Mississippi; 1940’s 4/11/84 0328 Dr. Joy

Crain, Nellie Ruth Life in Varnado, Louisiana, Washington Parish
2/21/84 0329 Dr. Joy Jackson

Crain, Nellie Ruth Life in Varnado, Louisiana, Washington Parish
2/21/84 0330 Dr. Joy Jackson

Creel, Henry L. World War II Oral History Project 5/1/2002

Crnko, Gary Slavonians, Stave making 3/29/84 0276 Maida

Cucchiara, Lucille Lobue Family History 3/10/87 0398 Sheryl

Curran, Joan Ferris Writing and Publishing Family Histories
(Part I) 3/16/91 6040 Speech

Curran, Joan Ferris Writing and Publishing Family Histories
(Part II) 3/16/91 6041 Speech

Dagro Family History 9/25/82 0157 Jennifer Drago

Daigle, LaJuanda, R.N. How to do a Dialysis Treatment 2/2/96
0515 Jane S. Sullivan

Daigrepont, Bruce South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1016 1/17/96 7040 Music

Danna, Emile Family History 0156 Jennifer Drago

Danna, Emile & Francis Family History 0147 Jennifer

Dart, Elizabeth K. St. Francisville, West Feliciana Hist. Soc.;
La. Hist. Assoc. 3/26/83 6026 Speech

Davis, Karen Family Interview 3/26/90 0450 Don Anderson

Davis, Jimmie H. Jimmie Davis Symposium 9/23/81 VT 0032

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
4/23/85 0350 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
4/23/85 0351 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
4/23/85 0352 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
5/6/85 0353 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
5/6/85 0354 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
5/6/85 0355 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
8/21/85 0356 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
8/21/85 0357 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Identifying photographs donated to Archives
8/21/85 0358 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davis, Jimmie H. Singing “You are My Sunshine” at the dedication
of the Davis

Room in Sims Memorial Library in Hammond, La. 10/26/86 7008

Davis, Jimmie H. Tribute to Jimmie Davis by WARB to be used when
he died 10/87 5076

Davis, Jimmie H. Jimmie Davis Symposium; Songs sung by Jimmie
Davis 9/23/82 5039

Davis, Jimmie H. Excepts from interview Ron Nethercutt did with
Jimmie Davis 10/28/87 5075

Davis, Jimmie H. Singing This One’s For You 11/27/87 VT

Davis, Jimmie H. In Davis Room and Dr. J. Larry Crain’s
home near Pine, LA 1/27/93 VT 0022

Davis, Jimmie H. At the Hoover Bldg in Baton Rouge 10/12/93 VT
0025 Joy Jackson, Richard Haydel

Davis, Jimmie H. About his music career 2/24/93 0460 Dr. Joy

Davis, Jimmie H. Christmas Album 7014 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. 16 Best of Jimmie Davis 7015 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. Hang on to the Memories 7016 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. Keepsake Album: Songs to Remember 7017

Davis, Jimmie H. It’s Moving Time 7018 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. Jimmie Davis: Sings 7019 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. The Country Side of Jimmy Davis 7020 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. Jimmy Davis Favorites 7021 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. Resurrection City 7022 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. Sweethearts or Strangers 7023 Music

Davis, Jimmie H. Discusses Musical career and songs he has
written 10/12/93 0476 Dr. Joy Jackson

Davidge, T. H. History of Natalbany, Louisiana Spr 87 0399
Dianne Tynes

De Armond, J. Bureau of Criminal Identification 0141 Roman

De Boisblanc, Marvel World War II 5/4/87 0385 Sheryl Lobue

De Caro, Frank Fla. Parishes Folklife Conference; Ritual,
Folklore & Festivals 3/5/83 5044 Speech

DeCaro, Frank “Folklore and Oral History: Their Relationship”
3/13/84 9910 Speech

DeFrange, Jonathan, OSB St. Joseph’s Abbey, Covington, LA
3/8/90 0407 Deanna Dowell

DePaula, Connie Cucchiara Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/14/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

DePaula, Dr. J. T. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/17/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

DePaula, Sadie Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed under
Baiamonte) 4/27/72 John V. Baiamonte

Depres, Doris Stern Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/14/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

DeSarro, Linda Horse Riding School in New York 9/84 0206 Eddie

Deslatte, Joseph History of Whitehall, La. 2/17/78 0026 Jo Anne

Desmond, John Desmond’s Contribution to the visual arts in
Tangipahoa Parish 2/26/85 0343 Hymel Falgoust

Deutch, Herman Huey Long 7/28/68 Reel 3 Larry Ingram

Distefano, Mrs. Actual St. Joseph’s Day Altar 1975 0120
Karen W. Warren

Distefano, Joe and Anna St. Joseph’s Day Altar in Hammond
2/23/85 0394 Karen W. Warren

Distefano, Sam Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 8/27/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Dole, Sen. Robert Speech at Republican National Convention 8/76
5006 Speech

Dondis, Noel South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1028 6/20/96 7052 Chef

Doty, Doris Crochet, etc 4/7/84 0240 Nancy Berstein

Dowie, William Lecture about Jim Wilcox for Regional Research
Program 10/21/96 VT 0031 Speech

Downey, James C. Sacred Harp Singing in the Piney Woods 3/30/84
5056 Speech

Drago Family History 9/25/82 0159 Jennifer Drago

Dranguet, Al Speech about Christopher Columbus 10/12/92 VT 0021

Drude, Carl Early childhood in Ponchatoula, La; Strawberries
& Farming 4/26/76 0013 Dr. Joy Jackson

Dufour, Pi Speech about Civil War Generals to B. R. Round Table
2/19/87 5071 Speech

Dufrechou, Carlton About Lake Pontchartrain Basin Society
9/21/94 0505 Eugenie L. Orgeron

Duggan, Fr. Sean, OSB St. Joseph’s Abbey, Covington, LA
3/11/90 0408 Deanna Dowell

Duncan, Mattie C. Women’s Basketball at SLU 4/14/78 4012
Janie Wilkins

Dunn, Peggy Walsh Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/6/83 no tape Ginger

Durel, Ann About living in St. Elizabeth’s Orphanage in
New Orleans 1/30/96 0511 Angela Reed

Durlacher, Sigmund New York Style Deli 2/10/84 0278 Maida

Dutton, Cyndi Burning of Mt. Hermon School in 1983 5/87 0379
Nancy Dutton

Dykes, Hewlett Camp Moore 9/17/76 0069 Irene Morris

Dyson, Mrs. Dan Faller Early Schooling in Hammond, La. beginning
in 1910 3/21/77 0014 Dr. Joy Jackson

Dyson, Dr. Luther Foundations for Visual Arts at SLU 10/9/84
0339 Hymel Falgoust

Dyson, Dr. Luther Southeastern Louisiana University (Part I)
9/8/89 4027 Dr. Joy Jackson

Dyson, Dr. Luther Southeastern Louisiana University (Part II)
9/8/89 4028 Dr. Joy Jackson

Dyson, Dr. Luther Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/21/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Dyson, Dr. Luther Former President of Southeastern Louisiana
4/15/92 4030 Irving West, Jr.

Dyson, Dr. Luther Informal Discussion/w Presidents of SLU at
President’s House 9/27/92 VT 0019 Irving West, Jr.

Dyson, Thurman Rural Life in Franklinton, LA in the 1930s
2/19//79 0061 Emma A. Route

Eakin, Sue Black Family History; Question and Answer Period
4/15/78 6005 Speech

Ebeling, Gerry About David Ebeling 9/27/94 4090 Daniel Fresh

Edmonds, David Ile Carenco, a plantation house in Sunset, La Spg
1985 0232 Mary Katherine Clark

Edwards, Earl Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/17/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Edwards, Edwin Governor’s Opening Address to the Louisiana
Legislature 4/18/77 5011 Speech

Effler, Chuck
Light Guards March on piano 8/98 7054 Music

Elliott, Alice Levee Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/4/82 no tape Ginger

Ellis, Haydee Lafaye South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco
Radio Show #1014 1/4/96 7038 Chef

English, Wally Press Conference, Southeastern Louisiana Football
8/3/88 4025

Ensminger N. O. Police Dept. 1923-24; Highway Patrol; Personal
4/18/80 0135 Roman Heleniak

Evans, William Dulcimers and How to Play Them; Washington Parish
Fair 11/21/81 0099 Marilyn Vessier

Evenson, David His award for excellence in creativity for piano
performances 9/92 4037 Dr. Joy Jackson

Fajoni, Michael Sophistication in the Visual Arts of Tangipahoa
Parish 3/13/85 0346 Hymel Falgoust

Fanning, Michael Evil Innocent Little Nell of New Orleans
9/26/84 5062 Speech

Fardella, Mary & Harper Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/1/83 no tape Ginger

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 4/23/85 0350

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 4/23/85 0351

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 4/23/85 0352

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 5/6/85 0353

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 5/6/85 0354

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 5/6/85 0355

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 8/21/85 0356

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 8/21/85 0357

Faser Chris Identifying Photographs Donated to the Library
Archives 8/21/85 0358

Faust, Dot McIntyre Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/31/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Favrot, Judge Battle of Baton Rouge 9/11/75 5002 Speech

Fedele, Joe Italian Folklore; Mother of Grace Chapel; Feast Day
8/25/83 0306 Harry Becnel

Ferrara, Margaret Inzenga Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/27/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Ferrell, Herman Chamber of Commerce in Hammond; Business in the
1940s 9/9/75 0008 Dr. Joy Jackson

File Cajun/Creole Band South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco
Radio Show #1022 2/29/96 7046 Music

Finley, Paula H. Marketing Director at Global Wildlife Center
11/15/94 0498 Heidi E. Nagele

Fletcher, Milburn Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/19/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Fletcher, Milburn Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/25/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Flick, Warren Social and Economic Significance of the Wood
Supply System 3/31/84 5057/5058 Speech

Flynn, John M., Jr. Navy Navigation, QM 3/C, Pacific 4/12/99
12,008 Judson McKnight

Folse, John South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1019 2/8/96 7043 Chef

Fontana, Frank Hunting; Fishing 2/14/84 0280 Maida Bergeron

Fontana, Patty Weatherization of Homes of Elderly &Low
Income 4/22/96 0522 Jane Sullivan

Fontenot, Canray South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1025 3/21/96 7049 Music

Fontenot, Margaret History of Whitehall, LA 2/16/78 0025 Jo Ann

Ford, Mrs. Betty Speech at Republican National Convention 8/76
5006 Speech

Ford, Gerald R. President’s Speech to Congress 8/12/74
5001 Speech

Ford, Gerald R. President’s Press Conference 9/16/74 5001

Ford, Gerald R. President’s Press Conference 1/19/76 5003

Ford, Gerald R. Acceptance Speech at the Republican National
Convention 8/19/76 5006 Speech

Ford, Judge Leon III Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 6/23/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Fornea, Daniel Life in Varnado, La, Washington Parish 2/21/84
0329 Dr. Joy Jackson

Fornea, Daniel Life in Varnado, La, Washington Parish 2/21/84
0330 Dr. Joy Jackson

Forrest, Barbara “Remembering the Holocaust in a Post-Holocaust
World” 4/2/95 5094 Speech

Forrester, Henry, Jr. Makes and Plays Fiddles 2/25/84 0256 Susan

Fortenberry, Rex Destruction & Rebuilding Mt. Hermon High
School 1983-85 Spg. 87 VT 0002 Nancy Dutton

Foster, Bill Painting Houses 2/26/92 0455 William Godwin

Foster, Carolyn Making Wedding Dresses 2/5/92 0455 William

Fowler, Denny Burning of Mt. Hermon School in 1983 4/15/87 0375
Nancy Dutton

Freidrichs, A. V. Autobiographical information; Chemistry
department at SLU 4/12/78 4011 Tim McIntire

Fressina, Benson Charles Family History 10/3/82 0162 Jennifer

Friedmann, Patty “Tug of Assimilation: Jews in N. O.”;
“Accidental Jew” 10/5/94 5097 Speech

Fugler, Irma Christian Worship 5/4/92 0442 William Godwin

Fulton, Ella Crochet; Tatting 3/3/84 Susan Davis

Gabriel, Sidney Making of Shake Singles 4/8/78 0051 Barbara

Gagliano, Nick Family History 9/28/82 0158 Jennifer Drago

Gagliano, Nick Mardi Gras Krewe of Omega 5/4/87 0386 Sheryl

Gaines, James F. “A Dream Colony: Geosocial (Mis)Representations

Louisiana in French Literature” 10/5/88 5082 Speech

Galaforo, Sam Army, 102nd Cavalry Recon. T-5 (Corporal), Europe
3/22/99 12,009 Judson McKnight

Garafola, Charles Family History 2/18/83 0161 Jennifer Drago

Garafola, Mia Family History 2/18/82 0161 Jennifer Drago

Garconi, Francis Family History of the Benson Charles Fressina
Family 10/3/82 0162 Jennifer Drago

Gardner, Joel, State Oral Historian, Speech at Oral History
Workshop in B.R. 12/80 9903 Speech

Gardner, Joel About Oral History 11/12/81 9908 Speech

Gardner, Joel La. Library Assoc. 3rd Annual Preconference on
Oral History 3/13/84 9909 Speech

Gardner, Joel Archives Workshop in Baton Rouge on Oral History
11/9/81 9914 Speech

Gardner, Joel Recording Oral History; Folklife 10/84 9912

Gardner, Ray Piloting River Boat 9/18/81 0111 Jeff Hages

Gaspard, Elizabeth What you should know in writing &
submitting article for pub. 3/17/89 5086 Speech

Gazzardo, Agatha Uli Family History 10/17/82 0163 Jennifer

Gennardo, Mary Family History 9/24/82 0150 Jennifer Drago

Genovese Family History 9/25/82 0148 Jennifer Drago

Genovese, Felicie Genovese Family History 9/3/80 0083 Dr. Joy

Genovese, Felicie Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

German, Dr. Norman Excerpts from woks to a National Library Week
Symposium 4/6/92 VT 0015 Speech

Giacone, Jane Cacioppo Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/31/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Gibbs, Daunton Lumber Mills in early 1900s; Railroad Spurs in
early 1900s 10/29/81 0104 Marilyn Vessier

Gibbs, Daunton Early Washington Parish; Franklinton, La. 2/15/82
0132 Vickie Knight

Gibbs, Daunton Masonic Lodge Building; Franklinton, La. 5/26/82
0133 Vickie Knight

Gibbs, Daunton Church Window Memorial; Old Roads in Washington
Parish 4/26/82 0134 Vickie Knight

Gibbs, Daunton 1934 Fire in Franklinton 5/20/82 0146 Vickie

Gibbs, Daunton Speech at Washington Parish Teachers Workshop
8/17/82 0165 Speech

Gibbs, Daunton Speech Given to Merry Hearts About “Old Trains”
2/17/83 0178 Speech

Gibbs, Daunton “Old Pictures” (Part I); Washington Parish
History 2/22/82 0179 Vickie Knight

Gibbs, Daunton “Old Pictures” (Part II) 2/22/82 0180 Vickie

Gibbs, Daunton Acts of Nature; School in Area 3/1/82 0181 Vickie

Gibbs, Daunton Early Military-Washington Parish
Revolutionary War (Part I) 4/19/82 0182 Vickie Knight

Gibbs, Daunton Washington Parish Revolutionary War (Part II);
Civil War 4/19/82 0183 Vickie Knight

Gibbs, Daunton World War II; Roosevelt; Civil War 1/83 0184
Vickie Knight

Gill, Mabel Family History in Whitehall, La. 3/10/78 0032 Jo Ann

Girgenti, Anthony Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/7/83 no tape Ginger

Glass, Marianne Student Government at SLU in ‘70’s by
Secretary of the SGA 2/5/79 4015 Dr. Joy Jackson

Goatcher, Buddy Raising Alligators 9/10/90 0421 Heather

Goatcher, Buddy Oil Spill Cleanup on Prince William Sound Alaska
10/28/90 0422 Heather Goatcher

Goff, Dennison Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran about organizations of
church 4/12/93 0462 Dr. Joy Jackson

Golden, Melvin, Sr. Pulp Wood Logger 3/30/84 0295 Maida

Golden, Willie Cypress Lumber Industry in Killian, La. 2/15/74
0003 Dr. Joy Jackson

Goodwin, Bob “Doc” Trainer for SLU 5/4/92 4035 Ron Anderson

Gordon, Amber Persian Gulf War 5/92 0444 Cherie Aucoin

Gould, Grace A.
Light Guards March 8/98 7054 Music

Grace, Margaret (Gordan) Tangipahoa Parish Library 4/6/78 0050
Barbara Winfree

Grace, R. B. Family History 11/30/84 0228 Linda K. DeSarro

Graham, James South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1015 1/11/96 7039 Chef

Graham, Sally About Lanaux House at 547 Esplanade Ave., N. O.,
LA 9/27/94 0491 Kathryn Matthews

Granberry, Mrs. Myrtle Granberry Family History in Tangipahoa
Parish (Part I) 10/20/75 0010 Dr. Joy Jackson

Granberry, Mrs. Myrtle Granberry Family History in Tangipahoa
Parish (Part II) 10/20/75 0011 Dr. Joy Jackson

Grant, Cary Introduction of First Lady, Mrs. Betty Ford 8/76
5006 Speech

Gray, Larry Hammond Cultural Foundation; Columbia Theatre
Players 11/29/90 0424 Heather Goatcher

Greco, Joseph Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed under
Baiamonte) 1/29/69 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Green, Walter Dairying in Franklinton, La. 5/79 0076 Emma A.

Gregory, Pete Indians, Given at Florida Parishes Folklife
Conference 3/5/83 5042 Speech

Grele, Ronald “The Nature of What is Community” at La. Library
Assoc. 3/13/84 9909 Speech

Griffin, Frances Family background in Strawberry industry,
Independence, LA 9/28/94 0482 Eric Griffin

Groene, Bertram Camp Moore 10/19/81 0107 Marilyn Vessier

Groene, Betram Fort Pike, Given to B. R. Civil War Round Table
3/17/88 5078 Speech

Groene, Bertram “Tracing Your Civil War Ancestors”; Genealogical
Symposium 2/26/83 6025 Speech

Groene, Bertram Camp Moore 7/17/93 VT 0024 Speech

Groene, Bertram Electronics Tech, RT2C, Navy, Europe,
Mediterranean 2/11/00 12,025

Guichet, Jules & Simpson Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/17/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Guidry, Rosalie St. Amant About the St. Amant Family in
Ascension Parish 2/17/96 0517 Jane Sullivan

Guiffreda, Virginia Giaratano Interviewed for Thesis (Summary
Filed under Baiamonte) 6/18/69 Reel 7 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Guillory, Mickey South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1012 12/21/95 7036 Chef

Guillory, Mickey South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1024 3/14/96 7048 Chef

Gulino, John Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 11/23/69 Reel 8 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Guidry, Laura Belle Trahan Family History Near Lafayette, La.
3/12/78 0033 Tim McIntire

Guidry, Mr. Wilmer Family History Near Lafayette, La. 3/12/78
0034 Tim McIntire

Guidry, Mr./Mrs. Wilmer Cajun Folk Cures 3/12/78 0035 Tim

Guzzardo, George St. Joseph’s Day; St. Joseph’s Day
Parade in Independence 3/22/81 0084 Karen W. Warren

Guzzardo Family History 9/25/82 0159 Jennifer Drago

Guzzardo, Anne Family History 10/2/82 0155 Jennifer Drago

Guzzardo, Ida Italian Folklore; Italian History 8/16/83 0307
Harry Becnel

Guzzardo, Ida Italian Folklore 8/16/83 0308 Harry Becnel

Guzzardo, Ida Italian Folklore 8/16/83 0309 Harry Becnel

Guzzardo, Mike Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Guzzardo, Rose Family History 10/24/82 0153 Jennifer Drago

Haas, Dr. Ed. F. Louisiana Experience 9/7/80 5024 Speech

Haas, Dr. Ed. F. Guns, Goats, & Italians: Tallulah Lynchings
of 1899 10/22/82 5040 Speech

Hackberry Ramblers South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1009 11/30/95 7033 Music

Hages, Jeff River Pilot 10/15/81 0121 By Hayes Town

Hainkel, Sen. John 2nd Annual James H. Morrison Lecture on
Politics & Gov. 4/26/96 5098 Speech

Hall, Kernan Maker of Cane Syrup 3/7/84 0260 By Susan Davis

Hallum, Eugene World War II and Southeastern Louisiana 1995 4046
Christina Chapple

Hanchey, John B. Giving narration for Civil War Exhibit in
Center 5/19/97 VT 0035 Talk TV

Hano, E. J. Interview For
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/11/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Hansen, James L. Draper Collection: Documents for Frontier
Genealogy 4/13-6/83 6027 Speech

Hansen, James L. Draper Manuscripts 4/11/92 6045 Speech

Hansen, James L. Naturalization Records and Passenger Lists
4/11/92 6046 Speech

Hansen, James L. Tracing Your Ancestors in Newspapers 4/11/92
6048 Speech

Hansen, James L. “What to Do When You Hit a Brick Wall” 4/11/92
6049 Speech

Harrel, Williard Watercolor Artist 9/9/81 0097 Marilyn

Harris, Donnice Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 8/22/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Harris, Joubert Split White Oak Baskets 6/1/84 0246 Joyce

Harrison, Ricky Interview About His Job as a Livingston Parish
Police Officer 2/4/87 0362 Victoria Mocsary

Hastings, Robert W. About Lake Pontchartrain Basin Society and
CFACT 10/29/94 0506 Eugenie L. Orgeron

Hauck, Ed Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/30/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Hauck, Mathilde Schneider Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/30/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Hawkins, Flasdick Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/17/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Healy, John Black Culture, Florida Parishes Folklife Conference
3/5/83 5042 Speech

Hebert, Barton Covington Business 5/79 0071 Malcolm Maginnis

Hebert, Fr. Donald J. “Genealogical Research in Acadian and
Canadian Archives” 3/24/79 6007 Speech

Hebert, Fr. Donald J. “Acadians in Louisiana” (Part I) 6/23/79
6010 Speech

Hebert, Fr. Donald J. “Acadians in Louisiana” (Part II);
Question and Answers 6/23/79 6011 Speech

Hein, John Interview concerning World War II 3/18/08 12049
Andrew Barr

Heitman, Gloria Tucker Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/15/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Hejtmanick, Myrtle Interviewed by Joy Jackson’s Hist
488/588 Oral History Class 9/27/94 0507

Hejtmanick, Myrtle Speaking to Dr. Jackson’s Oral History
Class 9/27/94 VT 0027

Heleniak, Roman Head of the Dept of History and Government at
SLU 9/23/82 5038 Speech

Heleniak, Roman “Women in the Revolution” at Genealogy Symposium
6/12/76 6000 Speech

Heleniak, Roman Introductory Speech at Jimmie Davis Symposium
9/23/82 5038 Speech

Heleniak, Roman Welcoming Speech for Genealogy Symposium 2/26/83
6023 Speech

Heleniak, Roman “Waist Deep in the Big Muddy” B. R. Civil War
Round Table 10/13/87 5073 Speech

Heleniak, Roman “New Orleans Bar Pilots During the Civil War”
3/15/91 5088 Speech

Heleniak, Roman “The United States at the End of World War II”
5/1/95 5096 Speech

Herbert, Merline South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1011 7035 Chef

Hebert, Whitley South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1007 7031 Chef

Hermann, Mrs. Katie Early Childhood; Dairy Industry in Pleasant
Ridge 10/28/75 0012 Dr. Joy Jackson

Hess, Mr/Mrs B. G. “Bunny” Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/19/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Hewitt, Lawrence L. Port Hudson at B. R. Civil War Round Table
1/21/88 5077 Speech

Hewitt, Lawrence L. La. Tigers in VA; Company K, 14th La.
Infantry, 1861-1865 10/12/88 5083 Speech

Hewitt, Lawrence L. T. Harry Williams 4/3/89 0403 Claire Jung

Hewitt, Lawrence L. About Directing Museum 12/3/90 0419 David

Hickman, Nollie W. Life and Labor in the Forest Industries of
the Piney Woods 3/30/84 5055 Speech

Hoffman, Paul E. “Spanish Sources for Family History” 3/24/79
6008 Speech

Hogan, Clara Early History of Montpelier, Louisiana and
Tangipahoa Parish 2/1/77 0064 Irene Morris

Hogan, Clara Killian Lillard Killian Family Spanish Land Grant;
Killian Family 9/21/84 0204 & 0205 Jeanette Swaim

Hogan, T. P. Early Life; Finding old bones while farming near
Camp Moore 1975 0065 Irene Morris

Holcomb, Brent Records in North and South Carolina 2/25/84 6030

Holcomb, Brent Records in North and South Carolina 2/25/84 6031

Holden, Elaine Jordan Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/20/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Holly, Michael Sophistication in the Visual Arts of Tangipahoa
Parish 3/11/85 0345 Hymel Falgoust

Holmes, Jack D. L. “Spanish Documents for Genealogy” 6/12/76
6001 Speech

Holmes, Dr. L. H. Autobiographical information; Chemistry
Department at SLU 4/12/78 4010 Tim McIntire

Hooks, Clarence Interview
forLouisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/15/83 no
tape Ginger Romero

Hoover, D. E. State Police; Personal Interview 4/7/83 0136 Roman

Hopper, Cleve Logging with Mules 4/9/84 0248 Susan Davis

Hovley, Elder Peter About Being a Mormon Missionary 12/2/90 0454
Brenda Gallaher

Howell, Grady “Battle of Port Gibson” 9/87 5072 Speech

Hudson, John, Jr. Tatting 3/4/84 0262 Susan Davis

Humphreys, Hubert “Oral History in La.: An Overview” 3/23/79
9901 Speech

Hungarian Celebration Weekend Harvest Dance; Rayburn Room Tour,
Dr. Jackson 10/23-27/87 VT 0006

Hungarian Dance Music and Singing 1990s? 7024 Music

Hupperich, Col. Herman Korean War; WWII; Air Force; Airplanes
11/23/81 0122 Karen W. Warren

Huszar, John Hungarians 2/13/84 0326 Ginger Romero

Hutchinson, Huntley Lumber Industry; Driving Oxen Teams to
Transport Lumber 5/79 0078 Dr. Joy Jackson

Huval, Pat South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1020 2/15/96 7044 Chef

Hyde, Burt Huey Long 7/28/68 Reel 3 Larry Ingram

Hyde, Roy E. His years at SLU beginning in the Fall 1932
Semester (Part I) 11/18/75 4001 Dr. Joy Jackson

Hyde, Roy E. His years at SLU beginning in the Fall 1932
Semester (Part II) 11/18/75 4002 Dr. Joy Jackson

Hyde, Roy E. Visual Art 10/10/84 0339 Hymel Falgoust

Hyde, Samuel C., Jr. Interview about Civil War Symposium May
30-31 5/19/97 VT 0035 Talk TV

Hyde, Samuel C., Jr. Turning Point & Final Decision:
Stalingrad & Battle of Bulge 3/27/95 5093 Speech

Hyde, Samuel C., Sr. Army, PFC, Europe 3/26/99 12,010 John

Illar, Louis Chinese New Year (Part I) 2/20/84 0287 Maida

Illar, Louis Chinese New Year (Part II) 2/20/84 0288 Maida

Illing, Warren, Sr. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/22/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Imbraguglio, Lena Ferrara Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/7/81 no tape Ginger

Imbraguglio, Sam Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/7/81 no tape Ginger

Ingraffia, Joe Family History 9/25/82 0160 Jennifer Drago

Inzenga, Charles Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 8/31/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Inzenga, Lorenza Iverstine Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 8/31/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Jabbour, Alan Fla. Parishes Folklife Conf.; People &
Cultures in Fla. Parishes 3/5/83 5043 Speech

Jackson, Eugene Camp Moore Cemetery Tree Planting Project in
1924 5/17/77 0085 Irene Morris

Jackson, Dr. Joy Harvesting Grapes of Wrath: Great Britain &
End of WW II 3/6/95 5091 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Anglo Culture 3/5/83 5042 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Florida Parishes Folklife Conference; Closing
Remarks 3/5/83 5045 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Genealogical Source for the Florida Parishes
7/14/84 6035 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Information Housed in Center for Regional
Studies & Archives 2/6/82 6020 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Law Enforcement in New Orleans During the Civil
War 3/15/91 5087 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Narrative for the “Piney Woods People” Slides
1981 5047 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Address Delivered to the Louisiana Historical
Association 3/13/78 5016 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy New Orleans Sources for Genealogy Research
6/23/79 6009 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Old New Orleans 4/8/92 VT 0015 Speech

Jackson, Dr. Joy Advisor to SLU’s SGA 9/81 4019 Hayes

Jackson, Dr. Joy About “Piney Woods People” Exhibit on WFPR
1/26/82 0126 Mary Pirosko

Jackson, Dr. Joy Center for Regional Studies & SLU Archives
on WFPR 8/24/82 4020 Mary Pirosko

Jackson, Dr. Joy Florida Parishes Folklife Conference; The
University and You 2/22/83 4022 Mary Pirosko

Jackson, Dr. Joy Sonora Carver, a Diving Horse Rider 9/84 0206
Richard Bruhl

Jackson, Dr. Joy About the Center for Regional Studies and
Archives 5/24/87 4023 Julie North

Jackson, Dr. Joy Oral History Lecture 9/90 9913 Lecture

Jackson, Dr. Joy Interview on KSLU about WW II Lectures 2/15/95

Jackson, Dr. Joy About Dr. Jackson’s Life Spg 1996 0509
Oral History Class Hist 488

Jackson, Dr. Joy Close-up Photographer Lecture 1995 1005

Jackson, Joyce Fla. Parishes Folklife Conf.; Folklore, Rituals,
Festivals, Music 3/5/83 5045

Jackson, Oliver D. River Boat Piloting on the Mississippi River
2/20/78 0027 Jo Ann Vicknair

Jackson, Oliver D. Piloting on the Mississippi River in the
1920’s in New Orleans 2/19/79 0062 Dr. Joy Jackson

Jackson, Willie G. (Alice) Family History of First Black Family
in Hammond, La. 2/25/78 0028 Janie Wilkins

Jackson, Willie Grant Family History of First Black Family in
Hammond, La. 2/25/78 0028 Janie Wilkins

Jacob, Raymond Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) n. d. no tape Ginger

Jambalaya Cajun Band South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco
Radio Show #1001 10/5/95 7025 Music

Jason, John Hungarian Community History; Strawberry Farming 5/88
0400 Andrew Ludanyi

Jenkins, Irma Nesom Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/1/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Jocque, Beau South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1011 12/14/95 7035 Music

Johnson, Clifton H. On Role of Non-Profit Organizations in
Supporting Archives 11/9/81 6016 Speech

Johnson, Dudley S. “Research in Alabama”; Genealogical Symposium
2/26/83 6024 Speech

Johnson, Dudley S. Welcoming Speech for Genealogy Symposium at
SLU 2/6/82 6018 Speech

Johnson, Dudley S. SLU Archives 2/5/78 4009 Jo Ann Vicknair

Johnson, James Tennessee Migration & Description of Migrants
Characteristics 2/16/85 6036 Speech

Johnson, James Tennessee Migration & Description of Migrants
Characteristics 2/16/85 6037 Speech

Johnson, James Tennessee Records 2/16/85 6038 & 6039

Johnson, Mrs. Margaret History of Black Churches; Alstork A.M.E.
Zion Church 3/24/78 0041 Janie Wilkins

Johnson, Sam Afton Villa Baptist Church 4/8/84 0250 Susan

Johnson, Mrs. W. M. G. The End of Segregation in Washington
Parish School System 2/5/79 0061 Emma A. Route

Johnson (?), Willie Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/2/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Joiner, Charles Early 20th Century Life in Hammond, La.,
1900-1920s 2/12/74 0001 Dr. Joy Jackson

Jones, Ann Opening Comments at Florida Parishes Folklife
Conference 3/5/83 5042 Speech

Jones, Carey Navy, Aviation Radioman & Gunner First Class,
Pacific 4/7/99 12,011 Judson Mcknight

Jones, Casel Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/2/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Jones, Frank Fairview Riverside State Park 12/6/90 0420 David

Jones, Hank Fiddler (Interview on Loan in Baton Rouge) 0234
Terry Seelinger

Jordan, Terry G. Col. Evolution of Backwoods Culture: Role of
Delaware Finns 3/30/84 5053 Speech

Juge, Clint About Collecting Comic Books 2/4/96 0512 Julia

Jung, Bonnie Persian Gulf War, January 1991 5/92 0445 Cherie

Jung, Julius Leo New Orleans, La; Depression Era 2/13/89 0402
Clair Jung Cowart

Kahn, Metz Jews in Baton Rouge (Part I) 2/22/84 0283 Maida

Kahn, Metz Jews in Baton Rouge (Part II) 2/22/84 0284 Maida

Kavanagh State Police; Personal Interview 4/19/80 0143 Roman

Keaghey, Charles Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/25/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Keaghey, Corinne Reynoir Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/25/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Kelley, John K. Air Force Navigator Bombidier, Colonel, Pacific
Theatre 4/8/99 12,012 Reggie Span

Kennedy, Ronald B. About His Career in Art 3/13/78 4004 Janie

Kent, Amos Lumber Industry; Early Life in Kentwood, La. 8/12/74
0005 Dr. Joy Jackson

Kentwood Military Exhibit at Kentwood Museum, Donated by Hannah
M. Schwartz 4/22/99 VT 0036 Butch Meyn

Kerageorgiou, Chris South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1026 3/28/96 7050 Chef

Kilborne, Donna B. Memories of the Washington Parish Fair
9/24/94 0502 David M. Nicolosi

Killinsworth, Virginia Mile Branch Settlement 2/14/83 0129
Marilyn Vessier

Kinchen, Coy About the Lumber Industry in Livingston Parish, La.
11/10/94 0494 Todd A. Billiot

Kinchen, Vinnie B. Quilting 4/8/84 0242 Nancy Berstein

King, Elizabeth Hungarians 2/2/84 0324 Ginger Romero

King, Lucy Mike St. Joseph’s Day Altar Celebration 4/1/81
0089 Karen W. Warren

Kiss, Mike Hungarian Settlement; The Great Depression 4/22/87
0367 Victoria Mocsary

Kitchen, Bessie About Kitchen Family 10/84 0215 Jeff Wingo

Kluchin, Helen Huck Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Kniffen, Fred People & Cultures in Florida Parishes 3/5/83

Kole, Ronnie You Are My Sunshine, “N. O. & All That Country
Jazz” 7011 Music

Koles, Frank Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/2/81 no tape Ginger

Kovach, Geza Hungarian Presbyterian Church & Hungarian
Settlement 11/2/75 0391 Alex Bartus

Kovach, Geza Hungarian Presbyterian Church & Hungarian
Settlement 11/2/75 0392 Alex Bartus

Kropog, Alex Hungarians 1/17/84 0320 Ginger Romero

Kropog, Alex Hungarians 2/13/84 0326 Ginger Romero

Kropog, Helen Dick Early History of Hungarian Settlement; Great
Depression 2/6/88 0393 Ginger Mocsary

Kropog, Helen Dick Hungarian Community History; Strawberry
Farming 5/88 0400 Andrew Ludanyi

Kurtz, Dr. Michael Jimmie Davis Administration: Reforms and
Accomplishments 9/23/82 5038 Speech

Kurtz, Dr. Michael Speech about La. Sources for Genealogy
2/25/84 6033 Speech

Kurtz, Dr. Michael Where were You When John F. Kennedy was Shot?
10/20/94 0504 Jewdeia Williams

Kurtz, Dr. Michael Presidential Campaign Tactics 9/24/92 VT 0018

Kwan, Mr. World War II 4/9/87 0382 Louis Illar

Laborde, John Ed South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1013 12/28/95 7037 Chef

Labouisse, Monroe Louisiana Experience 9/7/80 5024 Speech

Lackey, Richard Migration to Lower South 6/12/76 6002 Speech

Lackey, Richard The National Archives 10/1/77 6006 Speech

Lackey, Richard Genealogy Sources in Mississippi 2/6/82 6018

Lagneaux, Shelia South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1008 11/23/95 7032 Chef

Lala, Mrs. Josephine Interviewed for thesis (Summary filed under
Baiamonte) 2/1/69 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Lamarca, Ida Family History 9/25/82 0157 Jennifer Drago

Lamarca Family History 9/25/82 0159 Jennifer Drago

Lambert, Norma United Daughters of the Confederacy 5/1/90 0409
Deanna Dowell

Lambert, Vernance Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/12/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Lanaux, Betty Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/7/83 no tape Ginger

Lanaux, Charles, Jr. About Glendale Plantation 9/30/94 0492
Kathryn Matthews

Lanaux, Gaston Tung Oil Industry in Louisiana 11/7/91 0433 C.
Howard Nichols

Landry, Annette (Bootie) St. Joseph’s Altar 3/16/84 0291
Maida Bergeron

Landry, Beatrice Baltz Family History 8/22/85 0009 Dr. Joy

Lanier, Leo Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/7/83 no tape Ginger

Lankford, Susan Roach Material Culture: Tradition on the
Landscape; Crafts 3/5/83 5044 Speech

Larrieu, Mr. & Mrs. Collinswood School Museum, Ponchatoula
Louisiana 11/22/90 0415 Angela Benoit

Lato, Josie DePaula Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/14/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Lauzervich, Steve History of Whitehall, La. 3/31/78 0045 Sylvain
Loup, John Balfantz

Lavigne, Margaret Raiford Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/27/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

LeBlanc, John Paul Navy, 3rd Class Petty Officer Okinawa and
Japan Part of

flight crew on PBM Bombers 5/10/99 12,013 Keith Finley

LeBourgeois, Miss Rita Early History of Whitehall, La. 3/31/78
0045 Sylvain Loup, John Balfantz

Ledet, Rosie South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1015 1/11/96 7039 Music

Lemieux, Donald Use of Louisiana State Archives 4/15/78 6003

LeSaicherre, Frank Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/22/82 no tape By
Ginger Romero

LeSaicherre, Julia Wilson Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/22/82 no tape By
Ginger Romero

LeSaicherre, Ralf Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/22/82 no tape By
Ginger Romero

Leto, Josephine Petitto Italian Folklore 3/15/84 0310 Harry

Leu, Dr. Harold Reactions to the Assassination of President John
F. Kennedy 4/3/79 0048 Barbara Winfree

Leu, Dr. Harold Retirement Party 1/21/80 4017

Leu, Wanda Family History 11/84 0226 Linda K. DeSarro

Levy, Louis “A Statistical Overview of the Florida Parishes”
9/15/83 5048 Speech

Lindsay, Marjorie Sullivant Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/25/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Lindsay, Hubert Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/25/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Little, J. B. Carpenters 10/3/81 0124 Bill H. Wyche

Liuzza, Annie Divicenti Italian History; Italian Folklore
9/10/83 0311 Harry Becnel

Lobell, Mercy Cambre Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/12/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

LoBianco, Jospeh Neighborhood Grocery 2/9/84 0286 Maida

Lobue, Joe Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/11/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Lobue, Joseph, Jr. Mardi Gras Krewe of Omega 3/11/87 0389 Sheryl

Lobue, Joseph, Jr. Lobue Family History 3/10/87 0398 Sheryl

Lobue, Joseph, Sr. Lobue Family History 3/9/87 0398 Sheryl

Lobue, Mary Lobue Family History 3/10/87 0398 Sheryl Lobue

Lobue, Roe Lobue Family History 3/10/87 0398 Sheryl Lobue

Locascio, Mary Dantone Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/18/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Lockwood, MaryJo “The Significance of Ethnicity in Hungarian
Settlement” 9/15/83 5048 Speech

Lollis, Flow Blues Singer 4/23/84 0247 Joyce Jackson

London, Freddie Split Oak Baskets 3/6/84 0264 Susan Davis

London, Willie Cornshuck Bags 4/9/84 0251 Susan Davis

Long, Earl K. Speech to General Session of the La. Legislature
5/59 5029 Speech

Long, Earl K. Speech to General Session of the La. Legislature
5/59 5030 Speech

Long, Earl K. Speech to General Session of the La. Legislature
5/59 5031 Speech

Long, Earl K. Speech to General Session of the La. Legislature
5/59 5032 Speech

Lovorn, Beatrice Ray Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 8/31/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Lowe, Margaret Tangipahoa Parish Library 4/14/78 0047 Barbara

Lowe, Margaret Life at SLU in 1930s and 1940s by Member Foreign
Language 4/26/78 4014 Dr. Joy Jackson

McCain, Eulalie Vessier Childhood to 1981 11/8/81 0109 Marilyn

McCarthy, Gloria Tucker Heitman World War II in Ponchatoula
11/28/90 0412 Elizabeth Johnson

McCloy, May D. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/12/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

McConnel, Rob and Singers Unlimited You Are My Sunshine 7010

McCoy, Charles W. Navy Submariner, F ½ Central & South
Pacific 3/26/99 12,014 Keith Finley

McCrory, Terrel WFPR Radio Station 11/29/84 0217 Tim Chauvin

McCullough, Harris Farming; Logging 3/26/84 0293 Maida

McCullough, Harris Livingston Parish 4/19/83 0202 Johnny

McDaniel, Sidney Vegetation of the Piney Woods 3/31/84 5059

McDonald, Archie Civil War Music 6/24/88 5079 Speech

McGee, Dennis South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1014 1/4/96 7038 Music

McGlothlin, Frank Managing an Army Surplus Store 2/5/79 0059
Malcolm Maginnis, Jr.

McGlothlin, Frank Business in Covington; Army Surplus Store
4/30/79 0071 Malcolm Maginnis, Jr.

McGuire, Jack About Mandeville City Council 12/12/89 0404 Isabel
Singer Gathright

McIntire, Myrna Guidry Family History 3/12/78 0033 Tim

McKaskle, Charles Mayor of Hammond 10/24/94 0497 Patricia Stone

McKeithen, John J. Personal Interview; President Johnson’s
Campaign in N. O. 1/15/80 0142 Roman Heleniak

McKowen, Chalmers Dairy Farmer 2/9/84 0277 Maida Bergeron

McManus Family History 9/25/82 0157 Jennifer Drago

McNabb, Oliver “Preacher” Blacksmith 3/4/84 0259 Susan Davis

Mcpherson, _____ About How to play the Card Game Shanghai Rummy
Spr 96 0510 Karen Knight

McWhiney, Dr. Grady “The Music of Jimmie Davis” 9/23/82 5038

McWhiney, Dr. Grady “The Music of Jimmie Davis” 9/23/82 5039

McWhiney, Dr. Grady Cultural Continuity in Antebellum Piney
Woods Livestock Ind. 3/30/84 5054 Speech

Macaluso, Rosemary Camelo Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/21/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Magee, Rev. Wallace History of Black Churches-Lincoln Park
Baptist Church 3/30/78 0043 Janie Wilkins

Magee, Zuma Washington Parish Fair 10/28/81 0098 Marilyn

Magee, Zuma Eugene Bunch, Outlaw 11/11/81 0103 Marilyn

Magee, Zuma Mt. Ebal School, Washington Parish 4/29/82 0130
Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Family Genealogy; Quilting; Feather Pillows 2/83
0144 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Honoring Her as Asst. Supt. of Education 2/1/83 0145

Magee, Zuma Personal Life 2/7/83 0145 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Early Florida Parishes Indians 4/21/82 0166 Vickie

Magee, Zuma Mt. Ebal School; School Days; Washington Parish
Families 3/31/82 0167 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Mt. Ebal School; Early Washington Parish Families
3/31/82 0168 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Mt. Ebal School, Washington Parish; Old Remedies
5/25/82 0169 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Depression Days 2/19/82 0170 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Washington Parish Fair 9/15/82 0172 Vickie

Magee, Zuma Starting in Genealogy; Music Influence 5/2/83 0173
Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Doctors–Dr. McGehee (Part I) 7/13/83 0174 Vickie

Magee, Zuma Early Doctors and Medicine in Washington Parish
(Part II) 7/13/83 0175 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Civil War Memories (Part I); Washington Parish
Families 9/9/83 0176 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Civil War Memories (Part II) 9/9/83 0177 Vickie

Magee, Zuma Father’s Homesteading; Cotton Raising; Dairy
Industry 5/2/83 0185 Vickie Knight

Magee, Zuma Washington Parish Farming 1/27/84 0331 Dr. Joy

Magee, Zuma Washington Parish Farming 1/27/84 0332 Dr. Joy

Magee, Zuma Speech Given at Washinton Parish Teachers’ Workshop
8/17/82 5037 Speech

Magee, Zuma Talking to Bowling Green 5th and 6th Grade about
Early Life 1/26/84 5049 Speech

Magee, Zuma Talking to Bowling Green 9th Grade Class about Early
Ed. 2/14/85 5064 Speech

Maginnis, John H. His Father, Donald Ambrose Maginnis; Cotton
Speculation 3/30/79 0074 Malcolm Maginnis

Maginnis, Mrs. Malcolm Working with Rex Krewe 3/26/79 0070
Malcolm Maginnis

Maginnis Malcolm, Sr. About his Father 2/5/79 0059 Malcolm
Maginnis, Jr.

Maillet, John Persian Gulf War, January 1991 5/92 0443 Cherie

Major, Joe South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1016 1/17/96 7040 Chef

Mancil, Ervin Outlines for Photos He Donated, Cypress Lumber
Industry 3/84 5051

Maninna, Joe Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 2/17/69 Reel 7 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Maniscola Family History 0147 0147 Jennifer Drago

Manson, Mike South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1009 11/30/95 7033 Chef

Marchand, Hermonie

Mary St. Amant Family History of the St. Amant Family in
Ascension Parish 2/17/96 0516 Jane Sullivan

Mardi Gras Special South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1020 2/15/96 7044 Music

Marek, Paul M. About SLU Police 11/18/94 4043 Jewdeia

Margavio, Tony “The Italian Experience in N. O.”; Italian
Century Week 10/22/82 5041 Speech

Marretta, Henry Family History 10/12/82 0154 Jennifer Drago

Martello, Vita and Rocky St. Joseph’s Day in New Orleans
7/12/82 0081 Karen W. Warren

Martens, Bill Air Force Door Gunner B-17 North Africa/Europe
3/11/99 12,015 Judge Leon Ford

Martin, Mrs. Jack L. Daughters of the American Revolution
4/27/90 0410 Deanna Dowell

Martinez, Leslie Self Sufficient Farming 3/30/84 0294 Maida

Martinez, Ruby Self Sufficient Farming 3/30/84 0294 Maida

Masarachia, John Family History 10/24/82 0152 Jennifer Drago

Mason, Judy How she became a playwright and something about
plays 4/22/76 5004 Speech

Maurin, Mary Margaret Jeter Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/24/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Maurin, Paul Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/6/83 no tape Ginger

Menard, D.L. South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1012 12/21/95 7036 Music

Messina, Phine Macaluso Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Metz, Carl “Dump” Cypress Shingle Maker 3/4/84 0261 Susan

Mezo, Mary Olah Hungarian Community History; Strawberry Farming
5/88 0400 Andrew Ludanyi

Mezo, Mary Early Years of Hungarian Settlement 10/7/88 0401
Victoria Mocsary

Miaoulis, Chris “Assimilation and Acculturation in American
Society” 10/22/82 5040 Speech

Miceli Family History 10/24/82 0149 Jennifer Drago

Miceli, Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Interviewed for Thesis (Summary
Filed Under Baiamonte) 6/11/69 Reel 7 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Micelli, Phine Bova Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/9/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Micelli, Rose Ann About St. Joseph’s Altars 11/15/94 0488
Tara Slaton

Mike, Sarah St. Joseph’s Day Altars 11/29/81 0116 Karen W.

Milazzo, John Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 11/23/69 Reel 8 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Miller, Chris Tour Guide at Global Wildlife Center 11/19/94 0499
Heidi E. Nagele

Miller, Floyd Collinswood School Museum, Ponchatoula, La. 11/90
0415 Angela Benoit

Miller, Lee R., Jr. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/31/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Millet, Col. Malcolm New Orleans Police Force 4/10/80 0140 Roman

Mills, Elizabeth How to use the National Archives by
Correspondence 2/6/82 6019 Speech

Mills, Elizabeth Women and Law in Old Louisiana 6/12/76 6002

Mills, Gary & Elizabeth National Genealogy Society Speech;
“Roots Revisited:

The Genealogist’s Assessment of Alex Haley’s Book”
4/13/83 6028 Speech

Mills, Gary “Genealogical Information in Records Groups 56 and
76” 6/12/76 6001 Speech

Mills, Gary American Revolution in MS Valley 2/6/82 6018

Mills, Gary Sources in MS 2/6/82 6019 Speech

Milton, Anthony Big Anthony and the Sensational James Sisters;
Gospel Singing 2/14/84 0267 Ben Sandmel

Mistretta, Corey Assistant Track Coach for SLU 5/1/92 4034 Ron

Mitchell, W. M. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/24/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Mocsary, Louis Family Interview; His Childhood; Hungarian
Settlement 2/19/87 0363 Victoria Mocsary

Mocsary, Mary I. Family Interview (Joseph Ivanyisky Family)
3/11/87 0365 Victoria Mocsary

Mocsary, Victoria Hungarian Language 1/27/87 0390 Nancy

Moise, James F. Business and Real Estate in Covington &
Surrounding Area 5/2/79 0072 Malcolm Maginnis

Momaday, N. Scott “The North American Indians,” given in
Anthropology Class 4/10/85 5065 Speech

Momaday, N. Scott Speech given at College of Humanities Honors
Convocation 4/11/85 5066 Speech

Momaday, N. Scott “The Seven Sisters,” On Oral Tradition and
Mythology 4/11/85 5067 Speech

Mondale, Sen. Walter Acceptance Speech at Democratic Convention
1976 5005 Speech

Morales, Mary Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 1969 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Morales, Peter Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 1969 Reel 9 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Moran, Renee Women’s Basketball at SLU 4/16/78 4012 Janie

Morgan, Leona Flieller Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/10/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Morgan, Michael Mardi Gras Krewe of Omega 5/4/87 0387 Sheryl

Morris, Irene Camp Moore 10/19/81 0112 Joy Jackson, Karen W.

Morris, Irene Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/7/83 no tape Ginger

Morrison, James H. Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 5/13/72 Reel 10 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Morrison, James H. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/8/81 no tape Ginger

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 1, Tape 1 1/27/82 0186 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 1, Tape 2 1/27/82 0187 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 2 2/9/82 0188 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 3, Tape 1 2/15/82 0189 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 3, Tape 2 2/15/82 0190 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 4 3/9/82 0191 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 5, Tape 1 3/23/82 0192 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 5, Tape 2 3/23/82 0193 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 6, Tape 1 4/27/82 0194 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 6, Tape 2 4/27/82 0195 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 6, Tape 3 4/27/82 0196 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 6, Tape 4 4/27/82 0197 Joy Jackson, Michael Varnado

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 7, Tape 1 9/30/82 0198 Joy Jackson, Michael Ryan

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 7, Tape 2 9/30/82 0199 Joy Jackson, Michael Ryan

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 8, Tape 1 10/14/82 0200 Joy Jackson, Michael Ryan

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives
Session 8, Tape 2 10/14/82 0201 Joy Jackson, Michael Ryan

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/15/93 0463 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/15/93 0464 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/15/93 0465 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/15/93 0466 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/16/93 0467 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/22/93 0468 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/22/93 0469 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 9/22/93 0470 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 11/9/93 0471 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 11/11/93 0472 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 11/11/93 0473 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 11/22/93 0474 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Pictures on the Wall in the
Morrison Room 11/22/93 0475 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Interview About his Life and Career 2/28/87
0361 Oral History Class

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives Tape
1, Photos 1-75 6/27/91 0427 Dr. Joy Jackson

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives Tape2
7/10/91 0428 Dr. Joy Jackson

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives Tape3
7/10/91 0429 Dr. Joy Jackson

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives Tape
4 10/7/91 0430 Dr. Joy Jackson

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in SLU Archives Tape5
10/21/91 0431 Dr. Joy Jackson

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in the Morrison Room
5/26/94 0477A Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in the Morrison Room
5/26/94 0477B Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Identifying Photographs in the Morrison Room
5/26/94 0477C Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Interview in the Morrison Room 7/15/93 VT

Morrison, James H. Taping of Photographs in the Morrison Room
1/26/95 VT 0028 Richard Haydel

Morrison, James H. Speech at First Annual James H. Morrison
Lecture Series 4/21/95 VT 0029 Speech

Morrison, Marjorie Hammond Cultural Foundation, Hammond, La.
11/27/90 0423 Heather Goatcher

Mould, Patrick South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1017 1/25/96 7041 Chef

Mould, Patrick South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1022 2/29/96 7046 Chef

Muller, Wilfred George Family History 5/28/92 0456 Dr. Joy

Murphy, Clarence Percy History of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints 11/27/84 0225 Jeff Wingo

Murphy, Darryl History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints 11/12/84 0223 Jeff Wingo

Murphy, Jewel History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints 11/27/84 0225 Jeff Wingo

Murphy, Col. James His Experiences During WW II When Stationed
in England 9/24/81 0091 Oral History Class

Murphy, Col. James World War II 10/20/84 0216 Oral History

Muscarello, Mrs. Nicolina Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed
Under Baiamonte) 2/17/69 Reel 6 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Napier, J. H. III “Piney Woods Past: A Pastoral Elegy” 3/30/84
5052 Speech

Naquin, Sammy South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1028 6/20/96 7052 Music

Neelis, George Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/19/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Nelson, Dr. Harvard Digging Graves 9/7/90 0411 Brenda

Nesom, Dr. Rivers Autobiographical Information; Chemistry
Department at SLU 4/17/78 4013 Tim McIntire

Nethercutt, Ron Hammond Cultural Foundation, Hammond, La.
11/28/90 0423 Heather Goatcher

Nethercutt, Ron “You Are My Sunshine: Theme and Variations”
10/28/87 5074 Speech

Nethercutt, Ron Speech Given about “You Are My Sunshine” 4/14/94
VT 0026 Speech

Newton, Milton, Jr. Material Culture: Traition on the Landscape;
Housing 3/5/83 5044 Speech

Newton, Milton Jr. Water-Powered sawmills & related
structures in Piney Woods 3/31/84 5058 Speech

Nichols, C. Howard Life at SLU in the 1950’s 10/74 4000 Dr. Joy

Nichols, C. Howard Ethnic Culture 3/5/83 5042 Speech

Nichols, C. Howard People and Cultures in the Fla. Parishes:
Ethnic 3/5/83 5043 Speech

Nichols, C. Howard Art Deco Architecture on the Southeastern
Campus 9/12/84 5061 Speech

Nichols, C. Howard Sources for History of Florida Parishes
2/6/82 6020 Speech

Nichols, C. Howard Life at SLU in the 1950s 4/19/78 4009 Janie

Nichols, C. Howard About Desegregation of Higher Education
11/22/94 4039 Melissa Burchfield

Nicholosi, Antoinette Milioto Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/82 no tape Ginger

Nicholosi, Rosemond Memories of the Washington Parish Fair
9/25/94 0503 David M. Nicolosi

Nixon, Richard M. Watergate (Part I) 5/77 0117 David Frost

Nixon, Richard M. Watergate (Part II) 5/77 0118 David Frost

Nixon, Richard M. Foreign Affairs, Russia, China, Near East;
Brezniev & Kissinger 5/12/77 0019 David Frost

Nixon, Richard M. War in Viet Nam; Problems at Home 5/77 0020
David Frost

Nixon, Richard M. Agnew’s Resignation; The Final Days in
the White House 5/77 0021 David Frost

Nixon, Richard M. State of the Union Address (includes line, “I
am not a crook”) 1/30/74 5000 Speech

Noble, Clair A. About Clair Perrin and her Log Cabin 9/25/94
0478 Rodney Miller

Norris, Irene Sister to Ann Durel; About Growing up in Metairie
3/2/96 0513 Ann Durel

North, Carolyn George Memories of the Early Days of Camp Moore
Museum 4/22/75 0066 Irene Morris

Norwood, John Barrow Plantation Life in 1920s 3/23/84 0257 Susan

Notariano, Sam Salvadore Italian Folklore 10/26/83 0312 Harry

Noto, Laura Michelli Italian Folklore 8/18/83 0313 Harry

Odor, Frank Hungarians 1/26/84 0321 Ginger Romero

Odor, Olga Hungarians 1/26/84 0321 Ginger Romero

Ootsey, John Gospel Singer 1/11/84 0244 Joyce Jackson

Ootsey, John Gospel Singer 1/11/84 0245 Joyce Jackson

Organ and Brass Concert St. Joseph Abbey, Covington, La.
11/14/82 7006 Music

Ott, El Zack Carter and the Ott Family; Blues Music 4/7/84 0270
Ben Sandmel

Overmeier, Nancy Life in Loranger, 1915-1974; Dairy Industry in
Loranger 2/7/74 0001 Dr. Joy Jackson

Owens, Booker T. Split White Oak Baskets 2/29/84 0238 Nancy

Pandolfo, Rev. Lawrence Italian Folklore 1/10/84 0314 Harry

Parent, Glenda About St. Paul Lutheran Church when it was in
Ponchatoula 2/8/93 0461 Dr. Joy Jackson

Parker, Ann World War II 5/7/87 0381 Nancy Dutton

Parker, Clea Sophistication of the Visual Arts in Tangipahoa
Parish 3/19/85 0348 Hymel Falgoust

Parker, Clea Former President of Southeastern Louisiana
University 4/10/92 4029 Irving West, Jr.

Parker, Clea Informal Discussion of Presidents of SLU at
President’s House 9/27/92 VT 0019 Irving West, Jr.

Parker, Gary Dairying in Franklinton, La. 5/79 0076 Emma A.

Parker, Harry O. Depression 2/5/79 0059 Malcolm Maginnis,

Parrill, Anna Sue “Life on the Mississippi” 10/19/88 5083

Parril, Dr. William “Filmmaking in La. During the Silent Period:
The Lone Wolf” 9/1/83 5046 Speech

Parrill, William Silent Movies Made in Louisiana for Regional
Research 11/12/92 5090 Speech

Pascal, Robert “Our Civil Law Heritage in Louisiana” 2/28/80
6013 Speech

Pate, Violet Gospel Singer 4/7/84 0254 Susan Davis

Patecek, Frank Identifying His Family Photographs; Covington
11/23/80 0095 Dr. Joy Jackson

Patecek, Frank Identifying His Family Photographs; Covington
11/23/80 0096 Dr. Joy Jackson

Patel, Anil Planning for First Guaranty Bank Building 11/19/84
0340 Hymel Falgoust

Patrout, Alex South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1004 10/26/95 7028 Chef

Paul, Dr. Joan Women’s Basketball at SLU 3/21/78 4006
Janie Wilkins

Payton, Lilly Quilting 3/3/84 0258 Susan Davis

Peco, Ralph “Bill” Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 6/9/69 Reel 7 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Pecora, Mrs. A. L. Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 5/15/72 Reel 9 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Pecoraro, Anthony Family History 10/24/82 0164 Jennifer

Pecoraro, Cecile Genovese Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Pecoraro, Cecile Genovese Family History 9/25/82 0148 Jennifer

Pecu, Lena Family History 2/18/82 0161 Jennifer Drago

Penalber, Mrs. Celestine Early Life in Whitehall, La. 2/23/78
0029 Jo Ann Vicknair

Penalber, Mrs. Celestine Quilts, Washing Clothes, Home-made
Brooms & Soap;

Early History of Whitehall, La. 4/8/78 0052 Dr. Joy Jackson

Peoples, Morgan “Settlers in North Louisiana” 6/23/79 6012

Peoples, Morgan “The Sunshine Boy from Jackson Parish” 9/23/82
5038 Speech

Pepe, George Early Life in Sicily; Family History; Bogalusa
1/2/81 0094 Dr. Joy Jackson

Pepe, George Bogalusa; Great Southern Lumber Co; Labor;

Lumber Industry; William Sullivan 11/13/81 0123 Bill H.

Pepe, Mrs. George Early Life in Sicily; Family History 1/2/81
0093 Dr. Joy Jackson

Perkins, Kermit W. About Lake Pontchartrain Steamboat Activity
1/93 0459 Louis Vial

Perrin, Clara Smart McCarroll Sawmill in Holden; Her Father as
Sheriff, Livingston

Parish, 1904-1912; Log Cabin 5 Miles N. of Livingston 11/2/82
0131 Clark Forrest

Perrin, James M. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/7/82 no tape Ginger

Perrin, James M. Confederate Research 4/11/92 6047 Speech

Perrin, James M. Beginning in Genealogy 2/25/84 6033 Speech

Perrin, Orien Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/18/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Perrin, Shirley M. (Billie) About Clara Perrin and Her Log Cabin
9/26/94 0479 Rodney Miller

Peterson, Anne Speech on Photographs as Historical Records
3/6/82 5036 Speech

Peterson, Oscar You Are My Sunshine “Jazz at the Santa Monica”
7011 Music

Petitto, Frank About Family Background in the Strawberry
Industry of

South Louisiana (Italian) 10/1/94 0483 Eric Griffin

Pfeffer, Philip E. Covington Business 5/2/79 0071 Malcolm

Phillips, Dale Chalmette National Battlefield Park 11/9/90 0418
David Pye

Philipps, Mrs. Kathy Reactions to the Assassination of Pres.
John F. Kennedy by a

Student Attending Catholic University in Washington, D. C.
4/3/79 0048 Barbara Winfree

Picard, Mario and Others St. Joseph’s Day Altars, Baton
Rouge 3/18/84 0338 Nick Spitzer

Pigott, Ruth Life in Varnado, Louisiana, Washington Parish
2/21/84 0329 Dr. Joy Jackson

Pigott, Ruth Life in Varnado, Louisiana, Washington Parish
2/21/84 0330 Dr. Joy Jackson

Piney Woods People Exhibit in the Student Union for Plain Folk
Symposium 2/29-3/10/96 VT 0030

Pittman, Myrtle Family History 11/26/84 0227 Linda K.

Pizzolato, Joe Italian Folklore 9/13/83 0315 Harry Becnel

Plantago, Catherine Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/5/81 no tape Ginger

Plesandon, Ghislaine Court Cases in Colonial Archives in La. St.
Museum, Cabildo 4/15/78 6004 Speech

Pleasant, John About Desegregation in Higher Education 11/22/94
4040 Melissa Burchfield

Pocorello, Patty St. Joseph’s Altar Celebration 7/29/82
0075 Karen W. Warren

Poche, Floyd South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1018 2/1/96 7042 Chef

Polito, Josie Lamarca Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Poole, Lillian Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/18/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Pope John Paul II Triple Crown: Paradox of the Pope; Arrival of
Pope in N.O. 9/11/87 VT 0003

Pope John Paul II Pope in N. O.: Service in St. Louis Cathedral;
In Superdome 9/87 VT 0004

Pope John Paul II Youth Meeting in the Superdome; Mass at UNO on
Lakefront 9/87 VT 0005

Posey, Diane St. Joseph’s Day Altars 12/6/81 0118 Karen W.

Pottle, Ralph Development of & Experiences at SLU; First
head Music Dept. 9/11/80 4021 Lydia Randazzo

Pottle, Ralph Visual Arts Development in Tangipahoa Parish
10/23/84 0340 Hymel Falgoust

Prescia, Jake Italian Folklore 8/15/83 0316 Harry Becnel

Prescia, Jenny Italian Folklore 8/15/83 0316 Harry Becnel

Prestigiacomb, Mary Bonfanti Italian Folklore 10/15/83 0304
Harry Becnel

Price, Hal About SLU Police 11/11/94 4042 Jewdeia William

Prokop, Julia Hungarian Cooking; Embroidery 2/1/84 0323 Ginger

Proxmire, Sen. William Speech on Inflation; Question and Answer
Period 4/12/80 5013 Speech

Prudhomme, Enola South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1001 10/5/95 7025 Chef

Prudhomme, Enola South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1006 11/9/95 7030 Chef

Puckett, Linda Women’s Basketball at SLU 4/19/78 4012
Janie Wilkins

Purser, John SLU during WW II; Hammond During WW II 4/4/78 0127
Susan Barrett

Putman, Elder Paul About Being a Morman Missionary 12/2/90 0454
Brenda Gallaher

Pyburn, Robert Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/21/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Ragusa, Charles Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/2/81 no tape Ginger

Randol, Frank South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1023 3/7/96 7047 Chef

Rayburn, B. B. “Sixty” Tribute to “Sixty” Rayburn 1996 VT 0033

Recatto, Ann Giancone Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/9/81 no tape Ginger

Reed, Angela About Riding a New Orleans Streetcar for the First
Time 1/30/96 0511 Ann Durel

Reed, Joan Bahm Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/1/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Reineke, George Oral History with Louisiana’s Cajuns and
Creoles 10/8/82 9915 Speech

Resetar, Mary Hungarian Cooking 2/1/84 0322 Ginger Romero

Rhodes, Donald About Desegregation of Higher Education 11/21/94
4041 Melissa Burchfield

Richard, Belton South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1023 3/7/96 7047 Music

Richard, Mike South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1021 2/22/96 7045 Chef

Richard, Mike South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1025 3/21/96 7049 Chef

Richard, Zachary South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1003 10/19/95 7027 Music

Richard, Zachary South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1018 2/1/96 7042 Music

Richardson, Tarlie Gardening; Quilting 3/5/84 0253 Susan

Ricks, Junie Camp Moore (Part 1) 11/5/76 0067 Irene Morris

Ricks, Junie Camp Moore (Part II) 11/5/76 0068 Irene Morris

Rigdel, Colin Family History in Natalbany, La. 3/20/78 0040
Elizabeth Ridgel

Rigdel, Helen Family History in Natalbany, La. 3/18/78 0037
Elizabeth Ridgel

Rigdel, Louis Family History in Natalbany, La. 3/19/78 0039
Elizabeth Ridgel

Riley, Steve South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1005 11/2/95 7029 Music

Roberts, Edgar E. Navy Destroyer, Seaman (AS) Europe (North
& South

Atlantic/Med. Sea 3/22/99 12,016 Judson McKnight

Robertson, Conerly D. Technician, 5th Grade, 297th Salvage
Repair Co., Army, Pacific 9/28/99 12,026 Ted Butler

Robichaux, Albert Acadians of Southeast Louisiana 7/14/84 6035

Robin, Lionel South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1003 10/19/95 7027 Chef

Robinson, Brooks & Dorothy Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/14/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Robinson, Miss Francis Life in the Early 20th Century at
Natalbany; Lumber Industry 5/31/77 0016 Dr. Joy Jackson

Robison, William “Reasearching Family History in British
Archives: Survey of

16th and 17th Century Sources” 2/9/84 6029 Speech

Robison, William Sources for Genealogy in Britain 2/25/84 6032

Robison, William Christopher Columbus 10/12/92 VT 0021

Robison, William “The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and End of
World War II” 3/13/95 5092 Speech

Rockin’ Dopsie South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco
Radio Show #1019 2/8/96 7043 Music

Rodrigue, Yvette About Working at Olympic National Park 11/20/90
0419 David Pye

Roemer, Gov. Buddy Inauguration of Gov Buddy Roemer 3/14/88 VT

Romero, Ginger Her Family History 3/24/92 VT 0014 Oral History

Romero, Ginger Strawberry Labels 10/81 0092 Oral History

Romero, Ginger Speech About Strawberries 3/15/84 5050 Speech

Romero, Dr. Sidney Social Studies Department at SLU from the
1950s to 1978 3/20/78 4005 Dr. Joy Jackson

Romero, Dr. Sidney Job of Vice-President of Academic Affairs at
SLU on WFPR 8/26/80 4018 Mary Pirosko

Romero, Dr. Sidney Genealogical Symposium 2/26/83 6023

Romero, Dr. Sidney World War II 10/24/84 0208 Oral History

Romero, Dr. Sidney About his Life and Career as a
Chaplain’s Assistant, about His

Religion in the Rebel Ranks, and His History Career 4/9/87
0359 Oral History Class

Roper, Mrs. Eva Wiggins Folktales (original) from Southeast
Alabama 1956-57 Reels 4&5 Lou Ellen Ballard

Roselle, Sister Life and Career as a Teacher 2/6/87 0383 Sheryl

Roshto, Mrs. Burning of Mt. Hermon School in 1983 5/3/87 0380
Nancy Dutton

Rouse, Dr. Cleg Ottis Dairying in Frankinton, La. 5/79 0076 Emma
A. Route

Route, Emma Dairying in Franklinton, Louisiana; How to

an Oral History Topic 5/79 0077 Dr. Joy Jackson

Route, Gregory Family History; Rural Life in a Black Family in
North LA 3/1/79 0063 Emma A. Route

Ruffin, Daniel Country/Western Guitarist; Blues Guitarist
2/22/84 0272 Ben Sandmel

Rusciano, Joe Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/10/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Russell, George You Are My Sunshine “Outer Thoughts” 7013

Russell, John Motorcycle Racing; Accident and its Impact 1/29/79
0060 Malcolm Maginnia

SGA Debate Deckwa and Duncan 1997-98 Presidential Candidates
1997 VT 0034 Debate

Sagga, Chris South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1027 6/13/96 7051 Chef

Salomone, Jerome J. “The Italian Experience in La.”; Italian
Century Week 10/22/82 5041 Speech

Salomone, Jerome J. Folklore, Ritual and Festivals and Music;
Ritual and Festivals 3/5/83 5044 Speech

Salomone, Jerome J. Folklore, Ritual and Festivals and Music;
Ritual and Festivals 3/5/83 5045 Speech

Salomone, Jerome J. His Life and Work 10/90 0426 Oral History

Salter, Mrs. Adele Tangipahoa Parish Library 4/4/78 0049 Barbara

Saltus, Allen R. Jr. How the Wooden Boat Festival Started 11/92
0458 Dr. Joy Jackson

Salvaggio, Tony St. Joseph’s Day Altar 2/16/84 0292 Maida

Sampere, Anthony Italian Folklore 12/28/83 0317 Harry Becnel

Sampere, John Italian Folklore 12/28/83 0317 Harry Becnel

Sanders, Mary Elizabeth La Comite des Archive de la Louiaiane
11/9/81 6016 Speech

Santangello, Rose St. Joseph’s Day Altars 12/7/81 0119
Karen W. Warren

Saragusa, Crocifissi St. Joseph’s Day Altars 11/17/94 0489
Tara Slaton

Savarina, Grace Liuzza Italian History; Italian Folklore 9/10/83
0311 Harry Becnel

Savoy, Ann South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1024 3/14/96 7048 Music

Schilling, Harmon L. Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. C.B.T. 3/26/99
12,017 John Hanchey

Schmidt, Kish Hammond Cultural Foundation, Hammond, La. 11/30/90
0425 Heather Goatcher

Schwabacher, Lawrence Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/22/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Scimeca, Mrs. Annie Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed under
Baiamonte) 2/17/69 Reels 6&7 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Scimeca, M/M Dominick Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/22/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Scott, Lillie Women’s Basketball at SLU 4/23/78 4012 Janie

Seale, Francis Air Force, Pilot, Major Southwest Pacific 5th
380th BG 7/20/99 12,018 Ted Butler

Seale, T. Jay, Jr. Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/6/81 no tape Ginger

Seale, T Jay III Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 10/15/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Sellers, Fay Collinswood School Museum, Ponchatoula, La.
11/27/90 0416 Angela Benoit

Setton, Dr. Patirck Autobiographical Information; Chemistry Dept
at SLU 4/10/78 4008 Tim McIntire

Setton, Dr. Patrick Former Vice President of SLU 5/4/92 4032
Irving West, Jr.

Shafer, Duane Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1981 no tape Ginger

Shafer, Catherine Sanders Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1981 no tape Ginger

Shafer, Duane Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary, no tape) 2/24/82
Ginger Romero

Shaffer, Joe Hungarian Settlement; The Great Depression 5/4/87
0372 Ginger Romero

Shaw, Mrs. Kay Tangipahoa Parish Library 4/11/78 0053 Barbara

Shaw, Ralph Faculty Member in Dept of Chemistry and Physics.

Award for Excellence in Teaching 9/2/92 4038 Dr. Joy Jackson

Sheffler, Francis South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1010 12/7/95 7034 Chef

Shelton, Freddy Gates, Livingston Parish Louisiana 3/15/84 0274
Maida Bergeron

Shelton, Freddy Gates, Livingston Parish Louisiana 3/15/84 0275
Maida Bergeron

Shiels, Voncile Collingswood School Museum Ponchatoula, La.
11/30/90 0417 Angela Benoit

Sibley, Winnie General Information about the Quad Area Serving

Complying of Federal Guidelines, and Political Ramifications
4/19/96 0520 Jane S. Sullivan

Simeon, Maudie Gardening; Pentecostal 3/26/84 0281 Maida

Simeon, Maudie Gardening; Pentecostal 3/26/84 0282 Maida

Simmers, Pam About her Life in New Orleans 3/5/96 0514 Aliacia

Simpson, Dudley Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/28/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Sinagra, Rose Italian Folklore 1/15/83 0318 Harry Becnel

Smart, Paul F. Tracing Scottish Lines-Genealogical Sources

Smart, Edna Settoon Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/7/81 no tape Ginger

Smart, Victor Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 5/7/81 no tape Ginger

Smith, Allen Cajuns; Accordions 2/21/84 0289 Maida Bergeron

Smith, Allen Cajuns; Accordions 2/21/84 0290 Maida Bergeron

Smith, Brenda Pilot Town 5/4/92 0438 Michael Steimle

Smith, Charles Pilot Town 5/4/92 0437 Michael Steimle

Smith, Daisy Train Derailment in Livingston, Livingston Parish,
Louisiana 10/15/94 0481 Rodney Miller

Smith, David and Edna Pilot Town 5/1/92 0439 Michael Steimle

Smith, Dr. G. Warren Inauguration at Southeastern University
12/19/87 4024 Speech

Smith, Dr. G. Warren Southeastern University Faculty Convocation
Address 8/26/88 4026 Speech

Smith, Dr. G. Warren Discussion of Presidents of SLU at the
President’s House 9/27/92 VT 0019 Irving West, Jr.

Smith, Julius W. About the Lumber Industry in Livingston Parish,
LA 11/20/94 0496 Todd A. Billiot

Smith, Pauline Cajuns; Accordions 2/21/84 0289 Maida

Smith, Pauline Cajuns; Accordions 2/21/84 0290 Maida

Snellgrove, Benny About his Life and Career in the Merchant
Marines 4/23/87 0360 Oral History Class

Southworth, John Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/5/80 no tape Ginger

Spain, Estherlee V. Family History of First Black Family in
Hammond, LA 2/1/78 0024 Dr. Joy Jackson

Spain, Estherlee V. Family History of First Black Family in
Hammond, LA 2/22/78 0028 Janie Wilkins

Sparacello, Jim Interviewed for Thesis (Summary Filed Under
Baiamonte) 5/12/72 Reel 9 John V. Baiamonte, Jr.

Spitzer, Nick Comments & Introductions, Fla. Parishes
Folklife Conf. 3/5/83 5042 Speech

Spitzer, Nick “Folklife in La.” 3/13/84 9911 Speech

Spitzer, Nick Folklife 10/84 9912 Oral History Class

Spitzfaden, Paul R. About Being Mayor of Mandeville, La.
11/16/89 0405 Isabel Singer Gathright

Stabiler, Margaret Ferrara Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/27/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Stables, John H. English Genealogy (There is a Paper that goes
with Tape) 6022

Starnes, Helen Kidder Hotel in Hammond, La.; Mr. Kidder
Proprietor 3/12/74 0004 Dr. Joy Jackson

Stanley, Rovan W., Sr. Family History of First Black Family in
Hammond, La. 3/15/78 0036 Janie Wilkins

Stassi, Cecelia Graziano Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/15/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Stassi, Tony Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/12/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Steidtmann, C.E. Family History; Early Days in Springfield, La.
10/29/77 0022 Dr. Joy Jackson

Steimle, Bernard How to Chop Wood 2/4/92 0435 Michael

Stewart, M/M Luther Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/3/83 no tape Ginger

Stewart, Roy M., Jr. Marines, Cpl. Machine Gun Crewman, Pacific
4/8/99 12,019 Keith Finley

Stewart, Stella Benson Daughters of 1812 5/2/90 0409 Deanna

Stewart, Tom World War II and Civil Rights March in Bogalusa 54
Samuel Hyde Jr.

Sullivant, Delafield Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/8/83 no tape Ginger

Swaim, Ann Family Interview 10/84 0213 Eddie Swaim

Sykes, Mary Ann Mardi Gras Krewe of Omega 5/5/87 0388 Sheryl

Sziber, Katie Mocsary Family 2/23/87 0364 Victoria Mocsary

Szymoniak, Edna Depression in Hammond 11/84 0222 Michael

Szymoniak, Edna Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 1/3/82 no tape Ginger

Talbot, Georgia First Guarantee Bank Gallery 1/28/85 0341 Hymel

Tamburello, Rev. Dominick Italian Folklore and History 8/17/83
0300 Harry Becnel

Tamburello, Rev. Dominick Italian Folklore and History 8/17/83
0301 Harry Becnel

Tamburello, Rev. Dominick St. Joseph’s Day Altars 3/17/81
0088 Karen W. Warren

Tardo, Barbara Towards a Sophistication in Visual Arts of
Tangipahoa Parish 3/6/85 0344 Hymel Falgoust

Tate, Inez St. Helena Parish History 2/14/84 0333 Dr. Joy

Tate, Inez St. Helena Parish History 2/14/84 0334 Dr. Joy

Tate, Mrs. Lena Her Family History 3/4/79 0063 Emma A. Route

Taylor, A. J. P. The Path to World War II 8433 Speech

Taylor, Ben About Lake Pontchartrain Basin Society 10/27/94 0506
Eugenie L. Orgeron

Taylor, Jude South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1006 11/9/95 7030 Music

Thames, Dr. Deloach His Life as a Doctor 1983 0229 C. Howard

Thames, Dr. Deloach His Life as a Doctor 4/28/85 0230 C. Howard

Thames, Dr. Deloach His Life as a Doctor 4/28/85 0231 C. Howard

Thibodeaux, Waylon South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1004 10/26/95 7028 Music

Thiel, Andy Track Coach for SLU 5/1/92 4033 Ron Anderson

Thielemans, Toots You Are My Sunshine “The Soul of Toots
Thielemans” 7012 Music

Thigpen, Delbert J. Great Nightmares of World War II,
reminiscences of Corp.

Delbert Thigpen, Serial #383777 VT 0016

Thigpen, Delbert J. Memories of CCC Camp 1933 6/21/92 VT

Thomas, Emory Marse Robert at Mid-Life for Deep Delta Civil War
Sym. 6/25/88 5080 Speech

Thomas, Mrs. Hattie History of Black Churches–Greater Rosehill
Missionary 3/31/78 0046 Janie Wilkins

Thompson, Bailey “Shreveport Commercial District”; La.
Historical Symposium 3/26/83 6026 Speech

Thompson, Luke Fiddler 3/8/84 0235 Terry Seelinger

Thorne, Christopher The Path to World War II 8433 Speech

Tietje, Burt Speech Given at Oral History Workshop, Baton Rouge,
La 12/80 9904 Speech

Todd, Harold About SLU Police 11/17/94 4043 Jewdeia Williams

Toney, Mary A. Family Interview 11/81 0108 Marilyn Vessier

Torme`, Mel You Are My Sunshine on “Together Again”/w Buddy Rich

Toups, Wayne South To Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio Show
#1013 7037 Music

Tozana, Juila Bread Making 2/1/92 0434 Judyth Demerest

Town, Hayes National Guard 10/15/81 0121 Jeff Hages

Trammel, Linda About Being a Mormon Missionary 11/28/90 0453
Brenda Gallaher

Trapp, Bel World War II and Southeastern Louisiana University
1995 4045 Christina Chapple

Trapp, Fred World War II and Southeastern Louisiana University
1995 4045 Christina Chapple

Triolo, Charles Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/21/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Tucker, Ed Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/15/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Tucker, Stephen Fla. Parishes Folklife Conf. Folklore, Ritual,
Festivals & Music 3/5/83 5045 Speech

Tuger, Al Hungarian Settlement; The Great Depression 4/28/87
0368 Victoria Mocsary

Tullos, Rufus Dairying in Franklinton, La. 5/79 0076 Emma A.

Tytler, Dr. Graeme Martha Lacy Hall: Short Story Writer 10/5/92
VT 0020 Speech

Uli Family History 9/25/82 0159 Jennifer Drago

Underwood, Nancy L. Supervisor of Elections/Publications with
the State of La. 9/5/94 0493 Todd A. Billiot

Vail, Rhetta Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 7/7/81 no tape Ginger

Valure, Nancy Burregi Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/8/81 no tape Ginger

Van Zandt, George E. Army Infantry–later Regt. Supply Sgt.
Staff Sgt./

South West Pacific 5/5/99 12,020 Keith Finley

Varnado, Mike Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 3/18/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Vaughan, Myra Parker Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 4/12/81 no tape
Ginger Romero

Veatch, Eddie Working as a Jazz Musician 4/3/78 0048 Barbara

Verrett, Erroll South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1010 12/7/95 7034 Music

Vessier, R. T. Childhood through Teen Year 11/29/81 0110 Marilyn

Vicknair, Jo Ann Sausage Making 1/78 0023 Glenn Maxwell

Vicknair, Jo Ann Recipes for Preparing Squirrel 11/24/78 0058
Allison Rush

Vinyard, Juliana Verberg Camp Moore Cemetery Tree Planting
Project in 1924 5/17/77 0085 Irene Morris

Vogt, Harriet Fanfare 8/92 4036 Dr. Joy Jackson

Von See, John W. Army 10th Mt. Division Battery B 616th Field

T 4, ETO (Italy) 4/5/99 12,021 Judson McKnight

Vujnovich, Nilos M. Yugoslavs of Louisiana 7/14/84 6034

Wagner, Barbara Mardi Gras Krewe of Omega 5/2/87 0384 Sheryl

Wagner, Bennie C. Lumber Industry in Livingston Parish 11/18/94
0495 Todd A. Billiot

Wakelyn, Jon Education of Confederate Leaders 6/25/88 5079

Wakelyn, Jon Education of Confederate Leaders 6/25/88 5080

Wale, William St. Joseph’s Altars 4/3/81 0087 Karen W.

Walker, Barbara Kind of Archaeology, or why dig that uP?
It’s best forgotten 9/12/84 5060 Speech

Walker, Barbara About her Uncle 9/84 0206 Dr. Joy Jackson

Walker, Capt. State Police, 1940s; Personal Interview 4/2/80
0138 Roman Heleniak

Wall, Allen “Dick” Trapping; Shrimping; Strawberry Farming near
Springfield, La. 3/30/84 0285 Maida Bergeron

Wallace, Liston E. About books he wrote,
The Life I Lived and
From Here to

Yonder (poems); Dairying in Kentwood 11/21/85 0395 Dr. Joy

Ward, Maude Rogers Life in Loranger, La. 1/22/88 0396 Dr. Joy

Warm, Walter W. Grist Mill Operator 3/6/84 0249 Susan Davis

Warner, Ozzie Mae Washington Parish Fair; Making lye soap;
Making lye hominy 11/10/81 0100 Marilyn Vessier

Warren, Calvin Rodeo Clown 10/5/81 0113 Karen W. Warren

Warren, Claudia Women’s Basketball at SLU 4/14/78 4012
Janie Wilkins

Warren, Maggie Family History Interview 10/28/81 0114 Karen W.

Warren, Mary Bondurant Colonial North and South Carolina Records
1/18/92 6042 Speech

Warren, Mary Bondurant Revolution and Early State and Country
Records 1/18/92 6043 Speech

Warren, Mary Bondurant Questions and Answers Given at a
Genealogy Seminar 1/18/92 6044 Speech

Warren, Toby Family History Interview 10/28/81 0115 Karen W.

Wascom, Charley Lumber Industry in Folsom 4/1/81 0090 Karen W.

Wascom, Dr. Earl Ray His Naturalist Work in North Georgia;
Connection with Eliot

Wigginton and
Foxfire 5/5/78 0055 Tim McIntire

Wascom, Dr. Earl Ray Autobiographical Information; Chemistry
Department at SLU 3/29/78 4008 Tim McIntire

Wascom, Leontine “Tootie” Burning of Mt. Hermon School in 1983
4/18/87 0376 Nancy Dutton

Wascom, Rex Van Jr. Interview About Trotline Fishing 4/87 0374
Nancy Dutton

Wascom, Rex Van Jr. Burning of Mt. Hermon School in 1983 4/20/87
0378 Nancy Dutton

Watson, Clyde O. Army 168 AAA Battery/607th Coastal Artillery

Pacific (South/Central) 3/23/99 12,022 Keith Finley

Watson, Sandy Finding Old Bones and Shells While Farming in

Louisiana Near Camp Moore 1975 0065 Irene Morris

Watts, Charlie Fiddler 4/6/84 0236 Terry Seelinger

Wayne, Paul Stevedore, Coxwain in Navy, Philippines 10/16/00
12,029 Reginald Span

Weary, Esau Blues 4/7/84 0265 Ben Sandmel

Webb, Mary , Mrs. Clifford Clifford Webb and the Webb-Payne Map
Collection Archives 11/6/92 0457 Dr. Joy Jackson

Webb, Rick WFPR Radio Station 11/84 0218 Tim Chauvin

Wegmann, Virginia St. Joseph Altar Celebration in New Orleans
7/12/82 0081 Karen W. Warren

Welch, Louvenia Quilting, Crocheting 3/5/84 0252 Susan Davis

Welch, Rosemarie Bahm Talking About Her Father, Jack Bahm
4/20/80 0080 Dr. Joy Jackson

Welles, John His World War II Experiences 11/30/90 0413
Elizabeth Johnson

Welles, John His World War II Experiences 12/13/99 12,027
Charles Elliott & Bob Anderson

Welles, Shirley Her Experiences During World War II 12/1/90 0414
Elizabeth Johnson

Whitley, Frances Campbell Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 2/23/83 no tape
Ginger Romero

Wicker, Gladys Quilter 5/13/84 0243 Joyce Jackson

Wilcox, James World War II and Southeastern Louisiana University
1995 4044 Christina Chapple

Wiley, Rev. C. B. Navy, EM 3/C Pacific 4/30/99 12,023 John

Williams, Benard R. Jr. World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War
experiences 2/1/08 12,049 Andrew Barr

Williams, Dewey Fiddler 0233 Terry Seelinger

Williams, E. Russ Use of Records in Florida Parishes 4/15/78
6003 Speech

Williams, E. Russ “Migrant Trails to and through La.;”
Genealogical Symposium 2/26/83 6023 Speech

Williams, G. Dewey Fiddler; Anglo 4/26/84 0335 Dr. Joy

Williams, John World War II experiences 3/18/08 12,050 Andrew

Williams, Nora About Hungarian Settlement near Albany, La.
11/8/84 0219 Michael Ryan

Williams, Nathan South to Louisiana! A Cajun and Zydeco Radio
Show #1007 11/16/95 7031 Music

Williams, T. Harry Abraham Lincoln 1977 5007 Speech

Williams, T. Harry Techniques of Oral History 1976 9900

Wilson, Samuel Jr. “Arhcival Research in France” 3/24/79 6007

Winfree, James L. Sr. Family History in Crockett, Tx. (Part I)
2/23/78 0030 Barbara Winfree

Winfree, James L. Sr. Family History in Crockett, Tx. (Part II)
2/23/78 0031 Barbara Winfree

Wingo, Jeff About Arrow Heads 9/84 0207 Richard Bruhl

Wingo, Mrs. T. H. About Kitchen Family 10/84 0214 Jeff Wingo

Womack, Vivian St. Helena Parish Farming 4/10/84 0036 Dr. Joy

Womack, Vivian St. Helena Parish Farming 4/10/84 0337 Dr. Joy

Wood, Beth Interview About Working Offshore 2/12/87 0373 Nancy

Wood, Hannah Quilting; Jewish History 3/84 0255 Susan Davis

Wood, Roy L. Army, Lt. Colonel, Pacific 4/16/99 12,024 John

Woods, Estelle Jordan Interview for
Louisiana Strawberry Story (Summary) 9/20/82 no tape
Ginger Romero

Wright, Don View on the Development of Art in Tangipahoa Parish
2/26/85 0342 Hymel Falgoust

Wyche, Dr. Billy “Labor in the Florida Parishes Lumber Industry,
1900-1920” 9/1/83 5046 Speech

Wyche, Dr. Billy The N. O. Typographical Union Defends the
Confederacy 3/15/91 5089 Speech

Wyche, Dr. Billy “The Fall of Nazi Germany and the Allied
Occupation” 4/24/95 5095 Speech

Yarborugh, Champ State Police 1940s; Personal Interview 5/13/80
0137 Roman Heleniak

Young, Father Hermitage Plantation 11/14/90 0418 David Pye

Young, Willie Mae Corn Shuck Crafts 4/7/84 0239 Nancy

Zacchari, Ronald Developing Sophistication of Visual Arts in
Tangipahoa Parish 3/18/85 0347 Hymel Falgoust

Zachary Taylor Parkway, A Journey of Opportunity, video, 18
minutes 1999 0040

Zieske, Art Collinswood School Museum 11/29/90 0416 Angela

Zito, Josephine St. Joseph’s Altar in Baton Rouge; B. R.
St. Joseph Society 7/12/82 0128 Karen W. Warren