Photo Collection
Negatives: Forty-nine artifacts in the Archives in Eva McCracken
and Nathaniel Pigott collections.
Eva McCracken Collection Artifacts
Neg. 1-Man with a white beard sitting in a chair holding a
book, believed to be Melzar Waterman
(2½” x 4¼”)
Neg. 2-Grandpa McCracken (2½” x 4¼”)
Neg. 3-Picture of Susan Maria McCracken (5″ x 7″)
Neg. 4- Picture of a small child, tintype (5″ x 7″)
Neg. 5- Picture of a baby, tinted picture, Holly Anderson?
on back (4″ x 6″)
Neg. 6-Young lady posing on a balcony (4¼” x
Neg. 7-Lady sitting holding a book with a little boy
standing beside her (4¼” x 6½”)
Neg. 8-Susan Marie Waterman McCracken in a frame (4½”
x 6½”)
Neg. 9-Picture album (brown with Carrie Libby stenciled on
Neg. 10-Pair of eyeglasses in case; James McCracken’s
tinder box; Small coin purse (pearl with
New Orleans, La. on front) containing small coin dated 1800
Neg. 11-James McCracken’s necessary
Neg. 12-Picture of a baby in a folding picture frame (2″ x
Neg. 13-Brown picture album
Neg. 14-Pair of eyeglasses and case
Neg. 15-Oval cardboard that had been on a picture (8″ x
Neg. 16-James McCracken’s wallet; Books (2½” x
4″)-1) 1896
Book of Common Prayer has on
front: To Pauline from her God-Mother Mrs. J. N. W. Otto. 2)
The Hymnal, has four leaf clover in it.
Neg. 17-James McCracken’s leather collar and cuff box
Neg. 18-Celluloid collars and cuffs
Neg. 19-James McCracken’s waistcoat (velvet and all hand
Neg. 20-James McCracken’s folding school slate (12″ x I5″)
–believed to date to the early 1830s
Neg. 21-Framed picture of 25 men and women (12″ x 15″).
Note on back: Mary Antin found this
picture in the attic of the Adams home after she and Walter
bought it. Woman on front row left side is Susan Marie Waterman
McCracken and the man behind her is James McCracken.
Neg. 22-Susan Maria Waterman McCracken’s carriage
umbrella–black with a folding handle
Neg. 23-Susan Marie Waterman McCracken in an ornate metal
frame (5″ x 7″)
Neg. 24-Empty ornate metal frame (5″ x 7″)
Neg. 25-Red picture album (family heirloom dating back to
Pigott Collection Artifacts
Neg. 26-Knife
Neg. 27-Knife
Neg. 28-Postal Souvenirs Album with 35 picture
Neg. 29-Postal Souvenirs Album open showing first picture
Neg. 30-Small set of surveying drafting tools
Neg. 31-Bull horn
Neg. 32–Sterling silver parasol handle
Neg. 33-Hatchet Head
Neg. 34-Handmade wooden pop gun toy
Neg. 35-Burlap bag of flints
Neg. 36–Sterling silver brooch
Neg. 37–Hat pin, monogrammed
Neg. 38-156 Picture box(loose postcards
Neg. 39-Sterling silver evening purse
Neg. 40-Rug hooking instrument
Eva McCracken Collection
Neg. 41-Glass cup with metal bowl attached to the top of
it. The metal bowl has holes in it.
Neg. 42-James McCracken’s pipe bowls (2)–one shaped like a
Neg. 43-A very small spoon with holes in it, goes with the
glass cup in Neg. 41
Neg. 44-Susan Maria Waterman McCracken’s thimble; Susan
Maria Waterman McCracken’s collar
pin (stud); Picture of Susan Maria Waterman McCracken (1″ x
Neg. 45-James McCracken’s pocket watch; J. W. McCracken’s
tie clasp; John C. McCracken’s
bicycle name plate
Neg. 46-James McCracken’s jewelry box with items within
(red velvet, 5″ x 6″ x 3″ high)
Neg. 47-Folding picture frame (2″ x 2″)–lady on one side
and a little child on the other side
Neg. 48-Brown poetry album. In the front is written “A
birthday gift to our sister from Thomas and
Kate, New Orleans, July 5, 1852, Miss Susan M. Waterman”
Neg. 49-Picture of James McCracken (2″ x 3″)