Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

Career of a Congressman

Career of a Congressman

Photos of Exhibit

CAREER OF A CONGRESSMAN (This was an exhibit
displayed at the Clark Hall Gallery by the Center for Regional
Studies using the photographs from Cong. James H. Morrison’s
Collection. It consists of 117 3 x 5 photographs, color and
B&W, 117 35mm negatives-Photographs 1-33 were taken July
25, 1983 and show scenes from the reception given for the exhibit.
Photographs 34-81 (color) and photographs 82-117 (B&W) were
taken August 1983 and show scenes of the exhibit itself as it was
display in Clark Hall Gallery.)

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1-33 July 25, 1983 3 x 5 1 of each original color print 35mm

Scenes from the reception given for the exhibit in Clark Hall

34-81 August 1983 3 x 5 1 of each original color print 35mm

82-117 August 1983 3 x 5 1 of each original B&W print 35mm

Scenes of the exhibit itself as it was hung in Clark Hall