Flood in Mississippi, 1927

Flood in Mississippi, 1927

Photo Collection


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1 1927 8 x 10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Train and houses under water. Valley Park, Mississippi,
May 2, 1927 written on picture.

2 1927 8 x 10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows top of train, train station, cars, cows, and houses
under water. Yd. M. V. R. R. Station, Egremont, Mississippi, May
2, 1927 written on picture.

3 1927 8 x 10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of railroad track with horses and cows on it. north
from railroad water tank, Leland, Mississippi, April 30, 1927
written on picture.

4 1927 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of a railroad track with cows and horses on it.
Buildings to the right of track are under water. Leland,
Mississippi, May 1, 1927 written picture.

5 1927 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of a bridge that has collapsed in the middle and is
touching the water. There are about ten men standing on the
bridge. BR. L123-2, May 9, 1927 written on picture.

6 1927 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of a partially submerged railroad track with a man
sitting on it holding up the number 28. Near Helm, Mississippi,
BR L133-4, May 9, 1927 written on picture.

62 35mm Negatives (some duplicates)These
photographs were taken in Valley Park, Leland, Greenville,
Cleveland, Greenwell, Arcola, E. Cairo, Wickliffe, Rolling Fork,
and near Helm, Mississippi in April and May 1927.

Page 1, Negs. 18, 32; Page 2, Neg.
Greenville, Mississippi, April 30, 1927, Shows
some houses under water.

Page 1, Neg. 19; Page 2, Neg. 7

Cleveland-Leland, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Water
with just the tops of houses showing and some boats in the

Page 1, Neg. 20

Cleveland-Leland, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Water
with just the tops of some trees showing.

Page 1, Neg. 21

Mississippi, April 26, 1927, Rescue boat in the

Page 1, Neg. 22

Leland, Mississippi, April 25, 1927, Scene of people
in boats.

Page 1, Neg. 23

Near Leland, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Boats on the

Page 1, Negs. 26 & 28

Wicliffe to E. Cairo, Mississippi, April 22, 1927,

Page 1, Neg. 27

E. Cairo, Mississippi, April 22, 1927, Scene of some

Page 1, Negs 31 & 34; Page 2, Neg. 24

Cleveland, Mississippi, April 24, 1927, People lined
up between railroad track and the road.

Page 1, Neg. 33

Greenville, Mississippi, April 30, 1927, Buildings
under water.


Page 2, Neg. 1

Arcola, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Water with animals
on land to the right of picture.

Page 2, Neg. 2

Arcola, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Scene showing
buildings under water.

Page 2, Neg. 3

Arcola, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Scene showing
houses flooded.

Page 2, Negs. 4 & 20

Greenville, Mississippi, April 30, 1927, Scene
showing people trying to get away from the flood.

Page 2, Neg. 5

Arcola, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Island of land with
animals on them.

Page 2, Negs. 6 & 8

Greenville, Mississippi, April 30, 1927, Scene
showing flooded streets.

Page 2, Neg. 9

Leland, Mississippi, April 25, 1927, People in horse
and buggy getting away from the flood.

Page 2, Neg. 10

Leland, Mississippi, April 30, 1927, Scene showing
flooded buildings.

Page 2, Neg. 11

Leland, Mississippi, April 25, 1927, Scene showing a
flooded house.

Page 2, Neg. 12

Leland, Mississippi, April 25, 1927, Relief party
near Leland, Mississippi, April 25, 1927 written on bottom right
corner of picture.

Page 2, Neg. 13

Rolling Fork, Mississippi, May 2, 1927, Scene showing
cars under water.

Page 2, Neg. 14

Rolling Fork, Mississippi, May 2, 1927, Scene showing
train cars under water.

Page 2, Neg. 15

Mississippi, May 12, 1927, Scene of a flooded

Page 2, Neg. 16

Rolling Fork, Mississippi, May 12, 1927, Scene of a
flooded railroad track.

Page 2, Neg. 17

Greenville, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Scene showing
train cars flooded.

Page 2, Neg. 18

Greenville, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, A group of men
walking across a street.

Page 2, Neg. 19

Greenville, Mississippi, April 30, 1984, Scene of a

Page 2, Neg. 21

Cleveland, Mississippi, April 24, 1984, Scene of a
lot of tents.

Page 2, Neg. 22

Cleveland, Mississippi, April 24, 1927, Scene showing
people standing beside a railroad track.

Page 2, Neg. 23

Cleveland, Mississippi, Scene of people standing
beside some tents.

Page 2, Neg. 25

Wickliffe, Mississippi, April 22, 1927, Scene of a
railroad track surrounded by water.

Page 2, Neg. 26

Greenville, Mississippi, April 30, 1927, Scene of a
horse and buggy going through some water.

Page 2, Neg. 27

Greenville, Mississippi, May 1, 1927, Scene of
flooded street.