Myrtle Hejtmancik

Photo Collection


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dudly from Covington. He was conductor on
train that ran from Covington to Baton Rouge and return. It was
called Pea Vine.

2 1915 8 x 10 1 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W

Mabel Pearl Gray (born May 27, 1898-died October 29, 1968),
married October 27, 1914 to Emile Harry McCormick from Baton Rouge
(born February 23, 1890-died August 4, 1959). She was the tenth
child of Henry Samuel Gray (born May 24, 1859-died July 6, 1925)
and Mary Ellen Wainwright (born May 2, 1855-died June 25, 1923) who
were married September 10, 1876. He is the son of Joseph Plunkett
McCormick (born July 28, 1860-died June 4, 1928) and Mary Amelia
Volaire (born October 17, 1859-died December 9, 1926). Picture was
taken at depot in Hammond

3 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W

Mary Ellen Wainwright Gray (born May 2, 1855-died June 25, 1923)
born in Hammond, Louisiana area. She was the daughter of Cayewell
Wainwright (born March 12, 1818-died January 11, 1900) and Mathilda
Joiner (born May 2, 1826-died January 1, 1899).

4 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W

Henry Samuel Gray (born May 24, 1859-died July 6, 1925). He was
the son of Henry Simeon Gray (born in England 1835-died 1872) and
Josephine Joiner (born October 20, 1834-died 1881)

5 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W Copy Print 1 ½ x 2 B&W

Man sitting in a chair with woman standing beside with her hand
on his left shoulder.

6 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W Copy Print 1 ½ x 2 B&W

One man sitting in a wicker chair with two men standing behind

Negs. 10-12-Post office at 3rd and Laurel streets, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana. Joseph Plunkett McCormick was postmaster from
1853-1865. He issued some the Cond. Provisional Postmaster Stamps
done out of wall paper during War Between the States.