Photo Collection
Pix #
Date of PixSize of PixNo. of PixKind of imageNegative
1 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Picture of Ambrus Galantai sitting at a table with a cake shaped
like a guitar in front of him.
2 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Picture of Ambrus Galantai giving a speech. He is a Hungarian
who was teaching at Albany Elementary School from 1980 to 1982.
3 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Children singing Hungarian folk songs while Ambrus Galantai,
Hungarian teacher plays the guitar.
4 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Hungarian band. Tina Prokop, clarinet, granddaughter of Julia;
David Arceneaux, sax, son of Anna.
5 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Scene of Hungarian singers. Josef Borocz at the piano.
6 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Scene of the Hungarian singers and dancers.
7 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Alex Berey addressing the Hungarian group as the gathering
welcomes the ambassador from Hungary
8 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Scene of people dancing.
9 1980s 3 x 5 1 Color Print
3 x 5 1 B&W Print 35mm B&W
Scene of the Hungarian band rehearsing. Anna Arceneaux at the
10-16 3 x 5 1 of each B&W Print 35mm B&W
17-50 1980s 3 x 5 1 of each B&W Print
Scene of the Hungarian dancers.
51 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the band which plays for the Hungarian dancers
Pix #
Date of PixSize of PixNo. of PixKind of imageNegative
52 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of a band member which plays with the Hungarian band
53 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of a man with a child on his back
54 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the building where the Harvest Festival was held
55 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the kitchen where food was prepared for the Harvest
56 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the kitchen where food was prepared for the Harvest
57 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the kitchen where food was prepared for the Harvest
58 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the kitchen where food was prepared for the Harvest
59 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the altar in the St. Margaret Catholic Church
60 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of the altar in the St. Margaret Catholic Church
61 1980s 3 x 5 1 B&W Print
Scene of Hungarian dancers
Neg 1 unknown 3 x 5 7 B&W Negative 35mm B&W
Anthony Ujvari and Mary Viago Ujvari Wedding Picture
Neg 2 unknown 3 x 5 3 B&W Negative 35mm B&W
Person Unidentified
Slide 1 10/84 3 x 5 1 Color Slide
Scene of Boots Berey showing an apron done in Hungarian
embroidery. Picture originally taken for the Louisiana Folklife
Survey done in 1984 by the Division of the Arts
Slide 2 10/84 3 x 5 1 Color Slide
Scene of Boots Berey showing an apron done in Hungarian
embroidery. Picture originally taken for the Louisiana Folklife
Survey done in 1984 by the Division of the Arts
Slide 3 10/84 3 x 5 1 Color Slide
Scene of a picture done in Hungarian embroidery. Picture is of
the Hungarian Brand Strawberry label. Picture was originally taken
for the Louisiana Folklife Survey done in 1984
Slide 4 10/84 3 x 5 1 Color Slide
Scene of the Hungarian dancers dancing
Slide 5 10/84 3 x 5 1 Color Slide
Scene of the Hungarian Dancers Dancing
Slide 6 10/84 3 x 5 1 Color Slide
Scene of the Hungarian singers and Dancers