Paula Patcek Johnson

Paula Patcek Johnson

Photo Collection


Pix #Date of PixSize of PixNo. of PixKind of imageNegative

1 1915 4 x 5½ 1 B&W Print none

Theobald Brothers Blacksmith Shop on Rutland Street in
Covington, La. In the photograph are Charles and Edward Theobald
and Pierre Labourdette. Poole Lumber Co. now owns the building.

2 early 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

Picture with 47 men in it standing by a sign which reads
Ramblers Club. Fifth man from left sitting in John Edgar, was a
contractor, 7th man is Deed Smith. Third man standing is Nick
Seiler, 4th is Paul LaCroix, 5th, E.V. Edward, real estate man, 6th
is Uncle Charley Theobald, 9th is Jake Seiler, 10th Perbos, 11th
Segond, barroom owner, 12th Brewster, 13th (badge) 17th, Sidney
Frederick (Leaning against pine, later District Attorney), 4
together on 3rd row, 2nd E.J. Frederick, 3rd Frank Patacek, 4th Dr.
Hebert. Under Ramblers Club Sign is Mr. Leon Hebert, whose daughter
is part owner of St. Tammany Farmer, Natalie Hebert. 2nd man from
post on right seems to be Ed Theobald.

3 early 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

Picture of three men on horseback by railroad track at the
corner of Columbia and Gibson streets. Taken at a fireman’s
convention. Man in center is Frank Patacek, 3rd man from left is
Adam Seiler.

4 1911 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Picture of three men on horseback on Columbia Street at a
fireman’s convention. Left to Right is Frank Patacek, Second
is Emile Beaupodray.

5 1913 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Picture of a Reo automobile in front of Ostendorf and Patacek
Gents Furnishing Store. Frank Patacek, 3 or 4 years old sitting at
the wheel of the car, Frank Patacek’s father standing behind
him, Frank’s mother Pauline Theobald Patacek sitting in the
back seat, the other child in the car is Frank’s sister
Bertha Patacek von Schneidau. Next to them is Frank’s uncle
Anton Patacek. The two people in the background are the
Ostendorf’s. Mrs. Ostendorf’s is holding one of her

6 early 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

Picture of the sign advertising Prank Patecek’s tailor and
Gent’s Furnisher.

7 early 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Frank Patecek’s clothing store. He moved into
this building in 1918. It’s at the corner of Boston and
Columbia Street. The telephone company had its first office above
the store. Building used to be a barroom before prohibition.

8 early 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

Aerial shot of satsuma grove on the Mandeville-Covington Highway
Mr. Prelander house is in picture. He was the brother-in-law of
Frank Patecek’s father.

9 early 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Man standing beside a satsuma tree.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

10 early 1900s 4 x 5½ 1 B&W Print none

Raised cottage Frank Patecek and family lived in it at one time.
It was on Kemper Street, but now its called North Lee Road. Frank
Patecek and his sister are standing in front of the picket fence.
Their mother is standing behind the fence.

11 1920 3 x 5 1 B&W Print none

Picture of bridge over Bogue Falaya River in Covington, La.

12 early 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Site where an oil well was drilled. There are a lot of people in
the picture and a wagon and mules.

13 early 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Picture of an oil well. It was a dry well. Frank Patecek’s
father had invested in it.

14 early 1900s 4 x 5½ 1 B&W Print none

Picture of three men and a horse. Man on left in tall hat is
Alexander P. Blackwell. Man on horse is McCauley Blackwell, the son
of Alexander and the man on the right is Willis Blackwell. Picture
taken 15 miles north of Covington. Off Highway 25 just south of
parish line.

15 early 1900s 4½ x 6½ 1 B&W Print none

Picture with seven Blackwell children in it, top left to right,
Maud Blackwell Tyner, Eddie Blackwell Wallace (Daughters of Jewel
and Willis Blackwell), Eva Blackwell Alford. 2nd Row- Blackwell,
Marie Blackwell Pittman (Jewel’s), Nell Blackwell Sandifer
(Jewel’s), Alen Blackwell (Jewel’s).

16 early 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Picture of a woman with a man standing on each side in front of
a building which looks like a barn. The woman’s name is Mrs.

17 early 1900s 2½ x 3½ 1 B&W Print none

Picture of a baby in a bowl. Verde Blackwell, oldest brother of
Mrs. Patecek.

18 early 1900s 3½ x 5 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Frank Patecek’s father, Frank Patecek and Frank
Patecek’s father-in-law John Theobald.

19 late 1920s 4½ x 6½ 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Pauline Theobald Patecek, Frank J. Patecek, Bertha
Patecek and father Frank Patecek and father Frank Patecek standing
in front of the house at 805 Rutland.

20 early 1900s 4 x 6 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Bertha Patecek confirmation.

21 1920 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Frank Patecek, his wife, his daughter Bertha and his
son Frank J. Patecek.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

22 1930 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Frank Patecek, his wife, his daughter Bertha and his
son Frank J. Patecek.

23 1935 3 x 4½ 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Tarpon caught at the mouth of the Tchfuncte River.
Frank Patecek caught it. He is standing to the left of the fish and
Frank John Patecek is standing to the right.

24 1930 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Whit Riggs with tarpon he caught in the Tchefuncte River. It
weighed 125 lbs. and was 6 ft, 3 in. long

25 early 1900s 2 x 3 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Alexander P. Blackwell and Fanny Stafford. Parents of
John Edward Blackwell.

26 early 1900s 6½ x 8½ 1 B&W Print none

Picture of the John Theobald family at the John Theobald
Funeral. 37 people in the picture.

27 1932 5 x 6½ 1 B&W Print none

Picture of Folsom School, 1932. 22 children in picture.

28 early 1900s 4 x 6 1 B&W Print none

Vol Brock and wife.

29 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W Print none

Large group of people standing in front of a house.

30 1904-5 3 x 5 1 B&W Print none

Man and woman posed before a backdrop. Frank Patecek and Pauline

31 unknown 3 x 5 1 B&W Print none

Picture of a man sitting and a woman standing with her arm over
his left shoulder. John Theobald (father of Pauline) and his wife
Mary Sturman.

32 1910 3 x 5 1 B&W Print none

Picture of a young man holding a young child in her arms.
Pauline Theobald Patecek and her daughter Bertha Patecek (von

33 unknown 3 x 5 1 B&W Print none

Picture of an old woman, bust shot. Nomea Rachel Vernon Ballard
(wife of Elijah Ballard, and the daughter of Phillip Jennings
Vernon and May Elizabeth Dicks.

34 1902 10 x 12 1 B&W Print none

John Edward Blackwell and Arnetta Stevens (His parents are
Alexander P. Blackwell and Fannie Elz. Stafford) (Her parents
Berlin Stevens and Nancy Ballard, daughter of Nomea Rachel Vernon
Ballard and Elijah Ballard).