Photo Collection
Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image
1 Nov. 1979 3 x 5 1 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W
Robert D. Cabin before it was moved to Angie, Louisiana and
restored by Dr. J. Larry Crain, President of Southeastern Louisiana
University. After restoration the house was put on the National
Register of Historic Places. Close-up view of the front porch.
2 Nov. 1979 3 x 5 1 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W
Full front view of the cabin on its original site before being
moved and restored.
3 Nov. 1979 3 x 5 1 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W
One of the fireplaces in the cabin after being restored.
4 Circa 1910 8 x 10 2 B&W Copy Print 35mm B&W (20)
Six young women posing in back of the Robert D. Magee home in
Franklinton, Louisiana. L-R: Velma Mageemarried to John
Mullings; Stella Mageesingle; Clotilde Mageemarried to
O. H. Carter; Eva Mageemarried to Osborne Simmons; Effie
Mageemarried to W. J. Willoughby; Ada Mageemarried to
Robert Babington. Photographer unknown, Mrs. Haley (Barbara) Carter
owns the original. Joy Jackson copied in May 1982.
2×2 Color Slides.
Slide Nos. 1-3Front porch of the Robert D. Magee Cabin
before it was moved to Angie, Louisiana and restored.
Slide No. 4Full front view of the Robert D. Magee Cabin
before it was moved from Franklinton, Louisiana to Angie, Louisiana
and restored by Dr. J. Larry Crain.
Slide Nos. 5 & 6Back side of cabin as it appeared on
original site.
Slide Nos. 7 & 8Original fireplace on left side of
cabin in which the fire bricks have been painted.
Slide Nos. 9 & 10Left front side still on original
Slide Nos. 11 & 12Cabin starting to be cut in
Slide Nos. 13 & 14One half of the cabin.
Slide Nos. 15 & 16Cabin being patched back together
after moving.
Slide No. 17Long distance view of cabin after
Slide Nos. 18-21Full front view of cabin after
Slide No. 22Right side of cabin after restoration.
Slide Nos. 23 & 24Left side of cabin.
Slide Nos. 25-27New fireplace in log side which is left
side of cabin.
Slide Nos. 28 & 29Fireplace in log room after
Slide No. 30Picture of newspaper with headline which says
Magee House nominated for National Register.