Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

Mancil Cypress

Mancil Cypress

Photo Collection


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

1 c.1909-21 3 x 5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A mule and dolly on boardwalk at the Opdenweyer-Fischer Lumber
Company. Boardwalks are very common in cypress lumber mill yards
because of the wettest conditions.

2 1905 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Lumber stacks on either side of a plank road (boardwalk) at the
Bowie Cypress Lumber Company. These photos appeared in an article
entitled “A Journey through the Vast Downman Cypress Interests with
Camera and Pen”, in the
American Lumberman, Aug 5, 1905 pp.43-82.

3 Nov. 16,1940 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Aerial photograph taken by a government agency. To the left is
the rectangular pattern of farm land on the Bayou Teche and to the
right (where it gets swampy) as you go toward the back is a pull
boat canal with the sets and typical radial pattern where the logs
were dragged into the canal.

4 July 1928 4×6 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Capt. Forgery at Cypress #10 where knees were cut in 1914.
Copper tag fully grown over. Circumference is 68½ inches,
Jeanerette Lumber Co. Near Skidder Landing at Belle Isle. Man on
right is Wilburn R. Matoon who did a work in 1915.

5 1940 3×5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bottle-butted old cypress, Atchafalaya Basin. Picture from La.
Forestry Commission Collection in Woodworth, La.

6 unknown 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

“Cypress Brake”. A cypress “Brake” in Louisiana, showing the
characteristic “knees” through which the cypress breaks.

7 c.1905 3×5 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows the butt swell and the cypress knees. Picture taken from
American Lumberman 1905, Aug 5, and is of Jeanerette
Lumber Co.

8 1884 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

“Whipsawing” in the Ancient Way.

9 c.1923 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Sheave block. Appeared in Ralph Clement Bryant’s
Logging, the Principal and General Methods of Operation in the
United States.

10 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Quarterboat, barge, and dredge boat in the back or to the front.
Bowie Lumber Co.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

11 1959 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Blind River Area. Pull boat on the left, barge for hauling the
logs out on in the center, and the loading crane on the right.

12 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Girdling. Probably appearing in the
American Lumberman.

13 c.1905 3×4½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3½x5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress log hitting the water after bring pulled out of the swam
by a pull boat.

14 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pullboat; man boring a hole in log with auger

15 c.1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Tow boat dredge in operation in the background dredging a canal
for either a set or a longer canal to get back into the swamps.
Bowie Lumber Company Operation.

16 c.1923 2×5½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Drawing or sketch showing a overhead or railroad skidder setup
showing block, tackle, the lines, tail tree, spar tree, and so

17 c.1923 2¾x3¼ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Tail Tree setup on an overhead skidder or a railroad skidder

18 c.1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bowie overhead skidder and spar tree with the block on the

19 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of railroad being built through the swamp for cypress

20 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Tail Tree with a block and a log being lifted off the


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

21 c.1905 4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

White Castle Lumber Company railroad right of way that has just
been swamped or cleared.

22 c.1950s 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows felled trees along railroad right of way that is being

23 c.1904 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows two logging locomotives in the woods. Taken from the LSU

24 c.1923 2½x4½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Topping a spar tree in Louisiana cypress forest. Taken from
Ralph Clement Bryant’s
Logging, the Principals and General Methods of Operations in
the United States
, 1923.

25 c.1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pile driver near Lake Natchez. Building a railroad through the
swaps. White Castle operations.

26 1950s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

7½x7½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Standard Oil. Platform with logs.

27 c.1905 3×5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Locomotive, crew poling road bed. Bowie Cypress Lumber Company.
Probably first appeared in the
American Lumberman, 1905.

28 c.1950s 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Louisiana Cypress Lumber Company Operation showing a part of a
building of a railroad in the swamp.

29 1948 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

2½x6 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Diagram of overhead cableway skidder, tree rigged type, with guy
line loader, about 1905. Taken from Richard Gordon Lillard’s
The Great Forest, 1948.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

30 c.1950s 4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

7½x7½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Logging operation in the Ponchatoula cypress swamp for the La.
Cypress Lumber Co. Cypress logs are transported on the railroad.
The track is laid right in the swamp on logs that are stacked in
the mud until they project two to four feet from the water. In some
places the track sags more than in others which results in a not
too smooth ride, and has the effect of a roller-coaster with a
see-saw motion.

31 c.1950s 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

7½x7½ 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Logging operation in the Ponchatoula cypress swamp for the La.
Cypress Lumber Co. Felling a virgin cypress tree.

32 c.1950s 3¼x4½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Louisiana Cypress Lumber Company operation showing dunnage being
dumped out of gondola cars that is to be tapped under the railroad

33 1945 1½x2 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

2¼x3½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3×5 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

34 1903-04 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Overhead railroad skidder in operation.

35 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bowie overhead skidder and track in operation. Bowie Lumber
Company. Probably first appearing in
American Lumberman in 1905.

36 1950s 4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Louisiana Cypress Lumber Company skidder-loader at work pulling
in a log.

37 1950s 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Close up of the Louisiana Cypress Lumber Company

38 1950s 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene showing logs, cypress, on the left and the La. Cypress
Lumber Co. loader-skidder in the background on the right and part
of the loaded railroad cars ready to be pulled out.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

39 1950s 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8×10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Logs cypress on the left with piles of logs along the center
alongside the La. Cypress Co. railroad and an unlogged area to the
right and in the background. Aerial view of derrick piling up cut
red cypress logs at the side of the logging railroad laid in the
swamp. The trees are cut deep in the swamp and then are snaked out
by heavy cables from the derrick.

40 1950s 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows handcars with loggers coming out of the swamps on the La.
cypress company operations.

41 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows a barge on the left and what looks to be a pull boat in
the center and perhaps the boom from the dredge in the right
background, and small boats. Bowie cypress lumber company probably
appearing in the
American Lumberman, 1905.

42 1950s 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8×10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Loaded railroad cars with cypress logs from the timberland of
La. Cypress Lumber Co. operations. This area has already been cut
for timber. Aerial view.

43 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

May Brothers’ Operation in pond logging in which they
constructed levees around a thousand to 2500 acres and then
impounded water and floated logs, pulled the logs up, to a point
where they were loaded abroad barges. Shows canal digging and levee

44 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

May Bros. pong logging operation showing pumps in the center
pumping the water into the pond.

45 unknown 4×6 6 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Photo of a map drawn on brown wrapping paper by Augustie O.
Landry of Chackbay, La. while he was logging superintendent for the
Rahborn Lumber Company. Shows layout for pull boat canals and runs
on a pullboat operation.

46 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Pond rafting operation of May Bros. near Chackbay, La. Two
fellers with their pirouges.

47 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

A cypress tree just beginning to fall after being cut by May
Brothers’ Operation.

48 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Logs being towed out on the pond rafting operation of May
Brothers Inc.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

49 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Boat used to tow the logs from back out of the pond area of May
Bros. Inc. company headquartered at Garden City.

50 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Ponded logs where they have gathered into booms of the May bros.
corp. operation. From here the logs were lifted over the levee onto
a barge in a canal for towing to the company sawmill.

51 1959 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pond man (or water man) on the May Bros. operation. He collected
the logs inside a boom for later transfer over the levee onto a

52 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Logs being lifted from the boom area over the levee to be loaded
onto a barge. May Bros.

53 1959 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Overall view of the boomed logs on the left being lifted over
the levee in the center and loaded onto a barge on the right. May
Bros operation.

54 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Shell road; built on the old Garyville Northern right-of-way off
the Airline Hwy. at Garyville.

55 1958 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Shows shell road being maintained by Humble Oil Company leading
to the Burton site which was a cypress lumber company milling

56 1958 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

The old railroad right of way that led to the St. James site.
Now runs through a sugarcane field. The sawmill site was at the end
of this right-of-way.

57 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bowie dredge boat at work. Probably first appeared in the
American Lumberman, 1905.

58 1961 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Fernwood canal leading to the set where logs are being pulled in
and loaded on a barge. Fernwood Industries, Inc.

59 1958 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Canal near Donner off Hwy 20. Canal is a pullboat logging

60 1958 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Hanson Canal. Just east of Franklin, now drainage canal. Locks
lead to Bayou Teche in background.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

61 1958 3×5 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Donner Canal, Dibert, Stork & Brown. Hwy 20 crosses canal
here. Photo made from bridge.

62 1958 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Donner Canal, Photo from hwy 20 bridge. Dibert, Stark, &
Brown, Texas Pacific & N.O.R.R. bridge.

63 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Pullboat canal maintained as a drainage canal .7 mile below
Abreco’s toward Garyville on the Airline Highway.

64 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Canal at Sorrento. End of the logging canal and transportation
canal up to the Opdenweyer Cypress Lumber Co. Sawmill site.

65 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Scene of the St. James site.

66 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Norman-Breaux office building, formerly Waddell-Williams. Now a
residence. Building constructed in the early 1920s.

67 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Just east of Morgan City Railroad, Norman-Breaux, formerly
Waddell-Williams. Shows railroad leading to Norman-Breaux Lumber

68 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Norman-Breaux, formerly Waddell-Williams abandoned pull boat on
B. Boeuf.

69 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Densely overgrown. Can see outline of top of dry kiln, all that
remains standing of the mill site buildings.

70 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Front of dry kiln, only thing still standing at mill site. Water
completely surrounds building.

71 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Old saloon, now a residence, Chacahoula.

72 9/8/1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Chacahoula site, Goodland Cypress Co., badly overgrown.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

73 Aug.1928 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

2½x6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Tupelo, ash, willow, and cottonwood logs in rafts in Bayou
Plaquemine. Anderson Lumber Co. On file at La. Forestry Commission
headquarters in Woodworth, La.

74 1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bowie pond and mill. Probably first appeared in the
American Lumberman, Aug. 5,1905.

75 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Rafts of logs on Bayou Teche with a sternwheeler in the
background. Jeanerette Lumber co.

76 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Exposed piling in water. An overhead system used for dragging
logs out of booms in Bayou Plaquemine over road to mill. Near
Indian Village.

77 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Double band sawmill dry kiln and lumber sheds at Bowie Lumber

78 1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Lumber sheds, planning mill at Bowie Lumber Co, Ltd.

79 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bowie, Part of lumber yards and town. Bowie Cypress Lumber

80 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Lumber yard site, part of Bowie site. Shows one of three
buildings standing. The old mill site is now in pasturage and

81 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Bowie school now hay storage. One of three buildings remaining
at Bowie Cypress Lumber Co. town and mill site.

82 1905 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows part of the White Castle Lumber and Shingle, Ltd.
operation mill site, lumber site.

83 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Only house remaining on Bowie Cypress Lumber Company site.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

84 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Badly overgrown White Castle Cypress Lumber and Shingle Mill

85 1959 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Shows trees lining the old tramway or railroad right-of-way of
the white castle cypress and shingle lumber co., ltd.

86 1903-04 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows the boilers in the sawmill of the Bowie Cypress Lumber

87 1957 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Houses constructed by the Lyon Cypress Lumber Company of
Garyville. A typical or representative house for white workers.

88 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Company built houses. These houses were constructed around

89 1958 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

“White” house, French style. Company built house. This house was
constructed soon after 1890. This type house was a common type in
mill towns.

90 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A typical company built house in Garden City. Constructed
between 1915 and 1920.

91 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Company built houses for white employees. These houses
constructed in the 1890s are a common type in the industrial
cypress lumber region.

92 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Negro houses on Bayou Road. Company built houses, shot gun
houses are commonly found throughout the cypress industrial region.
Constructed in the 1890s.

93 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

White employee house at Blanks. Constructed around 1913. This
type is widely distributed within the cypress industrial area.

94 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Negro, 2 room shotgun. A.N. Smith Lumber Co. House constructed
around 1913 is a representative type in cypress mill towns.

95 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Representative type company built Negro houses. House was
constructed between 1915 and 1920.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

96 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Front view of house for white employees constructed in 1905.
Non-typical type house within cypress mill towns.

97 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Lyon Lumber Co. Back of white house. Sort of lean-to addition.
House constructed in 1905. Non-typical type house within cypress
mill towns.

98 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Official’s house on River Front. constructed in 1890s.

99 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A company officials house constructed before 1900.

100 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Company built house. House constructed between 1915 and 1920 is
a representative type of the office workers, skilled workers, and
foremen. The awnings were a later addition.

101 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A company officials house in cypress lumber mill town.
constructed between 1950 and 1920.

102 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

White employees duplex houses. Not typical cypress mill town
structures. Architectural forms differ from most. These were
constructed between 1915 and 1920.

103 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

An officials house built between 1915 & 1920.

104 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Hotel for whites on upper floor. office on lower floor. Building
constructed about 1913. Building housed the pose office and a land
company’s office in 1958.

105 1928 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Sawyers cutting cypress with use of 8′ staging or spring boards.
Fisher Lumber Co. Board covered with Spanish moss to keep men from

106 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Office workers house built before 1895. Front view of house.

107 1960 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

Rear view of an office workers house built before 1895.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

108 1888 3×5 1 B&W copy print 3×5 B&W

A Swamper’s Camp.

109 Aug.7,1845 4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

2¾x2¾ 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3¼x4 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Under cutting gum tree. Megel Operation, J Young-Forester. Shows
the kind of stand that they often made for the sawyers or fellers
to get above the butt swell.

110 Aug 1928 3¾x5¾ 1 B&W copy print 35mm

3×4¼ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

2½x4¼ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cut-over cypress slough stumps 6-8′ high, 36″ 4′ 8″ d.b.h. Cut
with spring boards. Fisher Lumber.

111 1903-04 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of skidder camp. Probably pull boat operation.

112 unknown 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows a skidder at work, spar tree, guy wires and some logs
being hauled in on the overhead

cableway system.

113 1905 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A skidder operation, shows the spar tree in which the cables are
tied, the block which is lifting a log with two men standing on

114 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of skidder on a cypress railroad logging operation.

115 1905 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pile driver #1 at work putting down piling in which to construct
a railroad roadbed.

116 unknown 3×5 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows a pile driver at work in cypress swamp.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

117 1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Loading logs onto cars, spar tree. Skidder & log train.
Jeanerette Lumber & Shingle Co. Ltd, near Camp #1.

118 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene at a skidder loading logs onto railroad flat cars to be
hauled out of the swamps.

119 1905 4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

“Pull boat camp” of the Jeanerette Lumber & Shingle Co.,

120 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3-drum pullboat, much vegetation in water.

121 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pullboat. Probably appeared in the
American Lumberman.

122 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pullboat, quarter boats, dredge boats, freshly dug canal. Bowie
Cypress Lumber Company.

123 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pullboat and waterman standing on a log to collect logs around a
pull boat.

124 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Skidder, loading logs, and snaking. Flatcars waiting to be
loaded with logs.

125 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Building Railroad through swamp. Bowie cypress lumber


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

126 unknown 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows the block or as they called it the bicycle on the overhead
cables that are used to life logs and then move them up the

127 unknown 4×5 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows the loader-skidder with a log lifted to be placed
somewhere else.

128 unknown 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene along a logging railroad through a cypress swamp.

129 1950s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

7½x7½ 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Logging operation in the Pontchatoula cypress swamp for the La.
Cypress Lumber Co. This is one of the last large scale logging
operations of the practically extinct red swamp cypress.

130 1950s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

7½x7½ 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Logging operation in the Pontchatoula cypress swamp for the La.
Cypress Lumber Co. Loading the stacked cypress logs on flat

131 1905 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Loading logs in the South with a cableway skidder.

132 unknown 3×5 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows detail of the construction of a railroad bed on logs.

133 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pull boat in background of log raft.

134 1905 3×5 8 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Girdled trees.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

135 1940s 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4½x6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress tree on Lake Verret.

136 1940s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5×7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress swamp in the oil field. Choctaw Oil Field, Louisiana

137 1940s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4½x4½ 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress trees on Lake Verret. The trees have characteristic wide
bases around which are extended roots sticking up out of the water
called knees. These knees are used by the trees for breathing.

138 1940s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5×7 3` B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Southern La. aerial view along the right of way of the
Interstate Pipeline. Near Lake Chicot, La. Cypress swamps north of
Grand Isle.

139 Aug. 1928 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

cypress 42″ dbh showing butt swell and knees. Bayou Queve de

140 1940s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5×7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Louisiana cypress and oil wells. Choctaw Oil Field, La.

141 1905 3×5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Virgin cypress with girdled knees. Some cypress knees are shown
in the foreground.

142 unknown 4×5 4 B&W copy print 4×5 B&W

Tourists in cut-over area; on tank car. La cypress lumber

143 1950s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Logging operation in the Ponchatoula cypress swamp for the La.
Cypress Lumber co.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

144 c.1905 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Man in boat maneuvering floating logs.

145 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Towboat “Pharr” ready to enter Lake Des Allemandes with tow.

146 1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Man in pirogue maneuvering logs. One of the Downman Interest.
Jeanerette Lumber Co.

147 unknown 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Rafts of logs being towed.

148 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Making up crib of logs for towing by tow boat.

149 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Quarter boat, crew, pull boat, dredge.

150 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Quarter boat pirogues on Bayou Boeuf. Bowie Cypress Lumber

151 unknown 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

“Sadie Downman” Sternwheeler used to tow rafts of logs.

152 unknown 4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

“J. N. Pharr” sternwheeler used to tow rafts on logs.

153 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

“Amy Hewes”, Jeanerette Cypress Lumber & Shingle Co.,


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

154 Feb 1961 3×5 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pushing fuel barge down Blind River. Fernwood Industries. Last
pull boat operation in the State of La.

155 c.1905 4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Farm on reclaimed land. Corn and velvet beans.

156 c.1905 4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress log raft. Des Allemandes Cypress Lumber Co.

157 unknown 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows boardwalk with some stacks of lumber on carts.

158 unknown 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of a sawmill at Bowie.

159 c.1955 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress log on carriage in a mill. Comes from an article “Down
Among the Cypress”.

160 c.1905 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bridge at Bayou Boeuf. Draw bridge, stream crossing, locomotive
and loaded cars.

161 unknown 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bowie #88 locomotive. Bowie Lumber Company.

162 c.1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Bayou Boeuf bridge on the Bowie, Lafourche and Northwestern
Railroad. Steam crossing-drawbridge, water tanks.

163 unknown 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows a train load of logs passing through a field.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

164 Aug.1928 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Train load of cypress logs; American log loader loading up.
Fisher Lumber Co.

165 unknown 3½x3½ 1 B&W copy print 2×2 B&W

An officials house on the side of an old sawmill.

166 unknown 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows some of the old foundations for some of the machinery.

167 June 1928 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress being rafted to go to Lake Arthur; near Gueydan.

168 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Man sawing a log into 30 ft lengths to fit onto a barge. Blind
River Area.

169 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Log being lifted out of the water onto the barge. Blind River

170 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Fernwood Industries down the Blind River to Lake Maurepas across
Maurepas to North Pass where they were loaded aboard railroad cars
for transfer to Fernwood, Ms.

171 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows one of the workers back handling the chains that they
attach to the logs to pull them out of the swamp with a pull

172 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A canal dredged by the Fernwood Industries in the Ascension
Parish to Blind River area.

173 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Shows part of the run, the line running through the photo along
which the logs are pulled by the cable to the pull boat.

174 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A scene from Fernwood Ind. of log with chains attached.. you can
see the buckle in the foreground toward the center that are used in
connecting cables to the logs.

175 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Blind River Area, shows a log being lifted aboard a barge.

176 June 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Log-shipping barges in Blind River Area


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

177 June 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pull boat (old on right–new barge and steam broiler on left).
Quarter boat in background. Three-drum pull boat.

178 June 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pull boat (with old shed), new barge. Scene of putting equipment
on new barge.

179 c.1959-60 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Transfer equipment form old pull-boat barge to new one, which
has new steam boiler.

180 c.1959-60 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Pull-boat in background. Toward the right showing logs being
collected by the waterman for booming. That is holding them
enclosed with other single logs connected tandem to each other
until they are made into a raft.

181 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

In the center background you can see a man working with what is
called a groundhog. A small barge on which is located an A model or
B model Ford or sometimes an old Dodge engine are helping to pull
the logs up close enough to pull-boat run to be attached to the
pull-boat cables.

182 9/8/1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Self-propelled skidder on small steel barge used for snaking
logs to pull-boat runs. Near Blind River. Shows groundhog a little
better that pix 181.

183 1961 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Fernwood Industries pull-boat canal near Blind River, 40 ft.

184 1961 3×5 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Loader and barge on canal off Blind River. Fernwood Industries.
Mancil in background.

185 1961 3×5 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Fernwood pull-boat operation. Mancil on felled log.

186 July 1928 4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cypress tree #4 tagged by Mattoon in 1914. Jeanerette Lumber Co.
operation. Near skidder landing at Belle Isle.

187 c.1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Jeanerette Cypress trees. Appeared in
American Lumberman.


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image

188 c.1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Felled trees and cut-over swamp.

189 c.1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Large tree felled, saw crew. Iberia Cypress Company, Ltd.

190 1900s 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Opdenweyer-Fisher outfit on Amite River. Note the two-story
quarter-boat, the waterman and the boom for holding logs until they
are made into rafts.

191 1955 4½x6½ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Aerial view of Garden City mill and drying yards. U.S. Hwy. 90
passes between the mill and yards. Bayou Teche is at the lower
right. Note slip with barge load of logs.

192 1940 8×10 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5¾x7¼ 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Logging patterns left by pull-boat (right) and railroad (left).
Note the “sets” (enlarged places on the canal) dredged for the
anchoring of the pull-boat and other floating equipment and
facilities. Also, the logging spurs are parallel to each other and
evenly spaced along the main logging railroad.

193 1905 3×5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

4×6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Man standing with arms extended showing the width of a cypress

194 Aug. 8, 1958 3×5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Baldwin Lumber Co. site in woods back of sugar cane field. Ruins
could not be photographed in underbrush.