Morrison Room

Morrison Room

Photo Collection


1. Congressman James H. Morrison with Congressman Harold McSween
of Louisiana.

2. Left to right are an unidentified White House attache,
Senator Olin Johnston of South Carolina, President Lyndon B.
Johnson, and James H. Morrison.

3. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

4. Visitors to Washington, D.C. pose on the steps of the

5. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

6. Congressman Overton Brooks from Shreveport, Louisiana.

7. On first row left to right are Senator Allen J. Ellender, an
unidentified man, Harry Kelleher, James Eastland; on second row are
T. A. Thompson, F. Edward Hebert, Ed Willis, James H. Morrison, and
Harold McSween.

8. Autographed photograph of Congressman F. Edward Hebert in

9. Autographed photograph of Senator Allen J. Ellender in

10. Photograph taken in the Kennedy White House includes left to
right: Congressman Thomas J. Steed of Oklahoma, Congressman Thomas
Downing of West Virginia, President John F. Kennedy, Congressman
James H. Morrison of Louisiana, Congressman Ed Willis of Louisiana,
Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson, and Congresswoman Leonor Sullivan
of Missouri.

11. Autographed picture of President John F. Kennedy.

12. President Kennedy signs a postal workers’ pay raise bill as
a group of Congressmen and Senators who were instrumental in its
passage witness the signing. Among those present were J. Edward
Day, Arnold Olsen, Ralph W. Yarborough, Olin Johnston, Tom Murray,
and John Kerlin.

13. Members of Congress are sworn in by Speaker of the House
John McCormick. Lude Dasher, the Parliamentarian, is shown at the
left of the Speaker.

14. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs a civil service bill while
senators and Congressmen concerned with its passage attend the
ceremony. Present are Hiram Fung, senator from Hawaii; Congressman
James Morrison, Senator Frank Carlson from Kansas, Senator Daniel
Brewster of Maryland, Senator Dominick Daniels of New Jersey,
Randolph Jennings, and Congressman Morris Udall of Arizona.

15. Drawing of Senator Russell B. Long of Louisiana.

16. Congressman Morrison with Senator Mike Mansfield of Montana
and Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois.

17. Congressman Morrison with Orville Freeman, Secretary of

18. From left to right are the following congressmen: Hale
Boggs, James H. Morrison, John Tunney and Ed Willis.

19. A formal portrait of Congressman Morrison which was taken in
the Recording Studio of the House Office Building.

20. Members of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee
attend the signing of a bill by President Kennedy which they had
helped to enact into law. They include Vice-Chairman Jimmy Morrison
standing behind the president, and Senator Tom Murray, chairman of
the committee, to the left of the president.

21. Color photograph of the United States Capitol.

22. Duplicate of photograph 12.

23. Autographed portrait of President John Fitzgerald

24. Photograph of the White House with a gavel made from wood
removed from this structure when it was repaired in 1950.

25. Photograph of President John F. Kennedy.

26. Autographed photograph of T. A. Thompson.

27. Autographed photograph of Hubert H. Humphrey.

28. Congressman Morrison shown with J. Edgar Hoover, Director of
the FBI, dated July 1, 1964.

29. Congressman Morrison with President Lyndon B. Johnson in the
Oval Office discussing legislation concerning 2.5 million Federal

30. Congressman and Mrs. Marjorie Morrison with Speaker of the
House John McCormick.

31. The Morrisons meet with Librarian Landon Greaves and SLU
president Clea Parker to turn over the Morrison Collection to the

32. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. (duplicate of #5).

33. Autographed photograph of Carl Albert, congressman from
Oklahoma who later served as Speaker of the House of

34. Congressman Morrison with President Harry S. Truman eating
Gonzales, Louisiana grown strawberries. The strawberries had won a
first prize and were given to Morrison who in turn presented them
to President Truman.

35. Autographed photograph of Congressman Hale Boggs.

36. Duplicate of photograph #29.

37. Autographed picture of John McCormack of Massachusetts,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.

38. Autographed picture of Congressman Sam Rayburn of Texas, who
like McCormack, also served as Speaker of the House of

39. Autographed photograph of Larry O’Brien who served as a
White House assistant to President Kennedy and later became
Commissioner of the National Basketball Association.

40. Photograph of President Lyndon B. Johnson.

41. Autographed picture of John Gronouski, Postmaster General
and later Ambassador to Poland.

42. Picture of William Doherty.

43. Congressman and Mrs. Morrison with Pete Rozelle,
Commissioner of the National Football League.

(The next five photographs of presidents, under whom Congressman
Morrison served in Congress, were given to him upon his retirement
in 1966 by the Time-Life Corp. in appreciation for his public
service. They are unique pictures in that only one print was made
from each of the negatives. This makes them irreplaceable.)

44. Portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

45. Portrait of Harry S. Truman.

46. Portrait of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

47. Portrait of John F.Kennedy.

48. Portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson.

49. Congressman Morrison with comedian Jimmy Durante who
autographed this picture.

50. The Louisiana State Capitol Building.

51. Congresswoman Lindy Boggs, Robert Bolton a banker from
Alexandria, Marjorie Morrison, Hale Boggs, Judge of U. S. Court of
Appeals, Washington, D. C., and James Morrison.

52. Autographed photograph of Woody Dumas, Mayor of Baton

53. Hyannisport Chapel and the Kennedys, Jackie, John, Caroline,
and John-John.

54. Autographed picture of Governor John McKeithen.

55. James Morrison and Russell Long.

56. House of Representatives Recording TV studio.

57. John and Jacqueline Kennedy, James Morrison, and T. A.
Thompson. Hat was made of rice straw and presented upon invitation
to the rice festival.

58. Seated is L.S.U. football coach Charlie MacClendon and
standing is Jim Corbett.

59. 25th Anniversary of S.L.U., Vice-President Barkley and
President Tinsley at S.L.U.

60. Autographed photograph of John Huntz, President of

61. James Morrison’s private office in the Rayburn building.

62. Congressman Morrison in his office with an unidentified man
on his left.

63. Secretarial office, Mrs. Florence Cooley-(1943-67) seated at
the front.

64. Mrs. Cooley in private office, Morrison staff members at

65. Mrs. Florence Cooley.

66. Picture of an unidentified office.

67. 4 photos: Top to Bottom: 1) Magnolia Grove; 2) Admiral
Richard Hobson; 3) Aunt Margaret Hobson; 4) Drawing Room

68. James Morrison’s mother, Florence Hobson.

69. Joseph Williams who owned Surry County in Virginia.

70. James Morrison’s father, Benjamin M. Morrison.

71. Uncle James M. Hobson, Colonel World War I.

72. Admiral Richard P. Hobson.

73. Magnolia Grove-birthplace and ancestral home of Richmond
Pearson Hobson.

74. James Morrison’s grandfather on his mother’s side.

75. James Morrison’s mother’s wedding pictures.

76. Newspaper clipping, Picture of the Past–1908 photograph
taken in front of Benjamin Morrison home.

77. Living room of the James Morrison home, Shadow Creek,
located east of Albany and west of Hammond.

78. Circle stairway at Shadow Creek built by a strawberry farmer
named Latoski.

79. Dining room at Shadow Creek, the applewhite table and chairs
were bought in London, England.

80. Photograph of Shadow Creek which has 4000 square feet of
living space consisting of 4 bedrooms, dining room, study, living
room, kitchen, 4 1/2 baths, and an entrance hall. Marjorie Morrison
drew the initial plans and August Perez completed them.

81. Collection of glasses, shelves in dining room at Shadow

82. Back view of houses at Shadow Creek.

83. Washington Mardi Gras ball, pictured are Congressman and
Mrs. Morrison and Congressman George Miller of California who is
pictured on the right.

84. Three pictures: 1) Front of the Morrison home, Shadow Creek;
2) The road leading to the Morrison home; 3) Patio and back of the
Morrison home.

85. Benjamin “Benji” Morrison (son) who works for the

86. Hobbie Morrison (son) who does TV commercials in

87. Washington Mardi Gras ball, present: John McCormack and
James and Marjorie Morrison.

88. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and their two sons.

89. James Morrison at a testimonial given upon his leaving
Congress. Present: (left to right) Margaret Prince and husband,
Lindy Boggs, Benjamin and Hobson Morrison, James Morrison,
Congressman T. A. Thompson’s wife, Robert Bolton, Hale Boggs, and

90. Left to right: Marjorie Morrison, a Washington news
reporter, James Morrison, Mrs. Harry B. Lee (Morrison’s sister) and
husband, Morrey Stans.

91. Front view of Shadow Creek.

92. Cover of program for Testimonial Dinner given at the Capitol
House in Baton Rouge on April 30, 1965. Mrs. Francis Yarbrough,
Vice-Chairman and Pierre Poursine, Gen. Chairman. Picture on
program taken in the White House of President and Ladybird Johnson
with James and Marjorie Morrison. President and Ladybird Johnson
autographed program.

93. Testimonial Program (inside of program).

94. Banquet scene in Washington D. C. At the head table is Hale
and Lindy Boggs and Marjorie Morrison. James Morrison is making a

95. Congressman Morrison’s testimonial dinner, April 30,

96. Picture of an empty banquet hall.

97. Guests at Congressman Morrison’s testimonial dinner, April
30, 1965.

98. Congressional Hearing, possibly of the House Post Office

99. Washington Daily News, 11 October 1962.

100. Postal Bill-newspaper clipping 1962, pen used by Lyndon B.
Johnson, 1964.

101. Cartoon by Paul Ford, “Private Lives” James Morrison, a
freshman congressman.

102. Cartoon “Strawberry Kingfish.”

103. Platform on Count Street Second story, James Morrison
running for governor in 1940.

104. Crowd gathered in New Orleans, 1940, for Jimmy Morrison’s
“Convict Parade.”

105. Letter from Harry S. Truman, Vice-President elect, November
22, 1944, thanking Cong. Morrison for campaigning in Truman’s home
state of Missouri.

106. Right to left-Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn of Texas,
James Morrison, and House majority leader John McCormack of
Massachusetts eating strawberries, four letters from Harry Truman,
Franklin Roosevelt, Elenore Roosevelt, and Frances Perkins surround
the picture.

107. Advertisement concerning an article on Congressman Morrison
in the Saturday Evening Post. Congressman Morrison was being hailed
as “The Minnow who Would be Kingfish”.

108. The layout shows the cover of the Pic magazine of April 27,
1943 with the article title, “A New Huey Long From Louisiana.” Also
shown is the article on pages 6-8.

109. Article in the January 8, 1944 edition of The Saturday
Evening Post hailing Congressman Morrison as “The Minnow Who Would
be Kingfish.”

110. Four copies of letters from Harry S. Truman to Congressman
James Morrison. In the center is the famous photograph of James
Morrison and Harry Truman eating Louisiana strawberries.

111. Four copies of letters written to Congressman James
Morrison from J. Edgar Hoover, Eddie Rickenbacker, J. A. Ulco,
William D. Hassett.

112. Letter from Henry H. Wilson, Jr., Administrative Assistant
to President Lyndon B. Johnson.

113. Newspaper article and photograph showing the huge crowd
that gathered when Congressman Morrison announced his candidacy for
Governor of the State of Louisiana.

114. Magazine article in Life concerning “A Year of Truman.”
Included with the article are six photos-one of which is the famous
photograph on Congressman Morrison with President Truman eating
Louisiana strawberries.

115. Six personal letters written by President Harry S. Truman
to Congressman Morrison.

116. James Morrison shaking hands with Ed McGehee, a friend and
supporter in his campaign for state Senate in 1936.

117. James Morrison running for Governor in 1940, holding up a
copy of his paper, The Farmers’ Friend with a headline attacking
the mayor of New Orleans, Robert Maestri.

118. Political gathering in Hammond, possibly governor or
reelection to Congress.

119. Political campaigning in Pierre Part.

120. Newspaper photos from the New Orleans Sunday Item-Tribune
of October 31, 1937. One of the photos is of Congressman Morrison
who is helping the “Florida Parishes Whoop it up for Higher
Strawberry Prices.”

121. Newspaper photo showing Congressman Morrison outlining the
gigantic accomplishments of the Louisiana Farmers’ Protective Union
before the largest crowd ever assembled in Hammond.

122. James Morrison on national radio network.

123. A sketch of “Panther Creek” built by Joseph Williams. James
Morrison is his anscestor.

124. Photo of home in Hammond on Robert Street, built in 1904,
where James Morrison was born.

125. Letterhead for Benjamin Mann Morrison stationary and a card
advertising his business.

126. A view of Cherry Street in Hammond in early twentieth
century shows the Morrison Grocery wagon.

127. Calendar for 1899 advertising Benjamin Mann Morrison’s
grocery store.

128. James Morrison’s Delta Tau Delta house in New Orleans
around 1928.

129. A typical Morrison political meeting in the mid-1930s.

130. Sound truck hearse advertising Morrison as candidate for
State Senate.

131. 1930s crowd during one of Morrison’s political

132. Another crowd scene during the 1930s of a Morrison
political rally.

133. Political meeting-Tom Candiotto of Independence
speaking, farmer and friend of Morrison.

134. Eldridge Clark, Sound truck driver, the man on the left is

135. Eldridge Clark in his army uniform in World War I.

136. Political meeting at the Hammond post office in the

137. Political meeting in St. Helena Parish.

138. Political meeting at Gonzales when Morrison was in Congress
and running for governor probably 1944.

139. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison on their honeymoon in Sociomelco,

140. James Morrison speaking on radio WNOE.

141. Marjorie Morrison making a speech in the 1940s, Louisa May
Grace is on her right and Jimmie Comiskey is in the background on
the left.

142. James Morrison with a group of youngsters while visiting a
school in Louisiana.

143. James Morrison crowning a Strawberry Queen, President of
Louisiana Farmers’ Protective Union, Ellis Jenkins, is also
present. The photograph is probably from the late 1930s.

144. Secretaries from Morrison’s Congressional office.

145. Congressman Morrison shaking hands with Louis J. Lambert,
Jr. on the Capitol steps.

146. Photograph in the White House: President John F. Kennedy is
signing a bill presented by the House Post Office and Civil Service
Commission. James Morrison is directly behind the President, to the
President’s left is Thomas Murray, and to his right is J. Edward

147. Signing of a postal bill by Lyndon B. Johnson, Senator Olin
Johnston of South Carolina is next to James Morrison and John
Masey, chairman of Civil Service commission extreme left.

148. Photograph of the Oval office of the White House. Present
are James Morrison and President Lyndon Johnson.

149. James Morrison and General Wilson Lead U. S. Army, Corps of
Engineers in Washington.

150. Vice-President Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon B. Johnson.

151. Louisiana Delegation, left to right: Otto Passman-5th
district, Allen Ellender-Senate, Joe Wagner-4th district, Russell
Long-Senate, Governor John McKeithen, Hale Boggs-2nd district,
James Morrison-6th district, in front: Speedy Long-8th district, T.
A. Thompson-4th district “Big Mamou,” Ed Willis-3rd district.

152. Saturn-Rocket’s Huntsville, Alabama, connection: Von
Braun-Cernam authority.

153. President Johnson signing a bill, James Morrison is at the
Presidents right. Also present are: Congressman Morris
Udal-Arizona, Senator Daniel Brewster-Maryland, Congressman
Dominick Daniels-New Jersey, Senator Olin Johnston-South Carolina,
Congressman Tom Murray-Tennessee, Congressman Thaddeus Dulski-New
York, and Congressman Arnold Olsen-Montana.

154. Photograph taken at Turk Island, Captain Scott Carpenter is
showing his son the inside of a capsule. James Morrison is in the

155. James Morrison on the telephone with the Space Committee
office in House building.

156. Photograph taken at Tulane University of an actual space
capsule; two unidentified families are looking on.

157. Construction of a space vehicle at Huntsville, Alabama.

158. Photograph showing left to right: James Morrison, Scott
Carpenter, George Williams (an LSU graduate) in charge of the space
program in Florida.

159. George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, LOR Lunar Orbital
Rendezvous, “A Pathway to the Moon.”

160. Photograph showing the Association of General Contractors
left to right: unknown, Hiram Hebert, unknown, James Morrison,
unknown, at the Heidleberg Hotel.

161. Menu of the House of Representatives restaurant, outside

162. Group photograph of the Strategic Air Force Command-Offut
Air Force Base, Nebraska: James Morrison is in the center. Also
pictured is a Baton Rouge Civic leader.

163. Present in the photograph are John Stennis, Willis
Robinson, James Morrison, Russell Long, and Allen Ellender.

164. James Morrison greeting a strawberry queen on the steps of
the capitol.

165. The office of Time-Life and Fortune in Chicago. Present are
James Morrison, Mr. Morley, and Arnold Olsen.

166. Strawberry queen of the Mardi Gras, James Morrison, and
Alben Barkley.

167. James Morrison speaking.

168. Mrs. Florence Cooley.

169. Postmaster Farley of New Orleans, Marjorie Morrison, and
James Morrison.

170. American Legion Convention, present are the Louisiana state
commander, Marjorie Morrison, and James Morrison.

171. Edwin Edwards, unidentified, James and Marjorie Morrison,
taken in Washington at a Mardi Gras ball.

172. American Legion Convention in Washington, present are James
Morrison, a Louisiana Legion official, Mrs. Gillis Long, Gillis
Long, and another Legion official.

173. Program for a fund raising dinner in Washington where
Morrison was presented the I.R.S. portrait. Shadow Creek is the
picture on the cover.

174. Left to right are Abe Mickal, Peter Graffagnino, and Bayard

175. Present are James Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McCarthy,
and Postmaster Donaldson and his wife.

176. Flag raising ceremony October 1962, present are Father
Timothy Pugh, Ed Willis, James Morrison, Larry Lamco, Jr., and
Joseph Pugh.

177. Mississippi River Planning Commission, 24 March 1952,
present are Ed Po, Clifford Musso, and James Morrison.

178. Good Government News with a photograph of the Morrison
family. “Support Law & Order–Vote for Jimmy Morrison Sat. Aug.

179. Morrison campaign flier, “Let’s Re-elect Congressman Jimmy
Morrison, He’s Done a Good Job.”

180. Banquet given by postal carriers in Detroit. Jerome Keating
is to Morrison’s left.

181. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Morrison.

182. Mrs. Florence Cooley and a priest at a banquet.

183. Gumbo Section of the Hammond Sunday Star.

184. B. B. Rayburn, James Morrison, and J. Larry Crain at

185. Paul Maurin, James Morrison, Larry O’Brien, and Marjorie

186. A discussion about poultry, present are unidentified, Jim
Sledge, James Morrison, and Ron Tricou.

187. A Mardi Gras Ball function when Buddie Billups was

188. Natural Petroleum News 1 December 1957, Buddy Billups on
the cover.

189. Buddie Billups.

190. Autographed photo of Glenn Johnson dated 10 August

191. James Morrison and Louisiana constituents at Billy Rose’s
Diamond Horseshoe in New York.

192. Harry Truman in Life magazine, “The President’s

193. Autographed photograph of Congressman John Lyle of

194. Photograph taken in Washington at a luncheon given by Baton
Rouge constituents.

195. Private Lives Cartoon by Paul Ford.

196. James Morrison and a group of ladies in Washington.

197. James Morrison in a Bell helicopter.

198. James Morrison and Mayor Sam Saik of Hammond.

199. James Morrison in the kitchen of the Episcopal Church in
Hammond. In the center is Luther Dyson and on the far left is Sam

200. Buddie Billups, Mayor Andrew Edwards of Hammond, and Judge
Pearson at a swearing in ceremony.

201. Buddie Billups.

202. Mayor Jimmy Stire of Hammond and James Morrison.

203. James Morrison political rally advertisement from the 1948
governors election.

204. Newspaper clipping, “Ponchatoula Crowd Applauds `Senator

205. Political cartoon, “The People of Louisiana Have got a real
Leader at Last.

206. Newspaper clipping showing James Morrison on the shoulders
of Union farmers.

207. Morrison for governor rally possibly in Acadia Parish.

208. Newspaper clipping from the Minneapolis News showing Mr.
and Mrs. James Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Thompson, and Mr. and
Mrs. Roscoe Turner.

209. New Orleans Item, “The Open Forum of Politics,” 12 October

210. James Morrison 1948 Governor’s ticket.

211. James McCain, James Morrison, and James Feeley.

212. Hale Boggs, President Hunter of L.S.U. and James

213. Left to right are James Morrison, Ed Willis, Hale Boggs,
Jimmie Davis, F. Edward Hebert, and T. A. Thompson in

214. Washington Mardi Gras ball. Present are Hale Boggs,
Marjorie Morrison, James Morrison, Orene Muse, Lindy Boggs, and
Gillis Long.

215. James Morrison and a representative of a golf tournament
sponsored by Life Time and Fortune magazine.

216. Left to right are Harold McSween, T. A. Thompson, Lyndon
Johnson, Ladybird Johnson, Ed Willis, and James Morrison.

217. Sam Snead and James Morrison.

218-24. Photographs of Shadow Creek and the grounds.

225. James Morrison and the head of the Ascension Parish
sportmen’s league at a new stadium in Ascension Parish.

226. Left to right are Otto Passman, Joe Waggoner, Ed Willis,
Orene Muse, James Morrison, and F. Edward Hebert.

227. Photo taken in Washington of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Willis, 2 Thompson staff members, and Mr. and Mrs.
James Morrison.

228. James Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Fitzmorris

229. James Morrison and supporters at a Luncheon in Algiers,
Henry Grunyer is to Morrison’s left.

230. Mrs. Yarborough, the Clerk of Court in Amite.

231. Allen Ellender, a NASA official, and James Morrison
standing beside a Sikorsky helicopter.

232. Certificate from Edwin Edwards installing James Morrison as
a Colonel on his staff on 11 June 1973.

233. Photograph taken north of Las Vegas at the testing of the
A-bomb being shot from artillery and exploding upon

234. Left to right are Gene Austin, Dolores Breeskin, and Barnee
Breeskin at a testimonial dinner in Washington.

235. “A Visit to the Nation’s Capitol” Baton Rouge Register.

236. Queens of the Mardi Gras Ball and King Buddie Billups on
the steps of the Capital.

237. The Committee on Post Office and Civil Service for the 82nd

238. The Committee on Post Office and Civil Service for the 89th

239. Harry Truman addressing joint session of the 79th Congress
on 21 May 1945 and the presenting of the medal of honor to Jake

240. Huey Long.

241. Certificate for Life Membership in the National Rural
Letter Carriers Association issued on 16 August 1966.

242. James Morrison, Sister Augustine, Howard Croach, and Mr.
and Mrs. James C. McCulloch.

243. Resolution in appreciation of James Morrison from the
Government Employees Council on 8 July 1958.

244. St. Tammany New Banner, 7 August 1983, “Morrison wasn’t a
dehumanized politician.”

245. Pile of logs being stacked after Hurricane Betsy.

246. Present are Robert Bolton, Monte Shallot, and Herbert

247. Present are AF of L-CIO labor leader, Victor Bussie, Buddie
Billups and James Morrison.

248. Aluminum plant in Baton Rouge.

249. Autographed cover to “Hail to the Redskins” by Barnee

250. Speaker’s Dining Room: Left to right are Joe Waggoner, Otto
Passman, Russell Long, Allen Ellender, James Morrison, John
McKeithen, Hale Boggs, T. A. Thompson, Jack Gremillion, Speedy
Long, and Ed Willis.

251. Joe Sims, James Morrison’s law partner.

252. Billboard advertisement of James Morrison.

253. James Morrison and Arnold Olsen.

254. Hammond High School class reunion held at Shadow Creek.

255. 1902 calendar advertising Benjamin Mann Morrison

256. Autographed photograph of Floyd Huffman and James Morrison
dated 20 May 1966.

257. Fund raising banquet at the Heidleberg Hotel, Hale Boggs is
the master of ceremonies.

258. James Morrison at the statue of Huey Long in the rotunda of
the Capitol.

259. James Morrison visiting injured soldier Johnny Palmentier
at Walter Reed Hospital. Bob Brother is to Morrison’s right.

260. James Morrison giving blood.

261. James Morrison working in his victory garden.

262. Postal Union merit award.

263. Certificate from the National Rural Letter Carriers
Association bestowing honorary membership to James Morrison on 16
May 1964.

264. Certificate from the National Association of Retired Civil
Service Employees, 30 September 1954.

265. Certificate from the National Association of Letter
Carriers bestowing honorary membership on James H. Morrison, 10 May

266. Citation from the National Association of Retired Civil
Employees for meritorious service to James H. Morrison.

267. Certificate from the National League of Postmasters
bestowing honorary membership on James H. Morrison 28 August

268. Certificate from the National Association of Internal
Revenue Employees presented to James H. Morrison 30 April 1965.

269. Certificate for membership to James H. Morrison from the
American Rice Industry 14 March 1955.

270. Letter from Robert Livingston, Member of Congress to James
H. Morrison, 24 October 1986.

271. Certificate from the S.L.U. cheerleaders, 1985.

272. Painting by Tim Bynum.

273. Certificate from the Mississippi Parkway Commission making
James H. Morrison a Great River Road member 5 July 1962.

274. Certificate from the National Association of Postmasters
bestowing honorary membership on James H. Morrison in 1961.

275. Certificate from the Supreme Court 18 November 1948.

276. Certificate from the Gulf Southwest Industrial and
Agricultural Congress electing James H. Morrison to membership on 2
August 1945.

277. Certificate from Postal employees bestowing lifetime and
honorary membership on James H. Morrison 1 January 1961.

278. Resolution to James Morrison from the Baton Rouge Chamber
of Commerce 9 August 1954.

279. March 1966 Postal Record showing James Morrison as the
author of H.R. 12367.

280. Letter to John McCormack dated 25 October 1966 signed by
Florence Cooley and answered and signed by John McCormack.

281. Citation to James H. Morrison from the Veterans of World
War I, Inc. 1 June 1960.

282. Certificate of Merit from the Amvets to James H. Morrison
21 July 1947.

283. Letter to James Morrison from Buddie Billups dated 25 June

284. Photograph of Preston B. Delcazal who was awarded the
Silver Star on 3 July 1944 and Purple Heart on 10 November 1944,
along with a certificate from James Morrison.

285. American Federation of Labor Employees Council Honor Roll
21 July 1985.

286. Tehran Conference: Top photograph Left to right: Joseph
Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill. Bottom
photograph Left to right in the first row are Chiang Kai Shek,
Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Madame Chiang.

287. Clockwise are General Eddy, Franklin Roosevelt, General
Eisenhower, and Harry Hopkins; at the bottom is a copy of the
Seattle Post-Intelligentsia.

288. Statue of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima, tourists are
in the background.

289. Western Union telegram dated 2 November 1963 from Florence

290. Letter to James Morrison dated 1 December 1986 from Erie
Cocke, Jr.

291. “Eating High on the Hog,” Atlanta Journal and Constitution,
24 July 1977.

292. Earl Cocke and James Morrison in Morrison’s office.

293. 1966 Appreciation Award from the Postmaster General.

294. Plaque “WASP at 9 O’Clock,” “To the Champ! Congressman
Jimmy Morrison.”

295. Autographed photograph of Roscoe Turner.

296. The Government Standard, “Subject James H. Morrison.”

297. Trophy room of Roscoe Turner’s house, left to right are
Congressman George Miller, Roscoe Turner, and James Morrison.

298. Certificate of Life Membership to James H. Morrison from
the Roscoe Turner Museum, 26 February 1969.

299. Top photograph, Left to right are James Morrison, the head
of the airport commission, Roscoe Turner, and George Miller. Bottom
photograph, left to right are Marjorie Morrison, George Miller,
James Morrison, and Donna Turner.

300. American Airlines Certificate dated 19 November 1965 and
signed by C. R. Smith commissioning James H. Morrison as an admiral
of the flagship fleet.

301. Letter to James Morrison from Captain William C. Fortune,
25 July 1963.

302. Certificate for Membership in the Clipper Club to James H.
Morrison, 10 May 1961.

303. Roscoe Turner’s home, left to right are James Morrison,
Gordon Cooper, and Roscoe Turner.

304. Newspaper clipping, “Morrison honored by Chamber of

305. Painting by Irene Boucher in 1962 from the original by
After Carot in 1972.

306. Plaque of appreciation to James H. Morrison over highway

307. Hammond Vindicator, 27 July 1986, “Morrison Boulevard paved
with history and interlined with memories of Congressman.”

308. Induction ceremonies for James H. Morrison, 19 November
1986 into the Louisiana Highways and Transportation Hall of

309. Newspaper clipping, “SLU display depicts politician’s

310. Washington Post, 1 May 1964, “House Votes Pay Raise

311. Baton Rouge Register, 19 May 1962. Picture of President
John F. Kennedy, James H. Morrison, and Vice-President Lyndon B.

312. Letter dated 3 November 1965 and a minted quarter resulting
from Morrison coinage legislation.

313. Hammond Vindicator, 10 August 1981

314. Letter to James H. Morrison from Hubert H. Humphrey dated 5
October 1964.

315. Caricatures received as a present from President John F.

316. Newspaper advertisement featuring Hobby Morrison,
“Director/Cameraman Hobby Morrison is in Town.”

317. 2 July 1980, New Orleans Times-Picayune, “Hobnobbing with
J. R.”

318. Back Stage, 14 October 1983.

319. Richmond Pearson Hobson.

320. Destroyer named for Richmond Pearson Hobson.

321. Morreau Castle.

322. Back Stage article advertising Hobby Morrison.

323. Newspaper articles written by Benjamin Morrison.

324. TV Focus, 7 July 1985, article by Benjamin Morrison.

325. Dedication of the Louisiana 150th Anniversary for statehood
stamp, 3 May 1962, and a letter signed by Postmaster General A.
Frank Fairley.

326. Times-Picayune article dated 9 December 1984.

327. James Morrison and his nephew Harry Lee.

328. Left to right are Raymond Pierce, Marjorie Morrison, Benji
Morrison, and Hobby Morrison.

329. “Hobby Morrison joins Paisley Productions–Hooray!”

330. TV Focus Cover, “Baryshnakov on Broadway.”

331. Times-Picayune, 20 April 1980.

332. Commemoration of the Whooping Crane stamp, photo on the
right are Benji Morrison, James Morrison, and Judge Wisdom.

333. Commemoration of the 10 cent Air Mail Stamp, 18 November

334. Birmingham News-Age Herald, 27 September 1936, “Magnolia
Grove Keeps Early Charm.”

335. Millimeter article on Hobby Morrison.

336. TV Focus article, 7 July 1985, “Dr. Who” by Benjamin

337. TV Focus cover, left to right are Wanda Freeman, David
Cuthbert and Benjy Morrison.

338. Puerto Rican Delegation float at Washington-Lee University
in Lexington, Virginia.

339. Postmaster General J. Edward Day giving Benji Morrison the
first whooping crane stamp.

340. Sunday Item Tribune, 3 October 1937, “Strawberry Farmers
Get to First Base.”

341. James Morrison at the podium.

342. “A Photographic Happening with Hobson Morrison.”

343. A James Morrison testimonial, left to right are Ben Pierce,
Margaret Pierce, Lindy Boggs, Marjorie Morrison, Hobby Morrison,
Benji Morrison, a federal judge from New Orleans, James Morrison, a
banker from Alexandria, and Hale Boggs.

344. Newspaper clipping, “Collecting some fun and funds at the
derby,” by Betty Guillaud.

345. Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and son Hobby in their
Washington apartment.

346. Newspaper clipping, “Con. Morrison Tells ‘Stories” on Self
and Wife.”

347. New York Daily Post 1943, “Huey Long’s Very Heir

348. James Morrison and J. Edward Day.

349. The Morrison apartment in Washington, left to right are
Marjorie Morrison, Hobby Morrison, Bill Hurson, Benji Morrison, and
James Morrison for the Coffee with Congress program.

350. The Morrison apartment in Washington, left to right are
Hobby Morrison, James Morrison, Marjorie Morrison, and Benji

351. Father’s Day card to James Morrison from his grandson

352. Not displayed.

353. Not displayed.

354. Not displayed.

355. Folder of Welcome to Shadow Creek for the National Council
of State Garden Clubs, 7 May 1966.

356. Three Congressional auto tags.

357. Congress in session.

358. James Morrison testifying before the House.

359. James Morrison greeting a Congressional Medal of Honor

360. James Morrison receiving kisses from two beauty queens.

361. Washington Daily News, 18 May 1943, “Country Boy Gets Hot,
Leaves Probers Lukewarm.”

362. Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, 12 May 1955, “Florence H.
Cooley is Morrison’s Girl Friday.”

363. Criminal Court building in New Orleans to the right is
District Attorney Cocke and James Morrison.

364. A float in an Algiers political parade.

365. Newspaper clipping from the Sunday Item-Tribune, 24
November 1935, showing the sound truck used by Morrison in the 1936
State Senate race.

366. Left to right are James Morrison, a Time-Life official, and
Sam Snead.

367. John Belchich and James Morrison.

368. House of Representatives in session.

369. James Morrison and Herbert Christenberry at a Washington

370. Farmer Union leader parade.

371. Aboard a battleship tender in Philadelphia, pictured are
James Morrison and 2 naval officers at the christening of the
U.S.S. Ponchatoula River.

372. Sign in the Post Office Building in Hammond, Louisiana.
“Office of Congressman Jimmy Morrison Downstairs on the Left.”

373. Left to right are James Morrison, a Washington reporter, Ed
Willis, and T. A. Thompson.

374. Photograph taken in 1927 of the Hammond Berries a semi-pro
baseball team. Jimmy Morrison was the bat-boy.

375. Men on the back of a truck in Galvez, Louisiana possibly
for a political parade. At the far left is Tony Fedele.

376. Farmers’ Protective Union Parade on Thomas Street and
Railroad Avenue. The Ozone Drug Store is in the background and the
parade is being led by Calvin Patterson using a hoe for a

377. James Morrison speaking in Baton Rouge at a Farmers’ Union

378. Newspaper clipping, “Here’s How Strong the Farmer Are.”

379. Newspaper clipping, “Cheering Farmers Hear `Senator Jim’ on
Capitol Steps.”

380. Newspaper clipping, “Fitting Tribute at the Close of the
Day’s Events.”

381. Plaque of United States Presidents from George Washington
to Lyndon Johnson.

382. Photograph taken overseas of a committee that Morrison
chaired during Eisenhower’s Administration. Present are: Dominick
Daniels, James Morrison, Mrs. Frost Hardin, Arnold Olsen, Jim
Harley, and several staff and ambassador assistants.

383. A Mardi Gras ball in Washington. Left to right are Marjorie
Morrison, Gwendolyn Caprage, James Morrison, and Pearl Mester.

384. Four pictures of James Morrison. Left to right are Morrison
as a baby, as a high school freshman at the home of Corrine Carter,
as a high school graduate, and entering Tulane.

385. Left to right are Marjorie Morrison, James Morrison, Mrs.
Douglas Mode, and Douglas Mode.

386. Photograph taken at the State Department. Left to right are
James Morrison, Marjorie Morrison, and Mrs. Chiang Kai Shek.

387. Copy of Flight certificate for flying in the Presidential
jet dated 28 April 1966 and signed by Lyndon Johnson.

388. Facts Forum Radio Program. Left to right are Congressman
Craig Hosmer of California, Dan Smoot the moderator, and
Congressman James Morrison of Louisiana.

389. Newspaper clipping from the Washington Times Herald, 3
April 1943, “The Embarrassing Freshman.”

390. Certificate from Lyndon Johnson dated 2 February 1967
recognizing James Morrison as a member of the Advisory Commission
on Parcel Distribution.

391. Copy of the Baton Rouge Register showing the James Morrison
and Harry Truman strawberry photograph.

392. Saturday Evening Post, “The President’s Lawyer,” by Jack

393. Photograph of the Capitol taken shortly after several
Puerto Ricans created a disturbance by firing shots.

394. Top photograph: James Morrison and postal officials. Bottom
photograph: James Morrison and Maggie Reiman of the Women’s
Auxiliary to the United Federation of Postal Clerks, 19 June

395. Four photographs: Top left is John Kennedy signing a bill
into law, present are Tom Murray, Olin Johnston, and James
Morrison. Bottom left is John Kennedy signing a bill into law,
present are Tom Murray, Olin Johnston, and James Morrison. Top
right is Dwight Eisenhower being presented a cowboy hat and
painting. Bottom right is left to right James Dulski, James
Morrison, Willis Robertson, and Larry O’Brien with post office

396. “Between the Rows” column by “Senator” Jim Morrison in the
Hammond Farmers’ Friend.

397. Bill Herson of NBC and James Morrison on the “Coffee with
Congressman program.”

398. Letter from Harry Truman to James Morrison dated 9 April

399. Letters to James Morrison from Matthew Connely dated 3 June
1946 and Charles Murphy dated 9 July 1949.

400. Photograph taken in Paraguay of James Morrison and Herbert

401. Arnold Olsen and James Morrison.

402. Four Letters to James Morrison, top left from Robert
Hannegan, 7 December 1944. Top right from Robert Hannegan, 3
November 1944. Bottom left from Robert Ramspeck and Donald Lathom,
8 November 1944. Bottom right from Oscar R. Ewing, 17 November

403. Newspaper clipping from the Times-Picayune, 18 February
1950, showing Vice-President Alben Barkley greeting Louisiana Mardi
Gras queens.

404. Letter to James Morrison from Harry Truman dated 16
November 1944.

405. “Lifestyle,” 8 May 1975, “Away from the roar of the

406. James Morrison presenting a crate of strawberries to Alben

407. Newspaper clipping from the Ponchatoula Enterprise, 26 May
1950, which shows a photograph of Alben Barkley at Southeastern’s
25th Anniversary.

408. Photograph taken at Shadow Creek. Left to right are
Marjorie Morrison, John Gronouski, Mrs. Celeste LeJeune, and
Falwell LeJeune.

409. Baton Rouge Register, “A Legend in His Own Time.”

410. Testimonial Dinner program.

411. Congress in session-Morrison’s testimonial.

412-420. Articles from the Baton Rouge Register.

421. Mrs. Morrison speaking at a testimonial dinner.

422. Baton Rouge Register.

423. Washington testimonial, left to right are Mrs. John
McCormack and John McCormack.

424. National Association of Letter Carriers banquet.

425. Mr. Fournet, his wife, and Marjorie Morrison.

426. Baton Rouge Register.

427. Left to right are Earle Cocke, Marjorie Morrison, James
Morrison, and Mrs. Earle Cocke.

428. Seven photographs of James Morrison. Left to right are: 1)
leaving high school; 2) Tulane graduate;

3) opening his law office; 4) in Congress; 5) at his desk in
Washington; 6) in Congress; and 7)in Congress.

429-460. Various scenes from the Washington Mardi Gras.

461. Left to right are Woody Dumas, Mrs. Morrison, John
McKeithen, James Morrison, and Mrs. McKeithen.

462. James Morrison at a social gathering speaking to Nina

463. Washington Mardi Gras ball.

464. James Morrison, Marjorie Morrison, Hobby Morrison, Gale
Shelton, and Nina Black.

465. Various queens of the Mardi Gras ball at the White

466. Two unidentified ladies at a social function, possibly a
Mardi Gras ball.

467. Left to right are Gene Austin, unidentified, James
Morrison, Marjorie Morrison, and Hobby Morrison.

468. Clockwise are Douglas Mode, Mrs. Barnee Breeskin, Barnee
Breeskin, Mrs. Dutch Bergman, William Brooks, Mrs. Wibberly, Mr.
Wibberly, Mrs. William Brooks, Dutch Bergman, and Mrs. Douglas

469. Unidentified, Dutch Bergman, and James Morrison.

470. Photograph taken at a National Guard Armory. Present are
Dutch Bergman and Marjorie Morrison.

471. Unidentified, James and Marjorie Morrison, and

472. James Morrison escorting a strawberry queen.

473. A supper for a postal organization. Several U. S.
Congressman are present.

474. Supper in the Speaker’s dining room. Present are George
Long, Otto Passman, James Morrison, Ed Willis, T. A. Thompson,
Overton Brooks, and Hale Boggs.

475. Autographed photograph of Albert Thomas.

476. A banquet for the National Association of Letter Carriers.
Present are James Morrison, Marjorie Morrison, and Carl Albert.

477. Autographed photograph of Frank Ellis.

478. James Morrison and Herbert Christenberry at Shadow

479. Autographed photograph of Herbert Christenberry.

480. Photograph taken in Paraguay of Herbert Christenberry, Mrs.
Christenberry, and Mr. McRoberts.

481. James Morrison speaking at Tulane University.

482. James Morrison speaking.

483. Presentation of strawberries. left to right are James
Morrison, Bob Kennon, Woody Dumas, and the Secretary of

484. Photograph taken in Baltimore at the christening of the S.
S. Marjorie Lykes.

485. Photograph taken in Baltimore at the christening of the S.
S. Marjorie Lykes.

486. Two unidentified ladies at the christening of the S. S.
Marjorie Lykes.

487. S. S. Marjorie Lykes at sea.

488. James Morrison, Mrs. Lykes, and Mr. Lykes.

489. Mayor Jack Christian of Baton Rouge and James Morrison.

490. Federal Post Office Building in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

491. Jack Christian and James Morrison.

492. Baton Rouge officials in Washington.

493. Autographed photograph of Jim Corbett.

494. An aerial view of the L.S.U. campus.

495. Charlie MacCLendon grabbing Jim Corbett after the 1966
Cotton Bowl when L.S.U. defeated previously undefeated Arkansas 14
to 7.

496. WAFB TV. Tommy Gibbons is in the photograph.

497. Autographed photograph of Jimmy Taylor.

498. Photograph taken in Frankfurt. Left to right are Thomas
Tumulty (N.J.), Mrs. Frost Hardin, Frost Hardin, Douglas Mode, the
Mayor of Frankfurt, and James Morrison.

499. Photograph taken outside of Paris, France at either SHAFE
or NATO headquarters. Present are Joe Poole, Arnold Olsen, James
Morrison, Congressman Dominick Daniels, an Air Force colonel, and
Air Force general.

500. Photograph taken outside of Paris, France of a
Congressional Committee and dignitaries.

501. Photograph taken outside of Paris, France of a
Congressional Committee and dignitaries.

502. Photograph taken outside of Paris, France of a
Congressional Committee and dignitaries.

503. Certificate from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers, presented to James Morrison’s nephew Harry Lee in

504. James Morrison at the podium in Ohio.

505. Two photographs of Shadow Creek and one of its guest

506. James Morrison in the committee reception room.

507. A Washington testimonial, Jerome Keating is presenting
James Morrison with a plaque.

508. Autographed photograph of Jerome Keating.

509. Left to right are Marjorie Morrison, James Morrison, and an
unidentified lady at a Morrison testimonial.

510. Autographed photograph of Roy Holback.

511. Roy Holback and Florence Cooley at a Morrison

512. Larry O’Brien.

513. Left to right are Marjorie Morrison, James Morrison, and
Larry O’Brien.

514. Congressman George Miller.

515. Arthur Sumerfield.

516. James Morrison and an official in the Federal
Communications Commission.

517. Jim Farley.

518. Left to right are John Gronouski, James Morrison, and
Arnold Olsen.

519. Postmaster General R. E. Hannegan from Missouri.

520. James Morrison and Walter G. Wilson, Jr., chief of the U.
S. Engineers.

521. Autographed photograph of Earl Cocke, Jr.

522. The office of Dutch Bergman, left to right are Dutch
Bergman, a Retired army officer, and James Morrison.

523. James Morrison and the National Commander of the American

524. President John F. Kennedy signing the Civil Service Pay
raise into law. He is presenting the fountain pen to Postmaster
General Edward Day. Also present are Jerome Keating, a Morrison
staff member, Arnold Olsen, James Morrison, and Olin Johnston.

525. John Gronouski.

526. Photograph taken in Alexandria. Left to right are Gillis
Long, J. Edward Day, James Morrison, and an Alexandria banker-Mr.

527. J. Edward Day and James Morrison.

528. James Morrison and Admiral Bob Hennigan.

529. James Morrison and a postal representative in the corner of
James Morrison’s office.

530. James Morrison at a postal officials banquet held in
Honolulu, Hawaii.

531. A testimonial dinner held in James Morrison’s behalf at the
main dining room of the Capitol House Hotel.

532. James Byrnes.

533. Photograph taken in Washington. Present are standing: Ed
Willis, T. A. Thompson, Russell Long, Mr. Bolten, and James
Morrison. Sitting left to right are F. Edward Hebert, Hale Boggs,
Allen Ellender, and George Long.

534.Unknown man and family.

535. Photocopy of unknown man and family.

536. Prints by David Pentland.

537. Color photo of bushes.

538. Shadow creek azalea farm owned by Congressman Morrison.

539. East fence of Morrison Square.

540. Preston Delcazel, killed in WWII- awarded Silver Star-
Campaign manager to James Morrison.

541. Warehouse containing roles of paper.

542. Francis Bickham, Cade Williams, Levern Meades, James H.
Morrison, Tom Matheny, Loretta Abene, Charles Chambers.

543. Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon B. Johnson

544. Unknown man and woman standing in a boat.

545. Unknown man and woman standing in a boat, copy 2.

546. Henry Kelleiman, Marjorie Morrison, Congressman James
Morrison and Mrs. Kellerman at the annual Mardi Gras Ball in
Washington D.C.

547. Judge Hubel, Dr. Warren Smith and Congressman James H.

548. Eighty-Eighth Congress Committee on Post Office and Civil

549. James Morrison sitting in front of a large photograph (2

550. Store of B. M. Morrison in 1904.

551. James Morrison giving a speech.

552. 1956 Mardi Gras Ball, Washington D.C. Marjorie Morrison and
Buddy Billups.

553. Picture of an old store.

554. Pope Pius XII, Congressman James Morrison and Marjorie

555. Picture of an old fireplace.

556. A KC-135 refueling a B-52

557. Color photo of a large brick home from the back.

558. Color photo of a large brick home from the front.

559. Fanefare Board of Directors, October 16, 1990.

560. Large float named “S.S. Puerto Rico”

561. Congressman Morrison giving a lecture to students.

562. James Morrison and unknown man.

563. James Morrison in a cap.

564. HQ. Strategic Air Command near Omaha, Nebraska.

565. James Morrison at approximately 30 to 40 years old.

566. Congressman George W. Andrews

567. Black and white photo of an unknown man.

568. Black and white photo of an unknown man speaking at a

569. Sam Rayburn

570. Dwight D. Eisenhower autographed picture to James

571. J. Don Kerlon, Time-Life Vice President.

572. Connee Boswell.

573. Carol Bruce.

574. Louisiana Mardi Gras Queens and maids during their visit at
the White House while in Washington for the ball of 1963 (2

575. Banquet with banner that reads, “Welcome Jimmie

576. Banquet for Kaiser Aluminum.

577. Unknown man speaking at a podium with a portrait of James
and Marjorie Morrison in the background .

578. Hale Borggs speaking at a podium with a portrait of James
and Marjorie Morrison in the background accompanied by another man
sitting on the side.

579. James Morrison lecturing.

580. James Morrison visiting NASA Mississippi Test Operations in
Hancock Co., Mississippi.

581. Four unknown people sitting at a dining table.

582. Marjorie Morrison accompanied by two unknown women.

583. Gwen Cafrite and Orine Muse.

584. Jimmy Morrison, John McCormick and an unknown woman.

585. Marjorie Morrison, Gwen Cafrite, James Morrison and Orine

586. James Morrison, Marjorie Morrison and unknown guest.

587. James Morrison posing with a queen of some sort and two
other unknown men.

588. Unknown man and woman sitting at a table

589. James Morrison with his congressional secretary, Florence

590. Congressman Morrison conducting congress in speakers

591. James Morrison posing near photographs.

592. James Morrison standing next to two other unknown men,
looking at photographs.

593. James Morrison shaking hands with two other unknown

594. James Morrison at the banquet for the Letter Carriers

595. King and Queen of a Mardi Gras ball, people unknown.

596. Unknown couple, Dutch and Mrs. Bugman, Marjorie

597. Speech by an unknown man in an open crowd.

598. James Morrison pictured on a television set.

599. Congressman George Andrews

600. James Morrison

601. Alben Barkley

602. W. McMillen and James Morrison

603. James Morrison waiving

604. James Morrison’s office in Washington

605. James Morrison holding strawberries

606. James Morrison shaking hands with an unknown man surrounded
by strawberries

607. Florence H. Cooley with article

608. Morrison Boulevard

609. James Morrison with Dr. and Mrs. McCormick

610. First home of Mrs. H. M. Morrison

611. B.M. Morrison Feed and Grain Warehouse

612. James Morrison pictured with a marching band below.

613. James and Marjorie Morrison in formal wear

614. Unknown group photo

615. Buddie Billups, prominent businessman from Hammond as King
with Queen of Washington Mardi Gras Ball, Miss Martino

616. Morrison Boulevard

617. Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphry

618. Cook out at an Episcopal Church

619. Congressman Morrison attends his alma mata, Tulane
University, at a ROTC dedication with an introduction just before
his speech

620. James Morrison making a speech in front of the Post office
in St. Gabriel, Louisiana

621. Mr. Paul Maurin, Congressman Morrison and Hoss Moss

622. Kaiser Aluminum

623. National Association of letter carriers officials – Jerome
Keating, James Morrison and an unknown man

624. Mrs. Morris Cafritz , one of Washington’s leading
social lights, is shown enjoying a dance with Chairman of the
Louisiana Mardi Gras Ball, Representative James H. Morrison

625. Unknown shop with workers carrying bags in front

626. Unknown sketch of a man

627. James Morrison and unknown party preparing to christen a

628. Five unknown men at a grave

629. Franklin Delanor Roosevelt eating with soldiers

630. Woman holding strawberries

631. Eleven young people posing next to a statue

632. Nine unknown Boy Scouts

633. Boy Scouts Troop 101, Pontchatoula, Louisiana

634. James Morrison shaking hands with an unknown man,
accompanied by another unknown man

635. U.S. Coast Guard vessels and HH-52A helicopter battling
blaze erupting on collision between 6,732-ton Norwegian freighter
Fernview and 3,100-ton American Coastal Tanker Dynafuel, Thursday,
November 14, 1963, at entrance to Buzzard Bay, Massachusetts

636. Lt. R. Hale, James Morrison and Senator Quentin Burdick

637. James Morrison surrounded by six unknown men dressed in
formal wear

638. James Morrison, John Breaux, and Dr. John Miller

639. James Morrison, John Breaux and Dr. John Miller,
autographed by John Breaux

640. Marjorie Morrison setting a table

641. Congressman Morrison with Washington office staff prior to
moving to Rayburn Building

642. Professor Howard Nichols and Judge Burrell Carter

643. James Morrison and an unknown woman at a podium

644. Construction of Louisiana’s State Capital

645. Christening of the Marjorie Lykes SS of Baton Rouge in
Baltimore, Maryland

646. Graduation picture of six unknown people

647. Post card of the Pope Pius XII sent to Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy
Morrison from Josie and Raymond

648. Newspaper photograph of James Morrison being decorated with
the red feather by Misses Esther Cleveland, Celeste Gaudet,
Elizabeth Pierson, Frances Ivens, Edith Norris and Anna Green

649. Post card of Brussels: The Royal Palace to Mr. and Mrs.
J.H. Morrison from Pieler and Angela

650. B.M. Morrison home, Corner of Cate and Church St.

651. Landmark sign indicating the birthplace and ancestral home
of Richmond Pearson Hobson, 2 copies

652. Christmas card to Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison from Bill
Dodd and family

653. Black and white photo of an unknown woman, 3 copies

654. James Morrison with an unknown man an woman

655. Dedication of the Morrison Room-Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ed Butler,
Congressman Jimmy Morrison, and Mr. and Mrs. Byard Edwards

656. Dedication of the Morrison Room-Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. Congressman Jimmy H. Morrison and SLU
President G. Warren Smith

657. Black and white photo of a fence and arch covered in ivory
and flowers

658. Dedication of the Morrison Room-Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. SLU President G. Warren Smith;
Congressman Jimmy Morrison; and Mr. Ben Grayson

659. Dedication of the Morrison Room-Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. Dr. Connie

Smith; Congressman Jimmy Morrison; and SLU President G. Warren

660. Ms. Groven Covington Wife, James Morrison and Ms.

661. Senator John Hainkel’s Brunch on the Northshore
October 3, 1993

662. James Morrison visits Col. Roscoe Turners home with
astronaut Gordan Cooper and Mrs. Cooper

663. Dedication of the Morrison Room-Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. Congressman Jimmy Morrison addressing the
assembled family, friends, dignitaries, and guests.

664. James Morrison and Walter Wilson Jr.

665. James Morrison and Paul Calogeau

666. Post card of Magnolia Grove in Greensboro, Alabama

667. James Morrison speaking on a float during Mardi Gras

668. James Morrison shopping

669. Side view of James Morrison’s home

670. 1940 political exhibit

671. James Morrison posing in front of a bookshelf, 2 copies

672. James Morrison posing with 11 other men

673. James Morrison and an unknown man in a hotel lobby

674. James Morrison and Hale Boggs

675. Fanfare Advisory Council Dinner, Southeastern Louisiana
University, October 12, 1989. Mrs. Edwin H. Blum, Mrs. Marjorie
Morrison and Mrs. Kathy O’Neil

676. James H. Morrison (Hobby), son of James H. Morrison

677. Dedication of the Rayburn Room, Sunday, November 16, 1987.
Linus A. Sims Memorial Library, Southeastern Louisiana University.
Congressman Jimmy Morrison addressing the audience.
Southeastern’s President J. Larry Crain in background.

678. Two unknown women and one unknown man at a banquet

679. Four unknown men and one unknown woman sitting at a

680. Mrs. Lucille Blum and Marjorie Morrison

681. James Scott Morrison and Richmond Blair Morrison, sons of
Hoben and Lisa Morrison, 1993

682. Judge Fogg, Judge Kembel and Marjorie Morrison

683. Marjorie Morrison

684. James Morrison, unknown man and Marjorie Morrison at a

685. Marjorie Morrison

686. Marjorie Morrison, 2 copies

687. James and Marjorie Morrison

688. Marjorie Morrison

689. James Morrison and an unknown man

690. James and Marjorie Morrison and an unknown woman

691. James Morrison and an unknown woman

692. A young James Morrison and Corrine Carter

693. Dedication of the Rayburn Room, Sunday, November 16, 1986.
Linus A. Sims Memorial Library, Southeastern Louisiana University.
Unknown young man, Congressman Jimmy Morrison; Dr. and Mrs. Milton
Hejtmancek; Senator B.B. “Sixty” Rayburn; Southeastern President J.
Larry Crain; Representative Weldon Russell.

694. Dedication of the Rayburn Room, Sunday, November 16, 1987.
Linus A. Sims Memorial Library, Southeastern Louisiana University.
Mr. Eugene Rogillio; Dr. G. Warren Smith; Senator B.B. “Sixty”
Rayburn; Southeastern’s President J. Larry Crain; Congressman
Jimmy Morrison; Mr. Lehman Williamson

695. Dedication of the Rayburn Room, Sunday, November 16, 1987.
Linus A. Sims Memorial Library, Southeastern Louisiana University.
Southeastern’s President J. Larry Crain; Senator B.B. “Sixty”
Rayburn; Congressman Jimmy Morrison

696. Dedication of the Rayburn Room, Sunday, November 16, 1987.
Linus A. Sims Memorial Library, Southeastern Louisiana University.
Congressman Jimmy Morrison; Mrs. Hazel Rayburn;
Southeastern’s President J. Larry Crain; Senator B.B. “Sixty”
Rayburn; Mr. Lehman Williamson

697. Scott, Hobby, and Jimmy Morrison, 1990, 2 copies

698. Dedication of the Morrison Room, Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. Southeastern’s President G. warren
Smith; Congressman Jimmy H. Morrison; Representative Weldon Russle;
and Executive Assistant to the President, Dr. David C.

699. Dedication of the Morrison Room, Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. Congressman James Morrison and Dr. Joy
Jackson, Director of Archives and Center fro Regional Studies,
Southeastern Louisiana University

700. Miss Marino with Adm. Radford, Chief of the Joint Chiefs of

701. Mrs. Lucille Blum and Marjorie Morrison

702. Photo of a newspaper article from the Los Angeles Times of
James Morrison from 1946

703. Dedication of the Morrison Room, Sims Memorial Library,
Sunday, February 1, 1987. Dr. F. Landon Greaves welcoming guests to
Sims Memorial Library

704. Christmas card from an unknown family

705. Speaker John McCormick, Marjorie Morrison and James

706. Dinner at La Louisiana, Marjorie A. Morrison, Mrs. Fournet,
wife of Chief Justice, James Morrison, Mr. Fournet, Congressman
T.A. Thompson, holding the ladies hands

707. James H. Morrison, President of Southeastern Louisiana
University, J. Larry Crain, and State Representative Donald Ray

708. Burrel Carter Carter, Randy Houses and James Morrison