Photo (Negative) Collection
RAMSEY LUMBER COLLECTION (Joy Jackson copied pictures in the possession of Mr. Lamar Enoch Ramsey, November
1980–Negatives probably date circa early 1900s)
Page 1
(Negative Binder)
Neg. 1- Team of mules and a wagon.
Neg. 2- Turpentine notches on trees.
Neg. 3- Hotel de Carruth
Neg. 4- Railroad trestle
Neg. 5- Horses with low-wheel carts. One with pine log on it.
Neg. 6- Ox teams, high-wheel carts, and bunched logs.
Neg. 7- Fernwood.
Neg. 8- Mill pond. Train and mill in the background.
Neg. 9- Railroad tracks through cut in low hill.
Neg. 10- Turpentine faces with the crew in the woods.
Neg. 11- Gondola car dumping-side dumping.
Neg. 12- Attaching tongs to log to be snaked by crawler.
Neg. 13- Two men and a chain saw.
Neg. 14- Drying yard-stacked lumber.
Neg. 15- Sawmill.
Neg. 16- Building with round tower with men around front of building.
Neg. 17- Man, buggy, plow in back.
Neg. 18- Herd of cattle.
Neg. 19- Turpentine faces.
Neg. 20- Horses- skidding- low wheel cart.
Neg. 21- Loader.
Neg. 22- Men- 3 wagons or so-dry kiln.
Neg. 23- Camps- Turpentine.
Neg. 24- Group posing at logging site- some in Sunday best.
Neg. 25- Two locomotives in barn.
Page 2
(Negative Binder)
Neg. 1- Logging train- loaded flat cars.
Neg. 2- Cypress log- from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots-
1st one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (1st shot).
Neg. 3- Cypress log from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots.
First one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (2nd shot).
Neg. 4- Cypress log from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots.
First one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (3rd shot).
Neg. 5- Loading scene- onto barge.
Neg. 6- Pullboat- with fuel barge alongside. Fuel barge full, almost sunken.
Neg. 7- Towboat- printong on photo “Equitable Equipment.”
Neg. 8- Cypress log from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots.
First one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (4th shot).
Neg. 9- Quarterboats.
Neg. 10- Loaded barge- pilings.
Neg. 11- Old Manchac Bridge- tow going through.
Neg. 12- Fred Burris in plaid shirt- swamp scene.
Neg. 13- Canal dredging- wood was buried, and dug up.
Neg. 14- Mill scene.
Neg. 15- Dredge- shows side spuds and rear spud- which keeps dredge from swinging
Neg. 16- Schooners.
Neg. 17- Fernwood and Gulf RR co.- men on timbers on car.
Neg. 18- Logway- logs rolled on this into mill.
Neg. 19- Mill scene.
Neg. 20- Mill scene.
Neg. 21- Man on big timbers.
Neg. 22- Mill scene.
Page 3
(Negative Binder)
Neg. 1- Mill scene.
Neg. 2- Mill scene.
Neg. 3- “Train Time.”
Neg. 4- A scene in old Tylertown.
Neg. 5- RR bridge.
Neg. 6- Men on horses- herd of cattle.
Neg. 7- “Beef Cattle…”
Neg. 8- Cattle in town.
Neg. 9- Magee’s Creek.
Neg. 10- Town Drug Co.; Boston Store.
Neg. 11- Old Cotton Gin.
Neg. 12- Church.
Neg. 13- Street scene in old Tylertown.
Neg. 14- A still south of Knoxo. A station on G. & G. R. R. ca. Half was between Tylertown
and Columbia.
Neg. 15- Men, one on horse, turpentine barrels.
Neg. 16- Track.
Neg. 17- School.
Neg. 18- 5 men in Fernwood office.
Neg. 19- Interior of drug store.
Neg. 20- Office and man is a stenographer (has a pad).
Neg. 21- Fernwood Depot.
Neg. 22- Preaching on street in old Tylertown. Dr. Anderson.
Page 4
(Negative Binder)
Neg. 1- U. S. Post Office.
Neg. 2- Arrival of F & G.
Neg. 3- Building, men, bales of cotton.
Neg. 4- Bridge.
Neg. 5- Cattle in town.
Neg. 6- Bank Building and street scene.
Neg. 7- Tow going through Manchac RR bridge. Feb. 1952.
Neg. 8- Tow going through Manchac RR bridge. Feb. 1952.
Neg. 9- Enoch Farms Land booklet (cover).
Neg. 10- Introduction to booklet (Enoch Farms Land booklet).
Neg. 11- Continuation of introduction.
Neg. 12- Turpentine still and resin yard (Booklet).
Neg. 13- Two sure crops (booklet).
Neg. 14- Where the Enochs Live (booklet).
Neg. 15- Map- Pike County, Walthall County, & Marion City (left side).
Neg. 16- Map- ditto (right side of map continued).
Neg. 17- View of Fernwood, Mississippi in booklet.
Neg. 18- View of Kokomo, Mississippi in booklet.
Neg. 19- View of Magnolia, Mississippi in booklet.