Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Ramsey Lumber

Ramsey Lumber

Photo (Negative) Collection

RAMSEY LUMBER COLLECTION (Joy Jackson copied pictures in the possession of Mr. Lamar Enoch Ramsey, November
1980–Negatives probably date circa early 1900s)

Page 1

(Negative Binder)

Neg. 1- Team of mules and a wagon.

Neg. 2- Turpentine notches on trees.

Neg. 3- Hotel de Carruth

Neg. 4- Railroad trestle

Neg. 5- Horses with low-wheel carts. One with pine log on it.

Neg. 6- Ox teams, high-wheel carts, and bunched logs.

Neg. 7- Fernwood.

Neg. 8- Mill pond. Train and mill in the background.

Neg. 9- Railroad tracks through cut in low hill.

Neg. 10- Turpentine faces with the crew in the woods.

Neg. 11- Gondola car dumping-side dumping.

Neg. 12- Attaching tongs to log to be snaked by crawler.

Neg. 13- Two men and a chain saw.

Neg. 14- Drying yard-stacked lumber.

Neg. 15- Sawmill.

Neg. 16- Building with round tower with men around front of building.

Neg. 17- Man, buggy, plow in back.

Neg. 18- Herd of cattle.

Neg. 19- Turpentine faces.

Neg. 20- Horses- skidding- low wheel cart.

Neg. 21- Loader.

Neg. 22- Men- 3 wagons or so-dry kiln.

Neg. 23- Camps- Turpentine.

Neg. 24- Group posing at logging site- some in Sunday best.

Neg. 25- Two locomotives in barn.

Page 2

(Negative Binder)

Neg. 1- Logging train- loaded flat cars.

Neg. 2- Cypress log- from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots-
1st one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (1st shot).

Neg. 3- Cypress log from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots.
First one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (2nd shot).

Neg. 4- Cypress log from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots.
First one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (3rd shot).

Neg. 5- Loading scene- onto barge.

Neg. 6- Pullboat- with fuel barge alongside. Fuel barge full, almost sunken.

Neg. 7- Towboat- printong on photo “Equitable Equipment.”

Neg. 8- Cypress log from Midde Bayou. Smallest log in that tree. Series of 4 shots.
First one has piece of slab removed. Last one shows squared timber (4th shot).

Neg. 9- Quarterboats.

Neg. 10- Loaded barge- pilings.

Neg. 11- Old Manchac Bridge- tow going through.

Neg. 12- Fred Burris in plaid shirt- swamp scene.

Neg. 13- Canal dredging- wood was buried, and dug up.

Neg. 14- Mill scene.

Neg. 15- Dredge- shows side spuds and rear spud- which keeps dredge from swinging

Neg. 16- Schooners.

Neg. 17- Fernwood and Gulf RR co.- men on timbers on car.

Neg. 18- Logway- logs rolled on this into mill.

Neg. 19- Mill scene.

Neg. 20- Mill scene.

Neg. 21- Man on big timbers.

Neg. 22- Mill scene.

Page 3

(Negative Binder)

Neg. 1- Mill scene.

Neg. 2- Mill scene.

Neg. 3- “Train Time.”

Neg. 4- A scene in old Tylertown.

Neg. 5- RR bridge.

Neg. 6- Men on horses- herd of cattle.

Neg. 7- “Beef Cattle…”

Neg. 8- Cattle in town.

Neg. 9- Magee’s Creek.

Neg. 10- Town Drug Co.; Boston Store.

Neg. 11- Old Cotton Gin.

Neg. 12- Church.

Neg. 13- Street scene in old Tylertown.

Neg. 14- A still south of Knoxo. A station on G. & G. R. R. ca. Half was between Tylertown
and Columbia.

Neg. 15- Men, one on horse, turpentine barrels.

Neg. 16- Track.

Neg. 17- School.

Neg. 18- 5 men in Fernwood office.

Neg. 19- Interior of drug store.

Neg. 20- Office and man is a stenographer (has a pad).

Neg. 21- Fernwood Depot.

Neg. 22- Preaching on street in old Tylertown. Dr. Anderson.

Page 4

(Negative Binder)

Neg. 1- U. S. Post Office.

Neg. 2- Arrival of F & G.

Neg. 3- Building, men, bales of cotton.

Neg. 4- Bridge.

Neg. 5- Cattle in town.

Neg. 6- Bank Building and street scene.

Neg. 7- Tow going through Manchac RR bridge. Feb. 1952.

Neg. 8- Tow going through Manchac RR bridge. Feb. 1952.

Neg. 9- Enoch Farms Land booklet (cover).

Neg. 10- Introduction to booklet (Enoch Farms Land booklet).

Neg. 11- Continuation of introduction.

Neg. 12- Turpentine still and resin yard (Booklet).

Neg. 13- Two sure crops (booklet).

Neg. 14- Where the Enochs Live (booklet).

Neg. 15- Map- Pike County, Walthall County, & Marion City (left side).

Neg. 16- Map- ditto (right side of map continued).

Neg. 17- View of Fernwood, Mississippi in booklet.

Neg. 18- View of Kokomo, Mississippi in booklet.

Neg. 19- View of Magnolia, Mississippi in booklet.