Postcard Collection
Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind
of image Negative
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Casa de Fresa, A Hotel with all modern
conveniences, an ideal summer or winter home, located in the heart
of the strawberry capital of the world, and only 55 miles from
America’s most interesting city, New Orleans. Malcolm B. Wright,
Pres., Ted Carfiel, General Manager.
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Casa de Fresa, a hotel with all modern
conveniences. An ideal summer or winter home, located in the heart
of the strawberry capital of the world, and only 55 miles from
America’s most interesting city, New Orleans. M. B. Wright, Pres.
and Manager.
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. The Oaks Hotel. Postcard was addressed to
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Log Cabin. This is the home of the Farmers
Strawberry Vegetable Co-operative Auction, world’s largest
strawberry shippers. This building measures 75 ft. in length. Ridge
Pole measures 85 ft. in length. From the Houlton Bro’s. Farm.
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Near Hammond, Louisiana. River and trees and a man in a horse and
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Residence of James Corbett. Written on back is
“Grace Whisner, April 3, 1945.”
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. A handsome residence. Sent to Lewis W. Grady,
Kingston, N.C. from Hazel Watson, Hammond, Louisiana, October 11,
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Twelve men, women, and children Picking
strawberries. Sent to Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Orknbach, New Orleans,
Louisiana from Marie and Eunice, April 22, 1940.
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Music and Dramatic Art Building, Southeastern
Louisiana College. It’s equipped with two-way communication system,
is one of the most modern found in the South. It has sound-proof
studios and an auditorium which seats 750. Sent to S/Sgt. &
Mrs. Smith, Camp Pickett, Virginia, April 15, 1913 from Virginia
and Charles.
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Administration Building, Southeastern
Louisiana College.
3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Hammond, Louisiana. Science Building. It is equipped throughout
with the latest scientific and laboratory apparatus for biology,
chemistry, physics, and general science. Large elevated lecture
rooms are found on each floor. Library Building. The Library is
equipped with all modern conveniences. It has large reading rooms,
lecture rooms, offices, three levels, and can house 75,000
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 B&W postcard none
Amite, Louisiana. Catholic Church. Published by Stewart’s Drug
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 B&W postcard none
Amite, Louisiana. Main shop building, Gullet Gin Co. Sent to Miss
Hazel Jordan, Wellsboro, PA from Pine City, New York.
unknown 3½ x 5½ 1 color postcard none
Kentwood, Louisiana. Brooks Scanlon Co’s. Planing Mill.