Yosemite National Park

Photo Collection


Pix Date Size No Kind of Image Negative

1. 1950's 3x5 1 B&W print no
Man standing on top of a mountain

2. 1950's 3x5 1 B&W print no
Man standing at the base of Mount St. Helene

3. 1950's 3x5 1 B&W print no
Man standing in Redwood national park

4. 1950's 3x5 1 B&W print no
Man standing near Great Geyser Yosemite

5. 1950's 5x7 1 B&W print no
Man standing near F.D.R. monument

6. 1950's 5x7 1 B&W print no
Man standing near the Grizzly Giant