Volume 27 of The Pick
Title: The Most Influential Person of the 20th Century
Author:B.J. Gibson
Essay Type:Argument
Course:English 101
Instructor:Jennifer Oritz
Title: Could Variation in the Coloring of Largemouth Bass Provide an Example of Natural Selection
Author:Bryan Gowland
Essay Type:Critical Review
Course:History 630
Instructor:Dr. Barbara Forrest
Title: All Quiet on the Western Front
Author:Chuck Dellert
Essay Type:Book Review
Course:History 434
Instructor:Dr. Judith Fai-Podlipnick
Title: Love Goes On
Author:David Herrington
Essay Type:Short Essay
Course:English 292
Instructor:Dr. Jim Walter
Title: The Wall
Author:Fremont Scott
Essay Type:Personal Narrative
Course:English 101
Instructor:Ms. Ramona Cutrer
Title: A Sudden Switch
Essay Type:Personal Narrative
Course:English 101
Instructor:Dr. Joan Faust
Title: The Relation of Thought and Emotion in “Surprised by Joy”
Author:Jeff Starns
Essay Type:Poetry Analysis
Course:English 303
Instructor:Dr. David Hanson
Title: The Philosophies of John Stuart Mill as a Guide for the World
Author:Mary Windecker
Essay Type:Research Paper
Course:Philosophy 301
Instructor:Dr. Barbara Forrest
Title: Comparing and Contrasting Barbie and Joe Camel as Role Models
Author:Mica Fitzhugh
Essay Type:Compare/Contrast
Course:English 101
Instructor:Jennifer Oritz
Title: Madame Bovary
Author:Richard Pace
Essay Type:Short Essay
Course:English 292 Honors
Instructor:Dr. Jim Walter
Title: Becoming a Marine: Re-socialization for a Higher Purpose
Author:Ric Polleck
Essay Type:Research Paper
Course:Sociology 451
Instructor:Dr. Yanyi K. Djamba
Title: The Growth of Achilles
Author:Russell Selva
Essay Type:Literary Analysis
Course:English 121 Honors
Instructor:Dr. Joan Faust
Title: The House of Spirits: Survival through Memory
Author:Sarah Prevot
Essay Type:Short Essay
Course:English 292 Honors
Instructor:Dr. Jim Walter
Title: Fading into Knowledge
Author:Teresa K. Walls
Essay Type:Short Essay
Course:English 292 Honors
Instructor:Dr. Jim Walter
Title: Woo
Author:Tonya Joiner
Essay Type:Personal Narrative
Course:English 101
Instructor:Dr. Joan Faust