Keep Southeastern Beautiful!
Anti-Litter Policy
Southeastern Louisiana University takes pride in maintaining the beauty of its campus.
Improper disposal of any form of litter is strictly prohibited on its main campus
and all regional locations. Litter is any waste material, garbage, or rubbish, including
but not limited to food, food wrappers, paper, cans, bottles, cigarette butts, ashes,
or discarded debris. All members of the University community and visitors are required
to utilize trash receptacles to dispose of any unwanted items or debris. Intentional
disposal of waste material except in designated receptacles is a violation of the
law, university policy, and the Student Code of Conduct. Compliance with this policy
is expected from all University students, faculty, staff, visitors and contractors. Student
violators will be ticketed by University Police personnel and referred to the Office
of Student Advocacy and Accountability for disciplinary action as appropriate. Faculty,
staff, contractors or visitors who violate this policy will be ticketed, and as appropriate
may be reported to the relevant university department/office.
The penalty shall be a choice of either payment of a $50 fine or 10 hours of Community
Service (litter pickup). Egregious or repeat offenders may be subject to additional
sanctions as determined by the Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability or other
relevant university department/office as appropriate.
Students are responsible to familiarize themselves with the Student Code of Conduct and all University Policies.
**The University reserves the right to change the Student Code of Conduct at any time
during the academic year. It is each student’s responsibility to keep abreast and
comply with the Student Code of Conduct as well as other published rules and policies.