Online Service Request


  • Give a complete description and exact location of work needed.

  • Submit a request two weeks in advance for any date driven items including sound setups
    and moving items.

  • Any on-line request received for keys will be cancelled.Key requests must be completed
    on the Key Request Form and have an original department head signature.

  • Include a budget number for any requests for sound or movers (tents, tables, chairs,

  • For a multiple task service request, a separate request should be made for each different
    shop. (IE. plumbing, movers, electrical).

  • Do not submit a service request to Physical Plant for surplus items. A Property Surplus
    form must be completed and submitted to the Property Control Department at 549-2205.

  • Request to use the Alumni Banquet room must be approved by the director of Alumni.

  • Student Organizations must complete a service request with Advisor’s signature and complete the Registration of Activities Form.

  • Physical Plant is not able to provide sound system setups for Student Organization

  • If a change must be made to a request, call the Physical Plant Services Office at
    549-3333 with the Request number. DO NOT SUBMIT ANOTHER REQUEST.

  • Do not submit a service request to move furniture/property to a different location
    due to a change in the way the space is being used or a change in faculty/staff. A
    Change in University Space Request must be submitted per space management policy. Facility Planning will submit approved requests to Physical Plant.


Google Form Service Request