Introduction to Service Contracts

External contracts with individuals (not employees, graduate assistants, student workers, students) or business entities (not businesses of employees) qualified by definition for personal services, professional services, consulting services under $75,000, or social services under $250,000 annually, may be obtained without
competitive bidding and the price negotiated with a responsible contractor.
See Legal & Ethic Concerns & Statutes Concerning Contracts.


Consulting services of $75,000 or greater, and social services of $250,000 or greater annually, may require solicitation of a Request for Proposal
to determine the contractor (contact the Director of Purchasing for more details on
Request for Proposal process that may require up to (6) months).


Immediate familymembers (defined below)and their businesses may be contracted, but
not by, or services provided for, the faculty/staff employee’s department (agency).
In such instances, the faculty/staff employee is prohibited from participation in
any manner associated with the service contract.
See Legal & Ethic Concerns.


* “Immediate family” as the term relates to a public servant means
his children, the spouses of his children, his brothers and their spouses,
his sisters and their spouses, his parents, his spouse, and the parents of his spouse.


Former employees (including Graduate Assistants and Student Workers) during the two year period following
the termination of service of the employee, may not assist another for compensation,
in a transaction, or in an appearance in connection with a transaction involving the
University in which the former public employee participated while employed by the
University nor may the former employee provide on a contractual basis to the former
employee’s department (agency), any service he or she provided while employed there.

See Legal & Ethic Concerns.


be processed and approved through the Purchasing Department. For contracts in excess
of $50,000, review and approval must be made by the Office of State Procurement. In
some instances, other external agency approvals may be required to be secured.


The contract must be on the prescribed contract form (except for legal services* and
cooperative endeavors*) and signed by the contractor prior to submission to the Purchasing
Department. The department will submit the contract form with a completed purchase
requisition to the Purchasing Department for requesting the President’s signature
for contracts over $20,000 or Provost/Vice President’s signature for contracts over
$2,000 and up to $20,000. Under no circumstances should a faculty or staff employee
sign an agreement with any contractor on the contractor’s contract form.


**Contracts for professional legal services and cooperative endeavors have their own approved contract form. See Service Contract Forms directory.