Fireworks Display Requirements


October 22, 2003

To: All Louisiana College and University Presidents

From: R.R. “Bob” Cate, Manager 

Louisiana State Fire Marshall Office

RE: Use of Fireworks

This is to inform you of a recent change in the Louisiana Fireworks Law, which went
into effect on August 15, 2003. As a result of this law.  ALL fireworks displays,
regardless the type of firework being used must be permitted and performed by a Licensed
Pyrotechnic Operator.

It has been brought to our attention that numerous athletic events are having fireworks
displays without the proper permitting. This memo will serve as “Notice of a change
to the Louisiana Fireworks Law”. Any infraction after this date may subject your College
or University to legal action.

Please distribute a copy of this memo to any of your schools that may be affected
by the change. If you have any questions, you may access the Law on our website, or you can reach me at 225-294-4297 for further information.