Safe Driver Program

Safe Driver Program

 Safe Driver Policy

Non-Licensed Vehicle Policy

Licensed Vehicle – Safe Driver Program

1) Review the Safe Driver Policy    

2) Complete the course which takes 10-15 minutes.  Use a computer with a printer attached
     as you MUST print your certificate upon completion of the course.  Access the On-line Driving course:

3)  Print your certificate. 

4)  Complete, print, initial and sign the Driver Authorization Form (DA2054 form).              

 **IF YOU HAVE AN OUT-OF-STATE  DRIVER’S LICENSE, you must provide the Environmental Health & Safety Office with a copy of your Official Driving Record (ODR).  You may obtain a copy of that record from the Department of Motor Vehicles in the state where you received your license.  Certification cannot be granted until your valid ODR is received.

We are required to have the original documents – send the certificate and the completed Driver Authorization Form in campus mail to the Environmental Health & Safety Office – SLU 10452 or deliver to Anzalone Hall room 210.  

Non-Licensed Vehicle Program

In order to drive the Non-Licensed Vehicles, you will need to successfully complete the Safe Driver Course.  Please follow the instructions above to complete the course.

Once the Safe Driver forms are received by our office, we will enroll you in the Non-Licensed Vehicle Training in Canvas. 

 1) Review the Non-Licensed Vehicle Policy.

2) Once you complete the course, bring the Certificate and Acknowledgement form to the Departmental Trainer
     for the actual hands-on training on the Non-licensed Vehicle.

3) The trainer will issue the Yellow training card and sign the Acknowledgement form.

4) The trainer will then send the completed paperwork to the Environmental Health & Safety office for processing.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Environmental Health & Safety Office (985) 549-2157.