New Organization FAQs

We are excited you are interested in the process of creating a new organization, below
we answered some questions you may have! 

If you don’t see the answer to your question here, please contact us at [email protected]
or (985) 549-2120. 

What can Interest Groups do until they are an approved Recognized Student Organization?

Interest Group – any organization that is petitioning for the status of a Recognized Student Organization.

Recognized Student Organization (RSO) – any organization who has completed all requirements with the Office for Student
Engagement and has at least 10 members and has received an official notice from the
Office for Student Engagement that your organization is an approved RSO.

What can Interest Groups do?

  • Can hold interest meetings
  • Can table to recruit members (Interest Tabling)
  • Can submit Registration of Activities (ROA) for interest meetings and interest tabling

What Interest Groups can NOT do? 

  • Cannot host social events
  • Cannot receive grants (Organizational Grant and/or Travel Grants) from the Student
    Government Association
  • Cannot participate in Large Campus Events (e.g. Homecoming Week, Mocktails, etc.)
  • Cannot hold Fundraiser Events

How do we go about getting an RSO advisor for our new organization?

During the duration of your group being a Student Interest Group, one of the Professional
Staff members in the Office for Student Engagement will serve as your faculty advisor
until you have completed the Student Organization Recognition Packet. 

You can connect with your professors or other staff members to see who would be interested
in serving as a RSO Advisor for your organization or see if they can help you find
an RSO advisor.

How many students will we need to start our new organization?

Ten students are required to start a new organization. If you don’t have 10 members,
we will provide you with resources on how to recruit and retain potential members.

After our organization is formed, what do we do next? How do we stay as a recognizedorganization?

Once the organization is established, you will be officially a Recognized Student
Organization for Fall 2021 – Summer 2022. Organization members are encouraged to attend
the S.O.L.E. conference over the summer and must complete the recognition packet each
school year.