Mentor a Student

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Mentor a Student

When many of us hear a request to “give back” to our college alma mater, we think
of financial donations and dollar signs. But Southeastern’s alumni mentoring program
through Southeastern Connect provides a fabulous opportunity for alumni of all ages
to donate their time and experience to current students or recent graduates.

Southeastern Connect is designed to connect students and recent grads to alumni for
professional development purposes. It can be as simple as giving advice on internships,
careers, business etiquette, networking, resumes, and interviewing from those already
practicing in the field.

Alumni can serve as an objective sounding board for students’ ideas or ask thoughtful
questions. They can share their own career paths and experiences, as well as introduce
students and recent grads to their place of work and range of responsibilities.

Both alumni and students can benefit from the mentoring relationship. Students gain
the perspective of an objective professional. In some cases, students may be identified
as potential interns or new hires. Alumni build mentoring skills which can then translate
back to their own workplace and job. And sometimes professional relationships and
friendships develop as a result of a rewarding mentoring relationship that may last
a lifetime.

Check out ways you can give back by joining Southeastern Connect.