Southeastern Giving Day - Give Green! Go Gold!

Freshman Seminars

Fall Semester

Our Fall semester seminars are designed as two-day educational workshops specifically for freshmen. You will attend these events in place of your Southeastern 101 class during the days the events are scheduled.

Cool, Calm, and Connected

September 4-5
Student Union Ballroom

Many, many new experiences await you as you begin your journey and discover ways to Connect with Campus including learning about student organizations, leadership opportunities, and campus services. We’ll start with an interactive icebreaker for you and the organizational representatives and follow up with time to visit with representatives from both organizations and campus services in a table-browse format.

Major – Minor Fair

September 25-26
Student Union Ballroom

Are you currently unsure about what major or career you want to pursue? Or, perhaps you already know everything about your major, but you want to learn what other majors and minors are available at Southeastern. At this session you will have the opportunity to meet with faculty, staff, and students representing over 44 majors and 47 minors that Southeastern offers. As part of your Southeastern 101 class, you will be given a guide to help you prepare and navigate through the fair in order to get the most out of this opportunity.

Sexual Assault Awareness Program

October 21-22
Location TBD

“Is it ok to have sex with someone who has been drinking?”  “What proactive steps can I take to protect myself?”  “If I say ‘yes’ now, can I say ‘no’ later?”  This presentation will provide students with education and information on Sexual Assault & Awareness during their college experience and beyond.  In conjunction with Southeastern’s Theatre Program, live dramatizations will illustrate a variety of scenarios and situations for students to process in terms of personal rights, safety, consent, Louisiana law, Southeastern policy, and available resources.

Spring Semester

Our Spring semester seminars are scheduled as needed to cover specific student needs like academic recovery, studying an test taking, and picking a major. 

Academic Recovery Seminar

January 18 or 22
Student Union Theater

This seminar is required for freshman students placed on academic probation after the fall 2018 semester. At this seminar, we will discuss what probation status means in regards to academics, financial aid, scheduling, etc. We will also cover on-campus resources available to aid academic recovery, including the option to enroll in the SE 102 Academic Coaching course.  

If you are on academic probation, you would have received both a letter and email from our office inviting you to this seminar.