Development Software

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Microsoft Azure

The Computer Science department has a subscription to Microsoft Azure (now Imagine has been changed to azure at which is a Microsoft Program that supports technical education by providing access to Microsoft software for learning, teaching, and research purposes. Guidance regarding the use of tools and equipment are available on the web site.

This subscription makes Microsoft development software freely available for academic development use by students and faculty of the department. Dozens of titles including Visual Studio, SQL Server, Visio, and Expression Studio are available. So are operating systems such as various versions of Windows, provided they are used for academic instruction or development purposes. Productivity and business titles such as Microsoft Office are NOT available.

All Computer Science majors who are currently taking a CMPS class with a need for development software should have an account with Microsoft Azure. Their Username is their W-number email address. For example, if your w-number is w0123456 your Username will be [email protected]. If you don’t know your password, a reminder link is available on the login page which will send a reminder to that email address. Non-majors currently taking a CMPS class that requires development software may also obtain access upon request, as long as they have the approval of their instructor.

Students obtaining software from Microsoft Azure are expected to use it in accordance with the license which is provided when they download the software. The provision of additional downloads or installation keys by our Microsoft Azure program administrator does not imply departmental approval for any particular use of that software.

It is the responsibility of the student or faculty recipient of the software to use it in accordance with its license. Nonetheless, provision of additional downloads or installation keys will often require additional assurances of the intended educational instructional or development use of the software, especially in the case of operating system software.