Thesis Information

General Statement

A Master’s thesis should demonstrate the student’s ability to conduct independent research and to present the results of that research in a scholarly format. It should provide a significant contribution to knowledge in the discipline and reflect independent research of high quality.

Thesis Options


The thesis format, style requirements, and other technical matters shall conform to the regulations of the department in which the student is majoring.

Format for English Graduate Studies

Thesis Formatting Standards for English Graduate Studies.


Thesis Registration Form

Thesis Approval Form


All students shall defend their theses in an public oral examination held before the Thesis Committee and other persons invited by the committee.

Thesis Committee

A Thesis Committee consisting of at least three members shall supervise the research for and writing of the thesis. This committee shall be appointed by the Graduate Coordinator or graduate Faculty Advisor.

Final Approval

The Thesis Committee shall approve or reject the thesis. Students must make all corrections and changes in the thesis recommended by the committee prior to final approval.

Continuous Registration

The student must register for departmental Thesis courses for each semester the thesis is in progress and for each semester or term in which the student receives faculty assistance and/or uses University facilities and resources.


At the end of each semester in which a thesis is in progress, a grade of “IP” (In Progress) shall be assigned to the student.

After final approval of the thesis by the Thesis Committee and by the appropriate authorities, and after the Thesis Committee certifies that the student has passed the defense, and after all copies of the thesis have been approved by the Graduate School office, a final grade of “P,” carrying a maximum credit of 6 semester hours, shall be given.


Students must pay the University fee for thesis binding for the minimum number of copies required by their department.Valid receipts for these copies and for any additional copies the student wishes to have bound (maximum of seven) shall be presented at the time the final copy of the thesis is submitted to the Thesis Committee for approval. After obtaining the appropriate signatures, the student will submit the required number of copies of the thesis, together with the receipts for binding, to the Graduate School office for submission to the Library for binding.

Two copies of the thesis, for the Library’s use, shall be printed on 20-pound weight paper of at least 25 percent cotton fiber content. All other copies shall be printed according to departmental regulations.

When the final bound copies of the thesis are returned to the Library, the Graduate School Office shall pick them up and distribute them to the appropriate offices.

Graduate School Thesis Binding Policy

Leave of Absence from Thesis

In certain circumstances, such as illness, pregnancy, or compelling economic pressures, a student may not be able to enroll in a thesis course on a continuous basis. The University will allow leaves of absence on an individual, non-discriminatory basis, provided the student receives written permission from the appropriate Graduate Coordinator or graduate Faculty Advisor and the Graduate Dean.

The leave of absence policy does not affect in any manner the six year time limit for completion of the degree.