Publishing Studies Minor
A Collaboration of the Departments of Communication, Computer Science, English, and
Visual Arts
As a cooperative effort, these four departments offer an interdisciplinary Minor in
Publishing Studies. Students can use courses already included in majors offered by
these departments and combine with other courses to earn a highly marketable credential
in both print and digital publishing. The courses and internships draw on professional
as well as student-run publications for hands-on, project-based learning.
The minor trains students in the latest developments in digital humanities scholarship,
as preparation for Ph.D. programs; in digital and print editing and production, as
preparation for the workforce; and in classroom applications of technology, as support
for teaching writing and publishing.
The minor consists of a gateway course, English 309, followed by one course in each
of five areas of publishing studies (Writing, Editing, Visual Culture, Print Publishing,
and Online Publishing) plus an elective, which may be used either for an internship
or for more in-depth study of one of the five areas. Each of the five area requirements
can be met by a range of courses in the four participating departments.
The 21-hour minor consists of 3 hours from each of the areas below.
Although all the courses listed meet the requirements, some courses are not necessarily
appropriate for every student pursuing the minor. Students should seek advising to
assure that they have adequate preparation and lay the best path through the minor
to address their career plans.
ENGL 309
One of the following courses:
COMM 151, 430; ENGL 321, 322, 447
COMM 341 or ENGL 492
Visual Culture
One of the following courses:
COMM 376; CMPS 333; ENGL 449, 486
Print Publishing
One of the following courses:
ART 361; COMM 321; ENGL 493
Online Publishing
One of the following courses:
ART 459; COMM 417, 419; ENGL 494
One of the following courses:
ART 466; COMM 459; CMPS 400; ENGL 495
OR one of the courses listed above not already fulfilling a component requirement
Interdisciplinary Minor in Publishing Requirements Sheet
Course Description Publishing Minor