Student Success Center

Student Success Center


Attend workshops on a variety of topics, including diverse populations, career success, child advocacy, and many others. For details, please view our schedule of professional learning opportunities

Anytime Professional Development

Material Price List 

Complete the self-referral form to request one-on-one assistance from Ms. Susan Sawyer, Coordinator of the Student Success Center. Email your completed form to at [email protected] or drop it off in TEC 239.

Phone: (985) 549-5246 | Teacher Education Center Room 239

Email: [email protected]

Coordinator: Ms. Susan Sawyer

Faculty or Teacher Candidate Self Referral Form

Benefit from study materials, practice tests, resources, workshops, and personalized consultations. Please visit the PRAXIS/ETS website, and view our brochure and video for additional information regarding the Praxis I & II exams.


Praxis Protocol

Professional Library

 Borrow trade books, text books, manipulatives, games, and more.

Teaching Materials

Take advantage of die-cuts, low-cost laminating and coil binding, and other reasonably-priced teaching supplies.

Southeastern Resource Guide

Student Union Annex, (985) 549-3894

  • Offers consultations, workshops, individual, family, tele-health, and couples counseling as well as psycho-educational groups, support groups, and therapeutic groups
  • Provides 24/7 emergency on-call services
  • Free of charge to students, faculty, and staff

McGehee Hall, Room 109

  • Monday-Thursday by appointment or send questions to [email protected] 
  • Provides perishable and non-perishable items to any active Southeastern student, faculty, or staff member
  • 20 items per week

North Campus Main Building, Room 289, (985) 549-2122

  • For first-generation students, students with a disability, and students eligible for Pell grants
  • Services included: Tutoring, mentoring, academic, career, financial aid, graduate
    school counseling, cultural events, and workshops
  • Government funded
  • Safe place to discuss academics and other related concerns

Student Union Annex, 303A, (985) 549-2242

  • Services included: Minor illnesses and injuries, immunization information, student
    insurance, educational health material & presentation information, basic STD testing, Men’s Health Clinic, Women’s Health Clinic (Tuesday & Wednesday only), injections, and prescriptions
  • Make an appointment

Student Union, Room 2102, (985) 549-2121

  • Provides students and alumni with a multitude of career counseling and job search assistance services
  • Assist employers with hiring Southeastern students and alumni for part-time jobs,
    internships, and full-time positions
  • Resources include:
    • Map your Career
    • Build a resume
    • Ace the Interview
    • Find a Job
    • Master Professionalism
    • Career Closet in partnership with SLU Wesley
      • McGehee Hall, Room 207, (985) 549-2239
      • Provides Southeastern students access to new and gently used professional attire for interviews, career fairs, and networking events

Tinsley Hall, Room 102, (985) 549-2247

  • Provides accommodations for students with disabilities and medical issues

Student Union Annex, Room 2409, (985) 549-3233

  • Provides a nurturing and affirming environment in which students recovering from addictive disorders can successfully pursue academic, personal, and professional goals for the purpose of enhancing their quality of life and  to make meaningful and lasting contributions to society

Tinsley Hall, Room 202, (985) 549-2434

  • Offers a variety of academic resources for the fall semester, such as:
    • Traditional tutoring sessions and study tips
    • Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)
    • Academic Workshops
    • Embedded Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction for a limited number of courses
  • Sign up for sessions on learning center home page

Student Union, Room 2307, (985) 549-3850

  • Mentoring/Leadership Program for first semester African American freshmen
  • Assistance with academic and campus life
  • Cultural programming, resources, and services for international students
  • Apply on home page

Sims Memorial Library, Room 208, (985) 549-2175

  • Monday-Thursday- 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Math tutoring for MATH 105, MATH 151,Math 161, Math 163, Math 175, MATH 200, and MATH 201

McGehee Hall 102, (985) 549-2076

  • Monday-Thursday- 7:30am-7:00pm, Friday- 7:30am-12:30pm
  • Provides consultations, enrichment, and training in the principles and skills of writing
  • One-on-one tutoring sessions (both face-to-face and online), writing workshops, a speaker series, instructional handouts and resources, sponsored readings and discussions, traditional print and online publications, and computer assistance

  • Created through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to help families and households struggling to afford internet service
  • Provides financial resources to help connect eligible households to jobs, critical
    healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and much more
  • Based on your FAFSA application, you may qualify for a $30 per month credit on your internet bill. In addition, the ACP Program also provides a one-time discount up to $100 for the purchase of a computer or tablet through a participating provider
    • Visit ACPBenefit to submit an application or print out a mail-in application

Student Union Room 2303, (985) 549-3805

  • The Student Government Association is here to serve the students of Southeastern Louisiana University through communication between students, administration, and the community. SGA hosts educational and social events, and offers numerous services that contribute to the advancement of the University and its students
  • Resources include:
    • Free Scantrons, BlueBooks, pens and pencils, and fax use
    • Scholarships
    • Travel Grants
    • Departmental Grants
    • Organizational Grants
    • Capital Outlay
    • Campus events to benefit students
      • Program to help address food insecurity on college campuses. It allows for meal swipes to be donated from meal plans and dispersed to students in need

 Student Union, Room 2304, (985) 549-5041, [email protected]

  • Provides various resources for veterans and military affiliates, spanning from scholarship opportunities to workforce assistance
  • Resources include:Academic Advising
    • Events
    • VA work-study
    • Scholarships and Financial Aid
    • Lion VIP Care Grant
    • Waived Application Fee

Student Union Annex, (985) 549-3981, Dr. Lorett Swank, [email protected]

  • Our mission is to work as a cohesive unit in partnership with the University and surrounding community to assist students in becoming active, responsible, and successful learners. We are committed to creating an environment which fosters student development and retention
  • Provides specific programming and resources that encourage students to develop the skills and strategies that enhance academic achievement and personal and professional growth
  • Resources include:
    • Freshman Success:
      • Academic Coaching
    • Foreign Language Resource Center
    • Math Tutoring Lab
    • Career Services
    • Tinsley Learning Center
    • Writing Center

Student Union, Room 2307, (985) 549-2120, [email protected]

  • Works to create a campus environment that encourages and welcomes student diversity. In cooperation with academic departments, student-led organizations, and other student support units, the Office coordinates a wide range of academic support programs and services that are designed to assist all students in achieving academic success, adjusting to campus life, and broadening their appreciation of new cultures and diverse ways of thinking
  • Resources include:
    • International Support Services
    • Variety of different organizations such as diversity and inclusion, international student, and multicultural student
    • Multicultural Programming
    • Diversity and Inclusion initiatives
    • Food Pantry in partnership with SLU Wesley

 Pride Hall, Non-emergency: (985) 549-3835, Emergency: (985) 549-2222

  • Commissioned by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections and are empowered by Louisiana Revised Statute 17:1805. As such, University Police Officers have the right to carry a concealed weapon and to exercise the power of arrest when discharging their duties while in or out of uniform and to discharge their duties off campus if engaging in intelligence gathering activity, investigating a crime committed on campus, or if specifically requested by the chief law enforcement officer of the city or parish
  • Responsible for the full range of law enforcement services including, but not limited to, responding to and investigation of incidents and offenses, medical emergencies, fires, bomb threats, auto accidents, violations of state liquor, controlled substances, and weapons laws and other on-campus emergencies
  • On-duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including holidays, University closures, natural disasters, and any other time when the remainder of the University is closed