2024-2025 Course Information
Below are sample syllabi for the dual enrollment courses that we offer. These are
samples only and should not be considered official syllabi for the courses.
For official Southeastern Louisiana University course descriptions, please see the
University Catalog.
After each course is the Southeastern course number followed by the Louisiana Common
Course Number (LCCN) followed by a suggested Department of Education (LDE) number.
The LCCN can be cross-referenced to the Statewide Articulation Matrix to determine course transferability among Louisiana Colleges and Universities. The
LDE number can be cross-referenced to the Department of Education website.
- American History I and II (Hist 2010/2020; LCCN CHIS 2013/2023; LDE 220407/220408)
- Anatomy and Physiology I (BIOL 2500, LCCN CBIO 2213, LDE 150330)
- Art History (ART 1060; LCCN CART 2113; LDE 030594)
- Biology I (BIOL 1510; LCCN CBIO 1033; LDE 150324)
- Biology II (BIOL 1530; LCCN CBIO 1043; LDE 150326)
- Chemistry I (CHEM 1010; LCCN CCEM 1103; LDE 150419)
- Chemistry II (CHEM 1020; LCCN CCEM1133; LDE 150421)
- Engineering Drafting with CAD (IT 1110; LCCN–none; LDE 110560)
- English I (ENGL 1010; LCCN CENL 1013; LDE 120601)
- English II (ENGL 1020; LCCN CENL 1023; LDE 120602)
- Introduction to Education (EDCI 1010; LCCN–none)
- Introduction to Modern Multicultural Community (EDES 1500, LCCN–none)
- Introduction to Engineering Technology (ET 1000; LCCN–none; LDE 110810)
- Introduction to Theatre (THEA 1310; LCCN CTHE 1013; LDE 030717)
- Math (Algebra, Trig, Applied Calculus, Statistics)
MATH 1610; LCCN CMAT 1213; LDE 160500
MATH 1620; LCCN CMAT 1223; LDE 160501
MATH 1630; LCCN CMAT 2103; LDE 160504
MATH 2410; LCCN CMAT 1303; LDE 160356
- Music (MUS 1510; LCCN CMUS 1013; LDE 030590)
- Physics I: Trig based (PHYS 1910: LCCN CPHY 2113; LDE 150726)
- Political Science (POLI 2010: CPOL 2013; LDE 220514)
- Psychology (PSYC 1010; LCCN CPSY 2013; LDE 225011)
- Public Speaking; (COMM 2110; LCCN CCOM 2013; LDE 051104)
- Sociology (SOC 1010; LCCN CSOC 2013; LDE 220601)
- Spanish 101/102/201 (SPAN 1010/1020/2010; LCCN CSPN 1013/1023/2013; LDE 122511/122512/122513)
- Television Production (COMM 2570; LCCN–none)
- Western Civilization I and II (HIST 1010/1020; LCCN CHIS 1013/1023; LDE 220466/220467)