Title: Book Review Digest Retrospective: 1903-1982
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Producer: EBSCO and H.W. Wilson
Category: Multidisciplinary; Other Reference Sources
Content: Provides access to nearly eight decades worth (1903-1982) of literary critique, evaluation,
and thought. A comprehensive literary and biographical research, readers’ advisory,
and collection development tool, the database features at least one substantial review
excerpt (up to 500 words) for every book that was reviewed in any of over 500 indexed
journals and “Master” records for each book. It contains over 41,000 full-text reviews
and nearly 1.5 million review citations from key English-language magazines, newspapers,
and academic journals. The product covers nearly 80 years of critical analysis for
adult, young adult, and children’s fiction and nonfiction.
Updates: Yearly
Notes: Given the database’s broad subject coverage and diverse range of review sources,
Book Review Digest Retrospective easily provides the following services:
Literary research aid
Biographical research aid
Collection development aid
General reference tool
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