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Music and Performing Arts


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Recommended Resources

Academic Video Online: Premium – Academic Video Online: Premium contains over 66,000 streaming videos with coverage
in all academic subject areas.
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Arts & Humanities Citation Index® – Indexes and provides abstracts for the world’s leading arts and humanities journals
beginning in 1986 with links to locally available content.
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Books at JSTOR – Books at JSTOR contains over 32,000 ebooks published prior to 2016 from a number
of academic publishers with subject strengths in the humanities and social sciences. 
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Books on Project MUSE – Books on Project MUSE provides access to ebooks published by university presses
in the humanities and social sciences.
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BroadwayHD – Contains six streaming video plays produced by BroadwayHD.
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Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest) – Indexes all doctoral dissertations completed at U. S. accredited institutions since
1861. Provides abstracts of doctoral dissertations since 1981. Includes some master’s
theses and foreign language dissertations. Provides 24-page previews of recent dissertations.

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ERIC (EBSCO) – Indexes and abstracts articles from education journals as well as the ERIC document
collection. Provides comprehensive coverage of published and unpublished educational
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Films on Demand: Digital Educational Video – Provides streaming videos from a broad range of academic subjects and production
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Literature Criticism Online – Provides essays and excerpts of criticism of works included in four literary series:
Contemporary Literary Criticism (CLC), Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism (NCLC), Shakespearean Criticism (SC), and Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (TCLC).
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Literature Resource Center – Provides full-text access to biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis
of the work of authors from every age and literary discipline.
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Mango Languages – An online language-learning program for over 70 languages including English. Lessons
range from basic to comprehensive language and grammar skills, and can include casual
conversations, films, and specialty courses in culture. Users can create a profile to track their language learning progress.
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MLA International Bibliography – Indexes critical literary and language publications and provides access to references
taken from journals, books, essay collections, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies.
Provides links to some full-text articles.
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Music Index Online – Indexes articles published in international music periodicals on a broad range
of classical and popular music subjects. In addition, this resource indexes book,
music, score and performance reviews, and includes first performance and obituary
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Naxos Music Library – Provides tracks of classical, jazz contemporary, world/folk, new age, and Chinese
music. Includes information on the lives and works of composers, historical information
on classical music and opera, a glossary, pronunciation guides, opera synopses and
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Oxford Music Online – Provides electronic versions of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2001), The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992), The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz (2002), The Oxford Companion to Music (2002), The Oxford Dictionary of Music (2nd Rev. Ed), including updates since the print editions were published.
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Performance Design Archive Online  – This database provides books, article, photos, drawing and videos covering all aspects
of theater production design.
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RILM Abstracts of Music Literature – Indexes and abstracts scholarly writings on music and related disciplines.
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Theatre in Video: Volume I & Volume II Contains over 575 streaming videos of plays from a broad range of production companies.
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Web of Science™ – Consists of three databases, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation
Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and indexes and provides abstracts for
more recent articles.
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Other Resources

Academic Search Complete – Indexes, abstracts and provides selected full-text of articles published in scholarly
publications from many disciplines.
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American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection – Indexes and provides images of historic American magazine and journal pages and
articles, published 1683 – 1912. Of special interest to Music & Theater: Drama, Humor,
and Fine Arts Periodicals, 1764-1877; Musical Periodicals, 1781-1879.
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection  more info 

eDuke Books Scholarly Collection – Provides access to electronic books in the humanities and social sciences published
in 2012 and 2013 by Duke University Press.
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JSTOR – Provides full-text of scholarly journals in the fields of ecology, economics, education,
finance, history, mathematics, political science and population studies. Southeastern
users have access to JSTOR Arts and Sciences I, II, III, IV, V and Complement Collections
and JSTOR Biology Collection.
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Project MUSE (Journals) – Provides full-text articles from scholarly journals in the humanities
and social sciences.
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Research Library (ProQuest) – Indexes and abstracts popular and scholarly periodicals including full-text, full
images, or text and graphics of articles from thousands of titles.
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Scribner Writers Series – Provides full-text articles on writers and literary genres drawn from the Scribner
Writers series of reference books.
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Twayne Authors Series – Provides literary criticism, analysis of the history and influence of literary
movements and development of literary genres.
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WorldCat – Indexes and provides information on library locations of materials at libraries
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