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Teaching, MAT

Special Education Grades 1-5

Focus Area

Become an advocate for students with special needs with our MAT program, focusing on special education for grades 1-5. You’ll gain an expertise in individualized instruction and support for students with disabilities, ensuring they have the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential.



Required Semester Hours


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Program Highlights

Award Icon

Accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation/National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Course objectives and learner outcomes are aligned with the COMPASS/Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching, the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.

Graduation Cap Icon

A variety of field experiences prepare candidates for a successful teaching career at the appropriate grade levels. These may include in-person field experiences in local education settings and some virtual, such as with the Mursion Avatars. Two Student Teaching Residency/Internship courses are included in the program requirements.

MAT students are eligible for a Practitioner’s License from the State of Louisiana Department of Education. This allows the student to find a job as a teacher while still completing certification. This also means that the MAT student completes the two student teaching semesters in his/her/their own classroom.

Program Requirements

Completion of all Praxis exams for the certification area of the selected concentration: Praxis Core and Praxis Content exams are required for admittance, Praxis teaching area exams must be completed while in the program

Satisfactorily complete all graduate work with a cumulative “B” average. Degree candidates must earn an average of “B” or better, both cumulative and in the major area of concentration, with no more than six semester hours with a grade of “C: counted towards a degree. No credit below “C” will be accepted for graduate degree credit.

Be recommended for the degree by the student’s major professor.

View University Catalog

What Can You Be?

Types of Jobs

Elementary Education Teacher

Special Education Teacher

Secondary Education Teacher

Music, Art, PE, or Language Teacher

Types of Employers

Public Schools

Charter Schools

Head Start or Early Steps

Contact Us

Cate Teacher Education Center, Room 2018 K

SLU Box 10749
Hammond, LA 70402

(985) 549-3726


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