Special Instructions: Students may use an LHSRA approved calculator on all Mathematics tests. See LHSRA Calculator Usage Policy for details.
Advanced Mathematics – Pre-Calculus (ADVM1):
Eligibility: Students enrolled in the Spring Semester of Advanced Math – Pre-Calculus for at least a half-Carnegie Unit or students who were enrolled in at least a half-Carnegie Unit course during the Fall Semester are eligible. Test topics include definitions of circular functions which relate real numbers with real numbers, graphs of circular functions, identities and conditional equations, trigonometric functions, and polar coordinates.
Accepted Course Codes: 160346, 160348, 160365, 160366, 160501, 160502
Advanced Mathematics – Functions and Statistics (ADVM2):
Eligibility: Students enrolled in the Spring Semester of Advanced Math – Functions & Statistics for at least a half-Carnegie Unit or students who were enrolled in at least a half-Carnegie Unit course during the Fall Semester are eligible. Test topics include: single-variable statistics and data collection; bivariate statistics, regression and correlation; probability and probability distributions; functions; trigonometry; exponential and logarithmic functions; modeling of data using a variety of functions; graphs; and paths.
Accepted Course Codes: 160347
Algebra I (ALGB1):
Eligibility: Students with less than one Carnegie Unit of Algebra are eligible. Middle / junior high students are eligible if they will earn a Carnegie Unit for this course and it will be posted on their high school transcript. Test topics include: rational numbers, polynomials, rational expressions (quotients of polynomials), relations and functions, and systems of linear equations-solutions.
Accepted Course Codes: 160321, 160380
Algebra II (ALGB2):
Eligibility: Students with less than two Carnegie Units of Algebra are eligible. Test topics include: linear equations, polynomials, relations and functions, rational numbers and expressions, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions.
Accepted Course Codes: 160322
Financial Literacy (FLIT):
Eligibility: Students with less than one unit in Financial Math (formerly called Business/Financial Mathematics). Test topics include: cash recording, payroll, budgeting, buying, borrowing, investing, paying taxes, insurance, and owning real and personal property. Math needed for every consumer will be used in both personal and business applications.
Accepted Course Codes: 160345
Calculus I (CAL):
Eligibility: Students enrolled in the Spring Semester of Calculus for at least a half-Carnegie Unit or students who were enrolled in at least a half-Carnegie Unit course during the Fall Semester are eligible. Test topics include: vertical and horizontal asymptotes; one sided limits, limits found algebraically, trigonometric limits, infinite limits, limits of infinity; derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; application of the derivative; definite and indefinite integrals and applications of the integral to find the area, volume, work, average value of a function, and arc length.
Accepted Course Codes: 160326, 160327, 160357, 160359, 160360, 160368, 160504, 160506
Calculus II (CAL2)
Eligibility: Students with less than two units in Calculus. Test topics include: Definition of the derivative, continuity, limits (approaching both real numbers and infinity), derivatives, and antiderivatives of rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, continuity and differentiability on intervals, horizontal asymptotes, applications of the derivative, Mean and Intermediate Value Theorems, average value of functions, solutions of differential equations, Riemann sums, definite integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, improper integrals, calculating area between curves, arc length, volumes of solids of revolution, sequences, infinite series (including Taylor, Maclaurin, geometric, alternating, and p-series), power series and intervals of convergence, Taylor and Maclaurin polynomials, derivatives and antiderivatives of functions in polar coordinates and parametric equations, and Euler’s Method for approximating solutions to differential equations.
Accepted Course Codes: 160328, 160358, 160507
Geometry (GEOM):
Eligibility: Students with less than one unit in Geometry. In order to minimize the number of identical scores, several problems will have multiple parts. Lines, angles, polygons, with associated elements; coordinate geometry of line segments in the Cartesian plane, points of division of line segments; circles and all elements associated with circles; solid geometry polyhedrons, Cavalieri’s Theorem, and regular polyhedrons will be included.
Accepted Course Codes: 160323
Computer Science I (CMPSC):
Eligibility: Students with less than one unit in Computer Science are eligible. The test will include objective-type questions intended to prepare students in the evolving discipline of computer science. Focus will include programming methodology, algorithm selection and analysis, and selection of appropriate data structures.
Accepted Course Codes: 061101, 061102, 061175, 061176, 061177, 061199