Types of Review and Forms

For research using human participants, either an Exempt form or an IRB 101H form is required. Research which falls under Exempt Review is exempt from full committee review, and only requires review by the College IRB representative. Other research requires review by some or all of the IRB.

The following types of research are exempt:

  1. Research done within the university setting involving effective teaching techniques (except when a researcher’s current students are participants).
  2. Research involving only the use of educational tests (cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, achievement) if the data are recorded so that participants cannot be identified in any way, and none of the investigator’s own current students are participants.
  3. Research involving only observation of public behavior, surveys, or interviews, unless the participant’s responses or conduct (if they become public) may place the participant at risk of civil or criminal liability or be damaging to the participant’s financial standing or employability, or if the responses deal with sensitive aspects of personal behavior (e.g., illegal conduct, drug use, sexual behavior, or alcohol use).
  4. Research involving only surveys or interviews of elected or appointed officials or candidates for public office, regardless of the type of behavior.

IRB Forms and Examples

All of the IRB forms are currently available for downloading. Please click on the link below to download the form.  Always make sure you are using the most current form.  If you downloaded a previous form and submit it, your proposal will be sent back to you without being reviewed.

Also provided are examples of Consent and Assent Forms. These are pdf files which can be reviewed and adapted to meet the researcher’s needs. If the research involves children (anyone under 18), both a Parental Consent Form and an Assent Form from the child must be obtained. The Assent Form should be appropriate for the child’s age. Several Southeastern students are under the age of 18. Research involving Southeastern students must include parental consent forms or describe how the subjects will be limited to those 18 or older.

*Contact IRB Chair if you need the forms in WordPerfect format.

Procedures for Requesting IRB Approval

  1. The investigator must obtain and complete the appropriate form.
  2. Obtain the signature of your department head. Students must also have the signature of the faculty member who will supervise the research.
  3. Submit form 101-H to the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (McGehee 112). An Exemption Form must be submitted to your College IRB representative who will then forward it to the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment. It is strongly encouraged that researchers submitting Form 101-H attend the next meeting of the IRB.
  4. You will be contacted by the IRB Chair who will either provide an approval memo or indicate what is needed for further review.

The IRB meets the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 P.M. in the McGehee Hall Conference Room. Proposals must be submitted by the end of the day on the Thursday before to be eligible for review at that month’s meeting. PIs are encouraged to attend the meetings if possible in order to expedite the approval process.