Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

IRB Training

IRB Training

IRB Policies require all Principal Investigators (PI) to complete training on the rights of human research participants. Beginning in Fall 2019, Southeastern started using Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) for our training, and as of August 2020, NIH training will no longer be accepted.

CITI training can be accessed at:

The last page of the registration process asks you to select a curriculum, only question 1 (Human Subject Research) needs to be answered. PIs in the Kinesiology & Health Studies and the School of Nursing should select Biomedical Research Investigators, all other colleges should select Social & Behavioral Research Investigators.  The IRB reserves the right to require the Biomedical training for PIs in other departments as appropriate.

All IRB applications should include a completion report for each PI. If a PI misplaces their report, they can log in to CITI and download another copy.