
Faculty members who teach in the program are selected on the basis of their training, research expertise, consulting/work experience, teaching ability, and experience in relating to executive graduate business students. Qualified faculty members who are proven performers in these areas are invited to teach in the program.

The Executive MBA faculty consists of a very diverse group of professors who have been trained at major research institutions, including the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Florida, the University of Oklahoma, University of Arkansas, the University of Texas at Austin, and Texas A&M University.  Our professors are teachers, scholars and consultants. The EMBA faculty members are recognized for their enthusiasm for teaching. They incorporate the theory and practice of business into their courses. Our faculty members are also active researchers who publish in peer-reviewed journals. Being active in research allows our professors to remain current in and contribute to the practice of business.

Selection to teach in the EMBA program is regarded as a mark of distinction in the College of Business.

Cindi Baldi, Ph.D.
Management, the University of Texas at Austin; Assistant Professor; area of specialization is understanding how people come to identify with organizations; consults in the area of organizational behavior in private and public organizations; on the advisory board of several businesses; started and operated a business in the motorcycle industry for ten years; teaches managerial negotiations.

Michael Budden, Ph.D.  
University of Arkansas; Professor; has consulted for banks, health care organizations, professional associations and marketing research firms; twenty years of academic administration experience fourteen as Dean at two universities; brings significant management and research experience to the classroom; more than 140 publications, including two books; has spoken before a variety of groups in a dozen countries; teaches marketing.

Samuel Cappel, D.B.A. 
University of Memphis; Professor; consults in the areas of business management/strategy; has provided training programs for both public and private employers of various sizes; three years of full-time experience in manufacturing; eight years of administrative experience in health care; qualified in Federal District court to offer expert testimony in the area of business management; teaches health care management.

Robert Cope III, Ph.D. 
Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University; B.S., Electrical Engineering, Louisiana State University; Professor; research interests include Industrial Simulation Modeling, Resource Optimization Techniques, Project Management (including Information Technology Project Management), Empirical and Design issues in Information Systems, and Statistical Modeling; published many articles in several peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings; industry experience includes employment as an Underground Zone Technical Engineer with Houston Lighting & Power Company, and Field Engineer with General Electric; consultant for Louisiana State University’s Center for Energy Studies, the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, and Acadian Consulting; holds Professional Engineering Licenses in Electrical Engineering with the states of Texas and Louisiana; teaches project management.

John Cresson, Ph.D. 
Finance, Texas A&M University; B.S., Physics, Loyola University; Associate Professor; Director of the Executive MBA program; served as a consultant to various businesses, individuals, and organizations, including the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Oklahoma Society of Financial Analysts, and American Express Financial Advisors; published or presented more than twenty five papers; research interests in the areas of corporate and portfolio diversification, index mutual funds, and measures of risk; awarded most outstanding MBA faculty member by MBA students; taught Finance, MBA, and EMBA classes for seven years in Oklahoma before joining the faculty at Southeastern; teaches finance.

Douglas Curet, J.D. 
Loyola University School of Law; practicing attorney for over twenty-five years with concentration in the areas of civil trial and appellate practice; author of the notarial manual Ne Varietur: The Louisiana Notary; member of the Louisiana State Bar Association; past president and member of the 21st Judicial District Bar Association; conducts seminars on various legal topics; teaches a notarial review course in Southeastern’s Division of Continuing Education; teaches law and negotiations.

John Derenbecker, J.D. 
Louisiana State University Law Center; M.S., Health Services Administration, University of St. Francis; General Counsel, North Oaks Health System; teaches health care law.

Dean DiGregorio, Ph.D. 
Accounting, University of Houston; Associate Professor of Accounting; prior to entering academia, Dr. DiGregorio worked as a CPA for eleven years in public accounting; taught at the University of Houston as a Visiting Professor before joining the faculty at Southeastern; teaches accounting.

Rakesh Duggal, Ph.D. 
University of Arkansas; Professor; former Department Head of Marketing and Finance; over thirty years of teaching experience; publications in major finance journals; has provided consulting to small businesses and nonprofit organizations, including Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals; teaches finance.

Lara Gardner, Ph.D. 
Economics, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.S., Economics, Florida State University; B.A., International Affairs, Florida State University; Associate Professor; research interests are Health Economics, Health Policy, Applied Econometrics, and Applied Microeconomics; paper entitled “The Effects of State Medicaid Policies on the Dynamic Savings Patterns of the Elderly” was one of the Top Ten Downloaded Papers for the Journal of Health Care: Benefits, Mandatory & Optional from January 2, 1997 to February 23, 2010; received a Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Dissertation Fellowship Grant; taught Health Economics in the executive master of public health program at the University of Southern Mississippi; taught graduate and undergraduate economics courses for four years at Florida Atlantic University before joining the faculty at Southeastern; teaches healthcare economics. 

André Honoreé, Ph.D. 
University of Mississippi; Professor of Management; Director of MBA program at SLU; has served as a consultant to both profit and nonprofit operations in the areas of market research/analysis and the formation of strategic plans for organizations; has extensively published articles in refereed journals and presented papers at academic conferences on such topics as FSLA compliance and implementation, RFID applications, the resultant effects of merit pay plans on organizations, and federal employment discrimination cases; has taught a variety of graduate courses to working professionals for six years in Alabama before joining the graduate faculty at Southeastern.

Rusty Juban, Ph.D. 
University of Texas at Arlington; Associate Professor;executive trainer for six years with the United States Department of Agriculture and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; consultant to various businesses and organizations including government and nonprofit agencies; specialized research and publication in employee behavior, human resources, and new workplace technologies; teaches management.

Sang Lee, Ph.D. 
University of Florida; Professor; eight years of teaching experience in Industrial Economics, Managerial Economics, and Business Strategy at the graduate and undergraduate levels; authored seven ancillaries for major college economics textbooks; published and presented more than thirty research papers; research interests in the areas of network industries and industrial regulation; taught in Florida before joining the faculty at Southeastern; teaches economics.

Kathy Viator, Doctorate, Nursing Science 
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Master of Nursing, Louisiana State University; Bachelor of Science, Southeastern Louisiana University; Dr. Viator is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Earl K. Long Medical Center & Clinics in Baton Rouge; also served as Chief Operating Officer at Earl K. Long; taught in the graduate nurse executive programs at the University of Southern Mississippi and Southeastern Louisiana University; teaches healthcare management.

Avinash Waikar, Ph.D. 
University of Oklahoma; Professor; registered professional engineer with the Louisiana State Board of Professional Engineers; has approximately nine years of industrial/manufacturing experience in operations management; served as a consultant in the areas of operations management and statistics to businesses; published numerous journal articles in operations management and business; recipient of an Outstanding Paper Award; teaches statistics.

John Yeargain, J.D. 
Loyola University School of Law; Professor; worked in commercial law and for Shell Oil Company in the New York Data Service Center; conducted seminars for pre-retirement employees on Louisiana estate planning; research interests include employer defenses in false imprisonment, slip-and-fall, and sexual harassment cases, and Constitutional protection of commercial speech; has been teaching in the EMBA program since its inception; teaches law.

Executive MBA faculty members have published articles in the following journals

  • Journal of Management
  • Journal of Corporate Finance
  • Journal of Business & Psychology
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • The Financial Review
  • Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics
  • Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal
  • International Business and Economics Research Journal
  • Journal of Applied Business Research
  • Journal of Marketing Education
  • Journal of Business and Management
  • Psychology & Marketing
  • Journal of Managerial Issues
  • The International Journal of Finance
  • The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
  • Journal of Economics and Finance
  • Managerial and Decision Economics
  • Managerial Finance
  • Health Marketing Quarterly
  • Journal of Hospital Marketing
  • Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issue
  • Journal of Legal Studies in Education
  • Public Personnel Management
  • Managerial Law
  • Compensation and Benefits Review
  • Journal of Contemporary Business Issues
  • Utilities Policy
  • Journal of Business & Economics Research
  • International Journal of Applied Management & Technology
  • Business & Economic Review
  • Journal of Retail Banking
  • American Business Review
  • Management Accounting
  • International Review of Economics and Business
  • Global Economic Review
  • International Economic Journal
  • International Journal of Management
  • Journal of Regulatory Economics