- An orientation lecture on wetlands ecosystems, environmental issues, coastal wetland loss, and the history of Turtle Cove
- A pontoon boat ride down Pass Manchac to Lake Pontchartrain and the Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station
- Guided boardwalk tour at Turtle Cove including plant identification, dip netting, and water quality sampling activities
Various aspects of wetland ecology and environmental science are discussed during field trips, including wetlands ecology, bald cypress and marsh restoration, plant and animal adaptations to the wetland environment, and the many environmental problems (and their solutions) of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin.
Students may expect to see a variety of wildlife, including alligators, birds, nutria, snakes, and fish as well as the various wetland plants that support these animals. Tour leaders are very accommodating and willing to tailor each field trip to meet any particular thematic units or learning objectives teachers may be covering in class.
View our boardwalk stations below for more information on the flora and fauna you can expect to see during your visit.