Repeated Coursework Policy for Financial Aid

Repeated Coursework Policy

Effectively July 1, 2011, changes in federal regulations requires the Office of Financial
Aid to monitor and adjust a student’s enrollment level for Title IV aid if, or when,
courses are repeated for which credit has already been earned.

The policy allows a student to receive financial aid under the following situations:

  • To repeat any failed or withdrawn courses until a passing grade is received
  • To repeat one time for a grade in which a passing grade was previously received


Once a student receives a passing grade of ‘D’ or better, the student may attempt
the class one additional time for a grade.
 For example, a student takes English 101 and receives a ā€˜Dā€™. Later, this student
decides to take English 101 again to improve their grade. This student would be eligible to receive financial aid if they met all other requirements. Please note:
If this student were to have received an ‘A’ the first time they took the course,
they would not be eligible to receive financial aid for this course because there is no better grade
than the one they had already received.  


Passing grade – grade of ‘D’ or better including the grade of ‘P’ 
Grade – any grade excluding a ‘W’


Please note: The repeated course policy for financial aid is separate from the institutional
academic repeated course policy.