Transfer Student Scholarships

The Southeastern Transfer Honors Scholarship

Eligibility and Award Amounts

New transfer students with LESS than 18 hours of college credit attempted/earned.

  • Student must have a 23 or higher ACT and a minimum 3.0 high school grade point average AND a minimum 3.0 transfer grade point average AND be in good academic standing.
  • All scholarships are awarded for seven continuous semesters provided retention requirements are met.
  • Although there is no formal deadline, students are strongly encouraged to apply early. The application for admission serves as the application for scholarships. 

Below is a scholarship grid that indicates the annual scholarship award students may qualify to receive. Eligibility is based on full-time status. 

High School GPA 3.5 – 4.0

Tuition and Fees*


Scholarship Award*

ACT 30+


$6,452 (GPA 3.50 & above)


ACT 27-29


$6,452 (GPA 3.50 & above)


ACT 24-26


$6,052 (GPA 3.25 & above)


ACT 23


$6,052 (GPA 3.25 & above)


High School GPA 3.0 – 3.49

Tuition and Fees*


Scholarship Award*

ACT 30+


$6,052 (GPA 3.25 & above)
$5,652 (GPA below 3.25)


ACT 27-29


$6,052 (GPA 3.25 & above)
$5,652 (GPA below 3.25)


ACT 24-26


$6,052 (GPA 3.25 & above)
$5,652 (GPA below 3.25)


*Tuition and fees are annual estimates for 12 credit hours based on Fall 2022 information. The TOPS award is an annual estimate, including stipends a student is potential eligible for.

Retention Requirements

The following requirements apply to all recipients of the Southeastern Transfer Honors Scholarship:

  • You must earn a MINIMUM 3.0 CUMULATIVE GPA
  • You must be continuously enrolled full-time each semester (minimum 12 hours).
  • You must attempt and pass no less than 24 hours per academic year. The academic year is defined as the combination of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

The Senator Ben Nevers Transfer Scholarship

The Senator Ben Nevers Transfer scholarship is offered to new transfer students at Southeastern. For questions, contact the Office of Financial Aid, Scholarship Services at [email protected]

Eligibility and Award Amounts

New transfer students with 18 hours or MORE of college credit attempted/earned.

  • Minimum 3.00 transfer grade point average AND good academic standing.
  • All scholarships are awarded for up to six continuous semesters provided retention requirements are met.  Number of semesters is based on the total number of hours the student has attempted (see “Semesters of Eligibility” below).
  • Although there is no formal deadline, students are strongly encouraged to apply early.  The application for admission serves as the application for scholarships as well.

Below is a scholarship grid that indicates the annual scholarship award students may qualify to receive. Eligibility is based on full-time status.

Fall – Summer Annual Scholarship Packages

Grade Point Average(4.0 Scale)







Semesters of Eligibility

Hours Attempted

Maximum Semesters Awarded


Six Semesters


Five Semesters


Four Semesters


Three Semesters


Two Semesters

Retention Requirements

The following requirements apply to all recipients of the Ben Nevers Transfer Scholarship:

  • You must earn a MINIMUM 3.0 CUMULATIVE GPA
  • You must be continuously enrolled full-time each semester (minimum 12 hours).
  • You must attempt and pass no less than 24 hours per academic year. The academic year is defined as the combination of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Golden Opportunity Scholarship

Southeastern Louisiana University encourages students who are active Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society members to transfer to Southeastern upon completion of an associate’s degree.


The purpose of this scholarship is to offer transfer options to active PTK Honor Society graduates in pursuit and completion of higher education goals. This formally recognizes that Southeastern Louisiana University will provide scholarship opportunities to active PTK Honor Society graduates who meet the guideline as outlined below. Scholarships will be awarded on an enrollment priority basis until available funds are committed.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Golden Opportunity Scholarship Guidelines

In addition to the Senator Ben Nevers Transfer Scholarship, students who are PTK graduates can also receive a supplementary two-year scholarship to Southeastern Louisiana University, contingent on the availability of funds, upon meeting the following criteria:

  • Student must have completed an associate’s degree in the semester immediately prior to the first semester of enrollment at Southeastern with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. Students who enter in the Fall semester must have completed an associate’s degree in the prior Spring or Summer semesters.
  • Student must be an active PTK member at the time of graduation.
  • Student must complete the FAFSA.
  • Student must complete an application for admission to Southeastern
  • Student must enroll full-time at Southeastern no later than the first regular semester (Fall or Spring) following their completion of an associate’s degree. Students enrolling during the Summer semester, must enroll in 6 or more hours.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Student Guidelines

To maintain eligibility, students must:

  • Earn a total of 30 credits or more at the end of each academic year; and
  • Maintain a 3.0 semester GPA to retain the award.

Guaranteed Admissions

Students who meet the PTK Golden Opportunity Scholarship guidelines are guaranteed admission to Southeastern after completing an admissions application. Admission to a specific program of study is not guaranteed.

Scholarship Amount

The PTK Golden Opportunity Scholarship will be a $1,500 per year ($600 Fall/$600 Spring/$300 Summer) award for a maximum of two years. Summer enrollment is optional, but the Summer award ($300) will be forfeited if the student chooses not to attend the summer term. This scholarship will be in addition to any other scholarships for which the student qualifies.

How Do I Apply?

Students must self identify by emailing [email protected] with a copy of their Phi Theta Kappa membership card. The Office of Financial Aid, Scholarship Services will confirm with the Southeastern Office of Admissions that all criteria is met. Notice of your award offer will be sent to your Southeastern email.