

  • ACT Surveys
    Each Spring from 2000 – 2011, Southeastern participated in the ACT Student Opinion
    Survey as part of the Board of Regents effectiveness measures. The survey covered
    a variety of areas and services on campus. Campus units used the results of the survey
    for program improvement and institutional effectiveness. For copies of the surveys,
    please contact Institutional Research at [email protected].

  • Alumni Surveys
    Every other year, Alumni Surveys are conducted. Both Baccalaureate alumni and Masters
    alumni are surveyed. The survey covers their satisfaction with their degree program,
    perceptions of Southeastern, their graduate/professional education, employment, professional
    activities, and their overall satisfaction with Southeastern.

  • Current Student Surveys
    Each year, a Current Student Survey is administered to a random sample of students.
    The survey covers a variety of areas and services on campus, including but not limited
    to Student Affairs, Sims Memorial Library, Technology, Academic Services and others.
    Campus units can use the results of the survey for program improvement and institutional

  • Employer Surveys
    Every other year, Alumni Surveys are conducted. As part of the Alumni Surveys, respondents
    are asked to provide contact information for their supervisor. Based on that information
    an Employer Survey is conducted which asks how prepared Southeastern graduates were
    in a variety of areas.

  • Entering Freshmen Surveys
    During Orientation, all students are required to complete the Entering Freshman Survey.
    This survey contains questions about why students chose Southeastern, what influenced
    their decision, personal and social development, confidence in general education skills,
    and demographic information. The results are compiled and report on an annual basis.

  • Exit Surveys
    Every student who graduates from Southeastern is required to complete the on-line
    Exit Survey. This survey contains a set of general questions that are asked of all
    graduates and a set of questions which are specific to the individual majors. The
    questions are specifically related to the students major are do not include any general
    education questions. The results are compiled and report on an annual basis.

  • Faculty & Staff Surveys
    Every 2-3 years a survey is conducted of all full-time faculty and staff. The major
    purpose of the survey is to provide data for various departments on campus for use
    in institutional effectiveness.

  • National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)/ Faculty Survey of Student Engagement

    The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) asks Freshmen and Seniors about their
    experiences with a variety of educational practices that research has linked to better
    student learning. Southeastern participated in NSSE in 2002 and 2003. The Faculty
    Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) asks faculty how much their students engage in
    the same type of practices and how important they think the practices are. FSSE was
    first pilot tested in Spring 2003, and Southeastern was one of only 143 schools nation-wide
    who participated in the pilot.

  • Non-Returning Students Surveys

    Provides the results of surveys of a select group of non-returning students each fall.

Beginning in Spring 2013 the University of Louisiana System Office provided resources
to all 9 institutions to administer the SSI to students. Southeastern administered
this survey to a sample of undergraduate and graduate students. The survey measured
student satisfaction (Sat.) and rating of importance (Imp.) for 9 areas of university
life. Students were asked to rate 63 items using scale of 1(lowest) through 7(highest).