Capital Outlay Grants
SGA offers Capital Outlay grants for campus beautification projects. Some examples
of recent projects funded by SGA Capital Outlay grants are: the Katrina/Rita memorial
fountain, the iHub in Sims Memorial Library, the Lion Statue in Friendship Circle,
and the National Pan-Hellenic Council plots in the Student Union Park. If you have
an idea for a project that you believe could benefit the campus, please let us know!
Capital Outlay Grant Process Steps
Step 1
Schedule informational meeting with SGA Graduate Assistant
Step 2
Step 3
Present proposal at Capital Outlay Committee meeting
Step 4
Committee votes whether to send bill to Senate
Step 5
If bill is referred to Senate, receive dates to present at Appropriations Committee
and Senate meetings
Step 6
Present at Appropirations Committee and Senate meetings
Step 7
Notified of bill passage/failure
Step 8
If passed, receive “Next Steps” email with instructions on making expenditure(s)
For more detailed information on the Capital Outlay Grant process, click here.
You must first attend a grant application information meeting with the Student Government
Association Graduate Assistant before you can apply to receive a grant. To schedule
your meeting, click the button below:
Once you have had your informational meeting with the Student Government Association
Graduate Assistant, you can submit your application by clicking on the button below: