Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Capital Outlay Grants

SGA offers Capital Outlay grants for campus beautification projects.  Some examples of recent projects funded by SGA Capital Outlay grants are: the Katrina/Rita memorial fountain, the iHub in Sims Memorial Library, the Lion Statue in Friendship Circle, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council plots in the Student Union Park.  If you have an idea for a project that you believe could benefit the campus, please let us know!

Capital Outlay Grant Process Steps

  1. Schedule informational meeting with SGA Graduate Assistant
  2. Submit grant application
  3. Present proposal at Capital Outlay Committee meeting
  4. Committee votes whether to send bill to Senate
  5. If bill is referred to Senate, receive dates to present at Appropriations Committee and Senate meetings
  6. Present at Appropirations Committee and Senate meetings
  7. Notified of bill passage/failure
  8. If passed, receive “Next Steps” email with instructions on making expenditure(s)

For more detailed information on the Capital Outlay Grant process, click here.

You must first attend a grant application information meeting with the Student Government Association Graduate Assistant before you can apply to receive a grant.  To schedule your meeting, click the button below:

Step 1: SGA Grant Information Meeting Request

Once you have had your informational meeting with the Student Government Association Graduate Assistant, you can submit your application by clicking on the button below:

Step 2: SGA Grant Application