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For more information about the department or national scholarships, contact Kris Jones in Garrett Hall, Room 49.


IMA ® (Institute of Management Accountants) offers scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students based on specific criteria. Those who apply for the MEF scholarships are automatically considered for the SCMS scholarship. Please review some of the scholarship highlights below and visit the IMA Student Page for submission information.

IMA ® (Institute of Management Accountants) offers scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students based on specific criteria. Those who apply for the MEF scholarships are automatically considered for the SCMS scholarship. Please review some of the scholarship highlights below and visit the IMA Student Page for submission information.


IMA Memorial Education Fund (MEF) Scholarships

IMA student members who have not previously received an IMA MEF Scholarship are eligible to apply for the MEF-sponsored scholarships. Scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate students, and selected individuals will be awarded scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $2,500.

Stuart Cameron & Margaret McLeod Memorial Scholarship (SCMS)

One applicant from the scholarship application pool will be awarded the prestigious Stuart Cameron and Margaret McLeod Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $5,000. This award is sponsored by the Stuart Cameron McLeod Society (SCMS).

The SCMS Scholarship winner will receive complimentary registrations for both the IMA Annual Conference & Exposition (in June) and the Student Leadership Conference (in November). In addition, the winner will receive a maximum of $1,000 for the combined cost of lodging and transportation to attend both events.

The SCMS scholarship recipient will be required to participate in the parent chapter, at the council level, or the national level as a prerequisite to receive this award (see method of disbursement/post-acceptance requirements).

Department Scholarships Junghans Summer Scholarship

  • Must be a business major in good standing
  • Must currently be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at Southeastern Louisiana University.
  • Must submit a completed application
  • Only covers up to 6 hours of summer classes (not including study abroad classes).

Download the application here.

Accounting Faculty & Alumni Scholarship

Founded by current and former Accounting faculty members and Accounting program alumni of Southeastern Louisiana University. Upon recommendation of the Accounting Department Scholarship Committee, the scholarship may be renewed provided the student maintains a 3.0 overall GPA.

  • $400/Spring and Fall Semester based on interest earned through endowed funds

  • Awarded to accounting majors 

  • 3.0 or better GPA

  • ACT score of 20 or better

  • Participation in extracurricular activities

The New Orleans Chapter of the Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies Scholarship

The New Orleans Chapter of the Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies (COPAS), a local non-profit organization, is excited to announce that we’ll again award two (2)  $1,000 scholarships  to local accounting students.  We are asking that up to 3 qualified candidates be identified from each university with the attached application completed by each student.

COPAS Scholarship Instructions 

COPAS Scholarship Application

Association of Government Accountants Scholarship

  • $250/Spring and Fall Semester

  • Awarded to accounting majors with at least 12 hours of accounting courses

  • 2.5 or better GPA

  • Must be a full-time student (12 hours or more)

  • U.S. citizen and Louisiana resident

The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting

EFWA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and our scholarships are funded exclusively by contributions from donors. We’ve been around for over 50 years now and appreciate the support that allows us to continue doing what we do best- supporting women pursuing accounting careers!

EFWA offers scholarships  to female students pursuing accounting degrees at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels.

Please go to for more information.

Northshore Chapter, Society of Louisiana CPAs Scholarship

Founded by the Northshore Chapter, Society of Louisiana CPAs. Funding for this scholarship is handled through Southeastern Louisiana University Foundation. The scholarship is renewable on an annual basis until the recipient graduates or fails to meet the guidelines of the scholarship.

  • $500/Spring and Fall Semester

  • Awarded to accounting majors with at least 12 hours of accounting courses

  • 3.0 or better GPA

  • Must be a full-time student (12 hours or more)

  • Must demonstrate financial need through a written letter of application

The Charles and Patricia O’ Drobinak Excellence in Accounting Endowed Scholarship

Founded by Charles and Patricia O’Drobinak. Funding for this scholarship is based on earnings received from the endowment and is handled through Southeastern Louisiana University Foundation.

  • Scholarship amount is based on earnings received

  • Awarded to accounting majors 

  • 3.25 or better overall GPA

  • Must be a full-time junior or senior with at least one full semester remaining

  • Participation in extracurricular activities

Julius J. Prokop Jr. Endowed Presidential-Level Scholarship

Founded by the family of the late Julius J. Prokop, Jr., Hammond CPA. Student may keep the scholarship for up to 8 semesters provided the minimum GPA of 2.75 is maintained.

  • $1,000 per semester

  • Awarded to accounting majors

  • Must be a full-time students (12 hours or more)

  • 2.75 or better GPA

  • ACT score of 22 or better

  • Participation in extracurricular activities

Wegmann Dazet & Company Accounting Scholarship

Founded by the Wegmann Dazet & Co. Professional Corporation of CPAs. Preference to students that have an interest in pursuing a career in the public-accounting profession, participate in extracurricular activities and that demonstrate financial need. Awarded to a different student each semester. 

  • $500 per semester

  • Awarded to accounting majors

  • Must be a full-time students (12 hours or more)

  • 3.0 or better overall and accounting GPA

  • Must be a full-time junior or senior

  • Participation in extracurricular activities

Sarah Dosher Waters Endowed Scholarship

Founded by Ms. Cindy Albright in memory of her mother. Funding for this scholarship is based on earnings received from the endowment and is handled through the Southeastern Louisiana University Foundation.

  • $250/Spring and Fall Semester

  • Awarded to accounting majors

  • Must be a full-time students (12 hours or more)

  • 2.5 or better overall GPA

  • Must be a full-time junior or senior

  • Participation in extracurricular activities

The Addie Lela Thompson Smith Memorial Scholarship

Founded by Dr. James E. and Mrs. Nora P. Smith in memory of his mother. Funding for this scholarship is handled through Southeastern Louisiana University Foundation. Recipient is selected each year by a committee consisting of the Kentwood High School Principal, the Head of the Department of Accounting, and one other SLU official.

  • $2,000 / year up to four years 

  • Awarded to a graduating senior from Kentwood High School

  • Applicant Intends to major in Accounting at SLU

  • Awarded annually through the year 

Non-monetary Awards

Distinguished Graduate in Accounting

This is an award presented to the student considered to be the best overall accounting major who graduated in the summer, fall, or spring semester of a particular academic year.  The award recipient is determined by a vote of the accounting faculty based on the student’s academic performance and service to the department and/or profession (including service to student organizations).

Distinguished Graduate in Finance

This is an award presented to the student considered to be the best overall finance major who graduated in the summer, fall, or spring semester of a particular academic year.  The award recipient is determined by a vote of the accounting faculty based on the student’s academic performance and service to the department and/or profession (including service to student organizations).